Bath in the southeast feng shui. Bathroom Feng Shui

The bathroom and toilet are perhaps the most important places in the apartment, from the point of view of the movement of financial energy. That's what Feng Shui experts say. Look at your home: is everything in order?

The energy of water predominates in the bathroom and toilet, which symbolizes monetary well-being. If you use the energy of the bathroom incorrectly, you can incur financial difficulties. There are several simple Feng Shui rules that are recommended to be followed in the interior of these rooms to attract money.

Feng Shui placement of toilet and bathroom

The most unfavorable location of the bathroom is opposite the front door. In this case, the money coming into your home will quickly flow away along with the energy of the water that you flush into the toilet or sink. Hence - waste, constant lack of money and financial losses.

Unfortunately, many apartment buildings have just such a feature as a toilet opposite the front door. It is unlikely that Soviet architects wanted to harm the people who would live in their houses. Most likely, they had no idea about the principles of Feng Shui, and now we are paying for it.

However, all is not lost! To protect your well-being, some Feng Shui experts recommend hanging a picture of a landscape on the bathroom door - this will retain monetary energy in your home and help maintain financial stability.

You can also zone the corridor - separate the toilet from the front door using a curtain. A curtain made of beads or bamboo sticks is good for these purposes. If it is not possible to properly zone the hallway, then you need to at least place an obstacle between the bathroom and the front door, for example, a tree in a pot or a floor lamp that attracts attention.

Feng Shui bathroom furniture

Proper arrangement of the bathroom, where water constantly moves, is important for financial well-being. Therefore, the bathroom environment should facilitate the free flow of money energy.

All objects, furniture and plumbing fixtures must be round in shape. The fewer corners there are in the bathroom, the better.

According to the Feng Shui of an apartment, the bathroom must be spacious and bright. Gloom and cramped conditions can negatively affect the financial condition of the family. At the same time, even in a small bathroom you can create space and comfort. At least visually increase the space, this will contribute to the growth of your profits.

How to attract money according to Feng Shui

Rules for using a bathroom according to Feng Shui to attract money.

  • When leaving the toilet, be sure to close the toilet lid, otherwise the monetary energy will flow away along with the water.
  • Keep the toilet clean and tidy - it should sparkle. This will help attract money.
  • Wipe your bathroom mirrors more often - they reflect your financial situation.
  • Try to keep the bathroom and toilet doors closed, especially if the bathroom is located opposite the front door.

It’s good if you have arranged your apartment according to Feng Shui recommendations for attracting financial well-being to your home. But it is important to learn what comes into the house. You can do this even with a small salary. Savings will protect you from emergencies. Plus, if you save money, you won't have to turn down unexpected, exciting opportunities in life.

Compliance with certain canons of the location of the toilet according to the Feng Shui method will preserve happiness, harmony and love in the house for a long time, and no envious people or ill-wishers will be able to disturb the energetic harmony.

The toilet in most apartments usually occupies a small area, but according to Feng Shui philosophy, It is there that the most powerful energy flows are concentrated. Therefore, in this room it is necessary to constantly and carefully monitor their movement, to prevent imbalance and suppression of positive energy by negative energy. This can generate negativity and provoke depression in the owner.

Chinese practical theory technique Feng Shui insists on installing a separate toilet, without connecting it to the bathroom, for which it is necessary to visually delimit these intimate spaces with a curtain or screen. The presence of open sewer pipes and water supply units is strictly unacceptable. They should be hidden under a special box, which should be decorated with various natural materials.

The toilet should not attract the attention of prying eyes, or be large. Also, you should not place the bathroom on the southeast or southwest side of the house. The reason is that these directions symbolize the owner’s unfriendliness and isolation towards close people, as regards relatives and friends. Warmth, sincerity, mutual understanding, according to the philosophy of Feng Shui, are washed away by water from a barrel directed to the southwest. These types of conflicts may not be resolved throughout life.

