Zhanna Badoeva biography personal life children. Zhanna Badoeva: “All my men are different, but they are all leaders

Zhanna Badoeva

Zhanna Badoeva has soft magic and feminine charm that men value so much and immediately offer her their hand and heart. Zhanna has already been married three times! The first marriage, with businessman Igor Kucharenko, lasted eight years, the second - with music video director Alan Badoev - nine. But even after parting, she manages to keep great relationship with ex-spouses. Two years ago, Zhanna married again - to designer Vasily Melnichin - and moved to live in Italy. About how it develops family life, our heroine said in an interview.

— Zhanna, many women, having gone through a divorce, are in no hurry to get married again. You are not one of them...

“When I got divorced for the first time, I was twenty-eight years old. I was very worried, although maybe I didn’t show it outwardly. And it took me quite a long time to get out of my depression. But then, over time, I accepted the fact that divorce is the completion of some life period and a new beginning. Today I wouldn’t suffer so much. (Smiles.) After all, life is so short! If you are depressed for a long time, there will be no time for joy. We need to analyze the mistakes, draw conclusions and move on.

- That is, you still return to the past: you try to figure out who was to blame, why it didn’t work out.

Certainly. But I am sure: when people disagree, it does not happen that one person is wrong. Even if you were greatly offended, it means that there is some part of your fault. It was you who allowed this situation to happen. I didn’t see, or rather, I didn’t want to see, what kind of person you were marrying. Surely there were prerequisites that everything would happen exactly like this. But when we are in love, we prefer to close our eyes to everything. “No, it’s an accident, he’s not like that,” we deceive ourselves. We must look at things soberly and give a realistic assessment of what is happening.

— Probably, it wasn’t that you suddenly looked differently at your life partner. The point is that you both grew out of this relationship.

— If we take my case specifically, then yes. My first husband, Igor, married a twenty-year-old girl who was just discovering the world. And he was the king and god in him. But then I had a child, I went to college, and my social circle expanded. I wanted self-realization, but he didn’t want to accept it, come to terms with it. And, it seems to me, he did not take a wise step to resolve the situation. I guess I didn’t behave too wisely either. But I think the breakup would have happened sooner or later. Now I understand that Igor and I are absolutely different people. They crossed paths at some point, fulfilled the mission they had to fulfill in relation to each other, and parted. We exist perfectly in parallel.

— Did you have any regrets or attempts to return?

- God forbid! Of course not. I was worried for several years. I tried to figure out why this happened, whether it was possible to change something. But time passed, and when I realized that there was no turning back, I stopped regretting it.

— Do you think you choose men who are similar in type?

- No, everyone is completely different. The only thing they have in common is that they are leaders strong men capable of making independent decisions and leading a woman. Otherwise I wouldn't be interested. To get married in order to command, to subjugate your husband - for me this makes no sense. Then it's better to be alone. I need someone I can lean on. This is my opinion, I am not saying that this should be the case for everyone.

— Your third marriage was hasty, unexpected for many. How did it all happen?

— It was probably unexpected for journalists. (Laughs.) I just didn’t advertise our relationship. In general, at that time Vasily and I had known each other for two years, and marriage became a logical continuation of our story. It was in Venice - an absolutely fleeting acquaintance in general company. Then I left, but we exchanged contacts and began to correspond. And then we met again. And now two years have passed since we got married, but the feeling that arose then has survived to this day. I could have married him on the very first day.

- Is this chemistry?

— I'm not a fan of such clichés. Chemistry, love at first sight - I don’t know. Vasily is the person next to whom I feel the taste of life. I feel good, calm, comfortable and interesting with him. With him I can be myself. This is exactly the relationship I always wanted.

— Italians are sensual, temperamental people and know how to give beautiful care. Is this true of Vasily, who lived in Italy for many years?

“I really love this man because he never tries to do something on purpose, for show. And he doesn't know how to give flowers. When I once told him about this, he presented me with a beautiful velvet rose: “Now you will always have a flower from me.” So some template fairy tales I don’t have any that are typical for the candy-bouquet period. But Vasily was always sincere, I felt his desire to be with me, and this warmed me very much.

- After all, Venice is like that beautiful city, you probably had some romantic walks.

— Yes, I always dreamed of going to Venice. I had a picture before my eyes: I was in this mysterious city, in a gondola with my loved one. And on the day we met for the second time, everything was exactly like that. It seemed to me as if we were alone in this city, we were so close spiritually.

— Venice makes a completely different impression on people: some see romance, while others see decay.

- This is not surprising, all people are different. I know people who don't like Paris. I love Venice, it's rich story, culture, beautiful architecture. This inspires me a lot. It is the north of Italy that I have always really liked. Right mine. You know, it feels like butterflies in your stomach.

