The interrupted flight of Irina Berezhnaya. On a safe route: the possible cause of the accident in which ex-member of the Rada Berezhnaya died has become known

As a result of an accident on the Adriatic Sea coast, former People's Deputy of Ukraine Irina Berezhnaya died. According to preliminary information, the driver of the car in which Berezhnaya and her eight-year-old daughter were driving lost control and the car fell off the serpentine road. The driver and Berezhnaya died, the daughter of the ex-deputy received minor injuries.

The representative of the Consular Service Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Vasily Kirilich confirmed that an accident occurred in the Zadera region of Croatia in which a Ukrainian citizen died. However, he did not name the deceased.

“I can confirm that the person who died in the Zader region as a result of an accident was a citizen of Ukraine. The reasons and circumstances are the subject of investigative actions by the local police,” Kirilich said.

Berezhnaya was a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine from the Party of Regions twice, from 2007 to 2012 and from 2012 to 2014 (while she herself remained non-party). In the Rada, she was a member of the justice committee and was involved in adapting Ukrainian legislation to international standards.

"Woman of the Third Millennium"

Irina Berezhnaya was born in Lugansk, in 2002 she graduated from the Faculty of Law of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv with a degree in Jurisprudence. After graduating from university, she quickly became one of the most promising young lawyers in Ukraine. Berezhnaya worked as a notary; in 2008, her notary office received a professional award from the European Business Association - European quality.

In 2007, Berezhnaya defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. She has repeatedly received various awards and honorary titles. Thus, in 2007 she became the laureate of the All-Ukrainian award “Woman of the Third Millennium”, in 2009 she was awarded the title “Person of the Year - 2009”, and in 2011 - “Honored Lawyer of Ukraine”.

Even before the events of Euromaidan, Berezhnaya was known for her negative attitude towards attempts at forced Ukrainization of Russian-speaking regions. In 2012, she voted for the law “On the Fundamentals of State Language Policy” of Ukraine, which guaranteed the country’s national minorities (including Russian speakers) the rights to use their native language along with the state language.

This law was repealed by the new Ukrainian authorities immediately after the removal of Viktor Yanukovych from power.

“A get-together for Maidan activists”

When supporters of European integration came to power in the country, Berezhnaya actively engaged in human rights activities. She has repeatedly criticized the military operation that the new Ukrainian authorities launched in the east of the country. In addition, she sought the resumption of pension payments to residents of Donbass after Kyiv stopped accruals.

Berezhnaya was remembered for her bright and principled position on many initiatives of the regime of Petro Poroshenko. In particular, she opposed the renaming of Kyiv streets as part of “decommunization.”

“Today at the session of the Kiev City Council they renamed the avenue of General Vatutin, the hero-liberator of Kyiv, after Hauptmann Abwehr Roman Shukhevych. For the first time, I’m glad that my grandfather did not live to see this shame,” Berezhnaya commented on one of the most scandalous renamings in Kyiv.

Her comments about the current convocation of the Ukrainian parliament were also memorable.

“The current parliament does not represent the interests of all Ukrainian voters, but has become a cabal for Maidan activists, populist clowns and pseudo-battalionists, who are on the air more often than at the front,” Berezhnaya said.

One of the latest high-profile scandals associated with her name was Berezhnaya’s public reaction to Ukraine receiving a visa-free regime with the EU in early June.

“In principle, a strange idea of ​​​​patriotism in Ukrainian is to destroy your own country, destroy the economy, kill 10 thousand Ukrainians, discriminate against civilians living in Donbass, so that, after saving €35, you can go to Europe,” Berezhnaya said then that caused an angry reaction among the nationalist-minded part of Ukrainian society.

Didn't change her principles

Even during her lifetime, her compatriots had ambivalent attitudes towards Irina Berezhnaya.

One of the first to respond to the tragic event was Elena Bondarenko, another former MP.

Former Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov brought deep condolences to Berezhnaya’s family and friends on his Facebook page.

“A member of the last legitimate parliament of Ukraine, she, unlike many men in politics, did not change her principles, was not afraid of the junta that came as a result of the coup and fearlessly opposed its policy of destroying Ukraine, repression and unleashing a civil war,” he wrote.

