Why dream of a stork on the roof of the house. The appearance and actions of the bird

Why is the stork dreaming

Miller's dream book

If you dreamed of a stork's nest on the roof of your house or in your yard, it means well-being and peace in family life.

Seeing a stork flying over you speaks of the successful overcoming of a strip of doubts and failures in life.

Seeing a pair of storks means that you are overly enslaved by principles and that you need to give free rein to your natural beginning.

Why is the stork dreaming

Freud's dream book

If a woman dreamed of a stork - this is for pregnancy. And if you do not notice any signs yet, know that very soon they will appear.

If a man dreamed of a stork, it means that in this way his instinct of paternity and procreation makes itself felt.

Why is the stork dreaming

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Stork, to see in the meadow - a happy marriage; to see flying or catching - chores in matchmaking.

Why is the stork dreaming

Family dream book

It is very good to see a stork in a dream! Joy in family life and success at work await you.

Why is the stork dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Seeing a stork in a dream is a good sign. For a family person, such a dream portends peace and harmony, and for those who are far away - a return home.

A flying stork is a sign of imminent separation.

If you see storks among other birds, this dream warns you of events that may interfere with your happiness and well-being.

Why is the stork dreaming

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

To see A. flying in your direction - to replenishment in the family; from you - to the illness of a child or the loss of a thing left over from childhood.

Why is the stork dreaming

Spring dream book

To see a flying stork in a dream - to a newborn; sitting in a nest - to a strong marriage.

To see a killed stork - to the death of a person close by blood.

Catching a stork - to difficulties in everyday life; to see two or more - for a wedding or matchmaking.

Why is the stork dreaming

Summer dream book

As you know, the stork is a bird that brings happiness.

But if you dream of a stork flying in the direction away from you - this is a long absence from home.

Why is the stork dreaming

Dream interpretation from A to Z

To see a stork or a pair of storks in a dream - such a dream clearly indicates an upcoming wedding or the birth of a child, either with you or with your relatives or friends.

Why is the stork dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Stork - Seeing in a meadow - a happy marriage - seeing flying or catching - worries in matchmaking

Why is the stork dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed of a stork - expect family troubles.

You hunted storks - if you wish, upcoming family troubles can be easily avoided.

You dreamed of an empty stork nest - soon you will be surprised to find out that you could have family troubles, but fate miraculously helped you avoid them, although you did not even know about them.

In a dream, you ruined a stork's nest - know that you have to work hard to avoid big troubles.

Why is the stork dreaming

Esoteric dream book

Marriage proposal, marriage.

Dead, downed - your plans in the device of personal life will be grossly violated.

Why is the stork dreaming

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

The stork is a symbol of a happy marriage and family life.

A stork in a dream has long been considered a harbinger of an imminent pregnancy, even if there were no signs of this wonderful condition.

A stork dreaming of a man reminds him that the time has come to realize the instinct of paternity and procreation.

Why is the stork dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Azar

to see a stork in a meadow is a happy marriage. Seeing a flying stork or catching it is trouble in matchmaking

Why is the stork dreaming

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

Stork - a gift; nest is a consolation.

Why is the stork dreaming

Modern dream book

Seeing a stork in a dream is a favorable sign. Such a dream promises the joys of family life and success at work.

A stork or two storks on the roof of a house, in a nest or in a meadow - a gift, a wedding, the birth of children, good news for you or your loved ones.

Storks in flight - the arrival of envious relatives, ill-wishers or even robbers.

In winter, such a dream also means thaw and crossroads, in summer - fire and drought.

Lonely stork - marks a safe return home for the traveler.

Why is the stork dreaming

Eastern dream book

A favorable dream for those who are busy with a new home, want to buy a house or apartment - a new roof will appear over your head in the very near future.

Why is the stork dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

If in a dream you see a stork walking around a clearing or a meadow, you see it descending on the roof of a house or in a nest, this is a good dream; everything will be fine in your family life, and if you have not yet built a family, then you can be sure: a happy marriage awaits you.