— Is that why you decided to move so easily?

- This was not a clear option. We also considered the possibility of Vasily moving in with me. But, after weighing all the pros and cons, we realized that in this case he would lose much more. Due to the nature of my work, I have a nomadic lifestyle, and I’m not at home for long. The children had no doubts at all; they enthusiastically accepted the idea of ​​moving to Italy. Everything happened quite organically and easily. The children went to school there, I began to take care of the house, my work went according to its schedule.

— And your second ex-husband, Alan, didn’t mind? After all, now he will see his children much less often.

“I can’t say that they met so often before.” Alan is also either filming or traveling. Then, Europe is not America. Two hours and you are there. He can come whenever he wants. We discussed this issue, and Alan was not against it. He was even happy that the children would receive an education in Europe. We didn't have any obstacles to overcome. Everything went very smoothly, as if it should be so. Everyone warned me that I would begin to feel nostalgia for my homeland. I've been waiting for the second year and it doesn't come. (Laughs.) I don’t know, maybe in ten years it will appear. Since I travel a lot, my mentality has become a group mentality. And in principle, I can live in any place where it will be good for me and my family.

— In Italy there is a completely different rhythm of life than in our crazy capital. And they have a siesta!

“I can say that my rhythm of life has not changed at all. Maybe there are fewer meaningless actions. I get terribly tired here after three days. The number of things to do there doesn’t seem to change, but I exist in some kind of pleasant mode. In Italy, it is not customary to call a person and arrange a meeting in an hour. IN best case scenario We can make an appointment for tomorrow. Everything is very measured. And if it’s siesta, no one will even pick up the phone. For the life of me, people are resting at this moment. It is also rude to call after seven in the evening. And in such a rhythm, their business and economy somehow exist, nothing collapses. At first I couldn’t understand how they even lived if they rested all the time. (Laughs.) I came to the commune for important documents, it turned out that they work from eight to ten in the morning, and not every day. It turns out that they calculate what time it comes more people, how much needs to be served - and that’s it, they don’t need to work anymore.

— What is a commune?

— It’s like a housing office and a registry office; all issues related to documentation and registration are resolved here.

— Did you and Vasily sign up for the commune? Did you have a big wedding?

“We signed in the commune; only close relatives were present at the ceremony. We celebrated the event, sat in a nice restaurant, and then went to the cinema. (Laughs.) And myself as part of my television program. Now we are thinking about the wedding. Vasily said: “If you want, let's get married. It’s so beautiful.”

— I read that Vasily is busy in the field of High Fashion. And what exactly?

— He is a shoe designer. His company collaborates with almost all world brands - such as Valentino, Gucci, Chloe, Marc Jacobs.

— Did you manage to personally meet any of the luminaries of Haute Couture?

— I haven’t met them in person yet, but I know designers who work with them. I know the man who designed shoes for Lady Gaga, for her last show.

— Are you interested in fashion?

- Certainly! But I’m not a fan and I don’t immediately run out after the show to buy things from latest collection. I can admire Gucci and Dolce&Gabbana, but I will only wear what suits me. In general, my weakness is shoes and bags. Sometimes I buy shoes knowing that I'm unlikely to wear them anywhere. But I get great pleasure just from the purchase itself. It's like this women's history. (Laughs.)

— When you come to Moscow, you probably bring several suitcases with things? Do your friends place orders for you?

- No, they act differently. They come to me themselves and do some shopping.

— What else have you discovered in Italy? Do you go to the opera or theater?

- Certainly. I’ll just get home now, let’s go see La Traviata. Both Venice and Verona are very good theater. We live in such a place that it would be strange not to use these benefits. Moreover, I really love both opera and plays. The only thing I still suffer from is when I go to the cinema. Italian, I don’t fully understand everything. But I do this on principle. Therefore, while in Moscow, as soon as such an opportunity arises, I go to the cinema. You can’t imagine what a pleasure it is to watch a film in Russian! (Laughs.) What else new did I discover in Italy? I like cuisine and food culture itself. For example, for breakfast they don’t eat the usual scrambled eggs and sausages. Only coffee and brioche, croissant. And almost everyone has breakfast this way: coffee and something sweet. This lasts them until twelve o'clock, until lunch. Everything is strictly on schedule, there are no snacks that I so often indulged in in Moscow. Lunch is usually hearty: lasagna, spaghetti, for the main course - potatoes, salad. For dinner, fish and vegetables. The most interesting thing is that I calmly eat pizza and pasta there and don’t gain weight. But as soon as I come here, I immediately gain a kilo or two. They probably know some secret. By the way, I noticed that all Italian women over forty are usually thin. I don't know what they are doing. (Laughs.)

