Preparation for the exam Essay on literature. Direction Time

We have prepared 72 completed compositions in the areas of "Time", "Home", "Love", "Path", "Year of Literature". It is worth remembering that the originality of the final essay should be at least 50%, therefore, when using ready-made essays, for reliability, you should change the words in places.

All essays are divided into thematic areas:


1. "Time is the fabric of which life is made." (B. Franklin)
2. "Time is a space for the development of abilities"
3. Lost time
4. Does time affect the fate of a person?
5. We are all children of our time
6. Time and We
7. What is the place of time in human life?
8. The category of time in literature.
9. "The writer is the judge of his time"
10. “I look at the future with fear, I look at the past with longing ...” (Is there hope in Lermontov's lyrics?)
11. History is the key to understanding people
12. The image of time in one of the works of Russian literature of the XX century. (M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita")
13. The problem of time in the comedy of A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard"
14. The problem of time in the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"
15. Man and time in the stories of L.N. Andreeva

16. "Parental home - the beginning of all beginnings ..." (Yu. Antonov)
17. "The house is an island, a fortress in the chaos of revolutionary, military events"
18. “It’s not money that makes a man a man, but his family”
19. "Happy is he who is happy at home"
20. “Home is a place where you are always expected”; “Happy is he who is happy at home” (L.N. Tolstoy)
21. "Home is the basis of human existence"
22. What role does the family play in the development of personality?
23. What does home mean to a person?
24. What does the concept of "House" mean?
25. The theme of home and family in Russian literature of the XIX century
26. The image of the native Home in the works of Russian classics
27. The image of the house in the novel "The White Guard"


28. In family life, the most important screw is love.
29. “From love to a woman, everything beautiful on earth was born” (M. Gorky)
30. "Love is a wonderful feeling"
31. "Know how to cherish love"
32. "Love for the profession and for the family is the source of human happiness"
33. What is more important: to love or to be loved?
34. “But it’s impossible to love forever!” (M.Yu. Lermontov)
35. "... Everything is moved by love ..." (O. E. Mandelstam)
36. Love is the highest principle
37. Love as an eternal theme of world fiction
38. Love is a huge country
39. What is love?
40. What is the power of love?
41. Unrequited love
42. Love has many faces
43. He who loves must share the fate of the one he loves
44. Love, what is it ... (based on the works of A. Kuprin)
45. Love that everyone dreams of
46. ​​Love as a vice and as the highest spiritual value in Russian prose of the 20th century. (based on the works of A.P. Chekhov, I.A. Bunin, A.I. Kuprin)
47. Love in the life of heroes L.N. Tolstoy
48. Love in the life of Onegin, Tatyana and Pushkin (based on the novel "Eugene Onegin")
49. Discourse on love
50. Love on the pages of the works of I. A. Bunin
51. What unites Turgenev's stories about love? (based on the works "First Love", "Clara Milic", "Spring Waters")

52. "People all live like chips floating down the river"
53. Is it easy to find your way in life?
54. Long road to yourself: spiritual searches of literary heroes
55. Road without beginning or end
56. The motive of the way in Russian literature
57. The image of the road in Russian literature
58. "Spirituality is a person's own desire for the high" (S. Soloveichik)
59. "I want to live in order to think and suffer..."
60. What is the meaning of life?


61. Is fiction a confession or a sermon?
62. "A poet in Russia is more than a poet" (E. Evtushenko)
63. "The book... illuminates our personal journey towards the truth..."
64. “A good book is a stream through which good flows into the soul” (F.A. Abramov)
65. What kind of reader can be called talented?
66. The value of literature for a person
67. The influence of literature on the formation of personality
68. The role of the book in my life
69. What is the place of literature in modern society?
70. Lessons given by the book...
71. A book that you want to reread
72. My favorite work of modern literature

Compiled by: I.A. Suyazova


"Time" - the direction is focused on a broad understanding of TIME as a historical and philosophical category, perceived in the interaction of momentary and eternal, real and imaginary, personal and universal, past and future. In the center of reasoning - man and time, society and era.