The southeastern part of the apartment generates good luck and financial well-being, so it is worth thinking about the advisability of placing a toilet in this part. This task is possible if there is a desire to improve the well-being of the family. To avoid the opposite effect, you should avoid such placement of the toilet room as:

  • feng shui toilet opposite the front door symbolizes the direct entry of a person into the sewer, which instantly sucks in all good intentions and motives. This arrangement will entail negativity and an endless stream of failures;
  • bathroom layout in the central part of the house or apartment According to Feng Shui, it is considered the most unfortunate because this place is the heart of the room. This threatens to completely destroy the bright aura of the home;
  • if there is an aquarium in an apartment or house, then it cannot be placed near the toilet, since two water bodies will come into conflict, which contributes to the outflow of positive energy;
  • a toilet located opposite the bedroom is no less dangerous . This is fraught with negative, irreparable consequences: quarrels, betrayals, divorce. When a person is in the kingdom of Morpheus, sleeping, he is most vulnerable, defenseless, and is able to “pick up” the negative, black energy of “Sha”. For lonely people, such placement of the bathroom threatens lifelong loneliness;
  • the head of the sleeping bed should not be adjacent to any wall of the toilet, and it should not be located under the toilet. This is especially true for private houses.

In the bathroom premises - the bathroom and toilet - cleansing of dirt and negativity occurs. In the bathroom, people relax, rest, and put themselves in order. And the toilet has many similar functions. In addition, in some houses these rooms are combined into a single bathroom. Therefore, the general principles of Feng Shui for the bathroom and toilet will be similar.

In addition to general principles, there are also strict restrictions on location. But are they still relevant today?

Furnishings inside

For good Feng Shui of a bathroom and toilet, a color scheme in tones that are in harmony with the element of Water according to 5 elements is appropriate, namely: light blue (Water) or white shades (Metal). Light greenish colors (Wood) are also suitable. For even greater harmony, you can lay out the walls of the bathroom with tiles with images of fish or other underwater inhabitants. In addition, visually it will look quite nice.

The tones should be soft and pale, since the bathroom is a Yin room, so follow the Yin-Yang principle and do not decorate it in a bright style. To balance Yin-Yang, it is permissible to enliven the interior with only small elements of Yang energy. In some houses the bathroom and toilet are combined. In such cases, it would be appropriate to symbolically separate these zones from each other using curtains of a suitable color.

But it is not recommended to decorate the interiors of the bathroom and toilet using bright yellow, red or orange colors. They belong to the elements of Earth and Fire, which conflict with Water.

Bathroom location

People spend relatively little time in rooms such as a toilet or bathroom. Therefore, for more effective Feng Shui at home as a whole, it is advisable to place them in less favorable sectors. And then you can “find out” a place for other, more important rooms in the house.

For good Feng Shui at home, the bathroom should not be in the very center. The center is the heart of the house, and the active energy emitted by it should work on the rest of the living space. In the bathroom, Yin energy predominates.

If the door to the bathroom is located strictly opposite the entrance door to the house, or a “door to door” opens to the main room of the house where people often gather (if there is one), then this will create a rather nervous and restless atmosphere. You can also feel the impact of negative energy if the door to the bedroom is opposite the toilet door, or the head of the bed is adjacent to the wall. After all, during sleep, people are most vulnerable and unprotected!

A symbolic way of correction is to use a mirror, hanging it in such a way that it reflects the door to the bathroom.

You can find many strict prohibitions or even “taboo” about the location of the toilet. However, before taking them all literally, it is worth considering the following.

The situation with bathrooms was completely different before. The toilet was a stinking pit outside the house where flies and other nasty insects breed. Dirt, unsanitary conditions, infections and the like invariably accompanied this place. Therefore, the toilet was considered a source of poisonous Sha. Now the bathrooms in apartments are clean, shiny, and even smell good thanks to fragrances. In addition, Chinese bathrooms differ in design from ours. Most often, it is just a hole in the floor through which monetary energy can “leak”, like outgoing water. Our bathrooms are not like that at all! Therefore, their unfavorability is currently greatly exaggerated.

Moving a little slower than I would like due to limited funding and frequent business trips of the main repairman, I continue to study various aspects of the possible interior of our home. And after we have looked at how to arrange it, let’s move on to studying the features feng shui toilet. In most of our apartments, the toilet is a relatively small place, but, according to Feng Shui, several powerful energies circulate there, so it is important to control their flows so that there is no imbalance and predominance of one energy over another, which can sometimes lead to disastrous consequences. Feng Shui presupposes the presence of a separate toilet, without direct proximity to the bathroom. If for some reason this is not possible, then you must separate the bathtub from the toilet (for example, using a screen), thereby creating a toilet space. All sewer pipes in the toilet should be insulated in a decorative box. Ideally, according to Feng Shui, there should be one toilet in the toilet. Well, there is always something to strive for!