Berezhnaya was a frequent guest on Russian television programs. Russian TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov also spoke with words of sympathy.

On August 5, a terrible accident occurred on the serpentine between Croatia and Italy, as a result of which 36-year-old Irina Berezhnaya, a close friend and godmother of her daughter Ani Lorak, as well as a former deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, died, reports StarHit.

According to preliminary data, the driver who was carrying Irina and her eight-year-old daughter lost control and the car was thrown off the road while turning. Berezhnaya and the driver died on the spot. Fortunately, Irina’s daughter was practically unharmed. The girl was sitting in a child's car seat - it saved her life.


Irina was friends with many Russian celebrities. The woman was a frequent guest at social events and parties.

Berezhnaya's family and friends still can't believe what happened. “A huge loss not only for relatives, but for the whole country. The Kingdom of heaven. I don’t want to believe it,” “Lord, how can this be? I admired her, admired her intelligence, endurance. Hurt. God...", "Lord, why? I can’t believe it... It shouldn’t be like this, for the bright and best to be taken away at such a difficult time. Accept me, Lord, into your kingdom”, “I just recently met you. Irina at the airport. She flew with her mother to her daughter. Beautiful! Smart! We talked for a long time! I can't believe it at all. How so?! There are no words,” Irina’s relatives comment on the tragedy (Spelling and punctuation are the author’s.- Note ed.).

On August 5, all of Ukraine was shocked by the terrible news about the death of ex-deputy of the Supreme Slave Irina Grigorievna Berezhnaya. The deputy died in a horrific accident, and the worst thing was that the woman was not killed alone. The tragic details came as a shock to all of Ukraine and beyond.

Irina Berezhnaya was a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine from the Party of Regions. The woman was known not only in Ukraine, but also beyond its borders. Irina Berezhnaya often took part in television programs. The last time she participated in Solovyov’s program.

Irina Berezhnaya Ukraine died in an accident: details, the real cause of the accident

Tragic news about the death of 36-year-old Irina Berezhnaya arrived on August 5. An accident that immediately led to 2 deaths occurred in the morning on the coast of the Adrian Sea, which is located between Croatia and Italy. As it became known, there were three people in the car: the driver, Irina Berezhnaya and her 8-year-old daughter.

Irina Berezhnaya Ukraine died in an accident: details

As a result of the terrible accident, Irina and the driver died, and the 8-year-old girl, thanks to the child seat she was in, was almost unharmed. But the scary thing is that Irina died in front of her daughter. Preliminarily, the cause of the woman’s death is already known. Reportedly, the driver lost control of the car and the car flew off the serpentine road. Irina Berezhnaya and the driver who were in front died on the spot.

The death of such a young deputy simply cannot fit into the minds of everyone who knew Irina. Colleagues of the deputy from the Party of Regions are already expressing condolences to Irina’s family. Ukrainian figures also confirmed the death.

The tragic death of a talented lawyer and Ukrainian politician Irina Berezhnaya caused indignation and outrage online. Many simply cannot believe what happened to Irina Berezhnaya. The real cause of death of the ex-deputy shocked and made me numb with horror. Eyewitnesses told what really happened, and photos from the scene of the terrible tragedy appeared online.

No one can believe the cause of the death of Irina Berezhnaya, who until the last fought against the “Bendery” regime and tried to defend the real history of Ukraine. Irina’s relatives and friends, who also do not believe in the accident, express their condolences to Irina Berezhnaya’s family. During her lifetime, Irina herself was a friend of the famous singer Ani Lorak and was familiar with many Russian celebrities. Irina’s friend Olga Freimut also expressed her condolences. Both Soloviev and Filatov spoke about her death.

Irina Berezhnaya Ukraine: cause of death, photos from the scene of the tragedy, new details

But netizens who also expressed condolences to the family and loved ones cannot believe that the accident happened by accident. Many people assume that it could have simply been a set-up.

Irina Berezhnaya Ukraine: new details

Let us remind you that the ex-Party of Regions deputy died in a car accident on the coast between Croatia and Italy. The official cause of the accident is considered to be that the driver, who also died with Irina, lost control and the car flew off the road. Irina Berezhnaya’s 8-year-old daughter was also in the car, but fortunately she was not seriously injured.