— total volume introductions And conclusions should not exceed one third the whole essay;

- spend no more than 15 minutes choosing a topic; in case of difficulty with the choice of topic, you can use the method of elimination;

- do not change the topic in the process of writing an essay;

- draw up a plan on a draft (you do not need to transfer it to a clean copy);

- it is more convenient to write on one side of the draft so that the text of the essay is completely in front of your eyes; with margins, leaving room for permutations, insertions, etc.;

- number the pages of the draft;

- strictly adhere to the chosen topic; the essay should be logical, be a detailed answer to the main question-thesis;

- do not get lost in the retelling of the text;

- do not get carried away with long quotations and thereby artificially increase the volume of the essay;

- the same applies to the names of heroes, dates, etc. you can always get out of the situation by indicating an approximate date (“at the beginning of the century ...”, “refers to early lyrics ...”), replacing the forgotten name with the words “one of the heroes of Tolstoy ...”; "the antipode of the protagonist", etc.;

- the main ability to penetrate the essence of the work, reveal the topic, clearly follow the logic of presentation, avoiding various kinds of errors, express one's own opinion, attitude to what one writes about; at the same time, it is not advisable to use clichés (“In my opinion, Blok is a great poet”; “I believe that Gogol managed to create the image of“ a little man ... ”) this is not an expression of his own opinion, but only his helpless imitation, which will only spoil the impression from writing;

- it is convenient to use the techniques of rhetoric: pose questions, give different answers;

- draw on material from other works, from history, from life, thus revealing one's erudition and ability to compare;


Cliche for intro or

to write a thesis

Before me is the topic of the essay "...", which interested me in that ...

I can assume that ... (thesis)

Let me express my point of view

Jump to the main part

The literature convinces me of the correctness of this point of view.

Let's remember the works of fiction in which the theme is revealed ...

I can prove the correctness of my point of view by referring to ...

Let's turn to works of fiction

For examples, let's turn to works of fiction

Thinking about ..., I can not help but turn to the work of the full name, in which ...

Inside the main body (transition from one argument to another)

One can recall another work, which also says (raises the question) that ...

Another example can be given.

As a second argument, let's turn to the work ...

The same theme is also discussed in the work ...


What conclusion did I come to, reflecting on the topic “…”? I think we need...

In closing, I would like to say that...

All the arguments I have given, based on the experience of the reader, convince us that ...

The above arguments, it seems to me, are already sufficient to assert:

Finishing the discussion on the topic “...”, one cannot but say that people should ...

Summarizing what I have said, I would like to say that…

Egorayeva G.T., leading methodologist, Exam publishing house, Moscow

BIOGRAPHICAL TIME- childhood, youth, maturity, old age.

HISTORICAL TIME- characteristics of the change of eras, generations, major events in the life of society.

SPACE TIME- the idea of ​​eternity and universal history.

CALENDAR TIME- change of seasons, weekdays and holidays.

DAILY TIME- day and night, morning and evening.

Personal time and historical time are so closely interconnected that they appear to be a single whole.

If there is trouble in the world (war, revolution, repression, ruthless regime), then a person fully experiences all the horrors of this universal tragedy.

If time flies forward, discoveries occur, for example, flight into space, then a person proudly and confidently looks into the future.

Personal memories necessarily come into contact with historical memory.

A person matures faster if events occur around that require the application of both the physical, intellectual, and spiritual forces of each of us.

We all overcome ourselves during our life, and the results of these overcomings depend on the character of a person, his determination, on the environment, on the time in which he lives.

Each of us understands that time is cyclical: past, present and future are inextricably linked. No wonder they say: "The future will not come to those who have forgotten the past."


in the form of a question

in the form of a quote

in the form of a title sentence

In the form of a declarative sentence

"The wisest thing is time, for it reveals everything" (Thales of Miletus)

Hero of his time

Stepped into immortality

What does it mean to live ahead of time?

"Money is gone - you will make money, time is gone - you will not return." (Russian proverb)

A look through the ages

Memory is timeless

What does it mean to be born at the wrong time?

“Times are not chosen ...” (A. Kushner)

About the transience of time

Time is the best healer of spiritual wounds

Historical time - an arrow or a whirlwind?

"The only measure of time is memory"(Vladislav Grzegorchik)

Lost time

conquering time

What is it, time?

