Chechen male names have an interesting meaning, the personification of courage and honor. Chechen surnames - male and female

Chechen names include various options, who came to this region along with cultural influence different sides. Below we will briefly discuss this process and provide a list of the most typical names for this region.

Chechen names and surnames: composition

The whole variety of Chechen names consists mainly of original Chechen options, preserved from pre-Islamic times, abundantly diluted with Arabic and Persian borrowings, introduced along with the Arabization of culture and the spread of Islam. In addition, the republic also contains, although in noticeably smaller numbers, names from other traditions, introduced mainly through the influence of the Russian neighborhood.

Origin of names

A large number of names in Chechnya come from the names of animals and birds. Chechen men's names are often traced back to predators. For example, Borz means "wolf". Kuira is the name of a hawk, but the name Lecha correlates with a falcon. In addition, verbs in various moods can be used to form a name. These can be both female names and male names.

Chechen traditions of naming a child are generally quite flexible - they use adjectives, participles and other parts of speech, as well as various verbal constructions. But most of the names that Chechens use today are still not their original heritage, but introduced along with new religion. Thus, being Muslims, they more often resort to Arabic and Persian variants than to their native, original ones.

Particularly popular among Chechens, as well as, probably, among all Muslims, are such options as Ali, Ahmed, Magomed, Umar and others. Male Chechen names thus have their support in the Koran and Islamic history. Naming a child by non-Muslim options is not accepted in this traditional conservative society. Chechen men's names can also be compound, which reflects the local, mountain flavor. For example, the elements “bek”, “soltan” and some others are added to many names.

As for the Russian language, it enriched the Chechen lexicon with such naming options as Raisa, Louise, Rose and some other, mainly female names. Russian variants are especially common in official documents, and in diminutive and abbreviated versions. For example, you can often find the name Zhenya or Sasha on the pages of business papers. But usually behind them there are still Chechen names and surnames. Men's and women's options Chechens always have stress on the first syllable. This, as well as the peculiarities of local pronunciation, sometimes modify foreign names, so to speak, nationalizing them. For example, Chechen male names are often pronounced by replacing “u” with “a” and “d” with “t”.

Chechen male names and their meanings

  • Ruslan. This is an ancient Turkic name that means lion.
  • Shamil. This option can be translated into Russian by the word “all-encompassing.”
  • Abu. A very popular name in Islam, belonging to one of the companions of Muhammad.
  • Rashid. This name speaks of the consciousness and prudence of its bearer. At least in theory.
  • Said. Arabic name meaning "happy".
  • Hassan. Very popular name among the followers of Muhammad. It means “kind”, “good”.
  • Ibrahim. This is an Arabized form of the Hebrew name of the prophet Abraham. Translated into Russian as “father of many nations.”
  • Hamid. This is what they call a person worthy of praise. Another meaning is praising (in the sense of God).
  • Murat. Translated as “desired goal” or “cherished dream.” Comes from Arabic.
  • Isa. The same as Jesus. From ancient Hebrew it is most often translated as “help from Yahweh.”
  • Denis. In a strange way a name preserved among the Chechens that belonged to ancient Greece to the god of wine Dionysus.
  • Mustafa. From Arabic this name is translated as “chosen one.”
  • Moussa. Same as Moses. Literally from Hebrew it means “taken from the water.”
  • Rahman. A beautiful Arabic name. Its meaning is close to the Russian word “mercy”. That is, it will mean a merciful person.
  • Mansur. From Arabic, this name is translated as “the one who is protected” or simply “protected.”
  • Umar. Tatar name. Means "vital".
  • Suleiman. A name that seems to say that in front of you is a person who lives in health and prosperity, who is thriving.
  • Ramadan. A name given in honor of the holy month of the Arabic calendar.


There are many other names common in Chechnya. But the options presented here are the most common among modern residents of the republic.

Male and female Chechen names.

