Beautiful drawings of cars how to draw step by step. Drawing a car

This lesson is intended for those who are somewhat familiar with drawing and concepts such as layout, perspective, shadows, etc. Here we discuss the nuances of drawing a car with colored watercolor pencils using the dry method and a regular pencil.

Before we start our lesson, let’s ask ourselves a question: why should we draw a car if, for example, we can photograph it? Well, firstly, photography is a separate form of art, secondly, the car that you are going to depict is a figment of your imagination, thirdly, a drawn image allows you to more accurately convey details, lighting features, focus on color, etc. , and finally, you just like to draw.

How to draw a car with watercolor pencils

So, having decided, let's get down to business. What materials will we need:

  • watercolor pencils;
  • collet pencils with colored leads;
  • simple (graphite) pencil;
  • thick Whatman paper measuring approximately A3 or larger;
  • soft eraser;
  • fine-grained sandpaper for sharpening colored leads.

Note. Recommendations for drawing a black and white car are located a little lower in this article. Strictly speaking, it doesn’t matter what source of car image you have - a photo, from nature, from an idea, the main thing is to get a realistic drawing, the metal should be similar to metal, glass to glass, etc.

Let's look at some features of applying color with watercolor pencils.

  1. When mixing two colors to create a third, the dark shade is superimposed on the light one.
  2. The clarity of objects is achieved by tracing along the edge with a sharply sharpened lead of a collet pencil.
  3. It is better to make falling shadows from several colors rather than from one black one. These composite shadows are also called “living shadows.”

Drawing stage

1. Let's go directly to the car. First, we draw an outline of the car using a simple graphite pencil. The final line drawing should not contain thick lines as we are going to be layering color and the graphite may show through light colored tones.

In general, the thinner and paler the lines, the better. As the work progresses, some lines will be completely removed. For contour images, an automatic pencil with a lead thickness of 0.5 mm and softness “B” is used.

2. Let's start coloring. If you are right-handed, start painting from the left edge; if you are left-handed, start painting from the right. This is to avoid smearing the drawing. You can also place A5-sized sheets of paper under your hands so as not to leave fingerprints on whatman paper.

Some artists, when applying color, paint over the entire drawing at once, refining the image layer by layer. I do it differently: I select some area of ​​the image or element and bring it to mind, then move on to the next one. But you can do whatever is more convenient for you.

1. Draw clear color boundaries and contours of elements with a collet pencil with a sharpened lead of the same shade as the color of the given element. This is so that different colors are clearly separated from each other, i.e. There should be no loose boundaries.

2. Whiten smooth color transitions with a white pencil; in some cases, adjacent colors can be rubbed with cotton wool to create a transition. In general, I recommend that you shade the drawing with a white pencil for greater color smoothness. Try not to make mistakes when working with dark shades, as they do not erase very well with an eraser. Some points can be corrected with a white pencil. Multi-layered areas can be scraped off with a blunt cutter.

3. When you draw, often evaluate your work a little from a distance in order to detect and correct possible errors in time. I draw your attention to the fact that to get a good result when working with watercolor pencils, you need to show some diligence and patience. Over time, you will develop your own drawing techniques. When finished, use an eraser to remove dirt, if any, from the area around the drawing.

4. And of course, sign your autograph!

How to draw a car with a pencil step by step

1. So, to draw a car step by step, we need to start with the wheels. Draw a line for yourself that will be the main one. Draw two circles and disks for them. You can use a ruler or compass if you have trouble drawing circles. You need to draw with a regular soft pencil, make the lines thin so that they can be erased more easily.

3. Now, in order not to get confused, you need to draw the headlights first, then the number, the entire bumper, car doors and other small details.

4. At the last stage, we need to draw in more detail everything that should be on our car. Headlights, license plate, door lines, etc.

So, now I’ll tell you and show you everything I know about how to draw a car with a pencil step by step!

Scheme 1

This scheme is suitable for the little ones. Let's start drawing with the wheels. Try to keep them more or less the same.