— Do you cook at home?

— Usually I only make coffee and salad. My son and Vasily are excellent cooks. What's the point in me going there where people are much more talented? But every Wednesday we have a market where the freshest fish is brought. I cook fish very well. The only one in the house who can handle fish is me. The rest are specialists in meat and flour dishes.

— Have the children settled well in the country?

- Yes. Lolita has even begun to forget Russian a little. The school is Italian, my friends are Italian. At home we speak Russian, and when I come to Moscow, I buy her books. But I see that it is difficult for her to express her thoughts in Russian. I ask: “The capital of Italy?” - "Roma". - “Ok, how about in Russian?” She arrived there when she was nine years old, and three days later she went to school. At first, a Russian teacher sat at her desk with her, helped and translated. But after six months, my daughter began to cope on her own.

— And my son graduated from school in Kyiv, and then he had to study again!

— Yes, in Italy, secondary education lasts thirteen years. He still has a year and a half left. But it’s easier for Boris because he knows English perfectly. And at the same time he also teaches Italian, French, German, Japanese, and Latin. He is a polyglot, languages ​​come easily to him.

- He probably connects his future profession?

- No, he connects it with creativity. But he still doesn’t understand where exactly to move, he is in search.

— Have you ever had any thoughts about new job?

- Yes, I have already started doing something, but I don’t have the opportunity to talk about it yet. Let me just say that this is a different sphere, not television. The main thing is to master the language. There is not enough time yet to get to grips with it. Although these are probably excuses.

— How important is it for you that your children approve of your choice of life partner?

- This is a fundamental factor. If I had seen that Vasily had no mutual understanding with them, nothing would have worked out. And this is not about some kind of sacrifice in the name of children. I’ll be honest: I don’t live for my children. But if my man cannot find contact with my children, then something is wrong with him. I am grateful to Vasya that he did not do anything special to please them, did not cajole them in any way, did not shower them with gifts. No, he's just so open, honest and a kind person that they themselves reached out to him. You can't fool children. At the same time, he is quite strict with them and does not babysit. He knows a lot. Sometimes they go to him for advice, not to me. Vasya does homework with them, goes to parent meetings.

- But as I understand it, your children are not problematic?

— There are moments of disobedience, and that’s when Vasily comes on stage. He's just a diplomat in relationships! Unlike me: I immediately explode. I fit in well with Italian reality: I wave my arms and shout loudly. (Laughs.) And Vasily is very calm and measured: “So, let’s figure it out...”. And while he begins to put everything into order in his monotonous voice, we return to normal and understand that no one is going anywhere anymore. (Laughs.) But if we talk about tough conflicts, we don’t have them. We try to find out through negotiations what everyone's desires are and find compromises.

— Is this Vasily’s first marriage, and such a large family?

- Yes, he was lucky: he had two children at once, and he also brought a dog. (Laughs.) In my opinion, he loves her more than anyone. Although I used to hate small dogs. We have a dwarf Spitz: this misunderstanding was born only to sleep, eat and receive our affection. He is incapable of anything else. He simply forces us into this lisp, stupid musi-pusi, we turn into absolute idiots next to him. (Laughs.)

- Do you have a house or apartment?

— We have a house for four owners. The apartments are separate, each family has its own entrance. We can meet on a common veranda.

— In Italy, do they go to their neighbors for salt and matches?

- No. Nobody forbids making friends, but in general it’s not customary to just suddenly come. First you need to notify in advance about your visit. “We’ll come to you for a cup of coffee then.” Basically, everyone meets not at home, but somewhere on neutral territory, in a cafe, restaurant. On weekends we can come to friends for a barbecue, but we agree on this a week in advance.

- So there is no concept of “24-hour friendship”, when you can wake up your friend in the middle of the night and tell some sob story?

- I don’t have such girlfriends in Italy, I don’t know. It seems to me that they don’t need it at all. That's what psychotherapists are for. (Laughs.) I have close girlfriend in Lithuania, since school. She and I often talk on Skype. When we really miss each other, she flies to visit me. Fortunately, the flight here does not take long. But, since due to my work I don’t spend much time with my family, my first desire is to communicate with my children and husband.

- Not uncommon for Italy large families, and, probably, Vasily would like his own child?

- Why only Vasily? And I would like to. God willing, of course it will. We are ready for this.

The famous TV presenter was married twice before her wedding to businessman Vasily Melnichin. Now the couple lives in Italy and is raising two children - a son, Boris, from his first marriage and a daughter, Lolita, from his second marriage. Zhanna in frank interview spoke about relationships with ex-husbands, the situation in the family and the project “Heads and Tails.”