Naming is the first, main event in the life of a newborn baby. Many people believed and still believe that a name plays an important role in a person’s fate. Therefore, the Chechens, like many representatives of other nationalities, treated this event with great seriousness and attention. But times pass and the heritage is lost, just like many traditions of the concept of Islam. Nowadays, a name is sometimes the only sign by which we can guess what religion and sometimes nationality this or that person is.
Names are the historical heritage of the people. Unfortunately, many original Chechen names are undeservedly forgotten and become a thing of the past. Names carry part of the history, culture, and faith of their people.
Some traditional Chechen names, which arose on the basis of its original lexical fund, reflect the attitude towards the surrounding life. There are also specific names associated with the plant and animal worlds or which are attributive names. There are also names borrowed from other languages.
The next part of the names, which is by far the most common, are names of eastern origin. They have taken root in the territory where they live Chechen people mostly during the spread of Islam. These are mainly the names of Prophets and Messengers, Prophet Muhammad (saw), His companions, students, followers. Also, based on many hadiths, we learn that best names- consisting of the prefix “Abd” - slave and one of the epithets of Allah. For example, Abdullah is a slave of Allah, Abdurrahman is a slave of the Merciful, etc.
Below are the most common names.
Male Chechen names

Abdurrahman (Arabic) servant of the Merciful
Abdurahim (Arabic) servant of the Merciful
Abdulmalik (Arabic) slave of the Lord
Abdusalam (Arabic) slave of the Perfect One
Abdulaziz (Arabic) slave of the Mighty
Abdulkhalik (Arabic) slave of the Creator
Abdulgaffar (Arabic) slave of the Forgiving
Abdulwahhab (Arabic) slave of the Giver
Abdurrazaq (Arabic) slave of the Giver of food
Abdulalim (Arabic) slave of the All-Knowing
Abdulbasit (Arabic) slave of the Generous
Abdullatif (Arabic) slave of the Good
Abdulhalim (Arabic) slave of the Patient
Abdulazim (Arabic) slave of the Great
Abduljalil (Arabic) slave of the Glorious
Abdulkarim (Arabic) slave of the Magnanimous
Abdulhakim (Arabic) slave of the Wise
Abdulhamid (Arabic) slave of the Praised One
Abulwahid (Arabic) slave of the One
Abdussamad (Arabic) slave of the Eternal
Abdulkadir (Arabic) slave of the Almighty
Abdurrashid (Arabic) slave of the Prudent
Abbas (Arabic) stern, gloomy. The name of the uncle of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.)
Abu (Arabic) nominal stem means father, Spanish. at the beginning of the name of Ave. Abuali
Abulkhair (Arabic) doing good
Adam (Arabic) created from the dust of the ground
Adl (Arabic) fair
Akram (Arabic) generous
Ali (Arabic) exalted, name of the fourth Righteous Caliph Ali (r.a.)
Alvi (Chechen) sublime
Alkhazur (Chechen) eagle
Alyauddin (Arabic) nobility of faith
Amir (Arabic) ruler
Arzu (Chechen) eagle
Askhab (Arabic) the friendliest
Akhmat (from Arabic) glorified
Anzor (Arabic) the most caring
Ahmad (Arabic) one of the names of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.)
Ayub (Arabic) repentant, name of the Prophet Ayub (peace be upon him)
Bagawuddin (Arabic) height of religion
Bashir (Arabic) bringer of joy
Bekhan (Arabic) chief prince, head
Bishr (Arabic) joy
Borz (Chechen) wolf
Bula (Chechen) bison
Bulat (Arabic) steel
Wadud (Arabic) loving, one of the names of Allah Al-Wadud
Walid (Arabic) father
Vakha (Chechen) live
Voroshil (Russian) on behalf of the marshal Soviet Union Kliment Voroshilov.
