Engineering projects of Leonardo da Vinci. leonardo da vinci project

Municipal budgetary educational institution
"Secondary school No. 1 with in-depth study of individual
Research project:
"Leonardo da Vinci.
Human epoch. Mystery Man"
Danilova Katya
3rd grade student "A"
class teacher
Dolgopolova Raisa Grigorievna,

The life path of Leonardo da Vinci. The paintings of the artist
Inventions of Leonardo da Vinci
III. Literary creativity of Leonardo: riddles, parables

In the lessons of fine arts and the world around us, we often
get acquainted with the paintings of Russian and foreign artists. I wanted
learn more about the life and work of the man who wrote the famous
all over the world painting "La Gioconda"
The topic of my research: "Leonardo da Vinci. Man of the era. Man
Relevance: It is no secret that in our time few people are interested in
paintings and works of old artists. Therefore, with my work, I wanted
to learn as much as possible about them and of course to interest others by example
the great artist Leonardo da Vinci.
Purpose: acquaintance with the multifaceted talent of Leonardo da Vinci.
Objectives: to get acquainted with the life and work of Leonardo da Vinci, his
paintings, inventions, literary creation.
Object of study: the artistic culture of the Renaissance (this

Subject of study: the work of the artist.
Hypothesis: what is the genius of Leonardo da Vinci?
Research plan: Read about the life of the artist, his creative growth,
look at pictures;
read riddles, parables written by Leonardo da Vinci;
inventions of Leonardo da Vinci.
Research methods: reading books, articles; search for information on the Internet,

Main part
1.1 Life path of Leonardo da Vinci. Artist's paintings.
Painter, sculptor, architect, engineer, scientist, all this is Leonardo, yes
Vinci. Leonardo da Vinci is great, mysterious, attractive. Such
distant and so modern. Like a rainbow, bright, mosaic, colorful
master's fate. His life is full of wanderings, meetings with amazing people,
events. How much has been written about him, how much has been published, but will never be

illegitimate son of a notary and a local peasant woman Katerina.
His parents were 25-year-old notary Piero and his beloved, a peasant woman
Katerina. Leonardo spent the first years of his life with his mother. His father
soon married a rich and noble girl, but this marriage turned out to be childless,
and Pierrot took his three-year-old son to be raised. Separated from mother
Leonardo tried all his life to recreate her image in his masterpieces. in Italy
of that time, illegitimate children were treated almost as legitimate
heirs. Many influential people of the city of Vinci took part in
further fate of Leonardo. When Leonardo was 13, his stepmother died.
during childbirth. The father remarried - and again soon became a widower. He
lived 78 years, was married four times and had 12 children. The father tried to bring
Leonardo to the family profession, but to no avail: the son was not interested in the laws

In 1467, at the age of 15, Leonardo became an apprentice to the famous
Florentine painter and sculptor Andreadel Verrocchio. Here he is
mastered the humanities, chemistry, drawing, metallurgy. Actively
the apprentice was engaged in sculpture, drawing, modeling. After 5 years
he receives the title of master of painting and paints his first picture
Leonardo possessed remarkable strength and could effortlessly tie a horseshoe into a knot. He
skillfully played the harp, sang and was very courteous. He possessed
irresistible appearance. Contemporaries, looking at his flowing golden
chestnut curls, exclaimed: "his incomparable splendor
of extraordinary beauty, bestows serenity on every sad soul."
At the same time, he had an amazing sense of humor and even in his mature
age could selflessly laugh and joke. Based in the Vatican,
Belvedere Palace, he began to tell everyone that a real
the Dragon. It was a lizard, to which he skillfully attached horns, a beard and wings.
In 1481, Leonardo received the first large commission for an altarpiece.
"Adoration of the Magi" for a nearby monastery
Leonardo had many friends and students.
He was not married.
He had his own workshop in Florence from 1476-1481.
In 1481, da Vinci completed the first large order in his life -
altar image "The Adoration of the Magi" for the monastery, located
near Florence.
In 1482, Leonardo, being, according to Vasari, a very talented musician,
created a silver lyre in the shape of a horse's head.
1482 - Leonardo da Vinci moves from Florence to Milan.
Duke Lodovico Sforza, ruler of Milan, orders a fresco from Leonardo
"The Last Supper" for the monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie.

1499 The French invading Milan overthrew Sforza, and Leonardo
returns to Florence.
1503. Leonardo begins work on a portrait ("Mona Lisa"), which
will become one of the most famous paintings in the history of painting.
Madonna became the embodiment of the Renaissance ideal of perfection, beauty,
spirituality. The word "Madonna" in translation means "My lady".
Before you are paintings: "Madonna Benois", "Madonna Lita", "Madonna with a pomegranate",
"Madonna", "Madonna in the Rocks", "Madonna with a Carnation", "Annunciation".
The quality of the picture is impressive, everything is brought together at the highest level.
achievements of the Renaissance. Here the landscape is subtly combined with the portrait,
the gaze is directed at the viewer, the famous “counterposto” pose, pyramidal
composition ... The technique itself is admirable: each of the thinnest layers
superimposed on another only after the previous one dries. Reception
"sfumato" Leonardo achieved a melting image of objects, with a brush he conveyed
outlines of air, resurrected the play of light and shadow. This is the main value
da Vinci's Mona Lisa.
Mona Lisa or Gioconda painting by the great artist Leonardo da
Vinci is the most mysterious work of art to date.
day. So many mysteries and secrets are associated with him that even the most experienced
art historians sometimes do not know what is actually painted on this
picture. Who is Gioconda what goals did da Vinci pursue when he created
is this a canvas? If you believe all the same biographers, Leonardo, at a time when
painted this picture kept various musicians and jesters around him,
which entertained the model and created a special atmosphere, so the canvas
turned out to be so exquisite and unlike all other creations of this
One of the mysteries is that under ultraviolet and infrared
radiation, this picture looks completely different. The original Mona Lisa
dug up under a layer of paint using a special camera,

