Business ideas for the summer season. Investments per outlet

Whatever people can come up with to ensure a comfortable existence for themselves. Few people want to spend their whole lives working as laborers for the state or for a private entrepreneur, because they really want to be a free person, independent of anyone, who can independently manage their life.

The surest and easiest way to get rich is to open a seasonal business. Many people immediately think of pasties with coffee in winter and ice cream with beer in summer. In fact, there are a lot of ideas; the easiest way to earn extra money is in the warm season; during this period, limitless opportunities open up for businessmen. If you skillfully organize your activities, you can earn thousands of dollars, and this with a meager start-up capital.

Cold trade

For those who do not want to reinvent the wheel, selling soft drinks and ice cream is ideal. There are no innovations, but this type of service is in demand and brings significant profits. Start-up capital is needed, but small. At first, you can limit yourself to equipping a retail space with electricity, a chest freezer, and a shelter for equipment. You also need to find a supplier of goods and a seller if you don’t want to stand behind the counter yourself.

Photo with a celebrity

Vacationers can take photos themselves against the backdrop of some landmark, but skilled businessmen will help you transform into James Bond, Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie or Cindy Crawford. This is a rather expensive business, requiring about 40,000 rubles in investment, because you need to buy a good computer, photo printer, digital camera, and a set of clipart. But there is no end to those who want to be photographed hugging George Clooney or try on the body of some model. You can earn up to 300,000 rubles per season.

Earning money on attractions

Summer is a carefree time of entertainment; skillful businessmen build a profitable and low-cost summer business on the rest and fun of other people. Ideas for quick seasonal earnings are very easy to implement if a novice businessman lives in a resort town. You can top up your budget by renting jet skis, water slides and skiing. If there is high demand, the cost of equipment will pay for itself within a few weeks.

Arrangement of street catering

Depending on the size of the starting capital, you can open a regular area under umbrellas, a cafe-veranda or a cafe-pavilion in a public place. The cheapest is the first option, the most expensive is the last. This seasonal business requires submitting an application to the district administration in advance. It is allowed to sell soft drinks, beer, nuts, chips, and ice cream in open areas. On the veranda cafes, visitors can order coffee or tea with cakes, and sometimes something stronger.

There are high requirements for kebab shops or cafe pavilions; the owner will have to negotiate with public utilities, sanitary and epidemiological inspection, and architects. The costs here are significant, so such a business should be opened with long-term prospects. For a summer cafe you need to purchase plastic furniture, a tent, a counter or bar counter, a bottling unit, and a refrigerator. In order not to overpay extra money for equipment, you can negotiate with suppliers of beer or soft drinks.

Opening of the shooting gallery

Opening a seasonal business in the summer is as easy as shelling pears; you just need a little desire and entrepreneurial spirit. Children and adults enthusiastically perceive “masculine” entertainment; the former want to appear independent and brave, and the latter want to test their own abilities. You can open a mobile or stationary pneumatic shooting range.

To do this, you must register as an entrepreneur; the type of activity is indicated as “providing sports and training services to the population.” A land lease is issued for relocation, and a premises lease is issued for a hospital. After completing all the documents, the businessman can only purchase equipment, consumables in the form of bullets and start making a profit.

Making money searching for talent

From April to September you can open karaoke near cafes, attractions or the beach. We are a singing country, and after a fun day and good company in the evenings, many people gather to demonstrate their vocal abilities. Sometimes seasonal business ideas amaze you with the ease of implementation. An entrepreneur only needs to choose a crowded place, buy equipment and find a well-singing person who would attract attention to the entertainment. Equipment can be purchased for 15,000 rubles; businessmen earn approximately 140,000 rubles per season.

Earning money from landscaping

Gardening of household plots is today a very profitable seasonal business, which, of course, requires not only certain costs, but also knowledge. Real professionals are paid good money for maintaining city squares, flower beds, and beautiful and unusual design of areas near houses and offices. If you have knowledge of landscape design and desire, then you can safely get down to business.

A team of four people can plant an English lawn in a week; the client pays up to $1,000 for the work alone. If we take into account that the owner buys the planting material, then the only costs will be the worker’s salary and funds for the purchase of the simplest tools - hoes, wheelbarrows, shovels, hoes.


Types of seasonal business are sometimes amazing in their diversity; there is a job for everyone. For example, you can start vermicultivating - growing Californian worms. This kind of income is suitable for rural residents, since it requires the availability of land.

The worm brings three products on which you can make money - offspring, vermicompost and extract. Business costs are minimal, there is practically no preparatory work. The main thing is the presence of a warm and humid place for new settlers, the possibility of regularly feeding the worms with vegetable peelings, spoiled foods, cereals, and searching for points of sale.