Sorrow is carried away on the wings of time. (Jean de Lafontaine, French poet, fabulist)

Man and era

Time can take everything from us except love

What is timeless?

« Don't let life slip between your fingers." ( I.S. Turgenev )

Old photo

Writer - chronicler of the history of the country

Is it necessary to hurry to live?

“The connecting thread of times ...” (B. Pasternak)

Search time

True moral values ​​- for centuries

Can time be conquered?

"For lovers, the clock usually runs forward." ( William Shakespeare)

The value of time

Memories help to live.


Option entry


The thesis "following" from the introduction, and the brace

Tips for Argumentation

1) emotional introduction to the topic

The day is drawing to a close. An ordinary autumn day ... And I'm sitting at the table and looking at a blank notebook sheet ... At school, they asked me to write an essay on the topic "Winning time ...". A strange name... Is it possible to defeat something that obeys no one and nothing? The glance accidentally fell on the bookshelf... Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy... So here they are, having conquered time!

Indeed, famous writers have passed through the centuries and remained loved and in demand. Let's remember the masters of the word and their works that have overcome time

Tell us about any of the classic writers, about one of the classic works that is close, understandable, dear to you (M.B. Lermontov. “A Hero of Our Time”, I.S. Turgenev. “Fathers and Sons”, “Poems in Prose ”, A.N. Ostrovsky, plays, etc.)

2) entering into an argument with an imaginary interlocutor or an invitation to a conversation

Doesn't the theme of the essay “The Conquerors of Time” seem strange to you? Agree, time is the duration of any action or existence of something. And everything in this world has an end. Answer, is it possible to push back this end or avoid it altogether? I think no. And yet there are things, concepts, values ​​that will never die.

For example, such moral values ​​as honor, friendship, philanthropy, love will remain eternal. Our desire for knowledge, for reading, will also remain eternal. Literature convinces me of the correctness of this point of view.

Refer to the works that reveal the problems of love, friendship, mercy, honor (A.S. Pushkin. "The Captain's Daughter", A.I. Kuprin. "Garnet Bracelet", I.A. Bunin. "Clean Monday", " Light breathing ", V. Rasputin. "French lessons", etc.)

3) justification of the reasons for addressing this topic

Everything flows, everything changes. A person is born, matures, grows old, dies... Alas, the law of life. However, I have always been interested in the question: is it possible to break this law and still overcome death, acquire immortality? And one day I realized: death can be defeated, and memory helps a person in this.

The one who remains in human memory will never die. I can prove the correctness of my point of view by referring to fiction.

Refer to the literature that glorifies the feat of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, for example, to the novel by A.A. Fadeev "The Young Guard" or "The Tale of a Real Man" by Boris Polevoy.

4) using the original quote

“You are not Dostoevsky,” said the citizen, confused by Koroviev.

“Well, who knows, who knows,” he answered.

“Dostoevsky is dead,” said the citizen, but somehow not very confidently.

- I protest, - Behemoth exclaimed hotly. - Dostoevsky is immortal!

Familiar lines from M.A. Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margaret". I am sure that “Dostoevsky is immortal”, like all classic writers!

There are enduring values ​​that are not subject to time. This art is the art of the word... For evidence of my point of view, let's turn to works of fiction

Tell us about any of the classic writers, about one of the classic works that is close, understandable, dear to you (or several)

5) registration of the introduction in the form of questions

Can you beat time? Assuming that this is possible, then what needs to be done in order to win?

I think it is necessary to accomplish a feat in the name of people, and then the memory of you will remain for centuries.

Remember Margarita Aliger's poem "Zoya", which glorifies the feat of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya.

You can refer to the book by Lev Kassil and Max Polyanovsky "The Street of the Youngest Son". It tells about a simple boy Volodya Dubinin, who died during the Great Patriotic War, defending his homeland. Posthumously awarded the Order of the Red Banner

You see, there is one topic, but the thesis can be formulated more than one, which means that this topic can be revealed on different literary material.


Theme "Lost Time"

What an amazing theme - "Lost Time". Lost... It seems to me that you can lose some thing, but time... However, if you think about it, we lose it very often. Try to analyze your day - minute by minute. Have you counted your wasted precious minutes? A lot of them? I think yes... Lost time avenges itself. Doubt? I will prove my point by referring to fiction.

