Scenario for an open day at a technical school. Methodological development on the topic: scenario for an open day “the journey of fairy-tale characters into the world of creativity”

Scenario of the holiday “Open Doors Day”


Hello adults!

Hello children!

Today is an unusual day in the world:

You can hear music, smiles and laughter -

The school opened its doors to everyone.

And don’t be sad, girls, boys,

From games, ventures, from fairy-tale books.

Childhood does not end in school life,

Childhood continues here too.

Leading: Look at those on your right, left, and behind you. Look around you, smile at everyone. When a person smiles, it means that he feels good. A smile also tells us that we are in a good mood.

The ditties sound:

Oh sister, look
What kind of rally is ahead?
Well, and a distinguished party,
My heart sank in my chest!

This school is like a magnet
She attracts everyone to her!
Either smeared with honey...
Is the soil phonic here?

It's hard for our minds
Figure out what's what...
This school is so nice to you,
Tell me why?

1 student:

Today is a holiday

All children come to visit us.

We'll tell you a little about our third school.

2nd student:

We will tell you in order,

What can you do here?

You just have time to mark everything in a notepad.

3rd student:

The teachers are here, what you need -

Only a creative approach! Strength, time, attention is enough for a school year.

4 student:

Preschool children come to us

(Many are not yet six), And here they have time to both learn and grow!

5th student:

What do they teach in class?

Your children from an early age? Already dictations and tests

Definitely not for first-graders.

6th student:

When we got used to Russian,

To keep up with life,

Started learning another language

To understand foreigners.

English from second grade

Fate forced me to teach.

We learn a lot of heavy words,

Wiping the sweat from my forehead with my hand.

7th student:

At school life flows like a stream.

We sculpt, knit, embroider,

We read smart books.

We dance and sing

In general, we have fun!

8th student:

At our school you won't have to

Your children will get bored -

So many things to do after school -

You won't know where to start!

How many songs and dances do they know?

Even if you wake me up at night.

Amateur activities at school

The whole planet is ahead.

9th student:

This is an exhibition of drawings.

Look how easy it is

Wrist swings with support

A precise master's hand!

10th student:

We draw with passion!

We sew toys for kids,

Come study with us

Just so as not to be lazy!

11th student:

You will remember our holidays -

Games, dancing, masquerade,

Jokes, laughter at the samovar

And prizes for all the guys.

12th student:

Nimble, sporty,

Brave, active,

Smart, inquisitive,

Very attractive!

Smart, beautiful,

Crafty, happy,

That's what our guys are like!

14th student:

These are the hobbies

We can offer you.
Don't waste your time

Enroll in school with us!

Leading: Guys, you probably all want to go to school, right? (Yes!) But before you go to school, you need to pack your backpack. What do they put there? Now we will ask, and you answer “yes” or “no”.

Shall we put a book in the backpack? (Yes!)

And a teddy bear? (No!)

Shall we take a pen with us? (Yes!)

And maybe a cloud from the sky? (No!)

Shall we put in a ripe orange? (No!)

What about a grocery store? (No!)

Shall we take a ruler with us? (Yes!)

And the canary bird? (No!)

Do we put a notebook in our backpack? (Yes!)

And also some chocolate? (No!)

Shall we also add a smile and success? (Yes!)

Cheerful and playful children's laughter? (Yes!)

Leading: Well, our backpacks are packed. Now we need to hurry to school. In the morning you have to get up early, but you really want to lie down for an extra minute... And then, in order not to be late for class, you have to hurry.

Leading: Now we will hold a relay race. It's called "Who's Faster?" You need to run around the chair with your backpack over your shoulders, return to the team and pass the backpack to the next player. 2 teams of 10 people will participate. And now we will choose those who wish.

Presenter: Well, teams, are you ready? (Yes!) How about louder? (Yes!) Then let's start... attention... march!

1 petal – memory.

Leading: Should a student have a good memory?

Let's remember all of our favorite Russian folk tales.

They ask for fairy tales -

You are friends,

Get to know us!

Didn't lie on the window -

Rolled along the path... “Kolobok”.

And the road is far,

Akorzina is not easy,

I would like to sit on a tree stump,

I would like to eat a pie. "Masha and the Bear".

There is no river, no pond -

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In a hoof pit! "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka."

Oh you, Petya-simplicity,

I messed up a little:

Didn't listen to the cat

He looked out the window... “The cockerel is a golden comb.”

