What is the most profitable business in Belarus? Business ideas for Belarus

Hardly anyone can argue with the fact that small and medium-sized businesses have a significant impact on the economy. Not everyone can afford to engage in large-scale production, but everyone can set up small deliveries or provide various types of services.

Before starting your business in any country, there are some things you need to know. Each country and each region differs in its requirements and legislative norms that are presented to entrepreneurs. And in order to avoid any unwanted situations and problems in the future, you need to study all this well. Specifically, this article will focus on Belarus.

First, it is worth mentioning that the attitude towards small businesses in Belarus is good. In addition, the state always encourages everyone who wants to open their own business by providing various benefits. But the most important feature is the fact that there is practically no corruption in this country. Therefore, when making decisions, officials rely on the potential of a future business idea. That is, what are its prospects, how relevant is it and whether it will be in great demand. And this can say a lot. And any businessman can be sure that he will be listened to carefully and will be helped to get things going.

No one can give any guarantees that the business will be completely successful. That is, you need to carefully weigh all the risks. Everything directly depends on the approach to business, desire, desire to work, patience and some other personal qualities.

Great prospects can await entrepreneurs in the field of trade, mediation, and catering. Here you can find many interesting ideas that can attract attention from the local population.

When starting your own business, you need to choose not only a current idea, but also pay attention to competition, which should be at a minimum level. There will be no result if you place your retail outlet next to a similar one, and even with an inflated price. If you cannot completely avoid it, then you should look for workarounds. For example, provide better service, offer flexible discount systems (within reason), expand your product range over time, and much more.

In some cases, to open your own business you lack certain skills or funds, the latter most often. But you can still find some ideas for business from scratch in Belarus. It is worth trying yourself in the field of construction and renovation. It is worth noting that construction is an area that will never lose its relevance. Construction was carried out even before our era, it is still being carried out in our time, and it will actively develop in the future. This is worth taking advantage of. And if you have some relevant skills, then things will go on by themselves.

There may be several options here:

  • open your own store selling building materials;
  • provide repair services;
  • open a design studio.

You can try to prove yourself in the industrial sector, producing essential goods. You just need to correctly calculate your strengths and choose exactly the option that will bring you a good income. An option for beginners is light industry, since there is no need to purchase expensive equipment.

Before opening your own cafe, you need to carefully study the situation, since there are plenty of such establishments in every country and every city. The most important thing is to choose an area where competition is minimal. That is, you should not open your establishment near a restaurant or other cafe. Competition will simply kill the business in the bud. It is worth choosing some quiet place, but well visited.

As already mentioned, in Belarus, beginning entrepreneurs are provided with support in the form of various benefits. Thus, there should be no problems when registering your business.

For any cafe, the most important thing is service. With quality service, there will be no end to customers. The same goes for the opposite - if the establishment has poor service, no bait will be able to attract customers.

It is necessary to decide whether this will be a small cafe where visitors will be offered only coffee or tea of ​​different varieties with a small list of products. Or this will be a small restaurant where everyone can go and have a snack. Accordingly, the cuisine here will be richer and the assortment will be wider. In the future, you can diversify the dishes.

A product such as sunflower oil will always be in demand not only among housewives, but also among catering establishments. The production of canned food and confectionery products cannot do without it. The oil is also successfully used in the industrial sector in the production of paints and varnishes. The oil is also widely used in the pharmaceutical field.

This business idea is relevant for Belarus because it is a waste-free production. Even seed husks are a necessary raw material for making fuel pallets. And for many farmers this is an additional source of fertilizer. The cake and meal, which are formed after squeezing the seeds, are pressed and used as nutritious and healthy feed. Thus, it is possible not only to sell the oil itself, but also to sell the resulting useful waste. And this already significantly increases profits from oil production.

Chips are the most popular product, which has been known since 1850. This product was born in America, and then its production was established in the UK. They are widespread not only in foreign countries, but also in domestic territories and the CIS. And thanks to the emergence of various flavoring additives, the demand for such a product has increased many times over.

