Artists for the new year. Show programs for the corporate New Year New Year with a good show program

We carry interest and love for the New Year holiday through our whole life, there is something bright and childishly joyful in it, we expect gifts, miracles and special fun from it. And what fun without New Year games, contests, fairy tales with dressing up and fun entertainment?!

New Year's games, competitions and skits are the same obligatory attribute of a holiday as a Christmas tree, champagne and gifts. After all New Year- this is a time of general fun; the time when you want to make noise and play. Do not deny yourself this - have fun! Moreover, everyone wants to move a little and fool around after New Year's table, traditionally generous with all sorts of goodies and drinks!

Ready scripts for the quest. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the image of interest.

Entertainment program for the new year 2019

We offer you a variety of new year entertainment which can be viewed via the links. They are also suitable for corporate holidays, and for house parties, and for close company friends. There are a lot of games and competitions, and you can easily make an interesting entertainment program out of them.

In order to save time, we suggest purchasing collection “Entertain people for the New Year? Easily!"

The collection is intended:

  • for leading celebrations
  • for employees of organizations that plan to hold a New Year's Eve corporate party on their own, without the involvement of the toastmaster
  • for those who are going to hold a New Year's party at home
  • for active people who want to have fun and have fun new year holidays in the circle of relatives, relatives and friends

The proposed games, contests and skits will be more than enough for you not only for the entertainment program for this New Year, but also for the future new year holidays!

All buyers of this collection - New Year's gifts:

Contents of the collection“Entertain people for the New Year? Easily!"

Scenes and impromptu tales included in the collection

The collection includes funny scenes and impromptu fairy tales, the plot of which is associated with a wonderful New Year's holiday. All skits - with funny and original stories; in addition, the texts are well edited, and for impromptu scenes there are signs with the names of the characters, which is very convenient for the organizer holiday program; it is also provided that when printing a specific scene or sheet with signs, nothing extra will be printed. Here short description scenes included in the collection:

Guests from Italy on New Year's Eve(very funny costume New Year's greetings With original text). Requires a small preliminary preparation. Age: 16+
Happy New Year, or let's drink to happiness!(Impromptu fairy tale with chants, Host and 7 actors; all other participants also participate). Especially suitable for corporate celebration of the New Year.
Beauty and the Beast, or the Wrong Tale(fun tale-impromptu, host and 11 actors). For any conscious age :).
New Year's story in the forest, or Love at first sight(a short impromptu fairy tale, Host and 6 actors).
long-awaited gift(a miniature scene-pantomime, impromptu, from 1 to 3-4 people can take part in it). The scene is universal, suitable for both children and adults.
Magic Staff(New Year's theatrical scene, costume performance for adults, Storyteller (reader) and 10 actors). Long (at least 30 minutes), but at the same time interesting funny scene with an original New Year's story. Preliminary preparation is required. Age: 15+

Collection Format: pdf file, 120 pages
Price: 300 rubles

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An entertainment program (SHOW) for the New Year using original competitions conducted by experienced leaders and beginners. In stock, each leading holiday should have fresh script for the New Year 2020 with enough competitions and games to captivate guests.

For each competition, pairs or teams are usually made up for competitions. Then the guests have fun and gradually become liberated.

If the guests arrived early

Development New Year's newspaper is a great way to entertain early-arriving guests. It cheers up and can distract guests who arrive early, who interfere with visiting finishing touches(fill Olivier with mayonnaise).

It is optimal to offer them a pencil for entertainment.

And you can also hold a competition: who can guess all the newspaper tasks faster. After all, the newspaper has crosswords, tasks for erudition, quizzes. It is worth giving the winner a prize.

At the beginning of the program, there are usually outdoor games.

It is better to spend mobile entertainment in the first half of the evening. And for creative games any time will do.
It is appropriate for competitions to prepare prizes - simple, small and inexpensive. If one of the players will win all the prizes, then it is necessary to reward the players who took second places.
This option is also available: put it under the tree, and the winner will choose.

The best contests for the New Year's corporate party

New Years corporate party - good opportunity have fun with colleagues. Employees - this sounds dry and ordinary, but at a common holiday you can get to know each other better and learn a lot about the people with whom you are engaged in a common business. With 2019 just around the corner, now is the perfect time to prepare for the upcoming holiday. Fun is always good, and a prepared and planned event is a double celebration, because there is not a second left for boredom!