- I'm lazy. But ask: do I want to change? I will answer: no. Vulnerable. When I need to pull myself together, I can – bam! - and get unstuck. Hot-tempered. I don’t like people who do things unprofessionally, slowly and uncertainly. I can boil. But quick-witted. And also soft. As long as I live, I learn to say the word “no.” It's so difficult. Sometimes fear gets in my way. I'm afraid of the unknown. Powerless in the face of rudeness. And, of course, I worry about my loved ones and children. But the paradox is that take all this away and it won’t be me.

Dreams and reality

– I got married for the first time at the age of 18. Igor was 33. Handsome, smart, charismatic. I couldn't help but fall in love. When I told my parents that I was getting married, they did not dissuade me. They just asked: are you sure? She answered yes. My parents never broke me, but sometimes they offered an alternative. So, when I got ready to go to the theater after school, they said: “Great! Just get an education first.” And I, the daughter of engineers, forgot about my dream for a while and entered construction.

My husband was a wealthy man (Igor Kucharenko owned a chain of gas stations - Antenna's note), I did not need additional income. But after a while I got bored, so I opened small business– audio and video products store. But I didn’t enjoy the idea. I continued to dream about theater, but I was afraid that nothing would work out.

I lived with Igor for seven years. These were happy years, he adored me, showed me the world, for which I am very grateful to him. But the night after my son was born, I couldn’t sleep, wondering if my Boris would be able to answer the question in a few years: “Who is your mother? What does she do?" Then I finally decided to realize my dream and entered college.

This categorically did not suit my husband. All these years, I, a little girl, grew up next to an accomplished man. And when I entered the institute, I changed: I began to argue, my own vision appeared, people whose opinions I valued. Igor gave an ultimatum: either you leave the institute, or we get a divorce. I didn’t take his words seriously and refused. Then he took off the ring, and a couple of weeks later he gave me a suitcase with things and put him and his eight-month-old child out on the street.

The ground was disappearing from under our feet. I couldn’t eat, drink, or think. She cried day and night. We need to raise our son and pay for college. My parents helped me cope financially. Over time, study and work saved me from depression. Later I realized that everything was right, if I had chosen a family, it would have broken up later anyway.

Jokingly get married

– The relationship with my second husband was initially based on friendship. I have known Alan (Badoev, now a director, music video director. - Antennas' note) since the first year of theater, we studied together in a group at the same faculty. We have similar creative views. We understood each other well. Boris was six years old when Alan said: “I want to raise your son.” Of course, he bribed me with this, I jokingly replied: “Great! Then get married." He easily agreed and assured: “You’ll see, in a year I’ll earn a million.” And even though there wasn’t a million a year later, I saw promise, talent and ambition in this skinny boy. His success was a matter of time. And I am very captivated by the leadership qualities in men. Yes, Alan was 23, just a boy, just graduating from college. I understood that in this marriage I would not have the same stability as in the previous one. But she also knew that Alan would not give her a choice: career or family. At that moment it was decisive.

When he found out that we were having a daughter, he jumped and squealed with happiness. It was impossible to expect a different reaction from him; he himself was still like a child. Picking Lolita and me up from the maternity hospital, he ordered a limousine, two hundred balloons, brought me and my daughter home, kissed both of them and... went off to filming. I never dreamed that Alan would get up at night and change diapers. But I knew who I was marrying. The work of a director requires detachment from everything. When he came home “dead” after 20 hours of filming, it was stupid to demand his help with the child.

Heads and tails

Yes, Alan did not sit with Lolita, did not bathe her. But he talked to his daughter, watched films, explained that she had been with him since she was two months old. film set, I saw my dad working, coming up with something. This was his upbringing. And Alan always bore the burden of financial responsibility for all four of them. He believed that he had to provide for us with everything, I didn’t convince him of this, it’s in his blood.

But time passed. Alan built a career and made money. Sometimes he didn’t like the fact that I was invited to filming or to work; he wanted me to spend more time with the family. Although we were from the same creative environment, he still preferred me to stay at home. Such pure male egoism. I don't blame him. Just a fact.

And then we started the “Heads and Tails” project. Probably at that moment I broke out of the vicious circle. I was able to realize myself, I realized that I could exist on my own. But I came home from trips, and no one was waiting except for the children. Alan disappeared for days on set and often didn’t even know that I had returned. Each of us lived by our own interests. The relationship began to fade away. This did not happen immediately - gradually. At first it hurt from loneliness, then it hurt, then it didn’t matter, and finally it felt good. At some point we decided to call it a day. No tragedies.

