Emu breeding. Rules for handling ostriches

Among these individuals, the Emu ostrich is in second place in size among this species.

Why breed?

Breeding and raising ostriches is quite profitable, because these birds are undemanding, they easily tolerate cold in Russia, especially Emu ostriches.

Production in this case is almost waste-free and very cost-effective. Demanded are meat with eggs. But claws, feathers, fat are also popular goods in the markets. Ostrich claws are bought by jewelers.

The meat is dietary, tasty. It is distinguished by a small amount of cholesterol, a unique composition of nutrients, which is why it is in demand in restaurants and cafes. Every year it gains popularity among the population.

Due to high productivity, during the year the female produces about forty chicks, which already after 10 months weigh more than 100 kg. One pair of ostriches gives more than 1800 kg of high quality meat. These birds live longer than other domesticated birds and their reproduction lasts more than 25 years.

Ostrich eggs are considered no less valuable, each of which has a mass of 1.5 kg.
The skin of these ostriches has a luxury category. It often replaces the skin of animals that are classified as protected species. It is unique in texture, appreciated due to moisture resistance, elasticity.
The most valuable is the fat of birds, extracted from Emu. It is distinguished by such qualities as hypoallergenicity, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities.

Fat in cosmetology is used for the preparation of ointments and creams. With success, ointments with ostrich fat are used in the treatment of muscles or joints. The white feathers of the wings and tails of males are used in design, and the rest of the feathers are used to remove dust from electrical appliances.

Excursions bring no less profit, since there are still few ostrich farms. You can also organize a cafe where you can offer guests to taste unique dishes from ostrich meat and eggs.

Description of the breed

An ostrich is very similar to a camel with bulging eyes with long eyelashes on the eyelids, unpretentiousness in food and drink, friendliness and the ability to tolerate desert conditions well.

The Australian ostrich Emu, in addition to being the second largest ostrich, is distinguished by the color of its plumage. Feathers are gray and brown.

The body weight of this species of ostrich is about 50 kg, and the height reaches 170 cm. The beak is flattened, thickened. On the head there are clearly visible ear shells. Ostriches have excellent eyesight. They see and remember on the run everything that they run past.

Emu has no flight wings. For this reason, the bird does not fly. The feathers of the neck and head are dark, short, slightly curly, and the rest of the body is covered with long feathers.

Another feature that distinguishes Emu are strong three-toed paws. With a paw strike, an Emu can break a person's arm. These birds run excellently, reaching speeds of 60 km/h.

"Secrets" of breeding

It is not difficult to breed ostriches of this species. They naturally live in a climate similar to ours. Although the winters in their homeland are not so severe. But Emu easily adapted to the conditions of Russian latitudes. But these birds require a lot of space.

In winter, it is necessary to build an insulated room for ostriches so that the ostriches do not get cold, despite the fact that the birds have very thick plumage. And in the summer they should be outside for the maximum time. In the meadows where the ostriches are walking, there should be a lot of grass.

Emu food

The main diet of the bird is plant food, but the Emu ostrich can also eat small reptiles, birds, and insects. From vegetable feed, the bird eats grass, compound feed, grain, bread and root crops.

You can give emu and meat or fish products, milk or dairy residues (whey, for example). He takes food under his feet, but does not tear leaves or fruits from trees. The ostrich captures food as a whole, and on top of the products captured by its beak, it throws small pebbles into the esophagus, which it needs to grind the food accumulated in the stomach.

Emu is not a water drinker. He does without water for a long time, although he will not refuse water.


In Australia, the mating season for ostriches falls on the months when we have autumn and winter. Indeed, at this time on their native continent, spring and summer. During the mating period, the male attracts the attention of females, and then conducts with them, as it were, a marriage ceremony in order with each of those whom he has attracted. But in his "harem" Only one female dominates. And only with her he will be until the time of nesting.

The male then digs a hole in the ground where the females lay their eggs. The male incubates the clutch. And while he is sitting on the eggs, the females periodically lay new ones to him. When hatching, the male loses up to 30 kg of weight. The clutch may contain about 25 eggs.

The main thing is to let the male choose his own females, and the females of partners. Females in captivity begin to lay eggs at 2-3 years of age.

Caring for young Emu requires the creation of special conditions. For chicks, prepares a warm, dry large room in which the temperature is maintained at about 30C. Juveniles are separated from adult ostriches.

Ostriches grow quickly, about a centimeter per day. After some time, they will need 5 square meters. meters per ostrich in the room where they are kept. Ceiling height and ventilation should also be sufficient, lighting should be good. In summer, the chicks are transferred to separate open-air cages on the street with equipped canopies from the rain. Enclosures are arranged so that each chick has 10 square meters of space. meters.

