How can you learn to dance twerk at home. Why you should start dancing twerk: the personal experience of actress Kristina Ponunaeva

Every year, many interesting directions appear in dances, which become very popular. Such is twerk is a dance that actively participates buttocks, thighs, abdomen, arms, and the rest of the body is almost motionless. Twerk analogues are booty dance, swag, booty shake.

History of dance rooted in dance African tribal women. They twisted their hips, danced, attracting their men.

To learn to twerk, you need to learn a few basic movements:

- rotation of the buttocks,

- vibration of the buttocks,

- hip kicks

- drawing the "eight" with the hips,

- lumbar rotation

- hip rotation

- during the movement of the buttocks - isolation of the lower body from the upper,

- movement of only one gluteal muscle.

Classes should be held under music for twerk. Initial position- legs slightly wider than shoulders, stomach retracted. One of the popular moves in twerk is to sit down slightly, resting your palms on your hips. And in this position, pull the groin forward and towards you. Then stretch your back slightly up, while the elbows are slightly straightened, and pull the buttocks up. And sharply lower the buttocks down, sit down in the starting position. By repeating these steps rhythmically with a small amplitude, you will learn how to do basic twerk move.

Another spectacular move hip twist. The starting position is the same: legs apart, you crouched a little. The toe of the right foot turns inward - towards the left foot, then returns to its place. Do the same with the other leg. It turns out something like a twist. Now the buttocks are coming into play. While doing the “twisting” with one leg, shake the buttock of the same leg with force. And we do the same with the other leg and buttock.

Exercise in front of the mirror. Try shaking your buttocks by crouching and spreading your knees. Try to remember these movements, your feelings. Shake your legs and buttocks, rotate your hips, leaving the whole body motionless. If the music is hard to do at first, try turning on less rhythmic music or working out in silence (for each exercise, do a count of one or two).

twerk can people of different build and weight. The main desire. Twerk allows you to support sportswear, pump the muscles of the buttocks, legs, press, back, lower back, hips. Twerk is very useful for women, because when intense rotation of the pelvis there is a prevention of some gynecological negative phenomena. Besides, dancing twerk, women feel beautiful, desirable, sexy. Twerk liberates And relieves complexes.

Watch a video tutorial on how to learn to twerk.

Booty Dance - Twerk appeared in our country a long time ago and with a rather scandalous reputation. It was first seen in Russia in the last century in the clips of foreign performers. Then Twerk was called "dirty dancing", since all movements are performed by the booty. Actually, the meaning of the dance lies in the skillful management of your fifth point - various smooth rotations, shaking in any position. You can find out how to learn to twerk video will help with this.

The Booty Dance - Twerk is usually performed by girls and women, age and build are completely unimportant here. All the fair sex, asking the question “How to learn to twerk” the video can be sure that any representative of the fair sex can perform Twerk (or “twerk”), and the wider the buttocks of the performer, the more spectacular the dance looks. Even in ancient times, women with the help of such dances attracted the attention of men. It is completely incomprehensible why some people now consider this something indecent, because the ability to dance Booty Dance is a unique possession of one's body.

Twerk dance moves, how to learn to twerk (video).

It is not difficult to learn how to dance it, if you wish, you can learn how to twerk to music even at home. To do this, it is enough to understand the basic movements, and the rest is already room for the performer's imagination. The first movement is smooth rotation of the pelvis in different directions, the second basic movement is to learn how to lift the ass up and down in various positions, in a semi-squat, leaning on the wall, on the floor, leaning on the arms and legs. There can be many variations. The only thing to pay attention to is the physical state of health. Booty Dance - Twerk gives a big load on the muscles of the legs, the press, so you should not forget about fitness and pump up the main muscle groups.

Despite criticism from some part of the population of our country, Booty Dance - Twerk is becoming more and more popular. Sexy, passionate dance does not leave indifferent any male representative, no matter how skeptical he is. The burning dance of shakes and shakes can be seen more and more often on the dance floors of Russia. To learn how to learn to twerk, the video will help you master the basic movements in a short time. There are many dance schools where Booty Dance is taught to everyone, without any initial training. Classes with a trainer are more complex, everything you need is provided there: the necessary stretching of the muscles, pumping the hips, buttocks and back muscles.

Ask an ordinary passer-by: "What is twerking?". In response, you will see either bewilderment, or a person with admiration will begin to tell in detail about this direction in dancing. Twerk has been known to dancers for twenty years, but only after 2013 this dance became popular in all countries of the world. The main movement is to shake the buttocks, while focusing on the hips and the whole body. For most classical dancers or choreographers, twerking is a strange and overly revealing dance, yet it has become an integral part of a whole culture.

It seems that it is necessary to “kill” a lot of time in order to master the simplest body movements, but is it? According to the choreographers, you can learn twerking on your own, without visiting a dance studio. It is enough to know the basic movements and work on your own physical preparation.

How to learn to dance twerk (twerking, booty dance) at home?