The little goats opened the door

And... everyone disappeared somewhere! "The wolf and the seven Young goats".

Game "Remember your place"

Children stand in a circle, remember their neighbors, who you are standing next to. Now the music will start playing, we will walk around the classroom. As soon as the music stops, you must take your place.

2nd petal - thinking.

Leading: We invite you to think and reflect on our problems.

1. Seryozhka fell into the snow,

And behind him is Alyoshka,
And behind him is Irinka,

And behind her is Marinka,

And then Ignat fell.

How many guys are there in the snow?

2. Anya has two goals,
Vanya has two goals.

Two balls and two. Baby!

How many are there? Can you figure it out?

3. On a large sofa in a row

Tanina's dolls are sitting:

Two bears, Pinocchio,

And cheerful Chippolino,

And a kitten and a baby elephant.

4. Five crows sat on the roof,

Two more arrived to them.

Answer quickly, boldly,

How many of them arrived?

Leading: Well done boys! We continue to develop our thinking. Let's play the game "Third Man". I name 3 items, and you say which one is extra.

Apple, cherry, tomato.

Cow, goat, pike.

Hat, scarf, cap.

Pencil, glass, spoon.

Bag, pan, suitcase.

Sausage, milk, saw.

TV, sofa, refrigerator.

Cat, dog, wolf.

Leading: And now I suggest you relax with a fun physical exercise.

3rd petal – knowledge.

We will tell you riddles, and you will see the answers on the screen.

1. I'm in a line, I'm in a cage

I'm expecting a good grade.

I'm silent in class

I want to be an excellent student. (notebook)

2. In this narrow box

Anything for the soul:

Pens, erasers, sharpener,

And colored pencils. (pencil case)

3. Not a bush, but with leaves,

Not a shirt, but sewn,

Not a person, but a storyteller. (book)

4. How boring, brothers,

Ride on someone else's back.

The residents here are made of paper

All terribly important. (briefcase)

5. Guess what this thing is

A sharp beak, not a bird,

With this beak she

Sows and sows seeds

Not in the field, not in the garden -

On the pages of your notebook. (pen)

6. The white pebble melted,

He left marks on the board. (chalk)

7. We like to poke our noses everywhere:

And draw and draw.

We color everything ourselves

Multi-colored noses. (pencils)

8. Multi-colored sisters

Bored without water.

Uncle is long and thin

He carries water with his beard.

And his sisters with him

Draw a house and smoke. (brush and paints)

4th petal – agility.

Let's dance

Dance "Kapitoshka"

5th petal – imagination.

Leading: game “Geometric shapes in objects”

Here are 4 geometric shapes: circle, square, rectangle, triangle. Task: in what objects can we see these figures?

6th petal - attention.

Get ready, guys!

Get your act together.

I will read riddle poems,

Very cunning at that.

I'll start, and you finish,

Answer in unison:

“It’s me, it’s me, it’s all my friends!”

Who will run and skip to school in a cheerful band? ...

Who will keep books, pens and notebooks in order? ...

Who will show up to class an hour late? ...

Who among you does not walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education? ...

Which of you kids walks around dirty from ear to ear? ...

Which of you, so good, wore galoshes to sunbathe? ...

Which of you, I want to know, loves to sing and dance? ...

7 petal - politeness. Let's check how you know polite words.

Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word... (thank you)

The old tree stump turns green when it hears... (Good afternoon)

If you can’t eat anymore, tell the cooks... (Thank you)

The boy is polite and developed and says when meeting... (Hello)

When they scold us for our pranks, we say... (Please forgive me)

In both France and Denmark we say goodbye... (Goodbye)

Leading: Guys! You did an excellent job with all the tasks.

Let those qualities that are written on the seven-flowered flower help you in your studies.

Fourth graders:

I'm in the fourth grade,
I love my school.
As soon as I arrive, everyone immediately says “hello”
I'll shout to the whole class.

I always learn lessons
I still go to clubs.
Your school is very nice
Guys, I find it.

And I love studying here,
And get straight A's.
And after the holidays,
Quickly go to school again.

Do you know why we go to school?

Leading: 4th grade students will answer this question with a song.

Song "School Rap"

Leading: And now we will listen to the performance of the children who go to our kindergarten. They prepared a poem “What awaits me at school.”

