Collaboration Services. Project Management

Programs for project management (Project Manager) allow you to effectively plan and manage the progress of your tasks. And as is the case with any management product, each user has their own opinion about what a project management tool should be able to do, in addition to keeping a list of tasks and managing time.

This overview focuses on those programs that offer standard project management features, such as task and resource scheduling, progress tracking, scheduling, project status graphs, support for nested projects and tasks, as well as their dependencies.

Note: You should not use Microsoft's well-known commercial product MS Project as a reference measure for project management programs. Not all projects need complex mechanisms. In addition, there are many projects that easily fit into the framework of maintaining simple hierarchical task books, like ToDoList.

Overview of Free Project Management Software (Project Manager)

Open Workbench huge opportunities for project management

Topping the list is a source code project management tool called , which offers such a huge range of features and capabilities that it makes sense to consider it before making any decision to purchase a commercial project management package. Like any commercial product, the application will require you to take some time to look around among all its features.

Note: If you are used to using MS Project, then you will also need some time to look at the project a little differently. The fact is that MS Project is task-oriented, and Open Workbench is resource-oriented.

According to the developers, "Open Workbench is built around cost estimates of the tasks to be completed. The estimates are tied to the resources assigned to the tasks. Project duration will be calculated based on the number of hours that each resource on the project will allocate to cover the total number of hours required to complete all tasks. The Open Workbench is best suited for teams who estimate the duration of projects based on estimates of all tasks associated with the project, and then create staffing and plan resource allocation."

Note: If you did not know, then according to all project programs, not only project management, a person is a resource and nothing more. However, don't take it seriously, it's just terminology.

The key features of Workbench are project planning, scheduling, resource management, project review, and more.

The program can also read MS Project files, which makes Open Workbench the most attractive. Many products, even commercial ones, have an excellent set of management tools, but sooner or later someone will definitely want to look at or edit your plan with the ubiquitous MS Project, and find that there is no compatibility. The best you'll have on hand is a tool for exporting to tables or graphical equivalents.

Open Workbench is a complete product, not an amateur craft, with a bunch of half-finished functionality. Like Microsoft Project, it is best suited for medium to large projects that can form the basis for detailed study and use of the product. In the case of small projects, you will spend more time and effort learning the system than you will get benefits. On the other hand, if you are already familiar with it, then creating and maintaining even small projects in Workbench will not present any difficulties for you.

However, if you often manage small projects that require less functionality, then you should look into less functional project managers such as GanttProject or ToDoList (more on that later).

GanttProject is a good multi-platform project management solution


Supports Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Export to xml. Maintaining intermediate steps
Appearance and lack of some features of Open Workbench.


Web application. Huge experience (the project started in 2000). A huge number of people have used this application, so finding answers to questions is relatively easy.
The site may seem drab compared to the colorful tools. Mistakes are slowly being fixed


Web application. More suitable for collaborative projects with shared calendars. You can import projects from dotProject. Extensive Documentation
You need your own server or hosting. Some features of dotProject are still under development.

Guest post by Nina Gorbunova, web browser

If you think that project management systems are a tool used only in large companies from 500 people, you will be very surprised to learn that, according to statistics, 70% of the users of such systems are small and medium-sized businesses (companies from 10 to 300 people) as well as freelancers.

Time tracking, the possibility of effective communication within the team regardless of location, distribution of responsibilities and reporting - these are the components without which it is impossible to imagine joint work online, regardless of how many people work on the project.

At the same time, of course, it should be understood that large-scale clumsy systems serving the largest companies in the world are unlikely to take root in teams of 7-10 people. However, even a tiny task manager will never satisfy the needs of Google's multi-storey office. Therefore, before proceeding with the review of systems for collaborative work of small teams, I propose to determine the main criteria for selecting these same systems.

So let's say I'm the leader of a 10-person web design team.