You see a stork flying in the sky. The interpretation of this dream depends on how the stork flies relative to your position. If it flies right over you, then you will be lucky and all your difficulties will soon be overcome; if a stork flies to the side, then in real life you may encounter the indifference of the people around you - all the more annoying indifference that many of these people are your loved ones; if you are preparing to get married, a stork flying to the side in a dream is a sign that you will have some difficulties with concluding and formalizing a marriage, so do not rush to call guests to the wedding, as the wedding can be rescheduled.

You dream that the stork has landed on the ground and you are trying to approach him - such a dream indicates that you are a person inclined to dream up, inclined to surround yourself with beautiful conventions; you like to dream, soar into the heavens in your thoughts, and because of this peculiarity of yours, you often see reality in colors unusual for it (when gray appears pink), and because of this same peculiarity, you can get into an unpleasant situation. This is a dream warning: you, who is glad to be deceived, leave your fantasies and carefully look around, evaluate the real situation - otherwise there may be difficulties and bitter disappointments.

If you dream of two storks in a nest - this is for a wedding, for a long and happy family life, for the appearance of obedient and healthy children, on whom you can safely rely on in old age. Two storks circling in the sky - in all likelihood, in your life you do not keep the proper balance between actions that come from the heart and actions that come from the prudent mind; you incline in favor of the mind and by doing this harm yourself a little. Do not forget about the natural wisdom of the heart; you are not a machine, at your core is a living principle. You should know that the color of the stork that you saw in a dream is important: a white stork is good, this is for profit (material or spiritual), for some kind of pleasant insight, for a pleasant discovery, for a pleasant meeting; black stork - not very good, this is to loss (for example, money or important documents), to disappointment, to unpleasant news.

If you dreamed of a dead stork, expect great disappointment - you will lose faith in goodness, in justice, in love, friendship, mercy. It remains only to hope that this disappointment will be short-lived and you will have the strength to return to your former exalted state

Why is the stork dreaming

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Stork - well-being / happiness in children and grandchildren.

Heron, stork, pelican - snow-white or pale pink - your good deeds and the joy associated with their implementation.

Why is the stork dreaming

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Stork - family happiness, the birth of a child; longing for one's homeland or one's other half. In a couple - love, marriage; black - divorce, end of relationship.

Why is the stork dreaming

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

Stork - Your hopes will come true soon, even faster than you expected. To reinforce the positive meaning of sleep, try to see the eyes of a stork. Give him something to eat, like a frog or a lizard.

You dreamed of a Stork - Your hopes will soon come true. To reinforce the positive meaning of sleep, try to see the eyes of a stork.

Why is the stork dreaming

Combined dream book

Stork or two storks - portend a gift, marriage, the birth of a child, good news.

Flying storks - the arrival of ill-wishers who wish you harm. In winter, such a dream portends a thaw and a choice of a life path, in summer - a drought or a fire.

Lonely stork - portends for the traveler a safe return home without complications on the road.

Why is the stork dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Animals

Stork - also symbolizes the arrival of spring and new life, and therefore is an Annunciation bird.

Among the Chinese, it means longevity, a happy and peaceful old age, filial piety of a worthy, alien to temptations, a hermit living in solitude.

Among Christians, the stork symbolizes chastity, purity, reverence, prudence and vigilance. As a harbinger of spring, it is considered a symbol of new life.

Among the Egyptians, it personified filial piety, since it was believed that the stork feeds its parents in old age.

Among the Romans, the stork symbolized respect, filial affection and was considered an attribute of Juno.

Why is the stork dreaming

Love dream book

If in a dream you saw a stork walking in a meadow, you simply cannot avoid a happy marriage. Moreover, the farther the stork is from you in a dream, the longer you will have to wait for the marriage.

The dream in which you catch a stork promises troubles in personal affairs, quarrels with your loved one on the eve of the wedding, or obstacles from relatives.

If, catching a stork in a dream, you caught another bird, old novels will make you worry again.

Why is the stork dreaming

Big online dream book

Stork - may dream not at all because of the reason that is supposed. However, seeing a stork in a dream is not very good: a dream with a stork means that family troubles are coming.

If you dreamed that you were hunting a stork - very good. Such a dream means that you will be able to avoid future family troubles. And this can be done quite easily.

