The red color of the human aura. Red and pink

The halo that surrounds each person is called the aura or biofield. Its color changes throughout life and depends on our character, emotional state, actions and mood.

In this article

The meaning of color in parapsychology

In classical psychology, green is associated with calmness, harmony, the forces of nature and pure energy. This shade of the solar spectrum creates a positive mood and sets in a contemplative mood.

The purpose of pacifying greenery is to bring peace, peace and harmony, broadcast positive and smooth out conflicts. Parapsychologists who study the mental body have come to a similar conclusion. A greenish glow indicates that its owner is in harmony with himself and the world around him, open to external influences, ready to learn and grow spiritually.

Green glow around the person

The absence of this color in the field indicates serious personality problems:

  • prolonged depression;
  • negative attitude towards the environment;
  • internal emotional conflicts and painful experiences;
  • the impossibility of obtaining new information;
  • unwillingness to learn;
  • serious problems associated with socialization and lack of close friends.

On the physical level, the disappearance of this shade from the energy cocoon indicates the approach of serious health problems.

Bioenergetics warn what to watch out for if the color becomes muddy, washed out, and fuzzy. Physical illnesses are preceded by changes at the mental level.

The brightness and intensity of the color of the biofield indicates the health of the cardiovascular system of the body. The more green, the stronger the resistance to heart attack and stroke. And since the green color is responsible not only for the heart, but also for the psychological state, its absence can seriously affect the quality of life.

Aura and character: general characteristics

The formation of character and habits is influenced by heredity and environment. The green halo will tell in detail everything about its carrier. People with a field painted in this color are endowed with many positive qualities:

  • purposefulness;
  • compassion;
  • concentration and diligence;
  • heroism;
  • patriotism;
  • tendency to introspection;
  • intuition;
  • abilities for healing and esoteric sciences.

But the medal has two sides, so the negative character traits also need to be said. They are stubborn, go to the goal at any cost. Sincere compassion for one's neighbor turns into a serious problem and misunderstanding on the part of others. In the desire to help, they do not pay attention to the opinions of others, they do not take into account the interests of friends and acquaintances.

Aura of man and woman

Authoritarianism, inability to compromise and adapt to the interlocutor - these are their negative sides. Filled with a thirst to do good, the rescuers are unable to contain their emotions. With age, reason takes precedence over feelings and gradually a person learns to control the impulses of his soul.

But in their youth, the owners of a bright green aura receive negative responses in response to kindness, bordering on obsession and despotism. Often a vacuum forms around enthusiasts in a team: they are good workers, but prefer to solve problems alone. Team games are contraindicated for them.

The main goal in working on yourself- learn to direct powerful energy in a positive direction, listen to the opinions of others. Do not impose your vision of the situation, engage in dialogue, find a compromise.

Meditative practices, endurance exercises and yoga classes will help control the impulses of goodness, peace of mind and bouts of perseverance.

The meaning of color in the biofield of women

The more greenery in the girl's glow, the younger she looks. Spring Woman - this is how you can briefly describe the representative of the beautiful half of humanity, which has this shade in the field. Parapsychologists talk about a direct relationship between appearance and the presence of a shade of young grass in her rainbow.

aura of a woman

To maintain beauty, freshness and prolong youth, follow your inner mood. Wrinkles appear from negative emotions and experiences. Envy, greed and bad mood are the companions of premature old age.

Gynecologists say: not only the individual physiological characteristics of the female body are responsible for the reproductive function. Busy businesswomen are more likely to suffer from gynecological problems.

Parapsychologists confirm: there is no tenderness and femininity in their energy field. It is possible to recover from diseases by completely changing consciousness. To do this, you should listen to yourself, adjust your internal clock to the rhythms of the Universe.

Happy owners of the biofield of the color of spring foliage are excellent life companions. Sensitive, responsible mothers, loving wives. The only thing that will overshadow the union with the spouse is her changeable mood, like nature itself.

The meaning of color in the biofield of a man

Representatives of the stronger sex, whose energy radiance is endowed with green, cope with problems better than others. They live happily with their families, know how to prioritize and overcome difficulties.

Their forte is entrepreneurship and financial activities. In esotericism, greenery is associated with money and luxury. Researchers have proven that the more greenish glow around the person, the higher the chances of getting rich.

Aura of a man

The absence of a halo indicates the infantility and immaturity of a man:

  1. They cannot and do not want to take responsibility. They do not reach great career heights and material well-being.
  2. Men with a weak heart chakra are not adapted to family life. They are unlucky in love, but they blame others for their failures, not themselves.
  3. Weak willpower often causes addictions and dangerous hobbies. Alcohol, drugs, gambling addiction is not a complete list of their vices.

An alliance with such a man will not be easy. Unlike women, men do not like to admit mistakes and learn from them. It is impossible to prove to a partner the need for self-improvement.