Mandatory walking of young animals in order to avoid curvature of the legs. Do not overfeed them so that the birds do not subsequently become obese.

If you properly organize the breeding of ostriches and their maintenance, from one individual of ostriches you can earn an income of up to about 500,000 rubles a year. The most important thing in this is the right choice of the purpose for which the ostrich farm is organized.

The first mention of a large bird that lives on the southern mainland dates back to the 16th century. Travelers who visited Australia talked about the feathered runner and compared it with the African ostrich. Later, naturalists found out that the bird is a relative of the cassowary and has a distant resemblance to ostriches.

The word "emu" supposedly comes from Portuguese or Arabic. In translation, it means "big bird". Some researchers argue that the nickname is given by analogy with the sounds made by animals during the mating season.

Description of the appearance of an emu

The Australian emu belongs to the category of large ratites. It has a similar silhouette with African ostriches:

  • long legs;
  • elongated neck;
  • short tail;
  • small head.

Australian emu

Biologically, the emu family is included in the cassowary order, so the name emu would be illegal.

The bird is inferior to ostriches in size:

  • weight 40–50 kg;
  • height 150–170 cm.

The body is large, covered with thick feathers. The wings are disproportionately small in size - 25 cm in length. They end with hard growths resembling claws.

Emus have strong, muscular legs. They serve as the main means of defense in an attack. The limbs end in 3 fingers with strong sharp claws. The toes and paw pads are covered with thick callused skin, which prevents burns. Thanks to her, the emu is able to move on the surface of the earth, hot up to +60 C.

The color of the feathers of adults is gray-brown or black-brown. Feathers on the head are black. The long elongated neck has a bluish skin tone. It is covered with rare feathers of gray-brown or dark gray.

The head is small and rounded. Unlike the cassowary, the emu lacks a peculiar “helmet” on its head and leathery outgrowths on its neck. Like ostriches, the bird has huge round eyes with large eyelashes. The eyeballs occupy most of the skull.

The "Australian" has a large pink beak. There are no teeth, therefore, to grind food, the emu is forced to swallow small pebbles. Females and males are outwardly difficult to distinguish. The bird belongs to the species endemic and lives exclusively in Australia.

Lifestyle and reproduction features

Emus prefer to spend time alone. Small groups of 7-10 individuals gather during the mating season. In the wild, the bird leads a twilight lifestyle. During the day, she escapes from the heat in the thickets and goes out to search for food before sunset.

After dark, the emu settles in for the night. Sleeps sitting on the ground. The total duration of rest is 7-8 hours, every 2 hours she wakes up and listens. Well-developed eyesight and hearing help the emu sense danger in time.

In the natural environment, adults have practically no enemies, with the exception of a wild dingo dog and a person. In case of alarm, the bird flees. It is capable of speeds up to 50 km per hour.

Emus are omnivores. They eat, along with plant food (grain, tree buds, fruits), also reptiles, amphibians, molluscs, eggs of other birds. Birds are able to do without water for a long time.

The ability to reproduce in birds appears at the age of 2 years. They gather in groups: 1 male and several females in a "harem". The place for masonry is arranged by the male emu.

Nest with emu eggs

The nest is a bunch of twigs, grass. A recess is made on top, where the females lay their eggs in turn. Usually in 1 clutch there are 10–12 eggs, 500–600 g each. The hard, durable shell is dark blue, almost black.

The male incubates the eggs, not the female. It hardly rises from the nest for 50–56 days. For a short time he leaves only for food and water.

The hatched chicks are covered with feathers, have a striped color and weigh about 400 g. The father of the family is also involved in the care and upbringing of the young. Babies quickly gain weight and reach 4 kg in two months. Under the care of the male, the chicks are 6–9 months old.

Useful products

The bird serves as a source of many valuable products:

  • fat;
  • meat;
  • feathers;
  • skin.

Emu oil has therapeutic properties, which allowed it to be widely used in medicine. It promotes wound healing, helps with varicose veins, prevents bedsores, protects the skin from frostbite and sunburn. Cosmetologists include emu oil in anti-cellulite products. It also moisturizes and refreshes the skin, improves its elasticity. Creams, serums and oil-based sprays relieve acne, skin eczema and other dermatological problems.

Emu oil is made from emu fat. It contains 42% oleic and 21% linoleic acid. The product has found application in soap making, oil refining, and the production of synthetic rubber.

Lean meat has a delicate taste reminiscent of veal. It is used in cooking as a dietary product. Beautiful leather with a unique pattern is in demand in the fashion industry. It is used for the manufacture of shoes, accessories (belts, bags, etc.), and is also used as upholstery material for decorating the interiors of cars, yachts, and aircraft.

The emu is the fastest, largest, non-flying bird. Australia is located at a distance from other continents. This has had a positive effect on the conservation of some animal species. These include the Australian ostrich. An amazing creature, the coat of arms of this country.

