A letter to a daughter abandoned by her mother. Farewell letter to daughter from mother

A cruel but very honest letter from a mother to her 15-year-old daughter

Some say: “Selfish!” Others - “Well, finally the voice of reason!” A Daria Korolkova just writing a letter to his 15 year old daughter...

Listen, Baby.

  1. In 3 years I can kick you out of the house. Sounds scary, right? But nonetheless. At 18, you will have 2 options: you go to university, and I support you as best I can until you graduate, or until you find a job. Either you give up on the university (and I will never judge you for this) and go to work. And you provide for your needs yourself. I will not support an 18+ year old girl who is not a student, because I think it is wrong. You have 3 years to choose... Yes, we have already come up with a redevelopment of the apartment. Your room will be our bedroom.
  2. You are beautiful. You are beautiful. You are very smart. You're much better than me. You are wonderful. I have known you for 15 years, and you are much better than I could have imagined in my wildest dreams. If someone doesn't understand this, that's their problem. Well, and a little bit of dad’s, but he quickly gets down the stairs, I’m not worried about that.
  3. I'm not your example. You are a completely different, separate person, you should not love what I love, you have every right to trample on my authority and put a bolt on my values. One caveat: you will also be responsible for your choice yourself.
  4. You are free. I don't expect anything from you. You can become a janitor, manicurist, locksmith, turner, housewife, business analyst, office manager and become a cashier in Auchan. I do not consider it possible to interfere in your choice of life path. But don't forget to re-read the first paragraph.
  5. You don't owe me anything. I didn't raise you on debt. I don’t expect a glass of water, no matter how bad it is, I don’t expect you to provide me with a comfortable old age, I don’t dream of your Nobel prizes. You have the right to choose what is important and valuable to you. Or let everything take its course. It's your life and your choice.
  6. You have a house. No matter what happens in your life, I will be there if you need it. I will support and regret, I will sympathize and try to help if you ask. But I will not interfere spontaneously.
  7. I have my own life. I don’t have to help when the whistle blows, I don’t have to give up what I’m doing for you. sacrifice your comfort for yours. I CAN. But I SHOULD NOT.
  8. You have your own life. Who to marry, whether to have children, whether to become a lesbian, whether to join United Russia, you will always decide for yourself. My views, political preferences, life beliefs should not influence you in any way. You can do as your heart, conscience and self-interest tell you. This will not make you lose me, you will not stop being my daughter, you will not become persona non grata.
  9. No one intends to harm you. It's not easy to understand, but it's true: everyone thinks only of themselves. And I. Yes. Any person in any circumstances behaves as he considers correct. Nobody (mentally healthy) deliberately worsens their life. He (or she) acts like this. how (from their point of view) it will be better for them. No more. Your pictures of the world just don’t match.
  10. World is not fair. There are no guaranteed ways to succeed and no guaranteed way to avoid failure. You don't control this world. You can do everything right and end up screwed. You can violate everything in the world and end up on a horse. The only thing you have to worry about is honesty. Don't lie to yourself. Learn to understand yourself. Be aware of your true needs and feelings. And think about how it will be better for you.
  11. Your “good” will almost always mean someone else’s “bad”. You will take someone's place at the institute or at the Auchan cash desk. You'll be dating the love of your life or sitting in someone's favorite seat at the movie theater. Do not worry. Your “bad” will always mean someone else’s “good,” so you’re even.
  12. You can only trust yourself 100%. No, not even me, I can’t get into your head. You definitely understate, hide and withhold. I know, I do it too. I also have a mother. Only you yourself know EVERYTHING about yourself. Only you know what you are capable of.
  13. Don't pass the buck. From the age of 18, you are responsible for your life. And Onasuka and Onkozel have nothing to do with it. Have children if you can raise them alone. Take on the project if you can complete it without colleagues. Emigrate if you can find yourself alone in a foreign country. ONE. If you are lucky and have helpers, family, and friends, it will be easier for you. But they DON'T owe you. Don't count on it.
  14. Do the math. Every action has consequences. Maybe you don't foresee everything. But try to calculate the maximum. The better you imagine your options, the more reasonable your behavior.
  15. Don't listen to me. I wrote down 14 points that, in my opinion, will make your life better than mine. But you are not me (and, by the way, there was a separate point about this). Don't compare. Don't be equal. Go and live. I didn't give birth to you to be my daughter. I wanted to release a person into the world who would live his own life in it. Go and live it.