1.The desk is waiting for me, firstly,
Lessons are waiting
Friends are waiting.
There will be no time for laziness at school,
There I am in a new country
Affairs and knowledge and skills
I will begin the journey.
Nature, forest and field await you!
After all, we will go on a hike more than once...

A's are waiting for me at school
The whole first class is waiting for me!

2. "I'll go to school soon!" -

I tell everyone about this.

To a passerby on the street,

Rooster and hen,

Grandma on the bench and little sister Galochka.

They already bought me a briefcase,

Pens and notebooks.

Mom and I took care

Even about the outfit!

3.I look forward to that hour

When will I go to first grade?

Although I'm almost a student,

But I’m still not used to school.

Everything here is unusually new for me,

Alien, unfamiliar...

But I'm not afraid at all

I smile and I am brave

And I know only one thing -

Everything will be fine!

Leading: - Well done!

Leading: Attention! I'll tell you a riddle.

Who is responsible for everything? Is the food tasty at the buffet?

What do they teach the kids? How can repairs be done better?

Where can I find a sponsor to pay for the desks?

Know that in every school there is only one person...

All: Director!

Leading: The floor is given to the school director.

Leading: Our holiday has come to an end. Go ahead, guys, today the green light has turned on for you to the land of Knowledge, where fun and joy live, school and friends, teachers and parents, where you will live and study and the open and loving heart of a teacher will always be with you.

- Good afternoon!

- Hello everyone!

- Today is a very important holiday in our college - "Open Day" .

- Yes, school time is gone forever. Now in this hall there are graduates of the ninth and eleventh grades. But you shouldn’t be sad and sad, because right now a new life is opening up before you, and perhaps today a new stage will begin in your destiny.

- Specialty “Manor of the estate.” The owner of the estate - is the owner or tenant of a private farm or peasant enterprise, created on an individual or lease basis. As a generalist, you will be able to:

  • process and prepare consolidated and primary accounting documentation;
  • ensure the production and organizational functioning of the farm;
  • analyze economic and financial activities according to reporting and accounting data;
  • grow fruits and vegetables, harvest, store and process products, prepare them for sale.
- Now look how they can sing and dance.

(A group of girls and boys performs).

- Let's welcome the students of the group (group name) who have chosen the profession of “Estate owner”.

- Speciality "Master of repair and maintenance of machine and tractor fleet" . Here you will become a specialist with a wide profile and skilled labor, performing work on operational diagnostics, maintenance, repair and adjustment of agricultural machines, combines and tractors at all enterprises of the agro-industrial complex.

- You will be able to:

  • drive vehicles of category “Aircraft”, self-propelled agricultural machinery and tractors;
  • perform maintenance of agricultural machines, combines, tractors;
  • carry out adjustment, adjustment and testing operations;
  • carry out work on bench and operational diagnostics of assembly units, as well as mechanisms of agricultural machines, combines and tractors.
- We meet the students of the group (group name).

- Speciality "Master of Plant Growing" . By choosing this profession, you will learn to perform work related to the production of agricultural products at various enterprises of the agro-industrial complex.

– You will be able to:

  • identify diseases and pests of agricultural crops and effectively combat them;
  • grow crops, harvest, prepare them for sale;
  • prepare agricultural products for processing and storage.
- Introducing the group (group name), future masters of plant growing.

- In our college you can also get a specialty "Beekeeper". After all, our region has always been famous for its healing honey.

- This is a generalist who performs operations related to the maintenance of bee colonies.

- You will be able to:

  • ensure proper maintenance of bee colonies in apiary and individual farms;
  • carry out processing of wax raw materials and pumping out honey, provide ongoing repairs of hives;
  • carry out activities to combat pests and diseases.
- Meet our future beekeepers. Group (group name).

- Speciality "Auto Mechanic" . Here you will become a generalist who can perform repair and maintenance operations on vehicles, drive vehicles, and perform technical inspections of vehicles using diagnostic tools and equipment.

- You will be able to:

  • carry out technical inspection of vehicles;
  • carry out maintenance and repair of vehicles using modern diagnostic and testing devices;
  • drive vehicles of the “Aircraft” category;
  • use computer technology in professional activities.
- Future auto mechanics perform, group (group name).

- So you met the students of our college.

Presenter and presenter:
- Welcome to our educational institution!

