Blind Gurtskaya was publicly exposed by her husband. Everyone is shocked! Gurtskaya

Diana: At first I was embarrassed by Petya - so serious, smart ... And suddenly he began to call me. I tried to immediately “translate arrows”: “Would you like to call Robert?” And she called her brother. But once Petya could not stand it and said: “When I need Robert, I will call him, but now ...” From that moment we began to talk on the phone for an hour, two at a time. I was very excited by these conversations, but I forced myself to think of him only as a wonderful friend. I swear, I was afraid to even think about love. As I say, I'm a realist. And she perfectly understood that it was one thing to see me on stage, at home, and quite another to live constantly with a blind person ... Therefore, she kept telling herself only about friendship. But you can't fool your heart. When I saw him, I was worried, blushed, I wanted to cry and laugh at the same time ...

Peter: Until one Easter, I seriously put Diana on the couch and said that "we need to consider our relationship from a new angle." All the relatives at that moment disappeared into the kitchen so as not to disturb us. And Diana was embarrassed, giggling.

Diana: When Petya said about the “new angle”, I also decided to show my cards. I gave him several cassettes with sentimental films, such as "Dancing in the Dark", and also Nodar Dumbadze's book "I See the Sun". Petya, in response, opened Korolenko's story "The Blind Musician" and read it to me with such feeling that everything turned upside down in my soul. And having read to the end, he said: "Enough books and films for us, the topic is closed." When, a few days later, Petya went on a business trip for a month, I realized how much I miss him. And she admitted to herself that she “fell in love” with this person very much ... But when he returned, Peter already directly asked: “Will you marry me?” - I still didn’t give a direct answer, I flirted with all my might, although in my heart I thought: “Do you really, so kind and smart, doubt it ?!” Then, on Valentine's Day, Petya gave me a diamond ring, and our future with him was determined ... Six months later, in September 2005, we got married. Of course, work, career, applause, it's all wonderful. But much more important than this is the confidence that your loved one is next to you, your support, with whom you fall asleep and wake up together ... I am especially pleased that Peter's family received me wonderfully. And I love them all very much. I call Petya's parents mom and dad, and I perceive his sisters as my own.

- Peter, didn't Diana's dark glasses embarrass your relatives?

For me and my loved ones, Diana is an ordinary, normal person. The fact that a blind person cannot live a full life is a stereotype of our society. In other civilized countries the situation is completely different. I do not perceive my wife as a woman who must live in a special space, fenced off from the world and its problems. You can be an absolutely healthy person, but at the same time completely flawed and limited. Yes, Diana has dark glasses. So what? No need to stick them out and no need to be shy, this is part of her life. The main thing is that, despite them, she achieved a lot. This is her great personal, strong-willed merit, plus, of course, the help of her family. But, you see, you need to have colossal courage to compete with sighted people ... In general, for me, the topic of Diana's blindness simply does not exist. And there is a beloved woman who will soon give birth to my son or daughter. When I was previously shown photos of other people's children, I did not understand parental tenderness. But when he himself saw a small dot on the ultrasound - our child, he felt complicity in a great miracle.

- Diana, will your child have vision problems?

Thank God, the baby with eyes will be fine. When Petya and I got married, as expected, we went through all possible examinations. Besides, I believe in myself and in God. By the way, our baby is so smart and active that the ultrasound does not even allow us to consider who we should expect - a boy or a girl. But my intuition tells me that there will be a son. So that's great. And then we'll have a daughter. We are young, healthy people, we have a place to live, we have something to feed our children. So we have everything ahead ... When we got married, I immediately thought about the child. But I had to wait a year. And when it happened, I couldn't believe my luck. I remember asking Petya to look at a pregnancy test, and he said: "The result is positive." And I screamed in hysterics: “No, it can’t be!” He was surprised: "Yes, here it is - two stripes." And my hands and feet are cold, laughter and tears at the same time. And only then I was able to believe that it happened. By the way, my joy turned out to be “contagious”: my daughter-in-law Natalya, the wife of my brother Robert, immediately became pregnant. He got married recently, and before that he kept saying: “He worked, he worked, but there was still no time to have children.” And then, as ordered, he will have a child! So Natasha and I go to the doctors together and it seems that we will give birth in one week.

Photo: Yury Feklistov

- How do you carry the pregnancy?