Now connect the wheels with a horizontal line. But what is a car without headlights? This is a mandatory element that should not be forgotten. I propose to depict the headlights in the form of two ovals, as shown in the figure below.

Add a semicircle above the wheels. Connect it to your car's headlights.

But how to drive this car? A steering wheel is a must! Two parallel lines, an oval - and it’s ready. In general, the whole car is now ready! Paint it well and you're ready to go! =)

There are other diagrams that explain how to draw a car step by step. They may be a little more difficult, but I am sure that you will certainly cope with them. Try!

Scheme 2

When drawing a car on paper, identify those details that you simply cannot do without. This is the body, cabin, wheels, bumper, headlights, steering wheel, doors.

Scheme 3

Oh, would you like to try drawing a race car? I have an easy and clear diagram, but the car turns out simply amazing.

Scheme 4

Here are a few more diagrams that will tell you how to draw a car beautifully.

Scheme 5

Draw a convertible with a simple pencil.

How to draw a truck step by step.

This is an average difficulty lesson. It can be difficult for adults to repeat this lesson, so I don’t recommend drawing a car using this lesson for young children, but if you really want to, you can try. I also want to note the lesson “” - be sure to try it again if you still have time and desire to draw today.

What you will need

In order to draw a car we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take medium-grain special paper: beginning artists will find it much more pleasant to draw on this kind of paper.
  • Sharpened pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each should be used for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Stick for rubbing hatching. You can use plain paper rolled into a cone. It will be easy for her to rub the shading, turning it into a monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

Drawing a car is difficult, just like any complex vehicle must be designed in a certain way to function. In order not to violate the design features, it is better to see live what it looks like. If this is not possible, look at available photographs on the Internet.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to pay attention to the lesson “”. It will help improve your skill or just give you a little fun.

Please note that every object, every living creature, every phenomenon on paper can be depicted using simple geometric objects: circles, squares and triangles. They are the ones who create the form; they are the ones the artist needs to see in the surrounding objects. There is no house, there are several large rectangles and a triangle. This makes building complex objects much easier.

Tip: create a sketch with as thin strokes as possible. The thicker the sketch strokes are, the more difficult it will be to erase them later.

The first step, or rather the zero step, is always to mark a sheet of paper. This will let you know where exactly the drawing will be located. If you place the drawing on half of the sheet, you can use the other half for another drawing. Here is an example of marking a sheet in the center:

STEP 1. The first step is quite easy. All you need to do is make an elongated shape for the future car. It should look like an oblong box. It even somewhat resembles a guitar or violin. Try to repeat exactly as shown in Figure 1.

STEP 2. Using this form, we will gradually add details and draw out the real body of the car. It's best to start with the roof and then move on to the wheels and rear end. Do not use rulers or tools as the car has round shapes. And here everything is much simpler than, for example, drawing a helicopter.

But if you want, you can use a ruler to draw the car windows, and later round them off manually.

STEP 3. Start drawing the glass. The windshield comes first, the passenger side window later. Some Barbie or famous singer Debby Ryan could be sitting there. Next we draw the headlights.

STEP 4. In the pencil drawing of the car, we see the car only from one side, so we draw only one door and the steps under the door. Add window frames. Don't forget to make a handle and a keyhole.

STEP 5. Move on to the hood. Draw two lines on the hood and a grille below. Next, outline the lining for the spoiler and the bumper.

STEP 6. We are all ready to go. All that remains is to draw the wheels of the car. Please note that the wheels are not round! Under the weight of the machine, they become a little flat at the bottom. It will look more realistic. Well, of course, the tires are not perfectly round.

STEP 7. And finally, we carefully draw the rims. Try to repeat it as in the picture, or you can draw your own version, so they can be of different types and shapes, for every taste and color.

STEP 8. Remove unnecessary auxiliary lines using an eraser and trace the contours. This is how it should turn out:

STEP 9. Coloring.