Before posting your dance video online, it's best to read the important tips from professionals to make it faster and more efficient:

  • every girl can twerk, and for this it is not necessary to go on diets or eat buns, increasing extra centimeters on her hips;
  • every day you need to learn a vocabulary of movements, at least 5 words a day. Knowing the terminology, it will be easier to navigate the choreography;
  • away from all embarrassment and stiffness! Twerk is designed for self-confident girls, besides, he teaches to be sexy;
  • to many viewers, it seems that the dancer is shaking the buttocks, but some kind of shaking or shaking is felt more. You can teach the “fifth point” to jump quite quickly, you just need to throw it up first, and perform the next movement with a smaller swing. Doing so, you need to speed up, then slow down the movement;
  • in the dance, the hands will become assistants. In order for the movements to be amplitude, it is better to put your hands on the belt, this will help toss the desired part of the body up;
  • stretch to make the movements look more effective. If you squat lower, spread your legs wider, and relax your arms, then the dance will be more organic and dynamic;
  • since all movements in twerk are performed on half-bent legs, you need to maintain your physical shape at a height. To do this, you need to constantly pump the muscles on your legs. The dance will look more spectacular if they are strong;
  • do not forget to download the press;
  • since the style of dance involves short shirts and shorts, a flat tummy and convex forms will only adorn the dancer. Watch your diet so that beautiful forms do not turn into fat legs and folds;
  • every movement and dance as a whole should bring only positive emotions. They need to be felt, so step away from the mirror and start dancing!

Although the twerk style has been around for about twenty years, it was after Miley Cyrus blew up the hall with her dance moves during the MTV Music Awards in 2013 that the hobby for this style became more popular than ever. This is a female dance style, the main movements of which are shaking the buttocks, focusing on the hips and body. Some people think that twerking is funny or outright weird, however, this style has become part of modern dance culture. Stay up to date with current trends and learn several types of twerking by starting with the first step of this description.


Crouch and perform twerk moves

Sit down. You don't have to be very low off the ground, but low enough that you have a solid footing and balance. Your knees should not go beyond your toes to avoid knee injury. Spread your legs wide and squat down, turning your toes to the sides. This will help you maintain balance as you move. This is the most popular way of twerking and the least sexually provocative.

  • Pick a fun, fast tune and start practicing! You can start practicing with slow movements to get used to the basics of twerking and subsequently choose the pace that suits you best.
  • Push your buttocks back. Stand in a position as if you are going to sit on a chair - think of the "chair" position in yoga - the emphasis should be on your buttocks. Make sure your knees are bent and place your hands on your hips. Keep your upper body straight and look up. You don't have to look down to make effective twerking moves.

    • When you push your buttocks back, you should lean forward 45 degrees, transferring your body weight to your toes. This species is known as "Twerking Miley". If you want to be a little less scandalous, then you shouldn't lean forward that much, but instead just keep your upper body straight.
  • Shake your buttocks back and forth. If you decide to keep your hands on your hips while twerking, then you need to press your thumbs on the bones of your lower back to help your hips move forward as you shake them forward; and help the hips go back during the opposite part of the movement, pressing the rest of the fingers on the hip bones. If you are comfortable doing hands-free twerking, then you can raise your arms and stretch them out in front of you, parallel to the ground, bringing your palms and fingers together and swaying them gently as you twerk.

    • To dance "Twerk Miley", you must quickly shake your buttocks from side to side; for normal twerking, move your hips up and down while flexing and straightening your back for best results. And don't worry if you don't have big buttocks. This move is great for everyone!
    • The whole point is to isolate the lower part of your body. Try to keep your upper body firm and steady.
    • You can also change the position of your arms by holding them out in front of you, or at your sides, or resting them on your hips.
    • Additionally, you can even squat even a little lower by placing your hands on your feet above your knees, so that your palms are on your feet and your thumbs are facing each other. This position of the hands will help you shake your buttocks as effectively as possible.
    • If you really want to, then add to the dance a facial expression like Miley's or a hand sign, as she did during the performance.

    Twerking against the wall

    1. Stand about two feet away from the wall. Don't face the wall, but find a position where you can see the wall with peripheral vision. This is the most defiant way of dancing in the style of twerk. Keep in mind that this is not the best idea if you've had too much to drink, as you may fall over. If you want to try twerking against a wall, then your skills in this style of dance should be higher than just starting ones. This type of twerking is not for beginners.

      • You must have good coordination and a strong upper body to make this movement effective.
    2. Put your hands on the floor. This time you need to be sure that your hands are firmly planted on the floor, as you will be walking on the wall with your hands on you and you don't want to fall in this position. You must fully rest on your palms to get the necessary stability. Raise your hips as high as possible to make it easier for you to lift your legs. Your arms should be about a foot away from your feet, with your shoulders wide apart. As you place both hands on the floor, shift your body weight from your feet to your hands.