Again from scratch

– We celebrated the divorce in a restaurant. Together. We laughed and had fun. It was like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I really think that if a husband and wife have nothing to talk about, there is no spiritual or physical warmth, no desire to see, hear each other, there is no point in preserving everything. Especially for the sake of the children. They suffer many times more if they see their parents constantly fighting.

When I got divorced for the first time, I was a student with a child in my arms, this time I worked and could not only support myself. Yes, and Alan continued to talk financial liability for the children. And now the training of Boris and Lolita is on his shoulders.

When my son and daughter asked why we were getting a divorce, I then answered: “How often do you see dad at home? He works all the time. But I want simple female happiness: returning home, communicating with my husband, having dinner together. In order for this to become possible, we need to separate.”

So, after ten years of marriage, Alan and I came to the point where we started - friendship. Now we communicate better. We value and respect each other. If someone is having a hard time, we can write an SMS and support them. We are close people in any case.

About stereotypes

Boris considers Alan to be his father. This is understandable: he has known his son since he was eight months old, and now he is 17 years old. They already communicate directly with each other. Now it’s simple: there are social networks, Skype, mobile phones, you can be in touch at least 24 hours a day. Sometimes I learn from Alan about some news from Boris. Let's say his son can first send him a photo with new haircut, and then to me. The son does not have such a close relationship with his own father. He can talk to him on the phone, but he is unlikely to ask for advice. Igor congratulates Borya and Lolita on the holidays, sends gifts, and may go somewhere with the children.

Our mutual grievances subsided over time. If you approach relationships wisely, why should it be any different? These are all stereotypes: if people are divorced, they must fight, but if they are friends, this is nonsense. If ex-spouses learned to treat each other with respect, there would be fewer problems for both them and the children.

Marriage in Italian

We met Vasily a little over a year ago in Venice, and we already got married in the fall. This, of course, is very funny, but we don’t remember how we came to the wedding. We wanted to be together, and we were both tired of my constant flights and departures. We decided to settle down and got married...

Having gone through two marriages, I never thought about another one. This was Vasya's wish. I decided: he wants it - why not? Only the wedding hasn't been held yet. I don’t dream of a big celebration, but I want to wear a bride’s dress.

Vasya has been living independently since he was seven years old. At first he was sent to a music boarding school. And at the age of 15 he left to enter the Conservatory of Rome. Vasya is used to loneliness. We laugh that his wife, two children and a dog immediately fell on him.

I didn't plan to move anywhere. My husband and I chose an option that was convenient for everyone. It turned out to be easier to do this with my work; Vasya has more ties to the place. He works in the high fashion industry. But if Vasya was in Taganrog for work, she would have gone there too.

Now we live in an old house, the windows of which overlook the villa where Hitler and Mussolini met in the 40s. Venice is 20 minutes away. Previously, I couldn’t even think that I could walk the streets of this place even every day. magical city. Even its name seemed magical. And now my husband sometimes invites me to Venice for a cup of coffee, but I refuse... So everything in life is relative.

Mom is a poor student

– Boris and Lolita took the changes in life easily. I heard and read a lot that difficulties often arise when the mother of adult children gets married, but we didn’t have any. Maybe it’s about the attitude towards each other, a strong spiritual connection.

The children go to the local school. Secondary education in Italy lasts 13 years. In order to enter a university, Boris needs to complete two more years of school. We got used to the new place quite quickly. It was easy for my son; he speaks excellent English. In addition, he previously studied both in Canada and in London. Lolita had a more difficult time adapting, she is still small, she is only ten, she still has girlfriends in Kyiv, and her daughter’s English is worse. But now time has passed, everything has improved.

Lolita and I are learning languages ​​together. I used to use “you” in English before. Sign language saved me. With him I can even find my way to the moon. And now Italian has also been added. My daughter started school with the basics, and it’s easier for me. But with such work I miss a lot, and Lolita has already overtaken me and considers me a bad student. Sometimes he will ask something, but I don’t know. I downloaded the tutorial and textbooks onto my iPad, but it’s not always possible to look at it.

Vasya is a leader. You can't dictate to him. You can ask, offer, hint. But stomping your feet is not the case at all. I think it’s right when a man is strong. I can’t understand why get married when a woman is ready to handle everything herself, and a man only submits. Maybe this suits some people. And although I feel comfortable alone, if someone is ready to take on some of the issues - even if it’s to change a faucet - and I don’t have to think about it - great!

I'm in harmony now. And that makes me feel good. I do what I want, what I like. There are children, work. My beloved man, whom I can rely on. Many women, having everything that I have listed, do not feel happy.

Alan often comes to visit us in Italy, we celebrate holidays together, he gets along well with Vasya. He will definitely be one of the guests at our wedding.

