Autumn puppet ball in silence. What is the Moscow Fair exhibition

From April 7 to 9, the traditional exhibition of dolls and Teddy bears Moscow Fair 2017 will be held at the Tishinka TV Center. Once again, artists from all over Russia, as well as from Europe and Japan, will come together to show Muscovites the best that has appeared in the world of dolls and bears for a year.

What is the Moscow Fair exhibition

Moscow Fair 2017 is a unique brand in the world of dolls and Teddy bears, a legendary exhibition that has been taking place in Moscow for almost 11 years. The exhibition brings together a record - by world standards - number of works, more than 50,000 bears and dolls, as well as more than 500 authors, and 3 museums will immediately exhibit their private collections of doll rarities. What will artists surprise us with this year?

One of the most striking projects of the exhibition is an exhibition of dolls made in the Russian style. Fragile and thin young ladies are femininely and almost elegantly dressed by the artist in sundresses and other traditional elements of Russian costume, even bast shoes - and what would a folk costume be without them? - look like an elegant final point of the image. The look and facial expressions give each doll its own character and its own story; it seems that in a second the beauty will come to life and straighten a strand of red hair that has escaped from under her scarf.

In addition to modern works, at the Moscow Fair 2017 exhibition you will also be able to get acquainted with real puppet rarities. Blueberry Bear Museum will tell you about the evolution of style and fashion in doll outfits and Teddy bear costumes and show elements of doll clothing from the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. Guests will be able to trace how fashion has changed over two centuries: here you can find handmade lace from the 18th century and formal vest suits from the late 19th century. You will also be able to see how vintage wardrobes were made - the museum will exhibit a thematic miniature with fashion bears engaged in custom tailoring.

The theme of the history of costume, but in the context of the USSR, will be continued by the Teddy Bear Museum - the exhibition from the happy Soviet past will include a pioneer bear going to a children's camp with a characteristic suitcase, a sailor bear who goes to serve in the seas, and other bears from the Soviet era.

Unique exposition

The museum will present a very rare mechanical bear, which was discontinued almost immediately after production began. The reason for this was the complex mechanical design of the eyes, due to which the bear itself became a fragile and impractical toy. For thrill-seekers, the bear’s head opens, allowing the mechanism to be seen in all details. And for guests who prefer a more peaceful leisure time, there will be an interactive puppet-bear theater telling about Theodore Roosevelt and the history of the appearance of Teddy Bear. Anyone can become part of the troupe and control the doll.

You can see moving bears and dolls at the stand of the Toy Museum, which, as part of the Moscow Fair, exhibits the author’s collection of mechanical toys. Almost all objects in the collection were produced in Europe at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. Some of the dolls demonstrate an elegant gait and the ability to coyly throw their arms up, some coquettishly close their eyes, and some even stir their own tea and sing delightfully. You can see with your own eyes how the toys come to life during certain hours of the exhibition, when a museum representative will wind them up. The museum will also present a collection of equipment - from cowboys driving horses on a ranch to 19th-century German railway trains.

The central place in the Moscow Fair exhibition is occupied by a personal exhibition of the artist Dima PZh, who today is the most famous puppet master in Russia. Dmitry works in his own, original genre, which he defines as “a doll without a doll.” It is thanks to this artistic paradox that his works have received wide recognition on almost all continents, and they can be found in private collections in the USA, Switzerland, Japan and many other countries . Dmitry has repeatedly become a laureate of the most prestigious international puppet competitions. His work is not just an artistic object, but a situation that develops into a one-man show - an action that is frozen in front of us and at the same time continues. The artist’s exposition will be presented by the Vakhtanov Puppet Gallery by Irina Myzina.

You can get into the fairy-tale world of dolls and bears at the Moscow Fair 2017 exhibition from April 7 to 9, at the Tishinka TV Center. Come see dolls and Teddy bears with the whole family!

Biographical information about Teddy Bear!