I sincerely hope that you enjoyed the lesson on how to draw a race car. If you put in the effort, I believe you will achieve everything you set your mind to. Now you can pay attention to the lesson “” - it is just as interesting and exciting. Share this lesson with your friends on social media. networks.

A car is a vehicle that people use to move and transport various goods. A car is an indispensable human assistant. Since childhood, children love to play with cars because it is interesting and exciting.

In this article we will look at how to draw a car with a pencil. Take your children, as well as all the necessary materials and tools, and let's draw together.

Tools and materials

In order to draw a car, you will need a blank sheet of paper, a simple pencil and an eraser. If you have already prepared everything you need, then let's get to work!

How to draw a car step by step

  1. First of all, we draw a horizontal line that will serve as the road. On both sides we depict circles - wheels. Next, draw a rectangle that will serve as the base of the machine.
  2. Draw the top of the car.
  3. Using a vertical line, we divide the car into two parts: front and rear.
  4. We draw the headlights and the handle on the car door.
  5. Now let's see how to draw wheels on a car with a pencil. Inside the circle we draw another one, only smaller. We put a dot in the middle of this circle and draw lines from it in different directions.

Here's how to easily draw a car with a pencil. Now you need to color it. For this you will need colored pencils/markers/paints/gouache. If you chose watercolors or gouache, then you will also need brushes and a jar of water. We paint the car in any desired color. We make the windows blue, the wheels black.

That's all, the car is ready!

Sport Car

Now let's see how to beautifully draw a different type of car with a pencil - a sports car.

  1. Lay a blank sheet of paper horizontally and start drawing from a horizontal line at the bottom of the sheet. We carry it out from beginning to end, leaving very little space on the sides. From the left end we draw up another line with a slope to the right - this will be in front of the car. From the right end of the horizontal line, draw another one upward with a slope to the left - this will be the rear of the car (this line should be twice as long as the one on the left).
  2. Next, we connect the lines on the sides with a wavy line representing the top of the car.
  3. Now let's see how to draw wheels on a car with a pencil. We draw two circles on both sides. Using an eraser, we remove the extra lines crossing the wheels.
  4. We give smoothness to the vertical lines on the right and left.
  5. We finish drawing the junction of the wheels.
  6. Next, draw the car windows and complete the wheels. To do this, inside the circle we draw another one smaller than the first one. We put a point in the middle and draw horizontal and vertical lines through it so that we get a “plus sign”.
  7. We continue to draw the wheel. On each side of the plus lines we draw two more lines. Next, we depict the car door, at the same time we separate the front and rear parts of the car. We draw the front and rear headlights, as well as the contours of the rear window.
  8. We are reaching the finish line. We finish drawing the back and front of the car, add side mirrors, a door handle and so on, as shown in the picture above.

That's all, now you know how to draw a sports car step by step. All that remains is to color it. Here, as in the previous version, the choice is also yours. Paint it any color you like.

Drawing with children

Most likely, the variants of cars that we talked about above will be difficult for a child to depict, so we will discuss how to draw a car with a pencil for children.

  1. The first thing you can do is draw guide lines - a plus sign, which will help you draw the car evenly. Next, draw two circles below the horizontal line.
  2. Add another one inside the circles. Connect the outer circles using a horizontal line.
  3. Draw the front and rear bumpers.
  4. We draw the body and top of the car.
  5. We add two glasses: front and rear.
  6. We depict the front and rear headlights and side windows.
  7. Add bumpers at the top of the wheels. Now the car is ready!
  8. Now we draw the road and background.

And - voila! The car is drawn. All that remains is to color it.

Coloring the drawing

Take markers/pencils/paints/wax crayons and start coloring the finished drawing! You can start with the background. We paint the road gray. What is below - the grass - is green. We paint the rest of the background blue. Let's go directly to the car. The car can be made in any color the child wishes. Let's say red. We paint the wheels gray and the tires black. The car windows can also be painted blue, like the sky, as if it were reflected in them. Only the headlights remain - we make them yellow. That's all.