15a. Just don't complain later.

15b. And don't turn off your phone. I worry.

Announcement photo: Shutterstock

1. In 3 years I can kick you out of the house. Sounds scary, right? But nonetheless. At 18, you will have 2 options: you go to university, and I support you as best I can until you graduate, or until you find a job. Either you give up on the university (and I will never judge you for this) and go to work. And you provide for your needs yourself. I will not support a non-student girl of 18+ years of age, because I think it is wrong. You have 3 years to choose...

Yes, we have already come up with the redevelopment of the apartment. Your room will be our bedroom.

2. You are beautiful. You are beautiful. You are very smart. You're much better than me. You are wonderful. I've known you for 15 years, and you are so much better than I could have ever imagined in my wildest dreams. If someone doesn't understand this, that's their problem. Well, and a little bit of dad’s, but he quickly gets down the stairs, I’m not worried about that.

3. I am not an example for you. You are a completely different, separate person, you should not love what I love, you have every right to trample on my authority and put a bolt on my values. One caveat: you will also be responsible for your choice yourself.

4. You are free. I don't expect anything from you. You can become a janitor, manicurist, locksmith, turner, housewife, business analyst, office manager and become a cashier in Auchan. I do not consider it possible to interfere in your choice of life path. But don't forget to re-read the first paragraph.

5. You don't owe me anything. I didn't raise you on debt. I don’t expect a glass of water, no matter how bad it is, I don’t expect you to provide me with a comfortable old age, I don’t dream of your Nobel prizes. You have the right to choose what is important and valuable to you. Or let everything take its course. It's your life and your choice.

6. You have a house. No matter what happens in your life, I will be there if you need it. I will support and regret, I will sympathize and try to help if you ask. But I will not interfere spontaneously.

7. I have my own life. I don’t have to help when the whistle blows, I don’t have to give up what I’m doing for you. sacrifice your comfort for yours. I CAN. But I SHOULD NOT.

8. You have your own life. Who to marry, whether to have children, whether to become a lesbian, whether to join United Russia, you will always decide for yourself. My views, political preferences, life beliefs should not influence you in any way. You can do as your heart, conscience and self-interest tell you. This will not make you lose me, you will not stop being my daughter, you will not become persona non grata.

9. No one intends to harm you. It's not easy to understand, but it's true: everyone thinks only of themselves. And I. Yes. Any person in any circumstances behaves as he considers correct. Nobody (mentally healthy) deliberately worsens their life. He (or she) acts like this. how (from their point of view) it will be better for them. No more. Your pictures of the world just don’t match.

10. The world is unfair. There are no guaranteed ways to succeed and no guaranteed way to avoid failure. You don't control this world. You can do everything right and end up screwed. You can violate everything in the world and end up on a horse. The only thing you have to worry about is honesty. Don't lie to yourself. Learn to understand yourself. Be aware of your true needs and feelings. And think about how it will be better for you.

11. Your “good” will almost always mean someone else’s “bad”. You will take someone's place at the institute or at the Auchan cash desk. You'll be dating the love of your life or sitting in someone's favorite seat at the movie theater. Do not worry. Your “bad” will always mean someone else’s “Good,” so you’re even.

12. You can only trust yourself 100%. No, not even me, I can’t get into your head. You definitely understate, hide and withhold. I know, I do it too. I also have a mother. Only you yourself know EVERYTHING about yourself. Only you know what you are capable of.

13. Don't shift responsibility. From the age of 18, you are responsible for your life. And Onasuka and Onkozel have nothing to do with it. Have children if you can raise them alone. Take on the project if you can complete it without colleagues. Emigrate if you can find yourself alone in a foreign country. ONE. If you are lucky and have helpers, family, and friends, it will be easier for you. But they DON'T owe you. Don't count on it.

