Aries woman's horoscope gemstone. Who are Aries


Greetings! Today we are talking about natural stones.

True precious stones include alexandrite and emerald, sapphire and pearl, diamond and ruby.

The remaining stones, mined in the natural environment, are classified as semi-precious. If you want to read about, follow the link provided.

It is known that stones have powerful energy and are capable of enhancing or, conversely, weakening a person’s characteristic characteristics. General patterns of talisman stones for different zodiac signs have been identified. Looking for a talisman for Aries? We will be happy to help.

Stones-amulets for Aries of the first ten days (March 21 – 31)

The energetic and impetuous Aries of this period are characterized by passion and ambition. The influence of the patronizing planet Mars affects their character - they are brave, courageous, strong, firm personalities, at the same time prone to aggression, intemperance and indiscipline.

Aries of the first decade are open and proactive people who know how to lead and inspire achievements. Ardent in love, impulsive natures. Emotionally unstable, they can be driven into depression by illness and failure.

The talisman stone of such a person is ruby. The king among precious stones, ruby ​​is a symbol of passion and love. A stone that does not tolerate proximity to other jewelry. A strong spiritual amulet.

It is believed that ruby ​​imparts wisdom and balance, which is so necessary for emotional Aries. The stone also contributes to the full disclosure of the enormous potential of people of this sign. Rubin is not a helper to immoral people prone to committing crimes.

Another talisman for Aries - amethyst . A symbol of purity, sincerity and peacefulness.

This purple semi-precious stone pacifies the aggression of Aries. Softens shortcomings, controls emotions and selfishness.

At the same time, it enhances positive character traits - optimism, activity, desire to help others.

A unique property attributed to amethyst is salvation from drunkenness.

This stone absorbs alcohol, maintaining sober thinking for its owner. Amethyst is also able to protect a person from this harmful habit.

As a talisman of good interpersonal relationships, it is good for family Aries.

Stones-amulets for Aries of the second decade (April 1 – 9)

Aries of this period are thorough and not as selfish as the first. They are less likely to commit rash acts.

“Wards” of the Sun, Aries of these days are noble and proud natures. Born leaders, self-confident and prone to taking justifiable risks. They value material wealth and almost never save money for a “rainy day,” as they are confident that they will be able to earn money or find new sources of income at any time.

Generous and talented individuals. Successful areas of activity for Aries are industry, sports, advertising, politics, trade, and creativity. Those with creative ideas and innovative approaches have every chance of a successful career.

The main disadvantages of Aries in the second decade include a tendency to passion and hot temper.

The best stone-talisman for such people is diamond . It is the most valuable of all gems.

It has long been known and has been used in jewelry for many centuries. The main property of the stone is to bring good luck to its owner, protect him from failures and illnesses. A symbol of purity and invincibility, innocence and strength.

Diamond tames Aries's temper and irritability, protects against fears and defeats, attacks of rage and blues. Diamonds on Aries are the strongest amulet of this sign. And women wearing diamonds also become unattainably beautiful.

Aries will help in achieving big goals ruby , it will not allow you to be distracted by minor troubles, it will give balance, calm, and specificity in decision-making.

Red coral

Aries who want to achieve great success on the love front should have in their talismans red coral .

Can give Aries wisdom and foresight sapphire . The stone, translated as “blue,” can actually come in several color shades – green, yellow, pink, purple, and even colorless.

A stone of high ideals, knowledge, striving for heights, and comprehension of the unknown.

Talisman of strength and constancy. Not only on an emotional, but also on a physical level, this stone has a beneficial effect.

Its medicinal properties regarding cardiovascular diseases, rheumatism, skin diseases, diabetes and bleeding have been known for a very long time. Sapphire improves sleep and has a general calming effect.

Stones-amulets for Aries of the third decade (April 10 – 20)

Aries of this period is distinguished by a passion for travel and gambling. These are lively, receptive people, sociable, active. They are successful in sports, politics, and over the years in philosophy and pedagogy.

The patron planet Venus gave Aries of the third decade a love of music and art.

These people have passion and tenderness. They have high needs, but have the ability to overestimate their capabilities, which is why material problems often arise. They are also prone to making hasty conclusions and judgments, which can lead to interpersonal problems and serious losses.

Pomegranate – the best stone is a talisman for Aries of the third decade. This stone will add the sense of proportion, self-control and self-organization necessary in achieving Aries’ ambitious goals.

However, it is worth considering that pomegranate will only help those Aries who have the talent necessary to achieve their goal. Otherwise, the stone will only intensify negative emotions - anger and envy.

