Project Management Program. Best Project Management Software

Recently, a large number of programs have been released that are aimed at working in different areas. So, there are softwares for journalists, content makers, designers, accountants, businessmen, etc. Today we will look at project management programs.


Before you know what applications are on the market, you should find out what they are for. So, project management software is represented by a set of software that has schedules, price control, budget management, work with partners and employees, etc.

To create a project in this software, you need to spend just a couple of seconds. We enter the name and describe it in a couple of words. Next, the input of tasks, messages, comments begins. You can break everything into parts and structure, sort by dates, status, author, etc. Illustrated content can be added to all comments.

It is possible to set access rights, create invitations for other employees, thanks to e-mail. There is also synchronization with third-party resources such as Google Calendar. To a greater extent, Lighthouse is designed for small companies or single users. It is believed that this is a program for those who do not want to understand the multi-functional Jira, but are looking for a "light" version that can be mastered in five minutes.


Program and portfolio management is possible with Primavera. This software is clearly focused on working with projects, helps to manage and control, track resources, materials and equipment. The software appeared for the first time in 2008. Became the brainchild of Oracle, although it was developed by another company - Primavera Systems, Inc.

This is a comprehensive program that works with complex projects, multifunctional and structured. Especially popular in the field of mechanical engineering and construction.

"Primavera" is a project management program that helps to choose the right combination of strategy, provides project management with all its strength, improves the methods and progress of promotion. Facilitates meaningful communication, measures the progress of actions and achievements, links the project to a strategy, or templates work in several directions at once.

Other options

If you have a small organization, it's much easier to use web services. They are both easier to learn and have wide access to use. Asana can be accessed on both iOS and Android devices. It creates separate tasks, sets projects, deadlines, priorities, statuses, etc. The software is easy to use and allows you to create several complex tasks at once.

Redbooth is another project management program implemented in a web service. Works with errors and bugs, analyzes them and fixes them. Helps to plan the project, forms tasks, manages resources. Facilitates communication of employees, creates tasks for them, deadlines and analyzes expenses.

Teamweek is a similar app to the ones above. Also work with it is carried out in the browser. Creates Gantt charts. Has a simple and intuitive interface. This application and similar ones are unlikely to be suitable as project management, they are more often used by individual entrepreneurs and small firms. If you need serious software, then you should turn to the already described or such popular giants as Microsoft Project.

Programs for project management (Project Manager) allow you to effectively plan and manage the progress of your tasks. And as is the case with any management product, each user has their own opinion about what a project management tool should be able to do, in addition to keeping a list of tasks and managing time.

This overview focuses on those programs that offer standard project management features, such as task and resource scheduling, progress tracking, scheduling, project status graphs, support for nested projects and tasks, as well as their dependencies.

Note: You should not use Microsoft's well-known commercial product MS Project as a reference measure for project management programs. Not all projects need complex mechanisms. In addition, there are many projects that easily fit into the framework of maintaining simple hierarchical task books, like ToDoList.

Overview of Free Project Management Software (Project Manager)

Open Workbench huge opportunities for project management

Topping the list is a source code project management tool called , which offers such a huge range of features and capabilities that it makes sense to consider it before making any decision to purchase a commercial project management package. Like any commercial product, the application will require you to take some time to look around among all its features.

Note: If you are used to using MS Project, then you will also need some time to look at the project a little differently. The fact is that MS Project is task-oriented, and Open Workbench is resource-oriented.

According to the developers, "Open Workbench is built around cost estimates of the tasks to be completed. The estimates are tied to the resources assigned to the tasks. Project duration will be calculated based on the number of hours that each resource on the project will allocate to cover the total number of hours required to complete all tasks. The Open Workbench is best suited for teams who estimate the duration of projects based on estimates of all tasks associated with the project, and then create staffing and plan resource allocation."

Note: If you did not know, then according to all project programs, not only project management, a person is a resource and nothing more. However, don't take it seriously, it's just terminology.

The key features of Workbench are project planning, scheduling, resource management, project review, and more.

The program can also read MS Project files, which makes Open Workbench the most attractive. Many products, even commercial ones, have an excellent set of management tools, but sooner or later someone will definitely want to look at or edit your plan with the ubiquitous MS Project, and find that there is no compatibility. The best you'll have on hand is a tool for exporting to tables or graphical equivalents.