Basic requirements for a toilet according to Feng Shui

So, the first thing you need to pay attention to is. It should always be kept perfectly clean, the lid should be down so that there is no outflow of energy. After all, the sewer, figuratively speaking, like a powerful vacuum cleaner, can begin to suck in the positive energy of Qi. And the toilet lid will be an obstacle in her way. Look into the toilet drain hole as little as possible. Also, according to Feng Shui in the toilet, it is impossible for water from the flush tank to constantly flow through the toilet into the sewer. This is not only a careless waste of water, but also a leakage of the same positive energy Qi, invisible to our eyes. By the way, since we are talking about this energy, in order for it to have a favorable circulation, bringing wealth and success into the house, you should take care of good ventilation of the toilet. Vacuum the vents in your closet frequently, and if there are none, or they are sealed or blocked, do it right immediately.

The toilet, as such, enhances Yin energy, and in order to restore balance, you need to place symbols of Yang energy in the toilet to activate it. To do this, just place a picture of a sunrise in the toilet, or hang a red lantern above the entrance. Any red decorative element will activate the Yang energy we need.

Toilet location according to feng shui

If you follow the laws of Feng Shui to the end, then the toilet itself in the living room should be in a favorable place. Please note the following: if the toilet is located opposite the front door, then you may be haunted by constant failures; if the toilet is located opposite the bed, then this is a particularly dangerous location, because in a dream a person is more vulnerable to the harmful Sha energy that takes place in the toilet; if the toilet is located opposite the living room, then the atmosphere in the living room will be tense and nervous. It follows that the toilet door should be veiled, made less noticeable, or a mirror should be hung on the outside of the toilet door. And don’t forget that the door to the toilet should always be tightly closed!

Pay attention to the position of your bed. The head of the bed should not be adjacent to the wall of the toilet. The bed should not be on the lower floor under the toilet. Therefore, when placing your bed, find out what your neighbors have behind the wall. If there is a toilet, then you are guaranteed a leak of good energy and an influx of negative energy.

If you have an aquarium in your home, try to place it as far as possible from the toilet. The aquarium, although it symbolizes well-being, is located close to the toilet room, where water is constantly draining, this desired well-being is invisible and will constantly flow out of your home into the sewer.

And yet, in feng shui toilet It is forbidden to place a trash can or broom in a corner! The fact is that a trash can is a symbol of the abyss, which can begin to intensify its harmful effects in the toilet. Well, if the toilet is located in your home where the Wealth Zone is concentrated, then write - it’s gone. Let us remind you that the Wealth Zone is located in the southeast of the house. And if there is no way to remove the toilet from there, then the only way to restore the balance of energies according to Feng Shui is to hang a mirror on the outside of the door of your toilet, which will reflect these energy flows and make the toilet more invisible.

These easy-to-follow tips will help you live in harmony, happiness and prosperity.

The other day I was asked this question:

“Oksana, hello! Please tell me in which sector the toilet can be placed? It is clear that all sectors are needed, but still? We’re just drawing up a house plan, but we can’t decide, help!”

Tatiana Tsybiskova

I also often get asked this question:

“Each sector is connected with something: northwest - with a man, west - with a daughter, southwest - with a mother, and so on. Where should the toilet be located then?

Don't listen to anyone. If you think like that, you can’t build a toilet anywhere... Of course, this is not true.

Since the question, I think, is relevant for many, and the answer to it is quite lengthy and cannot be answered in 2 words, I decided to write an article.
I'm sure she will help many.

But since a lot of things have been written about this on the Internet, you will first have to “clear” the cluttered information space, and then only begin to explain this topic.

So let's get started.

In which sector should the toilet be located according to Feng Shui?

Topic complexity

1. Often we cannot influence the location of the toilet - the riser was installed during construction and we can simply record this or that influence based on calculations of its location. This cannot be changed in any way, nor can it be “neutralized” by any flowers, mirrors, and so on.

However, even if the apartment is unfavorably located, sometimes by combining/separating the bathroom and toilet room or remodeling the entrance to the bathroom, we can significantly either improve or worsen the situation. There are nuances, you need to study a little, spend time to learn all the intricacies and subtleties application of feng shui.

2. When we we build a house taking into account feng shui, then it seems that now we will do whatever we want. However, here too we are often limited in choice due to the characteristics of the site or financial difficulties. But still, of course, we can do our best and build the best possible house, taking into account many (even if not all), feng shui rules.

Don't try to apply all possible formulas at once. There is no need for this. Many people believe that the more formulas, the better. But this is not true. There are only a few rules, following which will protect you from making wrong decisions. They must be followed, otherwise you will not be able to make a decision.

What are the influences of the energies of the toilet sector according to Feng Shui?