Sunday, August 5, marks one year since the tragic death of politician and human rights activist Irina Berezhnaya.

The accident occurred on the Adriatic coast between Italy and Croatia. The car carrying Berezhnaya and her 8-year-old daughter Daniela drove off a mountain road and crashed into a pole. The driver was a 38-year-old Bulgarian citizen who suddenly suffered a stroke.

The driver and Irina died on the spot. Little Daniela suffered minor injuries as she was sitting in the back of her car seat.

“Strana” recalls what one of the brightest women in our politics, who died at 36, remembers.

What is Irina Berezhnaya known for?

Berezhnaya was a deputy of two convocations from the Party of Regions, as well as a professional lawyer.

Her childhood was spent in Lugansk; she studied to become a lawyer in Kyiv at the KNU named after. Shevchenko. In the capital, she specialized in notarial activities. The work of her office was awarded by the European Business Assembly.

Irina entered the Verkhovna Rada at the age of 27. Thanks to her legal specialization, in parliament she was a member of committees that deal with legal protection, helped adapt domestic laws to international standards, and dealt with issues of European integration.

Photo: Irina Berezhnaya in the Verkhovna Rada/

After the events on Maidan, when the Party of Regions lost power, Irina Berezhnaya left politics, focusing on protecting the rights of Donbass residents. Through the court, she sought payment of pensions, tried to cancel the renaming of Moskovsky Avenue and Vatutin Avenue to Bandera and Shukhevych Avenues.

Together with her mother Elena Berezhnaya, she created the Institute of Legal Policy and Social Protection, which supports residents of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions in uncontrolled territories. In particular, the Institute helped sue the relatives of those killed in the air attack in Lugansk in 2014 in the ECHR.

Photo: Irina and Elena Berezhnye/

In general, Irina Berezhnaya opposed the existing format of the ATO and supported maintaining ties with Russia in the spheres of economics and culture. She actively conveyed her position, speaking on TV channels and radio, including Russian ones. At the same time, she sharply criticized the blockade of Donbass. And she stated that, apparently, in the reintegration of Donetsk and Lugansk, they are more interested in Europe than in Ukraine.

For her views, Irina Berezhnaya - like her mother Elena later - became the target of criticism from Ukrainian nationalists, who openly rejoiced at her death.

Berezhnaya's personal life

Among the politician's hobbies were travel, horses and theater.

Irina Berezhnaya has a daughter, Daniela, her only child. Now the girl is 9 years old. Her mother never showed the child or divulged information about Daniela's father. The only photo with her daughter posted on Facebook by Berezhnaya looked like this:

Later, on the anniversary of Irina’s death, her mother Elena Berezhnaya published a photo with Daniela:

The situation with paternity became clearer during the farewell to Berezhnaya in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra on August 10, 2017. There, media tycoon Boris Fuksman stated that he is the father of the child and intends to adopt the girl.

“She was my daughter from the first day of her life, and has had my last name since day one. She is an amazing girl and very similar to her mother,” said 70-year-old Fuchsman, confirming rumors about his long-standing relationship with Irina Berezhnaya.

Previously, they often went out together.

Fuchsman and Berezhnaya. Photo -

As Strana learned, the Ukrainian-German entrepreneur and one of the founders of the 1+1 TV channel, together with his wife Lilia, have already taken the girl to Germany. By the way, her godfather is people’s deputy Nestor Shufrich.

Irina Berezhnaya is buried in Kyiv at the Zverinetsky cemetery. After her death, her human rights activities were continued by her mother Elena Petrovna.

How was the farewell to Irina Berezhnaya?

On the morning of August 10, a memorial service was held in the Refectory Church of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra for Irina Berezhnaya, who tragically died in an accident.

Refectory Church of the Lavra, photo:

Among the first to come to the church were people's deputy Dmitry Dobkin (brother of Mikhail Dobkin), Nestor Shufrich, Irena Kilchitskaya, ex-deputy mayor of Chernovetsky and politician Evgeniy Chervonenko.