Vital Shades

There is no clear tonal gradation in the biofield. This statement has been proven with the help of the Aura-Camera 6000 apparatus and experiments that were carried out with the participation of mediums. The clarity and brightness of the manifestation of the aura depends on objective and subjective factors.

green glow

One parapsychologist will see all the shades, the other only the main tones. Only an experienced psychic can scan the layers of the subtle world and make a correct diagnosis of the state of the soul.

In classical parapsychology, it is customary to talk about the following shades of green:

  • Bright green without impurities - indicates honesty, openness, determination, selflessness. Willingness to come to the rescue, to give the last for the benefit of others. According to mediums, such a glow surrounded Joan of Arc.
  • Emerald light accompanies multifaceted and versatile people. Friendly, sincere and open to communication. These are hippies, peacemakers, selfless servants of the Good. A prime example is Mother Teresa.
  • The sea wave characterizes reliable and faithful people: wise teachers and mentors.
  • A dirty or cloudy shade indicates a lack of vitality, low self-esteem and overestimated claims to the world. Envy, unreasonable jealousy, cunning and deceit - if such a color spot appears in the biofield, it is urgent to reconsider your outlook on life.
  • Red impurities signal the high intelligence of the subject and the desire for self-improvement.
  • The presence of yellow warns of caution when contacting. Yellowness indicates deceit and uncleanliness in a relationship. An instructive example is Judas Iscariot.
  • Bright lettuce indicates readiness to open new horizons.
  • Greens in combination with blue and blue tones indicate a strong, spiritual partner who can openly resist evil.

Aura and profession

According to studies conducted with the help of a biofield meter, the choice of a field of activity depends on the colors of the mental body:

  • A bright green hue is a hallmark of successful financiers. These are professionals with a mathematical mindset - accountants, engineers, physicists.
  • Teachers by vocation, who know how to find a common language with children, are surrounded by the radiance of the color of the sea wave or rich turquoise.
  • If there is an admixture of red in the palette, then it is safe to say that its owner will have a career as a scientist.
  • Green with blue or purple indicates the ability to clairvoyance and divination. Magicians and soothsayers have such an aura.
  • Gray, faded or dull greens indicate low intelligence and poor memory. An inexpressive aura surrounds people who do not shine with talents. They studied mediocre at school, and having matured, they do not want to develop and improve.
  • Women with a predominant green color in the aura choose creative professions that help to reveal their inner world.

Affirmations for mood

The worse the mood, the blacker the biofield. When we are calm, the aura glows with a steady green color.

Even an unspoken thought is instantly broadcast to the Universe. Emotions are reflected in the state of the body and colors. Anger, envy, anger paint the energy background in the appropriate colors.

You can achieve harmony with the help of special exercises, relaxation, immersion in the inner Self.

Aura and meditation

Communication with nature and meditative practices help cleanse and open the chakras, including the heart chakra, which is responsible for the green color. Here are the general rules of mood meditation.

  1. Retire. Turn off your phone.
  2. Create an atmosphere with soft, relaxing music.
  3. Sit in a comfortable position.
  4. Stop the internal dialogue.
  5. Imagine yourself in a comfortable and safe place.
  6. Enjoy peace.
  7. Let go of the negative.
  8. Tune your inner vision to the green wave.
  9. Imagine how warm rays of this color envelop your consciousness. Bathe in them.

For the first time, a beginner will not be able to completely immerse himself in a trance. Regular training and developing your own algorithm will help you easily enter the desired state. Each time you will confidently create the desired mood of calm and happiness.

Aura is a variable. Working on ourselves, improving karma, we improve the quality of color vibrations of the soul. This is a process that continues as long as a person is alive and ready to improve himself.

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the keys to success in a perfect ritual. I will provide you with the information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But do not worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

Esotericists can usually observe the thin energy shell of every living being on their mental screen due to their inner vision.

Although alternating waves and jets of light stripes are also the aura of a person, colors, the meaning of the shades of the biofield and the possibility of changing the palette are of interest to mediums most often. With proper experience, you can see energy in a variety of tones, noticing slight color transitions, so a separate characteristic of the color of the aura is important.

What does the color of a person's aura say?

Each person has an individual aura color and a combination of different tones, since the character of any person is also special. And the color of the biofield just indicates the characteristics of the subject, his interests and inclinations, his physical condition. The color of the energy around the body can also tell about the specific thoughts and dreams of a person.

However, it is worth noting the fact that the perception of the color of the biofield is different for all psychics and even scientists dealing with this issue. It is quite difficult to establish a specific shade of the aura the first time with a 100% probability.

What do the colors of the human aura mean? As a rule, any shade reflects, firstly, the immediate state of the body, or rather, the thin and physical shells. Secondly, the colorful biofield always correlates with the specifics of temperament. Therefore, it is useful to recognize the color of not only your aura, but also the energy of the people around you. Such a skill speeds up communication, helps to avoid conflicts and determine the attitude of society towards you.

The aura always demonstrates the true nature of a person, his intentions, so it is pointless for an esotericist who knows how to determine the color of the ethereal shell to lie.