Normal, although you have to monitor the weight and cope with toxicosis. Unlike my husband, who eats right, I love everything “harmful” - adjika, spicy salads, barbecue. It may not be healthy, but it is so tasty - life itself is felt in such dishes. On the other hand, I eat little - because I'm picky, and besides, I don't sit down at the table after six in the evening. I always had to limit myself in food, because I am small in stature, and if I put on weight, it will be immediately noticeable, and the scene requires beauty. Now I am already in my fifth month, and I weigh, as before pregnancy, 48 kilograms. But now for me weight is not the main thing, the main thing is the health of the child.

Destroyed Tbilisi (1992), there is a civil war. Fires are lit in the city to keep warm and eat hot food.

Light is given for 2 hours a day. All residents of the city eagerly swallow frightening information about new destruction and death of loved ones.

The birth of a star

And in this gloomy, ruined city, the strong voice of a small blind 10-year-old girl sounded, which did not leave a single person indifferent. In one day, all of Georgia found out about her and fell in love with her forever. So the singer Diana Gurtskaya appeared, whose biography until that moment had not been strewn with roses.

In 1995, the girl made her debut on the big stage in Yalta and blew up the hall with her extraordinary voice and touching manner of performance. Diana Gurtskaya was the last child in the family of a miner from Western Georgia. Her mother died when she was very young, and her older brothers and sister took care of the blind girl. This was followed by a boarding school for blind children, where Diana yearned for her family and sang her mother's constantly favorite works. The girl, blind from birth, had absolute pitch, a stunning "non-childish" voice, music was her guiding star from an early age. People around could listen to her for hours. When Diana was sent to a music school for vocals, she persuaded her teacher to teach her

Carier start

The arrival in Yalta was a turning point in the career of an aspiring singer, and a few years later she moved to Moscow. Her older brother Robert continued to take care of his sister, surrounded her with love and care, and then became her producer.

Fate favored Diana from the very beginning, as if compensating for the lack of vision. The girl harmoniously joined the ranks of Russian show business, and the concerts followed one after another. Filming was added to them, which was terribly tiring, but Diana Gurtskaya is not from a timid dozen. No matter how exhausted she was, everything that the director said was the law, and she laid out one hundred percent.

Love will come unexpectedly

2002 was a fateful year in Diana's life. She first met her future husband, Siberian Peter Kucherenko. At first it was a business cooperation, which grew into friendship, and then into love. However, Diana turned out to be a capricious girl and answered the young man ambiguously to the marriage proposal. The girl promised that if he gets her a star from the sky, she will think. Peter turned out to be a romantic person, for whom the desire of his beloved is the law. And then, at the next fashionable get-together, the DJ suddenly turned off the music and announced a new star, discovered by astronomers and named after Diana. The audience applauded the girl, blushing with happiness, and the groom presented her with a huge bouquet, picked her up in her arms and whirled around the dance floor. Needless to say, the wedding was just around the corner. A chic celebration, as befits a star and a beautiful girl!

March of Mendelssohn

The bride was very spectacular in a stunning dress embroidered with pearls and stones, over which the famous fashion designer Yudashkin conjured for a whole month.

The young looked very happy that day. After all, the celebration was a success. Diana's husband still supports his beloved in everything, he treats her like a fragile antique vase, blows off dust particles. Diana Gurtskaya has an explosive character and sometimes throws him scenes of jealousy. For a long time, then he pouts at him. However, her jealousy has no basis, her husband adores her and never cheats.

The long-awaited son

Almost two years passed after the marriage, and Diana, who passionately dreamed of having a baby, could not get pregnant. She tried on herself almost all types of treatment and even alternative medicine. And on June 29, 2007, a boy was born - the long-awaited son. It seemed that the happiness of young parents knew no bounds. The birth of a son rallied the spouses even more, and they took up the pleasant chores of raising the baby. Diana turned out to be a "crazy mother" who blows dust off her adored child, and sometimes Peter is forced to stop her. Otherwise, she is capable of madness to her own detriment.

Of course, the family has a nanny, because the singer has a very strict tour and concert schedule, but she devotes every free minute to her son. The couple decided not to explain to the baby that his mother did not see, and let the matter take its course. When the child of Diana Gurtskaya grew up, he saw how everyone around him took care of his mother, said that he would always try to help her.

