Family life of Pelagia. Singer Pelageya: biography, personal life

Having heard this magical, piercing, soul-touching voice, today many will already recognize its owner - the singer Pelageya. The beautiful blonde Siberian has conquered not only the north of Russia and Moscow. Today, songs performed by Pelageya Khanova are heard in many countries. The popularity of a talented singer, artist, teacher of the “Voice” project, former KVN girl and just beautiful woman grows like a snowball. Pelageya’s personal life is as passionate and extraordinary as her voice of three and a half octaves. The singer’s biography could be the envy of the most eminent artist, she is so bright and unusual. The young woman already has two marriages and many real and alleged novels. Her first official husband was the director of television programs Dmitry Efimovich, and recently she became the wife of hockey player Ivan Telegin.

Pelageya and Ivan Telegin (photo from Instagram)

The thirty-year-old lady does not have children yet, but recently, at her anniversary, she showed the guests her changed shape and did not hide that she was expecting a child, her first-born.

Pregnant Pelageya (photo from the concert)

Pelageya’s personal life ─ husbands and children. Scandalous relationship with hockey player Ivan Telegin

As a student at GITIS, the talented artist made fun of the novels of her classmates, claiming that main man in her life ─ this is the stage. She said that she would only marry a man who was strong “mentally and morally.” However, in 2010 her position on matrimonial relations changed. The singer and KVN girl married the director of the popular humorous program Comedy Woman Dmitry Efimovich. Soon the marriage broke up. Pelageya did not discuss the reasons for the separation and did not feel sad. Instead, she expanded the field creative activity, this time becoming a jury member and teacher in the Channel 1 projects “Voice” and “Voice. Children".

There was talk about the star's romantic relationship with a participant in the “adult” project. However, Dmitry Sorochenkov, allegedly the singer’s favorite, denied all “accusations” of their affair.

Dmitry Sorochenkov and Pelageya in the photo

But the real scandal was another love story in the artist’s biography: love relationship with hockey player Ivan Telegin, who cheated on his pregnant common-law wife with Pelageya.

The artist is now accused of all, even non-existent, sins and debauchery. Today, the family of singer Pelageya Khanova and hockey player Ivan Telegin is expecting their first child together. By the way, Telegin’s attitude towards children is still puzzling. He left his first wife without even waiting for the baby to be born.

Biography of folk-ethno-rock singer Pelageya Khanova

July 14, 1986 in the city of Novosibirsk in the family of the former jazz singer, producer and director Svetlana Khanova, a girl, Pelageya, was born. The name seemed so unusual to the registry office workers that, without thinking twice, they “baptized” the child Polina, indicating exactly that name on the Birth Certificate.

Little Pelageya with her mother

Pelageya's stepfather - avant-garde artist Andrei Khanov about his own father future singer responded extremely negatively, calling him a “scoundrel” who didn’t care about his own daughter. The girl's parents are extraordinary, extravagant and talented people, could not save the family. One fine day, the stepfather ran away from his wife, the eccentric and explosive Svetlana. After the divorce, my mother gave everything mental strength to raise her daughter - and the very little girl became an artist. Pelageya Khanova's first appearance on stage took place when the baby was only four years old! Later, the young talent was admitted to a specialized school at the Novosibirsk Conservatory without exams. Soon her first songs appeared, and at the age of 10, Pelageya won the Morning Star competition.

Pelageya in childhood

In 1997, the still very young Pelageya became a member of the adult KVN team of Novosibirsk University “Only Girls in Jazz”.

A real sensation was Pelageya’s performance with the song “Lyubo, brothers, lyubo” on Red Square in 1997 in honor of the 850th anniversary of Moscow. As the artist later said, the song was addressed to Boris Yeltsin, who was then the President of the Russian Federation.

With the help of her mother, the girl collects talented musicians and organizes the Pelageya group, performing folk-rock. Folk songs in a “rock” arrangement become hits already on the day of their performance!

Due to the busy schedule of performances and mass creative plans Pelageya graduated from school as an external student. Already at the age of 14 she became a student at the variety department of GITIS. Her first solo concert attracted tens of thousands of spectators.

