How to lose weight after childbirth while breastfeeding? Safe weight loss for two. How to lose weight for a nursing mother: the best diets, menus and recommendations

When the baby is safely born, all the “pregnant” worries and worries are left behind. Mom is gradually returning to her usual life and previous interests. And he discovers in the mirror, instead of the previous slender woman, a plump woman. And then the question arises, how to lose weight while breastfeeding.

The deposition of fat reserves during the period of bearing a child is a natural physiological process. On average, a pregnant woman gains from 9 to 15 kg over the entire 9 months. Indicators significantly exceeding this norm can cause complications and additional stress on a woman’s body. At the same time, too slow and insignificant weight gain is also harmful. It may indicate problems with the baby's intrauterine development.

Who would dare to say that beauty and breastfeeding are incompatible?

Immediately after giving birth, the new mother’s body becomes 5-7 kilograms lighter. This is the weight of the baby, placenta, amniotic fluid.

In the first months after childbirth, a woman has a great opportunity to lose weight by following a balanced diet and without exhausting herself with hunger strikes. By this time, the mother can lose 5-10 kg. 2-3 kilograms disappear literally in the first week after birth, this is excess fluid leaving. The remaining kilograms will gradually “disappear” in the next month or two.

Every woman strives to lose weight while breastfeeding, which is generally understandable. However, if the mother eats properly, even plentifully, and the weight quickly disappears, this is an alarming signal. The reason for contacting a doctor is weight loss of 10 percent or more of your own weight within one month.

Excessive weight gain is also not normal. A woman should be wary if, after being discharged from the maternity hospital, the scale shows plus 8 or more kilograms from her “pre-pregnancy” weight.

Reasons for weight gain

But unfortunately, the situation is not always so rosy. Sometimes a young nursing mother may not only fail to lose weight, but, on the contrary, begin to gain it at a tremendous speed. Usually such jumps are caused by the following reasons.

Binge eating

Accustomed to excesses in food during pregnancy, the young mother continues to drink “for two” even while breastfeeding. Although this position is fundamentally incorrect both for the period of bearing a child and for the months of lactation.

Loving relatives can add fuel to the fire. They strongly encourage the young mother to eat more, citing the fact that “the child should receive as many nutrients as possible.” In fact, a tiny baby doesn’t need liters of soup and kilograms of cutlets. The quality of food is important for the baby, and excessive amounts of food, on the contrary, spoil the milk. After all, when a mother overeats, her digestion inevitably worsens.

In addition, a mother who is always busy with children and household chores sometimes does not have enough time even for regular gymnastics. What can we say about visiting gyms and doing fitness classes?

Endocrine disorders

Sometimes excess weight does not depend on the nutrition of a nursing mother. Despite diet, food restrictions and even physical activity, a woman cannot lose weight while breastfeeding. This situation may indicate hormonal imbalances and pathologies of the endocrine system. There is a special name for this phenomenon - postpartum neuroendocrine syndrome, or simply put - postpartum obesity. It is caused by a hormonal imbalance: prolactin and testosterone increase significantly, while levels of progesterone and other ovarian hormones tend to decrease. In addition to excess weight, a young mother may experience additional unpleasant symptoms:

  • excessive hair growth (mainly in places not typical for a woman - under the upper lip, breasts, etc.);
  • disruptions of the menstrual cycle;
  • frequent headaches;
  • increased body temperature and blood pressure.

If a nursing mother, in addition to extra pounds, observes one or more of the listed signs, she should immediately consult a specialist for medical help.

How many calories does milk cost?

There is an opinion that it is much easier for mothers of artificial babies to lose weight than women who are breastfeeding. In fact, breastfeeding prevents you from losing weight only in two cases:

  1. if there are hormonal disorders;
  2. a nursing mother cannot curb her ravenous appetite and sweeps away everything.

In all other cases, breastfeeding is an excellent helper on the path to a slim figure. This is the very case when you can eat and lose weight. Research has revealed several interesting facts:

  • the process of milk production burns 500-700 calories in the female body;
  • The maximum reduction in hip volume is observed during the period. When the child turns 3 months old;
  • The fastest time a young mother loses excess weight is when the baby is 3 to 6 months old.

Experts have also proven that by consuming 1,800 calories a day (this is modest, but not extremely low), a woman on breastfeeding can lose up to a kilogram every week.

Tune in for the best

In addition to proper nutrition and physical activity, it is important to create the right psychological attitude. A skeptical woman who does not believe in her abilities is unlikely to achieve positive results in such a delicate matter as losing weight. The main thing is to convince yourself that losing weight and achieving the desired shape is quite possible.

An important role is played by the feeling of joy from the closeness of your baby. It is unacceptable to blame your child for the appearance of extra pounds. Moreover, this situation is completely fixable.

You also need to set specific goals and deadlines. It is important to understand that losing 20 kilograms is more difficult and longer than 5. Therefore, the question of how to quickly lose weight after childbirth while breastfeeding should not be a priority. Rapid weight loss can harm the body, but what a joy it will be to see a gradual decrease in the readings on the scale, showing that mom is moving in the right direction. Moreover, gradual weight loss will not harm breastfeeding. As usually happens with sudden weight loss.

Motherhood is not only a great joy, but also painstaking work. Periods when mom will experience periods of irritation and uncertainty are inevitable. In these cases, it is worth handing over the care of the child to your husband or relatives for a while. The mother herself should relax and do what brings her pleasure. Very soon, the mother will return to her baby with a smile, and losing weight for a happy woman is only a matter of time.