  • I'm not going to shell out large sums for software, if only because at this stage I'm more than happy to invest them in new tablets. The solution should be at least free, maximum - provided at a reasonable price. I don't want to end up with a cumbersome, clumsy, hard-to-implement system. I want to be sure that my data is safe.
  • I want the system to include all the basic tools I need to get the job done - time tracking, responsibilities, file sharing and discussion, and report generation.

Based on these requirements, I propose to pay attention to the following systems, which can be useful for both small teams and freelancers.

1) Teamer

Let's start small. Teamer is a really small and, in my opinion, quite simple collaboration system.

In the words of the developers - web service for organizing team work on projects. First of all - over Internet projects, although it can be used for planning some personal affairs or something else.”

How Teamer works

The team is divided into groups according to projects and distribute tasks (tickets) among themselves. Users are divided into executors and managers, this is how access rights to projects and tasks are determined.

3 main sections of the system - “where is everyone”, “who is to blame” and “what to do”. When there are so many tasks that it’s not clear what to take on first, the “I’m Feeling Lucky” button can help out.

Solution cost

The SaaS version of Teamer is provided free of charge, but from the end of 2012 the developers promise to start selling boxed versions.

2) teamlab

In the words of the developers

TeamLab is a multifunctional web office for collaboration, document and project management”

How teamlab works

In fact, Teamlab is a collection of 4 modules - Project Management, Document Management, Collaboration and CRM. In addition to the standard set of collaboration tools, this platform offers the ability to create your own knowledge base - a corporate Wikipedia, conduct polls with voting, share bookmarks. What's more, you can do full-fledged work with documents: create, edit and share text documents, spreadsheets and presentations without the need to resort to third-party applications. Teamlab can be deployed not only as a SaaS solution, but also on your own server, as well as in your personal Amazon cloud.


All 4 Teamlab modules + 1 Gb workspace are provided free of charge. However, if this is not enough for your team, you can add another 49 Gb of memory to your portal for $49 per month.

3) Teambox

In the words of the developers

teambox is an online project management tool for teams”

How teambox works

In fact, Teambox, first of all, is a platform for active communication between team members. The developers do not hide the fact that when creating the system, they took the style of communication in social networks as an example. As a result, members post information about how things are progressing in their statuses in real time - just like Facebook and Twitter users do - all updates are displayed on the main panel. Teambox allows you to create task lists for each project, see responsible persons and deadlines, and synchronize all data with the calendar.

Despite the fact that the project belongs to American developers, the system is also presented in the Russian-language interface.


WITH free version Teambox You get 50 MB of disk space and the ability to manage 3 projects at the same time. 6 projects and 200 Mb of workspace will cost $12 per month.

4) Task Manager Free from Megaplan

In the words of the developers

“Task Manager Free - it is an easy and convenient online interface for small companies and private entrepreneurs”

How Task Manager Free works

Task Manager from Megaplan allows you to set tasks and combine them into projects, monitor their implementation, see the workload and evaluate the performance of each employee, schedule meetings and meetings with colleagues and clients, and use all the features of corporate mail without leaving the system. A fly in the ointment in this barrel of megahoney is only serious restrictions on the use of the system. Let's say that there can only be 3 people online at the same time in Megaplan.


As the name implies, Task manager free provided absolutely free. The minimum fee for task manager light and his older brother starts from 61 rubles per license.

5) Planfix

In the words of the developers

Planfix is an easy-to-learn and effective business management tool”

How Planfix works

Planfix is ​​another example of how minimalism in project management systems is generally appropriate. A very clear structure has been adopted within the system - Project, united by him Tasks and attached to each Task Action. Each task has a status ( new, in progress, finished and completed), in addition, you can attach the necessary files to each task, set the repeatability and any number of performers.

Some actions in Planfix are available via email: for example, employees can set tasks and conduct correspondence on them without logging into the system. The Analytics and Report sections complete the functionality of the platform, allowing you to objectively assess the current state of affairs on projects.