Pelageya and director Dmitry Efimovich - a love story

Pelageya's first wedding was in 2010. The singer’s husband was Dmitry Efimovich, known as the director of Comedy Woman. Efimovich and Pelageya have known each other since 1997! It was then, at KVN, as a member of the Novosibirsk University team, that the 11-year-old girl saw her future husband, 22-year-old Dmitry. Years later, having met again, she fell in love with Efimovich. The affair ended in marriage, which broke up just two years after its registration. Both about the reasons for the breakup ex-spouse are silent, although there are rumors about the director’s infidelities.

Pelageya and Dmitry Efimovich

Wedding of singer Pelageya and hockey player Ivan Telegin

On June 16, 2016, secretly from everyone, Pelageya married the famous hockey player of CSKA and the Russian national team Ivan Telegin. The husband of the 30-year-old singer is 4 years younger than her. The official marriage registration ceremony took place at the Kutuzovsky registry office. After this, the newlyweds went to have fun at a restaurant on Rublyovka. The wedding was modest: Pelageya and Telegin invited only the closest people. On the second day, the couple had a blast: the guys danced, and Pelageya performed her songs.

Pelageya and Ivan Telegin

Greece was chosen as the honeymoon destination. The novel and the wedding itself of Pelageya and Ivan Telegin caused multiple condemnations and criticism. Before this, the hockey player was not free, moreover, he and Evgenia, common-law wife athlete, a child has already been born. They say that Telegin is now not at all interested in the baby’s life and does not take any part in it. The former stripper, wife of a hockey player, claims that the news about her husband’s betrayal came as a terrible shock to her. According to her, the athlete began a relationship with Pelageya at a time when there were only a few weeks left before the birth of her son.

Pelageya and hockey player Ivan Telegin

Telegin’s wife took part in a television show, saying that the fifty thousand allocated per month for Mark’s maintenance was not enough for her to pay for basic diapers and baby food. Pelageya, content and happy in her marriage to her young husband, does not stop posting more and more new photos on Instagram. Many criticize them for their inconsistency former position Pelageya, positioning herself as an adherent of highly moral actions.

Pelageya is an original Russian vocalist who performs compositions in the folk-rock genre. The singer began performing in early childhood and became the winner of many popular vocal competitions. Now the girl has her own group, and tickets for her concerts are instantly sold out. The singer is known for her cheerful disposition and colorful stage outfits in folk style. For recent years the artist is also a member of the jury of the show “The Voice”. Contestants love the singer for her sincere emotions and soulful approach to music.

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Biography of Pelageya

The future singer Pelageya was born in 1986 in the city of Novosibirsk. At the time of registering the birth certificate, the registry office staff made a mistake and registered the girl as Polina. Only at the age of 16, when she received a passport, the singer was able to regain the name that her parents had originally given her. By the way, this is a family name: the child was named after his grandmother.

The artist also did not bear the surname Khanova from birth; She received it from her stepfather, who raised her as his own daughter. The little girl practically didn’t know her own father – she and her mother broke up very early. Mother future star She was once a famous jazz vocalist, but after a long illness she lost her voice. Svetlana had to start working in the theater. Now she is a director and teaches acting, and is also a producer for her daughter.

Pelageya Khanova's career began in early childhood. At the age of four, the girl took part in the production kindergarten. The child really enjoyed performing on stage, and four years later the mother enrolled her daughter in a music school at the Novosibirsk Conservatory. It is noteworthy that by that time the school had been operating for 25 years, but only instrumentalists, not vocalists, studied there. At one of the performances at the conservatory, the girl was noticed by Dmitry Revyakin, lead singer of the Kalinov Most group. He invited the young vocalist to go to Moscow and become a participant in the Morning Star program. The girl managed to win this competition, and in 1996 the 10-year-old performer was recognized as the best folk vocalist of Russia.

After this, the artist was noted in some other prestigious music competitions. In addition, the girl began to play in KVN for the university team of her native Novosibirsk. During the same period, Pelageya was lucky enough to sing in front of the presidents of Russia, France and Germany at a trilateral summit of the heads of these states.