Municipal budgetary educational institution

additional education

"House of Children's Creativity" in the village of Purpe, Purovsky district



Director of the MBOU DO "DDT" in the village of Purpe

M. M. Kostenko _____________



holding an Open Day

"The Journey of Fairy-Tale Heroes into the World of Creativity"

Venue: MBOU DO “DDT”, Purpe village

Date: 09.30.16

Participants: students and teachers of DDT

Responsible for carrying out:

Additional education teacher Afanasovich M.A.

p. Purpe 2016

As part of the program of the educational system of the Municipal Educational Institution "House of Children's Creativity" in the village of Purpe and for the purpose of creative cooperation between teachers, students and parents, development of the spiritual, moral and creative personality of students, information about associations, preserving the continuity of generations of students annually in the House of Children's Creativity in the first half September a traditional event is held -Open Day, a start for new creative victories and achievements.

An exhibition of fine and arts and crafts (works of DDT associations) is being held in the assembly hall and foyer of the House of Children's Creativity.

Event conditions: stage area - assembly hall (stage, seats for spectators).

Equipment and decoration:

Visual (stage) stage design;

Musical design - phonograms, sound effects (according to the script), background music (according to the script), fanfares, phonograms of children's songs;

Technical design – sound amplification equipment, photo and video filming, various light and music, multimedia equipment;


Participants are students - children and adolescents aged 7 to 17 years.

Announcer: I.

Hurry! Hurry!

Come quickly!

Our doors are open to everyone

In this House for children.

Hurry! Hurry!

Hurry up to see us with your whole family.

There is something for everyone here.

For adults, children, kids!.

Carlson (behind the scenes) Let's board

Carlson Kukaryamba! Ugh! The aircraft is out of order! That's why everyone lands okay, but I fell again. Although I was flying! Twenty meters, and then bad luck...

(looks around, gets up). Where am I? Wow! This is the house!

And who lives, tell me, in it? Probably sorcerers, wizards and fairies.

Reads the title syllable by syllable: (on screen) Slide 1 (DDT)

The House for arts and crafts for children.

Everything is clear, this is a kindergarten,

And this is where art is created.

The soundtrack plays for Pippi's exit.

A roar is heard behind the stage. Runs onto the stage screaming

Pippi: with a suitcase. .

Oh hello, where did I end up?

Carlson: you and I are in the house of creativity.

Magic music sounds as the Fairy comes out. The Fairy comes on stage and throws confetti.

Pippi goes on stage and meets the Fairy of Creativity.

Pippi: Oh, hello! Do you live here? And what is it? Oh, how interesting!

Fairy of Creativity: Wait, girl, take your time. I will now show and tell you everything.

Peppy: Who are you?

Fairy of Creativity: I am the fairy of Creativity! And I am glad to welcome you to our holiday. And this is our House of Children's Creativity. Wonderful teachers live here, who are like sorcerers because they can create miracles, as well as the most ordinary boys and girls who love to create beautiful things. But who are you? And why with a suitcase?

Fairy: Why is Pippi a long stocking?

Pippi: This is such a surname. And my full name is Peppilotta Viktualia Rulgardina Crisminta Ephraimsdotter Longstocking.

Fairy: why with a suitcase?

Pippi: I decided to fill my suitcase with new knowledge that will always be useful in life! That's why I'm here!

Fairy of Creativity: Very interesting! Well done, Pippi.

Carlson : and I'm Carlson, who lives on the roof. I accidentally came into your wonderful house, but I would also like to learn a lot of new things.

Fairy of Creativity: These are guys - talented girls and boys who have gathered here today to join our large creative family.

Pippi: That's great! I really like it here ( with admiration) ! Carlson and I, like guys, also want to join your creative family and create miracles.

Carlson: Only we can’t do anything. Will you teach us?

Fairy of Creativity:

Don't worry,

Who knows how to have fun

Who doesn't sit idle,

Who wants to learn everything

For those, the House of Creativity is always open!

By the way, what do you like to do?

Pippi: And I love to come up with interesting games, as well as amazing stories about different countries that I visited with my captain dad.

Fairy of Creativity: Fine! It's very simple. I invite all the guests in the auditorium to hold hands and at my command “1,2,3 - say your name!” together, say your name loudly. So, get ready...1,2,3 - say your name!

(the game “Getting Acquainted” is played).

Pippi: Maybe we can try it too!(play the “Getting Acquainted” game again). Well, we met the guys! We really liked them!