Hotel for pets

An ideal seasonal business for veterinarians and animal lovers. Summer is vacation time, but what should owners of cats, dogs, hamsters, parrots and other animals do if they have nowhere to put them? This is where special nurseries or pet hotels come to the rescue.

The owners place their four-legged friend in the hands of a professional, and they themselves go on vacation with peace of mind. A business can be organized in an ordinary apartment, but it is better to purchase a house with a walk and enclosures. The owners pay for the food, and the businessman receives a salary for the services of a “nanny.”

Earning money from the gifts of nature

Opening a profitable business in the summer is not a problem; lovers of outdoor activities and nature can also supplement their budget. In rural areas, in forests, plantings, steppes, ravines, you can collect medicinal herbs, berries, mushrooms; in the spring, in a birch grove, it will not be difficult to organize the collection of birch sap.

Of course, it is necessary to understand plants, to know the various nuances of their collection and storage. This is mainly an export-oriented business, since they pay more for such goods abroad, and the domestic industry is not able to provide high-quality processing of raw materials.

Here are just 10 seasonal business ideas. As you can see, they are all different and require certain knowledge, skills and desires. In fact, there are a huge number of ways to earn money; you just need to use your imagination and really assess your strengths and capabilities.

A lot of successful people started small, no one responded to their ideas, but, as time shows, luck smiles on the patient, hardworking and resourceful. You just need to believe in yourself - and everything will work out.

Sell ​​what you already have.

  • Decide what is in demand in your city and what you like. What is difficult to get in your city? Do you have access to something that you can buy in bulk cheap but sell for high?
  • Used books, newspapers and magazines are often sold on the street. You can buy some things in second-hand book stores, take them from your grandparents, but the easiest way is to clear out your own closets. This way you will not only get rid of unnecessary things, but you will also be able to earn money.
  • You can also buy antiques and antiques at flea markets and then sell them. Did you receive an antique porcelain doll from your relatives that you don’t need? Sell ​​it to someone who needs it!
  • Toy swords or knives are often sold in packs of many pieces. Consider selling them at the entrance to a themed festival or any other similar event.
  • In rural areas or in areas of dacha cooperatives, trade in firewood and logs for stoves is always good. If you have a supply of firewood you don’t need, don’t waste time!
  • Fruits and other products are often sold along roads outside the city and in small towns. If you have apple or cherry trees at your dacha, the fruits of which always go to the birds, consider selling the harvest. Villages also often display eggs, mushrooms, and potatoes at the gate - this can be a good way to get rid of excess food that you and your family cannot eat, and earn some money from it.
  • Sell ​​something you can make yourself.

    • Do you have a creative hobby? Start selling the results of your labor!
    • Ceramics are usually sold at specialized fairs. The good thing about ceramics is that they can be sold both with food and as handicrafts next to artists. Sell ​​pots, cups, vases, figurines, whistles and anything else you can imagine.
    • At street markets or fairs, photographs and paintings always catch the eye. Create a bright, expressive image, and the buyer will find you. Remember that it is important not to overprice because people don't like to carry a lot of cash with them, even if they came specifically to the fair. Offer discounts for purchasing multiple items.
    • Jewelry is always popular, but this product becomes especially popular before the holidays - people buy them both for themselves and for their loved ones. Jewelry will be a good gift for both New Year and birthday, so be prepared to sell it at any time of the year.
    • At thematic festivals and fairs (for example, historical ones), sculptures, leather and wood goods are popular.
    • Before entering the rock festival, T-shirts with images of performing musicians are sold well. Printing a design on a T-shirt can be ordered from any specialized company, so prepare in advance and stock up on T-shirts of different sizes.
  • Sell ​​homemade food.

    • Do you like to cook? Share your cakes or pies with others.
    • Boiled corn with salt sells well during the season. It is often sold straight from bags on the go. Pack it in bags and foil to make it easier for your customers to eat.
    • Homemade lollipops are in good demand. If you can cook them so that they don't melt in the sun, you may well be able to sell them to all the children passing by.
    • People can never pass by the smell of delicious meat pies or pasties. If you decide to cook them, you can be sure that they will not go unnoticed by passersby. The only danger is that many people doubt the quality of street meat.
    • Sell ​​lemonade, coffee or tea. These drinks will come in handy in any situation. Invent your own recipes, come up with interesting designs for glasses.
  • Sell ​​something intangible.