A chips production line may consist of:

  • washing bath;
  • potato peeling machine;
  • vegetable cutters;
  • blanching apparatus;
  • deep fryers (preferably with a basket).

A work desk and some other supporting equipment are also required.

As for the premises, it all depends on the capacity of the production line. If it is small, about 20 kg/hour, then a room with an area of ​​55 m2 is suitable, but no less. You also need a warehouse (about 25 m2). Accordingly, with greater power, larger premises are needed, up to 140 m 2 for the production process and up to 50 m 2 for storing products.

As for the staff, three people are enough to work on the minimum line. For higher productivity, at least 4 people are needed. In addition, we need a technologist to service the line, a warehouse worker, an electrician, and a manager. If necessary, one person can perform multiple duties.

A good business idea with minimal investment can be related to handicrafts or the production of some goods with your own hands. Most women in Belarus begin to enter business with creative work. This business is based on the manufacture of some products by hand. Manual labor, especially high-quality work, is always highly valued.

You can, for example, start making jewelry from various materials. Polymer clay is mainly used, products from which can then be fired in an oven. In addition to the fact that the decorations are made by hand, each of them is distinguished by its originality. One person can even make the same jewelry in different ways. That is, it can add some new detail that I had not thought about before. Thus, the master’s work improves over time.

If you have clear drawing skills, you can draw portraits and landscapes. But here you need to be a master, otherwise you won’t earn much. It is much more interesting to make colored stained glass windows that can fit both windows and doors. Also of interest is the painting on the ceilings and walls. There are not so many specialists in this field, but there will be more than enough demand. Therefore, it is worth developing in this direction. Who knows, maybe over time you can open a good company with a certain direction in design.

Another good idea T Auger is associated with a food product and consists in the production of sour cream. This product is of high value due to the content of fats, proteins and other useful components.

The range of sour cream differs in fat content:

  • low-fat (no more than 14%);
  • low fat (no more than 19%);
  • medium fat content (no more than 34%);
  • fatty (no more than 48%);
  • high fat content (no more than 58%).

In most cases, sour cream is produced with 15, 20, 25 percent fat content.

Currently, sour cream can be produced not only from fresh cream, but also from dry, frozen, plastic, and also from dry skim whole milk. However, the consistency, taste and smell of the final product may differ from the natural one.

To obtain high quality sour cream, it is important to choose the correct pasteurization mode. The temperature of the process depends on the degree of fat content of the cream. This is the only way to obtain the required consistency of the product with the characteristic taste of cream.


These are not all the ideas that you can arm yourself with. We need to take a closer look at what exactly people lack now and act in this direction. And the result will not take long to arrive.

Business ideas are concepts that help you start your own business. The main thing is to choose the right business idea. In this case, you need to rely only on your own strengths and give preference only to those ideas that are closer to you personally. Perhaps there are some skills, abilities or relevant special education.

What are business ideas?

Business ideas are a way to make money and start your own business. Their peculiarity is their accessibility. Since such business ideas are designed for a wide range of people and require a minimum of investments.
Meanwhile, the success of a particular undertaking depends on several conditions. They are universal and valid for any type of business:

  • Availability of own funds. You should not rely on credit money. It is advisable to avoid loans altogether. After all, at the initial stage it is completely unclear how profitable the business will be. Therefore, if you have to take out a loan, then its size should be within the borrower’s capabilities. Otherwise, a business may simply lead to disaster instead of a stable income;
  • It is necessary to take into account the demand for a particular business. Moreover, greater demand means greater competition. A new business will have a difficult time in a busy market. At the same time, selling well-known products or providing popular services will find their client and this will provide an opportunity to get on their feet. And unique, little-known offers are good because the level of competition will be low or there will be none at all. This is good, but you will have to try to find your target audience;
  • Legal registration. You should not choose an activity that will require complex design. As a rule, this is also associated with serious tax deductions;
  • Renting premises. If you have limited funds, then you should choose a business that does not require a large premises. Ideally, it is best to make do with your own space. There are many options that can be organized either without premises at all or on your own personal plot.