14. Calculate. Every action has consequences. Maybe you don't foresee everything. But try to calculate the maximum. The better you imagine your options, the more reasonable your behavior.

15. Don't listen to me. I wrote down 14 points that, in my opinion, will make your life better than mine. But you are not me (and, by the way, there was a separate point about this). Don't compare. Don't be equal. Go and live. I didn't give birth to you to be my daughter. I wanted to release a person into the world who would live his own life in it. Go and live it.

15a. Just don't complain later.

15b. And don't turn off your phone. I worry.

I am publishing a post by Russian woman Daria Korolkova, which has exploded all over Facebook. The author, the mother of a teenage girl, wrote a piercing, cruel, but honest letter to her 15-year-old daughter, and decided to “dot the i’s” and outline in advance to her daughter her position regarding her growing up and further independent life. I quote it here in full.


Sounds scary, right? But nonetheless. At 18, you will have 2 options: you go to university, and I support you as best I can until you graduate, or until you find a job. Either you give up on the university (and I will never judge you for this) and go to work. And you provide for your needs yourself. I will not support an 18+ year old girl who is not a student, because I think it is wrong. You have 3 years to choose.. Yes, we have already come up with a redevelopment of the apartment. Your room will be our bedroom.


I've known you for 15 years, and you are so much better than I could have ever imagined in my wildest dreams. If someone doesn't understand this, that's their problem. Well, and a little bit of dad’s, but he quickly gets down the stairs, I’m not worried about that.


You are a completely different, separate person, you should not love what I love, you have every right to trample on my authority and put a bolt on my values. One caveat: you will also be responsible for your choice yourself.


You can become a janitor, manicurist, locksmith, turner, housewife, business analyst, office manager and become a cashier in Auchan. I do not consider it possible to interfere in your choice of life path. But don't forget to re-read the first paragraph.


I didn't raise you on debt. I don’t expect a glass of water, no matter how bad it is, I don’t expect you to provide me with a comfortable old age, I don’t dream of your Nobel prizes. You have the right to choose what is important and valuable to you. Or let everything take its course. It's your life and your choice.


No matter what happens in your life, I will be there if you need it. I will support and regret, I will sympathize and try to help if you ask. But I will not interfere spontaneously.


I don’t have to help when the whistle blows, I don’t have to give up what I’m doing for you, I don’t have to sacrifice my comfort for yours. I CAN. But I SHOULD NOT.


Who to marry, whether to have children, whether to become a lesbian, whether to join United Russia, you will always decide for yourself. My views, political preferences, life beliefs should not influence you in any way. You can do as your heart, conscience and self-interest tell you. This will not make you lose me, you will not stop being my daughter, you will not become persona non grata.


It's not easy to understand, but it's true: everyone thinks only of themselves. And I. Yes. Any person in any circumstances behaves as he considers correct. Nobody (mentally healthy) deliberately worsens their life. He (or she) acts in a way that (from their point of view) is best for them. No more. Your pictures of the world just don’t match.


There are no guaranteed ways to succeed and no guaranteed way to avoid failure. You don't control this world. You can do everything right and end up screwed. You can violate everything in the world and end up on a horse. The only thing you have to worry about is honesty. Don't lie to yourself. Learn to understand yourself. Be aware of your true needs and feelings. And think about how it will be better for you.


You will take someone's place at the institute or at the Auchan cash desk. You'll be dating the love of your life or sitting in someone's favorite seat at the movie theater. Do not worry. Your “bad” will always mean someone else’s “Good,” so you’re even.


No, not even me, I can’t get into your head. You definitely understate, hide and withhold. I know, I do it too. I also have a mother. Only you yourself know EVERYTHING about yourself. Only you know what you are capable of.