Argument 1 - "The Tale of Lost Time" by Evgeny Lvovich Schwartz

Argument 2 - I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov"

You can conclude - words of Richard Whateley, an English writer who said: Lose one hour in the morning and you'll be looking for it the rest of the day."


Lost time

The past has a smell, taste and color,

The desire to teach, influence and mean,

And only one, unfortunately, is not -

Opportunities to reinvent yourself.

So writes the Russian and Israeli writer Igor Mironovich Huberman, widely known for his aphoristic and satirical quatrains - "gariks". (Introduction - 40 words)

Indeed, each of us has a past, present and future, and all three times are interconnected. Therefore, building the future, a person should think about his actions, attitude towards people, profession, and the world around him. You can’t waste time on empty talk, on lying on the couch, on insane money making, on inaction, and most importantly, you can’t cheat on yourself. A man must understand that wasted time is a wasted life . (thesis - 64 words). The literature convinces me of the correctness of this point of view. (skrepa - 9 words)

1 argument - the story of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov "Ionych"

2 argument - a poem by M.Yu. Lermontov "Duma"

Sadly, I look at our generation!

His future is either empty or dark,

Meanwhile, under the burden of knowledge and doubt,

It will grow old in inaction.

We are rich, barely from the cradle,

The mistakes of the fathers and their late mind,

And life is already tormenting us, like a smooth path without a goal,

Like a feast at someone else's holiday. (fragment of a poem)


What conclusion did I come to, reflecting on the topic “Lost Time”? Time is our treasure, which we do not value and waste. Hurrying life or slowing it down, a person misses the most important thing - life itself. Those who are used to putting everything off until later will be punished: the loss of time will turn into emptiness, loneliness, a sense of restlessness, early aging of the soul and body. It is not for nothing that Petya Zubov, the hero of the fairy tale by E. Schwartz, after passing all the tests, claims: “A person who wastes time in vain does not notice how he is getting old.” Let's listen to his words... (80 words)


Time is a mirage; it shortens in moments of happiness and stretches out in hours of suffering. (R. Aldington)

The new becomes old

then the years go by

And the old will be replaced by the new:

so it was, so it will always be. (Rudaki)

If time is the most precious thing, then wasting time is the greatest waste. (B. Franklin)

Time goes slowly when you follow it... It feels like being watched. But it takes advantage of our distraction. It is even possible that there are two times: the one we follow and the one that transforms us. (A. Camus)

Hold the time! Guard it any hour, any minute. Without supervision, it will slip away like a lizard. Illuminate every moment with an honest, worthy accomplishment! Give it weight, meaning, light. (T.Mann)

It takes one day for some major evil to come into the world, but it will take several centuries to wipe it off the face of the earth. (L. Blanks)

Whoever does not remember his past is doomed to relive it again (D. Santayana, American philosopher).

The most sinister of all earthly sounds is the ticking of a clock. (V. Soloukhin)

A person who dares to waste an hour of time has not yet realized the value of life. (Charles Darwin)

“Time is so fleeting when you are in a hurry somewhere, and so slow when you are waiting for something” (Jason Statham)

“Happy hours are not observed” (A.S. Griboyedov)

If the present tries to judge the past, then it loses the future. (W. Churchill).

Even the richest man is unable to redeem his past. (O. Wilde)

To choose time means to save it. (Francis Bacon, English materialist philosopher)

Time heals all wounds. (Russian proverb)

The future is acquired in the present. (Samuel Johnson, English writer, author of A Dictionary of the English Language)

Happy people count time in minutes, while for unhappy people it lasts for months. (James Fenimore Cooper, American writer)


1) We constantly lose time and it is unlikely that we will ever be able to find it: neither in the lost and found office, nor in a dark corner under the bed. Time cannot be returned, but it can be made up for, or at least learned not to regret the loss.

2) There are many opportunities for everyone to spend precious hours on television, computer games, mass media. But these ways to get away from important tasks and kill time are very obvious, like bad habits or empty talk.

3) Among the unknown in the nature around us, the most unknown is time, because no one knows what time is and how to manage it.