Teddy Bear was born thanks to the generosity of the 26th President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt. Once, having decided to go hunting, Roosevelt came across an unfortunate bear cub tied to a tree in the forest (this is how the president’s associates took care of the successful hunt). Roosevelt untied the frightened bear and released him into the forest. The hunt was unsuccessful, but journalists gave this story wide publicity. Smart Americans made a toy in the form of a sad bear cub, which became the symbol and mascot of Roosevelt, and received the president's name - Teddy.

Over the past decades, Teddy has become one of the most popular collectible toys in the world.

Venue: Moscow, Tishinskaya square, 1, VK "T-Module"

Area: 2000 sq. meters

Number of visitors: more than 14,000 people.

Number of participants: more than 500 people.

Organizer: Antares Expo LLC


And every year the creative team of the Salon delights guests and residents of the capital with the Spring Puppet Ball, which is not inferior in scope to the Salon.

The organizers see their main task as uniting creators, collectors, specialists and fans of unique art on one platform. The exhibits surprise, fascinate, frighten and enchant: all the variety and difference of techniques, a true palette of emotions and feelings are presented here, creating a sense of the personal history of each doll. The special atmosphere of magic attracts more and more visitors and participants from all over the world.

The International Doll Salon is actively involved in charitable activities and holds lotteries, all proceeds from which are donated.

If you want to become a participant in the International Salon, please.

Come to us! We will be very glad to see you!



“I have always searched for my gift, because the better you know yourself, the better you will understand the world. What a woman wants, God wants.”


Simple rules of life from Svetlana Pchelnikova

I believe that it is necessary to believe in a dream and go towards it, to be a result-oriented professional in what you love.

I am sure that every person should love and protect their parental family, their Motherland, and mercifully not forget about those who need help.

I never give up, and I never put off solving a problem - because, unsolved, it will become more significant over time.

I live in Love of life, look at the world broadly, and at key moments of choice I trust my intuition.

I bravely confront obstacles and often discover that I am capable of things I never expected of myself.


"Parade of Star Dolls" is a charity project. The main goal of which is to help children in need of expensive treatment. Celebrities from the world of politics, business and culture who responded out of the kindness of their hearts create their own unique dolls, which they donate to the project.

Dolls are always presented at the Autumn Salon and Spring Ball in Moscow. Any exhibition visitor can purchase them and support the charity event.


The terms of participation

Our events

Exhibition and sale of designer dolls and toys on Tishinka "ROYAL TREE"

During the New Year holidays - from January 3 to 12, 2020 - in Moscow at the T-Module exhibition complex on Tishinka, everyone can expect an additional meeting with the already beloved exhibition of designer dolls and designer toys. This time, its organizer Svetlana Pchelnikova will present a special winter project “Tsar’s Christmas Tree”.

With the special project “Tsar’s Christmas Tree,” S. Pchelnikova continues her large-scale project “Recreation of the collection of dolls and toys of the children of the imperial family,” which she began back in 2010 on the eve of the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Tsarskoe Selo museum-reserve. Wars, revolutions and the fight against everything bourgeois throughout almost the entire first half of the 20th century did not spare the collection from the legendary playroom of the children of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II. In particular, many items were distributed to orphanages and shelters, where their traces were completely lost.

For more than 20 years, Svetlana Pchelnikova collected “royal dolls” bit by bit, traveling halfway around the world, visiting hundreds of “flea markets” and antique shops. In parallel, work was carried out to reconstruct the collection and recreate authentic dolls and toys by the best doll makers and restorers, and copies were also created from famous memorial museum objects - dolls and toys located in the collections of existing museums. Consultations were held with textile specialists, connoisseurs and collectors of objects of that time. The features of making toys from the late 19th to early 20th centuries were studied. All this taken together made it possible to recreate the “royal dolls” with maximum accuracy.

Interesting fact: Nicholas II brought his children from his trips not just ready-made toys, but bought parts from which the children themselves had to make dolls and toys for themselves. Thus, the four royal daughters, under the supervision of their mother Empress Alexandra, learned simple manual labor - they themselves sewed outfits for their dolls, and also knew how to build doll houses.

At the Christmas exhibition “Tsarskaya Yolka”, more than 100 puppeteers from all over Russia will present their works. To replenish your collection of designer dolls on Christmas Eve and Old New Year - what could be better?!