From the age of 18, you are responsible for your life. And Onasuka and Onkozel have nothing to do with it. Have children if you can raise them alone. Take on the project if you can complete it without colleagues. Emigrate if you can find yourself alone in a foreign country. ONE. If you are lucky and have helpers, family, and friends, it will be easier for you. But they DON'T owe you. Don't count on it.

Dear daughter. Today I want to tell you my thoughts about what close people need in relationships with us and what we need in relationships with them. The closer a person is, the brighter this evidence will be. The closest person should be the husband. It is absolutely certain that my thoughts are not the ultimate truth, I just tried to get as close to it as possible for me at the moment. You will move on, you will raise the next layers of your own feelings, thoughts, manifestations of your ego, and, I hope, you will become happier than me.

Lately I have been very concerned about the question of why people who love each other, who felt each other as the closest in the world, suddenly become strangers. This happens to best friends, it can happen to siblings, and even to spouses.

With friends, we are not obliged to announce a divorce and are not obliged to maintain relationships and take care of our family, so most often we just gradually move away and separate like ships at sea. It won't work that way with spouses. You cannot separate - this is a huge harm for the children and souls of the spouses. We need to work towards rapprochement. And this is possible (just like with friends, by the way).
The first prerequisite is the presence of spiritual intimacy from the very beginning of the relationship. If it is not there, or it is not complete or happens rarely, then there will be nothing to save later.
The next requirement is action. We must act, not wait. Many people prefer to pray for their spouse in such cases. This is undoubtedly correct. Prayer helps you tune into the desired state of conscience, soul and heart, in which you will make intuitively correct decisions, and the people and events around you will also tune in to a certain very correct way. But this is not enough. This part of the work is God's. There is also your part of the job. This is work on yourself.

What kind of work needs to be done on oneself in order to restore the closeness of souls?

Let's think about it. What do people expect from relationships in order for them to be intimate? Warmth and acceptance, love. So that it would be interesting for both of us, so that there would be a joint movement and mutual understanding.

What do we end up with? Indifference, coldness, grievances that develop into irritation. Instead of mutual understanding and common interest - patience with someone else, adjusting oneself to another, losing oneself.

What does it take for a relationship to be what people expect? You need awareness, frankness (with yourself and others), sincerity, insight and authenticity. And also the desire for truth, for the truth, the courage to be able to recognize and accept it. Fear hides the truth, kills love, makes frankness shameful, constrains sincerity, ridicules sincerity, and degrades authenticity.

Let's start from the beginning. This is what happened to you and me the other day.

Yesterday I got angry with you in the morning. I didn’t reprimand immediately, I prayed first. Then, of course, I managed to say it more softly, the anger was hidden, buried deeper in the depths of my heart, but I still conveyed the pressure and resentment to you.

In the evening, when the situation repeated itself, I no longer began to pray, but simply began to look at my anger as if from the outside. It turned out that I am angry because you do not meet my expectations, I am trying to fit you into a template that is convenient for me when in fact this is not necessary at all, and I directly demand, I am annoyed that you are trying to be true to yourself and you don’t want to fit into a template that’s convenient for me. Of course, after that I somehow couldn’t get angry, I simply offered you my option of action and explained why it seemed to me that it would greatly simplify life and explained why your option complicates your life, to which I was answered that you were pleased my concern (! and not anger anymore!) and that although it complicates it, it is much more interesting than my version. The answer has been accepted.

There is an opinion that in order to be sincere, you need to allow yourself to show the first emotion that comes immediately as soon as something happens. Based on this, I should have gotten angry and not thought of “running into” you right away. But my Christian position does not give me the moral right to do this - I do not consider it right to convey the first emotions of anger, irritation, fear, resentment to others. But simply praying doesn’t help me - yes, bad thoughts and feelings recede, but they hide, disguise themselves inside me, this is a fact with which I cannot argue.