In this case, it is better to purchase amethyst or malachite, they contribute to the development of new qualities and provide emotional support.

Aries can also be advised to use semi-precious stones turquoise And zircon.

The sacred power of gems is recognized by all astrologers and is taken into account even by notorious nihilists. Opinions about the specific effect of each natural mineral in certain conditions may differ, but the influence of the stone on a representative of a particular zodiac sign is beyond doubt. The same stone can develop positive qualities in one person, but only suppress them in another. In order not to unknowingly give a harmful gift to yourself or a loved one, it is better to find out which stones will become a talisman, which are simple decorations, and which will only bring harm.

A person born under the sign of Aries is distinguished by self-confidence and correctness of judgment, perseverance in achieving a goal, high efficiency and an active life position. Aries are energetic and sociable, loving attention and able to create a good reputation for themselves. They are loved for their positive mood, belief in a bright future and straightforwardness. At the same time, Aries's pride can easily lead to tactless egoism, and excessive emotionality and impulsiveness often interfere with completing the work started.

The Aries talisman stone should not come into conflict with the inner world of the owner, but should restrain the manifestation of negative character traits that interfere with public or personal life. Astrologers recommend stones with strong energy for fiery Aries: and, as well as and. The use of other minerals as faithful amulets depends on the individual characteristics of the individual and his date of birth.

Choosing a stone by date of birth

Depending on the date of birth, Aries can be patronized by Mars (21.03–31.03), the Sun (01.04–11.04) and Venus (12.04–20.04), which form three types of signs: purposeful and narcissistic egoists, noble and faithful family men and passionate and romantic adventurers. Each type contains typical Aries traits, but they have different degrees of expression.

There is disagreement among astrologers regarding the selection of the most appropriate gemstones for the sign, and it is very difficult to understand the individual manifestations of temperament. Therefore, such a division is advisory and not prescriptive.

Talisman stone for Aries

When choosing the ideal talisman, it is necessary to take into account that such sunny colors as, and enhance the energy of the fire sign of the zodiac, and, and - do not allow certain character traits to develop to the point of their negative manifestation.

Thus, if some features of the sign appear too sharply and have a negative connotation, then it is better to choose stones with a green, blue, light blue color or.

Blood ruby ​​gives vitality to conquer peaks, activates mental activity and helps to quickly restore strength. Less saturated shades of ruby ​​have the same properties, but restrain the manifestation of aggression and excessive emotionality. A transparent and durable diamond gives confidence and strengthens character, but is not suitable as a talisman for young unmarried girls.

Agate, as a talisman, is suitable for students born under the sign of Aries. It helps to concentrate on studying, develops self-organization and curbs the impatience of its owner.

Aries often take risks without assessing their capabilities, so they need a mysterious protector stone. It will help to reduce the manifestation of aggression and harshness in communicating with loved ones.

Stones for Aries woman

Bright representatives of the sign are recommended to wear diamonds, garnet, ruby, amethyst and rauchtopaz. Green diamond is a symbol of femininity and motherhood. Juicy pomegranate will help you find love and harmony. Amethyst is a stone of fidelity, develops female intuition, but for Aries it is allowed only in lilac. helps preserve the love of spouses.

For young women, it is useful to wear transparent zircon; for mature women, yellow zircon is preferable. This stone gives strength and saves from depression.

It is well suited for careerists and businesswomen, which helps to plan the day and distribute their energies in such a way that they are left to create home comfort and tenderness for their loved ones. After all, Aries women are completely immersed in work, forgetting about family.

Stones for Aries men

All representatives of this sign are characterized by the development of leadership qualities. In men, this character trait is more pronounced; they always take the position of commander and organizer. It will also be a good talisman for leaders.

You should also be responsible when choosing a frame for a stone. For Aries energy, the use of gold and platinum is unacceptable.

If a man strives to reach the top of the career ladder and wants to realize himself in a certain activity, then it is better for him to wear the stone on his index finger. For romantic men looking for true love, it is better to purchase jewelry in the form of an amulet or pendant. For tough and hot-tempered men, it is recommended to wear amethyst, which pacifies anger and helps improve family relationships. Its properties are enhanced in a silver frame. According to legend, this stone protects against alcohol intoxication, maintaining a clear mind.

Any stone acquires additional power if it has an engraving with the image of a ram, owl, wolf or rune.