Losing weight correctly

We eat according to science

How can a nursing mother lose weight after childbirth? Of course, with the help of proper nutrition. But in an effort to lose weight, a young mother should not forget about the baby, who feeds exclusively on her milk. In order for nutrition to bring maximum benefit to the child and contribute to the mother’s weight loss, it is worth taking note of several recommendations:

  • Drink as much fluid as possible:
  • introduce as many fresh vegetables, fruits, and berries into the diet as possible;
  • consume low-fat dairy and fermented milk products;
  • You should limit yourself in the consumption of salt and oils (corn, olive and others - they are considered very high in calories). But don't give up on them completely;
  • bread should be whole grain, pasta - from durum varieties;
  • protein foods should consist of lean meat and fish, cottage cheese, cereals, dried fruits, nuts, eggs;
  • It is not recommended to follow diets that involve eliminating entire food groups from the diet. There is also no need to follow diets that require constant consumption of any particular product.

Attention! A young mother is strictly forbidden to starve! Such extreme methods of losing weight can harm not only the health of the mother, but also the baby who depends on her.

Slenderness is movement

Suitable physical activity will help a nursing mother get in shape. It should be taken into account that the mother’s daily worries about the child and housework are also considered a burden. They help a woman burn a certain amount of calories.

If a young mother decides to take up the load at a more serious level, she should follow simple recommendations:

  • The pool is an excellent form of physical activity both during pregnancy and lactation.
  • If your mother works out in the gym, you should not choose weight-bearing exercises. Weight loading promotes the production of lactic acid, which can cause milk to take on an unusual taste.
  • It is recommended to avoid aerobics, running, step and other types of aerobic exercise. During such activities, the female body loses a large amount of fluid, which can affect the condition of the breasts.
  • If the activity includes jumping, arm swings and other active movements that cause the breasts to sway, they should be performed in a special supportive bra.
  • Every movement should be carefully analyzed and thought through. It is important that the exercises do not injure the chest.

Alternative methods

You can also lose weight while breastfeeding using alternative methods: yoga, Pilates, meditation.

Such practices have a positive effect on the body, reducing its volume and helping to eliminate extra pounds. The advantage of such activities is that they have virtually no contraindications. In addition, relaxation and “plunging deep into yourself” will help relieve the stress that inevitably appears in a young mother in the process of caring for a small child.

Another positive aspect is the ability to practice at home. After all, often a nursing mother simply does not have enough time to visit gyms and clubs. Not to mention the limited family budget due to expenses for the baby.

Those who like to go to the bathhouse and sauna should not give up this pleasure. Moreover, the beneficial effects of bath procedures also help to lose weight. Penetrating into every cell of the body, steam helps remove toxic substances. In addition, visiting the sauna relaxes and puts you in a positive mood.

Important! A nursing mother can visit the sauna when the baby is 4 months old. At this time, lactation is considered established and trips to the bathhouse can be made without harm to the child later.

"Magic" Pills and Herbs: A Dangerous Choice

Some women prefer alternative methods of losing weight in the form of pills and herbs.

Specialized herbs are usually best used as infusions. Weight loss tea is suitable for such purposes. Can a nursing mother use it? There is no clear answer to this question. Of course, it is unacceptable to risk your health and well-being of the baby. And tea for weight loss is a very controversial product.

The composition of the tea indicated on the packaging may not correspond to the actual contents. Convincing yourself of the integrity of the manufacturer is a problematic matter. In addition, the herbs that make up the tea may be unusual for a nursing mother, since they grow in other regions. In such cases, you can be poisoned by unfamiliar components.

If the persistent desire to lose weight with the help of herbs does not leave a nursing woman, it is worth giving preference to home-made drinks. For this, mixtures of herbs that grow in the region where the mother lives are suitable. In any case, the use of herbs in order to get rid of extra pounds requires the woman to be extremely careful and thoughtful about the composition of the product.

Such actively advertised diet pills as Turboslim, Reduxin, Li Yes, should not be used while breastfeeding. The substances contained in the tablets have a cumulative effect. Accumulating in mother's milk, they can cause a serious blow to the health of the baby. For example, it can become an obstacle to the child’s complete absorption of fats and carbohydrates. This can provoke mental disorders, deterioration of well-being and other negative consequences.

Whatever means a young mother dares to take in order to lose weight, the main thing is that the milk does not disappear. And so that the child does not receive harmful substances along with mother’s milk. Therefore, before using any product, you should make sure that the product you are using is safe and hypoallergenic.

Most young mothers are tormented by the question of how to lose weight during breastfeeding. This is not at all as hopeless a matter as some may think. The main conditions are not to expect very quick results, eat right, and maintain moderate physical activity. And of course, enjoy motherhood. After all, time spent with a child is priceless. It is this period that can add to the mother the positive emotions necessary for a successful weight loss process.

After the birth of a child, any woman who is breastfeeding wants to quickly return to her former shape, and for this, a diet for losing weight for a nursing mother is perfect. Before changing your diet, you need to carefully prepare, find out what you can and cannot eat. If you strictly follow the recommendations of nutritionists and adhere to the nutritional rules for breastfeeding, then a positive result will not be long in coming.

How to lose weight while breastfeeding

During the period of bearing a child, every woman gets better. Weight gain is provoked by the sex hormones estrogens, which gradually “round out” the pregnant woman’s shape. After the birth of a baby, as a rule, 4-6 kilograms immediately disappear. Sometimes this is enough to get back into shape, but not all women are so lucky. A month after giving birth, only 10 percent of mothers lose weight naturally, while the rest have to go on a special diet.

