Military Glory Day - Day of the end of World War II (1945). Day of the end of the second world war

The memorable date of Russia - September 2 - the Day of the end of the Second World War (1945) was established by the Federal Law of July 23, 2010 "On Amendments to Article 1.1 of the Federal Law "On Days of Military Glory and Memorable Dates of Russia", on compatriots who showed selflessness, heroism, devotion to one’s homeland and allied duty to the member states of the anti-Hitler coalition in implementing the decision of the Crimean (Yalta) conference of 1945 on Japan.

The international legal basis for establishing a memorial date is the Act of Surrender of Japan.

At the final stage of World War II, the Manchurian strategic offensive operation of Soviet troops was carried out (August 9 - September 2) with the aim of defeating the Japanese Kwantung Army, liberating the northeastern and northern provinces of China (Manchuria and Inner Mongolia), the Liaodong Peninsula, Korea, and eliminating the bridgehead aggression and Japan's large military-economic base on the Asian continent. The Kwantung Army was opposed by Soviet troops of the Transbaikal, 1st and 2nd Far Eastern Fronts in cooperation with the Pacific Fleet, the Amur Military Flotilla and the troops of the Mongolian People's Republic.

On August 9, 1945, Soviet troops launched an offensive. On August 10, Mongolia entered the war against Japan. Soviet aviation attacked military targets in Harbin, Changchun and Jilin (Jilin), troop concentration areas, communications centers and enemy communications in the border zone. The Pacific Fleet, having entered the Sea of ​​Japan, cut communications connecting Korea and Manchuria with Japan, and launched air and naval artillery attacks on naval bases in Yuki, Racine and Seishin.

The troops of the Trans-Baikal Front overcame the waterless desert-steppe regions and the Greater Khingan mountain range, defeated the enemy in the Kalgan, Thessaloniki and Hailar directions, and on August 18-19 reached the approaches to the most important industrial and administrative centers of Manchuria. From August 18 to 27, airborne assault forces were landed in Harbin, Jirin, Changchun, Mukden, Port Arthur, Pyongyang and other cities. On August 19, the mass surrender of Japanese troops began.

With the defeat of the Kwantung Army and the loss of its military-economic base in Northeast China and North Korea, Japan lost its real strength and capabilities to continue the war.

The Second World War ended completely and finally when, on September 2, 1945, at 9:04 a.m. (Tokyo time), Japanese Foreign Minister Mamoru Shigemitsu, as a representative of the Emperor and the Japanese government, arrived on board the American battleship Missouri, which arrived in the waters of Tokyo Bay. , and the Chief of the General Staff, General Yoshijiro Umezu, signed the “Act of Unconditional Surrender of Japan.”

On behalf of all the allied powers that were at war with Japan, the Act was signed by General Douglas MacArthur (USA); on behalf of individual countries - Admiral Chester Nimitz (USA), Lieutenant General Kuzma Derevyanko (USSR), General Su Yongchang (China), Admiral Bruce Fraser (Great Britain). Representatives of Canada, France, Australia, New Zealand, and the Netherlands also signed on behalf of their countries.

Japan fully accepted the terms of the Potsdam Declaration (1945). According to the Act, hostilities on its part ceased immediately, all Japanese and Japanese-controlled armed forces unconditionally surrendered; weapons, military and civilian property were preserved without damage. The Japanese government and general staff were ordered to immediately release Allied prisoners of war and interned civilians. All Japanese civilian, military, and naval officials were required to obey and carry out the instructions and orders of the Supreme Command of the Allied Powers. The power of the emperor and the government of Japan to govern the state was subordinate to him. The Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers was given the right “to take such steps as he deems necessary to implement the terms of surrender.”

Under the terms of the Potsdam Declaration, Japanese sovereignty was limited to the islands of Honshu, Kyushu, Shikoku and Hokkaido, as well as smaller islands of the Japanese archipelago - at the direction of the allies. The islands of Iturup, Kunashir, Shikotan and Habomai went to the Soviet Union.

In order to monitor the implementation of the Act, by decision of the Moscow meeting (1945) of the foreign ministers of the USSR, USA and Great Britain, the Far Eastern Commission and the Allied Council for Japan were created.

World War II lasted six years from September 1, 1939 to September 2, 1945. 61 states with a population of 1.7 billion people were drawn into it; military operations were carried out on the territory of 40 states, as well as in sea and ocean theaters.