Open Workbench is a complete product, not an amateur craft, with a bunch of half-finished functionality. Like Microsoft Project, it is best suited for medium to large projects that can form the basis for detailed study and use of the product. In the case of small projects, you will spend more time and effort learning the system than you will get benefits. On the other hand, if you are already familiar with it, then creating and maintaining even small projects in Workbench will not present any difficulties for you.

However, if you often manage small projects that require less functionality, then you should look into less functional project managers such as GanttProject or ToDoList (more on that later).

GanttProject is a good multi-platform project management solution


Supports Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Export to xml. Maintaining intermediate steps
Appearance and lack of some features of Open Workbench.


Web application. Huge experience (the project started in 2000). A huge number of people have used this application, so finding answers to questions is relatively easy.
The site may seem drab compared to the colorful tools. Mistakes are slowly being fixed


Web application. More suitable for collaborative projects with shared calendars. You can import projects from dotProject. Extensive Documentation
You need your own server or hosting. Some features of dotProject are still under development.

Free software for project management. Think freely.

14.08.2009 21:45

Modern management is unthinkable without planning and monitoring the implementation of large projects, so the article will present programs designed to help develop projects and monitor the implementation of large projects. More recently, this kind of software was very expensive, sometimes the price of some products exceeded several thousand dollars. And now there are open and free project management programs that are very close to their commercial counterparts in terms of functionality. They allow you to establish the dependence between work, break the task into several subtasks and find out which of them can be performed in parallel, and are also able to control the expenditure of resources. Moreover, some of these programs support the mode of collective work.


For those who need more serious project management tools, dozens of commercial programs have been developed, costing from two hundred to several thousand dollars. At the same time, the GanttProject program, being completely free, has already come close to commercial analogues in terms of functionality.

GanttProject is designed to create schedules and track the progress of a project using Gantt charts and resources used. Moreover, it is assumed that the user is at least in general familiar with such planning methods. If not, then you should first look at Wikipedia ( or get acquainted with the relevant literature.

GanttProject makes it possible to create a tree of tasks for the project, allocate a certain amount of time for each of them and assign human resources to it. The program contains the names of performers and their contact details.

You can then establish a dependency between the individual tasks. For example, the "Build a Wall" task will not start until the "Lay the Foundation" task has completed, etc. Based on all the data, GanttProject generates a graphical representation of the project in the form of a Gantt chart to display tasks and a resource usage chart.

Of course, the resulting diagrams can be modified, printed, and generate PDF and HTML reports. Moreover, the program can exchange data with Microsoft Project (in MP and XML formats) and spreadsheet programs. This makes GanttProject compatible not only with the industry flagship, but also with other similar programs, since in most cases they tend to support imports in the Microsoft Project format. For example, I managed to open a project developed in GanttProject in another program, no less powerful - Open Workbench.

In general, there are quite a few commercial and open source project management software. Some are more functional, others just look better. What are the advantages of GanttProject compared to commercial packages?

Decent (and growing) feature set. It can be considered optimal for most users, because studies show that 80% of Microsoft Project users use no more than 20% of its functions.

Ease of development. You don't need lengthy manuals to work with GanttProject. If the user has an understanding of the project goals, execution phases, tasks and their dependencies, then in a matter of hours he will become an expert on GanttProject. The developers did not leave him a single chance to reach a dead end - the standard delivery of GanttProject includes an excellent guide and a very revealing example of the "Building a house" project.

Price. Commercial project management software is not cheap, and GanttProject is free for any use. Perhaps the only program that can cost less than GanttProject is a program for the use of which developers are willing to pay money.

Cross-platform. GanttProject is written in Java and runs under

running Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and other systems where Java is supported.

Open source. Everyone can modify GanttProject to suit their needs, implement new features and add specialized reporting.

Localization. Most of the program (with the exception of the user manual and a few tips of the day) has been translated into Russian. By the way, some translated tips please with the utmost simplicity of presentation, for example: "The diagram can be dragged with the mouse left and right."

OpenProj is a free analogue of MS Project

Like GanttProject, OpenProj is written in Java and runs on any hardware/software platform, including Windows, Linux, and Mac. It looks, perhaps, even more powerful thanks to a rich arsenal of tools for analyzing projects. In addition to Gantt charts, it also includes Network Charts (PERT), Earned Value and Resource Charts (WBS and RBS), and Earned Value charts. Developers position OpenProj as a full-fledged replacement for Microsoft Project and other commercial counterparts.

