April 30, what can happen. buy property, cars, etc.

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The Full Moon will occur on April 30, 2018, many things cannot be done during this lunar period. Find out what you can and cannot do this particular Full Moon on April 30, 2018.
Be careful and consistent on this day, because the Full Moon is ruled by chaos and destructive energy.
Shopping on a Full Moon
Shopping on the Full Moon can surprise you with its unpredictability. That is why important and large acquisitions are best moved to another day. How successful the purchase will be is unknown. If you do not want to let money go to the wind, then refrain from shopping on this day.
Is it possible to move to the Full Moon?
Moving to the Full Moon in Scorpio 0 is a risky business. It is not known how it will pass and how successful it will be. But if you are moving to a radically new place, for example, another city or country, then this day is right for you. The full moon is a time of dramatic change.
Is it possible to travel on a Full Moon?
Traveling on the Full Moon is contraindicated. It can be unpredictable, full of risk and complexity. But if you are already on a journey, then this day will bring you a lot of new experiences. Beware of hazards as the risk of injury and accidents increases.
Starting New Business on the Full Moon
On the Full Moon, you can do PR, promote innovative ideas, present unusual and original projects. But starting new business on this day is not worth it. They will develop chaotically and chaotically, as the energy of this day is not very collected.
Financial transactions on the full moon
On the Full Moon, you can not lend money, borrow money, make loans. The outcome of financial transactions will be unpredictable. And since the Moon is in Scorpio, it will be very difficult to give money away.
You should also refrain from risky money matters, do not immediately agree to offers regarding money, do not make promises.
Full Moon Wedding
The union concluded on the Full Moon will be full, like a full cup. Monday is family day, so this is a good time for a wedding. The Moon in Scorpio promises a passionate union full of love, but one must be wary of excessive jealousy.
This will be the 15th lunar day - marriage is best done by mature couples. If young people marry, then the wedding should be modest.
Can you clean up on a full moon?
There is no point in cleaning on the Full Moon. This day is ruled by chaos and devastation, cleanliness and order will not linger for a long time.
In addition, cleaning will only raise all the negativity of this day and create a very unfavorable environment in the house. It is better to postpone the cleaning for another day.
What can not be done on the Full Moon?
Swear, quarrel, sort things out. Make important decisions. Leaving work abruptly. Be nervous, quick-tempered, irritable in communication. Be passive, be lazy.
On the Full Moon, a huge amount of energy enters the human body, and it needs to be given an outlet, directing it to work, movement or creativity.
Is it possible to do rituals on the Full Moon?
On the Full Moon, you can do rituals for money, love, success, desires. But you can not look at the full moon for a long time and sleep in its rays. She takes away youth and beauty from women, success and strength from men.

The full moon is considered the most dangerous day of the month from an astrological point of view. April 2018 is no exception in this regard. Astrologers warn that in April the full moon is preparing many surprises, and not all of them will be pleasant.

People with a hypertrophied sense of justice will have a hard time on April 30th. You should not defend your interests, fight for justice, try to prove to others your position in life. This is not the best day to sort things out, disputes, conflicts. Astrologers recommend taking the place of an outside observer or trying to smooth out sharp corners, but not asking for trouble. Even if you are right, people, especially those with the opposite opinion, will not hear you.

The lunar calendar strongly discourages talking to strangers, especially those who make contact themselves. It is believed that manipulators and energy vampires are activated on the Full Moon, which can take away your life force and luck. Esotericists also warn that today it is impossible to pick up money from the earth or take it from the wrong hands. These actions can get you into financial trouble.

Mood and health on Monday

In the Full Moon, chronic diseases and mental disorders are often exacerbated. In addition, on the 30th, hormonal and regulatory functions will be overloaded, hysteria will increase, new phobias may appear or past fears will return. Also, this day is considered traumatic due to the fact that concentration is deteriorating.

So that emotionality, obsessive thoughts and mood swings do not interfere with your plans for the day, you should start the morning right. Experts advise to eliminate any negative factors that hinder your undertakings and worsen your mood. You should only do what makes you happy. Refrain from hard physical and mental work. During this period, it is best to rest more, doing light, not urgent matters.