If you dreamed of an empty stork nest, this is also a very good dream. He also predicts major family troubles, the threat of which you know. However, after some time, you will be surprised to learn that all these troubles have passed you safely. Fate miraculously helped you avoid everything that could upset or upset you seriously and for a long time.

You dreamed that you ruined a stork's nest - this is not a very good dream: again, you are in danger of serious family troubles. The good thing is that you will be able to avoid all these troubles, but you will have to work hard at the same time. So you have to be persistent in order for everything to end well.

Why is the stork dreaming

Star dream book

Stork - good news.

Why is the stork dreaming

Phoebe's big dream book

Stork - your hopes will come true soon, even faster than you expected. Imagine that you see a stork in a nest, in flight, or on the shore of a pond. Call the stork to you or go to him yourself. Feed him by treating, for example, a frog or a lizard.

Why is the stork dreaming

Russian dream book

Stork - white - safe delivery, black - sad news.

Why is the stork dreaming

Jewish dream book

Stork - A dream in the fall means the need to be careful: you are waiting for meetings with dishonest people. A dream that occurred in winter, to liberation from love passion. A dream that occurred in the spring, for a wedding, moving to a new apartment, or some other significant change in life. A dream that occurred in the summer promises good health and a cheerful mood.

Why is the stork dreaming

Women's dream book

Seeing a dream about a stork in a dream is a symbol of a happy marriage and family life. A stork in a dream has long been considered a harbinger of an imminent pregnancy, even if there were no signs of this wonderful condition. The stork, dreaming of a man, reminds him that the time has come to realize the instinct of paternity and procreation.

Why is the stork dreaming

Magic dream book

Why is the stork dreaming

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

Stork - family happiness.

Why is the stork dreaming

Dream Interpretation Dasha

symbol of spring, new life and happiness. As usual, the stork brings a child to the house - perhaps this is for pregnancy. It has long been considered an omen for the better if a stork builds a nest on the roof of a house - if you had such a dream, it means happiness in the family.

Why is the stork dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

The stork is a symbol of spring, new life, purity and happiness. Everyone knows the belief that it is the stork that brings the baby into the house, that is, it gives happiness to two loving people, because nothing in the world can be compared with the joy of becoming a mother and father. It has long been considered great luck when a stork sits or nests on the roof of a house. Those people, on the roof of whose house the stork settled, were lucky in all matters and happiness in their personal lives.

To dream of a flying stork holding something in its beak - wait for an addition to the family or news from friends or relatives about the birth of an heir.

If you dreamed that a stork made a nest on the roof of the house, then such a dream means happiness in the family and a stable financial situation.

Watching several storks in a dream - to great luck and happiness with your loved one.

To dream of a stork among other birds is a sign that there are a lot of ill-wishers around you, whom you consider your friends. Perhaps such a dream promises a meeting with a noble person, despite the fact that you were already sure that there were no more decent people left.

If other birds attack a stork in a dream, then such a dream indicates that you are judged by the people around you, who are unlikely to make a good impression because of their stupidity and envy.

Watching in a dream how a stork kills a snake is a harbinger of your imminent victory over enemies. Perhaps such a dream suggests that you have a true friend who is always ready to help you.

Caring for a wounded stork in a dream means that someone close to you needs your help very much.

Why is the stork dreaming

Dream interpretation of catchphrases

STORKS - “storks brought a child” - the birth of a child, peace of mind, family happiness.

Why is the stork dreaming

Male dream book

A dreaming stork portends you peace and prosperity in your personal life and professional activities. If you dream of a pair of storks, think about whether you pay too little attention to your wife and children or your girlfriend? Try to be in the family circle more often.

Stork at an empty nest - do not get carried away by illusions, your delusion can lead to unforeseen consequences. A stork next to a nest containing eggs or chicks, replenishment of the family if you are a married person, or income growth if you are a bachelor. If in a dream you are trying to stroke a stork, especially a black one, this portends trouble.

Why is the stork dreaming

Dream interpretation for women

The bird that brings happiness. Therefore, such a dream is good, good news. If he had a dream from Monday to Wednesday, then the news will be connected with the family, if from Thursday to Saturday - with work. A dream with a stork from Saturday to Sunday will mean nothing. If a stork carries a baby in a basket towards you, you will not have problems with children, at least for the next week. A stork in a dream rarely treats the dreamer badly. If in a dream he attacks a person who has a dream, then some kind of misfortune will happen.