At the age of 14, the girl graduated from school early and settled in the capital, entering the Academy theatrical arts. That same year, the singer became the lead singer of the group of the same name, which soon released its first album, “Lyubo!” The group sang in a very unusual style, but perhaps it was thanks to this that the disc quickly became popular.

Thus, from the age of 14, the singer began touring and recording compositions in the studio. The artist managed to work in several directions at once, and with constant success. For example, in 2003, the vocalist graduated with honors and simultaneously recorded her second album. In 2006-2009, Pelageya Khanova actively performed at concerts in Russia and other countries former USSR, took part in many competitions and famous festivals. During this period she released two more studio albums, which found a response in the hearts of many listeners and experts.

In 2009, the singer's fifth album was released. She got unusual name- “Siberian Drive”. In the same year, the girl took part in television program"Two Stars" where famous singers performed compositions in duets with non-professional vocalists. Actress Daria Moroz became the singer’s partner. After this, the performer took part in other musical television projects, including the show “Property of the Republic”.

Today Pelageya Sergeevna actively performs at concerts, festivals and works in the theater. In addition, she has been a permanent mentor in the show “The Voice” for several years now. Children". The audience fell in love with the mentor’s sincere emotions and her feelings for all the contestants without exception. Being the only populist among all the mentors, the singer often gives folk songs to her wards.

Previously, the artist was also on the jury of the adult “Voice”, but recently she was replaced by Polina Gagarina.

Personal life of Pelageya

In 1997, during the KVN games in Novosibirsk, Pelageya met Dmitry Efimovich, who later became the director of the television project “Comedy Woman”. At that time, Dmitry played for one of the teams, but the guys did not become friends.

Many years later, the singer and director met by chance in Moscow, and tender feelings arose between them. In 2010, the couple legalized their relationship. This was the girl’s first serious novel, since in her youth she was not particularly popular with young people. Fans sincerely hoped that the marriage with Efimovich would be successful.

After the wedding, the singer took the surname of her husband, who, by the way, is 11 years older than her. However, after 2 years, the vocalist again began to appear in the world as Pelageya Khanova. Soon the public learned that the singer and her husband were officially divorced. According to one version, the reason for the separation was Dmitry’s betrayal. According to another version, the husband already wanted a child at that time, and the singer threw herself into work and was in no hurry to have a baby.

The artist was very worried about the divorce. She found salvation in active work and in the search for new material for musical creativity. Gradually, the pain from the failed marriage passed, and the singer again began to believe that she would meet her true love.

In the second season of the show “The Voice,” one of the members of her team, Dmitry Sorochenkov, drew the attention of Pelageya. It is noteworthy that the young man is not only the namesake of the singer’s ex-husband, but also resembles him in appearance. Dmitry publicly stated that the mentor turned his heart, and the singer also admitted more than once that she was not indifferent to her ward. However, rumors about their romance were not confirmed.

Pelageya Khanova was also credited with another romance on the “Voice” project - this time with colleague Dima Bilan. The basis for such guesses was a photograph in which the singers tenderly embrace in one of the bars. As in the case of Dmitry Sorochenkov, the rumors turned out to be groundless.

In the summer of 2016, it became known that Pelageya was dating the famous hockey player Ivan Telegin. During one of Telegin’s matches, the paparazzi caught the “Voice” mentor on the podium, who had an engagement ring on her ring finger. Then the athlete’s relatives confirmed: there will be a wedding! It would seem worth rejoicing for Pelageya. However, following the news about the new boyfriend, information appeared that Khanova had taken the guy away from the family. In February, Ivan and his girlfriend Evgenia had a son, Mark, but the child did not save the union from collapse.

Pelageya refused to comment on this shocking statement. But after some time, a message from a representative of the group (presumably Svetlana Gennadievna Khanova) appeared on its official website under numerous questions from fans.

"First and last time I’ll answer here,” the comment reads. - Vanya was not married. When they met Polya, he was no longer in a relationship. All. I suggest we end here."