Little Red Riding Hood comes onto the stage with a basket in her hands, walks across the stage, and looks at everyone in surprise.

Little Red Riding Hood : Hello, I passed by and heard the cheerful voices of the guys. What kind of holiday are you having?

Fairy of creativity : We are having an open day at our House of Creativity.

Little Red Riding Hood: great! Can I stay a little longer at your holiday?

Fairy of creativity : Of course, our house is always open to children and their parents.

Do you want to know what the children are doing in our House?

Pippi and Carlson at the same time: Certainly!!!

Fairy of Creativity: I am the fairy of creativity! I (introduce myself...)

Dance Fairy: Angelina. (comes out dressed up and introduces herself). They show the dance.

Pippi: Wait a second! I will open my suitcase so that all the knowledge can be added there(puts the suitcase on the stage and opens it).

Slide 2 (director)

Meet the most important fairy of the House of Children's Creativity - Maya Mikhailovna.

(congratulations from the director).

Pippi: These are miracles!!!

Fairy of Creativity: Are these miracles? Our guys can do miracles with their own hands

Pippi: Fairy, tell me, will I make a designer? I've been trying to learn how to do something with my own hands for a long time, but nothing works! What...Does that mean I'm mediocre?

Carlson: And I can't do anything.

Fairy of Creativity : Well, why do you say that, Pippi...You can learn everything if you really want to. We have another fairy, a designer. Zarema comes out and presents her circle and her work, maybe on a slide.

Little Red Riding Hood (humming to himself, he draws something on the easel, but it turns out badly).

Fairy of Creativity: Little Red Riding Hood, what are you doing?

Little Red Riding Hood:Like what? I am drawing, or rather, trying to draw a portrait of my beloved mother. I missed her...But I’m not doing something very well. Yes?

Fairy of Creativity: Don't be sad Little Red Riding Hood! Now you will have two whole portraits.

Little Red Riding Hood:(surprised) Two?! Like this?

Fairy of creativity: You forgot that I’m a fairy, and part-time, I teach kids to draw.

Fairy of Creativity: Guys, help me draw for Pippi a portrait of her dad - sea captain Ephroim Longstocking.

(holds the “Portrait” competition).

Carlson: That's great!!! I'm in such a wonderful mood, I already wanted to dance!

Fairy of Creativity: Can you dance?

Carson: How? Didn't you know that I love to dance? Very! And I recommend it to everyone.

Fairy of Creativity: Carlson, we have a dance fairy who can teach kids how to dance!

Carlson: Oh! Can I meet her too?

Angelina comes out, invites the children to a circle, then a number (dance).


Fairy of creativity : There are two more fairies in our house of creativity: the fairy of wisdom and the fairy….

The Fairy of Wisdom knows several sciences and prepares graduates for exams. I go out and talk about the “wheel of history.”

Fairy... (Vika). He comes out and invites children to his circle.


What a miracle! This is home!

It's good to live there.

Carlson: We will sing, knit, plan,

Sew, sculpt and draw,

Little Red Riding Hood :

Craft and dance

And of course, to know a lot!


If your child is bored all day

And there is nowhere to use his talents,

Hurry up to see us -

We invite you!

The House of Creativity will help you resolve your issue.

I: Guys, you are all great! Active, creative, cheerful! And you all deserve to be initiated into the world of creativity! But for this you need to say the words of the oath. Are you ready?

Attention! Prepare for the solemn oath!

(fanfare sounds).

Regularly attend classes at children's associations!

All: We swear!

Show creativity, diligence, invention, imagination!

All: We swear!

Don’t give up in the face of difficulties and achieve new creative successes!

All: We swear!

Bring glory to your native Children's Art House and village with the results of your creativity!

All: We swear!

Give joy to people with your creativity!

All: We swear! We swear! We swear!

Fairy of creativity: Dear Guys! From now on, you are full members of the creative associations of our House of Creativity! Congratulations!

Carlson : Okay guys, I have to go home. My propeller is working again! Goodbye!

Little Red Riding Hood : Yes, I have to go, mom has been waiting for me (they leave).

Pippi: Well, that's it now!

Fairy of Creativity: Pippi, what about your suitcase? Have you completely forgotten about him?

Pippi: Oh! Exactly! He is now filled with new knowledge and I am again the most incredibly rich girl in the world. We need to look.