That part of the aura, which is located above the head, with its shade suggests the nature of the individual's thoughts. In turn, the palette around the chest and back refers to emotions.

Interestingly, the color of the interlocutor's aura can even intuitively tell a person how to build a conversation and relationships. Of course, the chemical compatibility of people is very important, but the energy-color compatibility also plays a significant role. It is believed that each color accumulates in the area that corresponds to a specific energy chakra responsible for emotions or thoughts.

In deciding what aura color means, it is important to understand that one shade group cannot be better or worse than another. It is impossible to say for sure that a particular biofield palette is considered correct. However, there are colors that are called the most natural and common for people.

Of course, individual tones of energy can indicate the shortcomings of a person, but at the same time, the brightness and transparency of the aura can level out such nuances, speaking of the benevolence of the individual and his state of happiness. In this case, it is worth focusing not so much on a specific color, but on the degree of clarity and illumination.

From a scientific point of view, there is also an explanation for the meaning of the color of the aura. The shade of the biofield, which is observed by mediums or special devices, is the frequency of the light wave oscillation. Red, for example, has long and slow waves, and as you move to orange, gold or green, the indicators change. That is, the wave becomes fast, light and short, more acceptable to the human eye. But purple or blue is difficult to see, because they have the highest vibrational frequency.

If you really want to know what colors of the aura are, it is worth starting the diagnosis from the head and shoulders area, since it is easiest to notice the energy there.

In this case, the biofield has a color around the entire body. One of the colors is considered the main one, because it is closer to the body and does not move more than 3-10 cm. Most people also experience a mixture of shades, when, for example, a yellow base is combined with an emerald tone or orange that is close in spectrum. Then, just as unexpectedly, a "cleansing" of the aura can happen, and it will again acquire a noble pure shade.

In the practice of studying the color spectrum of the energy shell, an important place is given to the difference in the aura by its type.

For example, the astral or external aura is the brightest and most visible shell for a person. But internal or ethereal is more difficult to detect.

If, for example, a purple hue is in the lead in it, the person clearly has spiritual potential.

There is also a classification of the biofield according to the lower layers of energy around a person. The etheric body is the aura of the physical shell, which tells the level of health. It is believed that this level is transparent, but covered with transverse hairs, which are placed depending on the movement of prana flows in the body of the subject.

To see such an aura, one must have a minimum level of psychological vision, and even animals are able to find a person by particles of the etheric body. Next comes the aura of the emotional shell. When studying what kind of auras a person has, it should be remembered that this layer resembles a clot of steam, a cloud or a foggy veil in the form of body outlines. At the same time, the shade can be anything, it all depends on our feelings and experiences at a particular moment in time.

The last layer is the lower mental or aura of Prana. This is also a cloud, which, with insufficient spiritual development, remains gray, but with the growth of a person as a person, it becomes multi-colored. True, people without extrasensory abilities will still see Prana as transparent, perceiving it along with streams of heated air.

Deciphering the colors of a person's aura by exact location

Aura and body center

It is here that the main shade of the biofield is located, which never changes. This basis is an individual color type, the dominant color for a long time. According to the existing colors of this part of the aura, the inner aspirations of a person, dreams and feelings determine. Most people who are interested in the color of the biofield are just occupied by the central aura of a person.

What color can this part of the energy be if it reflects the experiences of the individual, mental processes and reactions to the world around?

  • White testifies to the expansion of conscious boundaries and a persistent interest in the nature of the Creator and the secrets of life.
  • Violet appears in the center of the aura rarely and speaks of a sharpening of intuition. A person intends to serve higher matters with the rejection of worldly fuss and is open to inspiration.
  • sky blue indicates high spiritual aspirations, which are combined with softness, remoteness from the realities of life, devotion to a high ideal, intelligence.
  • Emerald speaks of the energy of calmness and acceptance. A person shows love and sympathy, while using inner knowledge from intuition.
  • Gold reflects the status of a great thinker who feels a surge of strength. The individual likes to take responsibility and lead.
  • fiery red shows a craving for a rich lifestyle, emotional explosions, cheerful companies. Any action is controlled by experiences and inner purity of the subject.
  • Red testifies to the complete immersion of a person in earthly affairs. There is a lack of courage, inner strength, self-confidence.

Left half of the body

Here is the so-called introverted pole, a passive area (sometimes called female), the energies of which the individual both receives from the outside and absorbs himself. It is believed that the energy that is received here and now is accumulated here, but will be realized in the next moment of life. The colors in this area of ​​the aura speak of future events and possible changes. Sometimes a person himself can feel what is the true meaning of the shade on this part of the biofield. In this area of ​​the body, the color of the aura always has a perspective:

  • Red speaks of the accumulation of physical data and the need for caution.
  • Orange calls for prudence and the creation of peace of mind in the face of changing business and growing creative energy.
  • Yellow hints at the search for fresh vectors of development in work and life in general, shows the need for maximum use of energy, but without intellectual overstrain. A person with this color in the aura knows what he wants, and can be effective in confident practical actions.
  • Green portends harmony and peace. A person stands on the threshold of new events, his soul develops actively, and he meets it joyfully and reverently. Ahead is the Divine source of peace.
  • Blue prompts to rethink the present with the help of intuition. This shade speaks of the good taste of the individual, his intelligence and pure soul. The special inner world of such a person is filled with spiritual search.
  • Violet indicates high-level sensitivity and the ability to capture inaccessible layers of energy. External chaos is not very important to such an individual, but this is not always realized in his society.
  • White speaks of an aggravation of internal perception, high tension, reflecting the approach of a new creative experience. The energy of enlightenment and meditative states accumulates.