Why is the stork dreaming

Idiomatic dream book

“The storks brought a child” - the birth of a child, peace of mind, family happiness.

Why is the stork dreaming

Dream interpretation of relationships

If a woman sees a stork in a dream, it means that she will soon become pregnant. A man who has a similar dream is ready for the role of a father.

Why is the stork dreaming

Dream interpretation for the whole family

The stork is a bird that brings happiness. Therefore, such a dream is good, good news.

If he had a dream from Monday to Wednesday, then the news will be connected with the family, if from Thursday to Saturday - with work.

A dream with a stork from Saturday to Sunday will mean nothing.

If a stork carries a child in a basket towards you, you will not have problems with children, at least in the next week.

Why is the stork dreaming

Online dream book

Stork - is not a favorable symbol, as a rule, it promises family strife.

Hunt him - according to the dream book: you will be able to resist negative trends in family relationships.

Seeing an empty stork nest - conflicts in the family can be avoided if you show due patience.

Destroy it - you yourself will provoke a quarrel in the family.

She dreams that you catch a stork - you have to take care of the well-being of personal relationships.

If it is black, it promises losses to a businessman.

Dreamed of a dead stork - can be a symbol of deceit, loss of faith in goodness and friendship.

If an avist attacks you in a dream, then the dream book interprets such a dream as a harbinger of grief.

I dreamed that I was attacking a snake - you will defeat all competitors.

Treat a stork that is injured - soon a friend will ask you for a favor.

For a woman, a stork is a harbinger of the imminent birth of a child.

If in a dream he attacks a person who has a dream, then some kind of misfortune will happen.

Caring for a wounded stork in a dream means that someone close to you needs your help very much.

Why is the stork dreaming

American dream book

Stork - the birth of something new. The arrival of something new.

As you know, in the beliefs of many peoples, there is a stork as a harbinger of spring and renewal. Therefore, it is not necessary to look into the dream book and puzzle over the question “what is the stork dreaming of?” for a long time. So it is clear that this is a happy dream, bringing pleasant emotions, satisfaction and hope. However, it happens that a dream left such an impression even after waking up that it is simply necessary to check with the dream book.

  • A stork flying in your dream promises family happiness and addition.

wedding harbinger

  • If a stork is dreaming of a young girl, or a married woman, then the dream book tells us that the woman will probably have a baby soon. Especially if the bird carried something in its beak, and flew to the one who was dreaming. But this dream may not mean that you are pregnant. If you are not planning a pregnancy, then you do not need to worry. Perhaps your relatives are waiting for additions. You may not know that a sister or sister-in-law is in an interesting position.
  • What can a stork, or even a couple of birds, dream of in a nest? Such a dream portends you a strong family and a long happy life in marriage. The dream is especially good, where in the nest, a couple of birds, with chicks. The dream book says that if you dream of such an idyll, material well-being awaits you in life.
  • For a girl, a dream book about a stork dancing in the sky says that soon she will have a magnificent, joyful, long-awaited wedding. And, even more so, if two birds are dancing in the sky. True, you must consider how far the birds are dancing from you. If they are far away, and their silhouettes are only guessed in the sky, then this wedding will still have to wait.

A bird that brings prosperity

According to another interpretation - if you watch the flight of storks, material well-being will literally fall on you soon. Or it will be a very lucrative contract, or winning the lottery. And then an inheritance that you did not expect to receive. But if you have not watched this picture alone, then in real life you will have to share this big jackpot with someone. Otherwise, it will not bring joy or peace.

On the wings - bad news

  • If a whole flock of storks is circling over a girl in a dream, this is an unkind dream. He warns that someone is slandering the girl behind her back and intrigues her.
  • But a stork flying away from you means either a long hard trip, or symbolizes missed opportunities that just went into your hands.
  • If in a dream you are trying to catch a stork, the dream book says that you will try to arrange your family life, or try to establish peace in the family of loved ones. Reconcile friends, or introduce a close friend to her future husband. Think carefully before doing this. Maybe this is of no use to you. Usually such good deeds are only harmful.