4) The fact that time either does not exist at all, or hardly exists, being something obscure, can be assumed on the basis of the following. One part of it was and no longer exists, the other is in the future and does not yet exist; From these parts, both infinite time and each time allocated a period of time are added. And what is composed of the non-existent cannot, as it seems, be involved in existence.

5) There is something indivisible in time, which we call "now". Nothing can be grasped in time except now. "Now" is a continuous connection of time, it connects the past with the future and in general is the boundary of time, being the beginning of one and the end of another. Since "now" is the end of the past and the beginning of the future, time always begins and ends. And it will never stop because it always starts. (Aristotle)

6) Time takes away everything; a long series of years is able to change the name, and appearance, and character, and fate.

7) Nothing is more painful for a wise person and nothing gives him more anxiety than the need to spend more time on trifles and useless things than they deserve.

What an amazing theme - "Lost Time". Lost... It seems to me that you can lose some thing, but time... However, if you think about it, we lose it very often. Try to analyze your day - minute by minute. Have you counted your wasted precious minutes? A lot of them? I think yes...Lost time avenges itself . Doubt? I will prove my point by referring to fiction.

Argument 1 - "The Tale of Lost Time" by Evgeny Lvovich Schwartz

Argument 2 - I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov"

You can conclude - words of Richard Whateley, an English writer who said: Lose one hour in the morning and you'll be looking for it the rest of the day."

Same theme Lost time

The past has a smell, taste and color,

The desire to teach, influence and mean,

And only one, unfortunately, is not -

Opportunities to reinvent yourself.

This is how the Russian and Israeli writer Igor Mironovich Guberman writes, who became widely known thanks to his aphoristic and satirical quatrains - “gariks”.(Introduction - 40 words)

Indeed, each of us has a past, present and future, and all three times are interconnected. Therefore, building the future, a person should think about his actions, attitude towards people, profession, and the world around him. You can’t waste time on empty talk, on lying on the couch, on insane money making, on inaction, and most importantly, you can’t cheat on yourself.A person must understand that lost time is a lost life. . (thesis - 64 words).The literature convinces me of the correctness of this point of view.(clip - 9 words)

1 Argument - the story of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov "Ionych"

2 Argument - a poem by M.Yu. Lermontov "Duma"

Sadly, I look at our generation!

His future is either empty or dark,

Meanwhile, under the burden of knowledge and doubt,

It will grow old in inaction.

We are rich, barely from the cradle,

The mistakes of the fathers and their late mind,

And life is already tormenting us, like a smooth path without a goal,

Like a feast at someone else's holiday.(fragment of a poem)


What conclusion did I come to, reflecting on the topic “Lost Time”? Time is our treasure, which we do not value and waste. Hurrying life or slowing it down, a person misses the most important thing - life itself. Those who are used to putting everything off until later will be punished: the loss of time will turn into emptiness, loneliness, a sense of restlessness, early aging of the soul and body. It is not for nothing that Petya Zubov, the hero of the fairy tale by E. Schwartz, after passing all the tests, claims: “A person who wastes time in vain does not notice how he is getting old.” Let's listen to his words...(80 words)

So you can start an essay ... Or complete

Time is a mirage, it shortens in moments of happiness and stretches out in hours of suffering. (R. Aldington)

The new becomes old

then the years go by

And the old will be replaced by the new:

so it was, so it will always be. (Rudaki)

If time is the most precious thing, then wasting time is the greatest waste. (B. Franklin)

Time goes slowly when you follow it... It feels like being watched. But it takes advantage of our distraction. It is even possible that there are two times: the one we follow and the one that transforms us. (A. Camus)

Hold the time! Guard it any hour, any minute. Without supervision, it will slip away like a lizard. Illuminate every moment with an honest, worthy accomplishment! Give it weight, meaning, light. (T.Mann)

It takes one day for some major evil to come into the world, but it will take several centuries to wipe it off the face of the earth. (L. Blanks)

Whoever does not remember his past is doomed to relive it again (D. Santayana, American philosopher).