Stones that are contraindicated for Aries

It is quite possible that among the preferred gems, Aries will not find a stone to their liking. In such cases, it is better to listen to your intuition and choose what you like. However, there are stones that Aries should avoid. These are those natural minerals that are attributed to: , . Products made from and are contraindicated.

For impulsive and aggressive representatives of the sign, it is advisable to choose a ruby ​​of pale shades or transparent.

It is not advisable for Aries to wear stones of cold colors, symbolizing the water element. Such decorations will conflict with the fiery nature of the owner and disrupt his harmony. Black, dark green and dark blue colors of stones do not correspond to the open character of Aries.

Even after studying the advice of astrologers, it is difficult to choose just one talisman stone. This is not worth doing. At different periods of life and in different situations, the strength and support of different gems may be required. It is useful to have several pieces of jewelry, but some of them will have to be worn separately. Many stones with strong energy do not tolerate the proximity of other stones (for example, ruby). Others, on the contrary, are successfully combined in one decoration, increasing their impact on a person.

The choice of a souvenir or jewelry made of natural stone according to your zodiac sign should be multi-level. A person, like a gem, has a complex internal structure, which manifests itself in different ways during life. At the first stage, you should discard those stones that are contraindicated. At the second stage, we select those that would help in the development of any character traits, would serve as support and support. After this, we filter out inappropriate colors and shades. The next stage is visual perception. You can't force anyone to wear something they don't like. This will already cause internal contradiction. When stones that are pleasant in appearance are selected, you can begin a detailed study of the influence of each stone on representatives of a certain zodiac sign, taking into account gender.

Using natural stones as a gift is quite original, but requires a lot of responsibility. It can be very difficult to guess preferences, so don’t rush to buy the first thing that catches your eye. All Aries appreciate attention to their person and a gift chosen taking into account the smallest details will not leave them indifferent. However, if a mistake is made in the choice, then the straightforward Aries will not be stingy with eloquent comments.

The Aries woman is a business-like and active person, with great intelligence and inflated self-esteem, and a desire for independence. She is very proactive and always tries to be first. In general, an Aries woman is a very extraordinary person who requires complete independence and respect from other people for herself.

The best stones for an Aries woman

Stones suitable for an Aries woman should emphasize her character traits - determination and assertiveness, and also help reveal her femininity.

Therefore, the most important stone for an adult woman is a pure diamond, preferably green, which symbolizes harmony with the man she loves and the desire to be happy in marriage and family.

But for a young girl, these are more suitable:

  • transparent zircons, which symbolize love and salvation from women's problems, yellow zircons - provide salvation and cure depression;
  • grenades- perform a similar function;
  • purple amethyst(rauchtopaz) - helps to maintain love and fidelity in a love union;
  • amethysts of other colors- give a woman self-confidence and protect her from bad energy, help her find good friends and bring peace to family relationships;
  • red jasper- helps in planning strength and daily activities;
  • corals, rubies, agates, obsidians- also fit this sign.

Aries should be proud of their stones, among which there are many truly beautiful and valuable ones.

Stones by decade

Depending on the date of birth, each Aries woman has her own birthstone:

  1. First ten days (from April 21 to April 31)- agate, tiger's eye and rock crystal and jasper. These stones will help in all your endeavors and save you from stupid and senseless stubbornness. People of this period were born under the rule of Mars and therefore are the most purposeful and loving individuals who care only about their problems, and not about those around them.
  2. Second ten-day period “solar” (from May 1st to May 11th)- pearls, amber, cat's eye are suitable. They will provide support to loved ones in difficult times and will increase the manifestation of the best qualities. Such people are called solar Aries. They are honest and noble; fair leaders value loved ones and family like no other.
  3. Third ten days (from April 12 to April 20)- garnet, diamond, sapphire and ruby. They will help reveal the complex, but at the same time very complex human nature. If the pebble is blue, it will pacify the frantic character, while the red one will enhance the positive and strengths, which will lead to success in numerous matters. Aries of this decade are very romantic and passionate natures, whose patron is the Greek goddess Venus.

Gems for Aries

Azmaz- the most expensive stone, which has a strong magical influence, but only when it is presented as a gift or passed on by inheritance. If you buy a diamond on your own, it will only be able to become friends with the owner after 7 years. But in a situation where the diamond is stolen or not obtained in a very honest way, then it can bring death to the owner.

- “a stone of power and strong energy” (in Indian astrology) - acts on strong and bright personalities, increases their strength, protects them from malicious intent, drives away depression and melancholy thoughts. An important mystical property is the ability to influence great aspirations, which helps a noble person achieve victories, happiness and love. At the same time, ruby ​​can warn against danger when it begins to change its shade. However, it can also cause trouble for its owner, who suffers from hypertension and blood diseases.