Enemies Warning

  • The dream book about the stork, which the girl feeds from her hands, suggests that this is a harbinger of solving a difficult problem that she will cope with despite everything. And if you dream that you are feeding chicks in a dream, then in life you need to think about your children. Do they need something?
  • Why dream of a defenseless stork attacked by crows? This is a bad sign. There are many unworthy people around you, discrediting your reputation with their friendship. Or simply a lot of envious people poisoning your life.
  • The crippled stork you are caring for means that you will meet a worthy and influential person who will raise your status in society and help you financially. Or, simply, your help and support is now very much needed by a loved one. And your consciousness in a dream is trying to tell you this.

heavy sleep

  • Even if you do not see a bird in a dream, but only hear its characteristic scream, this is also an unpleasant sign. Perhaps a quarrel is brewing in your family between relatives.
  • It is also known what the black stork dreams of - for divorce, for the breakup of the family. And to see a dead bird, to the loss of a loved one.
  • But if in your dream, the stork defeats the snake, this is a very good dream. Apparently, you have a friend who will come to your rescue. And you will overcome all life difficulties with its help.

A new life or the arrival of something new in your life. It may indicate the birth of a new idea or herald the appearance of a child.
Also, the stork is a symbol of home comfort and family happiness.

Slavic dream book

A dream with a stork in a dream book is interpreted as:

Small dream book

Dreaming with a stork means:

Seeing a stork in a dream is a favorable sign. Such a dream promises the joys of family life and success at work.

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

The meaning of sleep stork:

The stork is a symbol of a happy marriage and family life.
A stork in a dream has long been considered a harbinger of an imminent pregnancy, even if there were no signs of this wonderful condition.
A stork dreaming of a man reminds him that the time has come to realize the instinct of paternity and procreation.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a stork:

Stork - well-being / happiness in children and grandchildren.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What a stork may dream of:

A stork or a family of storks that you dreamed about - as a rule, portends a happy marriage, an upcoming wedding, numerous offspring, profit in business.
Flying stork - promises you well-being, happiness, and possibly an unexpected gift.
A stork sitting on the roof of a house or a tree means that you will have a pleasant meeting with friends or a party.
Black stork in a dream - marks bad news, and for businessmen or entrepreneurs - possible losses.
Dreamed of a dead stork - can be a symbol of deceit, loss of faith in goodness and friendship.

American dream book

Stork, in a dream means:

Stork - the birth of something new. The arrival of something new.

Idiomatic dream book

If a girl dreams of a stork, then this means:

“The storks brought a child” - the birth of a child, peace of mind, family happiness.

Aesop's dream book

Why does a woman dream of a stork:

Intimate dream book

Stork in a dream Intimate dream book

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Stork in a dream Dream interpretation of birthdays in January, February, March, April

To see a flying stork in a dream - to a newborn; sitting in a nest - to a strong marriage.
To see a killed stork - to the death of a person close by blood.
Catching a stork - to difficulties in everyday life; see two or more - for a wedding or matchmaking.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

Stork in a dream Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

Stork - family happiness, the birth of a child; longing for one's homeland or one's other half.
In a couple - love, marriage; black - divorce, end of relationship.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Stork in a dream Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Stork - the birth of a child, a gift; two storks in a nest - a meeting with a loved one, for a wedding.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Stork in a dream dream book Hasse

see in the meadow - a happy marriage
to see flying or catching - chores in matchmaking.

Love dream book

Stork in a dream Love dream book

If in a dream you saw a stork walking in a meadow, you simply cannot avoid a happy marriage. Moreover, the farther the stork is from you in a dream, the longer you will have to wait for the marriage. The dream in which you catch a stork promises troubles in personal affairs, quarrels with your loved one on the eve of the wedding, or obstacles from relatives. If, while catching a stork in a dream, you caught another bird, old novels will make you worry again.

Esoteric dream book

Stork in a dream Esoteric dream book

Marriage proposal, marriage. Dead, downed - your plans in the device of personal life will be grossly violated.