Proper nutrition during breastfeeding for weight loss has several basic rules:

  1. A balanced, nutritious menu is the key to nourishing, tasty and healthy breast milk.
  2. A diet for losing weight for a nursing mother requires mandatory fluid intake (you need to drink 2.5 liters of water or tea per day).
  3. To lose weight during lactation, it is recommended to adhere to fractional meals (5-7 times every 3-4 hours).
  4. You should radically limit the amount of flour and confectionery products, and even better, avoid such foods during lactation.
  5. It is forbidden to eat canned food, fried, salty, spicy and fatty foods.
  6. You should not buy vegetables and fruits out of season.
  7. The diet menu for weight loss during lactation should not include many foods high in carbohydrates and foods that can cause gas formation.

What can you eat while breastfeeding?

Before introducing a new diet, you must first find out what you can eat while breastfeeding. Experts advise adhering to the following dietary rules for weight loss:

  1. You need to eat more vegetables. They contain few calories, but these products are healthy, nutritious, and contain many useful substances.
  2. Protein foods in the form of dairy products, fish, meat are recommended to be consumed twice a day.
  3. Cereal porridges can also be included in the diet menu of a nursing mother. They are well digested, provide satiety, and supply the body with carbohydrates.
  4. You can eat fruits and natural yoghurts as snacks between main meals.
  5. When a woman breastfeeds, she loses a lot of fluid. For this reason, the daily menu should include more water and dried fruit compotes. The liquid not only replenishes milk reserves, but also helps a nursing mother fight excess weight.

What not to eat when breastfeeding

To effectively lose weight for a nursing mother, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of prohibited foods in advance. If you eat “harmful” foods, there is a risk of harming the baby (this can cause allergies and other health problems). In addition to this, the weight will not decrease, the results of losing weight will be negative. A diet for weight loss when feeding an infant implies that you need to completely exclude the following foods from the diet:

  • any carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol;
  • smoked meats, sausages;
  • sauces (ketchup, mayonnaise, etc.);
  • canned food;
  • fatty, spicy foods;
  • fast food;
  • confectioner;
  • instant coffee, tea bags;
  • whole milk (cow);
  • pasta, potatoes (reduce to a minimum amount);
  • citrus.

Diet for weight loss while breastfeeding

Everything a woman eats affects the quality of breast milk and the well-being of the newborn. Considering this, doctors strongly advise sticking to a healthy diet during the lactation period. A balanced diet consisting of healthy foods helps to actively get rid of extra pounds. A weight loss diet for a nursing mother should be well thought out, include vitamins, microelements, and have an allowed calorie content.

How many calories does a nursing mother need to lose weight?

To quickly return to a slim figure, you need to calculate how many calories a nursing mother needs. This indicator is calculated individually for each woman, but the total calorie content is no more than 1300-2000 calories. Calculations are easy; a special formula is used for this. Your weight should be multiplied by 24 (for low activity), 30 (average activity) or 44 (for the most active nursing mothers). Add 400-600 kcal to the result obtained. The result will be the daily calorie requirement for weight loss.

Diet for nursing mothers - list of products

As stated earlier, the menu of a woman who is breastfeeding should include only healthy foods. If you know what you can eat, it will be easy to create a new diet with delicious recipes. The list of products for a nursing mother when losing weight looks something like this:

  • stewed or boiled lean meat (veal, chicken, rabbit, turkey);
  • pasta, wholemeal wheat bread (do not overuse);
  • dairy products: cottage cheese, hard cheese, low-fat sour cream, milk;
  • fish: cod, hake, pike, pike perch, grayling;
  • cereal porridges: buckwheat, millet, oatmeal;
  • butter (no more than 30 grams per day);
  • chicken eggs (1 piece every three days);
  • olive, corn oil (15-20 g);
  • fresh, stewed or steamed vegetables (zucchini, beets, carrots, pumpkin);
  • compote made from dried fruits (raisins, prunes, dried apricots);
  • A nursing mother can sometimes treat herself to marshmallows or marshmallows with a natural composition.

Diet for weight loss for a nursing mother for a week

There are many dietary options for lactation, which depend on the individual preferences of the woman. Below is an approximate menu for weight loss for a nursing mother for a week (snacks and dessert - yogurt, kefir, biscuits, fruit):

Day of the week


Breakfast: toast with hard cheese, tomatoes in their own juice.

Lunch: vegetable puree soup, baked fish, fresh vegetable salad and tea.

Dinner: steamed or baked cauliflower, vegetable salad with lemon juice, banana.

Morning: toast (whole grain), boiled egg, tea.

Lunch: steamed chicken meatballs, two pieces of toast, banana.

Evening: jacket potatoes, boiled turkey, baked apple.

Breakfast: oatmeal with dried fruits, yogurt.

Lunch: buckwheat soup, a piece of boiled veal, stewed vegetables.

Dinner: spaghetti, carrot salad with raisins, tea or compote.

Morning: boiled egg, natural yogurt, pear.

Lunch: beet soup with sour cream, boiled turkey.

Dinner: buckwheat, boiled chicken (or steamed), apple and carrot salad.

Morning: oatmeal with dried fruits, pumpkin seeds, baked apples.

Lunch: pureed vegetable soup, steamed beef cutlets, tea or compote.

Evening: vegetable stew, rabbit stewed in sour cream.