Therefore, it seems to me that we should work on ourselves without any psychologists: stop in the current moment and look inside - why we think or feel one way or another. The answers lie within ourselves. It’s just a job that you don’t want to work on, you’re lazy, you don’t have time (we’re always running somewhere), it’s difficult... in dialogue with others, of course it’s easier, but... not easier. Yes, and dialogue occurs just when everyone tries to look inside themselves, and the other only slightly corrects and directs - as in our case. Did we have a dialogue? And why? Because I didn’t put pressure, but simply expressed my thoughts, which another person can accept, not accept, argue, agree, or make amendments - he still has the freedom to choose what to do with these thoughts of mine. As soon as we deprive another of freedom of choice with our demand or peremptory nature, he runs away from us as if from prison.

What would have happened if I hadn’t tried to look inside myself, but had simply been taught at the institute or in courses that you can’t communicate with a child like that, but this is the right way? What would happen if I acted according to the rules without thinking? My frankness, my sincerity, sincerity, authenticity would not have happened. I would be a proper mechanical robot. I would just say it, you would just do it. Our hearts would not have communicated at this moment. Other people's rules would communicate for us, using our lips, voice and body, like robots.

When another person is forced to live by someone else’s rules, without passing them through himself, without arguing with them within himself, without understanding their essence with his heart, without coming to them on his own, then he becomes such a robot - giving up his body, and the worst thing, his life - so that she lives by other people's rules, and not his own soul! This is why people so often feel that they are losing life, that they are not living life to the fullest - they act mechanically, because they are used to it, according to someone else’s rules, sometimes according to their own, without realizing that they have long ago changed so much that their own rules do not suit them. They do not live each moment truly, consciously, sincerely and openly with themselves and authentically. Living with patience and according to the rules creates for some time a state of imaginary comfort, when everyone seems to be comfortable and happy, when the rubbish of one’s own ego is hidden in the corners and well disguised. But this is the calm before the storm. A storm will happen in the form of a breakup, illness, leaving, a strong quarrel, when it will no longer be possible to endure. When we live indifferently or according to rules, we hold back enormous energy within ourselves, which should be directed towards creativity, love, awareness. If she does not find a way out in this, then she will find a way out in anger, resentment, illness, smoking, alcohol. The choice is ours.

How often do we adapt another, especially a loved one, to ourselves, our patterns, our ideas about beauty, although we ourselves have not realized them deeply, through our hearts and minds, throwing away the fears of becoming “bad”, “unloved”, “wrong”, “acted ugly” " And in the end, having sacrificed himself and adjusted to us, a person loses himself, he can no longer be authentic with us and communicate from the heart. He is hampered by the fear of becoming unloved or wrong in our eyes. And we ourselves are to blame for this. And we, meanwhile, do not understand what is happening - why a person suddenly became so distant, seems to be doing everything according to the rules, trying, but we do not feel his soul, his authenticity, his heart, only some kind of coldness and indifference.

But besides the norms and rules imposed by us, there are a lot of others that a person imposes on himself. And here it is important to help him face them without fear, because... It’s very scary to do this alone (after all, the whole coordinate system collapses and the person is afraid that without them he will no longer be so good and loved). You need to ask him about them - how correct they are, think about them together, but you need to be ready to accept and love this person if he throws these rules aside. Only by sensing our readiness to accept him without his rules will he not be afraid, will he decide to throw them away and become real, authentic and sincere.

What do we do when we fight and argue? We get tired of lies, we get tired of living artificially like robots, we get tired of indifference, and not necessarily from someone else’s, sometimes we want to quarrel in order to free ourselves from our own indifference and patience, when we want to express what our heart feels. We communicate authentically, openly and truly. When we sort things out, we ask each other questions in a fit of anger and irritation, removing layer after layer of indifference and rules, destroying attitudes and habits, getting to the bottom of things, getting inside what is happening, getting to grips with reality and truth. Anger gives birth to courage and determination. Why does it hurt so much? Why do we hurt each other? Why can’t we do the same thing, but without anger, and just sit quietly next to each other in an embrace? Where do these resentments and anger come from? What can be done to ensure that love and warmth take their place?

Remove ego. We lack the courage to remove our own ego. That’s why we have to endure to such an extent that we accumulate enough energy to break through the wall of our own fear through anger.