different from what visitors now see in the museum. She was more
broad-faced, more accentuated smile and different eyes. The greatness of the picture
which is transmitted to the viewer, is also the result of the fact that at first
the artist painted the landscape and on top of it the model itself. As a result (was
so conceived or it happened by chance, it is unknown) the figure of the Mona Lisa was
very close to the viewer, which emphasizes its significance. On
perception also acts and the existing contrast between tender
curves and colors of a woman and a bizarre landscape behind, as if
fabulous, spiritual, with the sfumato inherent in the master. So, he
combined reality and fairy tale, reality and dream into one whole, which creates
an incredible feeling for everyone who looks at the canvas. By the time of writing
masterpiece. The painting acts like a hypnosis, the secrets of painting, elusive to the eye,
mysterious transitions from light to shadow, attracting demonic
The intensity of a smile acts on a person like the look of a boa constrictor on a rabbit.
The secret of the Mona Lisa is tied in the most precise mathematical calculation of Leonardo,
who by that time had developed the secret of the painting formula. With help
this formula and precise mathematical calculations, from under the brush of the master came out
terrifying work. The strength of her charm is comparable to the living and
animated, not drawn on a blackboard. There is a feeling that
the artist painted the Mona Lisa in an instant, as if by clicking
camera, and did not draw it for 4 years. In an instant he caught her sly
glance, a fleeting smile, one single movement that was embodied
in the picture. How did the great master of painting manage to solve no one
destined and will remain a secret forever.
Leonardo da Vinci is an unsurpassed master of painting and graphics.
In 1508 Leonardo was asked to paint a large fresco for the Palazzo.
Vecchio in Florence on the plot of the Battle of Anghiari in 1440,

during which Florence defeated Milan. The work was
unfinished, only copies left - "Battle of Anghiari"
"The Last Supper."
Leonardo da Vinci chose the moment after the fateful words for the image
Jesus: "One of you will betray me." Instead of a religious sacrament, the artist
conveyed the drama of human feelings, the psychological state of each
an apostle, struck by the words of the Teacher to the very heart.
Leonardo da Vinci tries himself in various directions and almost everywhere
achieves unprecedented positive results, but cannot find it in any way
necessary for him, a favorable situation in Italy at that time. Therefore, with
with great pleasure in 1517 accepts the invitation of the French
King Francis I to the post of court painter and arrives in
France. The undermined forces of the artist were at the limit and after two
years, May 2, 1519, Leonardo da Vinci died in the castle of Clos Luce, near
from Amboise, in France. But despite the short life path of Leonardo, yes
Vinci became a recognized symbol of the Renaissance.
The monument to Leonardo da Vinci was erected in the middle of La Scala square in 1872
year. The work of the sculptor Pietro Magni. The monument is
plinth on which Leonardo da Vinci stands. Below Leonardo da Vinci
there are four of his students.
I.2 Inventions of Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci is one of the most versatile personalities in the history of the era.
Italian Renaissance. A lot has been written about him, but he still
is the most mysterious figure of that time. He was able to glorify himself as
great artist and soothsayer, but most of all, his amazing
The inventiveness of Leonardo knew no bounds, and therefore his drawings are often
depicted mechanisms that were completely unthinkable for that time, for example,

something like an excavator. The artist dreamed of building an aircraft, but
his dream was impossible due to the lack of sufficiently powerful engines.
Some of Leonardo's designs are quite funny. So, he came up with an alarm clock with
very original operating principle. Its essence is that water gradually
is collected in a vessel, and when it is overflowing, it begins to pour out
at the feet of the sleeper. And sleeping, according to Leonardo himself, "immediately
wake up to get down to business. "Only a very few inventions to him
managed to be put into practice. They mainly include projects
devices for various holidays, but these devices were so
short-lived, that from them, of course, not a trace remained.
In those days, people dreamed of flying like birds. But Leonardo da Vinci is not just
wanted this, he began work on the development of apparatus that could
lift a person into the sky. He first created what is today considered
helicopter prototype. His sketches showed a screw that could have been
powered by the power of four people. Soon Leonardo da Vinci decided
turn to a proven way of flying. To do this, he carefully
study the anatomical structure of the dragonfly and its wings, and over time
designed a large "dragonfly wing". He found that the length of the wings
for human flight must be at least 12 meters. But this attempt
After that. Leonardo da Vinci began to develop another aircraft
a machine that was somewhat similar to a modern parachute. He
attached to the back of a person in such a way that he could maneuver in
flight time. But this device did not take off either. Only after a few hundred years
this blueprint was converted into a parachute.
In addition, Leonardo was fond of the development of military technology.
equipment. One of the truly brilliant ideas was the development
iron chariot in the form of inverted plates armed with cannons. He
first proposed to install batteries on armored ships

firearms, invented the helicopter, bicycle, glider, parachute, tank,
machine gun, poison gases, smokescreen for troops, magnifying glass
(100 years before Galileo!). Da Vinci invented textile machines, powerful
cranes, swamp drainage systems through pipes, arched bridges.
Leonardo da Vinci is a genius whose inventions belong undividedly to both
past, present and future of mankind. He lived ahead of his time
and if even a small part of what he invented was put into practice, then
the history of Europe, and possibly the world, would have been different: already in the 15th century we
would drive around in cars and cross the seas in submarines.
Leonardo da Vinci enriched with insightful observations and conjectures
almost all areas of knowledge. But how surprised a genius would be if he knew that
numerous of his inventions are used even centuries after his
During his life, Leonardo da Vinci made thousands of notes and drawings,
devoted to anatomy, but did not publish his works. Doing an autopsy
bodies of people and animals, he accurately conveyed the structure of the skeleton and internal
organs, including small parts. Professor of Clinical Anatomy
Peter Abrams, da Vinci's scientific work was 300 years ahead of its time and
surpassed the famous "Grey's Anatomy" in many ways.
This period of Leonardo's life includes some of the first schematic
anatomical sketches of transverse sections of the leg. Subsequently, Leonardo
created a whole system of images of organs and body parts in cross section.
This technique has become widely used in the study of human anatomy.
Leonardo da Vinci worked most actively in 1510-1511.
He performed autopsies with the help of the anatomist Torre in the hospitals of Northern
Italy. There are over 200 sheets of anatomical drawings by Leonardo da Vinci,
which comprise 13 volumes.