Breakfast: any porridge with butter, toast with cheese, apple.

Lunch: zucchini soup with cheese, baked cauliflower with chicken fillet.

Dinner: stewed fish with sour cream, salad of carrots, yogurt and prunes.


Morning: cottage cheese casserole with raisins, tea.

Day: lean fish soup, steamed turkey meatballs, banana.

Video: How to eat for a nursing mother to lose weight

What happens in the body during lactation

Breastfeeding is beneficial for mother and baby for a number of reasons. The first and most important is the child’s nutrition. Breast milk is a natural, natural food that is most suitable for a child.

The second important reason in favor of breastfeeding is uterine contraction. This allows you to quickly recover and return to your former shape during breastfeeding.

During lactation, the body's own fats are burned. According to doctors, the body burns 50 g of subcutaneous fat per day, spending it on milk production. On average, the lactation process takes 500 calories per day. That is, breastfeeding, and especially feeding “on demand,” in itself promotes weight loss. But this is not enough for effective and quick weight loss. During breastfeeding, a nursing mother should reconsider her lifestyle if she wants to get back into shape.

Basic mistakes or how not to lose weight

Every woman who has experienced the joy of motherhood understands perfectly what happens in the thoughts of nursing mothers. The desire to sleep and eat, fatigue, irritability, total dissatisfaction with one’s own appearance sometimes interfere with a rational approach to weight loss issues and push one to take rash actions. That is why it is easy for a nursing and losing weight mother to make the mistake of following certain rumors and speculations. This interferes with the natural process of losing weight and makes the situation worse.

The first misconception: You need to eat a lot to have milk. First of all, you need to drink properly, since milk consists of 80% water. During breastfeeding, a nursing mother should drink at least two liters of fluid (water, tea, milk, herbal tea) per day.

Further, lactation consultants have differing opinions. Some argue that in order for milk to have the required fat content, a nursing mother should consume up to 40-50 fats per day. At the same time, their opponents argue: the fat content of milk does not depend on nutrition in any way, but is determined by the resources of the mother’s body. This is what lactation consultant Irina Ryukhova says:

“Even if the mother is on a strict diet, then with her milk the child will receive all the fats necessary for growth. But in this case, there is a risk that the fatty acids supplied to the baby through milk will be less varied than with a full diet.”

One way or another, the opinions of lactation consultants agree on one thing: there is no need to eat more than what the body requires. The menu must include only natural foods.

Misconception two: The less I eat, the faster I’ll lose weight. Unfortunately, changing your diet to reduce the quantity or variety of food leads to weight gain. The body of a nursing mother reacts sharply to a lack of nutrients and begins to store fats “in reserve.” Therefore, weight is not lost, but gained. In view of this, any diet for weight loss during breastfeeding is undesirable.

Secondly, a poor menu affects lactation and the quality of breast milk. This is, first of all, bad for the child. The baby should receive all the necessary vitamins, micro- and macroelements with mother's milk. If the mother does not eat properly, the body, which by nature is programmed for procreation, saves on its needs. Diet during breastfeeding can lead to such consequences for nursing mothers as: fragility, thinning hair and nails, brittle bones and deterioration of the skin.

In addition, the mother’s diet is harmful to the child, says obstetrician-gynecologist Anna Belousova:

“Any diet of a nursing mother is harmful for the child, who, as a result, does not receive enough substances necessary for him. You need to clearly understand that eating right and eating with restrictions are two different things.”

Misconception three: eating twice a day is enough. Alas, this is not true. A nursing mother's meals should be small and frequent. You need to eat at least 4 or 5 times a day, but in small portions. The diet should include both main courses and snacks. A small portion is a dessert plate or saucer. Feelings of hunger or weakness should not torment a young mother, otherwise weight loss, even with physical exercise, will be very slow. In order not to forget to eat, the mother can adapt to the child and organize snacks together with the baby’s meals.

Misconception four: full sleep is not necessary.

It is proper sleep that contributes to successful weight loss. A nursing mother is recommended to sleep at least 7 hours a day. For a young mother, such a number of hours of sleep seems fantastic, but if you correctly prioritize and distribute your energy, then sleeping 7 hours a day is possible.

Fifth misconception: You can't play sports. This is wrong. Physical exercise, like physical activity, is a prerequisite for losing weight. To lose weight, mom needs to devote at least 15 minutes to exercise every day. You can also use the child when he is a little older, since there are exercises for mothers that also involve small children.

You should start a set of exercises 6 weeks after birth. At first, physical activity should be moderate or light.

Dietary nutrition during breastfeeding

It should be remembered that the diet must include: meat, dairy and fermented milk products, cereals, as well as vegetables and fruits. There should be no preservatives, chemical additives or semi-finished products. All foods that are subjected to heat treatment must be baked or boiled. You should not fry them, this is harmful for the baby, especially in the first months of life.

The diet of nursing mothers should include useful and healthy foods that are recommended to be consumed every day:

  • meat or fish (at least 200 g per day);
  • vegetables (at least 600 g per day);
  • bread, wholemeal bread, whole grain bread;
  • allowed fruits (about 50 g);
  • nuts (except peanuts);
  • butter;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • fermented milk products or cheese (at least 100 g per day);
  • quail or chicken eggs (at least 1 egg per day, taking into account that the child does not have allergies).

In order to lose weight while breastfeeding, you need to balance your diet so that you consume an average of 1,800 calories per day, but not less than 1,500.