Ghazi (Arabic) warrior
Gazimagomed (Arabic) warrior of Muhammad (s.a.w.)
Dawud (Arabic) beloved, dear
Denis (Greek) From Dionys - god vitality nature, god of wine. This name is prohibited for Muslims.
Dikalu (Russian) comes from the name of party leader Nikolai Gikalo. This name is prohibited for Muslims.
Jabrail (Arabic) name of one of the archangels
Jamal (Arabic) handsome
Jamaldin (Arabic) beauty of faith
Dika (Chechen) good
Dobruska (Russian) from the surname of the head of the Vedensky district Dobrovolsky, who was killed by the abrek Zelimkhan.
Dukhvakha (Chechen) live long
Zaid (Arabic) abundance
Zakiy (Arabic) pure
Zaman (Arabic) time, era
Zahid (Arabic) abstinent
Zelimzan (Chechen) healthy, long-living, real
Ziyad (Arab) greatness
Ziyauddin (Arabic) radiance of faith
Zuhair (Arabic) bright, light
Ibrahim (ancient Hebrew-Arabic) father of nations, the name of the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) in the biblical tradition Abraham
Idris (Arabic) name of Prophet Idris (peace be upon him)
Izuddin (Arabic) greatness of faith
Ikram (Arabic) honor, respect, reverence
Inal - lord
‘Isa (Arabic) help of God, name of the Prophet ‘Isa (peace be upon him)
Isam (Arabic) submission
Ismail (Arabic) name of the Prophet Ismail (peace be upon him)
Ishaq (Arabic) name of the Prophet Ishaq (peace be upon him)
Ihsan (Arabic) sincerity
Qais (Arabic) hard
Kura (Chechen) falcon
Kuira (Chechen) hawk
Lema (Chechen) lion
Lecha (Chechen) eagle
Lu (Chechen) roe deer
Magomed (Arabic) on behalf of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.)
Majid (Arabic) glorious
Mayrsalt (Chechen) brave
Makkhal (Chechen) kite
Malik (Arabic) owner, ruler, king
Mansur (Arabic) protected, victorious
Mahdi (Arabic) guide
Murad (Arabic) willing, striving
Musa (Arabic) name of the Prophet, literally translated as pulled out of water
Mustafa (Arabic) chosen, chosen
Muslim (Arabic) Muslim
Muhammad (Arabic) glorified, glorious, name of the last Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.)
Muhsin (Arabic) doing good
Mukhtar (Arabic) chosen one
Nazir (Arabic) warning
Nal (Chechen) boar
Najmuddin (Arabic) star of faith
Nasruddin (Arabic) help of religion
Nokhcho (Chechen) Chechen
Ovlur (Chechen) lamb
Olkhazar (Chechen) bird
Osman (Arabic) name of the third Righteous Caliph Uthman (r.a.)
Pasha (Turkic) master
Piil (Chechen) elephant
Rajab (Arabic) seventh month of the Islamic calendar
Ramadan (Arabic) name of the holy month
Rahman (Arabic) merciful
Rahim (Arabic) merciful, compassionate
Rashid (Arabic) conscientious, prudent
Ruslan (Turkic) lion
Said (Arabic) blessed, happy
Sai (Chechen) deer
Sayyid (Arabic) lord
Saifuddin (Arabic) sword of faith
Saifullah (Arabic) sword of Allah
Salah (Arabic) justice
Salih (Arabic) name of the Prophet Salih (peace be upon him)
Salman (Arabic) friend
Suleiman (Arabic) living in health and prosperity, the name of the Prophet Suleiman (peace be upon him)
Suli (Chechen) Dagestani
Sultan (Arabic) ruling
Sutarbi (Chechen) greedy
Tagir (Arabic) pure, sincere
Turpal (Chechen) hero
Umar (Arabic) name of the second Righteous Caliph Umar (r.a.)
Osama (Arabic) lion
Fazl (Arabic) venerable
Hamid (Arabic) praiseworthy, praiseworthy, praising God
Haris (Arabic) plowman
Khoza (Chechen) sparrow
Tshogal (Chechen) fox
Cha (Chechen) bear
Chaborz (Chechen) bear and wolf
Shamsuddin (Arabic) sun of faith
Sharif (Arabic) noble
Shahid (Arabic) testifying to monotheism in the face of death
Emin (Arabic) faithful
Yunus (from Hebrew) stream, the name of the Prophet Yunus (peace be upon him)
Yaqub (Arabic) name of Prophet Yaqub (peace be upon him)
Female Chechen names