Emu ostriches are depicted on the coat of arms of their homeland - Australia

First mentions

The emu was first mentioned at the end of the 16th century in the reports of European researchers. In the middle of the 17th century, he was seen on the east coast of the continent. The origin of the name is not exactly known. There are consonant words in Portuguese and Arabic, the translation sounds like "big bird". There is an assumption that the birds are named after the shrill cry "E-m-uu". Ornithologist John Latham first described them in A Journey to Botany Bay by Arthur Philip in 1789. In those days, there were six species of ostrich, but the first settlers from Europe mercilessly destroyed them for competition in feed with sheep and cows. Only one remains, there are three subspecies, depending on the territorial location. They differ in shades of plumage.

Of the 6 types of emus, only 1 has survived to this day.


Emus are related to ostriches and cassowaries. They reach a height of average human height and a body height of up to a meter. They have a dense body and a small head on a long neck. Round eyes framed with fluffy eyelashes and a pink beak with a slightly curved tip, no teeth. The wings are underdeveloped, as in all non-flying ratites, up to 25 cm long. On the tips of the growth like a claw. Strong legs that can easily break the bones of an adult. Soft brown feathers that aid in camouflage and regulate body temperature. Representatives of both sexes are equally colored.

There are no natural enemies in nature. But wild dingoes, eagles, hawks are not averse to eating chicks.

Male and female emu look about the same


Birds do not gather in flocks. They go one by one. Groups of 7-10 individuals can stay together for a long time and roam in search of food, they lead a sedentary lifestyle only during nesting. Communication occurs with the help of loud staccato sounds, reminiscent of something between a grunt and a drum rumble.

Good vision and hearing help to sense danger at a great distance. At sunset they go to bed. The animal sits on its paws and, if there is no interference, then after 20 minutes it falls asleep. The total duration of sleep reaches 7 hours. Every one and a half to two hours he wakes up and sleeps again.

Emu prefers to live alone


Emu eat plant foods. They love seeds, roots, plant buds, fruits. But even in times of famine they do not eat grass and dry branches. They feast on cereals, for which they were exterminated by the first settlers. Small stones and sand are swallowed to grind food in the stomach. They need water. Chicks are fed with insects, lizards, rodents.

With good, nutritious food, the chicks quickly gain weight and look like adults after a year.


Puberty occurs at the age of two years. The male has several favorites. He prepares a nest and, after mating courtship, leads the female there to lay her eggs. The nest is a hole in the ground, covered with dry leaves and grass. The female lays 7-8 eggs. There are up to 25 of them in the clutch. Only the male incubates the chicks for 56-66 days. It is in the nest for 17 hours a day and gets up only for food. At this point, another egg is laid. During incubation, the emu loses a lot of weight, sometimes only 30 kg remains out of 45 kilograms. weight, feathers become faded. During this period, he is lethargic and allows you to come close and take the egg.

When the chicks hatch, it becomes aggressive, takes careful care of them and protects them from dangers. Looking for a suitable place for feeding and leads the kids there. Ostriches are striped. They grow up quickly. The father takes care of them for 5-7 months. The average life expectancy of adults is about 10 years. In nature, live up to 20 years.

The male is responsible for incubating and rearing the chicks.


Emu meat is a valuable source of nutrients. It tastes like beef. Aborigines of Australia ate it for a long time. Breeding for commercial purposes began in the late 80s for the production of dietary meat containing less than 1.5% fat, and fat with healing properties used for medicinal purposes and for the manufacture of cosmetics. Eggs are often supplied to restaurants.

Leather is used for the manufacture of wallets, bags, shoes in combination with other types of leather. Feathers have a decorative and applied function in art and crafts.

Emu farming is a cost-effective business

An unusual bird is in several ways:

  • Very large height (up to 170 cm) and weight (up to 55 kg)
  • Does not fly due to the lack of a keel.
  • Runs fast, speeds up to 50 km / h.
  • Steps up to 3 meters.
  • The eye is the same size as the brain.
  • Emu does not bury its head in the sand, but runs away when threatened.
  • There are no teeth, therefore it swallows stones, glass, sharp objects that help in the digestion of food.
  • Well adapts to temperatures from -5 °С to + 45 °С
  • Floats, not bathes in the sand.
  • Males and females are similar in appearance.
  • Eggs are dark blue or dark green, weighing a dozen chicken (up to 900 g).
  • Only the male is engaged in incubation.

Emu eggs have an unusual color


In Australia, emus are common and not endangered. The population is controlled. Areas in the country are allocated for agricultural land, but the reduction in habitat does not affect the number of animals.