Contests are the companions of any corporate party. With their help, you can entertain people of any age, unite into teams those who occupy different levels in the service hierarchy, unite and rally the team. But for the idea to succeed, you need to choose the right contests - witty and funny.

Competition "Special task"

This competition requires advance preparation. Need Balloons and paper. On small pieces of paper, you need to write various tasks - for example, “sing a song”, “depict an ostrich”, “eat a lemon”. Put one note in each of the balloons and inflate them. Each of those present must choose a ball, and complete the task from the note.

Competition "Ice Cube"

For the Ice Cube contest, you will need several ice cubes the same size. If the company is small, those present are divided into two groups, if there are many people - into three or more. After the start of the game, each group is given one ice cube. The task of the group is to melt the ice cube as quickly as possible. But in what ways to do this - the participants of each of the teams decide independently.

Contest "Mysterious Person"

Everyone present is divided into two teams. First you need to prepare a bag in which there are notes with names and surnames famous people actors, politicians, singers. The members of each team take turns taking one of the notes out of the bag. The task of the "enemy" is to guess who they are depicting. The winner is the team with the most guessed mysterious personalities.

Competition "Lost bagel"

On Christmas tree hang a small bagel with a rope = bagel, for example. The player is blindfolded. His task is to find the lost bagel by touch, and after finding it, eat it. In total, only 60 seconds are given to complete this difficult and dangerous mission.

By the way, in order to start having fun, it is not at all necessary to wait for the end. new year's dinner. A competition called:

"Sharp eye"

Its essence lies in the fact that one of those present calls the letter (the letters s, b, b, e, and we exclude). Each of those present at the table must, as soon as possible, find on the table an object whose name begins with this letter. It can be a cutlery, a serving element, an ingredient in a dish, or something else.

Creative chips for leading children's New Year's holidays

1. Making a snowman

Props: Hats, blanks with Velcro

We attach the blanks for the snowman to the canvas. The game is in the key of the relay race: who blinds faster.

2. Restyling Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

Props: glasses, hats, ears, tinsel.

We are divided into two teams: dressing up the Snow Maiden and dressing up Santa Claus. Who will dress up faster. Then we put on a New Year's show

3. "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

We need a soundtrack: “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” Balagan Limited.

Traditionally we dance and sing to the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

4. Riding a horse

Props: two horses.

I plan to buy horses: the head of a horse on a stick and arrange jumps with obstacles. Year of the Horse, after all

5. Horse racing

Props: "horseshoes", bandage on the mouth, "saddle"

We choose several pairs. One in a pair will be a horse, the other will prepare it for the races. The first step is to equip the horse:

First stage:

shoe a horse (put some shoes on each leg of the horse)
fasten the bridle (put a New Year's cap on your mouth)
attach a saddle (put something similar to a backpack on your back)
to drink (to give the horse water to drink).

Second phase:

We arrange comic relay races between horses, for example, who will overcome a given distance faster by shuttle run.

6. The choice of fairy-tale characters.

Props: wolf, foxes, Santa Claus hat, Snow Maiden hat, snowman, snowflakes, Christmas trees, tiger, etc.

We write the names of the heroes on the sheets in advance: Santa Claus, Snegurochka, Wolf, Fox, etc.
Then everyone draws someone for himself. The host dresses him up. When everyone is dressed up, we arrange a fabulous costumed disco. You can also arrange a dance show of each character. Everyone goes to the center, shows his distinctive movement, everyone else repeats after him.

7. New Year's photo session

Props: cardboard smiles

Photos with different smiles.

8. We decorate the Christmas tree.

Props: tinsel, Christmas decorations, green raincoat.

We divide the guests into two teams. From each team we choose one person - a "herringbone", put on a green cape for him or put on a star rim. All other participants will have to decorate the Christmas tree with toys, a garland, etc. Of course, you can also identify the winner, but the result of all this is funny "Christmas trees" around which you can dance

9. Snowdrifts and snowflakes

This is a mindfulness game for kids.