Weight loss should be at least 1,500 calories per day. Optimal weight loss is up to 500 g per week. If a nursing mother loses more than 3 kilograms per month, this can reduce lactation, which negatively affects the child’s health. This rule applies if the mother’s prenatal swelling has gone away.

The main menu for each day should contain at least 4 meals. You can use fruit or cottage cheese as a snack. A diet for a nursing mother involves a nutritious and healthy diet.

APPROXIMATE MENU FOR EVERY DAY Breakfast 180 g oatmeal and 100 g apples 180 g wheat porridge and 100 g fruit Two egg omelette, 150 g pudding 200 g vegetable soufflé Dinner 200 g vegetable soup or puree soup 180 g buckwheat porridge and 100 g vegetables 200 g stuffed sweet peppers or cabbage rolls 200 g chicken soup with homemade noodles 150 g stewed chicken or beef (can be replaced with fish) and 100 g stewed vegetables Afternoon snack 150 g cottage cheese casserole 150 g cheesecakes Dinner 150 g steamed chicken cutlets and 100 g stewed vegetables 200 g fish and potatoes, baked in a pot 200 g of salad from permitted products

Exercises to lose weight while breastfeeding

Losing weight while breastfeeding without exercise is impossible. But you shouldn’t run to the gym and perform unimaginable loads. A nursing mother can perform her first exercises 6 weeks after giving birth. These can be either basic warm-up exercises or a complex that was performed in the third trimester of pregnancy.

It is important to remember: if physical exercises involve jumping, skipping, or sudden movements, then they should be performed in a minimal amount and in a special support bra, so as not to provoke lactostasis.

You can start pumping your abs no earlier than six months after giving birth and only after consulting a doctor. The exercises should be performed every day, but after feeding.

Below is a basic set of exercises for nursing mothers.

A hula hoop, also known as a hoop, will allow you to trim your sides, belly and shape your waist.

Exercise for hips and abdomen. Lying on your back, bend your legs and place them parallel to the floor. Stretch your arms to the side and place your palms down. Keep your legs pressed against each other. Alternately place your knees on the left and right sides. You need to perform this exercise every day 3–5 times in 3 approaches.

The “bicycle” exercise is useful after childbirth, as it has a beneficial effect not only on the abdominal muscles, but also on the hip joints. While performing the exercise, you should rotate imaginary pedals forward and backward. The young mother chooses the duration of the exercise herself.

Swinging your legs forward, backward and to the sides is effective. The exercise is performed at a support 3-5 times in each direction, in 3 approaches.

If all of the above conditions are met, weight loss during breastfeeding will be noticeable for the mother and will not affect the quality and quantity of milk for the baby.

How to lose weight while breastfeeding, watch the video below.

Greetings, dear blog readers! It is known that doctors strictly prohibit switching to a strict diet for weight loss immediately after childbirth. Then all that remains is to choose the right diet while breastfeeding and get your body in shape.

The expression “a nursing mother must eat for two” is somewhat incorrect. Yes, food needs to be more carefully selected, but not too high in calories. And is the nutrition of a baby comparable to the nutrition of an adult?

The menu may be quite similar to what it was during the period of bearing a child.

Optimal – 2000-2500 kcal per day. This is on average. And for a nursing mother, an increase of 500-700 kcal is necessary. It follows from this that what matters is not how much a nursing mother eats, but what she eats.

What can you eat

After giving birth, starting to eat right becomes even more important. These are healthy and conscious food choices. There is a huge advantage in following such a “diet”. During breastfeeding, you will teach yourself and the whole family to always eat right.

In the first month, you need to select products especially carefully. They must be free of “chemistry”, pesticides, nitrates and other “advances of science”.

There is such a simple sign of what you can and cannot eat from foods:

Products Can Prohibited/allowed in small doses
VegetablesHeat-treated - stewed, boiled, baked. Freshly squeezed juices after 1 month, fresh after 3 months.

Carrots, cauliflower, potatoes, zucchini, eggplant, zucchini.

Vegetable broths

Fresh, fried, overseas vegetables. Garlic, onion, white cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, radish, radish
FruitsBananas, apples and pears, baked without skin, peaches, plums. Freshly squeezed juices after 1 monthExotic fruits, any berries (especially raspberries, strawberries), grapes, citrus fruits, mango, papaya
MeatEat without combining it with anything. No side dish. Low-fat varieties - turkey, rabbit, beef, lean pork, skinless chicken.Smoked, fried, dried, fatty broths
FishSea, river. Low-fat.

Cooking: steam, boil, stew, bake

Red fish, shrimp, crayfish, caviar. Sun-dried, smoked, salted fish
CerealsAny, especially: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal.

Cook: with milk, water

Semolina, instant porridge.
Dairy productsMilk, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cottage cheese. Everything is not too greasyFatty or low-fat products, sour cream in large quantities
PastaBetter from corn, buckwheat or rice flourWith cheese and lots of butter
EggsBoiled quail, chicken 1 pc. in a day
BreadRye-wheat with yesterday's in small quantities, dry crackerFresh, hot
FatsCold pressed vegetable oils, butterRefractory fats
SweetCookies, marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows, dried fruits, biscuits. After 1 month - jamHoney, chocolate, large quantities of confectionery fat (creams, whipped cream)
BeveragesDried fruit compote, herbal teas (with mint, thyme, oregano), green tea, still mineral waterBlack tea, coffee, soda, packaged juices, berry and fruit juice

Based on the table, after the first month you can slowly add prohibited foods. Observe the child's reaction. Add lean borscht and low-fat sour cream to your diet. Slowly add nuts other than peanuts. Carefully monitor the newborn's reaction: for colic, rashes and other negative symptoms. To understand which product may cause a negative reaction, you need to introduce them one at a time and gradually.