Modern dream book

Stork in a dream Modern dream book

A stork or two storks on the roof of a house, in a nest or in a meadow - a gift, a wedding, the birth of children, good news for you or your loved ones.
Storks in flight - the arrival of envious relatives, ill-wishers or even robbers.
In winter, such a dream also means thaw and crossroads, in summer - fire and drought.
Lonely stork - marks a safe return home for the traveler.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Stork in a dream Dream interpretation of birthdays in May, June, July, August

As you know, the stork is a bird that brings happiness.
But if you dream of a stork flying in the direction away from you - this is a long absence from home.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Stork in a dream Dream Interpretation Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed of a stork - expect family troubles.
You hunted storks - if you wish, upcoming family troubles can be easily avoided.
You dreamed of an empty stork nest - soon you will be surprised to find out that you could have family troubles, but fate miraculously helped you avoid them, although you did not even know about them.
In a dream, you ruined a stork's nest - know that you have to work hard to avoid big troubles.

Gypsy dream book

Stork in a dream Gypsy dream book

Dream interpretation for women

Stork in a dream Dream interpretation for women

The bird that brings happiness. Therefore, such a dream is good, good news. If he had a dream from Monday to Wednesday, then the news will be connected with the family, if from Thursday to Saturday - with work. A dream with a stork from Saturday to Sunday will mean nothing. If a stork carries a baby in a basket towards you, you will not have problems with children, at least for the next week. A stork in a dream rarely treats the dreamer badly. If in a dream he attacks a person who has a dream, then some kind of misfortune will happen.

By the way, there is a legend that tells about the origin of the stork:

God repeatedly made sure that worms and snakes interfere with a person, cause him trouble. He collected all the reptiles in a heap, put them in a bag and threw them into the sea, but said that no one should save them. Out of curiosity, one person took out a bag and opened it. The reptiles then spread all over the earth. God turned that man into a stork and ordered him to collect these creatures around the world.

Why does a stork dream in a dream? A stork seen in a dream is good news and good. The stork is a bird of good luck, a symbol of a happy married life. It has long been believed that seeing a stork in a woman's dream is a harbinger of pregnancy, even if she still suffered from infertility. Skeptics believe that you cannot trust dreams, but act at your own discretion. But few people share their opinion. After all, it has been scientifically proven that all our secret dreams and aspirations can come true in a dream. Astrology is a subtle science. All the details and nuances are taken into account here. That is why, in order to correctly interpret the dream, the dreamer must remember the dream to the smallest detail. After all, any detail can change the interpretation of what he saw. How do famous seers and astrologers interpret a dream with storks? If you dreamed of a stork or storks

The stork is dreaming - Freud's dream book

Old Freud interprets a dream in which the dreamer enjoys the flight of a stork - this is a harbinger of pregnancy. When a man dreams of a stork, this is a signal that he is already ready for fatherhood and the moment has come in life when he already needs to seriously think about procreation.

In any case, a dream with a stork or stork will bring joy into your life, the birth of a new one and success in all your endeavors.

Why does the stork dream according to Miller's dream book

Miller's dream interpretation interprets a dream with a stork very temptingly. Positive changes in personal life are associated with such a dream. The dreamer is waiting for pleasant changes in his personal life and promotion. If a single man saw such a dream, it means that it is already time for him to think about family comfort. Most likely, the girl with whom he is currently in a relationship is his soulmate.

A stork in a dream of a married man who already has children most likely indicates that he devotes too little time to his offspring.

If a pregnant woman dreamed of a stork, then most likely she was waiting for the birth of twins.

Stork - Vanga's dream book

The Bulgarian clairvoyant believes that a stork seen in a dream is a wonderful sign that can bring happiness and prosperity to your home.

A wounded stork in a dream portends a meeting with an influential person who can change your destiny.

If the seen stork soars in the sky - expect a solid profit.

Watch the flight of a bird - the profit should be divided. Otherwise, this money will not benefit you.

If in a dream you feed stork chicks, your children need support from you.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus - dreamed of a stork

The learned astrologer Nostradamus interprets the appearance of a stork in a dream as follows.

If in a dream you saw two storks trying to build a nest on the roof, then this indicates a long and happy family life.

Watching a stork in a meadow is the birth of the first child.