Projity distributes OpenProj completely free and open source. Apparently, the OpenProj personal software is used as an "umbrella brand" for a more powerful Project on Demand (POD) system designed for collaborative work on projects. Both systems are built on the same source code base, which is why OpenProj has such remarkable analytical abilities.

OpenProj is a hit with professionals all over the world - after the first release of the program, more than 150 thousand copies were rewritten from the developers' site in a few weeks. And this is not surprising, because OpenProj is a really powerful project management system. It has been translated into many languages, including Russian, and can work with Microsoft Project and Gnome Planner file formats. The developers claim that the transition to OpenProj will not take much time and effort, but in practice things are a little different.

So, in terms of convenience, OpenProj is clearly inferior to other programs - there are no help files or examples in the standard distribution. In appearance, it vaguely resembles MS Project, but the large buttons for switching project display modes in the left panel are made so clumsily that it feels like you are working with an outdated version. Yes, MS Project projects open just fine in OpenProj, but importing data from other programs is no longer so reliable. For example, it was not possible to open a project created in Gnome Planner.

Nevertheless, many experts agree that OpenProj is the most worthy alternative to commercial applications. For example, Michael Shuttleworth, the "helmsman" of Ubuntu, considers it one of the key packages for desktop Linux. The same opinion is shared by top managers of other well-known distributions - Mandriva and SUSE.

Open Workbench is a free project management program for Windows

Another great project management solution is Open Workbench. This is a fairly powerful program, functionally close to commercial products. However, it has significant drawbacks. So, it works only in the Windows system, has no translation into Russian, and the last release dates back to December 2005. And yet this is one of the most beautiful and convenient programs in this review. It is easy to open projects made in GanttProject and exported to MS Project XML in it, however, then some minor corrections are still required.

The program is distinguished by the careful use of screen space. In one window, divided into frames, a task tree, a Gantt chart and a list of human resources are placed. In the left part of the window, there are preset viewing modes, and you can also create your own.

I must say that Open Workbench is a very flexible and easy-to-learn tool. Having a basic knowledge of English, it is not difficult to quickly learn how to work in this program. Its standard distribution includes an extensive help system, and the site provides examples and a user manual in MS Word and Adobe Acrobat formats.

Gnome Planner - Gnome Office component for project management

Gnome Planner developers are also in no hurry to release new versions of their project management system. The last one, to run on Windows, was compiled in late 2006. Gnome Planner is on par with GanttProject in terms of features, but is slightly faster. To use Gnome Planner for Windows, you will need to install the GTK+ library, available for example from the GIMP for Windows website. When running on Windows, this program has the same limitations as other applications written in GTK+. For example, the copy paste and replace functions must be used through the mouse context menu or the application's menu system.

Personal and team.

To bookmarks

"Google Tasks"

  • Platforms: Android, iOS, web.
  • Cost: free.

Service for managing tasks with a minimum set of functions. Designed for personal use. The web version can be accessed from Gmail, Google Docs, or the mobile app.

The service allows you to set time and date for tasks, add subtasks, create lists. It is not possible to add a detailed description, attach a link or a file. Integration with third-party services is not provided.

Microsoft To Do

  • Platforms: Windows, Android, iOS, Web.
  • Cost: free.

Microsoft To-Do is designed for personal case management. The product is developed on the basis of the Wunderlist task manager - Microsoft plans to close it. The service supports Russian.

Microsoft To-Do allows you to create to-do lists and tasks, group them by topic, set reminders, share lists with other users. Each task can consist of several steps (a kind of subtasks) and include a detailed description.

The service integrates the "Tasks" folder in Microsoft Outlook.

"Scheduler" from Microsoft

    Cost: Included with Microsoft Office 365.

Microsoft's "Scheduler" is part of the Microsoft Office 365 package. The service differs from Microsoft To-Do in that it is designed to be used in a team. It is impossible to purchase the service separately from other programs of the package. Russian language is supported.

The service allows you to make business plans, group task lists, change status. You can attach files and links to task cards. The Service can send notifications to employees by email.


  • Platforms: macOS, iOS.
  • Cost: from $9.99.