What is ego? It's worrying too much about yourself. This is an insult - a person is offended when he thinks that he was treated unfairly. When he does not see and does not believe in the laws of justice of life and God - and that everything is always fair and does not happen differently, when he believes only in human justice, but we live according to different laws. That is, a person protects from humiliation and insult not his soul, but his ego. This is wounded pride - when they make it clear to him that he is not the best. But it is impossible to evaluate the soul. She is never bad, good, a little wrong, or ugly. The soul is always flawless and beautiful. And other people’s assessment of us as “bad” is either due to the fact that we either lie to ourselves and don’t see the truth somewhere, or we see and are somehow poorly able to express or distort the meanings, or we both see and express everything correctly, but people don’t like it because it’s scary or uncomfortable for them at the moment (everything may change in the future). Ego is when we try to fit ourselves into some kind of template of beauty or correctness and are very worried about it. After all, it is enough for us to open our already beautiful and perfect soul, that is, to be truly sincere, real and truthful, conscious and authentic, because God has laid in us everything that is needed, our job is to reveal what has been laid down, and not change it. It reveals itself when we simply go deep into ourselves, lifting layer by layer, becoming aware of our thoughts and actions and reactions to what is happening around us, and sincerely bringing into the light of God our feelings and thoughts that are genuine for us at the moment, and not at the moment. old rules, attitudes and beliefs.

Clear feeling helps us become aware of what is happening inside ourselves - listening to what we feel at the moment and clearly naming and articulating these feelings, connected to our attitudes and values. And then the questions - why do I feel this and why do I need this situation in the grand scheme of things - what does it want to teach and what does it allow me to see and understand. As soon as we realize what is happening in the grand scheme of things, first of all our ego, anger, resentment, and irritation disappear - only conclusions and questions remain - what to do next with these conclusions.

Therefore, the most important obstacle is the fear of the truth, of a deep awareness of what is happening. Reluctance to find out the truth, fear that we won’t like it, that it may turn out to be ugly, uncomfortable, that it will confront us with difficulties and pain, will force us to work on ourselves and do something that is beyond our strength. It is he who, more than anything else, prevents us from realizing and going deep into ourselves and helping others go deep into themselves. But pain, difficulties, ugliness and inconvenience are an illusion, it just means that we did not get to the bottom of things, did not lift up all the layers of our own false beliefs and attitudes, other people’s opinions imposed on us, but stopped only halfway. Once you go all the way to the very essence, all that remains is joy and lightness, gratitude and love.

Here are collected the most touching, kind, beautiful words of gratitude for my daughter from my mother. The texts are written in prose (not poetry) and are intended both for public speech (at a wedding, anniversary, birthday and other holidays) and for private conversation. They can also be used to sign a postcard, gift, include in a letter, or put an end to a quarrel.

Daughter! When you were little, you gave me a feeling of tenderness and tenderness... Now you have grown up and give me a feeling of pride! Thank you for the most wonderful feelings in my life.

Daughter! I always asked you to do so that I would not be ashamed of you! Today I want to thank you for the fact that I have never been ashamed of you. Moreover, I am proud of you, thank you for that too.

Beloved daughter! You often thank me for a lot... I want you to know that I am also grateful to you for a lot:

  • for the fact that you are a true patriot of your family and have always done everything to strengthen it, and not destroy the bright world in which you were born and raised;
  • for making me happy as best she could and trying to add a little sunshine to my life on days of bad weather;
  • for the fact that I can turn to you for advice or help and count on your support in difficult times;
  • for bringing your fresh, young energy into my middle-aged and measured life;
  • for the fact that you are a restless person and constantly push dad and me to new “exploits”;
  • for your kind, sensitive, responsive heart - it instills optimism and new hopes in me;
  • for the fact that you are a caring daughter and I’m not afraid to grow old next to you;
  • for the fact that you are active, smart and purposeful - I feel calm about this and I hope that if you are left without your dad’s and my help, you will not be lost in life;

But most of all, daughter, I am grateful to you for the love that you have always brought into my life.