The Second World War was the most destructive and bloody of wars. Over 55 million people died in it. The Soviet Union suffered the greatest casualties, losing 27 million people.


September 2 in Russia is celebrated as "The day the Second World War ended (1945)". This memorable date was established by the Federal Law “On Amendments to Article 1(1) of the Federal Law “On Days of Military Glory and Memorable Dates of Russia””, signed by the President of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev on July 23, 2010.

September 2 is celebrated in Russia Military Glory Day / Image:

To be precise, this holiday cannot be called completely new - it was established on September 3, 1945 - the day after the surrender of Japan - by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR as Victory Day over Japan. But for many years, the holiday was virtually ignored in the official calendar of significant dates. Now historical justice has been restored, and September 2 has been declared a public holiday - the Day of Military Glory, in memory of “compatriots who showed dedication, heroism, devotion to their Motherland and allied duty to the member states of the anti-Hitler coalition in implementing the decision of the Crimean (Yalta) Conference of 1945 in Japan."

The international legal basis for the establishment of this holiday is the Act of Surrender of Japan, signed on September 2, 1945 on board the American battleship Missouri by representatives of the allied states, including the USSR, which were at war with Japan and participating in hostilities. This document marked the end of the Second World War, which began on September 1, 1939 with the attack of Nazi Germany on Poland.

This memorable date is celebrated in many countries around the world / Photo:

The largest war in the history of mankind between two world military-political coalitions lasted six years - from September 1, 1939 to September 2, 1945. It covered the territories of 40 states on three continents: Europe, Asia, Africa, as well as all four ocean theaters (Atlantic, Pacific, Indian and Arctic). 61 states were drawn into it, and the total number of human resources plunged into the war exceeded 1.7 billion people. The Great Patriotic War, when Nazi Germany attacked the USSR, began on June 22, 1941, and then the creation of the anti-Hitler coalition began.

On May 8, 1945, the final Act of unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany and its armed forces was signed in Berlin, and May 9 was declared Victory Day in the USSR. The Great Patriotic War is over.

Wanting to secure its borders in the Far East and meeting its allies halfway, the USSR, at the Yalta and Potsdam conferences of the leaders of the three allied powers, committed itself to entering the war with Japan two to three months after the end of the war with Germany. On August 8, 1945, in accordance with these obligations, the Soviet Union declared war on Japan and began military operations on August 9.

At the final stage of World War II, during the Manchurian strategic, South Sakhalin offensive and Kuril landing operations, the grouping of the USSR Armed Forces in the Far East defeated the troops of the Japanese Kwantung Army and liberated northeastern China, North Korea, South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. Japan's military-economic potential was seriously undermined, and the defeat of the Kwantung Army forced the country to capitulate.

The Second World War was over. It brought incalculable destruction and enormous losses to all states participating in it. The victory of the USSR and the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition over Nazi Germany and militaristic Japan in this war had world-historical significance, had a huge impact on the entire post-war development of mankind, and radically changed the balance of political forces in the world.

The history of Russia has always been rich in significant events worthy of being immortalized in people's memory. In all centuries, the heroism and courage of Russian soldiers, the power and glory of Russian weapons have been an integral part of the greatness of the Russian state. The memorable date - September 2 - is a kind of second Victory Day - victory over Japan, which just ended the Second World War - which is celebrated in many countries around the world, and now in Russia. On this day, various commemorative and festive events are held everywhere.

There have been many wars and battles in the history of Russia. The most significant of them are celebrated today as days of military glory. Among them there are holidays that were established relatively recently, but there are also those that have a long history. One of these holidays is the Day of the end of the Second World War. Unfortunately, many of today's youth do not even understand the difference between the Great Patriotic War and the Second World War.

The Great Patriotic War was of great importance for the Soviet people. It began on 06/22/1941 and ended on 05/09/1945, when the Act of Surrender of German Troops was signed. Today, this day is celebrated by everyone who lives in the Russian Federation and the CIS, as well as who took part in those events. The Second World War began much earlier, namely on September 1, 1939, it was on this day that German troops approached the borders of Poland and captured this state. The Second World War ended only on September 2, 1945, after representatives of the Japanese authorities signed an act of surrender.