Parents breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that the child is aware of everything and understands the situation correctly. At the family council, Diana Gurtskaya and her husband decided as an ordinary average baby. His parents sent him to a kindergarten, and then to a regular school. Why did they make this choice? Diana believes that he will go through the compulsory school of life there, will not consider himself special just because his mother is such a famous singer. The calculation turned out to be correct, and the son of Diana Gurtskaya grows up as a smart, calm, obedient child and makes great strides in his studies.

family tragedy

In June 2009, a terrible tragedy occurred in the family of Diana Gurtskaya. In Moscow, her brother Eduard was beaten to death by law enforcement officers. He was hospitalized with life-threatening injuries and died from beatings in the hospital. As it turned out, Eduard was stopped by policemen on the street and taken to the police station, where he was abused and beaten for several hours. The tragedy of Diana Gurtskaya did not leave the public indifferent. Many journalists and politicians demanded the speedy disclosure of the egregious crime, but the case stalled. This was a terrible blow for Diana, who simply adored her brother. It took her a long time to recover from the shock.

Diana Gurtskaya, whose biography is filled with both bitter and happy moments, continues to lead an active life. Huge loads seem to add strength to her, and she is always eager to fight. Since 2009, she has become an honorary person involved in the popularization of the Paralympic Games. Diana has made great efforts to help athletes receive decent service at the Sochi Olympics 2014. Gurtskaya often comes to her homeland in Georgia, where she gives solo concerts and collects huge halls. People remember her and love her for her poignant first song, which became a guiding star at that difficult time for the country.

This Sunday, fans of the singer Diana Gurtskaya were able to visit her, thanks to the family program "When everyone is at home" and its host Timur Kizyakov. At the table in the spacious living room, her relatives gathered together with the artist: husband Pyotr Kucherenko, professor, Doctor of Law, their son Kostya, as well as the singer's brother and manager Roman with his wife Natalya and heir Sandro.

During the conversation, the 10-year-old son of Diana Gurtskaya made an unexpected statement. The boy said that he was too overloaded with all sorts of additional activities, from which he was very tired. In addition to school, Kostya goes to tennis, music and dancing. “Is this all you chose?” Timur Kizyakov asked him.

“No, it's all about who chooses,” Kostya nodded his head in the direction of Kostya's parents. And then he continued to complain about his star mom and dad, who gave him such a hard life.

“Recently, they also added English tutors to me. And everything else, - the boy sighed. - Every time I come home and say: when will it all end? Give me a good rest!"

According to the heir to Diana Gurtskaya, from this extensive list of activities he would choose only one thing - tennis. It is this sport that really captivates the boy.

“Before, I wanted to choose a profession, like my dad. But after I went to tennis, I changed my mind, ”said Kostya.

Beloved men of Diana Gurtskaya shared how touchingly they take care of her at home. Kostya, still quite a baby, realized that his mother was blind, and was trying to help her. A boy from early childhood is taught not to scatter things around the house. All passages in Diana Gurtskaya's apartment are freed, the husband and son know that a chair or some other obstacle should not appear on her way. Pyotr Kucherenko admitted that his wife is very irritated by wet sinks, so he carefully wipes everything after himself.

Despite the fact that the 10-year-old son of Diana Gurtskaya is not happy with the fact that he has too much to do, the boy and his parents have developed a very trusting relationship. Diana and Kostya have no secrets from each other. The boy shares the most intimate with his mother and talks about his experiences. The vocalist admitted that she subtly captures the mood of her son and tries to delve into everything that her heir is interested in.

She never appears in public without sunglasses. But they are for a 35 year old Diana Gurtskaya is not just an accessory. Behind dark glasses, the singer carefully hides her eyes. Why? Diana herself does not like to talk about this.

“Sunglasses are part of my life,” she only states.

“I was shocked when I found out the truth about myself”

But now the secret that these glasses have been hiding for 19 years has been revealed! The secret was revealed by a random camera flash. Journalists met Diana Gurtskaya at a fashion show. At some point, the light turned out to be so bright that through the dark glasses the eyes of the star became visible: large, with long eyelashes and ... so sad! True, the look was very defocused. So it is immediately clear that these are the eyes of a blind person.

“I haven’t been able to see since I was born,” Diana Gurtskaya says. “Although, if I could return the color perception that I had before my mother’s death, I would not have asked for more ... Parents did not immediately understand the problem. The first month did not notice anything. But then my mother was embarrassed that I did not react to her movements. She told dad.

And the parents decided to take their daughter to the doctors. So it turned out that the girl was blind.

“Of course, mom and dad were very worried,” Diana sighs. — I was taken to the best ophthalmologists. But they, all as one, kept repeating: “She won’t be able to see!”