Popular business ideas 2017 with minimal investment

Business ideas 2017 with minimal investment, these are profitable and promising concepts that do not require large-scale investments. Among them, the most famous can be identified:

  • business ideas with minimal investment, this is dropshipping. Such a business means trading the manufacturer’s goods on the Internet and receiving the difference in profit as your own income. To do this, you can rent an online store and pay very modest rent;
  • tire service This kind of business does not require long registration. He always has a large number of clients and is in demand regardless of the season. In addition, equipment can be purchased used. And for the first time you can get by on your own and with one hired employee;
  • greenhouse business. This is another interesting option. You can make greenhouses with your own hands and install heating in them. For this purpose, available materials will be sufficient. There is no need to hire workers, because all the work at the initial stage can be done independently. In addition, you can start a greenhouse business even without any registration. This will help save a lot of money and withstand the difficult period of formation;
  • raising poultry. Chickens, turkeys, geese and other poultry are very unpretentious and do not require large premises. Such a business can be started in a garage or on a personal plot. At the same time, poultry meat is always a sought-after product on the market;
  • production of souvenirs. Despite the increase in tourist flow to Belarus, the souvenir market is not sufficiently developed. Therefore, this is an accessible niche with great growth prospects;
  • small cafe or canteen. This option will be good for those who have a culinary education or are good cooks. Catering points with inexpensive homemade food are always popular. Such a business can bring good profits and develop steadily;
  • sewing workshop. Sewing and repairing clothes is always profitable. And if you sew children’s clothes and hand them over for sale, you can grow into your own store in one year. After all, high-quality domestic items are always interesting to consumers;
  • online store. You can trade the same goods online as in a regular store. At the same time, online trading does not require its own warehouse premises, sales floors and large staff. Therefore, such a business is economical and profitable;
  • flower trade. Flower shops are a stable and promising business. Bouquets, seedlings and other related products are invariably in demand;
  • if you have a passion for photography and the appropriate equipment, then you can easily turn such a hobby into a thriving business and photograph weddings, weddings, anniversaries, christenings, and so on.

IMPORTANT. For photo and video shooting services, you don’t even have to register as an individual entrepreneur for the first time, this will save money. And if you have your own equipment, you can practically do it without investment.
Such business ideas with minimal investment will allow you to get on your feet and develop your own business in a short time.

Small business business ideas

Small business ideas on the Internet have many advantages. Thus, such small business ideas do not require their own employees. A universal call center can receive calls. In addition, such small business ideas do not require having your own warehouse or office space.
Data You can start implementing it from the comfort of your own home.

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People who for some reason are forced to move to another country, for example, to Belarus, are afraid to open a business there. Beginning entrepreneurs are unfamiliar with local legislation, so they do not know how to properly register their enterprise. In addition, problems often arise with choosing a direction of activity. You will learn about how to open a business in Belarus from scratch and achieve success from this publication.


So, where to start your business in Belarus? Of course, with paperwork. First of all, you need to officially register an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. If you ignore state registration, you can face serious problems. In accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, large fines or seizure of profits for the entire period of operation are provided for illegal business activities.

After you decide what business to open in Belarus, consult with experts what permits or licenses you need to obtain to engage in this or that activity. Choose a business that you like. In this case, the work will bring not only profit, but also moral satisfaction.