Fascinated by mechanics and trying to accurately convey human movements, Leonardo
da Vinci paid great attention to the study of the muscular system and the structure
skeleton: "Nature cannot make animals move without mechanical
instruments ... ". Probably, this can explain why Leonardo with such
the images of the muscles of the arms, legs, and neck are conveyed with scrupulousness.
For the same reason, probably, images of internal organs and, in particular,
brain are given schematically. In the comments to his posts, he
indicates the functions of peripheral nerves, highlighting the motor and
sensitive portions.
Medical discoveries:

Cross section of the skull
fetus in mother's womb
Description of the right ventricular valve
Glass models of organs
In addition, the discoveries of Leonardo da Vinci include discoveries in botany:

Laws of phyllotaxy (arrangement of leaves on a stem)
The laws of heliotropism and geotropism (the influence of the sun and gravity on
Determining the age of plants (according to the structure of the stem); tree age
(according to annual rings)
and geology:

Map of Northern Italy
Explanation of marine deposits found in the mountains of Italy
Discoveries in physics:

Instrument for measuring light intensity
Law of inertia (later Newton's 1st law)
Mechanical saw; mechanical chariot; punching machine
holes in blanks and coinage; construction of channels, gateways,
dams; excavator; jack; lifting crane; centrifuge pump;
Grinder; oil lamp; chain transmission; spinning machine;
flying machine; parachute; Lifebuoy; alarm; waterways.
I.3 Literary creativity of Leonardo: riddles, parables
The creator of The Last Supper and La Gioconda also showed himself as a thinker, early
realizing the need for a theoretical substantiation of artistic practice.
The huge literary heritage of Leonardo da Vinci has come down to our days in
chaotic form, in manuscripts written with the left hand. Although Leonardo
Vinci did not print a single line of them, but in his notes he constantly
addressed an imaginary reader and throughout the last years of his life did not leave
thinking about publishing your work.
Parables have been preserved among his manuscripts.
The fairy tale "Halnut and Elm" tells about the self-satisfied Hazel,
who was proud of his harvest and therefore treated with disdain
to his neighbor and was ready to kill him from the world. But a misfortune happened: by
soldiers passed by, they plucked ripe nuts, breaking the branches in the process. And Elm,
instead of rejoicing, he sympathized with the resigned Hazel.

After that, he lamented for a long time and healed his wounds, and the good Elm
continued to grow.
"Razor" by Leonardo da Vinci talks about a razor that had no equal
neither in beauty nor in craftsmanship, but now she indulges in narcissism, with
proudly talking about his beauty and abilities, and leaves the caring
the barber who cared for and cherished her, cared for and kept her in order.
Considering that she does not belong in "some barber shop", she leaves to look at the world,
to show yourself. But time passed, and the fugitive discovered that she had once
soft, polished blade due to rain and lack of maintenance, but
the main thing is that she no longer worked, became covered with rust and did not
reflected more sunlight, as once, no one needed it.
Realizing her mistake, Razor began to weep bitterly and regret that
succumbed to temptation. But it was too late!
At the end of the text, the author openly teaches: "The same fate awaits everyone who
endowed with talent, but does not develop or improve his abilities, but
over-exalted and indulges in self-admiration."
And indeed, this is true: the arrogant Razor wished for the impossible and did not
she understood that she would not be better than a barber's anywhere. And she neglected
its mission to serve people, bring joy to them and to themselves, and
I have given myself into the hands of destructive narcissism, from which there is no benefit.
On the contrary, she harmed only herself.
The same thing happens in life with talented people who are overly
ascend, believing that they have reached the pinnacle of perfection, stop at
their development, and as a result of this they perish.
"Stone and road". It tells about the stone, which, left in
loneliness after the death of a cheerful neighbor brook, left his native,
calm, familiar place on top of the hill, deciding that from herbs and flowers
"There is no use, it is wiser to live side by side with brothers on the road, where life beats

key." Rolling down, he found himself in a traffic jam, where he was rudely
pushed aside, trampled, soiled with cow dung. And stone
could only dream of returning back. Where did his former go?
beauty? Now he dreamed of his former peace, and even loneliness was his
desirable, but it was no longer possible! The author leads us to wisdom,
famous proverb: "What we have we do not store, having lost by crying."
Mysteries of Leonardo da Vinci.
In the literature of the Renaissance, a genre of riddles of prophecies appears, which
used by Leonardo da Vinci to entertain the court of Lodovico Moro.
For example:
1. A thing that will grow the more the more it is taken from it.
2. It will be possible to see the shapes and figures of people and animals that will
follow these animals and people wherever they run (shadows)
3. People will walk and won't move; will speak to those who are not;
will hear the one who does not speak (dream)
4. The human race will come to the point that one will not understand the speech of another
(i.e. German Turk)
5. There will be a great multitude of those who, forgetting their existence and name, will
lie on the remains of other dead (sleep on bird feathers).
Don’t feed a loafer with bread, but let him reason, and in the ability to denigrate
you will not refuse him others. He is always ready to find an excuse for his own
 In nature, everything is wisely thought out and arranged, everyone should do their own thing.
deed, and in this wisdom is the highest justice of life.

Painter, see that the greed for earnings does not overcome your honor.
art, for earning honor is much more significant than the honor of wealth.
Painting argues and competes with nature.
And for the lion there are unhappy days when everything goes topsy-turvy and
misadventures lurk at every turn.
 The science of the commander, and the practice of the soldiers.
Leonardo, 67, spent the third year of his life in Amboise in bed.23
April 1519, he left a will, and on May 2 he died surrounded by

students and their masterpieces in CloLuce. According to Vasari, da Vinci died on
hands of King Francis I, his close friend. This one is unreliable, but
a legend widespread in France was reflected in
canvases by Ingres, Angelika Kaufman and many other painters. Leonardo yes
Vinci was buried in the castle of Amboise. On the tombstone was carved
inscription: "In the walls of this monastery lies the ashes of Leonardo da Vinci,
the greatest artist, engineer and architect of the French kingdom.
The loss of Leonardo saddened beyond measure all who knew him, for there had never been
a man who would bring so much honor to the art of painting. This is the master
who truly lived his whole life with great benefit to mankind.
Yes, all his work is solid questions, which can be answered all
life, and will remain for future generations.
Leonardo started a lot, but never finished anything, because he
it seemed that in those things that were conceived by him, the hand was not capable of
achieve artistic perfection, because he is in his plan
created various difficulties for himself, so subtle and amazing that they even
the most skilful hands could under no circumstances
At the end of the Middle Ages, a star rose in Italy, illuminating everything that followed.
development of European civilization. Painter, engineer, mechanic, carpenter,
musician, mathematician, pathologist, inventor, far from complete
list of facets of universal genius. Archaeologist, meteorologist, astronomer,
architect... All this is Leonardo da Vinci. They called him a sorcerer
servant of the devil, Italian Faust and divine spirit. He
ahead of its time by several centuries. Surrounded by legends yet
during his lifetime, the great Leonardo is a symbol of boundless aspirations
human mind.
For Leonardo da Vinci, art and research were
complementary aspects of the constant quest to observe and