For the health of all family members;
on family income;
on the physical and psychological state of the men in the house.

The house itself can be wonderful. And the entrance is good, and the location of all the main items in the house. However, if the toilet is located in taboo places, people can still fall into frequent depression, lose money out of the blue, and have unstable relationships.

Therefore, knowing how the toilet is located in your house or apartment can help you understand the reasons for what is happening and concentrate on how you can change it or feng shui means, or by other means.

Does money get flushed down the toilet?

Yes, water leaves in this place, but water loss in itself is not an unfavorable factor. There is no “money flush” here, as some books or articles say, which recommend “keeping the toilet lid closed.” Everything is much deeper!

For some reason, many who begin to study Feng Shui believe that the loss of water itself is bad in any case. No, my friends, this is not true! When our house is located classically with a mountain at the back of the house and a facade on the decline, having “embraces” on the left and right, it a priori already “looks” at the “retreating water”. AND this can be a very beneficial factor in some directions of the facade. But if the outgoing water is located in inappropriate directions, then yes, then money can leave the house, since the outgoing water represents the Yang factor in the San He formulas, and therefore represents money.

Moreover, if we are talking about ordinary toilets and bathtubs in our houses and apartments, then most often there is no “Water Outlet” at all in the meaning as it is understood in classical Feng Shui San He. These are only certain types of bathrooms, which are most often found in Southeast Asia. In our territories, these are extremely rare.

Is the toilet a sha?

Of course, first of all, the unfavorable location of the toilet in the house is associated with unpleasant odors, which in Feng Shui are called “smell sha”.

When we were in Central China, I understood why Feng Shui pays so much attention to this space. You can only go there wearing a gas mask and overalls, which must be disinfected before you take them off, as they show in movies about mega viruses! Horror!!! You can’t even imagine what it is and how it works inside!

But in other places, especially in modern European interiors, sometimes you go into the toilet and it seems that you are in the Queen’s boudoir or in a Thai elite spa salon - it is very beautiful and the smell of citrus, lavender or patchouli.

If you keep your toilet constantly clean and take care not to let the smell of sewage enter your home,
You don’t have to worry about “sha”.

Having a toilet in the center of the home affects everyone in the family. Space energies are created that can cause depression, heart disease, and quarrels. Of course, this is primarily due to the loss of water in a place where it should not be under any circumstances. The center is sometimes called the “heart” of the home.

Especially a toilet in the center of the house will be unfavorable and cause illness if it has a floor flush (a hole into which water can drain, like a shower).

What does "in the center" mean?

In this case, when we talk about San Yuan, we are not really talking about the geometric center. Many people misunderstand this by simply connecting two diagonal lines and finding the center-intersection, struggling with finding the center in apartments and houses of irregular shape.

We all don't do this. We are dealing with the energies of space, and not with geometry. Everything here is much more interesting and is based on an understanding of the distribution of energy throughout the premises.

For example, in this example the toilet would be in the center of the house.

And in the same apartment with a slightly different layout, the house will no longer be in the center.

Your toilet may fall under the category of "in the center of the house" without even being in its exact geometric center, but somewhere near it.

I explain this in more detail in the course “Is everything sha that is directed” and on a full-time course in To the Flying Stars when we discuss the distribution of qi.

If you are now at the stage of designing a house and do not yet know all the intricacies and nuances of energy distribution, simply do not design a toilet in the “central zone” of the house, where there are no windows, especially near the main entrance to the house. Then you will definitely not fall into the risk zone.

Tip 2. Do not place the toilet in the northwestern sector of the house.

This advice comes from the idea of ​​matching the northwest with the Tian trigram, which in San He's theory represents the eldest man in the house. It is believed that if the toilet is located in the northwest, a man may become weak, lazy, incapacitated, rarely be at home, and often get sick.
For example, in a house like this:

However, this is only part of the story.

The second part is enclosed in San Yuan, in which not only the North-West, but also Star 6.

For the first time I spoke about this publicly Master Yong Pen, who recorded the stories of his feng shui consultations in his diary. He then handed over this diary to Master Leyau. Master Leyau has created a training course for those who professionally want to study the theory of Flying Stars based on this diary called Er Jai.

So in one of the examples, Master Yong Pen explains the reasons for the health problems of the owner of the house. Exactly in Star 6 relative to his house, there was a cesspool (toilet).

Many people know that it is unfavorable to locate a toilet in the north-west, but few know that Star 6, also representing man and the northwest, can be located in any sector of the house, not only in the northwest...