Promising areas of activity

If you have not yet decided which business is best to open in Belarus, pay attention to the fact that most small businesses in this republic operate in the trade sector. The rest belong to the industrial and construction sectors.
  • People have been engaged in trade since ancient times. To achieve success in this area, you need to correctly determine which product is in greatest demand. For example, before, you first need to analyze the market to understand how in demand such a product is in a given region;
  • Construction and renovation are services that are popular in any economic conditions. New residential buildings, entertainment centers, supermarkets, etc. are being actively built in Belarus. In addition, there is a constant demand for renovation of apartments, houses and public spaces. Owning your own construction company is a great small business idea from scratch in Belarus;
  • Light industry enterprises produce essential goods - food, clothing, medicines, etc. Such products are in demand always and everywhere, so if you are looking for options on which small business is best to open in Belarus, pay attention to this promising area of ​​activity.

The government of Belarus provides all possible support to beginning businessmen, but you should not rely on outside help for everything. Before starting a business, ask experts and carefully study all the laws. You will need this knowledge to communicate with bankers, tax authorities and other representatives of regulatory authorities. It is advisable to take special courses where you can gain business communication skills.

Business in Belarus

Opening your own business in this country is not that difficult. The most important thing is to find profitable small business ideas from scratch in Belarus that will allow you to earn a good income. Let's consider several promising options for beginners.

Unusual restaurant

A restaurant from the future is a very interesting and original idea for a small business in Belarus. People always eat and celebrate holidays, so the restaurant will be profitable in any case. For example, if you work with clothes or furniture, you can easily go broke because such a product may go out of fashion and you will not be able to sell it. But delicious food is always in demand, especially if it is served with quality wine or other alcoholic beverages.

This idea for starting a business from scratch in Belarus also has disadvantages. Nowadays, a huge number of different catering establishments are opening, so in this area you will have to face a high level of competition. But if you come up with some kind of “zest” that will attract the attention of customers to your establishment, it will flourish.

Before doing this, draw up a detailed business plan, and also roughly calculate... If you are confident in your abilities, feel free to get to work.

Grandma for an hour

Beginning entrepreneurs who do not know how to start their own business in Belarus without starting capital can implement a new unique idea - “grandmother for an hour.” Such a business can be developed literally from scratch.

You can offer different services to your clients:

  • Look after the children;
  • Prepare lunches;
  • Clean the house.

When you have regular customers, give them small discounts and nice symbolic gifts, for example, socks or a scarf knitted by “grandmother”. If you want to open your own business in Belarus, the “grandmother for an hour” idea will be an excellent start for creating your own cleaning company or a recruitment agency for recruiting home service personnel. This is an ideal option for women who are looking for what kind of business they can start in Belarus with a small investment.


If you love working on the land, try getting started. In Belarus, this line of activity brings good profits to entrepreneurs.

The state strongly supports newcomers who open. The government has even established benefits for aspiring entrepreneurs who want to work in this area. The simplest option is your own farm. Start by growing vegetables, raising poultry, pigs or cows. Over time, when the farm begins to generate a stable income, you can purchase equipment and open an enterprise for processing agricultural products. By the way, this is excellent.

Fitness club

Modern people have begun to play more sports, so the demand for the services of fitness clubs in Belarus is constantly growing. It is most profitable to open such an establishment in a densely populated residential area, or near office or shopping centers.

Despite the fact that the market is oversaturated with various physical education centers, there will always be an entrepreneur who will offer something new and interesting. The question of quickly returning the initial investment and standing out among competitors is certainly too complex, but quite solvable. If you think through all your further actions in advance, the establishment will prosper. Having your own fitness club is a good option in Belarus.

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Transport company

This is one of the best ways to open a business in Belarus. Recently, this line of activity has begun to develop dynamically and bring excellent profits. Before opening a transport company from scratch in Belarus, analyze the market. There is too much competition in this area, so if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to look for another idea that you can bring to life.

At first, you can open a forwarding company. In this case, you will not have to spend money on buying your own vehicle. Such an organization sells services, so opening it will not require large financial investments. All you have to do is find a client and connect him with the carrier. From each transaction you will receive your commissions. A forwarding company is a great way, or to any other country in the post-Soviet space.