If your child was unable to draw a car the first time or drew it sloppily/crookedly/obliquely, you should not laugh at him or make comments. You just need to try again and again: tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, in a week and so on. In the end, everything will definitely work out. Support your child and show him your love and support in every way possible.

Cars are one of the favorite topics for drawing by children, especially boys. They often organize an unspoken competition to see who can create the coolest and most believable image of a car. Not everyone has the artistic talent to perform such a task, but these skills are trained. If a person shows enough persistence in mastering artistic intricacies, such a task as drawing a car will lose its complexity for him and will turn into something completely feasible and giving pleasure from the anticipation of the wonderful result of his efforts. Our tips are intended to help in the implementation of such plans.

How to draw a car step by step with a pencil: some subtleties of the process

Before you try to draw a car step by step, you should decide on its appearance. If you like a specific model, you need to get images of it, study it in detail, mentally divide it into separate elements: this way it’s easier to distribute the work into separate stages. In the case when a car looks too complicated to draw, it is advisable to resort to stylization or simplification, leaving only the key components, the main lines. For those whose artistic skill is not yet high enough, it is preferable to avoid excessive detailing of the product. Auxiliary lines and strokes drawn during the creative process are necessarily erased when the need for them disappears.

How to draw a car step by step for children

Difficulties with how to draw a car for children arise precisely because of the lack of simplicity of the form. They don’t have to try to repeat a certain model - they should depict a certain conventional car, like this one. First, an arbitrary rectangle is outlined with a smaller trapezoid above it - this will be the body part. Windows are drawn in it, wheels are added, preferably with rims. Approximately in the middle of the rectangle, a pair of parallel vertical lines indicate the edges of the doors. Smaller details are added: the edge of the steering wheel looking out of the window, bumpers, headlights.

How to draw a racing car

If the task is how to draw a racing or sports car, you can proceed as follows. A basic form of this type is created, consisting of a projection of a parallelepiped and a volumetric trapezoid in the desired angle. The contours are specified using it. First of all, the lower part is outlined, with the recesses for the wheels, and then they themselves are drawn, slightly oval due to the features of the projection. Now the bottom of the front is indicated, slightly rounded and with a low rise, and in a similar way - the rear. The top is slightly rounded, the boundaries of the glass are drawn, side mirrors are added, then several pairs of headlights are added. The edges of the doors, hood, and space for the license plate are marked. A spoiler and other details are added. Detailed step-by-step instructions are on this page.

How to draw a cool car: Dodge Viper

Many guys rush to learn how to draw a car with a pencil in order to further create images of cool cars. We will now consider one of the options, detailed instructions for which can be found. First, a blank is created, like this one, with two perpendicular lines drawn inside it, one of which will turn into the lower edge of the windshield. Now it itself is drawn, then the lower edge of the car, the outline of the body shape, the top of the headlights, the hood, and the seats for the wheels. A lot of details are added: a pattern running along the body, fog lights, radiator grilles, tires with rims, ventilation holes, mirrors, headlights. Hints on their location can be found in the link to the instructions.

How to draw a police car

Not everyone can cope with such a task of how to easily draw a car of this type. But it will be an easy job if you find the right instructions. It is permissible to follow the instructions given in this video clip. A text version of a step-by-step story about the process of creating an image of a similar company car is provided on this website. In fact, the image of any car, with the possible exception of sports cars, can serve as the basis for a police officer. All that remains is to apply some distinctive marks to the simple body. A block of flashing lights is drawn on the roof, located parallel to the bumpers. Side stripes, digital designations 02, and a small inscription “police” in a simple font are applied to the body.

How to draw a fire truck

Such a problem is not easy, but the following will allow you to solve it successfully: Video instruction. It is intended for older people, and if a preschooler wants to depict a police car, it is advisable for him to turn to another video. There are fewer intricate lines, the image itself is a little angular. For a detailed text explanation, accompanied by pictures of each stage of drawing, you need to go here. There, the creation of such a service car proceeds from the formation of a simple blank form to the gradual drawing of contours and the addition of small elements.