It has a restorative effect on the body and adds strength. In Roman mythology, sapphire is the “stone of Jupiter” - the heavenly god who rules the world, gives victory and recovery, and increases fertility. It always symbolized power, for which it was loved and worn by priests and representatives of the religious clergy.

In many languages ​​it is translated as “radiant and unique”, it was considered the most perfect stone in the world, is considered a symbol of family happiness, has healing properties, and tones up vitality.

This is a mineral that has many shades: transparent or yellow, it gives a person confidence and is able to expose deception, affects the improvement of mental abilities, memory, intelligence, and helps to know the truth. Blue zircon provides assistance to travelers.

Semiprecious stones

(has many colors and designs) - an amulet that protects against bites of snakes and other poisonous creatures. As a talisman, it helps the owner to do the right thing, influences insight and intelligence, and helps artists in their creativity.

Maintains balance and peace, drives away bad thoughts and moods. Amethyst helps its owner gain wealth and fame. Lilac amethyst will save you from bad influences and help you better understand people. Another plus is that it will protect you from unnecessary rudeness.

Pomegranate- brings success to those who make every effort to achieve the set goal, provides assistance to those who work with diligence and passion.

(crystalline quartz) - an excellent amulet for removing damage, the evil eye, protects against enemies and wild animals, protects property and gives invincibility.

Protects against deception, adds energy, brings harmony and family comfort to the home, and will help the fairer sex strengthen abstract thinking.

Talisman stones and amulets for Aries

  1. - gives Aries fearlessness, helps against poisons and snake bites, soothes pain and gives confidence.
  2. - a mineral that balances forces, normalizes mental activity and intellect, helping to focus on the desired aspiration.
  3. Jasper- a talisman that protects against the evil eye and curses - is able to sharpen intuitive abilities, has a positive effect on cleansing processes in the body.
  4. - has the ability to attract peace and prosperity, and also protects against swindlers and thieves.
  5. Diamond- has a powerful healing effect on the entire body and immune system, enhances the positive effects of other stones, and rejuvenates the body.
  6. - endows its owner with generosity and nobility, strengthens the heart, and relieves fatigue.
  7. - a talisman that brings love and happiness, strengthens faith and gives hope, can also help get rid of bad habits.
  8. Pomegranate- stimulates sexual energy, strong-willed aspirations, a sense of self-confidence, symbolizes passionate love. Dark garnets can increase the attractiveness and mystery of their owner.

An Aries woman can select amulets based on her eye color, her preference, or to match certain clothes. Rubies and sapphires will further emphasize her individuality and add charm and attention to the opposite sex.

What stones are contraindicated for Aries?

  • stones of the water element, having blue and light blue shades, - they will disrupt the harmonious development of Aries;
  • black and dark green stones- suppress the fiery nature of Aries, but, on the other hand, such stones can help neutralize the negative character traits of a woman that are inherent in her fiery nature.

Stones that an Aries woman should not even bring home: multi-colored minerals, crystal, topazes and tourmalines.

Aries (21.03-20.04) - the first sign, the spring sign of the Zodiac. The horoscope provides this sign with a wide selection of precious and semi-precious stones with various properties.

Stones for Aries are clean, sunny, bright or calm, but always powerful and expressive, like spring, knowing its rights. Stones of yellow, orange and red colors enhance certain qualities of Aries. Conversely, jewelry made from green and blue stones help combat imperfections. Both Aries women and men are potential madmen, heroes, conquerors, leaders.

Aries has the greatest freedom in choosing stones when compared with other representatives of horoscopes. The more stones Aries has for different occasions, the better.


The most favorable stone for Aries is amethyst. It has a calming effect on representatives of this sign, which is known for its ardor and temper.

Aries wearing amethyst is able to receive thoughtful solutions.

If Aries's egoism begins to harm him, causing rejection from others, amethyst is able to weaken this drawback and improve Aries' position in society.


Aries always fights against any injustice, without mincing words. Agate develops the ability to speak and make the right decisions, make the right choices and actions. Agate makes a person insightful. If you decide to buy agate jewelry and give it to an Aries friend, your relationship will develop into friendly, reliable, partnerships for a long time.


Turquoise as a stone of happiness is simply necessary for Aries.

After all, in order to give joy to others, you yourself need to be charged with positive energy.