Sunflower oil production

Beginners often wonder what kind of business can be opened in a small town in Belarus so that it prospers and brings good profits? There are many options. Experts recommend starting your own business with minimal investment. In this case, even if the company goes bankrupt, you will not lose all your savings. It is best to choose a small business idea in a garage to start with, for example, starting the production of sunflower oil.

This product is always in demand in the market. It is purchased by individuals and catering establishments. In addition, sunflower oil is used for the production of canned food and confectionery. If you are looking

Some people are simply born to be entrepreneurs. They have such a trait as innate independence, and this makes them decisive and courageous. They are willing to take risks if they understand that this step will allow them to achieve success. But at the start, both a born businessman and someone learning the basics of entrepreneurship need an idea. You need to decide which business would be the best choice, and finding the perfect option is by no means easy.

Experts from the Biznet business forum told us about what kind of business to start in Belarus at the present time. We will talk about a small business that can be organized from scratch and independently.

5 most profitable areas for small businesses in 2018

  • Small service companies that go to the client themselves. Consumers today choose those businesses that come to them, and not vice versa.
  • Children-oriented businesses. Parents are spending more and more on their children as school budgets continue to shrink.
  • "Shared Consumption". By applying the Uber or AirBnB business model to another industry, you can create a serious, profitable small business.
  • Online education companies. Low overhead costs and ease of distribution make the online education industry a good fit for entrepreneurs who want to make a profit and help others at the same time.
  • Freelance B2B services. Nowadays, when business is still in recession, many companies are in need of crisis managers. With business acumen, you can offer your services to other companies as an independent contractor.

3 Simple Steps You Need to Know Before Starting a Business

Step 1. Any business starts with a good idea. But in order to make this idea a reality, everything needs to be carefully thought through and even sketched out a business plan. It is important to ensure that the concept will be successful.

Step 2. When you are confident that the idea will work, you need to start planning the logistics of the business with a well-formulated business plan and take action.

Step 3. Every business needs capital to grow, and startups are certainly no exception. But, as the owner of a new business, you can count on support both from the government and funding from larger enterprises interested in developing your project. It is important to explore all options, including lending.

TOP 10 profitable ideas in small business

  1. IT services.
  2. Provision of repair, design services, sale of building materials.
  3. Mobile application development.
  4. Freight transportation.
  5. Farming.
  6. Car repair.
  7. Electronics repair.
  8. Consulting.
  9. Car wash.
  10. Personal trainers.

The prerequisites for interest in entrepreneurship come from a person’s personal characteristics. Such people show a strong desire for autonomy, independence, a desire for success and a willingness to rely on their own abilities, strengths and skills. No legislative or socio-political restrictions can prevent this. A striking example of this is the economy of the Soviet Union, where private property was treated in a special way, as if it never existed. Even in such harsh conditions, there were manifestations of entrepreneurial activity both in a permitted form at different periods and in the underground. At different times in the USSR there were artels, cooperatives and other organizations that operated in the legislative field and carried clearly defined features of entrepreneurship. In addition, there were guild workers. They can be perceived as those who sought to illegally enrich themselves, but the fact that such people had all the signs of an entrepreneur cannot be denied.

After the collapse of the Union and its transformation into a number of independent states that were once republics of the USSR, entrepreneurial activity began to slowly emerge “from the shadows.” And people who were previously forced to “stifle” their desire for entrepreneurship were able to realize themselves and open their own business.

Naturally, each of the republic countries of the former Union had its own path. And small businesses in each of them developed according to an algorithm that was determined by the characteristic features of national economic and social policy, legislation, and other criteria inherent in a particular state. Some of them, thanks to historical circumstances, very quickly overcame the transition period, and small businesses in these countries have already begun to closely resemble the Western model. Here it is worth remembering the Baltic states. Some today are actively carrying out reforms so that small businesses truly become an institution that brings income to the country’s budget akin to what developed countries receive. Some pursue a cautiously moderate policy and slowly overcome the transition period from an authoritarian economy, in which the state regulates relations, to a market economy. But almost all newly formed states, heirs of the USSR, today perceive small business as a full-fledged component of the economy, a legal activity that makes it possible to make a profit legally.