Dear daughter! They say a person has 2 families: the one that gave birth to him and the one that he himself gave birth to. You have always been the sunshine in our family and brought only love and happiness to it. Now you have grown up and can now start your own family. I am sure that you will make your new family a bright and happy place... you know how to do it. I am grateful to you for the warmth that you always gave to me, for your love, friendship and kindness. Be happy!

My girl! I often tell you that I love you, but that’s not all. I haven’t said yet that a feeling of deep gratitude to you constantly lives in my heart for:

  • your kindness and condescension - they saved me from feelings of guilt when, in moments of fatigue, I was angry with you and was not pedagogical;
  • for your wisdom, which helps us create a warm, cozy little world of our family;
  • for always sharing her amazing discoveries and joys with me - it brought beauty, brightness and liveliness into my world;
  • for the fact that she regularly bravely took on household chores and gave me moments of rest from everyday worries - this inspired me and helped me not to become limp;
  • for trying to cheer me up when I was sad;
  • for the fact that from year to year I had the happiness of enjoying the sincerity, trust, honesty and selflessness of my child - you, daughter.

But my special “thank you” to you, daughter, for continuing to do all this now.

I want to thank you for putting in a lot of effort and honestly trying to grow up to be a wonderful daughter... And you did it! Thanks to you, I always felt like a happy mother and enjoyed my motherhood. These are unforgettable sensations, they serve as reliable support for me in life and help me on difficult days. I will always be grateful to you for this and I promise that I will be the same strong support for you as long as I can.

As I watch and listen enough to TV and neighbors, I understand that my daughter is a gift option for a child. Thank you, dear, for always trying not to upset me and in every possible way to ease my mother’s lot, reduce my anxieties, help with household chores and, when the opportunity arises, make me happy. It is thanks to you that my motherhood did not become a feat and I am very happy about that. Thank you for this!

My dear! I am very grateful to you, because you have done a lot for me and continue to do, although you probably don’t even know it. I want to tell you:

  • Thank you for the sleepless nights given to me as a child, for the worries during illnesses and worries during my school years... I grew up with you, became wiser, more patient and even more resilient;
  • Thank you for the first victories and the joy that you generously shared with me when you succeeded in something... All this made me happy, filled me with pride and satisfaction;
  • Thank you for the sorrows that sometimes happened and which you trustingly carried to me, expecting support... In trying to help you, I became more inventive, resourceful, bolder, more persistent and stronger in spirit;
  • Thank you for your humility and obedience when I had to punish you because I was running out of patience... Thanks to these moments, I knew that I was doing something wrong and tried to become better;
  • Thank you for the desire to please me and earn my love, for the fear of upsetting me and not wanting to bother me over trifles... This touched me, touched my soul and made my world kinder, gentler and brighter;
  • Thank you for your unconditional trust in me... I was afraid of losing it, destroying it, it forced me to justify it (trust). Thanks to this fear of not living up to trust, I developed and achieved many new personal heights.

But most importantly, I am grateful to you for being and remaining my closest, dearest and loving person. I promise that I will try to be not only a good mother to you, but also a best friend, a reliable support, support and guide in life.

Daughter! You and I had all sorts of things... Both good and not so good. I am grateful to you for both, because I know that you tried... You tried to be better, smarter, to meet my expectations, not to disappoint me... Sometimes we both lacked patience, sometimes we lacked wisdom, kindness or a bit of understanding. I’m not angry with you, I’m not offended, I remember only the good and love you. You are beautiful, sensible, caring, positive, independent... So what... you are wonderful. You will succeed. And everything will be fine. Thank you for being there.

My precious girl! Thank you for always decorating my life... When you were little, you gave me joy with your first steps, new discoveries, thousands of naive questions and homemade wonderful cards. When you were growing up, you decorated our family with your warmth, care and efforts to learn the best. Now that you have grown up, I myself often turn to you for advice and support - you have decorated my world with pride that I have such a daughter, a wonderful, reliable friend and a wonderful continuation of me.