Right half of the body

This pole is opposite, it is responsible for activity and extraversion. Shades show the image that models the world when in contact with the individual. Actually, energy is accumulated here, which is now intended for the environment. Therefore, the color also speaks about the level of vibrations of the subject into the world. This may reflect individual character traits in which a person is described by people from the outer circle.

As a rule, the left and right parts of the aura do not match in color, if a person knows how to manifest his feminine traits and stronger qualities in different ways. What the colors of a person's aura mean in such a male pole is not difficult to guess:

  • Scarlet expresses the image of a real clot of active energy. Others perceive a person as sexually attractive, alive in every sense, but sometimes tense and artificial.
  • Orange indicates the creative status of the individual in the eyes of others. Subject appears alert and free-thinking.
  • solar part of the aura demonstrates a large amount of strength and energy that are absorbed by work and society. A person knows how to convince, achieve his goals with the help of logic and reason.
  • bright shade of grass shows the image of a peacemaker and a real healer who calms the environment, shares love and tenderness with him. The person is not aggressive, but does not know how to answer “no”.
  • cornflower blue and the tones of the same palette speak of the individual as a source of wisdom and peace for the outside world. Even in emotional situations, a person maintains harmony, easily working with subtle energy and creative flow.
  • amethyst shade and colors close to it remind of the subject's ability to comprehend the essence of human nature, to understand the world with the help of intuition. The environment sometimes complains about the inconstancy and spontaneity of such an individual.
  • snow white then n refers to a large supply of spiritual energy in a person. The individual is aware of his mission, he is wisdom.

Heart region

Shades in this part of the body speak of the subject's ability to love and be loved. How does an individual express a deep feeling, how does he experience it? The color of this part of the biofield tells about all this.

field around the head

Any beliefs also have their own color, which affects this part of the aura. The shades of this zone determine the level of mental activity, the development of the mind. Colors also reflect specific life goals and principles of the worldview.

What does the color of the aura mean in separate layers

Initial layer

The etheric body belongs to the first chakra and is responsible for the autonomous tasks of the human body. There is a great connection with painful sensations and a sense of physical pleasure. This part of the aura is celestial or greyish jets of light and energy, along which blue highlights move.

If a person is as sensitive as possible in life, this layer is light bluish, and if it shows rigidity, the aura is gray. Chakra color will match.

Second level

The second level of the aura is in contact with the emotional sphere of the individual's life. The emotional body associated with feelings does not have a specific color of a person's aura. What such a statement means is not difficult to understand, because here we are simply dealing with light.

A pure glow speaks of the subject's peace of mind, while turbidity and dirt accompany outbursts of negativity, a state of confusion. The clearer the expressed feeling, the more transparent and brighter the aura, while the dark and dull body of emotions is associated with vague feelings and doubts.

The chakras of this layer are colored in the color of the energy that creates vortices around, for example, in red, emerald, yellow, milky shades, etc.

Third level

The third layering of the biofield is connected with the linearity of thinking, its mentality. From the outside, such a mental body appears as yellow rays falling from the head and shoulders. When a person is busy with an active thought process, this layer of the aura becomes more saturated and bright.

Sometimes in the stream of this solid golden color you can find other shades - this is a reflection of individual mental images.

fourth layer

The layer, like the corresponding chakra, speaks of the heart. Deciphering the color of a person's aura in this part testifies, of course, to the ability to love both individual individuals and all of humanity.

This astral body is an accumulation of light clouds, the hue of which coincides with the emotional body. Pinkish blotches are feelings of love. The heart chakra itself can be completely pink.

Interestingly, with sincere and mutual relationships between loving people, one can observe a pink arc between the hearts, as well as a glow of the same color in the pituitary gland, where the aura begins to pulsate.

Fifth level

The fifth cover refers to the connection with the Creator and higher powers, speaks of the responsibility of man. Here we can speak of the ethereal double of the individual, in which all forms of the physical plane are hidden.

Since we are talking about a kind of negative, specific colors are not defined here, it's just a silhouette with voids for organs.

Sixth level

This layer is identified with unearthly love in the context of the divine principle outside of the usual existence. The heavenly or celestial body works for a person during meditation, spiritual ecstasy, opening with a flow of unconditional love.