The day the Second World War ended is September 2, 1945. As already mentioned, on this day the Act of Surrender of Japan was signed. This happened on board the American battleship Missouri. Thus ended one of the most brutal and bloody wars. Almost 60 states were involved in this war, and the battles themselves took place on the territory of 40 of them. But, of course, the most fierce battles took place on the territory of the Soviet Union. The day the Second World War ended marked the triumph of justice. After the signing of the Act of Unconditional Surrender of Germany, Soviet troops were transferred to the Far East.

Even after the victory over Nazi Germany, the Soviet Army continued military operations aimed at the complete destruction of fascism. For this reason, the Soviet army carried out a number of operations in the East aimed at overthrowing the Japanese regime in northeastern China, North Korea, southern Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. After the operations, the Kwantung Army was completely defeated, and the Japanese government was forced to sign the Instrument of Surrender.

The end of World War II was originally set for September 3, that is, a day later than the actual date of signing the Instrument of Surrender. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, September 3 was established as the day of Victory over Japan. And only in 2010, President Medvedev made changes to the Federal Law “On Days of Military Glory and Memorable Dates of Russia”, and the holiday began to be celebrated on the second of September. The date of the end of the Second World War is a tribute to heroism, courage, devotion to one’s homeland and duty to one’s loved ones, to everyone who during these days defended not only their home, but the whole world from fascism.

The date of the end of the Second World War is also a day of remembrance for those who died defending their home. As you know, World War II was the only war during which nuclear weapons were used for the first time. This is a day when those who died as a result of the use of such powerful weapons are also remembered. Therefore, the date of the end of the Second World War is also a day of remembrance for civilian victims who did not participate in hostilities, but died due to circumstances.

The end of the Second World War was one of the significant events of the twentieth century, which was significant for the political, geopolitical and economic position of many states. As you know, as a result of the Second World War, a real redistribution was carried out. Many of the independent states actually lost their independence, and the Soviet Union was able to return lands that historically belonged to Russia, such as the Kuril Islands. The end of the Second World War also had its consequences from an economic point of view. For many states, the Second World War became the hammer that destroyed their economies. After the end of the Second World War, the industry of some states located in Europe was destroyed, restoring their economic stability required significant financial investments.

The end of the Second World War is also a huge job for the search engines. A large number of people, both among the civilian population and among the military, are still listed as missing in action, and it is not possible to know their fate. Even today, when there are fewer and fewer blank spots in history, the question of what happened to many people during the Second World War remains open. Therefore, the end of the Second World War is also a reason to carry out work to search for information concerning people. Until now, relatives cannot find out what happened to their loved ones. This is partly due to the lack of any information in the archives. Thanks to search teams, today it is possible to restore and discover the remains of many of the participants in those events. But even if it is possible to discover the remains of soldiers, there is no way to determine who exactly they belong to in 70% of cases.

The end of World War II marked the final fall of the Third Reich and the destruction of fascism. This is precisely the goal that world leaders set for themselves when discussing what the world should be like after the war.

Of course, on such a day, veterans are remembered in all countries. Governments give gifts to veterans. These are, as a rule, commemorative medals and orders. In many countries, memorial cards and holiday greetings are often sent. Today, there are many programs that are designed to help veterans. But close people also give gifts to veterans; they once again remind everyone of the heroism that was shown by ordinary people. But the main gift for any veteran is the opportunity to see another Victory Day and remember his fellow soldiers, with whom he defended his homeland and liberated his home from invaders. It was for their sake, as well as for people to remember to whom and what they owe, that this holiday was created.

Of course, no one will be able to give such gifts to veterans as health or a few more years of life, but it is the current generation that must treat with respect and understanding the veterans who liberated the world from fascism and gave everyone such valuable freedom. A gift for a veteran is, first of all, recognition of what he did not only for his loved ones, but also for many generations who will live after him in this world.


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September 2 is celebrated in the Russian Federation as “The Day of the End of World War II (1945).” This memorable date was established in accordance with the Federal Law “On Amendments to Article 1(1) of the Federal Law “On Days of Military Glory and Memorable Dates of Russia”, signed by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on July 23, 2010. Military Glory Day was established in memory of compatriots who showed dedication, heroism, devotion to their homeland and allied duty to the countries that were members of the anti-Hitler coalition in implementing the decision of the Crimean (Yalta) conference of 1945 on Japan. September 2 is a kind of second Victory Day for Russia, victory in the East.

This holiday cannot be called new - on September 3, 1945, the day after the surrender of the Japanese Empire, Victory Day over Japan was established by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. However, for a long time this holiday was practically ignored in the official calendar of significant dates.