You can start eating some forbidden food once every two days and watch the baby’s reaction. Although this is all individual. Some people start eating strawberries or coffee a little from the first days. But again, I repeat, in small quantities.

All the following foods should be excluded from the first days of pregnancy. Maybe I’ll repeat myself somewhere, but it’s strictly forbidden:

  • Alcohol
  • Chocolate
  • Semi-finished products
  • Sausages, ham, sausage
  • Spicy, fried, salted, pickled, canned
  • Fatty fish, meat, lard
  • Sulguni cheese
  • Legumes
  • Sauerkraut
  • Peanut
  • Products with flavoring additives, dyes, preservatives
  • Hot, hot spices and seasonings
  • Large amounts of salt and sugar
  • Unnatural sauces, mayonnaise, ketchup

Safe weight loss while breastfeeding

Most women are overweight at the end of pregnancy. These kilograms will be gradually used up during the month of breastfeeding. And to get your figure in order, it’s good to create a daily routine. It's a little difficult with a baby. You need to at least adjust your food intake. Proper nutrition for a mother is:

  1. Fractionality. Eat 5-6 times a day, in small portions (200-300 g): breakfast, snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, second dinner.
  2. The menu should be: nutritious, varied and with plenty of water.
  3. No crash diets, drinks or diet pills!
  4. Add more fresh produce when in season. They taste better, contain more vitamins and are less susceptible to oxidation or damage during long-term storage.

Training for breastfeeding

It has been proven that during lactation, the metabolic process of the mother's body becomes higher. But nutrition alone is not enough to lose weight. Gradually begin physical exercise.

Start training only after consulting a doctor. Choose a more convenient option for yourself:

  1. Aerobic and cardio exercises (swimming, fitball, long walks)
  2. Home exercise equipment. I plan to write a comparison of their effectiveness in a separate article.

Doctors allow any sports while breastfeeding (restrictions in individual cases). Avoid sports that can injure your chest. So take up boxing, wrestling and karate later. Active workouts will require you to wear a special form - a bra that will support your breasts.

Remember: during lactation you should not lose weight quickly. This is extremely harmful for a nursing mother. When playing sports, drink more water. Train 2-3 times a week, be more outdoors.

Komarovsky's diet

Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky is a pediatric doctor, a doctor of the highest category, and runs the “School of Doctor Komarovsky.” A doctor with extensive experience in pediatrics, maternal and child health, author of many books and articles on medicine and health.

What does Komarovsky say about nutrition during breastfeeding:

The daily menu should consist of the following basic elements. They should be consumed even if the young mother does not want to increase her weight. On his website I found an approximate diet for a mother about breastfeeding:

If you are prone to obesity, then reduce your consumption of bread and fatty meats. Strictly limit, or better yet eliminate, high-calorie foods. Such as pies, pies, cakes and other confectionery sweets. But don't cut back on dairy products, vegetables and meat.

Watch the video where Komarovsky discusses the topic of breastfeeding in detail:

It may seem nonsense to some. However, a new mother will have to adhere to certain rules in nutrition while breastfeeding not of her own free will and not for the sake of losing weight. In this case, a nursing mother needs a special diet to make your baby feel comfortable. The digestive system of a newborn is still far from perfect and he receives everything he needs for development exclusively through breast milk. Therefore, in the first months, a young mother needs to adhere to a breastfeeding diet and be especially picky about the foods she eats.

Dissatisfaction with their shape forces some mothers to immediately go on strict diets in order to return their figure to its previous state. But in the first months after birth, the baby receives everything it needs through mother’s milk, so you must definitely adhere to a few simple rules:

  • The mother should eat as many times as she feeds the baby.
  • The total amount of calories per day is min 2000 kcal – max 2700 kcal.
  • Limit your consumption of baked goods and fatty foods - both your baby and your figure will thank you.

There is no single diet for a nursing mother. Each baby is individual, so what one mother eats enough is completely contraindicated for another. There are a lot of foods that do not cause unpleasant consequences for the baby, so the mother can safely eat whatever she wants, as long as it does not cause allergies in the child. More detailed information about these products is given below.

The important point is that a nursing mother's diet should be varied , you shouldn’t eat the same foods day after day. The diet should be complete, rich in fresh vegetables and fruits.

Also to mom it's worth taking vitamins . What vitamins to buy - it’s better for mom to consult a doctor!

Check portability It’s quite simple: you try a new product in the morning and observe the child’s reaction throughout the day. If all is well, the next day you can introduce something new. It is important to remember: everything that the mother eats, along with breast milk, the baby will definitely “taste”.

Products prohibited during breastfeeding

  • Alcohol – no comments.
  • Smoked products (sausage, fish). Contains carcinogens that are hazardous to the health of the newborn.
  • Canned food. Preservatives are not at all what a child needs in the first year of life.
  • Carbonated drinks (including mineral water) and coffee.
  • Ketchups and mayonnaise.
  • Citrus fruits, strawberries and chocolate - these products should be excluded, as they often cause allergies in the baby.

Caution - allergies: high-risk products!