Other stones for Aries

The following stones are also suitable for Aries: sapphire, citrine, rock crystal, carnelian.

Aries needs the sun, so Aries stones are the stone of the Sun diamond, and transparent rock crystal.

Stones are very good for Aries, the energy of which can enhance his strong qualities, strengthen his aura, and protect him from negativity. Such stones are obsidian, pyrite, amethyst, labradorite, agate, ruby ​​and coral.

Over time, tastes change, you may no longer like one stone, then you need to choose another decoration - with the stones you like at the moment.

  • Carnelian (dense red chalcedony)
  • Quartz hairy
  • Corals (red, pink)
  • Lapis lazuli (dark blue, with pyrite)
  • Opal (fire, orange semi-opal, but not black)
  • Ruby (red and crimson corundum)
  • Citrine (golden yellow quartz)

However, Aries always has his own opinion, and if Aries wants jewelry with opal or topaz, or with a black stone, it means that for some reason he definitely needs it!

Aries is not recommended to wear stones of cold shades - blue agates, gray chalcedony, blue aquamarine, moonstone, white pearls and mother-of-pearl, symbolizing the element of Water. Aries is still a sign of Fire, and a very strong sign at that. Cold shades of jasper, serpentine, peridot and chrysoprase, blue sapphires, marble onyx, and hawk's eye are also undesirable.

It is not recommended for Aries to wear iridescent and black stones - blue-black labradorite (it is better to choose labradorite of a different shade), black opal, black onyx, black mother-of-pearl, black pearls, obsidian, especially “Apache tears” (black obsidian with white inclusions), shungite. These stones can harm fiery, sunny and very emotional Aries.

The weaker sex under the constellation Aries are bright, impulsive and enterprising ladies who always achieve their goals. They try to be first everywhere. Their fearlessness and risk-taking irritate some people, but their phenomenal nature is admirable. Let's figure out which stone is suitable for such people. First of all, it should emphasize temperament, love of life and a desire for excellence.

Choice by horoscope

The patron is the planet Mars, whose strength gives determination and desire to live. This sign is characterized by:

  • temperament;
  • hot temper;
  • persistence;
  • pride.

The mineral will direct energy force in the right direction and remove negative qualities of character.


Ruby or yakhont is a symbol of wisdom and generosity. Regardless of who the person is according to the horoscope, the stone will be useful in:

  • getting rid of depression;
  • finding peace of mind;
  • increasing self-confidence;
  • returning lost interest in life;
  • love relationships;
  • desire for victory.


Agate is suitable for those who want to develop:

  • promotes concentration and increased intuition;
  • bring the plan to its logical conclusion;
  • achieve harmony with the people around you.


Adularia or moonstone for Aries will help:

  • when striving for spiritual self-improvement;
  • opening of clairvoyance;
  • development of intuition.


Pomegranate will promote good luck and increase the desire to create. It gives strength and power, and also contributes to the acquisition of pure love. It should be used for ambitious goals such as: developing a sense of proportion, self-control and self-discipline.

Pomegranate is suitable only for those who know how to be purposeful by nature. Otherwise, it will only intensify negative emotions.


Amethyst is ideal for impulsive and hot ladies. It will relieve nervous tension and calm you down. People born in the year of the Tiger are very sensitive to this semi-precious mineral. Amethyst provides additional assistance in controlling emotions, is a symbol of purity, truthfulness and peace, pacifies aggression and controls selfishness.


Yellow sapphire is also suitable. With its help, the weaker sex will be able to find a way out of any hopeless situation, tame outbursts of anger and control their emotions.


The carnelian mineral suppresses nervousness and selfishness, promotes the search for mutual understanding with others, increasing patience and responsiveness. This is a talisman of strength and constancy and has a beneficial effect on both the emotional and physical levels of a person.


If there is a lack of tact and restraint, crystal will promote maximum delicacy and modesty. The gem will teach you to control your emotions.

Diamond, diamond

You need to be very careful with a diamond, because only people who are pure in soul can wear it. If a lady has evil thoughts, the pebble will cause harm.

Diamonds are ideal for those born in the year of the Dog, as they are characterized by:

  • straightforwardness;
  • honesty;
  • openness;
  • sincerity;
  • compassion for others.

By date of birth

When choosing a stone according to your zodiac sign, the date of birth is of great importance, since women born in different periods have significantly different character traits and goals set for themselves. There are three decades.