The international legal basis for establishing Military Glory Day is the Act of Surrender of the Empire of Japan, which was signed on September 2, 1945 at 9:02 am Tokyo time on board the American battleship Missouri in Tokyo Bay. On the Japanese side, the document was signed by Foreign Minister Mamoru Shigemitsu and Chief of the General Staff Yoshijiro Umezu. Representatives of the Allied Powers were Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers Douglas MacArthur, American Admiral Chester Nimitz, Commander of the British Pacific Fleet Bruce Fraser, Soviet General Kuzma Nikolaevich Derevyanko, Kuomintang General Su Yong-chang, French General J. Leclerc, Australian General T. Blamey, Dutch Admiral K. Halfrich, New Zealand Air Vice-Marshal L. Isit and Canadian Colonel N. Moore-Cosgrave. This document put an end to the Second World War, which, according to Western and Soviet historiography, began on September 1, 1939 with the attack of the Third Reich on Poland (Chinese researchers believe that the Second World War began with the attack of the Japanese army on China on July 7, 1937).

Do not use prisoners of war for forced labor;

Provide units located in remote areas with additional time to cease hostilities.

On the night of August 15, the “young tigers” (a group of fanatical commanders from the department of the War Ministry and the capital’s military institutions, led by Major K. Hatanaka) decided to disrupt the adoption of the declaration and continue the war. They planned to eliminate the "peace supporters", remove the text with a recording of Hirohito's speech about accepting the terms of the Potsdam Declaration and ending the war by the Empire of Japan before it was broadcast, and then persuade the armed forces to continue the fight. The commander of the 1st Guards Division, which guarded the imperial palace, refused to take part in the mutiny and was killed. Giving orders on his behalf, the “young tigers” entered the palace and attacked the residences of the head of government Suzuki, Lord Privy Seal K. Kido, Chairman of the Privy Council K. Hiranuma and the Tokyo radio station. However, they could not find the tapes with the recording and find the leaders of the “peace party”. The troops of the capital garrison did not support their actions, and even many members of the “young tigers” organization, not wanting to go against the emperor’s decision and not believing in the success of the cause, did not join the putschists. As a result, the rebellion failed within the first hours. The instigators of the conspiracy were not tried; they were allowed to commit ritual suicide by cutting open the abdomen.

On August 15, an address from the Japanese Emperor was broadcast on the radio. Given the high level of self-discipline among Japanese government and military leaders, a wave of suicides occurred in the empire. On August 11, the former Prime Minister and Minister of the Army, a staunch supporter of the alliance with Germany and Italy, Hideki Tojo, tried to commit suicide with a revolver shot (he was executed on December 23, 1948 as a war criminal). On the morning of August 15, “the most magnificent example of the samurai ideal” and the Minister of the Army, Koretika Anami, committed hara-kiri; in his suicide note, he asked the emperor for forgiveness for his mistakes. The 1st Deputy Chief of the Naval General Staff (previously the commander of the 1st Air Fleet), the “father of kamikaze” Takijiro Onishi, Field Marshal of the Imperial Japanese Army Hajime Sugiyama, as well as other ministers, generals and officers committed suicide.

The cabinet of Kantaro Suzuki resigned. Many military and political leaders began to favor the idea of ​​a unilateral occupation of Japan by US troops in order to preserve the country from the threat of the communist threat and preserve the imperial system. On August 15, hostilities between the Japanese armed forces and the Anglo-American troops ceased. However, Japanese troops continued to offer fierce resistance to the Soviet army. Parts of the Kwantung Army were not given the order to cease fire, and therefore the Soviet troops were also not given instructions to stop the offensive. Only on August 19, a meeting between the commander-in-chief of Soviet troops in the Far East, Marshal Alexander Vasilevsky, and the chief of staff of the Kwantung Army, Hiposaburo Hata, took place, where an agreement was reached on the procedure for the surrender of Japanese troops. Japanese units began to surrender their weapons, a process that dragged on until the end of the month. The Yuzhno-Sakhalin and Kuril landing operations continued until August 25 and September 1, respectively.