fix the appearance and internal structure of the world. Definitely possible
claim that he was the first among scientists whose research was supplemented
art pursuits.
Leonardo da Vinci Italian artist (painter, sculptor, architect)
and scientist (anatomist, naturalist), inventor, writer, one of
the largest representatives of the art of the High Renaissance, a vivid example
"universal man"
He literally turned the idea of ​​people in all aspects of life.
He truly deserves to be called a GENIUS.
The greatest figure of his era!
Protective word.
Hello. My name is Ekaterina Danilova, I am student 3
class "A".
I bring to your attention a project on the theme "Leonrdo yes
Vinci. Epoch man. Mystery man".
The relevance of my project is to show how everything is
it is important and interesting to remember and be interested
works of Russian and foreign artists.
The goal of my work is to discover and discover as much as possible
Leonardo da Vinci from all sides, since he was not only
artist, but had many other professions.
Leonardo da Vinci was not only a great painter, he was
sculptor, architect, engineer and scientist. This is me
the most interested. How could one person
to have so many talents at once?!
The task of my project was precisely to collect both
more information about this great man. Find and
see all his works and creations.

The riddle of Leonardo begins with his birth. 1452, 15
April in Tuscany (west of Florence) was born
illegitimate son of a notary and a local peasant woman Katerina. talent to
drawing manifested itself in Leonardo from childhood.
The most mysterious work of art to date
is the canvas of the great artist Mona Lisa or Mona Lisa. With him
connect so many mysteries and secrets that even the most experienced art critics
sometimes they don’t know what is actually drawn in this picture. Who is she
Gioconda what goals did da Vinci pursue when he created this canvas? On
perception operates and the existing contrast between gentle curves and
flowers of a woman and a bizarre, as if fabulous, landscape behind. So
way he combined reality and fairy tale into one whole. By the time of writing
of this painting, Leonardo da Vinci achieved such skill that he created
masterpiece. The picture acts like hypnosis.
Leonardo da Vinci was able to glorify himself as a great artist and
soothsayer, but most of all, his amazing inventions are striking.
He owns discoveries in medicine, botany, geology, physics.
The huge literary heritage of Leonardo da Vinci has survived to this day.
manuscripts: these are parables, riddles, aphorisms. He truly deserves
to be called a GENIUS.
Leonardo da Vinci died when he was 67 years old. This is the master who
truly lived his whole life with great benefit for mankind. All of his
Creativity is a series of questions that can be answered all your life, and
will remain for future generations.
Thank you for your attention!
Teacher's review of project work
1. The name of the project “Leonardo da Vinci. Man is an era. Mystery man."

2. Prepared by: Danilova Katya, student of grade 3 "A" MBOU "Secondary School No. 1"
3. Project leader: Dolgopolova Raisa Grigoryevna, teacher of elementary
classes MBOU "Secondary School 1" Kamensk-Uralsky
mother Danilova Anastasia Ivanovna
4. Academic subject within which work is carried out on
project: fine art
5. Academic disciplines close to the topic of the project: informatics, environmental
peace, extracurricular activities
6. The age of students for which the project is designed: children of primary school
7. Purpose of the project: acquaintance with the multifaceted talent of Leonardo da Vinci.
8. Didactic goals. After completing the project, students will be able to:
expand your knowledge of great artists;
replenish your vocabulary;
gain skills and abilities to work with different sources of information;
development of skills to apply information technologies for registration
the result of their activities (presentation, drawing).
9. Project objectives.
get acquainted with the life and work of Leonardo da Vinci, his paintings,
inventions, literary creation.
10. Research methods: reading books, articles; search for information on the Internet,
visiting the art gallery (via the Internet).
11. Product of the project: presented the collected and processed information in
message type;
12. Object of study: the artistic culture of the Renaissance (this
period of cultural development of European countries).
13. Subject of research: the work of the artist.
14. Results of the study: acquaintance with the work of the great artist,
his paintings, his inventions, his contributions to the field of literature.
15. Conclusion. This project allowed me to learn more about life and work
Leonardo da Vinci, take a different look at his paintings; make a connection with
the life of his parables and riddles.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

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2 slide

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3 slide

Description of the slide:

The purpose of the project: To tell about the greatest scientist of his time, Leonardo da Vinci, who enriched almost all areas of knowledge with insightful observations and conjectures. Present inventions that characterize him as an outstanding engineer of his time. Project objectives: To get acquainted with the greatest scientist Leonardo da Vinci; Learn about the inventions of Leonardo da Vinci; Collect material on the topic; Analyze the collected information; Create an educational presentation "Leonardo da Vinci is an inventor" for school students; Arrange material; Participate in the lesson using the presentation.

4 slide

Description of the slide:

Medicine At the end of the Middle Ages, a star rose in Italy, illuminating the entire subsequent development of European civilization. A painter, an engineer, a mechanic, a carpenter, a musician, a mathematician, a pathologist, an inventor - this is not a complete list of the facets of a universal genius. Archaeologist, meteorologist, astronomer, architect... All this is Leonardo da Vinci. He was called a sorcerer, servant of the devil, Italian Faust and divine spirit. He was ahead of his time by several centuries. Surrounded by legends during his lifetime, the great Leonardo is a symbol of the boundless aspirations of the human mind. Leonardo da Vinci

5 slide

Description of the slide:

Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 in the picturesque Tuscan town of Vinci. The town of Vinci near Florence The house where Leonardo lived as a child. Tomb of Leonardo da Vinci in the Chapel of St. Hubert Leonardo did not have a surname in the modern sense; "da Vinci" simply means "(hailed from) the town of Vinci." His full name is Italian. Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci, that is, "Leonardo, son of Mr. Piero of Vinci."