    • If you're a top-notch blues guitarist, put on a show on the street and let people throw money into your hat - that's what musicians did in the 1930s.
    • Paint faces with special paint at events where many children gather. Your service will be very popular among parents of children.
    • Draw cartoons. If you are a master at drawing caricatures, passers-by will be happy to pose for you, especially in tourist areas of the city. Such a drawing can be a wonderful souvenir from your city.
    • Put on puppet shows. Such performances are a success at large outdoor festivals.
    • Working as a mime on the street might also be a good idea. People always watch mimes with curiosity, especially if they manage to show something truly non-trivial.
  • Summer is a small life, as sung in the famous song of the famous bard. And we sing - l This is a great time to make money and open your own small business. Which one? And you will find out right now. Read on for summer business ideas.

    What are these flight business ideas?

    Summer business differs from business in general - it is seasonal. There are types of business that can only be done in the summer. It's like the services of Santa Claus, only in reverse. Although, with proper ingenuity, mobile air conditioners or humidifiers powered by batteries or a cigarette lighter are an excellent business in traffic jams. Believe me, this is a truly worthwhile business idea if implemented correctly.

    By the way. Some readers reproach us for being a site that publishes articles, sometimes stupid, but mostly without specifics. But this is not a guide to action. Because good guides cost money, but ideas are free and should generate your own ideas.

    Therefore, this selection is based on simple ideas and articles published on our portal.


    Although working with water and soil is possible in winter, it is worth doing it in summer. In addition, demand for this service arises in the spring and ends in the fall. Making mini-ponds with various engineering solutions - waterfalls, slides, fountains and lighting - is a complex job that can be part of landscape design services, or can be provided separately.

    If you love water and land, know the basics, and are easy to learn, the business idea is your idea.


    Can you imagine summer without visiting the beach? Yes, if you live beyond the Arctic Circle. However, judging by the statistics of visits to our site, there are no more than 3 such people here. Therefore, the beach business is very relevant for you.

    Providing small and large services, operating beach cafes and attractions, renting unusual water equipment - all this, which you can implement at a profit.


    A camper is a residential car trailer. You attach one to your car and drive from Moscow, all the way to the outskirts, stopping and spending the night wherever you want.

    Back in Soviet times, this type of recreation was promoted. And they even mastered the production of campers. However, we found out that in order to operate such a trailer, you need a developed camper service network. Do not understand? Drain sewage, charge gas cylinders, get power not from car batteries, but from the network, get clean drinking water... alas, such services never appeared in the USSR.

    Modern trailers are more autonomous and successfully solve the problem of lack of banal amenities. Therefore, it is very relevant.


    An unusual solution for resorts is floating sunbeds. This business idea has been around for many years. Unfortunately, these sun loungers never gained popularity on the beaches of our country. This is probably due to their size. Still, to ensure stability on the water, you need solid geometric dimensions.

    However, if you read the reviews for it, you will find out an alternative solution.


    Summer is a hot time for students. Revived construction teams, auxiliary workers at construction sites, in the office, restaurants, bars and cafes. Wherever there is money, there are students. And that's great.

    How can an ordinary student make a million over the summer? Read. And don't say we didn't inform you.


    One of the oldest ideas that more and more people are implementing. Fortunately, selling alcoholic beverages on the beach is prohibited. However, there are still many different products and things that can be sold profitably under the hot sun to those relaxing on the sand.


    How did a little boy earn a million US dollars in five years? Can't you guess?


    Several recipes that allow “seasonal” businessmen to work during the season and earn money in the off-season. How you can make money on frozen insects, rent out tools and open a sugar-free business - .

    To organize a profitable business in the summer, you need to decide on the needs of the target audience: entertainment, relaxation, escape from the heat, sports competitions - the most popular niches in the summer, ideas for business in the summer should correspond to them.


    For any business, it is important to understand what the target audience wants. And understanding the needs of people in the summer will help you decide which summer business will generate income. What do they want? In the summer, you want to: cool down, cheer up, have fun, relax.

    We will start from these four summer needs. For each of them, we will consider two ideas that are not similar to each other and the possibilities of their unusual implementation. So, our review of 8-year business ideas.

    Hot? Then we go to you

    Trade in ice cream and soft drinks

    This good idea is as old as time, which is why it is often forgotten. But in some cases, this type of summer income is within the reach of even a schoolchild. Alternatively, buy a cooler bag and fill it with goods: ice cream, bottles and jars of juice and lemonade. Sell ​​in places with large crowds of people: beaches, train stations, large playgrounds.

    If you approach this matter more thoroughly - rent or buy one or more mobile refrigerators, rent a place, hire salespeople, then the profit will be higher. Purchase goods at wholesale prices from specialized bases or directly from an ice cream production plant.

    The disadvantage of such a business is a lot of competition, but here you can find a way out, or rather a way out, for example, organize the sale of ice cream from mobile bicycle refrigerators. If the influx of buyers has decreased, you can always move to another location.

    You can organize such a business in a park, on the beach, on busy streets near public transport stops, post offices and other crowded places.