The Things Task Manager is for personal use. It is offered with a permanent license, but it must be purchased separately for each device. Russian language is supported.

By time, tasks in Things are divided into the categories “Today”, “Plans”, “Anytime”, “Someday”. In addition, task lists can be divided by type of activity. For large tasks, you can create projects that will consist of several stages. The service allows you to add a checklist, description, attach a link to the file to the task card.

Integration with other services is not provided.


  • Platforms: Android, iOS.
  • Cost: from $3.99; there is a free version.

24me is an application for managing and merging calendars, tasks, notes and personal accounts. The application is Russified.

The service is synchronized with Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Exchange, Yahoo! Calendar, Apple iCal and notifies the user of upcoming events. Before a scheduled meeting, 24me can notify you about the weather and traffic on the city's roads.

The service integrates contacts, information about calls, which allows you to plan calls, messages and make them through 24me.


    Platforms: Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, browser extensions for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, web.

    Cost: from 2190 rubles per year; there is a free version.

Todoist is a task manager designed for both personal and team use. The service supports Russian.

Todoist allows you to create subtasks, combine tasks into projects, and supports prioritization. In paid versions, you can receive reminders in the service itself or by email, customize the theme, add your own labels to tasks, attach files, comment, rate completed tasks.

In the Business version, you can create a team and assign tasks to employees, exchange comments, and work with project templates.

Todoist supports Google Drive, Dropbox, Google Maps, Gmail, Outlook, Slack, PomoDome, Time Doctor, and more.


    Platforms: Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, web.

    Cost: from $9.8 per month per user; there is a free version.

The Wrike service is designed for managing tasks and projects in teams, but can also be used for personal purposes. The service is completely Russified.

Up to five users can work in the free plan, the amount of cloud storage is 2 GB. The service can integrate data from Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft Office 365 and other services, tasks can be placed on the board and in the form of tables, users can share files.

The paid versions support advanced integration of other services, you can provide access to guest users, the amount of cloud storage is from 5 GB (depending on the version), there is a Gantt chart, users can be divided into groups with different levels of access.


    Platforms: Windows, Android, macOS, iOS.

    Cost: from 170 rubles per month, there is a free version.

The service was originally intended for personal task scheduling, but was subsequently adapted for team work. Russian language is supported.

In LeaderTask, you can group tasks into projects, create subtasks and subprojects, attach files, write comments and notes. The service supports the creation of tasks by sending emails from a registered account. For teamwork, comment sharing is available.

The service developers offer a set of additional tools for LeaderTask - their own email client, Gantt chart, "Urgent-important" matrix, "Goals Ladder", kanban board, and so on. There are no integrations of third-party services into the application.


    Platforms: web.

    Cost: Starting at $7.99 per user per month. There is no free version.

Russian language is not supported.

Focuster can be integrated with Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, Office 365, iCloud - and lists of tasks and events specified in these calendars will appear in it. The service itself can create tasks and distribute them among projects.

In addition to calendars, Trello can be integrated into the service.


    Platforms: Android, iOS, web.

    Cost: Starting at $6.25/month per user, free version available.

The service is designed to manage tasks in small teams or individual users. The free version is limited in functionality and allows you to add no more than 15 people to the team. Russian language is not supported.

In the free version of the product, you can maintain a list of tasks, use the calendar, and organize tasks by projects. In paid versions, you can set dependencies in tasks, maintain a schedule, monitor the progress of employees, and so on.

Asana supports the integration of data from third-party services: Dropbox, Evernote, Google Drive, Jira, Slack, GitHub, GitLab and others.


    Platforms: Android, iOS, web.

  • Cost: from 279 rubles per month per user, there is a free version.

The Pyrus service is intended for managing tasks and projects in a team, but can also be used for personal purposes. The service supports Russian.

The free version of Pyrus can run an unlimited number of users, but a team cannot create more than a hundred tasks. The service allows you to attach files to tasks, communicate with employees, create linked lists of tasks. Paid versions have an unlimited number of tasks and 10 GB of cloud storage for each user.

The service supports data integration from Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, OneDrive.


    Platforms: Windows 10, Android, iOS, web.

    Cost: Starting at $9.99/month per user, free version available.