  • Cow's milk. Often children cannot tolerate cow's milk protein, which can lead to diathesis, so you need to be careful when using this product.
  • Fish. Any fish and seafood are by their nature quite strong allergens. Pay special attention to your baby's behavior.
  • Chicken meat and eggs- a child may be allergic to antibiotics contained in meat. You can eat domestic chicken meat and domestic eggs, but you should know that the egg white of even domestic eggs often causes allergies in babies, so at least for the first couple of weeks after birth it is better not to risk it.
  • Some vegetables, in particular cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes and bell peppers.
  • Legumes(peas, beans, beans), cabbage - cause increased gas formation.
  • Products containing artificial colors. They often cause diathesis. In large quantities they can cause significant harm to the health of a still fragile person.
  • Pickles(mushrooms, fish), spicy food. These are strong allergens, plus they contribute to the exacerbation of colic in the baby. And a child’s intestines adapt to mushrooms only by the age of five.
  • Honey, nuts, dried apricots, figs and others dried fruits.
  • Wheat, millet and barley cereals.

Basic rules of a hypoallergenic diet for nursing mothers:

  • A nursing mother needs to adhere to a hypoallergenic diet until the baby is 3 months old - only by 3–4 months does the gastrointestinal tract adapt to the mother’s diet and colic stops bothering the little person.
  • Keep a diary of your diet with your baby during breastfeeding - if an allergy occurs, you can easily track what it might have arisen from.
  • Do not under any circumstances consume foods from the prohibited list!

Diet for a nursing mother - menu:

Nutrition when feeding a newborn baby should include the following products:

  • Low-fat fermented milk products– cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream, cheese (if there are no allergies). It is better to consume milk and dairy products in heat-treated form, that is, in the form of casseroles and cheesecakes. It is better to alternate dairy and sour milk products in the diet. You should know that fresh kefir (2 days old) weakens, and more sour kefir (3 days old) strengthens the baby’s stool.
  • Lean meat- turkey, veal, beef.
  • Porridge– buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, corn. However, you should be very careful with rice, as it can strongly strengthen the baby’s stool, and this is a direct path to constipation and discomfort in the little man’s tummy.
  • Any pasta.
  • Vegetables– zucchini, carrots, beets, pumpkin, potatoes (boiled and baked), cucumbers, green salad, dill. By the way, dill helps with colic and helps ease the passage of gases in a child. For colic, doctors recommend that nursing mothers brew dill seeds and drink 100 ml three times a day, half an hour before meals.
  • Fruits and berries– green apples, pears, plums, currants and gooseberries. It is recommended to eat fruits from the latitudes in which you live, and it is better to exclude exotic fruits for now.
  • Water— drinking the right amount of water is a very important point when feeding a baby; a woman should drink at least 1 liter of water (this includes juices and teas). It is also not recommended to drink a lot of water.

All the products described above are not only rich in healthy vitamins and minerals and contain fiber, but also will not harm the baby.

Option Eating Daily diet
Option 1BreakfastLow-fat cottage cheese (1-3%) - 200 gr. Can be done with yogurt. Whole grain bread. Green tea.
SnackFruit salad - do not forget that you can only eat permitted fruits.
DinnerPasta with boiled veal. Salad of permitted vegetables.
Afternoon snack1 whole grain bread with cheese.
DinnerStewed vegetables - 200 gr. Kefir
Option 2BreakfastOatmeal with water. 1 piece of whole grain bread with a piece of cheese. Green tea
Snack1 apple or pear
DinnerPumpkin puree soup. 100 grams of boiled or steamed beef.
Afternoon snackYogurt (low-fat) with berries - 150 gr.
DinnerBuckwheat porridge with a salad of permitted vegetables.
Option 3BreakfastCheese casserole. Green tea.
SnackGreen tea with a piece of low-fat cheese.
DinnerMeatball and broccoli soup. Vegetable Salad.
Afternoon snackA glass of kefir.
DinnerBoiled or baked potatoes. Kefir.

Carefully You need to introduce into your diet fruits and vegetables containing red pigment (strawberries, tomatoes) - they most often cause allergic reactions during breastfeeding.

Expert opinion on what kind of nutrition a mother needs during breastfeeding:

Myths about nutrition for breastfeeding mothers:

Almost every second young mother is faced with widespread stereotypes regarding her own nutrition. Based on the opinions of experts, we will try to dispel the most common myths.

  1. After childbirth you will definitely gain weight

This is probably the main misconception among all existing ones. Not necessary! Weight changes are associated with hormonal changes in the body, as well as with an increased need for calories due to feeding. Most often, weight returns to normal after stopping breastfeeding. A genetic predisposition to obesity may play a role, but the baby’s health is now much more important, and taking care of the baby will help you return to your previous shape. If your weight has not returned to normal, after you wean your baby, you can go on a diet to lose weight.

  1. The more milk a mother drinks, the more milk she produces for feeding.

This is not true. It has been clinically proven that the amount of breast milk depends on the baby's needs. The more often you put your baby to your breast, the more milk is produced. Mom can increase the flow of milk to the breast by drinking a glass of sweet warm (not hot!) tea with milk 15-30 minutes before feeding, but not the quantity. Tea should not be strong.

  1. Feed strictly according to the clock

Leading pediatricians have long recognized this feeding regimen as ineffective and even inhumane. Feed your treasure on demand and do not deprive him of his nightly “dinners”. The hormone responsible for the “production” of milk in a woman is produced at night, so such feedings are the key to long-term breastfeeding.