Aziza (Arabic) dear, dear
'Aida (Arabic) visiting
Aisha (Arabic) prosperous, the name of one of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Aina (Arabic) source
'Alia (Arabic) majestic
Amina (Arabic) faithful
Amani (Arabic) desire
Amira (Arabic) leader
Anisa (Arabic) friendly
'Asama (Arabic) purity
Asila (Arabic) noble
Asiya (Arabic) caretaker of the weak, the name of the pharaoh's faithful wife
Asma (Arabic) name of the daughter of Abubakr (r.a.)
Bashira (Arabic) bringing joy
Bayanat (Arabic) precision
Bilqis (Arabic) name of the Queen of Sheba
Birlant (Chechen) diamond
Jamila (Arabic) beautiful
Janan (Arabic) heart of the soul
Children (Chechen) silver
Deshi (Chechen) gold
Zhovkhar (Chechen) pearls
Zainab (Arabic) name of the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Zayna (Arabic) beautiful
Zakiyya (Arabic) pure
Zahira (Arabic) luminous
Zaza (Chechen) flowering
Zezag (Chechen) flower
Zuleikha (Arabic) name of the wife of the Prophet Yusuf (peace be upon him)
Zumrud (Arabic) emerald
Zuhra (Arabic) flower, star
Yisa (Chechen) stay
Iman (Arabic) faith
Kamila (Arabic) perfection
Kasir (Arabic) a lot
Khokha (Chechen) pigeon
Laila (Arabic) night
Lina (Arabic) tenderness, meekness
Madina (Arabic) city of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.)
Maimuna (Arabic) blessed
Makkah (Arabic) city of Mecca
Maliika (Arabic) angel
Maryam (Arabic) name of the mother of Prophet Isa (peace be upon them)
Mufida (Arabic) necessary
Nabila (Arabic) famous
Najat (Arabic) unharmed
Najiyya (Arabic) security
Nazira (Arabic) equal
Nailya (Arabic) acquiring
Nasira (Arabic) winner
Nafisa (Arabic) precious
Nidaa (Arabic) call
Nur (Arabic) light
Polla (Chechen) butterfly
Raisa (Arabic) leader
Razia, Razeta (Arabic) pleased
Rashida (Arabic) prudent
Ruwayda (Arabic) smoothly walking
Ruqiya (Arabic) name of the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Rumani (Arabic) pomegranate seed
Sawda (Arabic) name of one of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.)
Seda (Chechen) star
Sa'ida (Arabic) happy
Sakina (Arabic) divine peace in the soul
Salima (Arabic) healthy
Sana'a (Arabic) splendor
Safa (Arabic) clarity, purity
Safiyya (Arabic) carefree, pure
Sahla (Arabic) smooth
Sumaiya (Arabic) name of the first female martyr
Suhaila (Arabic) smooth, light
Suhaima (Arabic) small arrow
Tabarak (Arabic) grace
Taus (Arabic) peacock
Ummukulsum (Arabic)
Fawziya (Arabic) lucky
Fazila (Arabic) virtue
Fatima (Arabic) name of the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Farida (Arabic) unique
Fariha (Arabic) happy, joyful
Firdovs (Arabic) name of one of the levels of Paradise
Hawa (Arabic) foremother of people
Khadija (Arabic) name of one of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Hadiya (Arabic) righteous
Hajar (Arabic) name of the wife of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him)
Halima (Arabic) tender, the name of the nurse of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Khalisa (Arabic) sincere
Khalifa (Arabic) caliphate
Hanifa (Arabic) true believer
Hasna (Arabic) beautiful
Hayat (Arabic) life
Huria (Arabic) maiden of paradise
Chovka (Chechen) jackdaw
Sharifa (Arabic) noble
Yasira (Arabic) meek
Yasmine (Arabic) jasmine
Yaha (Chechen) live
Yakhita (Chechen) let me live

Some names presented may differ in spelling from their original forms in the original language. Taking into account the peculiarities of the Chechen language, some names contain changed letters. In parentheses it is indicated which language it comes from given name. If you do not find the name you are interested in, look in other names or in the search program on our website. You can send information, we will be grateful for adding to the list of Chechen names and their meanings.

A name is not just a combination of sounds to which a person responds. Since ancient times, people have noticed that a name determines the fate of its owner, gives him strengths and abilities, and also gives weaknesses and shortcomings. Each nationality has its own popular and favorite names for boys and girls, with secret meaning. Chechen names are amazing in their sound, beautiful, but unusual for European ears.

Groups by origin

Depending on their origin, Chechen names can be divided into three groups:

  • Folk, native options. The most ancient, which are the true pride of the Chechen people. Their distinctive feature is brevity; they consist of one, maximum two syllables. They owe their appearance to mother nature: animals, plants, minerals. Examples are numerous: Borz (from the word “wolf”), Lecha (“eagle”), Lu (“roe deer”), Zhovkhan (“pearl”).
  • Borrowed. They came to Chechen from Persian, Turkic and Arabic languages ​​and make up the main layer of names. Among them there are a lot of Muslim options with a religious connotation: Osman, Suleiman and, of course, Muhammad, Magomed. Such names as Khasbulat, Mansur, Albek came from Turkic. Numerous female names were adopted by Chechens from Arabic sources: Yasmin, Zukhra, as well as from the Koran (Madina, Zeinab, Aisha).
  • Modern. Most of the people use traditional names to this day, but the influence of the modern West is still felt, which is why the following options appear: Louise, Tamara, Rosa, Sasha. Often the source of such borrowing is the Russian language.