The most sinister of all earthly sounds is the ticking of a clock. (V. Soloukhin)

A person who dares to waste an hour of time has not yet realized the value of life. (Charles Darwin)

“Time is so fleeting when you are in a hurry somewhere, and so slow when you are waiting for something” (Jason Statham)

“Happy hours are not observed” (A.S. Griboyedov)

If the present tries to judge the past, then it loses the future. (W. Churchill).

Even the richest man is unable to redeem his past. (O. Wilde)

Choosing time means saving it. (Francis Bacon, English materialist philosopher)

Time heals all wounds. (Russian proverb)

The future is acquired in the present. (Samuel Johnson, English writer, author of A Dictionary of the English Language)

Happy people count time in minutes, while for unhappy people it lasts for months. (James Fenimore Cooper, American writer)

The final essay is a written reflection on a specified topic, which every 11th grader must pass without fail for admission to the Unified State Examinations (USE). In December 2018-2019, schoolchildren will write this type of work for the 5th time, because it has been approved in Russia since 2014.

A prerequisite for a well-written final essay is the presence of arguments - justifications for the chosen position, which are based on works of Russian or foreign classical literature. So what arguments will help schoolchildren cope with the task this year?

General Facts

The minimum amount of the final essay is 250 words, while experts recommend writing more - an average of about 300-350 words in order to cover the topic fully and comprehensively. The structure of the work is not regulated, however, practice shows that such written reflections that contain 3 key blocks receive the highest number of points: introduction, main part and conclusion with conclusions. You have 3 hours and 55 minutes to write your essay. The guys have the opportunity to refer to spelling dictionaries, which should be available in the office in sufficient quantities.

The highest score for the final essay is 10 points. Even if the student makes 1 minor spelling mistake, the expert commission will give him the maximum possible number of points. The final assessment depends on how the teenager takes into account the fundamental criteria. These include:

  1. Subject fit. It is important to write the final essay only in the context of a given topic/question, not to spread your thoughts along the tree and not move on to consideration of third-party problems.
  2. Argumentation and attraction of literary material. It is not enough just to express a certain position - in your arguments you also need to rely on at least one work of a Russian or foreign classic. It is important to demonstrate not only knowledge of the material, but also the ability to analyze it. When writing the final essay of 2018-2019, a simple retelling or superficial mention of the works will not be enough.
  3. Composition and logic of reasoning. Here the structure of the work and the sequence of presentation are evaluated. It is recommended that each new thought begin with a new paragraph. At the same time, the main part should be larger in volume than the introduction and conclusion (in total, the last blocks should be about 1/3 of the entire text).
  4. The quality of writing. In his reasoning, a high school student will need to use synonyms and various speech turns, and, conversely, avoid clichés and lexical repetitions.
  5. Literacy. It checks for the presence / absence of spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors.

Directions and topics

Each final essay must be written in accordance with a specific topic. However, they are only opened 15 minutes before the start of the test. Despite this, there is an opportunity to prepare in advance for writing the final essay in 2018-2019, because both teachers and their wards are aware of the so-called. "global directions". The final topics that the students will receive will necessarily fit within the framework of these particular areas.

In other words, the topics will simply turn out to be more detailed, fractional, concretized. But knowledge of the directions allows you to orient yourself and even pick up suitable arguments from the literary works of the national school curriculum at the present moment. There will be 5 directions in total.

Fathers and Sons

Arguments for the final essay of 2018-2019 in the global direction "Fathers and Sons" can be found in the work of the same name by I.S. Turgenev. The novel "Fathers and Sons" is one of the most suitable for substantiating theses related to the problem of "generational conflict". The representatives of the "generation of children" are Evgeny Bazarov (the main character) and Arkady Kirsanov, and the representatives of the "generation of fathers" are Pavel Petrovich and Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov.

The book shows how young people who position themselves as nihilists (deniers of generally accepted norms) devalue the experience of adults who are considered non-progressive traditionalists. In turn, the older generation also does not seek to understand the youth. In conclusion, the author debunks the teachings of nihilism and proclaims the only way through which it is possible to end the eternal conflict is the reunion of relatives who have learned to love each other after knowing suffering.

Other works to bring arguments to the topics in the direction of "Fathers and Sons" in the December 2018-2019 essay:

  • DI. Fonvizin, play "Undergrowth";
  • M.Yu. Lermontov, poem "Mtsyri";
  • N.V. Gogol, story "Taras Bulba";
  • A.S. Pushkin, story "The Captain's Daughter".