For psychics, this part of the aura is represented by a flickering stream of light in pastel colors. Opal, mother-of-pearl, silvery, golden shades are observed.

seventh layer

The layer speaks of the knowledge of the Higher Mind, the balance of physical and spiritual essences. The causal or keteric body is represented by golden light with a clear degree of pulsation.

Eighth and ninth level

There is also a cosmic plan - the 8th and 9th levels of the aura, the highest chakras above the head of a person. Such layers of the biofield have been studied very little, so it is impossible to say exactly what color they can be.

The color of the human biofield: changes

It is no secret for esotericists that a person's aura changes periodically, so a stable color cannot be established the first time. Why do some shades replace each other, while other tones fade or saturate over time? In fact, the biofield is simply sensitive to the physical and spiritual parameters of the individual.

Of course, a harmonious person's aura will be multi-colored and very bright, but in the modern world it is very difficult to achieve a balance of spiritual forces.

Everything that a person thinks during the day, everything that he says, changes the energy field. Even the rhythm of breathing affects this characteristic. Interestingly, each emotion that an individual experiences during the day has its own color:

  • If the subject is angry, the aura turns red. When aggression is directed outward, sparks and lightning pierce the biofield, and if the emotion is hidden, a scarlet spot is brewing in the throat area and slowly disappears if the feeling is not too strong. Otherwise, the red color moves to the back, and then to the heart. Irritation or frustration also turns the aura into a dark red field, but with a very blurry edge and broken oscillation.
  • Fear or phobia turns the aura grayish white, while the biofield begins to be covered with needles. Envy and anger make a person dirty green. The color intensifies near the head and shoulders, and then descends to the bottom. Dark green color appears only from sadness.
  • The state of love adds pink hues to the aura, that come from the chest area, as well as white and gold tones from the crown. Spiritualization is associated with an abundance of purple and yellow flowers in the biofield.

Not only internal stimuli work with the aura. The people with whom we communicate during the day, their biofields are also very strong in the practice of changing the color of our energy. The color of the aura changes according to the food and drink that we consume. Also, the biofield is sensitive to sunlight, to the energy of animals, plants and even ozone. All this affects the shades of the aura.

There is an opinion that even the biofield reacts to clothes in a timely manner. Therefore, by the way, some people love only certain colors in their wardrobe, which are in harmony with their aura, emit the necessary emanations. Many psychics even refuse to consider the aura through a person's clothes, because unnatural colors can flood the biofield with other shades, block the true nature of energy. Even a neutral tone blouse can significantly worsen the aura, making it very dull.

If it seems to you that you have studied the colors of a person's aura and their meaning well, photos of the biofield of sick people will surprise you greatly. Indeed, physical ailments much faster and more intensely reflect on energy. These can be separate blackouts of a khaki shade from small infections, orange and scarlet holes from the active development of a virus or bacteria.

When a person experiences pain in some organ of the body, this place in the aura almost always changes color, but at the same time it acquires a specific shape and angularity. Chronic diseases make the aura brown-gray, migraine changes the biofield of the head. In terminally ill patients, the aura expands, turning sky blue, flashing with silvery sparks.

Interestingly, the color of your aura can be changed quite consciously. This is useful not only for the development of supernatural abilities, but also for healing your body, improving well-being.

How to change the shade of the biofield

There are certain exercises that can change the shade of the biofield:

  1. Visualization of the desired color. Try to project the appropriate color of the aura onto yourself as often as possible, and over time, the basic shade of energy will change, albeit not for long. You can also imagine yourself in an energy cocoon, painted in the desired color. Sometimes people imagine that the color changes gradually, while others mentally paint themselves with a brush or spray paint.
  2. Mastering the breathing technique. The aura increases with each exhalation of a person. You can count from 1 to 30, breathing in air every 2 numbers. After the number 20, pause your breath and start counting quickly. This practice will release energy, and when you return to normal breathing, the aura can become much brighter.
  3. Do yoga. Oriental practices make each movement clearer and denser, which affects the vibration of the biofield. The spectrum of energy with regular sessions begins to change towards the subtle worlds - to purple, blue, green.
  4. Change your diet. Meat products and everything that has an animal nature make the aura dull and cloudy.