(takes the suitcase and carries it as if it were very heavy).Ugh! How heavy!

(goes out into the middle of the hall, thinks).Kukaryamba! You know what I came up with! And I’ll give you all the knowledge collected in my suitcase! Do you want? Fairy, help me, please.

(music sounds).

(The fairy opens the suitcase so that the audience cannot see its contents. At this time, a bang is heard and fireworks (from a firecracker) fly up.

Peppy: Catch!!!

Fairy of Creativity: Dear friends! It's time for us to say goodbye to you! And Pippi will fly away for new knowledge. We wish you creative success and interesting discoveries!

Pippi : Goodbye! (leaves)


Concert number performed by Sharafutdinov Firdus.

"Yashlek bit st ber gen ә”

1 presenter: Good afternoon and good hour
It's not in vain that we gathered you!

After all, today everyone is surprised

We opened the door beautifully.

Let's go into this building

To this glorious wonderful house.

2 presenter: This house is not just a house
It's clean and cozy!

Lots of light and flowers

Our home is ready to welcome everyone!

- Good afternoon! Hello everyone!
- Today is a very important holiday in our college -"Open Day" . Our college opens its doors to students of educational schools, parents and residents of our city. We are glad to welcome all guests of our holiday.

You will find a story about the professions recruited for the 2016/17 academic year, a tour of the educational building and educational and production workshops, professional tests in which everyone can take part, as well as master classes.

Right now a new life is opening up before you, and perhaps today a new stage will begin in your destiny.

Presenter 1 How difficult it is, among many different professions, to find the one that outweighs everything!

Presenter 2 Who to become? How can you help yourself? And where do you need to study first?

Presenter 1 How can choosing a profession not be a nightmare?

Presenter 2 And how can intelligence be made a valuable commodity?

Presenter 1 We will not be able to solve this today, but we invite you to discuss the issue.

Presenter 2 : The head of the branch of our college, Khidiyatullin Robert Talgatovich, is invited to the stage for a welcoming speech.


Presenter 2 :. We offer you now
Listen to a story about our house,

What we do, how we live

You will find out about everything now!

Presenter 1 . Before I start the story,

Bakiev Rail will sing you a song__________________________________________________________

Presenter 1 : Today our story is addressed to those who choose for themselves

work history. Today you are at school, today at your desk. And yet he involuntarily bent over the map. When choosing labor paths for yourself, strive to become sellers and miners, but wishing happiness for your beloved land, we

We tell you: “Go to college. The one who is brave, who is not afraid of obstacles,

who decided to devote himself to the real business - come to us!

The word of greeting is given by ___________________________


Presenter 2: Love for the profession, for the educational institution that raised them, leads to the fact that many of the college graduates, having graduated from the institute, having received training in production, returned as managers to their native region.

These people are like a relay race of generations.

They bring their experience and knowledge,

To us, the young, inquisitive shift,

They give you a start in life.

Presenter 1:

Many of our graduates today occupy leadership positions in enterprises and institutions of our city. We can’t list them all right now.

The floor is given to the head of the construction materials plant, Rafael Adgamovich Mullagaliev.

Presenter 2 : We gnaw on the granite of studies, but we also have hobbies. First of all, let's say right away - there is an excellent sports base. In the summer - a ball, in the winter - skis, in general there is a place to take a break from notebooks and books, so that tomorrow you can be on the road again. There is everything here that anyone needs - dancing, music, pop music. What else would you like to list? Still, the main thing is study.

Presenter 1 :

The college has a stable teaching staff, which includes teachers and industrial training masters.

And now the floor is given to the director of the Arsk Agro-Industrial Vocational College, Kutdusov Ilnur Faradisovich.

Presenter 2: Today there are 60 first and second year students studying at the college! This year, the college graduated 39 students with vocational education diplomas in the professions “Master of Civil Works”, “Installer of Sanitary, Technical, Ventilation Systems and Equipment”

Presenter 1:

And now we suggest you take a musical break. Meet! Sings for you first year student Bakiev Bulat “Kartaima ankay”

Presenter 1:

Dear friends, we continue to get acquainted with our college! Now let’s plunge into the aura of everyday life at an educational institution. One of the main questions for a future student and their parents is “What am I going to do here?”

Presenter2: So, dear applicants, we remind you once again what specialties are available in our educational institution,let's start the presentation of ourprofessions.