On June 16, 2016, Pelageya and Ivan Telegin played secret wedding. Their wedding took place in the Kutuzovsky registry office, and the banquet took place in one of the Rublevsky restaurants. Among the guests of the event were only the closest relatives and friends. Among the star people are Lera Kudryavtseva and Igor Makarov.

A month after the wedding, everyone noticed that Pelageya was in an interesting position. On January 21, 2017, she gave birth to a girl, whom she and Ivan named Taisiya.

- a girl who was not afraid to go on stage in early age with folklore repertoire. Pelagia– a completely unique performer. Becoming a real star, this talented singer I never tried to be “fashionable” and “relevant”. She always followed her own path, and therefore was always unlike anyone else. On the occasion of such a holiday PEOPLETALK presents you with the most Interesting Facts from her biography.

Many people think that the name Pelagia- this is a stage name, in fact this is the real name that the girl received in honor of her great-grandmother Pelagei Kirillovna. Translated from Greek it means “sea”.

Pelageya Khanova- child prodigy. At three years old she discovered Magic world books, and at three and a half she was tapping on a typewriter short stories own composition. At four she performed in front of an audience for the first time, at eight she entered a special school at the conservatory in Novosibirsk and became her youngest student. In 2000, she graduated from school as an external student and at the age of 14 she entered college. GITIS to the pop department, which she graduated with honors in 2005.

The singer’s mother recalls that already in infancy her daughter showed extraordinary abilities: the baby repeated entire musical phrases of lullabies after her, which greatly surprised the pediatrician.

In March 1998, 11-year-old Pelagia received special offer: perform a small solo concert at a meeting of the heads of the three powers: Russia, France And Germany. This was the first meeting in this format since Second World War, and the performance of the young singer became the only number of the “cultural program”. After this concert the former French President Jacques Chirac(82) called Pelageya"Russian Edith Piaf(1915−1963)".

At 13 years old Pelagia gathered like-minded people around her, and that’s how the group appeared "Pelageya", which is included in Association of Independent Musicians. Not wanting to depend on Russian show business and various production technologies, the guys themselves “promoted” their creativity.

Singer's song "Anyway, brothers, anyhow" became the favorite hit of all Russian troops in Chechnya.

The singer loves to laugh. She never stops laughing. Laughs Pelagia a lot and loudly.

The singer has a unique ear and voice, which she considers the most an expensive gift In my life. Having a wide range of three and a half octaves and unique data, she could not find a vocal teacher - no one would take it, they were afraid of ruining it. That's why for a long time she studied with her mother.

Pelagia loves to dress up. She has a special passion for dresses with trains.

Since 2012, Pelageya has been participating in the show "Voice" And "Voice. Children" as a trainer-mentor. IN "Voice" her pupils were Elmira Kalimullina(27), Tina Kuznetsova And Yaroslav Dronov.

The singer does not have star fever. She is what she is, and is no different from the Pelageya we are used to seeing on Channel One in the show "Voice". A smile, emotionality, a roaring laugh and a friendly look - all this is not a screen image, but the real her.

On Russian stage there is a unique singer, not like the others, with in a magical voice singer Pelageya Khanova, who performs songs in the folk genre. She captivated many listeners and was able to make folklore much closer to the people.

Pelageya Khanova performs folk songs and romances. Her repertoire is quite wide. The singer never sought to be fashionable, she simply followed her heart and went her own way.

Darling, attractive girl was able to win the hearts of many listeners. Her talent is known beyond Russian Federation. She is the founder of a group called "Pelageya", whose concerts attract a large number of listeners.

Pelageya comes from Siberia. She started performing as a child. She took part in many vocal competitions, where she placed top places. She became the winner of the music TV show “Morning Star”.

Vital and creative ways The Pelagia region is full of exciting events.

Height, weight, age. How old is Pelageya Khanova

Folk singer – unusual girl. The name alone is worth it. Everyone is wondering who Pelageya’s nationality is. This question is complex and the answer has not yet been revealed. Many assume that her nationality is Tatar. Although, most likely this is not the case. The girl was born in Russia, her first surname is from own father- Smirnova.