Try to spend April 30 in a calm atmosphere, away from conflict and stressful situations. The environment of loved ones will benefit, help smooth out the negative of this difficult day. Do not be nervous, become discouraged and focus on all the bad things that will happen to you today. Try to get your emotions under control. Today you are free to choose between good and evil, so make the right choice. We wish you a great mood, success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

It will take place on April 30, 2018 at 03:58 Moscow time at 09°39′ Scorpio. Like every Full Moon, it will bring dramatic changes and twists in our lives. Many long-standing questions will find their solution on the April 2018 Full Moon.

On this Full Moon, it will be possible to solve problems that have been dragging on for a long time and had no way out, it will be easy to give up everything unnecessary and obsolete, to think over your plans well. The full moon in Scorpio will help you avoid mistakes and change your direction if it was initially wrong.

Also, this Full Moon will bring with it changes in money and property issues. An important topic that will be touched upon by the Full Moon will be finance, security, and reliability.

The full moon on April 30, 2018 will be especially conflicting and dangerous in terms of quarrels. It is very important to show restraint, limit the circle of contacts, not to sort things out on this day and the day before.

Full moon effect on zodiac signs


In the life of Aries, finances, business relationships, matters related to property will come to the fore. On this Full Moon, you can become more emotional and quick-tempered. You should remember that the Full Moon on April 30, 2018 will bring changes for the better and not worry about anything.


Taurus expect a change in relationship with a loved one, friend or partner. At this time, events related to communication and harmonious interaction with people will take place. Perhaps you realize that some relationships are no longer relevant for you, or maybe, on the contrary, you will move to a new level of relationships.


The Full Moon on April 30, 2018 will bring health, work, and responsibilities to the fore in Gemini's lives. You will need to take a fresh look at your work and duty to others. Perhaps you will see those details of your life that previously eluded you.


Cancers this Full Moon will be able to reconsider their views on love relationships and creative self-realization. Perhaps you will find new ways to showcase your talents. Or maybe the changes will affect your personal life. In any case, the Full Moon on April 30, 2018 will bring qualitative and positive changes.

a lion

The full moon on April 30, 2018 will affect Leo's family relationships and family ties. Distant relatives may show up or there will be changes in relationships with family members. During this period, you will be able to reconsider your views on the atmosphere at home and your sense of security.


The Full Moon will make adjustments to Virgo's communication and connections. You can expect short trips, new acquaintances, unexpected meetings. Representatives of this Zodiac Sign will need to reconsider their views on contacts with people, communication and movement.


The Full Moon will bring changes to the financial affairs of Libra. Large purchases or, conversely, large cash receipts are possible. Many Libras will need to think about the distribution of the budget, questions regarding property or real estate can make themselves felt.


A full moon in your sign requires a change in your appearance and behavior. You can decide to radically change your image and style, as well as change your behavior in society. The full moon will bring you the solution of many issues relating to you personally, which have long been brewing.


For Sagittarians, this Full Moon will be a time of realization of something very important. Many Sagittarians will have to face their fears and doubts, change their attitude towards some things. The full moon will bring up problems that have been sitting deep inside, and you will be forced to no longer hide them.


For Capricorn, this Full Moon will be a harbinger of changes regarding the future, as well as your place in society. You will have to take a fresh look at your interaction with people and realize something for yourself. Also, this Full Moon can be a time for you to create a new, bold and very important idea. Don't throw it away for fear of the unknown.


Aquarius Full Moon on April 30, 2018 will bring big changes in the field of work, career and achievements. This Zodiac Sign can look at itself from a different perspective as a person, as well as its ability to work in a team with other people. The full moon will help you understand what you need to do to achieve success.


For Pisces, this Full Moon will be a time of justice, change in legal matters, travel abroad, and communication with people from afar. Changes are possible regarding travel to new places. You will be able to look at your life and its boundaries in a different way. Maybe you will be able to see new opportunities for yourself.

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The last week of April "pleases" us with its complex aspects and leads to the final full moon in Scorpio. We are again at the threshold when you need to "roll over" into another reality. And as always, old luggage doesn't crawl down the rabbit hole.

The next new moon coincides with a grand event - the transition of Uranus into another sign. After seven years in Aries, Uranus is moving into Taurus and this is a big energy shift for all of us. The new moon on the same day emphasizes the theme of the transition, the completion of a large chapter of our life and the beginning of a new one.

The energies of Scorpio are transformational, liberating and eradicating that which hurts, blocks, and does not allow to gain its strength.