Trello is a kanban board with lists of cards that can be used to manage tasks both individually and as a team. In the free version, only one service can be integrated into Trello, and the size of the attached file cannot exceed 10 MB.

Paid versions provide additional tools for teamwork, as well as an increased level of security (for example, two-factor authentication). The service supports Russian.

In the card, you can exchange comments with other users, attach participants, add tags, use a checklist.

You can integrate Jira, Google Drive, Dropbox, Evernote, Slack, GitHub, GitLab and dozens of other services into the service.


    Platforms: Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, web.

  • Cost: from $4 per month, there is a free version.

Notion is a cloud-based project management service designed for both individual and corporate use. In addition to working with tasks, it allows you to create documents and knowledge bases. Russian language is not supported.

The free tariff allows an unlimited number of users to work in the service, but the number of created blocks in the knowledge base cannot exceed a thousand, and uploaded files cannot exceed 5 MB. Project management is organized according to the kanban board system.

In Notion, you can integrate data from Google Docs, Slack, GitHub and other services.


    Platforms: Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, web.

    Cost: $99.

The service is designed to manage tasks and organize teamwork. It costs $99 regardless of the number of users and features used. Russian language is not supported.

Basecamp allows you to make to-do lists, schedule, store files in cloud storage (volume - 500 GB), chat with employees, create an unlimited number of projects. According to the developers, the service can replace Asana, Slack, Dropbox and Google Suite.

Basecamp does not have integration from third-party services.


    Platforms: Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, web.

    Cost: from 990 rubles per month, there is a free version.

The Bitrix24 service contains not only task and project management capabilities, but also CRM, contact center, website builder, teamwork functions. A team of up to 12 people can use the service for free. Russian language is supported.

The free version includes task listing, kanban board, task templates, Gantt chart, report builder, scheduling and so on. In paid versions, Gantt dependencies, template exchange, custom fields, and restoring deleted tasks from the recycle bin will also be available.


    Platforms: Android, iOS, web.

    Cost: from 239 rubles per month.

"Megaplan" - a product of a Russian company, is a task management service that can be supplemented with a CRM system. Russian language is supported.

The number of users is not limited by tariff plans, the amount of cloud storage is not limited. In all versions, you can set tasks, monitor their implementation, create reports, share documents, work with the calendar, and chat with employees in a business chat.

Megaplan offers Rest.API for integrating data from third-party services, in particular, from 1C.


    Platforms: Android, iOS, web.

    Cost: from 81 rubles per month per user.

The Yandex.Tracker service is designed to manage tasks and projects in teams. Russian language is supported.

Using the service, you can create lists of tasks, group them by projects, assign executors, create task queues, and work with templates. In the task card, you can write comments, a detailed task, add files and links. The service allows you to take into account the time of work on tasks. Agile methodology is supported.

Yandex.Tracker can be used as part of Yandex.Connect. Integration from third-party services can be configured via API.


    Platforms: Android, iOS, web.

    Cost: from $7 per month per user.

The service works according to the Agile method and is intended for development teams. Russian language is supported.

Jira allows you to create task lists, distribute them among team members, track progress, and exchange opinions. The service sends notifications about changes in task cards. Each team can create their own kind of product workflow. You can add your own fields to the task card. The service allows you to compile reports and monitor the implementation of tasks in real mode.

Jira supports data integration from over 3,000 services.

Services summary table

Services Suggested by Readers


Task Scheduler designed for personal use. Works only on Android devices. The main features are the creation of tasks and subtasks, their grouping, integration with the Google calendar, linking places and things to tasks, the ability to configure access to tasks by fingerprint.


Case management service designed for personal use. Works on macOS, iOS and Android. Allows you to create tasks, group them into lists, set up repetition, alerts, add tags to tasks. Lists are password protected. The cost of a permanent license is from $57.61.


A case and project management application designed for personal use. Works only on macOS and iOS devices. Allows you to group tasks by projects, use the tag system, and so on. Apps for macOS and iOS sold separately. Cost - from $39.99 per license. There is no Russian version.


A case management service that works on Android and iOS devices. Supports synchronization with Google Calendar.

A task and case management service designed for personal use. Allows you to create to-do lists and tasks, set reminders, assign tasks to other users. The service is free, but there is a paid premium version for $2.99 ​​per month.