    Sale of fans

    Another business idea to help people cool down is selling fans. You can order goods on Chinese websites; they have very interesting and unusual models that are not widely available in regular stores.

    Paid ones: advertising on local television, radio, creating a mini online store or selling website. But in this case, you need to start preparing the ground for this business in advance in order to have time to order goods, a website, and place advertising.

    Cheer up? Take a ride with the breeze

    Rental business

    The first business idea for quick seasonal income in the summer from this subgroup is organizing a rental point. Depending on the starting capital, this can be the rental of bicycles, children's cars, gyro-scooters, scooters, and trampolines.

    If there is a beach in the city, then the rental items will be beach equipment (umbrellas, sun loungers, lifebuoys, vests, masks, fins), boats, catamarans, water skis, bicycles, etc.

    If there are summer cafes near the beach, then, as an option, you can agree with its owner to place a vending machine selling cosmetic, medical and hygiene supplies, which are often needed on the beach. These include: before/for/after tanning products, bandages, plasters, sanitary pads and other necessary items. The vending business is also convenient because the product can be repurposed for any season.

    Zorbing as a business

    You can have a great ride not only while sitting on a bicycle or catamaran, but also inside an inflatable ball - a zorb. The essence of the idea is to organize an extreme attraction - zorbing. A person pays for the opportunity to ride in a huge inflatable ball.

    Zorbing can be mountain (a person in a ball rolls down a mountain), water (swims in a ball on water in a pool or other body of water). More information about this sport can be found on the website dedicated to zorbing

    Entertainment business in summer

    Mobile shooting range

    The essence of the idea is the organization of an open-air shooting range. Visitors are invited to shoot weapons at targets with special plastic bullets. For one attempt, a certain number of shots are given, after which a prize is awarded, depending on the number of hits. This is the simplest option.

    There are more unusual options, such as a crossbow and bow shooting range. This and other types of turnkey shooting ranges are offered by the Robinhood company, which produces them. The type of shooting range can be chosen depending on the initial capital that you are willing to invest in the business. There are gradations: up to 100 thousand rubles, from 100 thousand to 400 thousand rubles and over 400 thousand rubles.

    Next to the shooting range for adults, you can organize a children's mini shooting range with throwing darts at balloons. The inflated balls are placed on a wooden screen with recesses. Such boards with balls can be found in parks and squares and they may well exist as an independent business in the warm season. This type of business does not require large investments. And the unusual design and variety of prizes will help you differentiate yourself from your competitors.

    Rope park

    The essence of the idea is the organization of entertainment coupled with sports passion. This could be an open-air rope park. If you have no experience in running such a business, it is better to turn to specialists or open it as a franchise.

    Where can I get the equipment? One of the options is the Kings of Sparta company, which designs and builds sports and entertainment complexes, including rope parks on trees and artificial supports.

    When ordering the design and construction of a park, the company additionally provides employee training, installation, marketing, 15 free sets of insurance, 1 free maintenance. Also on the company’s website you can find a lot of useful materials about the technical aspects of opening a rope park.


    Open air cinema

    The essence of the idea is to organize a movie viewing in an open-air cinema. In Moscow, such cinemas are not difficult to find in the summer, which cannot be said about provincial cities, so the niche is practically free, competition is either small or non-existent.

    For example, in the West and in Europe such a concept as drive-in cinemas is very popular. Car enthusiasts who want to plunge into nighttime romance and watch a movie from the comfort of their own car or sitting on its roof are the target audience that should be targeted when implementing this summer business idea.

    Watch a video about how to open a summer cinema

    Summer cafe

    The opportunity to relax, cool down and have fun can be combined with a summer cafe. There are a great many concepts for organizing a business. Starting from verandas stylized in the Eastern or European style, to an open-air kebab bar with plastic tables and chairs for visitors.

    To attract visitors and stand out from competitors, it would be a good idea to equip your summer cafe with additional features. Depending on the format, these could be:

    • children's Corner;
    • a balloon or ice cream as a gift for all children;
    • unusual interior, seating, cafe on the water, signature dish or drink that is not available in other cafes in the city;
    • live music in the evening;
    • promotions (bring a friend, third serving of ice cream as a gift) and others;
    • organizing themed evenings (humorous, literary, entertainment, watching films or sports matches).

    As a bonus, a few more ideas: picking and selling mushrooms and berries; organization of corporate events, outdoor photo sessions; decoration with balloons; organizing transfers to airports and train stations in Moscow from other cities; sale of fruits and berries (melons, watermelons, cherries, strawberries).

    These are far from the only ideas for business in the warm season. If it seems that all the niches in one direction or another are already occupied, you need to get creative. First, find out the demand and needs of people, and based on this, make a decision on organizing a business, especially since some of the ideas require minimal or no investment.