If you dreamed of a stork feeding its chicks, your children need your care.

A stork standing in a meadow on one leg - soon you will meet your soul mate.

If in a dream you are trying unsuccessfully to catch a stork, then such a dream indicates that your plans in life are unlikely to come true. If you caught a stork, then wait for the matchmakers.

The stork is dreaming according to Hasse's dream book

If in a dream you saw a stork in a meadow, then such a dream promises a successful married life.

A stork soaring in the sky is a symbol of pleasant troubles associated with matchmaking or the birth of a child.

Seeing a stork in a dream is a good sign. Many interpreters of dreams are sure that the dreaming bird is a symbol of family happiness and prosperity. However, there are other interpretations of such visions.

Interpretation from dream books - what is the dream of a stork

  1. Azara. Romantic encounters, falling in love.
  2. American. The onset of a new stage in life.
  3. English. To family troubles.
  4. Vanga. The dream portends happy events.
  5. Grishina. Well-being and financial independence.
  6. Oriental. Buying a new home or moving.
  7. Female. Happy marriage.
  8. Winters. To a pleasant acquaintance.
  9. Idiomatic. For the birth of a baby.
  10. Intimate. To pregnancy.
  11. Aesop the writer. To joyful events.
  12. Small Velesov. To mutual love.
  13. Medium Hasse. You will have to make a lot of efforts to achieve the location of your loved one.
  14. Russian folk. There will be changes in life.
  15. Family. Order at home and at work.
  16. Wanderer. Sometimes a dream can symbolize longing for a loved one or homeland.
  17. Modern. You will be given a gift.
  18. Ukrainian. A dream can promise both a happy marriage and the appearance of offspring, and a fire.
  19. Esoteric. Long-awaited life changes.
  20. XXI century. An offer of marriage.

According to Denise Lynn, a dream may indicate the emergence of new ideas, by implementing which you will achieve unprecedented success.

To see a stork's nest in a dream, in which there are many eggs, is an unexpected offer that you cannot refuse

Does the gender of the dreamer matter: dreamed of a girl, woman, man

If a girl dreamed of a stork, then soon she would be made an offer. According to Vanga's dream book, you will meet a worthy man who will become a spouse.

A woman's dream promises pregnancy and the joy of motherhood. According to the esoteric Tsvetkov, you are popular with the opposite sex.

If you dreamed that a stork was flying over a nest, then get ready for a change at work.

Pregnant night vision predicts the birth of a boy. According to the modern dream book, you will be presented with a pleasant surprise.

For a man, a stork seen in the kingdom of Morpheus prophesies success at work, the birth of an heir or the opening of a new business that will bring income. For a single guy, a dream hints that it's time to start a family and think about offspring.

Did you know that among the Chinese, the stork symbolizes long life, peace and confidence in the future? Therefore, seeing this bird in night vision is a good sign.

For family people, night dreams about a stork promise cardinal changes. A significant event will happen in life. Large purchases or relocations are possible. Children or grandchildren will also be pleased with their successes.

Description of the bird

The interpretation of the dream directly depends on how the stork looked in night dreams, what color, size it was. The behavior of the bird in the kingdom of Morpheus and the emotions that you experienced when meeting with it are also important.

Plumage color: black, white, yellow, multi-colored stork

  1. A white stork in a dream promises a new acquaintance with an influential person. It will help you deal with old problems.
  2. If a bird had gray plumage in a dream, then there is every chance of success. Take on the implementation of long-standing plans that you did not dare to bring to life before. According to the modern dream book, you will be able to defend your interests, so it's time to start negotiations or resolve conflicts.
  3. A black stork seen in the kingdom of Morpheus promises experiences associated with jealousy. According to Miller's dream book, you will break some kind of ban and will greatly regret it..
  4. A yellow stork in night dreams is seen by people who doubt the correctness of their actions. Not so long ago, a difficult event happened, and you just can’t move away from it. Do not be afraid, but act, and everything will work out.
  5. Sometimes in night vision, a bird may have multi-colored plumage. This says that the dreamer's life is full of events that succeed each other rapidly, like pictures of a kaleidoscope. It is important not to forget about rest.