6 slide

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Leonardo had many friends and students. He had his own workshop in Florence. In 1481, da Vinci completed the first large order in his life - the altarpiece "The Adoration of the Magi" for a monastery located near Florence. In 1482, Leonardo, being, according to Vasari, a very talented musician, created a silver lyre in the shape of a horse's head. Workshop of Verrochio "The Adoration of the Magi"

7 slide

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Milan, La Scala Square Monument to Leonardo da Vinci On La Scala Square in 1872, a monument to Leonardo da Vinci was erected The work of the sculptor Pietro Magni. The monument is a pedestal on which stands Leonardo da Vinci. Below Leonardo da Vinci are four of his students.

8 slide

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Da Vinci was a famous figure of his time, but the real glory came many centuries after his death. Only at the end of the 19th century were the theoretical notes of the scientist published for the first time. It was they who contained descriptions of strange and mysterious devices for their time. Leonardo da Vinci left behind about 13,000 pages of various manuscripts - notes, diaries, drawings, treatises, canons, "codes". In the Renaissance, da Vinci could hardly count on the speedy implementation of all his inventions. The main obstacle to their implementation was the insufficient technical level. But in the 20th century, almost all the devices described in his writings became a reality. This suggests that the "Italian Faust" was not only a talented inventor, but also a person who was able to anticipate technological progress. Of course, Leonardo's deep knowledge contributed to this.

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The scientist systematized his developments, creating the so-called "codes" - books containing records about certain aspects of science and technology. Leonardo da Vinci was left-handed and wrote "mirror" - that is, from right to left, although sometimes, for example, for correspondence with officials, he used the usual style of writing. Rumors circulated around such an oddity of the master. One of the researchers of his work stated that Leonardo deliberately wrote “on the contrary” so that his notes would not be available to the ignorant .. His notes contained everything from medicine, history and biology to mechanics, drawings, careful calculations of structures, drawings and poems . Autograph of Leonardo

10 slide

Description of the slide:

The Last Supper. 1495-1497 years. Painting on the wall. Santa Maria della Grazie, Milan. La Gioconda (Mona Lisa, 1503 Louvre, Paris) Leonardo is primarily known to our contemporaries as an artist. However, da Vinci himself at different periods of his life considered himself primarily an engineer or scientist. He did not devote much time to the fine arts and worked rather slowly. Therefore, the artistic heritage of Leonardo is not quantitatively large, and a number of his works have been lost or badly damaged. However, his contribution to world artistic culture is extremely important even against the background of the cohort of geniuses that the Italian Renaissance gave. Portrait of a musician

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"I want to create miracles" Leonardo da Vinci is one of the most versatile personalities in the history of the Italian Renaissance. He was able to glorify himself as a great artist and soothsayer, but his amazing inventions are most striking. Leonardo was fond of the development of military equipment. One of the truly ingenious ideas was the development of an iron chariot in the form of inverted saucers armed with cannons. He was the first to propose installing batteries of firearms on armored ships, he invented a helicopter, a bicycle, a glider, a parachute, a tank, a machine gun, poison gases, a smoke screen for troops, a magnifying glass (100 years before Galileo!). Da Vinci invented textile machines, powerful cranes, systems for draining marshes through pipes, and arched bridges. Inventions Inventions

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Bridge in the Norwegian city of As, built according to the drawings of Leonardo da Vinci. "I know how to build very light and strong bridges, suitable for transportation during attack and retreat, protected from fire and projectiles," wrote Leonardo da Vinci. The Leonardo da Vinci Revolving Bridge is a portable, lightweight bridge that was designed to allow an army to cross a river and then quickly tow it. The bridge consists of a single span and is attached to the shore with a vertical hinge, which allows it to rotate.

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MARINE MILITARY EQUIPMENT The double skin of the ship's hull was proposed to ensure greater unsinkability and invulnerability of ships in naval battles. UNDERWATER MINE To destroy enemy ships, an underwater mine is screwed into the bottom of the ship by a submarine crew or a diver. For the first time, such a mine was used during the war in the United States (1860s), and saboteur divers appeared only during World War II. SUBMARINE "I know many means suitable for offensive and defensive maneuvers at sea and protecting ships ..."

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WATER MECHANISMS AND DEVICES Flippers The scientist developed a scheme of webbed gloves, which eventually turned into well-known flippers. These were gloves made of fabric in the form of a spreading bird's paw. These webbed gloves greatly increased swimming speed. The most necessary item when saving a drowning person is a lifebuoy. This invention of Leonardo has come down to our time almost unchanged. Leonardo da Vinci was engaged in everything that at least somehow concerned water.

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Water wheel DRAG Leonardo has many options for sketches of devices for raising water. Their purpose could be different. . These are fountains and water pipes and irrigation devices. With the help of such a water wheel with bowls, water was scooped up from the lower container and poured into the upper one. To clean the canals and deepen the bottom, Leonardo invented a dredge, which was installed on a raft fixed between two boats. The scoop plant was equipped with four blades. The blades were driven by a handle. The silt collected from the bottom was to be laid on a raft, fortified between two boats. By moving the axis of rotation of the drum vertically, it was possible to adjust the depth of the work performed. When the wheel was turned, the cable tied to the shore was wound around the drum, and the dredge moved.

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Leonardo loved the water: he developed diving instructions, invented and described a breathing apparatus for scuba diving. A soft suit - a diving suit was invented by Leonardo for underwater work, or rather, for anchoring a ship. According to Leonardo's plan, divers were to descend under the water for these purposes. Da Vinci divers could breathe with the help of an underwater air bell, put on masks with glass holes through which one could see underwater.

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Throughout his life, Leonardo da Vinci was literally obsessed with the idea of ​​flight. No technical invention causes such awe and admiration as a flying machine. That is why special attention has been riveted to da Vinci's aircraft at all times. The inventor always dreamed of the idea of ​​aeronautics. One of the very first (and most famous) sketches on this topic is a diagram of the device, which in our time is considered to be the prototype of a helicopter. AIRCRAFT VERTICAL AIRCRAFT

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Soon Leonardo lost interest in propeller-driven aircraft and turned his attention to the mechanism of flight. Birds became a source of inspiration for the scientist. Leonardo tried to create a wing for an aircraft in the image and likeness of feathered wings. To begin with, calculations were made that showed that the length of a duck's wing (in yards) is numerically equal to the square root of its weight. Based on this, Leonardo established that to lift a flying machine with a person (136 kg) into the air, wings similar to those of a bird and having a length of 12 meters are needed. The wing, which, according to Leonardo's calculations, with a quick pressure on the lever, could lift its heavy stand from the ground with a wave.