Therefore, today every resident of the post-Soviet space, or rather, the overwhelming number of ex-republics, can register as a business entity, start or open their own cafe or store on a completely legal basis, work in the legal field and be the owner of a private enterprise.

Achievements of post-Soviet states: Belarus in numbers and ratings

According to experts, the former USSR countries have chosen different paths for further development and embody different economic models. The emphasis on state capitalism is clearly visible, where the public sector in the economy is dominant (in Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, Belarus); this system is used to a lesser extent in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. In these countries, private business accounts for a comparatively smaller share of production than the public sector. However, it exists, and progress in increasing it is observed in many states.

This is greatly facilitated by the efforts of their governments to create a comfortable atmosphere for opening and running medium and small businesses. Naturally, in some states more attention is paid to this issue, in others less. Belarus is distinguished by several characteristic features of its position in the development of the business environment. They will be most clearly demonstrated by international ratings, indicators determined by a special group of the World Bank, as well as data from surveys of domestic entrepreneurs themselves.

According to reports prepared by the World Bank, which take into account various factors existing in a particular country, Belarus is in 44th place out of 189 possible in terms of ease of doing business. But this position is average, and the rating itself consists of various criteria, where Belarus has significant differences. For example, in terms of ease of registering enterprises and property, the country occupies high positions - 12th and 7th. But in terms of taxation, the ability to connect an object to the energy supply system and obtaining loans, the picture is somewhat different. According to these indicators, Belarus ranks 63rd, 89th and 109th, respectively.

Surveys of entrepreneurs have repeatedly shown that almost half of businessmen assess their situation as stable, although another indicator may be alarming. More than 30% of respondents said that the economic condition of their companies and projects is “below average.” On the other hand, in recent years the level of competition in the country has seriously increased; Belarusian small businesses are mastering not only their traditional trade and production, but also consumer services, printing, tourism, consulting, and education. Perhaps this factor initiates such an assessment.

The main obstacles and difficulties, according to the entrepreneurs themselves, reflected in surveys, are external factors that they cannot influence:

  • lack of a transparent, complete and well-developed legal framework;
  • low level of provision with borrowed money (loans) and investment funds;
  • insufficient government support.

Also causing difficulties are internal factors, the solution of which depends on the businessmen themselves:

  • it is difficult to find a professional team, experienced managers, trained personnel;
  • the lack of information and necessary skills for an entrepreneur often makes it impossible to foresee market conditions and determine the degree of competitiveness of products;
  • incomplete knowledge of the law, which sometimes hinders work in the legal field and reduces the ability to protect one’s rights in cases of pressure from regulatory authorities;
  • insufficient practical skills and knowledge to implement the process of delegating authority to employees, “tying” business decisions to the owner, which reduces the efficiency of the company or project.

In addition, in surveys, respondents repeatedly indicated that doing business in Belarus is complicated by such issues as:

  • currency regulation;
  • incomparability of conditions for private enterprise and the public sector (for the latter they are many times simpler and more loyal);
  • strict policies in terms of control, inspections and high fines for violations that do not correspond to the level of “sins”;
  • rates for rent, leasing and loans;
  • manifestations of corruption;

That is, even if an entrepreneur wants to open an enterprise on a small scale, he will not be able to avoid the close attention of regulatory authorities. After all, the main obstacle to the development of SMEs in Belarus is considered to be the vulnerability of entities in this sector to government officials. And the corruption of the latter adds complexity to any businessman who comes into their sight.