There are anecdotes and aphorisms about ostriches, free interpretation. Most likely, this is due to the small head and large body, as well as the ability to bury the head in the sand, which has nothing to do with this species. You can't call them stupid.

These are quite smart birds, able to protect their offspring, obeying innate instincts.

They are the last representatives of large flightless birds that have survived to this day (except for the African ostrich). They live in the wild and are bred in captivity for meat, eggs, and skin. Contained in zoos and on farms, unique and unusual creatures in their appearance and use.

If in Soviet times the main types of poultry were chickens, geese, ducks and turkeys, today the situation has changed somewhat. More exotic species of birds have come, which are also grown for healthy and tasty meat (and not only). Perhaps the most striking feathered representative of the modern farmstead is the ostrich. Yes, these giant flightless birds are actively bred on farms throughout Russia. And its popularity is growing every year. It is not surprising. After all, in addition to the delicious dietary meat that an ostrich can offer, this bird has many more various “valuable resources”, many of which you may not even be aware of.

Let's talk about growing, breeding and selling emus. After all, this species has become simply incredibly popular among our farmers. But before we get to the heart of the business idea, let's take a closer look at this bird.

Briefly about emus

Which can be found on our farms, brought to our country from their homeland - Australia. There, these majestic creatures under two meters tall and weighing about 60-70 kilograms roam freely in the wild.

These are the largest birds on the Australian continent and the second largest in the world (second in size only to the African). Moreover, it is also one of the fastest birds. If necessary, emus are able to reach a maximum speed of up to 50 km / h. At the same time, the step length can reach two and a half or even more meters. In the wild, they can reap up to 20 years.

Well, now, after a little acquaintance with this bird, let's move on to our business idea. And, first of all, you need to find out why emus are so attractive that they are preferred by hundreds of farmers in our country and abroad.

Benefits of an emu farming business

These birds are so popular with our farmers for a variety of reasons.

Firstly, emus very quickly and relatively easily adapt to almost any weather and climatic conditions. Due to their dense plumage, they are able to withstand high temperatures. Up to +35°C. At the same time, they tolerate even severe, up to -25 ° C, frosts well in winter.

Secondly, it is one of the most profitable types of agricultural business. Few animals or birds can match the profitability of ostriches. The secret is simple. Almost everything is on sale - from delicious dietary meat and durable fashionable leather to claws and feathers. We will discuss the issue of profitability in more detail at the end of the article.

Thirdly, these birds do not need quality territory. In other words, emu pens can be built where other types of pets cannot comfortably live. Therefore, finding a territory for an ostrich farm is quite easy.

Emu rearing room

Although these birds tolerate various weather and climatic conditions well, they still need not only pens, but also special rooms. This is especially true in the winter season. It should be noted that emus are kept in pairs. Each pair should have its own paddock and a room for wintering and in case of bad weather (stall).

For adult ostriches, there is no need for a heated room (unless, of course, you open a farm somewhere in the North). Just a small barn with a free (always open) exit to the paddock is enough. If it gets cold, the birds will go into the stall themselves. They do not need to be constantly monitored. Another important point. Although a heating system is not needed, there is a need for a thick layer of warm bedding. Take care of this in advance. As for the area, here the indicators are as follows. A stall for one pair of adult ostriches must occupy at least 15 m².

In the case of young people, things are somewhat different. Most importantly, young emus are kept separately from their adult relatives. In addition, in winter and in bad weather, they need a heated room where the temperature will be kept within 12-17 ° C. For each young emu, 1-5 m² of area in the stall is needed (the older the chick, the more territory it needs).

The emu enclosure should be large enough. After all, these are very large birds. They need room to maneuver. The best option is long rectangular spaces. For each bird there should be from 20 to 200 m² of territory (depending on age). As a fence, it is best to use a fine mesh, trellis or wood. From barbed wire pens it is better to refuse at once. Birds can hurt themselves and even die. The height of the fence should be about two meters (maybe a little less).

After the premises and pens are equipped and prepared, you can proceed to the next step - buying eggs, young or adult breeding birds.

How do you choose to start a business?

At this stage, you must decide how you want to start an ostrich business. Start options are different. There are three of them in total - the purchase of breeding eggs for independent artificial rearing, the purchase of young animals or the purchase of adult birds ready for breeding. Let's take a look at the pros and cons of each of these options.

It would seem that the purchase of ostrich eggs is the most cost-effective option. It saves just a huge amount that would be needed to buy even one pair of adult birds. But the cheapness of the purchase is the only plus in this case. At the same time, choosing this option to start a business, you may encounter several problems.

  • First, you will need to buy incubators, and this is an additional expense.
  • Secondly, there is a high risk of death of chicks (including those that have not yet hatched).
  • Thirdly, and this is the most serious drawback, it will take several years to get the first profit from the sale of emus or their livelihood products (meat, feathers, skin).