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The world's first drawing of an airship with a controlled tail and a streamlined fuselage. 1486-1490 years. In the process of working on the aircraft, Leonardo made a very interesting drawing from the point of view of modern aviation. It depicts a flying ship - a ship, with seats for passengers, as well as a system of levers that control the wings and tail. Hang-glider of the great Leonardo da Vinci... One of the inventions of the great Leonardo came to life in Great Britain...

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The hang glider, conceived by Leonardo da Vinci over 500 years ago, is capable of flight. While da Vinci's parachute would have allowed a man to jump off a cliff and stay alive, an ornithopter would have allowed him to hover in the air above the earth.

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Attempts to reproduce the wing created by nature did not lead to success - and Leonardo turned to gliding flight, i.e. began to develop another flying machine, which was somewhat similar to a modern parachute. He developed the design of a glider that was attached to the back of a person so that the latter could balance in flight. The main, widest part of the wings was fixed, but their ends could be bent with cables and change the direction of flight. The drawing of the device turned out to be prophetic, which Leonardo himself described as follows: “If you have enough linen fabric sewn into a pyramid with a base of 12 yards (about 7 m 20 cm), then you can jump from any height without any harm to your body” . The master made this entry between 1483 and 1486. Only a few hundred years later this drawing was transformed and such a device was called a "parachute" (from the Greek para - "against" and the French "chute" - fall). It is interesting that the idea of ​​​​creating a parachute by Leonardo da Vinci was brought to its logical end only by the Russian inventor Kotelnikov, who in 1911 created the first backpack rescue parachute attached to the pilot's back.

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SIEGE AND DEFENSE MILITARY EQUIPMENT Leonardo da Vinci developed many simple, but at the same time effective military devices for the defense and siege of fortresses. ASSAULT LADDERS LADDER PUSHING DEVICE CUTTING ROTATING BLADES TO HIT ATTACKERS BOMB-THROWING MACHINE CATAPULT Tower for storming a castle

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Mounted chariot for offensive fighting with scythes. Leonardo made this illustration of a war machine for Treatise on War. These are war chariots equipped with scythes for cutting the leg tendons of enemy horses and soldiers, since the scythes were at the top and bottom, then literally, they mowed down everyone. It is a kind of chariot with spinning scythes to destroy the enemy in battle.

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FIREARMS Cannon QUICK-FIRE CROSSBOW GIANT CROSSBOW Leonardo da Vinci designs catapults and fortress crossbows, acting by the elasticity of wooden or steel springs. At the same time, he creates guns that are loaded not from the muzzle, but from the breech, multi-barreled salvo fire artillery, explosive bombs filled with buckshot, elongated projectiles equipped with a stabilizer and a powder booster. Leonardo paid great attention to the design of automatic firearms. MACHINE GUN KEELED CANNELLS

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MULTIPLE-CHARGED FIGHTING VEHICLES One of the scientist's most exciting ideas was... a tank. This design had a rounded shape and outwardly resembled a turtle, bristling with tools on all sides. The inventor hoped to solve the problem of movement with the help of horses. True, this idea was quickly abandoned: in a confined space, animals could become uncontrollable. Instead, the “engine” of such a tank was to be eight people who would turn the levers connected to the wheels, and thus move the combat vehicle forward. Another crew member was supposed to be at the top of the apparatus and indicate the direction of movement. Interestingly, the design of the armored vehicle only allowed it to move forward.

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Bearings For the first time the idea, as many believe, was born in the time of the Roman Empire, but historians believe that it was in da Vinci's notebooks that the first sketches of the bearing appeared.

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The car While digitizing the "car", a brake invented by Leonardo was discovered - experts in the automotive industry believe that the invention of the brake for auto progress turned out to be almost more important than the creation of the internal combustion engine. Among all the "earthly" discoveries of Leonardo, one should name ... a car. The master paid the main attention to the engine and chassis, so the design of the "body" did not reach us. The self-propelled wagon had three wheels and was driven by a clockwork spring mechanism. The two rear wheels were independent of each other, and their rotation was carried out by a complex system of gears. In addition to the front wheel, there was one more - a small, swivel, which was placed on a wooden lever. It is assumed that this idea was born by Leonardo back in 1478. But only in 1752, the Russian self-taught mechanic, peasant Leonty Shamshurenkov was able to assemble a “self-running carriage”, set in motion by the power of two people.

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The first bicycle in history The first technical drawings of a bicycle belong to Leonardo da Vinci. The Meiningen chronicle of 1447 tells of a moving device set in motion by a driver.

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Rolling mill The figure shows a machine for the production of tin sheets by rolling metal between the main rollers.

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Watch mechanisms Medicine Leonardo created variants of watches, improved their design: for example, watches with weights are the forerunners of watches wound by a spring. However, they needed too much vertical space to pull the weights. The scientist came up with a system of blocks that regulates the lowering of weights and reduces the required vertical space. Leonardo also solved the problem of compensating for energy losses that occur when the spring is untwisted: first, with the help of a lead screw - a spindle that slowly winds the spring; then he created unusual mechanisms, stronger and more stable than the spindle.

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Glasses Projector The study of binocular vision led Leonardo da Vinci to create around 1500. stereoscope, he invented a number of lighting devices, including lamp glass, he dreamed of creating a telescope from spectacle lenses. Leonardo da Vinci made many discoveries in optics.

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Leonardo approached the study of anatomy like a real naturalist - this is how we evaluate him today. However, the work of this man of genius, who could have received many of the laurels that Vesalius inherited, remained unfinished and resembled a giant skeleton. Nevertheless, Leonardo, who paved the way for modern science, deserves a place of honor also among anatomists - researchers of the human body.