Business ideas for small businesses in Belarus

No matter what difficulties lie in wait for a future businessman, those who have a passion for entrepreneurship, as they say, are in their blood, always hope for the best and would rather take risks than regret for the rest of their lives that they didn’t try. In terms of starting your own entrepreneurial project, Belarus is not much different from other countries and regions. Almost always and everywhere there was and is an idea at the start. It may consist in simply copying an already successful business of the company whose office is located on the next street.

But a “naked” idea cannot be considered the real beginning of entrepreneurial activity. It will remain a dream if it is not put into numbers, action algorithms, and a functioning form. Therefore, the next step of the future entrepreneur should be to develop a business plan. It doesn’t matter whether it is compiled in the entire accepted form using standard design templates or whether it is written “on a napkin” just for yourself, but it is necessary. This is an opportunity to evaluate the prospects of an idea, work out the steps to implement it, understand all its shortcomings and ways to overcome them. A business plan will give you the opportunity to see the whole picture with the advantages and disadvantages of the future project, as well as calculate the necessary funds for start-up and development until reaching the break-even point. No successful entrepreneur can do without such a document, and even if someone plans to create a small business based on the provision of household services, baking confectionery products or the like, then the plan will prompt its correct construction.

Where to start your business in Belarus?

The first step is registration of a business entity. As mentioned above, the process itself in Belarus takes place without any particular difficulties; becoming a legal entrepreneur here is quite easy. In addition, there are a number of activities that do not require registration as an individual entrepreneur, private unitary enterprise, ALC or LLC. Their list includes:

  • some types of agricultural activities, for example, grazing livestock, crushing grain, are also possible for further implementation;
  • childcare and adult care services, cleaning and maintenance of residential premises, washing and ironing, walking pets, that is, almost the entire range included in the complex of a domestic worker;
  • servicing celebrations, weddings, anniversaries, including photo and video shooting, toastmaster services, musical accompaniment;
  • tutoring and training.

Advice: in order to legally engage in such types of activities and earn money without fear that tax officials will come to you, you need to go to the tax office at your place of residence, submit the appropriate application and pay a fixed tax. Its size depends on the type of activity. However, it is worth considering here that retail trade, even if you sell products grown or created by yourself, without registering an individual entrepreneur is allowed only five days a month.

If a future entrepreneur plans to conduct activities that are not included in this list, or some of the conditions offered by law do not suit him, then he needs to choose a different format and register. The criteria by which one should give preference to one or another format are based on the number of participating owners, the size of the authorized capital and some nuances of doing business. Particular attention should be paid to whether the implementation of the idea requires the formation of a legal entity or whether it will be possible to work as an individual entrepreneur. When choosing an individual entrepreneur, you should take into account that only three people can be hired as employees under an employment or civil law contract. If this number is not enough for successful activity, then this format will not be practical.

In addition, there are versions of starting or continuing their own business in Belarus for foreign citizens and companies. To trade and sell goods on the domestic market of the country, you can organize a representative office or register a legal entity.

Several formats are available for both citizens of Belarus and foreigners:

  • Private unitary enterprise (PUE). There is one owner, and he is also the only participant. The size and limits of the authorized capital are established by the owner and are not limited by law. The advantages of a private enterprise are that it can be registered at the place of residence (that is, without removing the office), the owner is not liable for the debts of the private enterprise, and also that the property of the enterprise is assigned to the owner on the basis of the right of economic management, and the founder is vested with full rights property. The disadvantage is the difficulty of transferring a business, so sales of private enterprises are rare in practice.
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC). It can be created by two or more participants (maximum 50), they can be both individuals and legal entities. The founders are not liable for the debts of the LLC. The authorized capital is divided into shares of participants; its size is not limited to either a minimum or maximum amount. An undoubted advantage is that the transfer of business is carried out by a simple change of founders, in addition, any of the participants can sell their share, donate it or leave the company by transferring their share to other participants.
  • An additional liability company (ALS) is essentially the same as an LLC, except for one difference - here the founders are liable for the company’s debts.
  • A closed joint-stock company (CJSC) is created by two or more participants, which can be not only individuals, but also legal entities. The authorized capital is divided into shares that must be registered. A disadvantage for entrepreneurs may be that the minimum size of the authorized capital for a closed joint-stock company is set within 100 basic units, that is, in September 2016 terms, about 1.1 thousand US dollars.