The option justifies itself only in the long run. If you want to make a profit as quickly as possible, take a look at the following two options.

The next way to start is by acquiring adult breeding emus. You can start even with one pair of ostriches. The advantage is that you can get offspring and the first profit the next year. At the same time, you do not need any incubators, eggs, constant problems with young chicks. Minus two. First, you need to try to find good breeding birds at the age of five. You may have to go to another city or even a region for this.

Important point . Buy adult birds only from large ostrich farms that have been operating for more than five years. More “younger” farmers simply won’t be able to buy emus of the right age. All birds sold must be tipped and, along with them, you must be provided with a Breeding Certificate, Veterinary Certificate and a Certificate of origin of the specific bird. Only after receiving all these papers can you purchase birds for your farm.

The second disadvantage of this option is the high cost of adult emus. The price for a breeding pair starts at 200 thousand rubles and reaches one million rubles. The final cost is based on the number of eggs that this pair brings annually.

An alternative third option for starting a business is to buy several young ostriches from the age of one year and one adult breeding male at the age of five. You will save a significant amount on the purchase of birds. One young emu can cost from 30 thousand rubles. In this case, then the offspring can be obtained the next year. Minus - perhaps the young "ostriches" will not be as productive. But they will remain in business for a long time.

Each method, as you can see, has its pros and cons. You just have to compare them and choose the best option for you.

What to feed emus?

Despite its huge size, this bird eats relatively little. About three kilograms of feed per day. The diet should include several feed categories - grain, grasses, hay and mixed fodder. Clover, rapeseed, corn, cabbage, quinoa, alfalfa are used as grass feed. If we talk about dry food, then this is clover, alfalfa, soybean, rye and wheat hay.

As for grain, emus prefer peas, seeds (sunflower and pumpkin), barley, rye, corn, oats, millet, wheat and soybeans. From vegetables and fruits, birds eat onions, bananas, cucumbers, pears, carrots, pumpkins and apples. Fish and bone meal, limestone, egg shells and shells of sea mollusks will not be superfluous.

And yet - to digest food, ostriches swallow stones. So don't forget to fill them with gravel. I'm not kidding. And do not torment the birds with thirst. An adult emu drinks about 12 liters of water daily. It makes sense to equip the pool.

How much can you earn?

Well, in conclusion, let's talk about the most pleasant thing - the profitability of the emu farming business. It was said above that almost everything is used. The ostrich is practically an agricultural non-waste bird.

Meat is considered dietary. In its structure and taste, it resembles everyone's favorite beef (and not chicken, as many of us think). One "ostrich" for the season is able to bring 50 chicks. Upon reaching one year, young ostriches already weigh about 40-50 kilograms. Or about 20 kilograms of pure meat from each. It turns out that in just one season, the female brings about a ton of meat with a total value of half a million rubles (the price of one kilogram of ostrich meat is about 500 rubles). At the same time, the cost of obtaining this meat (feed costs) is about 50 thousand rubles (or 50 rubles for each kilogram). The result is about 450 thousand rubles of net profit. For one season. But that is not all. After all, selling meat is far from the only way to make money on emus.

Ostrich eggs also sell well. The same farmers are ready to lay out three to five thousand rubles apiece. They also sell egg shells. From it, jewelers make unusual jewelry. Getting 50 eggs a year, you can earn from 150 to 250 thousand rubles annually. From one female. At the same time, without losing the bird itself. Good too. Go ahead.

The claws are also used by jewelers to make unusual pieces of jewelry or pieces of traditional jewelry. Ostrich fat is used in the manufacture of medicines and cosmetics. The price of one kilogram reaches five thousand rubles. And the pen is sold as souvenirs or for use in creating collections of clothes and fashion accessories. The average price is about 200-300 rubles per pen.

As for ostrich leather, it has long been an ideal material for creating clothes, shoes and accessories. Jackets, raincoats, bags, shoes, belts, gloves, watch bracelets, phone cases and much more are sewn from it. Our ostrich skin is not very expensive, but you can get an additional five or six thousand rubles from each bird.

As you can see, just one pair of emus can bring the farmer almost half a million rubles in one season. Try to find a more profitable animal in modern farming. That's all for today. We wish you a successful business!

  • Emu breeding consists of the following activities
  • There are several commercial emu farming activities.
  • Emu breeding produces the following types of products
  • Legislative framework
  • General requirements for commercial production
  • Buying breeding birds
  • Breeding
  • Pre-incubation care
  • Incubation period
  • Brood
  • raising chickens
  • Disease prevention
  • Feeding
  • Questions to be answered before starting emu production

Commercial breeding of ostriches (Emu)

Emu belongs to the family of ostrich flightless birds. These are ostriches, kiwi and some other birds. These birds have no common ancestors.