But most importantly, daughter, thank you for decorating my life with your pure heart and selfless love.

Daughter! You can’t even imagine how grateful I am to you for being sensitive, caring and very sensitive to my problems. This helps our family to be friendly, avoid conflicts and not make relationships tense. Your wisdom saved me a lot of nerve cells. Thank you, dear, for:

  • the fact that you don’t leave the house in winter without a hat, even though you can’t stand it. I know that you are doing this to make me feel calm and because I asked you about it;
  • for not hanging out at night, although sometimes I really want to have fun with my girlfriends until late - because of this I have much less gray hair than I could have had;
  • for the fact that you do not spend time in dubious companies and are responsible for the choices of the people around you - this reduces my eternal anxiety for you and I feel better knowing that if something happens to you, it will not be because I overlooked you too got mixed up with just anyone;
  • for the fact that if you leave home, you always tell where you are and call 20 more times with a report... Thanks to your helpfulness, I can calmly go about my business, and not endlessly dial your phone number;
  • for trusting me and leaving all the phone numbers and names of your friends, whom I can contact in search of you - thanks to this, I know all your wonderful friends, they are not strangers to me and I am calm for you;
  • for listening to doctors when you are sick. I know for sure that you will regularly take all the prescribed medications exactly when you need to take them. Your punctuality and attentiveness to health give me hope that you will not die by stupid accident, from some nonsense infection if suddenly I am not around;
  • for following the rules of the road and not risking your life in vain... When I remember your reasonable behavior on the road, I manage to enslave my panic attacks, because of which it sometimes seems to me that a car has run over you;
  • for the fact that you learned to cook yourself and most often prefer to eat food made by yourself. I have hope that you will not get poisoned in public catering by consuming any garbage;
  • for the fact that you choose smart and decent men (partners) and I am not afraid for your future offspring. I am not ashamed of you or myself, looking at your relationships with the opposite sex.

Darling, I can list for a long time what I am grateful to you for... The main thing is to know: I notice everything, remember and appreciate everything. You are an exemplary daughter, I have nothing to reproach you with, thank you. I only wish for you that this way of life will not be a burden in the future, that it will bring you only joy and be easy. I would hate for you to be unhappy because you do so much for my peace of mind.

Dear daughter! When I look at you, I can't help but admire you. You have grown up to be a wonderful person, independent, responsible, kind, sympathetic and smart. I am grateful to you for all the time we spent together and now that you have your own family, I’m waiting for you to make me a grandmother. I am sure you will have children as wonderful as you are. And I can't wait to see them. I promise, I will try to become an exemplary grandmother and help you raise new wonderful people.

Dear daughter! You know, motherhood for me became the most important part of life, I attached great importance to it and devoted most of my time. It was important to me that it was successful and that I had nothing to blame myself for. Looking at you, I understand that it has become prosperous: you give me a feeling of satisfaction and pride, and I have no feeling of guilt. I want to thank you for the fact that this is your considerable merit. After all, without your efforts and participation, I would not have achieved such a wonderful result as you are. Thank you for your help in shaping me into a quality mother.

  • If the selected text seems too long to you, you can easily shorten it without losing the meaning. To do this, select the first sentence of the text you like and also select the last sentence from any sample you like. Between them, insert one item from the list (select this item in those texts that contain a bulleted list). This way you will have your own short thank you speech. The samples are compiled in a special way so that you can create the desired text by combining sentences without compromising the meaning.
  • If the selected text seems too short, you can easily combine it with other texts. They completely complement each other. However, make sure that the selected texts are not about the same thing, otherwise it will seem as if you are repeating the same idea over and over again. This is possible because some samples contain individual sentences that may be similar in meaning to sentences from other texts.
  • If you decide to put your words of gratitude in writing, then take a long text; it can become a full-fledged letter that does not require other additions.
  • Remember, these texts have an author and he is categorically against any of them in whole or its fragments being published on any other resources (both printed and electronic). Don't forget about copyright. Use the texts only for personal, non-commercial purposes.