At the same time, the child himself did not even ... suspect about his illness.

“My parents didn’t dare to talk to me about this for a long time,” the artist recalls. “So I thought that everyone lives in the same darkness that surrounds me. I grew up like all ordinary children: I ran, played, played pranks, fell, of course, broke my elbows and knees. But mother's kisses removed any pain.

However, with age, questions began to appear.

“Friends were talking about some paints, and it seemed to me that they had the same perception as mine,” Diana continues. - When I was six years old, all the same age began to prepare for school. I also really wanted to go there. But on September 1, she stayed at home. I didn't understand why. And pestered my mother with questions.

In the end, the woman had to tell that her daughter was not like everyone else.

“Of course, there was a shock when I found out the whole truth about myself,” Gurtskaya sighs. But my life hasn't really changed. Everything was as before. At the age of seven, Diana went to Tbilisi to study at a boarding school for blind children. The girl also managed to finish music school, memorizing notes by ear. And in 1995, 17-year-old Diana Gurtskaya became the winner of the Yalta - Moscow - Transit competition, where she was noticed by the famous composer and singer Igor Nikolaev. It was he who helped the girl get on the big stage.

The young singer in dark glasses with an unusually beautiful voice penetrating the heart, immediately fell in love with the audience. People so wanted to help the "poor blind girl"! One man even offered to give her his… eyes. Of course, Diana refused. Medicine is not yet capable of such a transplant. But Gurtskaya nevertheless made an attempt to see the world in colors.

In 2003, during a tour in Ufa, she was persuaded to come to her center by ophthalmologist Ernst Muldashev. He gave Gurtskaya great hope. He said that the nerve is alive, which means that Diana will be able to see!

The singer was operated on in the clinic. To the left and to the right, Muldashev was giving interviews that the vision for the star was about to return. But the miracle did not happen, although the doctor was famously promoted. Gurtskaya, on the other hand, was recovering from anesthesia for more than a year, was endlessly ill and lost 15 kilograms!

What if the baby will also live in darkness?

Alas, Diana was left blind. But this did not prevent her from finding her female happiness. In 2005, the star married lawyer Pyotr Kucherenko. And a year later she got pregnant.

- It was such a blessing! Diana recalls.

In fact, she was very worried about the eyes of her unborn child. What if the baby will also live in darkness? Therefore, the first thing, as soon as the boy was born, Gurtskaya asked the doctors if everything was in order with his vision?

Fortunately, all is well. Kostya is already six years old. He is the main mother's assistant. And one of the few who sees her without glasses.

- My mom is very good! he says.

We know. And Diana is in vain embarrassed to show her eyes. After all, they are amazingly beautiful!


Not everyone will be able to decide to use their talent to succeed, especially if you are not like everyone else. Diana Gurtskaya breaks the stereotype that if you have limited opportunities, then you are significantly inferior to other, healthy people. This singer not only managed to get more than one education, learn to play the piano, being blind, but also won the hearts of millions of listeners in many countries of the post-Soviet space.

Persistence, diligence and self-confidence helped Diana Gurtskaya achieve great success.

There is a simple pattern: if you are a celebrity, then you are on everyone's lips and in sight, which means that everything is discussed, including height, weight, age. How old Diana Gurtskaya is is not a secret, as well as her parameters. The singer's height is 1m 68 cm, weight - 62 kg. In the summer of 2018, she will turn 40 years old.

Blindness does not prevent Diana Gurtskaya from taking care of herself, her weight and appearance. She is always slim, well-groomed and never goes out without makeup. Photos depicting Diana Gurtskaya are very popular. Photos in her youth and now the singers practically do not differ, and this is amazing.

Biography and personal life 👉 Diana Gurtskaya

The biography and personal life of Diana Gurtskaya is not just a short story about a blind girl who constantly needs care, it is something exciting and impressive.

The singer was born in a Georgian family on July 2, 1978. The singer has a large family: the father of Diana Gurtskaya is Guda Gurtskaya, a miner, her mother is Zaira Gurtskaya, a school teacher, her brother is Dzhambul Gurtskaya, her brother is Robert Gurtskaya, and her sister is Eliso Gurtskaya.

The fact that Diana was born blind, the parents did not immediately find out, only after a small incident, when they went to the hospital, congenital blindness was discovered. Everyone was dumbfounded, but no one was going to change their attitude towards little Diana, but on the contrary, they did everything to make her feel the same as the rest of the children. She was not spared more than the others, she also received punishments for pranks.