Aura Color Chart



Violet Passion for the mystical and cosmic, success in the spiritual realm. Protection from the light forces. With dark divorces - vampirism, depression. A shade of purple - altruism, justice, heroism.
Blue A sign of wisdom, gentleness, piety, harmony with nature. A person controls himself, has the power of will. Bright blue is responsible and caring for people, and a muddy shade is depression and disappointment. The color of the sea wave is peacefulness and reliability.
Blue Developed intellect, good logic, skills in intuition (with a pure shade). If the color is dark, the person is dreamy or suspicious.
Green A balanced person who knows how to soothe and heal. Versatile personality (if the shade is clear and light). When the color is dark, jealousy, low deceit and deceit are possible. Bright green - politeness, tolerance and tact. Emerald - mercy and forgiveness.
Yellow The main signs are optimism, kindness, love, the power of the intellect. If the color is dark, the person is envious or greedy. Yellow-red - determination and willpower, and the color of mustard - deceit.
Red Ambition, sexual power, sensuality. A cloudy shade indicates anger. Red-orange - vitality and the desire to impress people.
Pink A symbol of modesty, tenderness, unrequited love, balance between the spiritual and the material. Light pink - altruism.
Brown Manifestations of selfishness and greed, stinginess and greed, strong materialism, anxiety. Brown-red - vagueness of thoughts, kidney disease, and yellow-brown - laziness and carelessness.
Gold The development of the higher self, being in harmony. A sign of great spiritual enlightenment, love for yoga, the ability to share knowledge. Golden orange - self-control.
Orange Such aura colors have an inspiring designation. This is an energetic person with physical stamina and signs of power. Can be proud, ambitious. Darkness or turbidity of color - to low intelligence.
Silver Strong energy, propensity for change, versatility, idealism.
Grey The influence of fear and horror (if the shade is cadaverous), selfishness, depressing thoughts. Dark tones speak of depression, depression, melancholy, energy leakage.
Black Thoughts of a negative kind, malicious intentions, vindictiveness and hatred. Health problems, the likelihood of evil eye or damage.
White The likelihood of a serious illness, a tendency to drugs or medicinal components for arousal. Protection from negativity.
Turquoise Dynamic, great excitement, charisma combined with tenderness. A person programs situations by influencing others. The ability to perform several tasks at once, low fatigue.
Indigo Immobility, mystery, piety, spirituality. Inclination towards philosophy and religion, imagination of a refined type.

The human aura, the colors, meaning and forms of which are of interest to many esotericists, is still inaccessible for a full-fledged study. One can only guess how the shades of the biofield affect us and whether they can be changed.

It is believed that each of the individuals comes into this world with three primary colors of energy: gold, pink and blue. This is the purest aura, which gradually weakens under the influence of the outside world. However, if you develop willpower, reason and intuition, you can keep the shade of the biofield in its original state.

Esotericists have long recorded the existence of an energy cocoon around the physical body of a person, called the aura. It is distinguished by various color shades, characteristic. In a patient, this phenomenon gradually fades until it disappears completely on the eve of death. The human aura, colors, the meaning of its covers, contribute to the identification of the causes of spiritual and physical illnesses, a better understanding of people. The predominant shades determine the traits that make up the personality.

Aura color: the meaning of different shades

Knowing the characteristics of the energy shells of people will allow you to interact with others in a new way. Strangers will no longer be a mystery, because the aura echoes the character of a person. One shade is more often predominant, but the energy cocoon, as a rule, consists of different colors. What is their meaning?

  • Red speaks of leadership qualities, dedication and ambition, increased sexuality. But darker shades indicate a desire to dominate others and a quick-tempered character.
  • Be careful of people whose aura dark red and spreads in muddy stains. They are prone to aggression, they are cunning. They seek pleasure at the expense of others.
  • purple color characterizes people who are heroic and just. They do not know fear and always go forward both in personal life and in business.
  • Aura scarlet shade is characteristic of those who are proud of themselves for no reason.
  • Pink the color symbolizes love. It is always a pleasure to deal with such people. They know how to keep up the conversation and squander goodwill around.
  • orange colors characterize active humanists, self-confident. If there is a golden hue, then people are in control of themselves. But green blotches in such an aura speak of conflict and the ability to provoke quarrels.
  • Yellow color is characteristic of creative individuals with high intelligence.
  • Green aura distinguishes people who are able to challenge fate. Often they have a healing gift.
  • Blue color is formed around a person endowed with intuition. Such people are young at heart throughout their lives. For this reason, they love to travel and often change their place of residence.
  • Violet aura color - meaning: a person is distinguished by high spirituality and a craving for mystical knowledge. However, it is often not developed physically.
  • Large-scale plans tend to come up with personalities with an aura silver colors. These people are creative, honest and noble. Not capable of bad deeds.
  • White background distinguishes those who are pure in soul. This is a peacemaker who is not able to get past someone else's misfortune without providing all possible assistance. Such people often participate in charitable programs, go to developing countries to help the local population.

Among the uninitiated, there is an opinion that only psychics are capable of distinguishing the energy cocoon around the figure of a living being or object. Esotericists know techniques that allow anyone who wants to learn to see their own or someone else's aura.

Parapsychologists say that children's depiction of animals in unnatural colors indicates that at a tender age a person is able to see more than just a physical shell. Over the years, material values ​​are superimposed on the perception of the world around us. The child loses the ability to see the energy components of reality. There are several methods to regain lost abilities.

Seeing your own aura is not difficult.

  1. Position yourself at a distance of about 50 cm from the mirror, placed so that there is a solid light background in the reflection in the background. Lighting should not be too bright. In the dark, you will not be able to succeed either.
  2. Relax every part of your body. Inhale and exhale evenly. Subsequently, you will begin to notice that the aura increases as the lungs fill with air.
  3. Slight swaying of the body from side to side contributes to concentration.
  4. Look closely at the reflection of the wall surface behind you. Wander your eyes over the outlines of the figure.
  5. After a while, a weightless shell will appear around it, moving along with the body.