      • Your torso and upper body should be fully in the handstand position. Your fingers should be apart and pointing forward.
    3. Step your feet up the wall, bend your knees and start shaking your buttocks. First, place one foot on the wall, lift and support it until you achieve balance, then repeat with the other foot. Your legs should be wide apart, about one foot apart. Plant your feet against the wall, push your hips up and practice the basic twerking move. Tighten your arms and upper body as you move your lower body (which will be above your torso!). This is a variation of twerking where your hands are on the floor, with the only difference being that your feet are on the wall.

      • You should try to dance in this position for thirty seconds or a minute, or for a short tune, but remember that your arms and shoulders will tire quickly.
      • It's also a great opportunity to find a wall twerking partner to share the move!
      • Make sure you can descend gracefully after finishing. Lower your legs one by one to the floor. You can continue to twerk in the hands-on-the-floor position, or just take a short break until your inner Miley wakes up in you again.
  • Twerk is a popular dance that has been gaining more and more popularity in recent years. Now millions of fans follow stars like Miley Cyrus and Nicki Minaj, who actively promote unusual body movements. If you want to conquer the dance floor, then it's time for you to learn how to teach twerking at home.

    History of dance

    Twerking is popularly called booty dance, which means the dance of the buttocks (booty is an American slang that is rarely used). The history of the dance goes back to African roots, where girls attracted men with sexy and provocative movements. In the tribes, this was a proposal to retire and enter into an intimate relationship. As a rule, if the stronger sex responded with a similar dance, then a continuation always followed.

    After the African peoples, booty dance began to revive in America, at the dawn of the 21st century. It took ten years for the world to learn how to teach twerk correctly and make twerk a popular dance. Since 2010, the famous buttock movements have conquered the world's dance floors. Now booty dance is taught not only to attract a partner, but also to maintain physical fitness, because in order to understand how to learn how to twerk from scratch, it is enough to start exercising.

    The essence of twerk

    To learn how to learn to twerk, it is important to understand the essence of the dance. Booty dance is a dance of the buttocks, which also involves the stomach, lower back and hips. Aerobatics is considered to be the dance in which the gluteal muscles do not move synchronously, but in a chaotic manner, forming patterns in the air to the beat of the music. The main difficulty is to learn to control and feel each muscle in order to control it during the dance and perform complex techniques.

    To master twerking, it is important to feel your body. If you look at popular dancers, you will notice how they are confidently able to vibrate and move their gluteal muscles, draw figure eights in the air, beat out a certain rhythm, emphasize the tempo of the music, and hardly move their upper body during active booty dancing.

    Learning to dance from scratch

    Want to quickly learn how to twerk at home? Then get ready for daily workouts, because booty dance requires good physical fitness. You must be stamina, strong and have maximum stretch, but the first results can be obtained after 3-5 sessions.

    We prepare the necessary inventory:

    1. Choose the most comfortable clothing. For twerking, you do not need to use tight sweatpants. Stretch leggings or loose shorts will suit you. The choice in favor of the second will open up more opportunities in the dance, because the basis of booty dance is to show all the beauty of the buttocks.
    2. Before classes, you need to conduct a full warm-up, which can last up to 30 minutes (and this is not counting the time spent on twerking). Therefore, you should allocate at least 1 hour a day.
    3. How to quickly learn to twerk? There are three sacred rules: do not be lazy, do all the tasks with high quality, do not be constrained.

    You can master the dance in a short time if you follow all these tips. And remember that there are no limits in twerking - it can be practiced by anyone and with any physical form. It is a mistake to believe that booty dance is only for slender, beefy girls, because we do not live in African tribes.

    Workout at home

    If you want to learn how to quickly learn to twerk at home, then you need to start with daily workouts. As a rule, classes consist of a warm-up, the study of basic movements, stretching and dance performance.

    • Warm up. You should start with light stretching and kneading the muscles to avoid tissue injury. Remember that twerk is a dance of the buttocks, so you need to pay special attention to squatting, swinging the press. It is very important to perform all the exercises in technique in order to properly affect the muscles. For example, you need to squat with a straight back, without relaxing. To maintain shape and improve endurance, it is recommended to do the plank twice a day.
    • Learning basic movements. All movements of booty dance are done with the legs apart. Tilt your torso forward and try to start the rotation of the gluteal muscles first clockwise and then counterclockwise. Repeat the exercise 3 times, doing 5-10 rotations. Then you need to hit your hips to the musical rhythm. The first days of classes will be difficult, but after a few workouts it is recommended to accelerate the pace of rotation. When you begin to feel your body, you can engage your knees and learn to vibrate.
    • Stretching. To learn how to twerk like a pro, you need to learn how to stretch. Daily classes will help you sit on the twine in two weeks. Stretching is also needed to make it easy for you to bend over and keep your body in one position.
    • Dance performance. You should proceed to this stage when you have mastered the basic elements in twerk. Then you need to develop movements to the music, combining them into a single whole.

    Pros of dancing

    Here are the benefits of this dance direction:

    Things to remember:


    Now you know how to learn to twerk. For training, you do not need to look for a separate large room and visit expensive gyms. All that is required is a small area in any room, active music, a desire to work on yourself and the desire to get rid of existing complexes.