Since April 22nd, Pluto, the lord of Scorpio, has turned around for its annual five-month retrograde and this is a call to reflect on your personal power and the theme of control in your life. Retrograde Pluto speaks of the fear of letting go, which makes the transformation process difficult.

April 26 is a tricky day when Mercury squares retro Saturn and Mars conjuncts Pluto at 22 degrees Capricorn. These are difficult days when it is difficult to defend one's truth, to receive understanding, to avoid conflicts. In physics, there can be major breakdowns and failures with equipment. Therefore, be careful in everyday life, take care of yourself and your loved ones. These days it is better not to carry out any operations, be careful to pick up sharp, piercing, cutting, hot objects. This influence is not long-lasting and will pass quickly. Engage in the restructuring of information and papers, throw out something old, broken and obsolete from your space.

April 30 - Full Moon at 10 degrees Scorpio at 03:57 GMT - and this is the midpoint between the two eclipse corridors, January/February and July/August. Time to take stock and get the fruits of what happened in late January-early February. What happened then may resonate now.

This lunation has contact with Saturn in Capricorn and many management structures - government, banking - can cancel something, close, change policies or conditions. There may be a major change in leadership and a new system introduced. Especially after the events of 26 (I don’t want to act as a “black prophet”, but major catastrophes and accidents are possible), when it will be necessary to tighten requirements, checks, control, sanctions, etc.

But there are good influences, from Neptune, Mercury and Venus, which smooth out the tension a little through positive communication, openness to dialogue and unity at the level of the heart and feelings.

The theme of this Full Moon is: “And we will go the other way.” If there are walls and obstacles, you need to find strategic ways to move forward. If somewhere there is a firm “no” or “stop”, we are just looking for new routes .

Aspects of the week:

  • April 26 - Mercury square Saturn retro

Promotes hard mental work, which is best done alone. It is more difficult for you to express your ideas and plans due to negative thinking and misunderstandings. When you study or organize your papers, pay attention to the details. It's best to avoid important discussions and seek professional advice when it comes to contracts, business, or legal matters.

Do not rely on other people's words and be careful with your own. You can give wrong information and dig yourself a big hole. In a relationship, there may be separation or an increase in distance. And along with gloomy thoughts, this has a negative effect on your mental well-being. Remember that this is a fast transit and its influence does not last long.

  • April 26 - Mars Conjunction Pluto Retro

This is a tense aspect of heightened conflict. Be careful in your actions, do not cut in haste. A great time to do difficult and dirty work, conduct in-depth investigations, collect facts and evidence.

  • April 30 - Full Moon at 10 degrees Scorpio

This is also a course-correcting lunation, which shows where you need to make changes, let go of the past, change the line of life. The tension still remains, pushing us to make conscious changes in our lives. On a global level, this could be a time of major catastrophes and accidents.

This is the point every month when you should stop and check the status of your progress. What are the strengths and weaknesses of your last new moon intentions? You have enough light and mirrors to see all the magnified shortcomings of your plans and how to correct your course to avoid false steps and obstacles. Therefore, reconsider your plans and it is especially important to check the state of your heart. Are there difficulties in relationships with others? It's not too late to change course. You can take a step back and accept help from others.

Sizzling Scorpio strikes with spring fever this full moon. Emotions become deeper and we may be surprised at their intensity this lunation. It's time to open the secret room and release all its contents.

This alchemical full moon can help transform our deepest fears into pure power, but first, we need to dive into the shadows.

Full moon in April 2018 - meet the Pink Moon

Scientists have long proven that the only satellite of the Earth has a significant energy impact on people's lives. Famous esotericists and astrologers are sure that the strongest impact occurs on the day of the full moon. It is during this period that a person undergoes an emotional shake-up that helps him rethink the stages he has passed and find the strength in himself for further self-development. The full moon in April 2018 will be one of the most powerful and iconic events.

At the end of April, each of us will be under the direct influence of the Pink Moon, which will allow us to complete all the unresolved problems of 2017 and take a fresh look at the world around us. It contributes to the emotional rebirth of a person, his and the activation of intuitive abilities.

This will be especially clear against the background of interpersonal relationships, which many will want to either find out or change for the better. Astrologers advise not to make hasty conclusions about current events, carefully weigh all the pros and cons, and only after that take steps that can radically change fate.

The full moon in April 2018 will occur on the 30th at 03:58 Moscow time at 09 ° 39′ Scorpio. Due to the fact that the Pink Moon will be under the direct influence of the zodiac constellation Scorpio, the emotional background of all people will be very unstable.