At the age of seven, her parents decided to send Diana to study at a boarding school for blind children in the city of Tbilisi. At that moment, the girl was completely confused, because she had never parted with her parents before. She missed her family very much, but her mother always encouraged and insisted on Diana's education, which she could not get in her hometown. Diana came home for the holidays, but this, of course, was not enough. Then, she found a hobby that could distract her a little from homesickness. She began to study vocals with a teacher, and later, in parallel, study at a music school. It was hard, because there was no special music education for the blind. As the singer admitted later, music became her salvation.

It turned out, despite the lack of vision, the girl has excellent hearing and voice. Already at the age of 10, Diana Gurtskaya first appeared on the stage of the Philharmonic.

In 1995, Diana participates in an international song festival, judged by well-known and respected Russian performers such as Igor Krutoy, Lolita, Igor Nikolaev. The latter was so touched by her voice and song that he offered her cooperation, which Gurtskaya naturally accepted.

Thanks to this fateful meeting, Diana Gurtskaya began to gain popularity. Having moved to the capital, the girl enters the Gnessin School, and also studies stage skills at GITIS.

One of the first compositions that became popular was Igor Nikolaev's song "You are here." It turned out that while performing it, Gurtskaya experienced the incredible pain of loss (the death of her mother).

Soon, the singer releases an album, and even later, becomes famous, touring with world-famous singers.

The singer did not like to talk about her personal life. It is known that lawyer Pyotr Kucherenko became her chosen one and husband.

Family and children 👉 Diana Gurtskaya

In addition to the repertoire, fans of the singer's work were also interested in the family and children of Diana Gurtskaya.

The personal life of Diana Gurtskaya for the first time began to be discussed since it became known that Peter Kucherenko was courting the singer. At first, young people were connected only by business relations, because Pyotr Kucherenko at that time was already a successful lawyer. But to win the girl's heart, he had to work hard. As it turned out, Diana did not immediately agree to Peter's marriage proposal.

In September 2005, Diana Gurtskaya and Petr Kucherenko got married. In 2007, they became the happy parents of their son Kostya.

Son 👉 Diana Gurtskaya - Kostya

The first and only son of Diana Gurtskaya, Kostya, was born in 2007.

After the telecast "So far, everyone is at home" with Timur Kizyakov, Gurtskaya's son showed dissatisfaction with too much workload and lack of free time for banal children's games. As it turned out, Kostya is engaged in dancing, music, tennis, and now, his parents decided to further improve his knowledge of the English language.

As for the future, Kostya initially dreamed of becoming a lawyer, like his father, but when he started playing tennis, he decided to become a professional tennis athlete.

Husband 👉 Diana Gurtskaya - Peter Kucherenko

The singer met her future husband thanks to Irina Khakamada in 2002. Then Diana Gurtskaya used the services of a successful lawyer, Pyotr Kucherenko. A year later, they appeared before the public as a couple.

It is known that Peter courted Diana for a long time. Well, when he proposed to her, she expected some unpredictable actions from her lover. As a result, Peter named one of the open stars after his beloved. This is a very touching and romantic act, which the singer appreciated.

Today, for 18 years, the first and only husband of Diana Gurtskaya is Pyotr Kucherenko. The son of the spouses is very similar to his father.

Diana Gurtskaya 👉 photo without glasses with open eyes

Diana Gurtskaya always appears in public only in tinted glasses. This is understandable, because her eyes, especially when open, do not look very attractive. Recall that the singer has congenital blindness, so she never saw those colors of life that are available to all sighted people.

Many onlookers are interested in how Diana Gurtskaya looks without glasses. Photos without glasses with open eyes are only from the family archive, when the singer was still a child. The rest of the photos on the network with the participation of the singer only in glasses.

In 2014, Diana Gurtskaya starred in a video without glasses, but with her eyes covered or lowered.

Instagram and Wikipedia 👉 Diana Gurtskaya

Are there Instagram and Wikipedia Diana Gurtskaya? Yes, she is on Instagram, but she apparently registered there recently, plus she uploads photos that she took herself, in most cases they are unsuccessful and blurry. In the popular social network, the singer's account contains 1853 subscribers.

Joint photographs from a vacation in Bali not so long ago were posted on the network by Gurtskaya's husband. Judging by the photo, they are happy.

Wikipedia also contains information about the Russian and Georgian singer Diana Gurtskaya. There is information about the singer's repertoire and her awards.