We are not afraid of frost, we are attentive in everything
I'll say "drifts" - we sit down (squat)
I'll say "icicles" - we get up (raise our hands up)
I'll say "snowflakes" - we're spinning (circling)
"Christmas Trees" - clap your hands (clap)

Who of you is attentive, we will now find out.

10. Freeze

Worn out, but such a favorite game of all. Santa Claus is trying to freeze hands, noses, heels, tummies. Laughter guaranteed!

11. "Let's not let Santa Claus out of the circle"

... and at some point, the Snow Maiden, together with the children, surrounds Santa Claus and does not let him out of the circle, holding hands. Children, together with the Snow Maiden, lower their hands and crouch as soon as Santa Claus tries to get out of the circle.

Entertainment for couples

New Year's is perfect time For couples to take a break from busy life. Games are one way to do this. If you and your spouse really enjoy celebrating the new year at home, then this is the time to play various games to renew intimacy, and more.

Love letters

Throughout the year, people are often too busy to stop and think about what their spouse means to them. The New Year can be a great time to reflect on how much you love your husband or wife. Set aside an hour during the evening to write love letter to your spouse. Think about how this year has gone by, have you learned to appreciate your spouse even more than before. Exchange envelopes or read them aloud to each other.


Resolutions in the New Year, or bad habits and character traits that you want to change in yourself.
Make a list of resolutions you plan to accomplish in the new year and what things you will stop doing that annoy your husband or wife. Read the lists out loud to each other. Also, play a game where you and your partner will make a list of resolutions to each other. Do not take everything personally, and remember: You yourself must not offend your partner.

New Year Quiz

The New Year is a time to remember all the good and happy moments that happened to you last year. Make quizzes for each other about what happened last year. Ask questions out loud. These may be questions about politics or world events, or more personal events that have happened in your family. Make this process an annual tradition.

Wine degustation

Celebrating the New Year quietly at home together is the perfect opportunity to sample something decadent or expensive, like a good bottle of wine. There is a tradition every year where you and your spouse can each buy an expensive bottle and have a blind tasting on each other. Taste your spouse's wine and try to guess the grape variety and price. Ask your spouse to do the same for your wine and you'll see who knows their wine best.

New Year entertainment games for guests


It is required to install obstacles: children's cubes, books, chairs, etc. It is necessary to make passages, but so that they are zigzag. The participant has fins on his leg, and binoculars in his hands. The player is holding binoculars to zoom out objects, it is necessary to pass by without hitting the objects. The one who did it without mistakes and faster deserves a prize.

Artists competition.

Players receive paper and a pencil (pen, felt-tip pen, etc.). Each of the players must have a sheet of paper with 20 cells. The facilitator announces the list. Players are given the task to draw an object or concept. The winner will be the player who most accurately reproduces the list (to complicate the game, you can increase the intervals from drawing to the announcement of the results, it is permissible to include some other events). Cunning players who write rather than draw should understand that this is a drawing contest, not a calligraphy contest, and therefore the latter should be abandoned. When compiling a list, it is worth taking into account that a cup is easy to draw and easy to remember from a drawing, and tea is more difficult and interesting.

Here is the approximate content of the list of 20 words: chair, dishes, curtain, cream, street, lantern, pharmacy, night, chicken, fruit, library, sheet, physics, wind, stupidity, money, holiday, frost, hat, box.

Game: What's in common?

The host voices 2 words, for example, a knife and a light bulb. Players take turns saying what these items have in common. The player who named the common feature last wins.


Players choose a topic and alternately say words on this topic. The player who says the last word wins.

Come up with a function.

The facilitator introduces the subject. Players agree not to name the main function, but can come up with what else the item can be used for.

Dancing on the newspaper.

Newspapers are scattered on the floor. The newspaper is a dance floor for the couple. After half a minute, the newspaper is folded in half. Another half a minute later, the same. The competition continues until there is no couple left who manages not to go beyond their piece of newspaper.

There are a lot of competitions for New Year's corporate parties. And it's good that there is still enough time to prepare for the holiday. If the entertainment is selected and organized correctly, the participants of the holiday will not be bored.

See also: which many will like.