Planfix is ​​a free tool. The guys shared the motives of their altruism in official blog. No trick.

6) Teamtools

In the words of the developers

Teamtools - Your corporate portal”

How teamtools works

Teamtools for a small team is a functional task manager, where all system participants are divided into authors, performers and co-executors (in addition, there is the possibility of participation “on behalf of”).
Each team member has a personal organizer that displays all his activity: tasks, events, files and contacts.

For each task, you can set the status: draft, not started, in execution, acceptance, completed. With any significant change in the task, the system generates an automatic notification to all interested parties.

The platform comes with 1 Gb of file storage, as well as the ability to view html, xps, doc, docx, xlsx, pdf files and edit doc and html


Teamtools for a small team costs 200 rubles per month, while teamtools for personal use is provided free of charge (with limited functionality)

7) Birdviewproject

In the words of the developers

birdviewproject - collaboration and project management system

How Birdview works

As in most systems for collaboration, here you can set tasks, select performers, group them by projects. One of the differences of the platform is a flexible customization system. For example, it is possible to add your own task fields and even keep track of labor costs and billing. “Bird's-eye view” is the main feature of the system, reflected in the name. In fact, behind this promise lies the possibility of a detailed look (Zoom'a) on current affairs. On the control panel, each project is displayed as a small card (see screenshot) and the higher the detail, the more details about the current state of the project becomes available to your eyes.


Birdviewprojects free plan is for 1 user, 3 projects and 3 clients +100 Mb of workspace. For a small team, the Startup or Team plan for 3 and 10 users may be suitable for $9 and $29 per month, respectively.

How do you designate a document version? Do you have files containing all variants of the word "final" in the name? Well, for example, text_old_final_end(1)_!!!really-final.docx.

It looks a little absurd, but if you follow the documents in your system, you will find quite a few "tailed" names. Especially if the file is being edited by multiple authors. For example, the text of the treaty can be edited almost endlessly, just give it free rein. And as a result, you accumulate a dozen versions, each marked with a growing tail of notes - here are the dates of edits, and the initials of the participants, and the sacramental "final" and "last".

It is clear that this must be dealt with somehow. And bring the work with documents into a system that will be understandable to everyone. The basic requirements for the order are simple:

  1. The markings must be clear to all participants.
  2. All (important) versions of documents should be kept.
  3. Documents should belong to projects, and not lie in a common heap.
  4. Access to documents should be controlled.
  5. It is not necessary, but it is convenient to have tools for collaborating on a document.

We will not discuss offline ways to manage documents. Of course, you can write the rules for naming documents and send Word and Excel files by mail. This will lead to the growth of working folders for each participant in the process, and over time - to constant reconciliation of who is currently editing which dock.

Therefore, let's ascend into the clouds - it is there that the most interesting thing is happening now.

1. Google Drive

Big Brother gives us an almost perfect document management tool.

  1. Google Docs is not just an online document editor, old versions are stored here, you can comment and edit docks "three-handedly".
  2. Google Sheets is both spreadsheets for calculations and good accounting functionality.
  3. Google Drive itself is a dock management tool, you can organize a single structure for storing documents, clearly assign access to each folder.

Pros of Google Drive

  1. They are obvious. This is the cloud, with all its benefits.


  1. The accounting system - folder nesting, file access and a control plate - will have to be created by yourself.
  2. Not everyone is satisfied with the use of such an open platform - after all, this is a whole Google, it indexes everything that moves, and we did not pay it for privacy.

Please note: almost every self-respecting system has integration with Google docs - you will see this further in the review. And this is reasonable - it is more economical to use a working functionality than to spend efforts on creating your own analogue.

However, we want to warn you: it is better to store confidential and commercial information, passwords and other important information where access is more strictly regulated.