A task management service designed for personal and team use. Allows you to set reminders, work with tasks in the calendar, assign tasks to employees. The cost is $27.99 per year, there is a limited free version. There is no localization into Russian.


Service to improve personal and team efficiency. Includes information flow management, work with goals and objectives, progress analysis. Allows you to store files on the server. There is a web version and mobile apps. The cost is 29 rubles per day.


Team project management system. Allows you to create a hierarchical structure of the team, appoint responsible and administrators, manage projects and tasks, monitor and analyze their implementation. The service costs from $29 per month, there is a limited free version.


Service for organizing team collaboration. Includes work with projects and tasks, CRM-system, customer support service, organization of teamwork. There is a web version and mobile apps. The cost of the service is from €2 per user per month. There is a free version for teams of up to five people.


Service for managing tasks and projects, designed for teamwork. Allows you to create tasks, track their progress, supports integration with MindMeister, Slack, Zendesk, Freshdesk, GitHub and other services. The cost is from $8.25 per month per user, there is a limited free version.

« »

Business management system. It includes a corporate website, order control, a CRM system, project management, electronic document management, a service for collecting ideas and suggestions. Cost - from 175 rubles per month for one user.

The project management system is a set of technological and organizational methods and tools that support project management and increase the efficiency of their implementation. But often this concept is understood in a narrower sense - as an information and automated project management system, in other words, as a program. And as for the methodological and organizational components, they are referred to the concept of "corporate project management system". Based on this, we will continue to argue precisely in such interpretations.

All control systems have specific goals and objectives, and it is worth saying a few words about them.

Goals of project management systems:

  • Increase the efficiency of employees in project work
  • Improve the quality of project management by project managers
  • Improve the efficiency of managing the organization's overall project portfolio

Tasks of project management systems:

  • Providing the project manager with the necessary tools for planning and monitoring the project implementation process
  • Providing project participants with clear tools to solve problems and access relevant information
  • Providing heads of departments with tools to control the workload of executors of project and non-project tasks and information for making decisions on assigning employees to new projects and redistributing the workload
  • Providing the director of the project office with convenient tools to automate routine operations and establish control over the status of the entire portfolio of projects and the quality of work of the managers of each project
  • Providing the project manager with a holistic model for monitoring the portfolio of projects and analyzing decisions and associated deviations
  • Providing the shareholders of the company with a tool to monitor the compliance of the project portfolio with the strategic goals of the company

The requirements for the functionality of project management systems depend on the nuances of management and the projects themselves in each particular organization. Next, we offer you a brief overview of the most popular systems, different in terms of capabilities and functionality.


A system that allows you to create and group tasks by projects, as well as control the progress of their implementation. Its main advantage is advanced functionality for joint activities. The system has network graphs and job reports. It is possible to set reminders and log task execution time.


Project management system in small and medium-sized companies of any profile. Contributes to the effective management of employees; allows you to work remotely. The system includes transaction control, a module for working with employees, a task manager, a forum, internal mail, a file server, invoicing, a CRM interaction model.


An effective and fairly simple project management system. Includes files, project log, tasks, wiki documents, profiles, discussions, calendar. With the help of this system, productive joint work with partners and customers can be organized. There is a possibility of mobile access.


Online project management system in Russian. It contains tags, time tracking system, file storage, calendar, task manager with comments, Dashboard software with a set of widgets.


A convenient and quite simple service that allows you to manage projects and project tasks. Allows integration with email. There is a possibility of mobile access. When used by teams of up to 30 people - it's free.


Online project and company management system, perfect for collaboration. When using it, all employees of the organization work in the same environment, can exchange information, set tasks, execute them and control them, as well as plan and monitor results. For managers, it is useful in that it allows you to observe the overall picture of what is happening in the organization in real time.

Comindware Project

It is a professional "cloud" system for automating the planning and execution of projects. Adapted for Android and iOS, and integrated with MS Outlook.


Convenient project management system based on agile methodology and more. Tightens due to a well-developed internal communication system. Each task is a chat, there are personal and group chats. For planning agile boards, TO-DO lists, “my” tasks, deadlines, priorities, flexible permissions and a powerful reporting system. Learn more about the YouGile system.


Online system for collaborating with tasks. It differs in that tasks can be created in it from mobile devices, social networks, instant messengers and e-mail. There is a plug-in for MS Outlook and a widget for GMail. It is possible to create multiple workspaces. There is a free version for two people.