These are the main groups of Chechen names, many of them sound very unusual for modern man, poetic and soulful, and their secret meaning adds special interest to them.

Variety of male names

One of the main sources from which Chechen names appeared was borrowings from the Arabic language, which gave great amount options with religious overtones. Among the male names popular among Chechens are the following options:

These are the Chechen male names and their meaning. Of course, it is far from represented full list, but only the most frequently used options that came to the Chechen people from Arabic primary sources. These names are still popular today, although they often face competition from more modern options.

Coming from the natural world

Among the Chechen names there are those that endow their owner with the qualities of the most worthy representatives of the world wildlife. Examples are numerous:

Rare now Chechen boy gets so ancient beautiful name With rich history, however, this fact does not negate their value. Sometimes a traditionally-minded family gives their son exactly this noble name, which will influence his subsequent fate.

Popular female names

Chechen names for girls are very numerous, but researchers note that more than 70% of them are borrowings from Arabic sources. However, there are also native Chechen variants, for example, Birlant, this name means “diamond”, Children - with the meaning “silver”, Deshi - “gold”, Zhovkhar - “pearl”. More examples: Zaza means “blooming”, Zezag translates as “flower”, Polla means “butterfly” in Chechen. The poetic name Seda translates as “star”.

Names help to understand the culture of the Chechen people. If men were compared with representatives of the animal world, noble animals and proud birds of prey, then girls were associated primarily with jewelry and flowers.

Most beautiful

The list of Chechen names for girls, beautiful and modern, is quite extensive, and each of them gives its owner certain character traits, strong and weak sides, mystical abilities, talismans and lucky numbers.

Aziza - beautiful, sonorous name for the kare-eyed beauty, which endowed its owner with endless creative potential. This girl is talented in everything, plays the piano very well musical instruments, draws, writes poetry or prose. Often Azizs become fashion designers or tattoo artists. Their appearance is bright and memorable, their character is strong-willed and strong, so such girls are doomed to success.

Aina - thanks to the combination of sounds, this name for girls sounds gentle and poetic. It endowed its owner with a vulnerable nature, as well as independence and courage. Aina girls have the makings of a leader since childhood, but they try so subtly to influence their environment that they almost never encounter negativity or resistance. The meaning of the name is “mirror”; indeed, these girls see right through their interlocutor.

The name Asiya sounds tender, the meaning of which is “who knows how to heal.”

Bayanat - very sonorous Chechen female name, its owner has a strong character, formed under the influence of Mercury and Uranus; she looks forward with confidence and is not afraid of life’s challenges. Despite the fact that Bayanat is not a very popular name, it does not lose its beauty.

Jamila is a mysterious name, it contains a riddle, its bearer certainly has a talent that will be revealed literally from the first years of her life. At the same time, Jamila is a very good wife, wonderful mother, an exemplary housewife. The meaning of the name is “beautiful”.

The name Kurbika is very beautiful, which in Arabic means “proud”, “reliable”, it is very ancient name, which is used by the Chechen people to this day.

Layla, meaning “night,” and Lina, “modesty,” sound tender and touching.

Modern variations

Chechen women's names and their meanings are very diverse, some of them have a long history, a beautiful poetic sound, but there are also those that are quite modern and can be used to name a girl, not necessarily even an oriental one:

Aliya is one of these names; it came to the Chechen people from Arab sources and endowed its owner with piercing beauty and talent. Girls with this unusual name they are distinguished by their fortitude, they look with pride at their offenders, but hate when anyone tries to penetrate them inner world. They are sincere, but often their deep nature is misunderstood ordinary people. Only in the company of “our own”, like-minded people, the owner rare name Aliya opens up completely.

Amira is another beautiful Chechen name, it means “mistress”. These are very active, lively girls, purposeful and persistent, smart and efficient. Can be used by parents who dream of giving their daughter an unusual name.