If in a dream you caught a stork, and caught another bird, then in reality you will have to worry a lot about old connections.

bird size

The stork is a large bird. But sometimes in a dream you can see just a huge individual. Such a vision reports some important event that will turn life upside down.

But a small-sized stork often dreams of a cordial union and unusual adventures. According to the 21st century dream book, you will have a serious conversation with a loved one.

If you dreamed that a child was sitting in a stork's nest instead of chicks, then an incredible event would happen in life.

A stork chick seen in a dream is a sign that a loved one will support in a difficult moment. According to Azar's dream book, children will delight with their achievements.

If the chick has just hatched, then you will be asked for help, but if it was fledged and ready to fly out of the nest, then expect pleasant surprises.

If in a dream you watched a stork chick, then in reality you dream of starting a family. Feeding a small bird in night vision is a sign that you need to devote more time to communicating with household members.

Number of individuals

To see one stork in the kingdom of Morpheus is a favorable sign. You will find success in your endeavors, love and understanding in the family. According to the Russian folk dream book, a vision can promise pregnancy.

To see a couple of birds in a dream - to fidelity and love passion. According to Gustave Miller, success in business awaits you, and the esoteric Tsvetkov is sure that a dream promises numerous offspring.

If a stork with chicks dreamed, then an event with relatives was ahead. During the meeting, important issues regarding the inheritance will be discussed.

Seeing a flock of birds in night dreams is the end of a business that took a lot of time and effort. According to Aesop's dream book, now you are disappointed and annoyed by what happened, but after talking with a friend, hope will settle in your heart.

Did you see a flock of snow-white storks in a dream? Get ready for a fun party with friends. The meeting will bring a lot of positive emotions.

Personality: good or evil

If in a dream the bird was benevolently disposed, fawned and allowed itself to be stroked, then soon you will be very lucky. For business people, a dream promises to make a profit in a new project. According to the family dream book, surprises await you in the field of love.

If the stork was aggressive, tried to peck in night vision, then get ready for a shock and collapse of plans. You really hope for something, but the desired is not destined to come true. Suddenly, something goes wrong, and it will not be in your power to correct the situation. Try to steadfastly accept defeat and not lose heart. After all, after a black stripe, there always comes a white one. Fortune will smile again soon.

According to Vanga's dream book, to see a stork in the sky in a dream - to a meeting with an unusual person

If a bird in the kingdom of Morpheus attacked one of his friends, then in reality this person will have trouble, and he will need your help.

Did you dream of a stork that did not pay any attention to you? Count only on your own strength and do not wait for outside help. Do not let emotions drown out the voice of reason, and then everything will turn out the way you would like.

According to Azar's dream book, to see a dirty or sick stork in night dreams is a quarrel with a loved one and a break in relations.

Actions in a dream: see in the sky, in the water, on the roof of the house, hold in your hands, etc.

According to Fedorovskaya's dream book, to see an empty stork's nest in a dream is a good sign. Trouble could happen to you, but thanks to your vigilance and foresight, you will avoid an unfortunate misunderstanding.

Interpretation of other dreams about a stork: a dead bird is dreaming, a chick that has fallen out of the nest

A dead bird in a dream promises deceit and disappointment in people. According to Aesop's dream book, a dream portends the death of a blood relative.

To see a stork in night dreams, which was hit by a car - to troubles and losses. If the bird was alive, then there is a chance that everything will work out. But if the bird was dead, then mentally prepare for a loss.

A bleeding stork dreams of problems with a loved one. If you were caring for a wounded bird, then a relative will need help.

If in a dream you ruined a stork's nest, then in order to achieve your goal, you will have to work hard.

To see a bird with a broken wing in the kingdom of Morpheus - to unexpected changes that plunge into confusion. Things will not go according to plan, and you will have to quickly adapt to the new rules.

I dreamed that the chick fell out of the nest, and you tried to help him? Welfare will be threatened. You shouldn't "tear your hair out" about this, because soon everything will be settled by itself.

Dreams about storks promise us different events. It can be a wedding and pregnancy, or disappointment in people and a loss of interest in life. According to the Italian dream book, night vision for family people prophesies harmony and peace, and for those who are in a foreign land - a return home.