Everyone will react very sharply to the change of events, try to sort things out and enter into conflicts, defending their personal point of view. That is why it is very important to try to maintain inner peace, abstract from the negative machinations of enemies and try to build what you have been building for many years.

Since the Pink Moon will be indirectly influenced by Venus, all people will have a chance to change and correct the love aspect of life. To strengthen the union within the couple, you should be as attentive as possible to the change in the mood of the partner, try to understand him, accept him as he is and help in resolving difficult issues that may arise during the full moon in April 2018.

Full moon in April 2018 - key astrological trends

During the full moon in April, all existing problems will become apparent, and the Pink Moon will help to see the real state of many things that have remained “in the shadows” until this moment. The Universe will provide a chance to reconsider your attitude to many things, set priorities correctly, and also discard unnecessary objects and people who only burden you. Many will be able to draw an invisible line between the past and the future, solve the accumulated problems and get out of conflict situations with dignity. But this will only be possible if you manage to meet the full moon in April 2018 in a state of inner harmony.

How will the 2018 full moon affect people's lives?

The full moon in April 2018 will help you make sure that your actions are correct, plan your next steps, and also radically change existing plans. Scorpio ruling the Pink Moon will bring financial security issues to the fore. He will show how important it is to calculate your steps and expenses in advance so as not to end up in an unpleasant situation.

The full moon in April 2018 is considered an unfavorable period for borrowing money and obtaining loans. The probability of the temptation to take money not according to real possibilities is too high, which will negatively affect the future state of affairs.

Do not try to force your point of view on your partner, because the full moon of 2018 in April will upset the balance of mutual understanding. It will help reveal many secrets, help you look at familiar things from a new angle, and also provoke the issue of sharing common accounts and running a joint household.

Despite all the negative aspects, there are positive aspects in the full moon of April 2018. The stars will favor those who are going on a trip or decide to change their field of activity. It will be especially successful to change the main place of work if you have been thinking about it for a long time.

Astrologer: Anastasia Geliasto

April 30, 2018 Full Moon in Scorpio

The full moon on April 30, 2018 occurs at 03:58 Moscow time, when the full moon at 9 degrees Scorpio opposes the Sun in Taurus.

Scorpio is associated with transformation, it pulls us into the mysterious depths of the psyche. The full moon in this zodiac sign illuminates what lies in the subconscious - desires, aspirations, fears and hopes. The content of the subconscious has an unobvious power over our lives, and this makes it difficult to comprehend. But at least trying to penetrate its secrets is useful - this will bring deep changes and renewal closer.

The Full Moon in Scorpio gives you the courage to face your own fears and conquer them. You will discover a strength of character that you never knew existed. Be open to change on all levels, both spiritually and materially. Lunar energies are able to initiate events that will have a transformative effect on many areas of life.

Influence of the Full Moon in Scorpio

Most of all, the influence of the April full moon will be felt by representatives of the fixed signs of the Zodiac: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius. However, other signs will not remain indifferent, for many it will have a transformative effect.

The full moon often brings revelation, bringing to light what was hidden in the shadows. Scorpio is insightful, he sees the essence of things, so much can be revealed. The Full Moon in Scorpio reveals secrets, whether they concern other people or your own personality. If you are trying to solve any riddle or problem, ask yourself a question, and the subconscious mind will give a clear answer.

Mars and Pluto, the dispositors of the full moon, form positive aspects with the axis of the full moon. The impact of the Full Moon in Scorpio can bring healing, although it is possible that the price of this will be very emotional and even painful situations. However, Pluto symbolizes rebirth. The energy of Scorpio will help us cleanse ourselves of unnecessary things in order to be reborn at a new level.

The full moon on April 30, 2018 highlights the zodiac axis Taurus-Scorpio, both signs are associated with the topics of finance and property. Material and financial resources, their ownership and management, will become important factors in resolving issues that are activated during the full moon.

There is a growing desire to possess material goods, a desire to gain power over people through financial domination. It is necessary to balance the reasonable desire for material success with the development of spiritual qualities, because materialism without spirituality will not bring joy.

Scorpio has a psychic power that is both feared and respected. The motto of this sign is "all or nothing". If you make a decision in the days close to the date of April 30, there will be no going back. Therefore, it is important to correctly determine your priorities in order to form exactly the intention, the implementation of which will bring you happiness.