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The first drawing of a humanoid robot was made by Leonardo da Vinci in 1495 and was based on anatomical studies recorded in the Vitruvian Man. The Vitruvian Man is a drawing made by Leonardo Da Vinci around 1490-1492 as an illustration for a book dedicated to the writings of Vitruvius. It depicts the figure of a naked man in two superimposed positions: with arms outstretched to the sides, describing a circle and a square. Drawing and text are sometimes referred to as canonical proportions. When examining the drawing, it can be seen that the combination of arms and legs actually amounts to four different postures. A pose with arms spread apart and legs not spread apart fits into a square (“Square of the Ancients”). On the other hand, a pose with arms and legs spread out to the sides fits into a circle. And, although the center of the figure seems to move when changing positions, in fact, the navel of the figure, which is its real center, remains motionless. If we tie a human figure - the most perfect creation of the universe - with a belt and then measure the distance from the belt to the feet, then this value will refer to the distance from the same belt to the top of the head, as the entire height of a person relates to the length from the belt to the feet ... ". Indeed, in nature and the human body there are many proportional relationships close to what Leonardo da Vinci called the "golden section". In any work of art, several unequal, but close to the golden section, parts give the impression of the development of forms, their dynamics, proportional complement to each other.

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It is believed that in 1495 Leonardo da Vinci first formulated the idea of ​​a "mechanical man", in other words, a robot. As conceived by the master, this device was supposed to be a mannequin dressed in knightly armor and capable of reproducing several human movements. Leonardo da Vinci's notes found in the 1950s contained detailed drawings of a mechanical knight able to sit, spread his arms, move his head, and open his visor. The da Vinci robot has not survived, and no one knows exactly what it was capable of. .

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Leonardo da Vinci is an Italian artist (painter, sculptor, architect) and scientist (anatomist, naturalist), inventor, writer, one of the largest representatives of the art of the High Renaissance, a vivid example of the "universal man". He literally turned the idea of ​​people in all aspects of life. He truly deserves to be called a GENIUS. The greatest figure of his era! Leonardo da Vinci

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So who was Leonardo da Vinci really? Perhaps this is the biggest mystery. Although Leonardo da Vinci is considered to be one of the geniuses of the Renaissance, this is not even remotely true. He is unique! Neither before nor after him in history did there exist such a person who was a genius in all areas! Some researchers tend to consider him a time traveler who arrived in the Renaissance from a distant future. Others consider Leonardo a messenger of a developed extraterrestrial civilization, and still others consider him a resident of a parallel world that is more developed than ours. In any case, Leonardo da Vinci knew too well worldly affairs and the future that awaits humanity to be an ordinary person. "Born to Fly" left us drawings and superbly calculated drawings that are still relevant today! Hundreds of years passed before people could bring the ideas of Leonardo da Vinci to life.

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"Glory in the hands of labor" Leonardo da Vinci is a genius whose inventions belong undividedly to both the past, present and future of mankind. He lived ahead of his time, and if at least a small part of what he invented was brought to life, then the history of Europe, and possibly the world, would be different: already in the 15th century we would have been driving cars and crossing the seas on submarines. Leonardo da Vinci enriched almost all areas of knowledge with insightful observations and conjectures. But how surprised a genius would be if he knew that many of his inventions are used even centuries after his birth.

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Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci is a man of Renaissance art, sculptor, inventor, painter, philosopher, writer, scientist, polymath (universal man).

The future genius was born as a result of a love affair between the noble Piero da Vinci and the girl Katerina (Katarina). According to the social norms of that time, the marriage union of these people was impossible due to the low birth of Leonardo's mother. After the birth of her first child, she was given in marriage to a potter, with whom Katerina lived the rest of her life. It is known that from her husband she gave birth to four daughters and a son.

Portrait of Leonardo da Vinci

The first-born Piero da Vinci lived with his mother for three years. Immediately after his birth, Leonardo's father married a rich representative of a noble family, but his legal wife was never able to give birth to an heir. Three years after the marriage, Piero took his son to him and took up his upbringing. Stepmother Leonardo died after 10 years, trying to give birth to an heir. Pierrot remarried, but was quickly widowed again. In total, Leonardo had four stepmothers, as well as 12 paternal half-siblings.

Creativity and inventions of da Vinci

The parent gave Leonardo as an apprentice to the Tuscan master Andrea Verrocchio. During his studies with a mentor, Piero's son learned not only the art of painting and sculpture. Young Leonardo studied the humanities and technical sciences, the skill of leather dressing, the basics of working with metal and chemical reagents. All this knowledge was useful to da Vinci in life.

Leonardo received confirmation of the qualifications of the master at the age of twenty, after which he continued to work under the supervision of Verrocchio. The young artist was involved in minor work on the paintings of his teacher, for example, he prescribed background landscapes and clothes of secondary characters. Leonardo had his own workshop only in 1476.

Drawing "Vitruvian Man" by Leonardo da Vinci

In 1482, da Vinci was sent by his patron Lorenzo de' Medici to Milan. During this period, the artist worked on two paintings that were never completed. In Milan, Duke Lodovico Sforza enrolled Leonardo in the court staff as an engineer. A high-ranking person was interested in defensive devices and devices for entertaining the court. Da Vinci had the opportunity to develop the talent of an architect and the ability of a mechanic. His inventions turned out to be an order of magnitude better than those offered by contemporaries.

The engineer stayed in Milan under the Duke of Sforza for about seventeen years. During this time, Leonardo painted the paintings “Madonna in the Grotto” and “Lady with an Ermine”, created his most famous drawing “Vitruvian Man”, made a clay model of the equestrian monument of Francesco Sforza, painted the wall of the refectory of the Dominican monastery with the composition “The Last Supper”, made a number of anatomical sketches and drawings of devices.

Leonardo's engineering talent was useful to him after returning to Florence in 1499. He got a job with Duke Cesare Borgia, who counted on da Vinci's ability to create military mechanisms. The engineer worked in Florence for about seven years, after which he returned to Milan again. By that time, he had already completed work on his most famous painting, which is now stored in the Louvre Museum.

The master's second Milan period lasted six years, after which he left for Rome. In 1516, Leonardo went to France, where he spent his last years. On the journey, the master took with him Francesco Melzi, a student and main heir to the artistic style of da Vinci.

Portrait of Francesco Melzi

Despite the fact that Leonardo spent only four years in Rome, it is in this city that the museum named after him is located. In the three halls of the institution you can get acquainted with the devices built according to the drawings of Leonardo, look at copies of paintings, photos of diaries and manuscripts.