After visualizing the aura, it becomes possible to change its color to the desired one. It should be remembered that this will greatly affect the character and fate of a person. Take these techniques seriously, trying not to harm yourself or those around you.

How to see a person's aura? For the best development of this ability, it is best to start with the energy shell of small objects. Gradually switch to plants and animals. The result will be the development of a third eye, capable of easily distinguishing the auras of other people.

By developing the ability to see the aura, a person gets the opportunity to change his own destiny and learn to help others. The method of improving such abilities in oneself is best chosen by turning to the subconscious. A good knowledge of the topic "Human Aura: Colors, Meaning" will help to avoid many misunderstandings and personalities. Greedy or quarrelsome people are easy to distinguish by the shades of the energy background surrounding the physical body. Such knowledge is indispensable for spiritual self-development and knowledge of the depths of one's personality.

The human aura and its colors are the topic of this article. The aura or biofield is a thin shell around the material body, which is invisible to most people. It reflects all the information about a person - his health and lifestyle, emotions and thoughts.

What is an aura?

The aura is both the energy field of a living being and a reflection of the subtle energies circulating in the body. It shows our physical, emotional and mental state. And also, it can warn about the disease long before it starts.

The aura continuously changes its color, depending on what energies circulate in the body. But, nevertheless, each creature is characterized by one main color of the aura.

Each state of personality is manifested by a change in the color of the biofield. If a person is in a state of mental balance, the aura also takes on a harmonious form and appropriate color. And if it is out of balance, the aura becomes inharmonious. It also reflects the physical condition of a person: how he feels, what he is sick with.

If a person falls ill with an incurable disease, his aura will gradually fade and may disappear altogether shortly before death.

The aura cannot be separated from the material being, as it is its continuation. A healthy person has an aura of about 15 cm around the physically dense body. But with the spiritual development of the individual, it gradually increases.

So, for example, we all saw the golden halos that surround the heads of saints on icons. This is nothing but their aura, which can be seen even with the naked eye.

How to see an aura?

Most people are unable to see the aura without special training. Therefore, we offer you a simple exercise that helps develop the ability to see the biofield of a person or object. You need to act like this:

  • Select the object you will observe. If this is a person, ask him to stand in front of a plain or light background. You can also place some one-color object at a distance of about three meters from you.
  • The light should not be too bright, intense lighting can make it difficult to see the aura.
  • You need to unfocus your eyes and focus on the object. You need to look as if casually.
  • Soon, a glow will begin to appear in front of you along the edge of the object. This suggests that you saw an aura.

Some may barely see the blurry glow, while others will immediately see many colors of the aura. If such a practice is carried out for a long period, each person can develop the ability to see the biofield of any objects.

What will the colors of the aura tell about?

The aura is an energy cocoon around the physical body, and its colors are the various components of the spectrum. Color refers to the "wavelength" or "frequency" that we perceive in terms of color.

Aura color can tell us more than just health problems. We can also learn about the thoughts and feelings, experiences and aspirations of the individual, his talents and abilities.

  • A red aura indicates a strong, energetic person. This is a natural leader and a good sexual partner.
  • Dark red aura speaks of an unbalanced psyche, irascibility. At the same time, such people are energetic and decisive, dominate the family or team.
  • Burgundy color with cloudy streaks indicates an aggressive personality, prone to outbursts of anger and rage. She is also characterized by greed and the desire for profit, deceit.
  • A red-brown aura can speak of cunning and a lack of vitality. Urinary tract diseases are possible. Also, a red-brown color around an organ indicates its illness. Sometimes this color indicates killers.
  • A scarlet aura characterizes self-confident and ambitious people prone to pride.
  • The aura of lilac color symbolizes altruism and love for the whole world, selflessness and heroic deeds.
  • A pink aura indicates selfless love, sociability and kindness.
  • An orange aura indicates vitality and a desire for action, humanity and respect for people. Can talk about liver disease.
  • A yellow aura speaks of good health, creativity and friendliness. These people are independent and attractive to the opposite sex. Optimists and good friends.
  • Yellow-brown color speaks of passivity, laziness and unwillingness to change something in life.
  • A bright green aura indicates a person who is full of vitality, looks to the future with optimism. This is a true friend, sympathetic and kind, ready to help.
  • The emerald color indicates truthfulness, a desire for justice, great creativity.
  • A dirty green aura speaks of cunning, envy, deceit and deceit.
  • A pale blue aura is an indicator of good health and well-being, peacefulness and kindness. Talks about a person with good taste.
  • A pale blue aura characterizes indecisive people who tend to listen to the opinions of others.
  • A dark blue aura indicates people who strive for knowledge and are ready to learn all their lives.
  • Indigo color speaks of spirituality, the pursuit of high ideals, well-developed intuition. These are people who are trying to find the meaning of life and realize themselves to the fullest.
  • The pink-violet color of the aura characterizes a touchy and unfriendly person.
  • Dark purple aura shows lack of vitality, nervousness and short temper.
  • The purple-gold shade of the aura symbolizes the highest level of a person's spiritual level.
  • A gray aura indicates health problems, spinelessness and narrow-mindedness. Such a person is not able to truly love, selfish and jealous.
  • A blue-gray aura shows a person prone to energy vampirism.
  • The blue aura speaks of wisdom and the pursuit of high ideals, spirituality and harmony.