On August 14, 1945, the Americans developed a draft of “General Order No. 1 (for the Army and Navy)” on accepting the surrender of Japanese troops. This project was approved by American President Harry Truman and on August 15 it was reported to the allied countries. The draft specified the zones in which each of the Allied powers had to accept the surrender of Japanese units. On August 16, Moscow announced that it generally agreed with the project, but proposed an amendment - to include all the Kuril Islands and the northern half of Hokkaido in the Soviet zone. Washington did not raise any objections regarding the Kuril Islands. But regarding Hokkaido, the American President noted that the Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in the Pacific, General Douglas MacArthur, was surrendering to the Japanese armed forces on all the islands of the Japanese archipelago. It was specified that MacArthur would use token armed forces, including Soviet units.

The American government from the very beginning did not intend to let the USSR into Japan and rejected allied control in post-war Japan, which was provided for by the Potsdam Declaration. On August 18, the United States put forward a demand to allocate one of the Kuril Islands for the American Air Force base. Moscow rejected this brazen advance, declaring that the Kuril Islands, according to the Crimean Agreement, are the possession of the USSR. The Soviet government announced that it was ready to allocate an airfield for landing American commercial aircraft, subject to the allocation of a similar airfield for Soviet aircraft in the Aleutian Islands.

On August 19, a Japanese delegation led by Deputy Chief of the General Staff, General T. Kawabe, arrived in Manila (Philippines). The Americans notified the Japanese that their forces must liberate the Atsugi airfield on August 24, the Tokyo Bay and Sagami Bay areas by August 25, and Kanon Base and the southern part of Kyushu Island by mid-day on August 30. Representatives of the Imperial Japanese Armed Forces requested a delay in the landing of the occupying forces by 10 days in order to strengthen precautions and avoid unnecessary incidents. The request of the Japanese side was granted, but for a shorter period. The landing of the advanced occupation forces was scheduled for August 26, and the main forces for August 28.

On August 20, the Japanese in Manila were presented with an Act of Surrender. The document provided for the unconditional surrender of the Japanese armed forces, regardless of their location. Japanese troops were required to immediately cease hostilities, release prisoners of war and interned civilians, ensure their maintenance, protection and delivery to designated places. On September 2, the Japanese delegation signed the Instrument of Surrender. The ceremony itself was structured to highlight the United States' primary role in defeating Japan. The procedure for the surrender of Japanese troops in various areas of the Asia-Pacific region dragged on for several months.

Fulfilling allied obligations undertaken to the USA and Great Britain, as well as in order to ensure the security of its Far Eastern borders, the USSR entered the war against Japan on the night of August 9, 1945, which was a logical continuation of the Great Patriotic War.

With the defeat of Germany and its allies in Europe, the Japanese did not consider themselves defeated; their persistence caused an increase in pessimistic assessments of the American command. It was believed, in particular, that the war would not end before the end of 1946, and the losses of the allied forces during the landing on the Japanese islands would amount to more than 1 million people.

The most important element of the Japanese defense were the fortified areas of the Kwantung Army, stationed in the territory of occupied Manchuria (Northeast China). On the one hand, this army served as a guarantee of Japan’s unhindered supply of strategic raw materials from China and Korea, and on the other, it carried out the task of pulling Soviet forces from the European theater of war, thereby helping the German Wehrmacht.

Back in April 1941, a Soviet-Japanese neutrality pact was concluded, which somewhat reduced tensions between Japan and the USSR, but, simultaneously with the preparation of a strike against Anglo-American troops in the Pacific, the Japanese command was developing a plan of military operations against the Red Army under the code called "Kantokuen" (Special Maneuvers of the Kwantung Army). The danger of war on the Far Eastern borders of the USSR remained throughout the subsequent period. On April 5, 1945, the USSR government denounced the Soviet-Japanese neutrality treaty.

By the summer of 1945, the Japanese had 17 fortified areas, 4.5 thousand pillboxes and bunkers, numerous airfields and landing sites in Manchuria. The Kwantung Army had 1 million people, 1.2 thousand tanks, 1.9 thousand aircraft, 6.6 thousand guns. To overcome strong fortifications, not only courageous, but also experienced troops were needed. At the beginning of the war in the Far East, the Soviet command transferred here additional forces freed up in the west after the victory over Nazi Germany. By the beginning of August, the total number of Red Army formations in the Far Eastern theater of operations reached 1.7 million people, 30 thousand guns and mortars, 5.2 thousand tanks, more than 5 thousand aircraft, 93 ships. In July 1945, the Main Command of Soviet troops in the Far East was formed, it was headed by Marshal of the Soviet Union A. Vasilevsky.