Despite some unusualness to European ears, Zeinab is a very modern female name, endowing its bearer with talent, beauty and wisdom. It is Zeinab's girls who become ideal oriental wives - quiet and submissive at first glance, they masterfully know how to subjugate the will of their husband so that he does not even realize his dependent position.

The name Kamila sounds beautiful and modern, which is found in this version, with one “l”, among Chechen women. Translated from Arabic it means “perfection”. The name Madina, sonorous and unusual, is also often used.

Maryam is a name that will become a real adornment for a girl of our time, despite the fact that it has a very long history. Its owners are distinguished by their lively disposition, cheerful, good-natured character, they are proactive and sociable.

Chechen names are not just beautiful and non-trivial options for naming a child. This is a whole culture and history, each of them has a special meaning and gives its bearer some important personality traits.

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At birth, a person acquires something that remains with him for the rest of his life - a name. Loving parents When choosing it for your child, many factors are taken into account: nationality, traditions, personal preference, tribute to relatives, meaning, time of birth. In this article we will look at the most common male Chechen names.

List and their meaning

The Chechen people are especially sensitive to what to name a newborn, especially a boy. Each name for this nation has some meaning, it is mainly associated with the culture of the people and religious affiliation, or means human qualities.

Chechen male names are distinguished by their beauty and elegance of sound.

They are easy to pronounce, diverse, and some are quite exotic. Residents of the Chechen Republic have several dialects, so the same name most often has different variants pronunciation.

Below is a list of the most popular and modern Chechen names for men:

  • Abdurrashid is a slave of the Guide to the true path;
  • Abbas is a lion, gloomy;
  • Abu - father;
  • Akram - very generous;
  • Ali - elder, exalted, proud;
  • Alkhazur is an eagle prone to movement;
  • Amir - prince, ruler;
  • Arzu - desire, desire;
  • Askhab - friendly;
  • Akhmat is one who is worthy of praise;
  • Anzor is the most responsible;
  • Bashir is the one who brings joy;
  • Bekhan - head, prince;
  • Bishr - delight, fun;
  • Borz - wolf;
  • Bulat - steel;
  • Wadud - lover of God;
  • Walid - descendant;
  • Daoud - chosen, beloved (derived from the name David, the prophet of the true God);
  • Denis is the god of wine;
  • Jabrail - close to God;
  • Jamal - perfect;
  • Zaman - reliable;
  • Zahid - modest, well-mannered;
  • Zelimkhan is a long-liver;
  • Zuhair - brilliant;
  • Ibrahim - ancestor;
  • Idris - dedicated to God;
  • Izzuddin - the power of belief;
  • Ikram - reverence, honor;
  • Ismail - may the true God hear;
  • Ishak - laughing (derived from the name Isaac);
  • Ihsan - sincere service to God;
  • Kyura - falcon;
  • Magomed - praising;
  • Majid - great, noble;
  • Malik - king;
  • Mansur is the one who grants victory;
  • Murad - hardworking;
  • Musa - taken from water;
  • Mustafa - the best, reliable;
  • Muhsin - loving goodness, worthy;
  • Nazir - observer;
  • Nokhcho - Chechen;
  • Ovlur - lamb;
  • Olhazar - bird;
  • Rajab is the seventh month in the Muslim calendar;
  • Ramadan is the holy month of fasting for Muslims (ninth on the calendar);
  • Rahman - sympathetic, compassionate;
  • Rahim - kind;
  • Rashid - the one who walks the right path (the one who does not turn aside);
  • Ruslan - from the word "Arslan" - lion;
  • Said - successful;
  • Salman - peaceful, friendly;
  • Sultan - dominant;
  • Tagir - immaculate;
  • Umar - living;
  • Hamid - glorifying God;
  • Haris is a hard worker;
  • Sharif - selfless, selfless;
  • Emin - fast, nimble;
  • Yunus - dove;
  • Yusup - exalted;
  • Yakub - stalker, annoying.

Detailed analysis of the name Ramadan

The male name Ramadan (in Arabic pronunciation - Ramadan) comes from the name of one of the Muslim months, the ninth in a row, in which devout Muslims celebrate holy fasting. At this time, believers limit themselves to food, refuse intimacy, and also exclude all kinds of bad habits and sinful tendencies.