A simple and convenient system that allows you to work together on projects and tasks. The system includes a chat for project participants, a reminder service, a calendar, a group task association, and task sorting, a drag drop interface.

Time Master

It is a personal organizer with the ability to work on projects and tasks. The composition includes reminders by e-mail and SMS, a diary for logging completed tasks, a contact directory, projects, tasks and a calendar.


A system for collaborating on tasks, reminiscent of GMail. Integrates well with email, Google Apps and Active Directory. The structure includes business processes, contact list, file storage, API. Accessible from Android, iPhone, iPad and WinPhone.


Internet system for managing projects and tasks. The system includes instant messages, email alerts, convenient workflow, stickers, a flexible business logic designer, online account statements and commercial offers.

Microsoft Project

An excellent corporate system that allows you to manage projects, distribute tasks and resources among employees, deal with budgeting and monitor project implementation. When used, users are provided with an MS Project server and a special offer for Windows, enabling efficient collaboration and online access. The system is integrated with MS Outlook and MS Sharepoint.


A convenient project management system for small organizations with a clear and accessible interface. Provides the ability to create projects, tasks and checklists, commenting, attaching documents and logging user actions.


A teamwork management system that facilitates the organization and management of joint activities of employees. Equally suitable for businesses, public associations, non-profit organizations and in general any team working on a common goal.

Project Kaiser

Fully Russified hierarchical project management system with a simple interface. The composition includes various formulas, wiki documents, a task management function with support for performers and responsible persons, detailed documentation. The system is stable, fast and can be installed on any platform. There is a free SaaS service for five users. A free version is also available for five users to download.


The system is a symbiosis of a notepad and a messenger. Very easy to use and great for collaboration. You can find a free version.

Microsoft Planner

A system that allows you to organize collaboration and plan projects as part of Office 365. Easily integrates with other Microsoft services.


Free system for managing tasks and projects online. Basically, it's a job manager; considered one of the best task scheduling software. A simple and clear interface, adapted to work with tasks, contributes to effective teamwork.


Management system for projects of the same type with Web orientation. Provides the user with modern and convenient tools for monitoring and accounting for project resources.


A system designed to manage one or more projects. Includes internal forum, time counter, checklists, tasks, wiki documents, file storage, built-in scheduler and calendar. Designed to be installed on a server in a local network.


Online project management system. Project management is based on Agile principles, as well as on the Critical Chain method (Theory of Constraints of Systems) developed by Eliyahu Goldratt. The system includes a huge amount of information related to project management.


Online project management system for small businesses. The functionality of the system consists of a personalized control panel, tasks, reminders, reports, a time counter, a Gantt chart, a budget planner, a calendar, a system of access rights, discussions and notes. Integrated with MS Project, MS Outlook and AutoCAD. There is an API for developers.


Another easy-to-use web-based project and task management system. Consists of a calendar (supports iCalendar), file storage, network graphics, user profiles, reports and access rights management system. Perfectly integrates with email.


A single system designed to manage projects and tasks online. Involves collaboration and teamwork. There are opportunities for tagging, categorization, setting tasks and pop tasks, tracking time, blogging. A corporate Wiki is provided, RSS and E-Mail alerts, file storage and other attributes are present.


Cross-platform task manager that synchronizes tasks between PCs, laptops and mobile devices. Suitable for setting tasks for different users and creating joint projects. Integrated with email, includes a built-in calendar, task files and task comments.

Zoho Projects

Project management system with wide functionality. The composition includes a repository and document editors, an organizer, a calendar, a forum, reports, a meeting scheduler, wiki documents, a time tracker. The system is very convenient for real-time operation. Integration with other Zoho services. Ability to import from MS Projects. Russified. There is a free version for one project.


A set of services with a centralized entry point. Includes online store, project management tools, e-mail marketing tools, contact management, file sharing, organizer. There is a Russian version. It is possible to install on your own server.


Project management and task management system. It features special features for freelancers, SEO companies and web studios. There is a free version.


Project management system for G Suite - a set of corporate "cloud" services for working on the Internet. It is possible to create kanban boards. Free basic functionality.


Task and communications management system with many flexible settings. The structure includes a calendar, email client, internal chat, news feed and employee records.