Dream or reality

The direction "Dream or Reality" is deeply philosophical, because. makes you think about the interweaving of the most cherished human desires and reality. An example of a positive heroine who remains true to her dream and does everything possible to make it come true is Marya Mironova from A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

All that Masha, the daughter of the commandant of the Belogorsk fortress, wants is to live peacefully and happily with her beloved, who becomes officer Pyotr Grinev. However, the girl has to overcome many trials on her way before she finally reunites with her love, because both Peter and Masha fall into the thick of the Pugachev uprising. Despite this, the girl does not give up on her dream and does not lose her fortitude. Even when hope is almost lost, she takes fate into her own hands and goes to Empress Catherine II with a request to contribute to the release of Peter. Thanks to fearlessness, Masha achieves a dream come true, namely, she becomes the wife of her beloved man.

Also, arguments for the December essay of 2018-2019 in the direction of "Dream and Reality" can be found in the following works:

  • F.M. Dostoevsky, the novel "Crime and Punishment" (Rodion Raskolnikov as an example of a dangerous dreamer who should be afraid of his desires);
  • A.N. Ostrovsky, play "Thunderstorm".

Revenge and generosity

Here the student will have the opportunity to compare the most diverse aspects and qualities of human nature: kindness and malice, mercy and cruelty, peacefulness and aggressiveness...

Inconsistency, negativity, pettiness, stupidity and the all-destroying beginning of revenge were vividly shown by A.S. Pushkin in his novel "Eugene Onegin". The destructive feeling with which the protagonist lights up leads to the fact that he kills his once good friend in a duel - kind little Vladimir Lensky. At the same time, an example of a deeply generous person is found in the work - we are talking about Tatyana Larina, who throughout the whole novel puts the feelings of the people around her above her own (for example, at the end of the book she rejects Onegin who fell in love with her because she cannot betray her husband) .

Additionally, arguments in the direction of "Revenge and generosity" for the final essay of 2018-2019 can be found in the following books:

  • A.S. Pushkin, the story "The Captain's Daughter" (Emelyan Pugachev as a person who knows how to be generous and noble in relation to those who deserve it);
  • M.Yu. Lermontov, the novel "A Hero of Our Time" (part of "Princess Mary" and, in particular, the vindictiveness of Grushnitsky's nature).

Art and craft

The theme of the purpose of a creative person (writer, artist, musician, etc.) is one of the fundamental ones in literature. It is possible to analyze the phenomenon of creativity and reflect the importance of creative work thanks to the work of A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin". The poem shows how music uplifts the spirit and warms the soul of those who hear it, even when the hardest times of war are raging around. However, the music that allows people to forget about sorrows does not exist on its own - it is carried into this world by a musician, who here is the harmonist Vasily Terkin.

Also, arguments for topics in the direction of "Art and Craft" are found in the following authors:

  • V. Korolenko, story "The Blind Musician";
  • A.P. Chekhov, story "Rothschild's Violin";
  • K.G. Paustovsky, story "Basket with fir cones".

Kindness and cruelty

This direction partially echoes the direction "Revenge and generosity". Here the emphasis is on the importance of a humanistic attitude to life in general, to any life, regardless of who owns it.

In the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" the main character, Rodion Raskolnikov, decides to kill the old money-lender. Rodion thinks that he is better than a worthless old woman, and, therefore, has the right to rid the world of her existence. However, when the hero commits a murder, he realizes that in reality he is worse, many times worse than the most useless and vicious of the old women. Sonya Marmeladova, whom he met on the path of life, helps him finally understand this - an example of kindness, virtue and forgiveness. Thanks to her, Raskolnikov abandons inhuman ideas and changes his worldview.

Other examples in the direction of "Kindness and cruelty":

  • N.V. Gogol, the story "The Overcoat" (the cruelty of a hypocritical and evil society is opposed by the kindness, simplicity and harmlessness of Akaky Akakievich);
  • M.A. Sholokhov, the novel “The Quiet Flows the Don” (calleness and cruelty can arise in a person’s soul under the influence of external circumstances, as happened with the Cossack peasant Grigory, who was forced to go to war and start killing so as not to die himself).