2. Trello

Virtual board with a list of tasks and projects. Boards can be called as you like - and visually see the process of completing tasks. You can attach documents to each task: from a computer, Google Drive, Dropbox, etc. Interestingly, in Trello Business Class, you can attach not only documents, but also GitHub pull requests, Slack conversations, and leads from Salesforce. For collaboration, you can use the Trello + Google Docs bundle: attach Google Docs files that can be opened on disk and edited there - leave new comments, etc.

Advantages of the solution:

  1. Trello is a very easy system to learn. In an hour, people who have never used such solutions are able to deal with it.
  2. Tasks and the process of their implementation are clearly visible, as on a cork board. The design is comfortable and modern, nothing more.


  1. There is no document collaboration tool. Those. you either use Google Docs or everyone uploads their own version. Yes, all documents will be collected in one task anyway, and you won't lose anything. But if you need more serious automation, then Trello is not the best option.
  2. If there are really many projects and tasks, Trello can be confusing due to the peculiarities of the structure. Constantly switching between boards is not very convenient.


Online project management system with the ability to record finances. In each task, you can add different types of files - and then edit them again with the help of Google. Or download and re-upload.


For each file, you can make a description, select labels (for example, need review, urgent!, etc.), restrict access - i.e. make the file visible only to certain users. If you create a task or comment with limited visibility, not for everyone, then the files attached there automatically receive the same privacy settings.

All project files can be sorted according to different criteria: type, date, tasks, size, name. You can view only files that relate to outstanding tasks, or you can view all.

You can also delete, download, assign tags to a group of files by simply highlighting them in a section.

New versions of documents can be uploaded to the old ones - just hover over the old file and click on the icon to the left of it. The new document will load and take the top position in the list. In this case, the old version will also be preserved.


The feature of the solution is that in the advanced tariff you can connect your own FTP storage. Then there will be no limits on downloading files at all.

Advantages of the solution:

  1. Worksection is a modern system with extensive project and file management capabilities. In fact, all the functionality for convenient collaboration is available to you.
  2. Separately, I note the calculation of costs - if you determine the cost of an hour of work of a specialist, you can see the cost of each individual task.
  3. Convenient interface, the ability to set a deadline for the entire project, not only for tasks. Clearly visible% of the time spent, comfortable to control.


  1. In the free version, you only have 2 active projects and 50 MB of disk space for files. 10 GB is already included in the corporate plan, priced at $49 per month. At the same time, there is also a limit on active projects - 50 pieces. It seems to us that even for an average company, 50 projects and 10 GB is not enough. Premium costs $99, but even there active projects are limited to 100.

4. Megaplan

Megaplan has a separate "Documents" module, which allows you to store files with different levels of nesting. For each document, you can set visibility - open access only to certain employees.

When editing a new version of the file, it is permissible to load the old one as a version. Employees can subscribe to notifications about the download of a new version - by mail, SMS, in the informer line, each defines it himself in the settings.


Text documents can be created directly in Megaplan. But it will also be possible to view and edit them only in Megaplan, you cannot download them in any other format.

The program also provides templates for standard documents.


Advantages of Megaplan:

  1. Convenient and fairly simple interface.
  2. Opportunities for free work for 10 users, including work with documents.

Cons of Megaplan:

  1. There is no full-fledged opportunity to create different types of documents directly in the system.
  2. The cost of the tariff for only 10 users is quite high - about $ 250 for "all inclusive".

5. Bitrix24

This is a complete solution with a CRM system for business, where all the possibilities for sharing and editing documents are well thought out. You can attach files to each task and comment - from a computer or from any disk storage, as well as immediately create new files in Google Docs or Microsoft Office Online.

Online document co-authoring is available at . If you are editing an uploaded document through Google Docs, you can attach it to a comment and a line will appear stating that the user has uploaded a new version of the document. Smart search is implemented in Bitrix24 - it is easy to search for all documents by name or project, hints are displayed.

Files related to each project can be sorted by date, by name, by size. Privacy is also set according to the settings of the project folder where the document is stored. You can prevent editing by everyone except the author of the issue.