But I'm not euphoric. No rose-colored glasses. Life is like a swing. The main thing is to understand: no matter what happens, good or bad, it is temporary. Difficulties are a chance to understand yourself, to understand your mistakes.

And also, you know, I realized that when everyone is happy, they look like fools. But that doesn't concern me. I, it seems to me, just happy woman. I don't try to justify myself to those who think I'm stupider than I am. I will not convince you otherwise. Besides, I'm so self-critical. If I started listing all my shortcomings, the day wouldn’t be enough.

Children of Zhanna Badoeva- son Boris and daughter Lolita were born from different men. Boris's father was Zhanna's first husband, businessman Igor Kurechenko - he was rich, owned a chain of gas stations and fully provided for his family. Zhanna married him very early, at nineteen, and after the birth of her son she completely immersed herself in family problems. The birth of her son did not prevent her from going to college, but Jeanne’s husband, who was much older and only wanted his wife to be a housewife and an obedient woman, did not like such independence.

In the photo are the children of Zhanna Badoeva

However, Zhanna’s character did not allow her to obey Igor in everything and remain silent when he began to put forward his demands and make claims. In response, Zhanna objected, argued, and, as a result, Igor Kurechenko set a condition - either Zhanna leaves the institute, or they get a divorce. She chose the second, hoping to the end that these were just words, but Igor really decided to break off relations with her, and at the same time, he simply kicked his wife out the door along with his little son, who at that time was only eight months old. She took this situation very hard, and pride and resentment did not allow her to demand from ex-husband child support for my son.

In the photo - Zhanna and Alan Badoevs with children

Zhanna worried about this situation for several years and only calmed down when she got married for the second time. At the institute, she met her second husband, Alan Badoev, whom she initially treated simply as a friend, and did not even think that she would ever marry him. They became close after a joint trip to Egypt, and after some time they got married - this happened seven years after the first divorce.

Zhanna's son Boris took Alan calmly, since he had known him since childhood. They had a daughter, Lolita, but, according to Zhanna, they never had a family as such, and in last years relations became strained to the limit, even Zhanna Badoeva’s children did not help correct the situation. The presenter says that their marriage was heading towards its collapse slowly and smoothly, and therefore it is difficult to say when the relationship between them deteriorated completely.

According to the TV presenter, her second husband turned out to be a wonderful father - he never made any distinction between his own daughter and Zhanna’s son from her first marriage, even now, when two years have passed since the divorce, Alan takes Zhanna Badoeva’s children to school and generally communicates with them often . Zhanna's first husband also often takes Boris and Lolita to his place, and in this regard, Zhanna Badoeva's children are not deprived male attention.
You might also be interested to know.

Zhanna Badoeva is talented and one of the most popular TV presenters in Ukraine. She is known for her participation in many popular television projects. Her ex-husband is Alan Badoev, together with her he was the host of such a program as “Heads and Tails”. They have a daughter together, Lolita.

Childhood and family of Zhanna Badoeva

Zhanna was born in Lithuania in a city called Mazeikiai. Her parents were engineers. Being people of technical professions, they dreamed that their daughter would go to a construction institute after school. Zhanna's grandmother loved music, she played the piano every day. The girl got used to falling asleep listening to her grandmother play. Having matured, she began to study music, and besides, she was seriously interested in dancing.

Zhanna grew up and, following the wishes of her parents, entered the construction institute. By this time the family moved to Kyiv. After a construction university, realizing that she wanted to be creative, the girl became a student at the Institute of Film and Television. She studied at the directing department. Her dream was to enroll in acting department, however, she did not pass due to age.

The beginning of Zhanna Badoeva's career

Jeanne's talent could not go unnoticed. Sharolopova Nina Vladimirovna (acting teacher) invited her to teach at the acting department. Zhanna worked as a teacher for several years.

Soon Zhanna began to engage in creativity. It was she who became the first resident girl of such a popular comedy program as Comedy Club. Badoeva took a position on television creative producer. She was also a production director on several projects. We're talking about these popular shows channel “1+1”, such as “I Dance for You”, “Hurdy Organ”, talent show “Superzirka”. Over the course of several years of work, the talented girl gained considerable experience in television production.

Zhanna Badoeva on the show “Heads and Tails”

Hereby finest hour Zhanna Badoeva can be considered her participation as a presenter in the television show “Heads and Tails”. The essence of the program was that two presenters had to travel to one of numerous countries, and one of them could live “like a king” without limiting his means, while the second could spend only one hundred dollars in two days of travel.

The television project started in 2011. Zhanna's co-host was her husband Alan Badoev. For nine months a year they traveled to one country or another, delighting television viewers with stories about the possibilities of a rich and poor tourist.