Emu comes from Australia. Adult individuals reach a weight of 75 kilograms and a height of 170 - 190 centimeters. There are no official statistics on the number of emus bred in the world. But approximate calculations indicate a population of about 100,000 birds. Initially, emus were bred for breeding birds, and only recently there has been a trend in the world to commercially breed emus for meat, skin and oil.

Emu breeding consists of the following activities:

1. Breeding, consisting of laying eggs by queens and getting young. In this case, both eggs and young birds, juvenile birds and adults for slaughter are subject to sale.

2. Fattening. In this case, young animals are purchased for subsequent fattening and sale of adult birds to the slaughterhouse.

There are several lines of business for breeding emus on a commercial basis:

  • Buying eggs
  • Acquisition of chickens
  • Acquisition of juveniles
  • Acquisition of breeding birds

Emu breeding produces the following types of products:

  • meat, lean, red in color, similar in taste and structure to beef meat.
  • leather, soft and durable with characteristic feather structure
  • lard (fat), with a high content of oleic acid, has properties that increase the permeability of bioactive elements through the skin.
  • Feather is used by fashion salons for decorative trimming of hats, in fishing - for making floats, in industry - for making cleaning tools.
  • Shell and claws, used in jewelry.

Emu shells are currently being researched for wound healing, growth stimulation, and bone repair.

Emu breeding is more focused on getting fat, while other breeds of ostriches are more focused on getting meat.

Emus have a number of advantages over traditional livestock groups. Firstly, emus are easily adaptable and can be kept on wastelands and other unsuitable lands. Secondly, emus do not require special care and thus become a side, additional production. Thirdly, several types of products can be obtained from emu production.

However, a critical factor affecting the commercial feasibility of emu breeding is the traditionalism of the market in the consumption of new types of products: meat, fat, feathers and others. In order for emu breeding to enter the industrial (commercial) basis of the industry, it is necessary:

  • Provide products with a clear customer benefit.
  • Create public opinion towards the emu.
  • Create an infrastructure for processing and marketing.
  • Ensure sufficient market supply of emu farming products
  • Create uniform product standards.
  • Provide processing facilities in the immediate vicinity of production in order to promote the development of the industry for processing emu leather, meat and fat.

In general, they come down to ensuring that emu meat meets state standards for meat products. There are currently no separate pieces of legislation regulating the emu industry.

The key pillars of the market strategy for emu growers are:

  • Finding markets for various emu products.
  • Determining the type of product for a particular market.
  • Market selection.
  • Determining how to enter the selected sales market.
  • Control over market conditions and changes in consumer preferences.
  • Constant readiness for market volatility.

Beginning emu producers should be aware of the volatile nature of the markets. It follows that start-up manufacturers should conduct detailed market research regarding:

  • Production volume.
  • Prices.
  • Production cost
  • Requirements of the processing industry and the possibility of processing each type of emu product.

Most emu producers sell live poultry directly to the slaughterhouse. The price in this case is based on the live weight of the bird carcass.

According to its characteristics, emu meat is similar to the meat of other agricultural ones. animals. Below is a comparison table of the characteristics of the meat of various animal species, prepared by the Research Institute of Nutrition in Porta la Praire, Manitoba, Canada.

Comparative characteristics of the nutritional value of meat of various animal species.

Per 100 grams of product

Emus are sent to the slaughterhouse with a live weight of 45-50 kilograms. The mass of the carcass, after removing the fat, is 19-20 kilograms.

Factors affecting meat quality are: poultry breed, feeding program, housing and care technology, processing technology, packaging, marketing strategy.

As markets develop, individual market segments will begin to have specific carcass size requirements.

Emu meat is readily bought:

  • Restaurants
  • A separate category of citizens craving exotic
  • Processed meat: hot and cold smoked

The development of domestic (regional) sales markets will require special attention to the creation of public opinion, the peculiarities of cooking dishes from emu meat, the development of assortment and price diversity.

Start-up growers should take into account their own and the industry's capabilities in creating a positive image of emu products.

Market activity includes the following:

  • Ensuring a year-round supply of high quality poultry carcasses.
  • Willingness to provide various segments of the market with carcasses of various fatness.
  • Providing high quality products and services.
  • Development of access to export markets through specialized dealers and distributors.
  • Willingness to invest time and funds to promote emu products at trade shows, publications, dealers and distributors.
  • Willingness to provide their experience, knowledge, technology to importers, distributors, processors, consumers.

Some producers have already achieved success in promoting sujuk, made from emu meat.

An important aspect of the marketing strategy is the emphasis on the dietary characteristics of emu meat, namely its low fat and cholesterol content. The market strategy may be to create your own circle of consumers and sell meat directly. Sale of whole carcasses to special shops, restaurants, by order. Selling poultry directly to distributors and brokers working to develop this specific market.