To register LLC, ODO and CJSC, you will need a legal address, that is, it will be necessary to rent a non-residential premises in which the company’s office will be located.

In addition, in Belarus there are a number of different organizational and legal forms intended for conducting entrepreneurial and commercial activities - joint ventures created with the participation of foreign partners, farms, associations. However, private unitary enterprises and LLCs remain the most popular and in demand in the small and medium-sized business segment.

Advice: when choosing a legal form for your future project, take into account all the nuances of the future business and its possible development paths. Also explore all the potential benefits of using the tax system and existing incentives. This may reduce the tax burden in the future and provide other preferences. After all, for a real entrepreneur, the main thing is not, for example, to sell them and make a short-term profit. He strives for constant growth and to ensure that his business becomes efficient and profitable.

Those who claim that you can start your own business without investing money at all are, to put it mildly, simply disingenuous. Costs arise already at the preliminary stage, long before the start of the project itself. These are payments for registering an enterprise or individual entrepreneur, for preparing documents. Even if you organize a home mini-workshop for baking donuts for retail sale, you will need to register an individual entrepreneur, purchase products and some kind of cart for takeaway sales. That is, a reserve of money is needed.

Here it is more correct to talk about minimum investments. But even from this perspective there will be differences of opinion and understanding of the essence of the issue. For some, the minimum starts from a thousand dollars, and for others from one hundred.

Therefore, choosing an idea for your own business needs to be approached from a different point of view. You should look for a project that you like, that will become a part of your life, that you love, that will make you gladly devote enormous effort and a lot of time to it. Without dedication and an incredible desire to work, and they come only from a person’s attitude towards the field of activity, the project will be doomed to failure. If you are completely uninterested in cars and the “healthy” rumbling of a powerful engine leaves you indifferent, without causing any positive emotions, then the car service you organize is unlikely to be successful.

And, of course, a person who is passionate about an idea can not only find original solutions for its implementation, but also attract investors.

What is the most profitable business in Belarus?

According to statistics, the lion's share of Belarusian small businesses is engaged in trade, about 20% of enterprises are in industry and production. Very few, about 3% in tourism, slightly less than 3.5% in computer services, 5.4% are engaged in household services. It would seem that these figures should prove that the most profitable thing for an entrepreneur is the sale of goods.

However, where there are many participants, there is correspondingly high competition. And the industry itself creates some difficulties and also imposes certain restrictions on business. There is a risk here that the purchased goods will not fit into the market, a stable dependence on suppliers arises, and funds are needed to purchase products. In addition, we need retail space, staff, and if trade is carried out via the Internet, then active advertising.

This is not to say that other activities do not have complexities and characteristics that can be challenging. But in Belarus there are also areas where you can find different advantages:

  • Agriculture has always been a priority not only for the residents of the country, but also for the government. Those entrepreneurs who plan to develop their project in this industry are offered government support; they can receive not only preferential loans, but also work under special tax regimes. That is, crop production is either profitable due to the fact that it gives the right to count on preferences from the state.
  • Agritourism is gaining popularity all over the world. Belarus is perfect for creating a kind of “hotbed” for travelers in the style of a “rural hinterland”, unspoiled by the spirit of the metropolis and aggressive technocratic offensive. At the same time, civilization is present here in full; no one will be left without mobile communications, medical care and other things necessary for modern man.
  • The public catering industry today is not yet so highly competitive in Belarus. The niche can be called conditionally free. It is especially interesting for entrepreneurs that it is possible to organize their own point near busy highways, including international ones.
  • Handicrafts and the creation of handicrafts - this area of ​​independent activity of citizens is encouraged by the state, and favorable conditions have been created for it.