Pleasant and profitable purchases at the exhibition can be combined with good deeds. There will be master classes where visitors can learn everything about making dolls with their own hands. The money will go to the “Born from Childhood” charity foundation. On January 4, there will be a friendly meeting with astronaut from Switzerland Franco De Winne.

Here is another puppet exhibition “Spring Puppet Ball on Tishinka” 2017 behind. I can say that my feelings about this exhibition are mixed. At some point I caught myself thinking that I didn’t want to take pictures. Why? Don't know.

This year there are not many photos, but there is something to show. I won’t comment on everything, only those works about which I have something to say. My view and my opinion on the “Spring Puppet Ball on Tishinka 2017”. So, let's go.

I would like to say this. The dolls that we often see in photographs on the Internet look completely different in person. And the doll is not always better alive than in the photo. Sometimes it's the other way around. Good light, retouching and other achievements of photographers make some works much more beautiful than they are in reality. So go for it! The real world is different from the moment captured in a photograph. This is exactly what happened with the doll in the next photo. I saw this doll in the photo. I was fascinated. But at the exhibition I liked it much less.

This year I broke my tradition and did not start my story with the dolls of Mikhail Zaikov)). But I have his dolls in the photo.

Many dolls are presented in different techniques, dolls made of wood, baked plastic, self-hardening plastic, textiles, porcelain and much more.

Incredible snail. Anyone who knows SpongeBob's snail will understand that Gerry is far from this snail)))).

I don’t really like textile dolls using the stocking technique, but the characters of this author are something incredibly funny, causing only positive emotions. And the stand itself, in my opinion, is decorated very well, nothing superfluous.

There are a lot of teddy bears and other soft animals. There is just such cuteness, you can’t look at it without a smile))).

And there are very interesting, incomprehensible, funny characters, from whom it is not always possible to understand what they are or who they are. But, nevertheless, this adds even more charm to some of them.

The exhibition of dolls presents works of different levels of skill and in contrast it does not always look advantageous. That is, amateur dolls made by craftsmen who have just started their journey, next to dolls made by professionals in their field, are lost, or to say worse, they just look funny. That is, in my opinion, this is an ill-considered moment in the concept of the doll exhibition itself and its space. I don’t remember that at an exhibition of paintings, for example, a professional artist or photographer, there were drawings by children from art school hanging next to them. But as they say, this is just my personal opinion, shaking the air so to speak.

One might say that there were no antique dolls. But there was even one. It's a pity that the doll is unkempt and unkempt, but it's in pretty good condition.

A few photos of the hall, exhibition spaces and the bustle that reigns in the air.

This concludes my review for those who want to leave a positive impression of the doll exhibition on Tishinka. Thank you for visiting)).

And for those who have no problems with perceiving a different vision of the picture of the world and creativity, who are not limited by the framework of public opinion and do not adhere to generally accepted norms, I suggest continuing to watch.

This is a completely different look at the art of dolls, non-standard, sometimes shocking, sometimes disgusting. But if you look at these works not through the prism of your perception, polluted by social norms, but simply with a pure look, then a completely different picture is visible. By the way, the authors of these works also look very extravagant. Not everyone can express themselves so freely in life and creativity, fearing consequences and condemnation from others.

And the last work that I would like to talk about and show is a composition called “The Essence”. There’s really nothing to talk about here; if you look carefully at the photographs, you can understand what the author wanted to say.

That's actually all I wanted to show. This is how I saw the “Spring Puppet Ball on Tishinka”. There are a lot of works at the doll exhibition, the level of execution is completely different. It’s clear from their work what most of the puppeteers are “sick” at the moment. The magic three letters BZD. For those who are not in the know, this is a jointed doll. I’m sure I wasn’t able to see everything, because at some stands there was just a “mess” of everything that I didn’t want to sort through with my eyes. But you need to go to doll exhibitions. For a creative person, such events are useful and provide not only an emotional charge, but sometimes also new acquaintances.

Did I get anything from the exhibition “Spring Puppet Ball on Tishinka”? Yes! Finally ready to participate in the doll exhibition. I’m writing about this on the website officially, so as not to jump off and look for more reasons not to do this.