To get acquainted with our professions, the floor is given to the master of industrial training, Fagim Ibragimovich Faizrakhmanov.

Presenter 1: What do the students themselves think about their future professions? Let's listen to them.

There are many different professions, I chose one for myself.

I will soon become a welder, but I don’t understand why?

Maybe they pay a lot of money, and the work is in demand.

Maybe they will teach you a lot and give you a scholarship.

Yes, guys, that's right, I'm ready to become a welder,

Grandfather, father and brother, of course, there are many craftsmen in the family.

We like to always use an electrode to create an even seam.

And admire the arc, only through glasses.

So you can’t go wrong if you decide to become a welder,

After all, you cannot find a more reliable profession in the whole world.

Primed, plastered, painted
Bring beauty to the house,
And let the robe smell of paint
And plaster a mile away,
But there is no smell of laziness here,
Does not smell of boredom and melancholy,
Coordinated and friendly work
And there is a smell of simple friendship here.

Painstaking work stone by stone,
The mason is a master, a playful child,
He builds houses like pyramids,
The bricks will fall like volumes.

Each brick is as if in a notebook,
The letters are even in the stones in the masonry.
Mason, craftsman, me and builder,
You are your master's trowel.
Presenter 2: The creative potential of our students is limitless, vital energy simply flows like a fountain. And so that you can verify this, we bring to your attentionmusical break.

Sings for you Bakiev Rail.

Presenter 1: “Today is Open Day.” Although it seems to us that this is not an entirely accurate name for this holiday. After all, the doors of our college are always open to everyone. We are addressing you school graduates. Come study with us!

Presenter 2: We invite all guests of our holiday to an excursion to the training and production workshops, which will be conducted for you by industrial training masters.

Event scenario

"Open Day"

LEADING: If only all the professions in the world

Suddenly pile up like a mountain on the planet,

It's probably at its top,

The word "medicine" would flash

For almost since the Stone Age

There was no more honorable fate

What to fight in the flames of struggle

For saving a person's life.

We are pleased to welcome you to *********** Medical College. We are especially pleased that not only school graduates came to us, but also their parents.

Taking part in our meeting are:

Chairman of the Central Committee of General Professional Disciplines ***********.

Responsible secretary of the admissions committee *************.

First year students.

Medicine is the same age as humans, and translated from Latin means “medical activity.” The purpose of medical activity is to strengthen and preserve health, prolong the lives of people, prevent and treat diseases, and, probably, that is why the medical profession is the most necessary and humane, because only a healthy person can be truly happy. But doctors have long had assistants, nurses, and paramedics.

************ Medical College has been training mid-level specialists - paramedics and nurses - for more than 20 years. And today we want to introduce you to these wonderful professions and tell you about the conditions for admitting applicants in 20***.

First-year students will tell you what a paramedic and a nurse do:

HOST: We introduced you to the functions that are included in the responsibilities of a paramedic and a nurse. And now we invite you to go on a television tour of our school.

(A video about the school is shown).

You already have sufficient information about the professions of a nurse and paramedic, you have become acquainted with the life of college students, and now you are the executive secretary of the admissions committee ************************ * will tell you about the conditions of admission * in 20*****. In conclusion, she will answer all your questions.


How often do we see ambulances rushing along city streets or along country roads to places where lives are in danger!

We immediately recognize these minibuses with a red stripe and a flashing light on the roof, and we peer with excitement into the serious faces of those who are constantly fighting with death.

An ambulance paramedic is a specialty that requires highly qualified workers. People working here are able to instantly assess the situation, the condition of the patient or injured person, and urgently take the necessary actions. To work here, special personality qualities are required: determination, speed of reaction, utmost conscientiousness, perseverance in achieving goals, high ability to work.

The visiting team consists of a doctor and 1-2 paramedics. Work on an ambulance is not easy. There are times when there are calls one after another, and the team is in constant tension all day long.

And every challenge is a challenge to fight.

Ambulances work in even more difficult conditions in rural areas, where there are long distances, not always good roads and often more complex cases of illness. and instead of a team, one paramedic rushes to help the patient.

What a wealth of knowledge, what composure and determination he must have in order to independently, quickly and accurately make a diagnosis under such conditions and choose the most rational option for help!

A paramedic's responsibilities depend on where he works.