The next question concerns the physical data of the performer, namely, what is her height, weight, age. How old Pelageya Khanova is can be easily calculated. The singer does not hide her date of birth. So, today Pelageya is 31 years old.

Pelageya is a very attractive, fragile and gentle girl. With a height of 163 centimeters, she weighs about 57 kilograms.

Pelageya was born in the year of the purposeful, persistent Tiger, and received sensuality, Creative skills and the ability to achieve goals from Cancer.

Biography of Pelageya Khanova

The life path of a talented girl took shape in the city of Novosibirsk. She celebrates her birthday on July 14th. The future performer was born in creative family. Almost nothing is known about the singer’s own father; perhaps Pelageya herself does not want to tell anything about him. Mother - Svetlana Khanova, was a former jazz performer. After some time, she connected her life with talented artist avant-garde artist Andrey Khanov. But later they broke up and do not maintain a relationship.

It is known that at the registry office Pelageya was allegedly mistakenly registered as Polina and was issued a corresponding birth certificate. But already in adolescence The name was corrected to Pelageya.

Pelageya’s mother noticed her child’s abilities very early and soon began to actively develop them, which influenced future fate daughters. Thanks to her, the biography of Pelageya Khanova is bright and rich. Yes, the girl with early childhood performs on stage. One day her mother took her to an exhibition of avant-garde artists. It was from this period that the little girl began to dream about the stage. The debut took place in kindergarten.

She also gave her concerts within the walls of the school. At the age of eight, Pelageya went to study at a special music school, where she became one of best vocalists. Here her talent was noticed by Dmitry Revyakin from Kalinov Most. He strongly recommended sending the girl to television musical show"Morning Star". Pelageya took first place there and even received a considerable monetary reward.

At the same time, Pelageya becomes a scholarship holder of the “ Young talents" Former Russian President Boris Yeltsin called her “a symbol of a resurgent Russia.” Soon her voice was heard and appreciated abroad, and she took part in international projects.

A little later, she was invited to sing in KVN for a team from Novosibirsk. So, she became a full member of this team and the smallest participant.

The demand and talent of the young singer served as the impetus for moving to Moscow. This is where even greater prospects for development opened up. musical talent at the girl's. Soon Pelageya recorded her debut album“Any!”

In the capital, young Pelageya enters the music school at the Gnessin Institute. The girl became a participant in many competitions, projects and shows. She even spoke at the summit of three Presidents. I met the Patriarch of All Rus' Alexei II. Many people dreamed about this, but Pelageya found it all easy, thanks to her talent and perseverance.

Pelageya really loved her job, since not every child can cope with such a busy schedule. Her life was going according to schedule. She did not have an ordinary childhood. But she was proud of her destiny, and tried to succeed in music, improving her talent more and more.

At the age of fourteen, the young artist was quite popular. Her extraordinary voice was appreciated by many listeners. She often toured Russia and captivated the public.

After graduating from RATI, Pelageya founded her own group. Her mother is now involved in all organizational issues. The singer is very grateful to her for her help and development of her talent.

She participated in the television project “Two Stars”, after which she was often invited to television. So, in 2012, the folk singer became a coach-mentor in the music TV show “The Voice”, and later became a member of the jury.

She tried to act in films, and also dreams of performing in some comedy domestic film. I have already tried myself as a presenter.

Today Pelageya Khanova is still doing the same musical creativity. She releases albums. Her voice became more recognizable. The popularity of the folk singer is growing every day. new song and a new project. Many appreciated the talent of the young performer. Pelageya has a huge army of fans who want to know as much information as possible about her. Her mother works and often meets with fans of the Pelageya group, which is in demand and known not only in the Russian Federation, but also far beyond its borders.

Personal life of Pelageya Khanova

The actress is very beautiful in appearance - she has beautiful facial features, a slim body. Thanks to her unusual voice and attractive appearance, the singer has always been in the center male attention. Despite this, Pelageya Khanova’s personal life is not full of variety, unlike many of her stage colleagues.

The singer was married twice. Now married. Her husband is a talented hockey player. Pelageya is very happy. Young people love each other very much. They often go out together and appear at social events. The folk singer often attends hockey matches and cheers for her husband.