Politician and businessman Evgeny Chervonenko (right), photo: Izym Kaumbaev, “Country”

Irena Kilchitskaya, media tycoon Boris Fuksman and Nikolai Martynenko, photo: Izym Kaumbaev, “Country”

Irina’s colleagues from the Verkhovna Rada also came to the Lavra - Maxim Lutsky, Anna German, David Zhvania, Dmitry Shpenov, Nikolai Martynenko with his wife Anna, Alexander Volkov and Tatyana Bakhteeva. Also here were the sons of Nestor Shufrich: Alexander and Nestor.

Nestor Shufrich came with white roses, photo: Izym Kaumbaev, “Country”

Nestor Shufrich Jr., unlike his father, chose red roses, photo: Izym Kaumbaev, “Country”

Olga Freimut, photo: Izym Kaumbaev, “Country”

Singer Svetlana Loboda with producer Natella Krapivina, photo: Izym Kaumbaev, “Country”

Nikolai Martynenko with his wife Anna, photo: Izym Kaumbaev, “Country”

Note that Berezhnaya was friendly with many representatives of Ukrainian show business. The funeral service was attended by singer and actress Vera Brezhneva and TV presenter Olga Freimut. Singer Svetlana Loboda constantly tried to console Elena Berezhnaya, Irina’s mother.

Elena Berezhnaya, mother of the deceased, photo: Izym Kaumbaev, “Country”

Singer Vera Brezhneva and politician Anna German, photo: Izym Kaumbaev, “Country”

People's Deputy Dmitry Dobkin says goodbye to Berezhnaya, photo: Izym Kaumbaev, "Country"

Boris Fuksman was one of the last to approach the white coffin, photo: Izym Kaumbaev, “Country”

After the funeral service, everyone went to the Zverinetsky cemetery, where Berezhnaya was interred.

Quotes from Irina Berezhnaya

- They promised to make Europe out of Ukraine, but they are making Syria

Write more, discuss, write denunciations to the SBU, or, as Bender bequeathed, contact the World League for Sexual Reforms, tear off your embroidered shirts on your chest and fall asleep with my name on your lips, everything suits me, because cats don’t care what mice think about them!

I look at the crazy crowds of “patriots” dreaming of quickly leaving their beloved country of victorious democracy, and this is what I’m thinking - how will they survive that in the post-Maidan European paradise there will now be only quilted jackets left?

Today at the session of the Kiev City Council they renamed the avenue of General Vatutin, Hero-Liberator of Kyiv, after Hauptmann Abwehr Roman Shukhevych. For the first time I am glad that my grandfather did not live to see this shame.

The current parliament does not represent the interests of all Ukrainian voters, but has become a cabal for Maidan activists, populist clowns and pseudo battalion commanders, who are on air more often than at the front.

I would like to remind you that February revolutions are always followed by October revolutions. And after the storming of the Bastille, mass terror is inevitable. Let the government remember and think about the future.

There was such a famous Soviet Minister of Foreign Affairs Gromyko, who in the West was called Mister No, because it was very difficult to come to an agreement with him. The current Ukrainian government can safely be called Mr. Yes, that is, Mr. Yes, since they literally do everything they are told from Brussels, Berlin and Washington.

"A Year of Unbearable Pain"

The mother of the deceased Irina Berezhnaya wrote a post on Facebook today:

“So a year has passed of unbearable pain, corroding bleeding wounds deeper and deeper - the pain of a ripped-out gut! Before the anniversary, there was the last day of hope for a miracle from the Almighty, but unfortunately he did not create it! From the inability to come to terms with this cruel reality, the heart breaks and confidence appears, that it is about to stop and finally unite with you will be accomplished. But, alas, the heart, on the contrary, is pulsating more and more intensely with complete rejection of reality...... It burns.... As if the soul was torn off with its skin.... life without you have turned into torture... And around you there is a routinely inconsolable phrase: “You’re holding on,” and the mental answer: “How? What to hold on to if in me, as in the dead body of a circle, there is completeness and emptiness.... ‘And from looking at photographs and videos there is only hopelessness......,'

Former people's deputy and Berezhnaya faction colleague Elena Bondarenko published a photo from the politician's grave.

“Tomorrow it will be a year since I and our small group of women haven’t heard Ira’s voice, haven’t seen her selfies, haven’t said to her “Hello, how are you?” The day before we came to visit her. Quiet, sultry, calm... Irus, we remember !,” Bondarenko wrote on Facebook.