The directions in which the topics of essays will be composed for graduates have become known. The Council for the final essay, headed by Natalia Dmitrievna Solzhenitsyna, identified five thematic areas: "Time", "Home", "Love", "The Way", "The Year of Literature in Russia".

At will, graduates of previous years can also write an essay, - the Ministry of Education and Science explained to RG. - Topics are developed in closed mode.

Most of the students coped with the essay and almost did not exceed the allowable number of errors - 5 per 100 words. Another thing is what style and style they wrote creative works. Teachers don’t really want to talk about this, but university teachers are not enthusiastic about essays. The Moscow City Pedagogical University checked 1300 papers.

Unfortunately, most of the essays are stereotyped and resemble in structure part C from the Unified State Examination, - said rector Igor Remorenko. - For almost everyone, the last paragraph begins like this: "In conclusion, I want to say ..."

The well-known writer Andrei Astvatsaturov, who teaches at the university, told RG what knowledge of literature yesterday’s schoolchildren come to universities with: “At the exam, you learn from a student that the poet Batyushkin and Boratyshkin were Pushkin’s contemporaries. Sometimes something funnier .. .". However, is it any wonder if all the previous years students were simply trained for tests? ..

Tips for graduates

"Time". In the center of the argument is man and time, society and era.

"House". This is the unity of small and large, the ratio of material and spiritual, external and internal.

"Love". There is an opportunity to look at love from different perspectives: parents and children, men and women, a person and the world around him.

"Path". These are road impressions, and thoughts about the fate of a person, his way of life, the choice of a goal and means to achieve it.

"Year of Literature". The topics will be addressed to the reader, who lives another year of his life with a book in his hands. Here you will need a reader's outlook and the ability to talk about great literature.

From the FIPI website

Direct speech

Natalia Solzhenitsyna:

Directions are given not for students, but for teachers and theme developers. Students will write essays on specific topics. In total, at least 300 different essay topics will be prepared. Why so much? Topics will be different for each time zone. Those who receive a "fail" will be able to rewrite papers in February and May, and the topics will not overlap with those on the main day.

Each student on the day of the exam will receive 5 specific topics that he will be able to reveal on the works of his choice. The networks are panicking: what if a person, revealing the theme of love, wants to take "Lolita" or "Fifty Shades of Grey"? Well, if a graduate cares about this, it's better to write than to drive him underground with his experiences, but I doubt that this will happen in reality. In addition, these books are now marked "18+" in accordance with the law on the protection of children against undesirable information, however, the discussion about the application of this law continues. But the direction "Love" gives rise to dozens of topics: it is love for one's profession, for parents, for the Motherland, big or small, it can be love for animals, for mountains or the sea, for painting or music, love can be bright and tragic, selfish and sacrificial.

Some teachers suggest giving authors next to the topics on whom you can rely on, revealing the topic. This was not expected, we tried in every possible way to get away from school literary criticism, from imposing templates on children. The teacher can discuss which authors and which works to take, revealing a particular topic, in the classroom. Suppose we indicate three or four authors to the topic of the essay. This will not save a weak student, but only hobbles a strong one.


Elena Zinina, Scientific Secretary of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI):

Comments on the directions are composed in such a way that they do not suggest the topics of the essays, but at the same time they would give certain guidelines, show various possible angles of formulations. A more specific comment could provoke the development of rehearsal themes for compositions, various kinds of cheat sheets, including by unscrupulous publishers. Topics will be announced 15 minutes before the essay starts. I assure you they will be easy. It is allowed to use a work of art, domestic or foreign, folklore, memoirs, journalism, poetry. Requirement: The essay must contain at least one poem. The use of religious literature, including the Bible, the Koran, is not prohibited.

What essays were written by high school students at the beginning of the twentieth century

The word as a source of happiness.

Why is life compared to travel?

Motherland and foreign side.

About the transience of life.

What items make up the wealth of Russia and why?

About the high dignity of the human word and writing.

About the fragility of happiness based solely on material wealth.

The fading of our garden in autumn.

Meeting troops returning from the campaign.