Family of Pelageya Khanova

The folk singer was raised in a creative family. Pelageya's mother Svetlana Khanova is a former jazz performer. From an early age, she took her daughter to various castings, signed her up to participate in vocal competitions, and so on. In general, she developed Pelageya’s talent in every way. And now the singer’s mother works in Pelageya’s team, she does accounting and organizes concerts.

Some believe that Svetlana Khanova realized her ambitions through her daughter. Nevertheless, before us is a wonderful and talented performer of the folk genre.

Now Pelageya Khanova’s family consists of her beloved husband, daughter and mother. And even though the singer has a busy schedule, she will always find time for her family and friends. Her family comes first and foremost.

Children of Pelageya Khanova

At one time, the folk singer was worried that she did not have children in her first marriage. Pelageya Khanova had no time for them then. She was closely involved in her career. In addition to song creativity, Pelageya also took part in television show“Voice” and “Voice-Children”, was a member of the jury at “KVN”.

But soon she met her second husband and into their marriage a sweet girl, Taisiya, was born. Pelageya Khanova is incredibly happy about the birth of her daughter. Now everything is yours free time she spends with her.

The daughter of Pelageya Khanova is Taisiya. Discharging from maternity hospital

Since last year, the singer has become a happy mother. On January 21, 2017, Pelageya Khanova’s daughter, Taisiya, was born. The discharge from the maternity hospital took place under camera flashes.

Just a couple of days later, the media was full of headlines saying that Pelageya Khanova had given birth to a daughter. The discharge from the maternity hospital, a photo of which can easily be found online, became a highlight in the life of the celebrity and her family.

Now Taisiya is already one year old. The baby is quite developed, often smiles and pleases her parents with her first successes. Pelageya, her husband and mother cannot get enough of the birth of their baby.

Now, of course, it’s very early to talk about the future of little Taisiya, but perhaps she will follow in her mother’s footsteps. But we can say with confidence that Pelageya will try in every possible way to develop her daughter’s creative abilities, as her mother, Svetlana Khanova, previously did with her.

Former husband of Pelageya Khanova - Dmitry Efimovich

It is known that the singer was married twice. She first officially tied the knot in 2010. Ex-husband Pelageya Khanova - Dmitry Efimovich, director of the television project “Comedy Woman”.

It is known that they knew each other since childhood, when they played together in KVN. But romantic relationship developed much later. After marriage, Pelageya changed her last name to her husband’s, but after a couple of years she became Khanova again. Official sources reported that the couple had broken up. The family union was short-lived. The reason for the divorce is not given by the young people. Perhaps it was the frequent business trips of both spouses. However, Pelageya and Dmitry parted calmly and continue to communicate, maintaining friendly relations

It is known that Dmitry Efimovich has not yet married. He directed all his efforts into his creative television project.

Pelageya Khanova's husband - Ivan Telegin

Four years after her divorce from Dmitry Efimovich, the artist meets the talented hockey player Ivan Telegin and almost immediately begin dating. At the time of their acquaintance he was in civil relations with a dancer from a nightclub. All this contributed to the development of rumors that Pelageya allegedly took her husband and newly-made father away from the family (not long before this, Ivan Telegin had a son). But the hockey player himself denied these rumors, explaining that he planned to separate from his common-law wife, because the relationship was no longer family, and there were often scandals in the house. The only thing holding him was his little son Mark. The meeting with Pelageya helped him weigh the pros and cons, and as a result, Ivan Telegin broke up with his common-law wife. He sees his son Mark often, regularly pays child support and pampers him with various gifts.

The wedding of Pelageya and Ivan Telegin was modest. Only people close to them were present. The media learned about the gala event after the wedding, when the couple headed to Honeymoon to Greece.

Also, the young people carefully concealed Pelagia’s pregnancy. It became known in the media only on latest dates singers. A daughter was born into the family, whom it was decided to name Taisiya. Ivan Telegin learned about the birth of his daughter during a hockey match.