Manufacturers who market their products themselves need to consider:

  • Features of your products.
  • Features of the sales market.
  • Consumer concerns about meat color differences.
  • The need to clarify the presence of special taste qualities.

Thus, emerging emu growers should consider the following market factors:

  • the needs of a particular market,
  • adaptation of production to meet the requirements of a given market,
  • marketing activities in all segments of the sales market.

The key drivers of commercial emu farming are:

  • Quality breeding birds.
  • Achievement of the optimal level of egg production.
  • Achieving optimal output of healthy chicks
  • Achieve the optimal level of production of commercial slaughter birds that meet the requirements of various market segments: carcass size, meat quality, fat quality
  • Achieving the minimum cost of production

Currently, there are no specialized complexes for breeding emus. Producers independently resolve issues with the restoration of the working population, the sale of products, and the search for markets. Practice has shown that the creation of associations or cooperatives greatly facilitates the solution of many production issues, but there are no examples of the creation of associations of emu producers yet.

Commercial production of emu is based on obtaining a bird weighing 45-50 kilograms. Ideally, 40% of live weight is commercial meat and 20% is commercial fat.

Some advantages and disadvantages of different strategic approaches to emu breeding

  • Buying eggs for later incubation is the cheapest alternative, but much more risky due to the high chick mortality. Moreover, it takes more time to obtain marketable poultry.
  • Purchasing chicks is more expensive to start emu breeding, but it significantly reduces mortality losses and the timing of marketable poultry.
  • Buying juveniles adds a lot to the cost, but the birds remain productive for the next two years.
  • Purchasing breeding birds is the most expensive start, but allows producers to start commercial production the following year.
  • The general requirements for commercial production are:

  • 1.5 - 1.6 hectares per pair of birds. It is important to consider the addition of offspring.
  • Separate pens are needed for working and productive birds. Sizes should correspond to the size of individual individuals and take into account the offspring. Separate pens are necessary for the growing young.
  • Material for the construction of corrals may be different. The height should be at least 160-180 centimeters. The use of thick wire and/or rods should be avoided. The bird may injure its neck or legs.
  • Emus love to walk. Pens should be designed in such a way that the posts and fence are fixed from the outside.
  • Emus need shelter in the winter and shelter in the summer. The shelter must have good lighting, ventilation, appropriate height, space, bedding, heating.
  • The incubator and cages with broods must be clean, with a constantly maintained temperature, humidity, and ventilation. It is important to consider additional space for equipment, spare power supply, expansion options.
  • The industry offers various types of incubators. Emu producers should carefully study the specifications of each and choose the most suitable one.
  • Buying breeding birds

    Breeding birds must be tested for health and performance. The date of birth of a bird is of great importance, as it makes it possible to know the beginning of egg laying and the sexual maturity of males. The onset of egg production in emu females begins in the second or third year of life. The breeding season for emus is from December to April. Productive egg production continues for 20 years.

    Emu egg production is 20-50 eggs per season. In fact, the emu lays 1 egg every three days. The standard is 85% hatched chicks. Organizational factors affecting performance are: age of females (younger females lay less, chick mortality is higher, and chicks are significantly weaker); weather conditions, feeding and size of groups of birds.

    Emu producers should regularly inspect the roost, collect eggs, clean them of dirt and place them in an incubator. The use of your own incubator or by contract should be determined in advance. In the case of a contracted incubator, the eggs must be preserved prior to placement in the hatchery. Producers who use their own incubators must be familiar with the process of incubating and hatching chicks.

    The incubator provides the right level of temperature and humidity in the process of hatching chickens. It provides air circulation and uniform turning of the masonry. All of these factors affect brood performance. The incubation period lasts 50-55 days. Care during this period includes: monitoring the development of the embryo, removing dead eggs, providing sanitary conditions. Emu eggs are difficult to see through. It is recommended to peel the shell or use an infrared installation. In the absence of sufficient brood care skills, it is advisable to use an incubator under a contract.

    Hatchery is used to maintain the temperature and humidity of the air at a constant level. Care consists of daily transillumination of the eggs to detect penetration of the chicken into the air shell. The process is divided into two parts. The first part is the penetration of the chick into the air shell, and the second part is the breaking of the egg shell. When the egg is translucent, it can be seen whether the chicken has penetrated into the air shell or not. If the chick cannot break through the air envelope, it will suffocate. The translucence shows where the chick is. If the chick is in the wrong position, it can also suffocate. In this case, the intervention of the manufacturer is necessary. If the chick cannot break the shell on its own within 24-36 hours after entering the air shell, it should be helped. After hatching, the chicks are left in the hatchery for 24 hours to dry and then move to the brooder.