Chip Bitrix24 - a catalog of applications. For example, you can install "Document Designer" for free, which helps you create standard files in .docx, .pdf formats. Templates are easy to edit, they can be sent by e-mail, keep a log of saved documents.

In Bitrix24, a link to a document is attached to each task, which users can jointly edit, comment on and discuss within the task. The easiest way is to store documents on the system drive. If for some reason you are not satisfied with Bitrix24.Disk, you can use any other cloud storage instead. But this is not convenient for everyone and not always.

Advantages of Bitrix24

  1. Almost all features (except for blocking documents and disabling public links to them) are available in the free version of the comprehensive solution. 5 GB of cloud storage is also available. And for $199 (top plan) you get unlimited volume. Plus savings on licensed office programs.
  2. Large selection of applications to optimize the work with documents.
  3. Document version support and new download notifications.
  4. Wide functionality - in one solution you get everything you need for electronic document management.

Cons of the solution:

  1. A file's privacy settings are set through the group or task to which it is associated, a file cannot be made visible or invisible to certain users by simply marking it.
  2. There is no function to add a short description to the file.

Summing up

If you have few projects and participants, and the document requirements are not too complicated, you can choose the simplest solution - for example, Trello and the like. For simple work with tasks, this is quite enough - everyone attaches the necessary files and replaces them if necessary.

When it comes to full-fledged collaboration and online coordination, you need to consider complex solutions - such as similar control systems. All their capabilities must be analyzed and compared, and then selected based on the functionality that you need.

And a couple of tips - which will come in handy when working in any system:

  • Even if you're using a complex system that "organizes everything by itself", make sure that documents and tasks are named according to the same rules. This will make it easier to navigate through projects.
  • Share access - working documents should be stored in internal groups, and the client should be given a blank document without comments and edits.
  • life hack: If you are using Word in edit mode, don't forget to go to Review before submitting the file and accept all corrections. Otherwise, the client may notice how you changed the terms or price several times.

Perhaps a significant part of your work and projects is done online. But it can be difficult for you and your boss to prioritize tasks according to their importance. Hence the need for managers to use various online collaboration applications. Moreover, this is when they have to resort to the help of job management tools.

Online collaboration tools help your managers, your team, and yourself stay up to date on project progress, which can change and you may not always be able to keep track of. If there are a lot of project management instructions, if they are updated and corrected, like the project itself, then all these updates are immediately displayed in the control panel. Here is an overview of 10 collaboration apps that you can use as a project manager.

1. Taking notes: Producteev

Do you need to track the progress of tasks, and at the same time "gather in a circle" your team members? Try Producteev in action. Producteev is a social task management platform that allows you to notify several people at once about important aspects of performing current tasks. Producteev allows you to manage as many projects as you like, and provide details and progress updates to as many groups and individuals as you choose to list.

2. Virtual work environment: Podio

Social media collaboration tools like Podio allow you to create a "corner" on your online platform to connect with your co-workers. Share working materials with those who are allowed access to them. Discuss business and not only with members of your team here, as in a regular office, with the only difference being that it operates online. Optimum service for numerous work teams.

3. Conference session: Conceptboard

Conceptboard is an easy-to-use centralized live messaging platform that allows you to share information with a team of employees by posting it to a shared whiteboard. Live chat sessions open to all conference participants the areas of the "board" currently being viewed by others. The optimal service for virtual managers and team members who cannot attend work meetings or conferences in person.

4. Selective Teamwork: Basecamp

Basecamp gives the user the ability to choose which of the team members to open access to view the details of specific projects, and to whom to close. A convenient way for everyone to coordinate the progress of projects through file access control, an invitation to participate in extended discussions, and many other tricks. Basecamp is the optimal application for managers who want to hide certain information and files from some employees, provide selective access to them.