Photo of Pelageya Khanova before and after plastic surgery

The artist is incredible beautiful girl. Did she use the services plastic surgeon? Most likely no. At least, as she herself states, she now has no need to change anything in her appearance. She has her own natural beauty. She looks natural and natural. Therefore, if you come across supposedly photos of Pelageya Khanova before and after plastic surgery, then for sure they will not be real.

Pelageya carefully monitors her appearance. After giving birth, she noticeably lost weight. Now she's leading healthy image life, adheres to the rules of a balanced diet, and also plays sports.

Instagram and Wikipedia Pelageya Khanova

The artist’s creativity is appreciated by many listeners. At the singer's great amount fans. Therefore, it is not surprising that Pelageya Khanova’s Instagram and Wikipedia are very popular.

Performer folk songs former active user of social networks. Thousands of fans followed her Instagram account. Pelageya often updated her page and posted various photographs depicting people close to her. There were pictures from vacations, ceremonies and social events. There were also reports of concert activities, videos and photographs.

But in 2017, a scandal broke out: hackers hacked Pelageya’s Instagram page and stole some photos from the singer’s personal archive. The artist was quite upset by this fact and she decided to end it all social networks by deleting your accounts. But the pages of her group remain. Here you can watch videos and photos from concerts, video clips and much more.

Wikipedia Pelageya Khanova reveals to us the biography of the folk singer, her career and personal life. Here is the discography, awards and prizes of the folk singer.

Pelageya Khanova was born in Novosibirsk, in 1986, on July 14. In infancy, she already showed herself to be an extraordinary musical person, repeating entire phrases after her mother’s lullabies. Thus, she extremely surprised those around her, especially children’s doctors. At the age of three she learned to read (her first book was “Gargantua and Pantagruel”). At three and a half, she was typing stories of her own composition. Harmoniously and slowly developing as a “humanitarian prodigy,” she one day found herself on stage. This historical event happened in St. Petersburg, at one of the many avant-garde exhibitions in which Pelageya’s mother, Svetlana Khanova, a professional theater director and singer in the past, participated. From this moment on, it is customary to keep an account of the stage life of the artist Pelageya.

It should be noted that “Pelageya” is not a pseudonym, as many people think, but a real name, given to the girl at birth (the name day of this name is celebrated on October 21). At the age of 8, Pelageya entered a special school at the Novosibirsk Conservatory without exams and became the first student vocalist in the 25-year history of the school. As a scholarship recipient of the “Young Talents of Siberia” Foundation and a participant in the UN International Program “New Names of the Planet”, she increasingly performs at the most prestigious venues in the country - such as the Variety Theater, the State Concert Hall of Russia, Vasilyevsky Spusk of Red Square, and the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. The singer's repertoire consists of romances and popular Russian songs.

At the age of 9, she meets the leader of the Kalinov Most group, Dima Revyakin, and he sends Pelageya’s videotape to Moscow for the Morning Star, but since at that time there is no folklore block there yet, Yuri Nikolaev invites her to participate in the competition Winners Morning Star”, where she successfully takes first place and becomes the owner of the honorary title “ Best Performer folk song in Russia 1996” and a prize of $1000. Meanwhile, recorded on a quick fix in Novosibirsk, and accidentally ended up in the duffel bag of one of the fighters of the Novosibirsk riot police, performed by Pelageya as a Hymn to a warrior, the song “Love, brothers, love!” becomes a hit in Chechnya... Having received an invitation from the Moscow Patriarchate to participate in and host one of the concerts in the Kremlin, Pelageya meets Patriarch of All Rus' Alexy II and receives his blessing for creativity.

Among the high-ranking people whom the 9-year-old girl from Siberia met during this time were Joseph Kobzon, Nikita Mikhalkov, Hilary Clinton, Naina Yeltsina... 1997 becomes a turning point in the singer’s fate: several things happen at once important events…. Pelageya becomes a member of the Novosibirsk KVN team State University and the youngest participant in KVN in its entire history. Hollywood director Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky invites her to participate in grand show on Red Square, dedicated to the 850th anniversary of Moscow! Pelageya, who performed her hit “Lyubo, brothers, lyubo!”, becomes the main tragic figure of the performance, which is broadcast by the BBC to the whole world. From now on, the media will begin to call her “National Treasure” and “Symbol of Perestroika.” And finally, there is an acquaintance with General Director record company “Fili Recording Company” by Igor Tonkikh. After short negotiations, Pelageya signs an exclusive contract with this company to record 3 albums.