On August 8, 1945, in Moscow, the Soviet government handed over a statement to the Japanese ambassador, which stated that due to Japan’s refusal to cease military operations against the United States, Great Britain and China, the Soviet Union, since August 9, 1945, considers itself in a state of war with Japan. On that day, the Red Army's offensive in Manchuria began in all directions almost simultaneously.

The high rate of advance of Soviet and Mongolian troops in the central part of Manchuria put the Japanese command in a hopeless situation. Due to the success in Manchuria, the 2nd Far Eastern Front part of its forces went on the offensive on Sakhalin. The final stage of the war against Japan was the Kuril landing operation, carried out by part of the forces of the 1st and 2nd Far Eastern Fronts and the Pacific Fleet.

The Soviet Union won victory in the Far East in the shortest possible time. In total, the enemy lost over 700 thousand soldiers and officers, of which 84 thousand were killed and more than 640 thousand captured. Soviet losses amounted to 36.5 thousand people, of which 12 thousand were killed and missing.

On September 2, 1945, in Tokyo Bay on board the American battleship Missouri, the Japanese rulers, in the presence of authorized representatives of the USSR, USA, China, Great Britain, France and other allied states, signed the Act of Unconditional Surrender of Japan. Thus ended the Second World War, which lasted six long years.


The leaders of the three great powers - the Soviet Union, the United States of America and Great Britain - agreed that two to three months after the surrender of Germany and the end of the war in Europe, the Soviet Union would enter the war against Japan on the side of the Allies, subject to:

1. Preservation of the status quo of Outer Mongolia (Mongolian People's Republic).

2. Restoration of the rights belonging to Russia violated by the treacherous attack of Japan in 1904, namely:

a) the return of the southern part of the island to the Soviet Union. Sakhalin and all adjacent islands,

b) the internationalization of the commercial port of Dairen, ensuring the priority interests of the Soviet Union in this port and the restoration of the lease on Port Arthur as a naval base of the USSR,

c) joint operation of the Chinese Eastern Railway and the South Manchurian Railway, which gives access to Dairen, on the basis of organizing a mixed Soviet-Chinese Society, ensuring the primary interests of the Soviet Union, while keeping in mind that China retains full sovereignty in Manchuria.

3. Transfer of the Kuril Islands to the Soviet Union. It is assumed that the agreement regarding Outer Mongolia and the aforementioned ports and railways will require the consent of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek. On the advice of Marshal I.V. Stalin, the President will take measures to ensure that such consent is obtained.

The heads of government of the Three Great Powers agreed that these claims of the Soviet Union should be unconditionally satisfied after the victory over Japan.

For its part, the Soviet Union expresses its readiness to conclude a pact of friendship and alliance between the USSR and China with the National Chinese Government in order to assist it with its armed forces in order to liberate China from the Japanese yoke.

Franklin Roosevelt

Winston Churchill

Foreign policy of the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War. T. 3. M., 1947.



1. We, acting by order and on behalf of the Emperor, the Japanese Government and the Japanese Imperial General Staff, hereby accept the terms of the Declaration issued on July 26th at Potsdam by the Heads of the Governments of the United States, China and Great Britain, which was subsequently acceded to by the Soviet Union, which four powers will subsequently called the Allied Powers.

2. We hereby declare the unconditional surrender to the Allied Powers of the Japanese Imperial General Staff, all Japanese armed forces and all armed forces under Japanese control, regardless of where they are located.

3. We hereby order all Japanese troops, wherever located, and the Japanese people to immediately cease hostilities, preserve and prevent damage to all ships, aircraft and other military and civilian property, and comply with all demands that may be made by the supreme authorities. commanders of the Allied Powers or organs of the Japanese Government on his instructions.

4. We hereby order the Japanese Imperial General Staff to immediately issue orders to the commanders of all Japanese troops and troops under Japanese control, wherever located, to surrender unconditionally in person, and to ensure the unconditional surrender of all troops under their command.

6. We hereby pledge that the Japanese Government and its successors will faithfully carry out the terms of the Potsdam Declaration and give such orders and take such actions as the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers or any other representative designated by the Allied Powers may require in order to give effect to this declaration.

8. The power of the Emperor and the Japanese Government to administer the State will be subordinate to the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers, who will take such steps as he may deem necessary to carry out these terms of surrender.

Foreign policy of the Soviet Union during the Patriotic War. M., 1947. T. 3.