A medical assistant at a health center at an enterprise works independently, since most health centers do not provide positions for doctors. He provides first aid for acute illnesses, injuries and industrial accidents. Therefore, he often has to make decisions, sometimes very responsible ones, relying only on his experience and knowledge.

Paramedics at rural FAPs located at a considerable distance from local hospitals have the greatest independence. The paramedic is often the only physician there and sometimes replaces doctors of all specialties.

A paramedic at a FAP conducts outpatient visits to patients, visits them at home, performs medical procedures, conducts preventive examinations, administers vaccinations, and monitors the sanitary condition of the village. If there is no midwife on staff, then the responsibilities of the paramedic include conducting gynecological examinations, monitoring pregnant women, and providing prenatal care and care for newborns. Life requires a paramedic in these conditions to be a good diagnostician, to know the clinic and treatment of many diseases.

Currently, many clinics have introduced positions of junior doctors, whose duties are performed by paramedics. Their job responsibilities are similar to those of local general practitioners.

The profession of a paramedic is a feat that requires dedication, purity of soul and purity of thoughts. A prerequisite for paramedic activity is secondary medical education, which can be obtained at medical schools and medical colleges.

The variety of specific tasks facing medicine requires certain skills and knowledge in the work of a paramedic. They need to be able to establish contact with patients, possess the art of caring for them, make the correct diagnosis, be fluent in first aid techniques, and know various types of treatment for patients.

Sometimes not only the health, but also the lives of people depend on the personality traits of the paramedic, on his behavior and attitude to work. Therefore, anyone who wants to devote himself to medicine must weigh whether he can always be ready to come to the aid of the patient; Are you ready to selflessly do your hard work under any conditions?


In this hall gathered those who may not yet have decided on their future profession. Some of you will be a teacher, some a lawyer, some just a worker, and I want to talk about the profession of a nurse.

I believe that the medical profession is the most humane on Earth. And this wonderful profession needed by society - “nurse” - can be obtained at our Budennovsky Medical School.

Many people have the idea that a nurse’s job involves syringing, intravenous administration of medications, and documentation. But that's not all. A human life is in the hands of a medical professional. There is no place for careerism in this profession. Callousness and cruelty. A person seeking medical help is not only physically ill, he suffers morally, and therefore the nurse is a support and support for his patient. It should always be remembered that the main motto of a nurse is “Do no harm!”, and her main function is to provide the patient with the highest quality care. The nurse stays at the patient’s bedside for days, trying to distract him from terrible thoughts, using various methods of distraction, and notes changes in his condition, including his emotional state.

The professional qualities of a nurse are determined primarily not only by knowledge and competence, but also by sensitivity, tenderness, patience and love for people.

The nurse has knowledge of speech culture, communication psychology, and medical psychology.

Having received the profession of a nurse, you can work in a hospital, clinic, sanatorium, school, kindergarten, industry, gerontological center, etc.

You can work as a guard nurse in hospital departments.

She keeps documentation, fills out patient records, lays out medicine and delivers it to patients, explaining how to take these medicines. Transports patients to testing or other departments.

The procedural nurse puts in IVs or gives injections.

The dietary nurse monitors the correctness of the diet.

A nurse working at the reception desk deals with patient documentation.

If there is a nurse in the family, then this is a valuable acquisition: she will give an injection, give a pill, put mustard plasters or cups, and teach personal hygiene.

The nurse does not stop there, she constantly improves her knowledge, reads literature, follows innovations in medicine and improves her qualifications

After medical school, you can obtain a higher medical education as a nurse at a medical institute.

There are more than 20 universities in our country, such as: St. Petersburg Medical Academy, Samara State Medical University, Orenburg State Medical Academy and others. Correspondence courses are provided without interruption from the main job.

After graduating from medical school, you can become a senior nurse, manager or teacher at a medical school.


It was once believed from time immemorial,

According to the wisest opinion of Hippocrates,

What mercy and word

And it’s ready to treat without drugs.

Since Romanov times,

Full of heartfelt zeal,

Treated the pain, muffled the groan

Sick sisters of mercy.

Many years flew by

History moved forward

But with a good heart never

My sister did not cheat on herself.

Today's nursing process

He proved to everyone that there is progress.

My sister grew up. I learned everything

And I have achieved a lot in life...


If peaceful meetings are suddenly interrupted

If something bad happens somewhere

I know that nurses

They will come to the rescue everywhere and always