  1. Garlic and onions make breast milk unpalatable, so they should not be eaten during breastfeeding.

It is not worth excluding onions and garlic from the menu completely for this reason, since they do not in any way affect the taste and composition of milk. But due to the fact that these spices stimulate fermentation processes, it is still worth limiting their use, as they can provoke intestinal colic in the baby.

  1. “Mom, eat for two!”

Young mothers often make the mistake of thinking that they now need to eat twice as much, since the need to feed the child obliges them to do so. Nothing like this! A breastfeeding mother's diet is only 800 calories more than before giving birth. For example, 100 grams of boiled beef and 100 grams of white bread are already 500 calories. It’s enough so that mom doesn’t go hungry, but eats whenever she wants. A baby doesn’t need so much, and forcing yourself to eat something when you don’t want to is even contraindicated. Moreover, on a subconscious level, such a confrontation creates a stressful situation, which can lead to a decrease in the amount of milk or to its complete loss. So don’t listen to anyone, and eat when and how much you need to satisfy you.

  1. “If diathesis comes out, it means mom is eating something”

Very often, when a rash appears, mothers turn to foods, but it is not always enough to exclude allergens. More often than food, the rash is provoked by external irritants:

  • washing powder;
  • children's cosmetics;
  • dust;
  • pet fur.

Sometimes inexperienced mothers confuse allergic rashes with prickly heat. However, if prickly heat can appear on the back, and on the chest, and on the butt, and in the groin, then allergic rashes mainly cover the cheeks, arms, legs and butt. Rashes are also different, so do not delay visiting a therapist if in doubt, and first rule out possible allergens.

  1. Vegetarians should switch to meat.

Nutrition during breastfeeding should be complete - the child from birth should receive a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in order to develop properly, but it is not at all necessary to start eating meat. The body's protein needs can be met by increasing the amount of legumes and whole grains. Essential fats are present in unrefined olive and sunflower oils. And if the mother is on a dairy-free diet, the necessary calcium reserves can be replenished by eating parsley, dill, pumpkin, carrots, cabbage, spinach, beets, and soy products; nuts - walnuts and almonds, as well as fruits - apricots, peaches, grapes.

The only, but quite serious, disadvantage of a vegetarian diet is the lack of vitamin B12, which meat products are rich in. Vitamin B12 content in vegetables is negligible, and its deficiency can negatively affect a child's appetite, hemoglobin and motor development in the future. Taking vitamins often solves this problem.

  1. Green “stool” and gas in a child come from cabbage and cucumbers.

This is also a common myth. The color of the food the mother eats does not affect the color of the baby's stool. But she will tell you that the mother eats foods that the baby is allergic to. This is what the green color signals. Also, the cause of green “stool” is frequent breast changes. Thus, the baby receives a lot of “front” milk, rich in lactose, and almost no “hind” milk, which is fatty and nutritious. Due to the shift in balance, gases appear and a green “chair” appears. The problem will resolve itself if the baby empties the breast completely. In addition, it will be satiated better and for a longer time.

Nutrition for a nursing mother with colic - useful to know!

Colic in a baby is an inevitability associated with the maturation of the gastrointestinal system. The intestines are forced to adapt to new food, so it is impossible to completely eliminate gases. You can slightly reduce the risk of their occurrence by adjusting your diet while breastfeeding and using pharmaceutical drugs to alleviate the baby’s condition (be sure to consult your pediatrician about the choice of drug!). The good news is that by 3–4 months the gastrointestinal tract adapts to the mother’s diet and colic stops bothering the little person.

Diet for losing weight for a nursing mother

If a nursing mother nevertheless decides to go on a diet, you should not immediately cut down your menu and strive for drastic weight loss. Don't forget that your baby's health depends on you.

In addition, it is not only nutrition that will contribute to weight loss. A common cause of weight gain after pregnancy is physical inactivity- that is, simply a lack of physical activity. Since when you move, muscles work and fat is consumed, and if you sit at home and just lie on the couch, it will be difficult to return to your previous shape. This doesn’t mean you need to immediately run to the gym, but walking, exercising with your baby at home, and cleaning can also be an excellent “exercise machine” for your muscles.

Note to moms: even carrying a child in a kangaroo is an excellent workout, strengthens the spinal and abdominal muscles, and also has a beneficial effect on posture. The baby can be carried both in front and behind the back, this way the load will be placed on different muscle groups.

If you comply a few rules, you can achieve a certain effect and not harm yourself and your child:

  1. A nursing mother should start a weight loss diet no earlier than three to four months after giving birth.
  2. You need to eat often, but little by little (5-6 times a day, 200 grams each).
  3. Be sure to consume foods fortified with calcium and fiber.
  4. Eliminate flour and fatty foods; it is better to replace sweets with dried fruits.
  5. Replace mayonnaise in salads with vegetable oils.
  6. Prefer baked or steamed foods to fried foods.
  7. The basis for a breastfeeding diet must be foods that do not cause allergies in the baby.
  8. Don't forget about water, start your morning with a glass of clean water, drink 1-1.5 water throughout the day.

So, it’s easy to create a menu yourself that will help you lose weight and provide your child with everything he needs.

There is no universal diet for a nursing mother, since the mother needs to closely monitor the baby’s health, and she herself wants to lose weight. It is important to closely monitor the baby’s reaction to foods and eliminate from your diet those that give an undesirable reaction. By reducing the consumption of high-risk foods, you can completely save your baby from diathesis or reduce the intensity of colic to a minimum. And a little physical activity and adjusting your own diet, without compromising the baby’s nutrition, will allow the mother to get back into good shape.