The name Ramazan is considered the most common male Chechen name. It has several meanings - “hot”, “ardent”, “hot”, “sizzling”, which vividly describes the features of the month itself. In more early centuries The Chechen people had a custom of naming babies with this name if they were born in the month of Ramadan.

It was considered a great responsibility to give boys such a name, since it in itself was considered sacred.

Psychotype by name

It is believed that people bearing the name Ramadan are distinguished by their liveliness of character and independence. Already in childhood, boys show pronounced self-will, curiosity, and leadership.

Men with this name are romantic natures. Thanks to his amorous nature, Ramazan can be a gallant suitor. But, despite the great popularity among women, this type of man takes marriage very seriously.

Family for any Chechen man is sacred. His house is always orderly and clean. Perhaps he is overly demanding of his family, but he is fair. The attitude towards children is reverent, sometimes the father shows increased attention to his kids, which indicates his ardent love.

Ramazan is a very hospitable host, thanks to this quality his house is always full of guests. How caring and loving husband Ramadan creates ideal conditions to your soulmate. Although jealousy, an inherent quality of this type of man, can spoil the family idyll. No matter what, the support of family members is very important during Ramadan. Only in caring family, like any other person, he feels needed.

Many successful businessmen and politicians bear the name Ramadan. This speaks to the peculiarities of this personality type. Hard work and the desire to achieve more help Ramazan achieve considerable success in his career. They can be attributed to a mathematical mindset and the ability to calculate certain situations in advance. An increased sense of responsibility, restraint in emotions, and patience also help to quickly move up the career ladder.

Ramadan always strives to be ahead of everyone. Those around him try to be like him, which is how he eventually gains universal respect. Often these qualities help Ramazan become famous in the sports field.

Name and hidden talents

Talking about a series wonderful qualities owners of the name Ramadan, we must not forget that everything is not so simple. Each name suggests hidden talents, active potential. Understanding personal motivation will help you strive for a future that matches your state of mind.

The bearer of the name Ramadan will be able to prove himself in matters related to the salvation of people. The desire to bring considerable benefit to people will encourage Ramazan to master such professions as a surgeon, pediatrician, psychotherapist, and teacher. Donating your own strength and resources will help awaken organizational skills that make it possible to create charitable foundations.

In addition, the owner beautiful name can invest its capital in the construction of schools, hospitals, boarding schools and nursing homes, or use other ways to use money to help people in need.

Ancient Chechen names

Chechen names came to us from ancient times. The mixture of cultures and religions has made it possible to enrich their list over many centuries. Some were borrowed from Persian or Arabic, some from Russian.

Everyone has their own name meaning. Some of them indicated animal world, any wishes or human qualities. There were also those that included the names of countries or nationalities, luxury goods or precious metals.

Unfortunately, over time, many names are already half-forgotten, recede into the past and are not used in modern world. Nevertheless, in some villages you can occasionally still meet people bearing old male names.

Names derived from the names of wild animals and birds:

  • Kuira – hawk;
  • Lecha – falcon;
  • Bula – bison;
  • Cha – bear;
  • Boar - denotes the strength of the beast.

Nicknames that characterize a person:

  • Kyig – crow;
  • Alkhancha – starling;
  • Zingat is like an ant;
  • Sesa is a small tadpole.

There are Chechen names for boys that sound like requests.

Children wearing them were born into poor families where there was a high mortality rate among newborns:

  • Vakha, Vahiyta - let him live;
  • Dukhavaha - live for a long time;
  • Visiyta - stay alive.

The names that were formed during the introduction of Islam denoted the names of the eastern prophets and their companions:

  • Abdullah is a slave of Allah or the Most High;
  • Abdurrahman is the slave of the Beneficent;
  • Dzhabrail is an archangel.

Several ancient names of village residents, popular several centuries ago:

  • Aljurca;
  • Aydymir;
  • Bulu;
  • Gagai;
  • Misarkhan;
  • Navrazak;
  • Osma;
  • Saadula;
  • Savnaka;
  • Ullubay.

Male names of the Chechen people are undoubtedly a historical heritage.

Unfortunately, many of them undeservedly fall into oblivion. Nevertheless, many euphonious Chechen male names have been preserved, which honorably reflect the traditions of a wonderful nation.

Chechen male names: a list of modern beautiful names for boys and their meanings