New interview and photo shoot of Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson for the March issue of Glamor magazine. Jamie Dornan talks about his relationship with Dakota Johnson How each of you see your characters

On the occasion of Valentine's Day, the creators of the Fifty Shades of Gray franchise have prepared a hot sequel for loyal fans. The scriptwriters of the "dark" sequel promised that there would not be as many erotic scenes as in the previous part, but there is more than enough psychologism and intensity of passions.

However, it is not surprising, since the first film left the audience with their mouths wide open and intrigue in their eyes. It is still unknown how Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey's relationship will develop. So much controversy and ulterior motives that fans of the franchise can only guess about.

As for the personal life of the actors who played the main roles in the film Fifty Shades Darker, the question still remains open. Dakota Jones shared with reporters a few days ago how it is sometimes difficult for her to put up with her current role. According to the plot, the events around the key characters unfold around the world of eroticism and forbidden pleasure, so it is simply impossible to do without sex scenes.

Men do not want to see Anastasia Steele in Dakota Johnson

Since this film was the debut for the Hollywood actress, it is not surprising that such images will be attributed to her. According to the celebrity, she would not want to end her career on such a note or move on to similar roles. The girl is tired of moments of a sexual nature, as well as constant questions on such topics. It's not that Dakota Johnson doesn't like to shoot such scenes, but she is annoyed by their post-effects. The socialite said that she could embody herself in other roles, since her possibilities and desire are not limited by anything.

Due to her non-standard image, Dakota Johnson has absolutely no relationship with members of the opposite sex. The famous actress said that men are afraid of Anastasia Steele. Or the celebrity is faced with excessive adoration and worship. She meets the first much more often than she would like.

As for her relationship with Jamie Dornan, they are connected by nothing more than a friendly bond. Young people understand each other well, so there are no prohibitions regarding creativity between them. The creative union of site partners is built on honesty and trust.

In relations with her famous parents, Dakota Johnson also has problems. According to the Hollywood actress, Melanie Griffith and Joe Johnson, despite their familiarity with the world of cinema, it is difficult to watch their daughter's first scandalous films. There is still some awkwardness between the relatives and the girl. Friends of Dakota Johnson are more relaxed about the erotic role of a celebrity, but not in the way they would like.

Meanwhile, the Hollywood actress finds positive aspects of her debut role. The film "Fifty Shades of Grey" gave the girl the opportunity to find herself in the world that she had dreamed of for so long. In addition, she likes even the most controversial aspects of the profession, so she is ready to develop and move on.

Went on a tour of the evening shows, answering tricky questions from Jimmy Kimmel and James Corden.

Kimmel asked Jamie what kind of relationship he has with the actress after all the explicit scenes in which the partners had a chance to film.

“This will sound inappropriate, but we are almost like brother and sister. Because I'm married, and she ... changed quite a lot of guys while we were filming. Everyone has their own life, and we just show love and respect for each other. It seems to me that we already know each other very well, even to some extent in an intimate sense..

When asked about what Jamie covered his genitals during explicit scenes, the actor was embarrassed:

“Well, I put on such a tiny bag. Well, that is, this expression is, in fact, he is not so tiny. Yes, a normal big bag. On the set of the first film, I was given a whole range of these bags to choose from, so I took one, turned it inside out, and there was such a strange inscription: "Prisoner number 3".

Jamie confirmed that 50 Shades Freed was filmed back-to-back and filming ended about 2 years ago.

“I saw the last film. They make us watch… oh, I mean, anyway, we had to brush up on the movie before the premiere anyway, since shooting ended a long time ago. So I went to the Universal studios in London, where they have something like their own cinema. But they don't let you watch this movie alone, in case you want to copy it to your phone... Nonsense, of course. As if I would do it... So I watched it with a security guard. With such a big guy. Just the two of us. But before that I drank beer and periodically went to the toilet, so I spent part of the film there. But all those sex scenes… towards the end, I was already burning with shame. And when the movie ended, the guard told me, “Cool, dude, high five!”.

In an interview with Ellen DeGeneres, Jamie admitted that his wife has not watched a single movie about Anastacia and Christian.

“I don’t want to pay her tickets for these films”- joked the actor.

In an interview with James Corden, Jamie spoke about, who at the beginning of his career was still an unknown actor by his roommate.

“Eddie was desperate then. We both were. There wasn't much work to do, we didn't really have to choose, we went to the same auditions, we both had the same agent. And I remember… it seems to have been in 2008, on the second day after we moved in together, a courier from our agency arrived with a huge stack of scripts, there were about 25 of them. And Eddie and I immediately began to fuss about who this was all intended for. It was all meant for me, and Eddie took it to heart. He called the agent to find out why "Jamie just got a hefty stack of scripts." An hour later, the courier arrived with exactly the same size stack of the same scripts for him..


The network does not stop discussing the very frank film "50 Shades Freed" - it will soon be released on big screens, including in Russia. The main characters - Anastasia and Christian are played by Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan, and a passionate romance has been attributed to this couple more than once - of course, because on the screen they appear before the viewer in such unusual and provocative images, and there is nothing to say about the quantity and quality of bed scenes ...

However, Dornan himself, as you know, is married to Amelia Warner, and has been happily married for five years, despite the fact that the media regularly tries to “divorce” him. The couple is raising two children, and there are no signs of a conflict that could lead to a break, including Jamie's infidelity with his partner in the film Fifty Shades.

Dornan admits that his words do not sound too good, but his relationship with Dakota is similar to that of a brother and sister, and there can be no question of any romance. According to Jamie, there is mutual respect between him and Dakota, and they know each other quite closely, as they communicate well.