Having traveled halfway around the world, Zhanna left the project in 2012. She explained such an unexpected departure by saying that she was too tired and did not want to sacrifice her family and communication with her children anymore.

Zhanna Badoeva on the show "MasterChef"

Almost simultaneously with her departure from the television project “Heads and Tails,” Zhanna became a co-host in another no less interesting project. It was cooking show“MasterChef”, where, together with Zhanna, it was hosted by Hector Hemenez-Bravo, a famous chef, as well as Nikolai Tishchenko, a famous restaurateur. It should be noted that in order to participate in the program, Badoeva had to go through a serious casting.

After starting the MasterChef program, Zhanna became a real gourmet. This is not surprising, because she had to taste a lot of different dishes.

Another new project with the participation of Badoeva - “Don’t stop me.” It is shown by the Inter channel. In this show she works together with Dmitry Kolyadenko.

Badoeva continues to work in the field of producing. She has a lot of new ones ahead bright projects, with which she will delight her many admirers.

Personal life of Zhanna Badoeva

Zhanna first married at the age of twenty. Her husband was much older than her. He worked in the oil business. The name of the first spouse is Igor. A son, Boris, was born into the family. Soon this marriage broke up. Zhanna believes that the reason was her husband’s irreconcilability with the fact that she had many interests besides her family. Zhanna was given a condition - either family or college. She did not leave the institute, and the promised divorce soon followed.

For the second time, the TV presenter married music video director Alan Badoev. They lived together for twelve years. The couple raised Zhanna's son Boris and their joint daughter Lolita. For the Badoevs, family and family relationships always came first, communication with children was always of great importance. That's why everything free time the couple dedicated family vacation. On the Internet you can find many photographs of them, where you can see how happy the children and their parents are. In 2012, unexpectedly for many married couple decided to break up. Badoeva believes that feelings have disappeared between them. Divorce did not make them strangers. They spend a lot of time together, going on vacation or traveling as a family. Alan speaks very warmly about Zhanna, calling her the most wonderful woman in the world.

Soon after the divorce, Badoeva began a relationship with businessman Sergei Babenko. They met in America. Sergei and Zhanna announced their engagement back in 2013. The wedding was supposed to take place on February 16, 2014. But the couple broke up in the fall, never making it to the altar.

The third husband of the presenter was Vasily Melnichin. He is a businessman, lives and works in Italy, and Zhanna spends all her free time there. The lovers met in Venice. Zhanna often posted general photos on in social networks, but it was very unexpected for fans that the couple secretly married at the end of 2014.

The marriage of the co-hosts of the project “Heads and Tails” did not stand the test of fame

The marriage of the co-hosts of the project “Heads and Tails” did not stand the test of fame

The top travel TV show in the CIS, “Heads and Tails,” hides many secrets. Today, for the first time, one of the presenters of the program, Zhanna BADOEVA, told Express Newspaper how the program was actually filmed and about her relationships with her husbands.

We met with the Ukrainian TV presenter Zhanna Badoeva in a restaurant on Novy Arbat. A modestly but tastefully dressed woman sat at the table, next to her was the constant suitcase that accompanied Jeanne on her endless travels.

- Zhanna, who came up with the idea of ​​“Heads and Tails”?- I met the producer Natella Krapivina at the party. At that time I was working as a production director for the show “Superstar”. Natella offered to participate in some project. I thought about it and remembered that back in my first year I decided to do a project about travel. A year before “Heads and Tails” I went to travel agencies and offered to pay part of the project costs. After Natella appeared, I called my classmates: “Guys, there is me, and there is a program about travel.” In general, we agreed. The first country was Spain, more precisely, the city of Barcelona. Neither I nor my partner-host - at that time still a legal spouse Alan Badoev- didn't know exactly what we should do. It’s clear: here’s a coin, they tossed it, some got heads, some got tails, but what next? How to connect our parallel stories? As a result, enough material was shot in Barcelona to make three films.

- What do you remember about your debut?

Barcelona is the only city where we were robbed. The film crew stopped at a tent to buy water. And no one noticed how the video camera was stolen. And here I had to spend the night on the street, because I couldn’t find housing with my 100 dollars. Everything is real, don’t think that we are showing staged footage. - What if you are given 100 dollars and sent to some country not with “Heads and Tails”?- Never! I have always traveled in comfort. And not alone. I'm a coward and uncollected. When I find myself at the airport, I panic. And the only thing I shout out is: “Help me!” - Were there any clashes with the police?- In Jamaica we filmed at the airport. Suddenly we were surrounded local residents who had already called the police. To our question: “What’s the matter?” - the law enforcement officers replied: “Residents are outraged that you are filming them. Delete the post immediately!” The guide shouted: “Get off your feet!” I have never run such a sprint.