Together with her mother, the girl moves to Moscow, rents an apartment, and studies at music school at the Gnessin School piano department and records his first album with the working title “Lyubo!”. The most involved in the recording are: various musicians: Russian Orchestra folk instruments them. Osipova and Alexey Zubarev (guitarist of “Aquarium”), Academic choir them. Sveshnikova and Max Golovin (project “Eclecticism”), Leontiev guitarist Valery Dolgin, Transbaikal Cossack ensemble“Zabuzory”, winner of the Tchaikovsky Prize, cellist Borya Andriyanov, guitarist of “Megapolis” Max Leonov...

Pelageya studies vocals with her mother, developing and strengthening her traditional Siberian style - with the so-called “hard vocal delivery”. Having a range of four octaves, she gradually masters cantilena and bel cante singing. Living in Moscow, Pelageya actively participates in various official events, such as the ceremony of presenting the National Cinematography Award NIKA and the All-Russian Theater - “ Golden mask”, concerts (“Easter in the Kremlin”, etc.), charity events... In March 1998, after Dibrov’s “Anthropology” aired with her participation, the 11-year-old singer received an incredible offer from the President of Russia himself...

For the first time since World War II, the heads of three powers are meeting at once: France, Germany and Russia. And at this summit the only cultural program The protocol provides for a small solo concert by Pelageya. News agencies spread all over the world: Jacques Chirac called the girl “Russian Edith Piaf!”, and Yeltsin, tearing up, called “a symbol of a resurgent Russia.”

A week later, in one of the rock and roll clubs, the “symbol” delighted journalists and visitors by performing his songs in a duet with Alexander F. Sklyar to the immodest accompaniment of “Va-Banka”... The collaboration with Sklyar did not end there - Pelageya participated in the Festival “ Learn to swim” in the summer of 1998 and for some reason had big success and among the Estonian local population. In November 1998, she participated in the recording of a tribute album Depeche Mode“Dispatching for Depeche Mode”, which is published by “FILI”, with the composition “Home”, and “FUZZ” magazine calls this cover version the most successful. At the same time, prominent figures Russian culture petition the Moscow Mayor for improvement living conditions singer, and by decision of the Moscow Government Pelageya becomes a Muscovite. True, despite this fact, journalists both in Russia and abroad continue to call her “the girl from Siberia.” In July 1999, at the invitation of Mstislav Rostropovich, she participated in one of the most prestigious music festivals in Evian (Switzerland), along with such world figures as Leo Marcus, Evgeny Kissin, Ravi Shankar, Paata Burchiladze, B.B. King... Galina Vishnevskaya in an interview with the French press calls Pelageya “the future of the World opera stage”...

Best of the day

And finally, in August 1999, the singer participated in the world’s largest theatrical and folklore international festival- FRINGE EDINBURGH FESTIVAL. A project that combines concert programs Pelageya and the young Ukrainian performer Katya Chili, was called PRODIGIES, and was a worthy success among the sophisticated Edinburgh audience. Pelageya, together with the musicians who came with her to Scotland (Mikhail Sokolov - percussion, Vladimir Lukashenya - keys, Max Leonov - guitar), gave 18 concerts. The result of this trip was not only numerous filming and interviews on the BBC, the broadcast of her performance on a huge television screen in London's central park, an offer from the Deputy Mayor of Edinburgh for Culture to record an album in Scotland, but also an acquaintance with the manager of the legendary Italian tenor Jose Carreras, who made an official proposal Pelageya to participate in the world premiere opera star, which will take place in England in 2000. Now the artist is on the threshold of a new stage in her work - in parallel with the formation of a fundamentally new repertoire and a different performing style and stage image, there is a competitive selection of musicians for the group under the working name “Pelageya”. This project will form the basis of the second album, where only live music and authentic singing. Work on the third, on the contrary, electronic album, has already begun.