However, their romance is only an invention of fans and some media: the actor Dornan, as already mentioned, has been married for a long time and is firmly married, and Dakota Johnson herself arranges her personal life. Now her lover is Chris Martin, the former husband of Gwyneth Paltrow, and journalists have already learned that Dakota introduced him to her father.

Earlier, when a number of very candid photographs of Dakota Johnson got on the Web, there was talk about the actress's addiction to girls - in some frames she was with her friend, and some netizens considered something "love" in the relationship of the girls.

Jamie Dornan shares his most embarrassing moment on the set of 'Fifty Shades Freed'

Fans are accustomed to seeing the hero of "50 Shades" Christian Gray is very mysterious, sexy and, of course, in the eyes of a million girls, almost perfect. Meanwhile, do not forget: the actor Jamie Dornan is behind the role played, and his image in life can differ significantly from that embodied on the screen.

The actor shared some details from the filming of the film, including a very "embarrassing moment" that happened while the 50 Shades Freed crew was in France. So, Jamie admitted about the terrible discomfort that the scene on the beach gave him.

The task of the actor was at first glance simple: he had to get out of the water and try to look as attractive and sexy as possible, however, according to Dornan, it was not that “difficult” to do this, but rather almost impossible!

This whole episode was terrible. We had a beach, half closed, but in fact there were a lot of people for whom we were not responsible. The producers wanted me to be sexy when I got out of the water. But it was not a sandy beach, but a pebbly one. I mean, you can't look cool running out of the water anyway.

Note that the premiere date of "Fifty Shades Freed" is scheduled for February 8, 2018. Therefore, fans of the trilogy have little time left to continue the exciting love story between the sexy Christian Gray and the sweet Anastasia Steele.

"50 Shades of Grey" is one of the most high-profile premieres of this year. Even with an R rating, the picture earned $570 million worldwide, recouping its budget ($40 million) in its first weekend. Of course, the film would not have been so successful if not for the explosive chemistry between the main characters: Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey. Was this chemistry real? Was the passion on screen a reflection of the real relationship between Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson? Or is it all about acting?

Since the picture was released, journalists from various publications have been closely following the Dornan-Johnson acting duo.

Director Sam Taylor-Johnson does not deny the romantic relationship between the main actors of his film.

In an interview with USA Today, Sam was very ambivalent about the duo's relationship. Here are some phrases from the interview:

“Everyone loves gossip. A lot of what they say is absolutely absurd. The truth is that together they have fun and pleasure.”

“I don’t know what was expected of them. Probably, many see them as another Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson"

“It was a movie. Job. They got along well with each other."

The ambiguity of the director's statements further increased the interest of the press in the acting duo. Everyone was sure that these two were united by something more than just a business relationship. All it needed was some little confirmation. For example, photos from filming. And we got it:

The photo shows how Dakota Johnson tightly hugs Jamie Dornan. And it's clearly not a scene from a movie. But what is the nature of these hugs?

The next shot is from the cocktail party. A pair of Dakota and Jamie just shines in the background of the rest of the crowd. What is between them, if not love?

Photo shoot by Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan for USA Today.

Dornan is married and Johnson is in a relationship

But let's move away from conjecture a little and look at the facts. It's no secret that Jamie Dornan is happily married to English actress Amelia Warner. In addition, they have a little daughter. Dakota Johnson is dating the guitarist of the indie band The Drowners - Matthew Hitt (More:). What is the probability that these two crossed the line?

Did Johnson break up with her boyfriend for Dornan?

But the fact of the matter is that in December last year, this version was a little blurry. Dakota Johnson broke up with her boyfriend. Numerous photos taken before and after December testified to this. At first, the actress was often seen accompanied by a boyfriend, but starting in December, they were no longer seen together.

Fans of the film immediately picked up on this news. But as soon as 50 Shades of Gray hit theaters, Johnson and Hitt rekindled their relationship. According to rumors, there was not even a gap. The couple just suspended their relationship due to the employment of both at work: Hitt was on tour, and Johnson was waiting for the premiere of the film. However, just about a week ago, a very interesting article appeared on the Yibada website. It said that after the reunion of the couple, Dakota Johnson spends much more time alone or with her friends than with her boyfriend.

Dornan is happily married: true or false?

As for the Dornan-Warner couple, there is no evidence that the marriage is experiencing difficulties. Recently, Dornan spends all his free time with his wife and young daughter. Convince of this numerous photos on the network.

"I'm even more in love with her now than at the beginning of our relationship," the actor told Belfast Telefraph in an interview.

And yet, it is worth mentioning the fact that Dornan's wife was not very happy with the erotic scenes in which her husband participated. For a while, there was even talk that Dornan was considering turning down his role in the sequel. Actually, for this reason, the shooting of the film was postponed.

And here is a cutting of the filming process with the participation of Dakota and Jamie Dornan:

Can the Dornan-Warner marriage survive two films? We will get the answer to this question over time. In the meantime, in an interview with the Inquisitr, Jamie Dornan, when asked about a romantic interest in Johnson, answered bluntly: "No." Although, in other interviews, he spoke very well about his filming partner:

“It’s easy to get along with her. She's very sweet"

“We immediately established a connection. If we did not like each other, I would not have been approved for the role. But the producers decided that we would work together. And we really worked together. We have established friendly relations.”

Dakota Johnson's remarks sound even sweeter:

"It was amazing. By that time we had tried many candidates. He was so calm, yet funny at the same time. He easily picked up all my jokes and it meant a lot to me.

Together or not?

Not yet. But is it possible in the future? Why not. Obviously, there was some kind of chemistry between the actors. Whether they can hold her back for two whole films, only time will tell.