First ten days (21 – 31.03)

Representatives of the fairer sex born from March 21 to March 31 are stubborn, passionate and think only of themselves. If a girl is a Horse according to the eastern horoscope, then she will go over her head to achieve her goal. The following gemstones are suitable for such ladies:

  • agate;
  • rhinestone;
  • hematite;
  • cornelian;
  • Tiger's Eye;
  • jasper.

Second decade (1 - 11.04)

Those born from April 1 to April 11 are characterized by the following traits: love for loved ones and family and nobility. Therefore, the most suitable for them are:

  • amber;
  • pearl;
  • sardonyx;
  • cat's eye.

It is advisable to select minerals of light colors.

Third decade (12 - 20.04)

Representatives of the third decade, born from April 12 to 20, fall under the influence of Venus, so they are characterized by passion and romance.

Ideal minerals would be:

  • diamond;
  • sapphire;
  • ruby;
  • zircon;
  • pomegranate.

For guard

A diamond is the best amulet for the fairer sex, but it should not be stolen or obtained by fraud. Such a talisman will definitely help the owner in overcoming difficulties, achieving success and protecting from negative influences.

A red diamond will be a talisman against the evil eye and damage. Blue - will guide you on the right path. Green diamonds will contribute to the happiness of motherhood. It is advisable to wear it around the neck or on the ring finger of the left hand.

But if a woman is not married, wearing diamond jewelry as a talisman is not advisable.

Ruby is also a talisman for a woman born under the constellation Aries. It fuels physical strength, revives natural energy and gives determination, but just like the diamond, it loves sincerity and pure people. Such a pebble will warn the owner of impending danger by changing its tone to a darker one. This is a powerful spiritual talisman.

Amethyst is a symbol of purity, wisdom and peacefulness, a wonderful talisman that promotes spiritual growth and personal development, helps to acquire peace of mind and harmony with the environment.

Pomegranate is best suited for determined and strong-willed female representatives, for example, a business woman. But if the owner does not have these qualities, the pebble will turn her into an angry, envious person.

For love

Often girls, due to their explosive temperament, experience problems in their personal lives; a diamond can also correct the situation. He not only protects his owner from negativity, but also helps her find true love and become a mother. An Aries woman with this stone softens her character and displays more feminine traits. This attracts the male sex.

Ruby jewelry makes the wearer attractive as these precious stones increase sexuality and determination. They evoke violent feelings.

Carnelian and amethyst, other symbols of fidelity and love, will preserve the flame of passion for many years. Amethyst can protect the family and harmonize relations between spouses. These stones are suitable for Aries women who value family ties.

For good health

Aries stones can not only improve family life, but also help the female body cope with many diseases:

  • Hematite - relieves stress, overexertion and fatigue. It increases endurance during physical activity.
  • Adularia - will help with insomnia and mental disorders.
  • Ruby - will improve mental activity and performance.
  • Diamond. For ladies with problems in the feminine sphere, a diamond will come to the aid, which can both protect against miscarriage and stimulate the birth process. It will cure infertility and other gynecological diseases.
  • Zircon. The Aries sign often has headaches. Yellow zircon can cope with this and will prevent you from falling into apathy and melancholy.

Can't be worn

Despite the large selection of gems, not all Aries stones can be chosen by a woman. It is advisable to avoid:

  • beryl;
  • opal;
  • chrysolite;
  • lapis lazuli;
  • malachite;
  • coral;
  • aventurine;
  • rhodonite.

For life-loving representatives of this constellation, black pebbles are undesirable. They will negatively affect energy and well-being.

If the necklace is a gift, then the choice should be taken very seriously. It is imperative to take into account preferences and personality traits. Women under the constellation Aries will appreciate the attention, but if she doesn’t like the gift in some way, she will not remain silent and will definitely declare her indignation.

Simple rules

The following principle will help you choose jewelry that is suitable for the fairer sex:

  • Any decoration should be chosen in a rhombic, square or rectangular shape - these ideal proportions will help the mineral work better and increase the flow of harmony and happiness.
  • You should choose a gold frame - it will emphasize the brilliance and sophistication of the selected crystal and concentrate the protective energy inside.

    Silver can be chosen for amethysts or other similar stones.

  • Dragstones should be rich yellow, orange or red. This palette corresponds to the fire element. Such minerals will develop leadership qualities and attract positive events in life.
  • Pebbles of blue, cyan, turquoise and some shades of green, on the contrary, weaken the will.
  • If a woman chooses a talisman stone based on her date of birth, then she should listen to her own feelings as much as possible.
  • Be careful! Obsidian is not framed and cabochons cannot be processed - otherwise they lose their potency.