A system for managing projects, work packages and tasks. Used when collaborating with companies using MS Office 365.


Online project management system. Used for collaboration, as well as financial management and CRM. It has wide possibilities of adaptation to business processes of different companies. There is mobile access. There is a free version.


Free online project management system. It can be a great alternative to MS Project. Suitable for resource planning and project control, . There is a network schedule and the ability to update the percentage of work completed. You can import projects from MS Project.

P.M. Arena

Web-based management system for individual projects and project portfolios. It has a narrow strategic focus: pre-configured business processes and an analytical situational center are focused mainly on use by public authorities.


Project management web service from domestic developers. Created to create projects and tasks, set tasks and monitor the status of their implementation. There is a function of attaching files and commenting, reminders for ICQ and Jabber. If desired, you can find a portable version.


A very simple and understandable project and task management system with an interface like MS Excel.


Project management system and user support. Allows E-Mail support for corporate clients and project management from the GMail interface.


An intuitive task manager designed for teamwork and project management.


Online service for project management and collaboration. Includes task templates, several types of reports, Kanban boards, Gantt chart, project notes, the ability to save files, conduct discussions, track time and tasks. There is a time tracker for Mac. There are mobile versions for Android and iOS.


A project management system suitable for installation on your own site and allowing you to process client Internet requests. It features a simple interface, advanced notification tools, a tree-like task system, and the availability of reports for managers.

Group Camp Project

Online service for project management. Thanks to functional and simple applications, productive work in the cloud is available. The service includes task and checkpoint management, file sharing, wiki documents, time counter, online discussion. The system is extremely confidential and secure. Integrated with Google Apps. Can be integrated with email, contextual gadgets, Google Docs.

Lement Pro

A system for managing tasks and project work, monitoring the achievement of goals, optimizing business processes. Includes electronic document management, its own graphics processor, the ability to support the BIM process. Supports communication with MS Excel and integrates with MS Project. Suitable for companies working in the construction industry. There is a mobile application.


A free system that allows you to manage projects aimed at the development and implementation of innovative products. It is possible to deploy on your own server and use it as a SaaS solution. Includes a multifunctional file storage, project blogs for internal communication, a wiki engine for the base of test cases and knowledge, a release planner, feedback logs, a task scheduling and defect fixing tracker.


Corporate task management service. It contains a lot of useful tools that allow you to manage the processes of executing projects of different levels of complexity.

Desk Away

A project management system that includes a messaging and reporting system, a text editor, a file repository, a support section, tasks, a time counter, a project planner, and a dashboard.


A project management system suitable for social network developers. Allows you to quickly find contractors for your own projects and participate in current projects. The workspace of the system includes a running tracker, a support section, file storage, an internal chat and forum, and wiki documents.


A project management system designed for small teams of developers using flexible project management methods, such as Scrum. Features a simple and intuitive interface.


Another project management system suitable for small teams. With its help, managers, developers and clients can work together on projects.

This concludes our brief overview of project management systems, and sums up the entire course. However, before we conclude, we want to say a little about the benefits you can get from the use of project management systems.

Benefits of using project management systems

Among the possible benefits from the use of project management systems, one can first of all single out the fact that the number of projects that do not correspond to the company's strategy is reduced, which means that the costs for the entire project portfolio will be significantly reduced. Also, project management systems allow you to optimize the allocation of resources and control the workload of employees, improve planning efficiency and improve control over spending finances.

Effective project monitoring tools and a professional methodology offer any project office the ability to minimize the percentage of projects that initially fail to meet budget and deadlines and achieve their goals. And reducing the time spent on searching and collecting information and manually compiling the whole variety of project reports frees up the lion's share of time for more important and serious tasks.

And, of course, the use of project management systems, coupled with the techniques we discussed in the last lesson, greatly increases the likelihood of project success and simplifies the implementation of ideas. And to make it even easier and more comfortable for you to plan and implement your projects, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with additional information on the topic of project management. To do this, especially for you, we have made a small overview of the most interesting and useful books on project management. We advise you to read at least a couple of works from this list. By spending a little time on this now, you will save a lot of time in the future, and at the same time replenish your knowledge base with information that, due to the huge volume of the topic presented, we could not have mentioned. You can find descriptions of books in the additional section.

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We wish you and your projects success. Never stop learning and success will always be on your side!