What in your opinion should be the artists for the New Year? Cheerful, incendiary, so that your evening will be filled with the atmosphere of a holiday and endless joy. Then we want to say that you are incredibly lucky, because you have come to the right place! Art studio "Best-Music" offers to place an order the best artists for a private or corporate New Year. With us you can be sure of highest quality the work of artists and the successful organization of the event as a whole. Our many years of experience in holding New Year's holidays and the trust of the most large companies- what should be decisive in your choice.

Ordering artists for the New Year in Moscow

If you are thinking of celebrating the New Year in Moscow, then your attention will be brought to your attention by many artists, bands and holiday agencies who offer them. Here, everyone faces a choice, either to spend a lot of time looking for quality artists at an affordable price, or to overpay agents for such services. But! Holiday agencies do not always provide worthy artists. Because they themselves do not have the necessary education and experience. Art Studio "Best-Music" - a team of creative professionals, offers only the best artists for the New Year or other holiday. We are located in Moscow, but we travel to any city in Russia and abroad. To order artists, go to the menu on the left, select the team you like and leave an online application.

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Show program for the New Year

In order for your New Year's holiday to be truly interesting, in addition to the musical part, you need to take care of original show program. It can be any entertainment programs. For each New Year, we are ready to provide an individual script with a unique show program. When ordering several artists or a turnkey show program, a special price offer is valid.

On the eve of the New Year, all the customers of the show expect to receive aesthetic pleasure, surprise and a lot of joy for all the guests of the corporate party - these are the main characteristics of our shows. Our reputation for over 10 years has been formed thanks to successfully organized and conducted shows. The satisfaction of our guests and the success of our customers are our top priorities. All technical and creative aspects of the Ultra Blow show are thought out in such a way as to guarantee the implementation of all the wishes of customers. We pay attention to every little thing and detail.

Shows and artists for the New Year

We adhere to the highest standards of work performance. Our team consists of only professional artists and technicians with the expertise, skills, experience and passion for delivering luxurious and innovative shows and performances. We performed at New Year corporate parties and various festive shows dedicated to the New Year and New Year's celebrations for the most demanding customers.

Show for the New Year in Moscow

Book a show at Ultra Blow and you will be treated to the Du Soleil circus artist, the country's best go-go dancers, foodbag champions of Russia and Europe, world champions in tricking art and other most professional artists and athletes. Last year, only on New Year's Eve in Moscow, we performed for 45,000 people. Leave a request so that our manager will tell you how to make the New Year a real holiday!

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The New Year is a fabulous holiday... We all expect a miracle on this day and believe that "as you meet the New Year, so you will spend it!". And if you follow this rule, then the fairy tale, in which good triumphs over evil, and dreams come true, will turn into reality!

Artists for the New Year

For New Year's performances We can offer the following program options:
  • meeting guests, animation in the hall in costumes (40 minutes - 1 hour), stilt walkers, mimes, jugglers
  • 1-4 appearances on stage in different costumes (each number lasts about five minutes)
  • "Christmas story"- show for 20-40 minutes
  • Meeting guests plus 1-3 exits
  • integration of Freak-Cabaret numbers into the scenario of the event
If the ceiling height allows, then they can meet guests at the event. We also recommend our jugglers for the round with. Most often, during the New Year holidays, customers choose a scheme: "meeting guests" + "several numbers on the stage" or "numbers on the stage" + "animation, work in the hall". However, apart from standard show programs for the New Year, we can offer a completely exclusive story for a specific event.

New Year's photo gallery

All New Year's photos in the gallery

New Year's fairy tale for children and adults

The most sympathetic and grateful spectators are, of course, children! And when we are talking about the New Year's Tale - even more so! After all, children sincerely believe in Santa Claus ... And in the fact that in New Year's Eve a miracle is sure to happen! Theatrical project "Winter in the Park", with the support of the Government of Moscow. Performance for 20 minutes + interactive with children.

New Year's Show based on the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland"

One of the most unusual and loved by many fairy tales - - a great idea for a New Year's celebration! And the characters of the Freak Cabaret - the Chess Queen, the Rabbit and the strange inhabitants of the Looking Glass will create an unforgettable atmosphere and decorate any event in the style of Lewis Carroll, whether it is a corporate party, children's day Birthday or New Year's Eve! New Year - a fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" In the program: meeting guests, animation in the hall, numbers on the stage (