6. Ease of Use: Google Apps for Enterprise

Google Apps is probably one of the most used by you and your manager. Its ease of use allows even small teams to use it without any difficulties. Google Apps allows you to store files, share them, design project sites and templates. The service gives you the opportunity to share projects generated by you and your team for professional and personal purposes.

[Service free to use]

7. Issue Tracking: Goplan

Goplan allows you not only to plan the progress of projects, organize tasks and files in one place, but also track problems that arise when using your account, generate requests for their elimination. The best service for teams using collaboration management tools. The application provides quick consideration of customer requests through the system of sending requests, thereby increasing the level of service - and when the client is satisfied, he does not leave you. Goplan also allows your managers to track the history of customer complaints that your team has had to resolve.

9. Business expansion: Worketc

If you are a small business owner but want to take your business to the next level, then you should consider using Worketc. The service provides a preview of the conditions for transferring a business from the category of small to medium and large. It contains a platform for project management and interaction with clients, supports a system for issuing invoices and processing sales. Support for the invoicing and sales process gives your managers and employees the ability to easily use additional customizable tools to promote content in the market.

[free use]

10. Crown of business: ProWork Flow

Using basic social media marketing services is sometimes not enough to successfully distribute the workload within your team. If you have a large team under your supervision and the amount of work you have is also large, then ProWork Flow with its new generation functionality will come in handy. The application will help you track the progress and update the data of several projects of several employees at once - simultaneously and in one place. Other features of the service include displaying the team's workload for easy viewing in the dashboard, as well as a timeline and timesheet that make time tracking a breeze.

[free use]

a list of web applications that will help organize the work of teams of remote collaboration and collaboration on projects and documents.

Google Docs deserves credit for bringing the ideas of collaboration to the masses. This service includes a web calendar, documents, spreadsheets, drawings, and presentations that allow all team members to edit the same file at the same time.

Freemium versions- in stock

Limited by free space Gmail or Google Apps + paid packages

Onehub is a web application that provides everything you need to easily and securely share and collaborate on files online. The service allows you to share large files and videos, have access to shared calendars, task lists and team discussions.

Freemium versions- in stock

Free allocated space- 1 GB

Real Time Collaboration- Yes

Unlimited Users- Yes

Socialcast is a powerful tool for improving business performance. It is a collaborative microblogging platform that connects your company's people, data, and applications in real time.

Freemium versions- in stock

Free allocated space- not indicated

Real Time Collaboration- Yes

Unlimited Users- No

Despite its name Central Desktop (Central Desktop), the service is not a full-fledged operating system in the cloud. The Central Desktop platform is based on a cloud-based social service. The service improves the way people communicate and share information to achieve business success. Central Desktop gives you the ability to manage projects, teams and documents with one powerful and secure application that works both inside and outside the firewall.

Freemium versions- in stock

Free allocated space- 1 GB

Real Time Collaboration- Yes

Unlimited Users- No

WizeHive is a collaboration platform that allows groups of people to talk, share notes, tasks, calendars, files, and other information in a secure, private work environment. Information can be posted both when working with the WizeHive website, and using e-mail, Twitter or mobile devices.

Freemium versions- in stock

Free allocated space- 3 GB

Real Time Collaboration- Yes

Unlimited Users- not indicated

Feng Office allows companies to manage project tasks, billing, documents, communicate with colleagues, clients and suppliers, schedule appointments and events, and share any kind of electronic information. Managers and leaders can get a clear picture of the status of projects and customer service by posting documents on the site and discussing them together.

Freemium versions

Free allocated space- not limited

Real Time Collaboration- Yes

Unlimited Users- Yes

ProjectPier is a free and open source web application for managing tasks, projects and teams through an intuitive web interface. It can be downloaded for free and installed on your own web server. ProjectPier helps people in your organization communicate, collaborate, and get things done. The service performs the same tasks as other project management products, but it is more free and scalable through its own hosting.

Freemium versions- free version available when hosted on your own server.

Free allocated space- not limited

Real Time Collaboration- Yes

Unlimited Users- Yes