First, a little information about Peach Blossom.
The Peach Blossom formula belongs to the San He system. It is believed that if the Peach Blossom for a home is dirty or does not correspond to the correct care/receipt of water, then people may have problems in relationships.

Since water can also leak in the bathroom, the Peach Flower can also be activated, which means it can seriously harm relationships and cause diseases of the genitourinary system.

This is a complex topic that is studied only in face-to-face courses on the San He theory; it cannot be explained in a few words.

But if you do not plan to study Feng Shui deeply and contact specialists for Feng Shui advice when building a house, do not despair, I will tell you a big secret!

There is one simple rule. If followed, this formula simply will not work at all and will never harm you, you will always be protected.

The secret is simple: don’t make a hole like this in the floor of your bathroom:

True, sometimes we make such a hole in the floor specifically for Feng Shui to enhance yang energies, but if you don’t know how to use it correctly, just exclude the possibility itself. Well, it’s like, if you don’t know if you are allergic to a certain product, and you don’t want to involve specialists to conduct tests, you simply exclude this product from your diet, and that means it definitely won’t harm you...

If you don't know anything about Flying Stars, watch lesson 12 from free video of the “Feng Shui for Beginners” course, which you can find in your Personal Account.It's free for you, my loyal readers and followers.

Above I talked about Star 6, in which it is not recommended to place a toilet, as it is harmful to a man. You can make a toilet in any other Stars.

In all others.

Another question is, if you design a toilet in sector 88 in a house and occupy the entire sector 88, then where will you sleep? We have so many favorable combinations, we cannot waste them, we need to save them for the bedroom and office. You can choose any other, less favorable combination for the toilet, because you cannot sleep in it. Why else is it needed, except for the toilet, storage rooms, utility rooms.

However, if the area of ​​your house allows you to make sure that both a toilet and an important room fit in one favorable sector, then no problem, place it, everything will be fine.

Is it possible to place a toilet in the bedroom?

You may have already read some books or articles on the Internet about Feng Shui, where it was said that you should not place a toilet in the bedroom.

I know that some feng shui “gurus” are now throwing tomatoes at me, but I have a different opinion.

I'll tell you what you can do in the bedroom toilet.

I don't think you need to explain that there is a big difference between what toilets looked like 1000 years ago when Feng Shui was being developed in China and what they look like now. Anyone who has been to the villages of central China even in our time will understand what I am talking about.
Therefore, of course, I would also say that you can’t place a toilet in the bedroom if it was exactly as it was at that time: smelly, dirty, from just looking at it you could probably get infected and get sick... No God forbid I have one like this in the bedroom!

But now everything is different! Beauty, cleanliness and constant purification and ventilation of the air. And therefore this rule has lost its relevance.

Yes, of course, it is imperative to study what our predecessors wrote about Feng Shui. But you also need to understand the reasons for the conclusions they made, on the basis of which these advice appeared, and not just blindly follow. And if the reason is no longer there, then this advice is no longer relevant.

Well, unless, of course, your toilet in the bedroom is the same as in old China, then yes, you should definitely listen :).

I'm not advocating that you make a toilet in your bedroom on purpose. No. If possible, it is still better to be away from the sewer (in case it bursts). But, if you need a toilet in the bedroom (well, you never know what the reasons may be), then personally I don’t see anything wrong with this.

Another question, how to arrange a bathroom inside, located next to the bedroom, even if it is beautiful?

What should it be like?

Where to put the toilet itself, where to make an entrance to the toilet from the room.

Yes, this will be important.

Where to place the door to the toilet room?

It is advisable that the door to the toilet should not be located opposite any other doors of the apartment or house: opposite the front door, the door to the bedroom, to the office, and also opposite the bed, desktop, unless there are special recommendations from the Feng Shui Master, as there are always exceptions, everything is very individual.

However, in all the cases they tell, I see that there is not only one reason for what is happening. In all the years of my practice, I have never seen that only one incorrectly located door to the toilet, for example, or just one “toilet sha” led to problems for people.

There are always better reasons, for example, a bed in an unfavorable sector, a door to a bedroom or an unfavorable direction of the front door relative to the same Flying Stars (natal, annual and monthly).

What am I talking about? Besides, yes, there are rules that we follow.
And you need to try to do everything possible to initially design All details are correct.

Remember that it is not enough to ensure that the toilet sector is suitable. Be sure to pay close attention to how they stand plate, bed, Desktop, in what directions are they located? all doors in the house.