    When raising chickens, care consists of providing shelter (shelter), feeding and walking. Chicks need to be provided with a warm, ventilated shelter that meets hygiene standards. Walking is necessary to improve the health of chickens and prevent deformity of the limbs.

    The critical breeding period for chicks is the first three months after birth. During this period, it is necessary to ensure good sanitary conditions and adequate disease prevention. Emus show a tendency to hide diseases. This factor is important to take into account when developing preventive measures and preventing mortality. The most common causes of emu disease are:

    • stress
    • gastric diseases
    • Diarrhea
    • Traumatic pericarditis

    Preventive measures include:

    Aspiring growers should not discount the experience of the feed industry with the practice of formulating diets for emus. They can help in formulating a balanced diet for each group of birds and ensure that the birds are getting the micro and macro elements they need. Feeding should not be excessive and stimulate too much weight gain. Excessive growth can affect the curvature of the limbs. Usually, working birds are fed during the first three months with the initial ration, and the subsequent period (until the bird reaches slaughter weight) with the standard fattening ration. Productive birds are fed a specially balanced diet before the start of the breeding period (six months). The rest of the time - standard feeding to maintain the physiological state of the bird.

    At all stages of growth and development, the emu needs a sufficient amount of clean water. Coarse grains should also be included in the diet as birds graze on pastures.

    Once again, it should be noted that, despite the absence of special recommendations for keeping and breeding emus in Russia, the standard requirements are:

    • Effective breeding and marketing program
    • Constant monitoring of scientific achievements and best practices
    • Ensuring adequate cost of production

    The key factors of commercial production efficiency are:

    • Thoughtful investment decisions at the start of emu breeding.
    • Accurate calculation of the cost of production and commercial costs.
    • Calculation of production indicators and estimates.
    • Definition of unsustainable production costs.
    • Constant control over costs and cost reduction.

    Unfortunately, there is no reliable source of information on the cost of emu products in Russia. However, the Russian Rural Information Network was able to find a rough cost estimate for Canadian producers. However, these costs are highly arbitrary and require careful consideration when planning your own business. We can only recommend that you study foreign experience and modern research in the field of emu breeding and conduct your own calculation of the cost of production. We would appreciate information on emu production costs and practical advice.

    The proposed cost estimate for Canadian farmers is based on farming emus from scratch. The estimated cost bases are as follows:

    • Acquisition of 5 breeding pairs of emus
    • Production of each pair of 30 eggs
    • Obtaining 24 live 12-month-old chicks from each pair
    • Sale of poultry with a live weight of 50 kilograms at the age of 12-14 months.
    • Use of the incubator and hatchery under the contract
    • Getting started with minimal capital investment.

    This estimate is only indicative, especially for Canada. However, it does provide a rough idea of ​​the cost structure and proportions.

    Cost Estimate for Emu Production Fixed Costs

    Quantity sold
    birds, head 120

    Average live weight, kg 50

    Average slaughter weight, kg 30

    Price per bird
    (break even)
    canadian dollars 206

    Price per kg slaughter weight,
    (break even)
    Canadian dollars 1.03

    Price per kg live
    weight (can. dollars) 1.72

    The estimate implies that the market price will be at least 3.56 Canadian dollars per kilogram of live weight. Cost items and their value are conditional and are only a guideline for manufacturers. Many manufacturers have the option of lowering this estimate by:

    • Reduce capital investment and fixed costs
    • Increasing production volumes, increasing output, reducing costs
    • Using your own incubator and hatchery.

    The estimate does not take into account the proceeds from the sale of emu feathers and oil (fat, lard). Although this product may become the main product in the future.

    An important and most critical element is the cash flow forecast. Producers are advised to be prepared for cash shortages during the chick growth period.

    Financing the commercial breeding of emus is a subject for a separate discussion. Banks will certainly see a high degree of risk in this business and will require a detailed analysis of the state of the market, convincing production and business plans, a high level of own investments in the enterprise, a guarantee of capital investments from their own sources (family, friends).

    An important place is occupied by a detailed (rigorous) analysis of the costs of each stage of production. It should also be taken into account that the costs and the production process will change as the market changes.

    Questions to be answered before starting emu production:

    1. Are you ready to study all possible literature on the production and marketing of emu products? Are you ready to establish contacts with emu breeders, attend exhibitions and take part in emu farming workshops?
    2. Do you have a ready-made solution to whom and how you will sell your products?
    3. Do you have a clear understanding of the technological requirements and production process associated with emu?
    4. Do you have a clear idea of ​​the necessary marketing activities aimed at different market segments?
    5. Are you willing to bear the extra burden of marketing your products?

    Do you have a clear idea of ​​the required resources and sources of their acquisition?

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