Every person has an aura. With its help, you can learn about diseases, emotional state, as well as thoughts and feelings.

The energy cocoon shimmers in different colors, but each person has one color that predominates, by which one can determine how emotionally stable he is, at what level of development he is, and many other facts.

Those who have astral vision can see the color of the aura. You can see the aura and determine its color yourself. To do this, you need to know what certain shades mean, as well as focus on your feelings.

Red color says that a person has the qualities of a leader, he has a huge energy potential and unspent love. The predominance of red indicates financial success, the ability to achieve goals and make independent decisions.

Dark red says that a person cannot control emotions, is quick-tempered and even despotic. This shade indicates a desire to dominate, survive at the expense of others and manipulate people for their own purposes.

Red with shades of brown indicates a cunning nature, an insufficient level of vital energy, which is most often replenished due to energy vampirism. This shade may indicate a disease of certain organs, if localized next to them. If the aura is composed entirely of red-brown, then with a high degree of probability a person is prone to cruelty.

scarlet aura often indicates selfish and proud people who are characterized by arrogance and disregard for their surroundings, including relatives.

purple color is responsible for generosity and enthusiasm. People with such an aura are selfless and ready to perform feats for the benefit of others.

pink aura talks about the ability to maintain communication, give love and care. People with such an aura most often occupy positions where help and support are needed for people with all kinds of disabilities.

Orange color symbolizes vitality, humanity and respect for others. People with such an aura are self-confident, but they will never put their own interests in opposition to others. Orange color can also indicate problems with the internal organs, especially the liver.

Orange with a green dash indicates people with a difficult character, who often provoke quarrels and scandals, feeding on the emotions of opponents.

yellow aura indicates friendly personalities with good health and vitality. They are endowed with the ability to quickly assimilate knowledge, are naturally optimistic and have creative potential.

Yellow aura mixed with red indicates timid people who, as a rule, are notorious and try to keep a low profile. They are dependent on the opinions of others and rarely make independent decisions. It is easiest for them to fall into dependence on manipulators.

Yellow aura with hints of brown speaks of laziness and unwillingness to think about the consequences of accomplished deeds. The carelessness of such people often turns into trouble. Due to their own short-sightedness, they are able to step on the same "rake" over and over again.

Bright green aura says that a positive attitude prevails in people, they are able to care for and help their neighbors, however, they often show too strong emotions, perceiving someone else's grief as a personal tragedy.

Emerald green aura testifies that before you is an honest and open person, somewhat childishly naive. Also, this shade speaks of a huge potential and the opportunity to master any profession, especially if it is associated with creativity.

Aura yellow-green indicates traitors and cunning people who should not be trusted. Such an aura is usually acquired by two-faced people who are able to "go over their heads" for the sake of their own well-being.

blue aura- an indicator of a soft character, a desire for peace and care. As a rule, people with such an aura have good health, are open to communication and work hard to achieve their goals. With due perseverance and skill, they can achieve success, but do not strive for leadership.

Aura pale blue talks about people who are indecisive and suspicious. It is difficult for them to make responsible decisions, they tend to imitate more successful people and rarely achieve success on their own.

purple aura indicates people who are striving for new knowledge, and also looking for themselves. They are characterized not only by intellectuality, but also by spirituality, purity of thoughts and friendliness. Most often, such people eschew big companies, preferring to search for their place in the sun.

blue aura indicates people to whom family values ​​are important. As a rule, people with such an aura have innate intuition and, with due diligence, can develop psychic abilities. They are excellent empaths who seek to support during times of mental anguish and relieve pain by literally passing it through themselves.

gray aura talks about physical and emotional health problems. This shade speaks of weak personalities who have not decided on the direction of the path. Often such people are selfish and secretive, capable of deception and do not have pronounced abilities.

Silver aura indicates dreamers with well-developed imagination and intuition. They are creatively gifted, but overly gullible. People with this aura color tend to see the good in everything, often making mistakes with the choice of friends and trusting the wrong people.

golden aura speaks of stubbornness and the desire to become pioneers. People with this aura color are hardworking and do not give up on tasks. Gold color indicates success and good luck, as well as the opportunity to share your life forces with loved ones.

white aura speaks of individuals who are used to smoothing out conflicts, have a calm character and most often act as defenders of the weak with full dedication. They are always in search of truth and are drawn to new knowledge.

black aura indicates severe health problems, as well as an unbalanced psyche. Such people are quite rare and usually criminals “shine” in black. It is generally accepted that they do not have a divine spark.