- What do you keep in your suitcase?

I don’t have luggage, but a pharmacy on wheels: when I travel, I take medicines for throat, head, runny nose, constipation, diarrhea... In general, for all occasions. - How many countries have you visited and which places are especially memorable?- 67 countries, and Peru and the city of New York are so etched in my memory that I would like to return there. - Were the presenters prescribed a script in advance?- All replicas of the first program were written in full. And the rest are impromptu. It was important for me to remain myself. And I insisted that the program be educational. - Tell us about your most extreme journey.- The audience thinks that this is a vacation. But three days of filming without a break is so exhausting that you lose consciousness. In New York they remembered that they forgot to take off their eyeliner, and my temperature was 40 and it was time to fly away. But they finished it anyway - they leaned me against some post because I couldn’t stand on my feet. After the words “Stop, it’s filmed!” immediately collapsed. The same situation is in Cancun - the temperature is 40, but there is no possibility of getting sick. Sometimes you don’t even understand what country you are in. One day we were driving, and the cameraman was talking about a new building in Bangkok. I said that it was very interesting - I had never been to Thailand. The cameraman almost fell out of his chair: “What are you talking about, Jean, we were filming there!”

- Where was the most expensive?

Surprisingly, in Lapland. There is nothing for a budget tourist to do there, just like in Dubai. It’s impossible to live on one hundred dollars for two days, since even renting a hostel for the night costs $70.

- How much did you get paid for one program?- Started with 1000 dollars. Alan was paid several times more because the project used his name. When my husband left the program, my fees increased. But 1000 dollars is normal, I know that now the presenters of “Heads and Tails” receive several times less. -Are you interested in money?- I'm not much of a businesswoman. When I was married to my first husband - Igor Kurachenko, decided to open an audio and video store. I casted sellers, bought cassettes and got bored. I was interested in opening a store, but I wasn’t interested in money, since my husband was rich - he owned a chain of gas stations. When my son Boris was born, I plunged into family concerns. My husband eventually closed my store.

- Why did you break up?

She got married at 19: young, inexperienced. When I entered college, I realized that I had my own opinion. Igor and I began to argue. I noticed that he stopped developing. Igor could not handle my independence, he demanded that I stay at home. As a result, he put me and my eight-month-old baby out on the street. I went to live with my mother. This is the state when they say that the ground has disappeared from under your feet. Previously, they carried me in their arms... But I stood it and didn’t even apply for alimony. Now I understand: I did right choice. But I don’t prevent a father from communicating with his son.

I didn’t notice Alana at the institute

- How did Badoev captivate you?

I met Alan at the institute, where we both studied to be a director. In memory he was preserved as a thin boy with frantic ambitions and a huge creative potential. Alan came to see me, like other classmates. I had no plans for him. - When did the spark jump between you?- I remember we earned the first 300 dollars. It was 2003. My colleagues and I decided to go on vacation to Egypt. We booked a hotel, the next day all we had to do was bring the money - only Alan and I came. We went, it was my first trip abroad. But nothing happened between us on vacation either. When they were flying back, Alan suddenly said: “I would like to take part in raising your son Boris.” I say: “Then you need to marry me.” Alan: "No problem." I asked: “How will you support us?” Alan struck me with confidence: “You’ll see, I’ll earn my first million in a year.” I took it as a joke: “By the time you earn a million, I will grow old.” That's when our relationship began. A year later Alan had a million.

- What led to the divorce?

In recent years, our relationship has been strained. The common cause did not unite. We lived apart, so the divorce was not a surprise, rather a formality. Alan is a leader by nature. He didn't really want to do anything for me. I explained to him: “You need someone else, a housewife. Now, if I became a singer, would you help me with promotion?” Alan answered honestly: “No, why do I need an artist at home?” After breaking up, we returned to the relationship with which we started. The complaints, dissatisfaction, and grievances are gone. Today he sent the children (from Alan Badoev, Zhanna has a daughter, Lolita. - N.M., Z.Zh.) to school. I can say: Alan is a wonderful father.

- After the divorce, did you divide the property?- We have a house in Turkey, but it is registered in Alan’s name. I’m not a mercantile person, so I can come there. And I’ll earn money for the car myself.” After breaking up with Alan, you met another man - businessman Sergei Babenko. They say you're getting married soon? - I’m not getting married anymore. Sergei is a thing of the past. I am a free and happy woman, I am not in poverty. If a man appears with whom I feel comfortable and he does not put pressure on me, I will get married.