The Italian devoted most of his life to engineering and architectural projects. His inventions were both military and peaceful. Leonardo is known as a developer of tank prototypes, an aircraft, a self-propelled cart, a searchlight, a catapult, a bicycle, a parachute, a mobile bridge, a machine gun. Some drawings of the inventor still remain a mystery to researchers.

Drawings and sketches of some of the inventions of Leonardo da Vinci

In 2009, the Discovery TV channel aired a series of films called Da Vinci Apparatus. Each of the ten episodes of the documentary series was dedicated to the construction and testing of mechanisms according to Leonardo's original drawings. The film's technicians tried to recreate the inventions of the Italian genius using materials from his era.

Personal life

The personal life of the master was kept by him in the strictest confidence. For entries in his diaries, Leonardo used a cipher, but even after decoding, the researchers received little reliable information. There is a version that da Vinci's unconventional orientation was the reason for the secrecy.

The basis of the theory that the artist loved men was the guesswork of researchers based on circumstantial facts. At a young age, the artist appeared in a case of sodomy, but it is not known for certain in what capacity. After this incident, the master became very secretive and stingy with comments about his personal life.

Possible lovers of Leonardo include some of his students, the most famous of which is Salai. The young man was endowed with an effeminate appearance and became a model for several paintings by da Vinci. The painting "John the Baptist" is one of the surviving works of Leonardo, for which Salai posed.

There is a version that "Mona Lisa" was also written from this sitter, dressed in a woman's dress. It should be noted that there is some physical similarity between the people depicted in the paintings "Mona Lisa" and "John the Baptist". It remains a fact that da Vinci bequeathed his artistic masterpiece to Salai.

Historians also rank Francesco Melzi as a possible beloved of Leonardo.

There is another version of the secret of the Italian's personal life. There is an opinion that Leonardo had a romantic relationship with Cecilia Gallerani, who, presumably, is depicted in the portrait "Lady with an Ermine". This woman was the favorite of the Duke of Milan, the owner of the literary salon, the patroness of the arts. She introduced the young artist to the circle of Milanese bohemia.

Fragment of the painting "Lady with Ermine"

Among da Vinci's notes, a draft letter was found addressed to Cecilia, which began with the words: "My beloved goddess ...". Researchers suggest that the portrait of the "Lady with an Ermine" was painted with clear signs of unspent feelings for the woman depicted on it.

Some researchers believe that the great Italian did not know carnal love at all. Men and women were not physically attracted to him. In the context of this theory, it is assumed that Leonardo led the life of a monk who did not give birth to descendants, but left a great legacy.

Death and grave

Modern researchers have concluded that the probable cause of the artist's death is a stroke. Da Vinci died at the age of 67 in 1519. Thanks to the memoirs of contemporaries, it is known that by that time the artist was already suffering from partial paralysis. Leonardo could not move his right hand, as researchers believe, due to a stroke in 1517.

Despite the paralysis, the master continued an active creative life, resorting to the help of his student Francesco Melzi. Da Vinci's health was deteriorating, and by the end of 1519 it was already difficult for him to walk without assistance. This evidence is consistent with the theoretical diagnosis. Scientists believe that a second attack of cerebrovascular accident in 1519 ended the life of the famous Italian.

Monument to Leonardo da Vinci in Milan, Italy

At the time of his death, the master was in the Clos Luce castle near the city of Amboise, where he lived for the last three years of his life. In accordance with Leonardo's will, his body was buried in the gallery of the church of Saint-Florentin.

Unfortunately, the master's grave was devastated during the Huguenot wars. The church, in which the Italian rested, was plundered, after which it fell into severe disrepair and was demolished by the new owner of the Amboise castle, Roger Ducos, in 1807.

After the destruction of the Saint-Florentin chapel, the remains from many graves from different years were mixed and buried in the garden. Beginning in the mid-nineteenth century, researchers made several attempts to identify the bones of Leonardo da Vinci. Innovators in this matter were guided by the lifetime description of the master and chose the most suitable fragments from the remains found. They have been studied for some time. The work was led by archaeologist Arsen Usse. He also found fragments of a tombstone, presumably from the grave of da Vinci, and a skeleton, in which some fragments were missing. These bones were reburied in the reconstructed tomb of the artist in the chapel of Saint Hubert on the grounds of the Château d'Amboise.

In 2010, a team of researchers led by Silvano Vincheti was about to exhume the remains of a Renaissance master. It was planned to identify the skeleton using genetic material taken from the graves of Leonardo's paternal relatives. Italian researchers failed to obtain permission from the owners of the castle to carry out the necessary work.

In the place where the Church of Saint-Florentin used to be, at the beginning of the last century, a granite monument was erected, marking the four hundredth anniversary of the death of the famous Italian. The reconstructed tomb of the engineer and the stone monument with his bust are among the most popular sights of Amboise.

Secrets of da Vinci paintings

Leonardo's work has occupied the minds of art historians, religious researchers, historians and the public for more than four hundred years. The works of the Italian artist became an inspiration for people of science and creativity. There are many theories that reveal the secrets of da Vinci's paintings. The most famous of them says that when writing his masterpieces, Leonardo used a special graphic code.

With the help of a device of several mirrors, the researchers managed to find out that the secret of the views of the characters from the paintings "La Gioconda" and "John the Baptist" lies in the fact that they are looking at a masked creature resembling an alien alien. The secret cipher in Leonardo's notes was also deciphered using an ordinary mirror.

Hoaxes around the work of the Italian genius led to the emergence of a number of works of art, the author of which was the writer. His novels have become bestsellers. In 2006, the film The Da Vinci Code was released, based on the work of the same name by Brown. The film was met with a wave of criticism from religious organizations, but set box office records in its first month of release.

Lost and unfinished works

Not all of the master's works have survived to our time. Works that have not survived include: a shield with a painting in the form of the head of Medusa, a sculpture of a horse for the Duke of Milan, a portrait of the Madonna with a spindle, the painting "Leda and the Swan" and the fresco "Battle of Anghiari".

Modern researchers know about some of the master's paintings thanks to the preserved copies and memoirs of da Vinci's contemporaries. For example, the fate of the original Leda and the Swan is still unknown. Historians believe that the painting may have been destroyed in the mid-seventeenth century on the orders of the Marquise de Maintenon, wife of Louis XIV. Sketches made by Leonardo's hand and several copies of the canvas made by different artists have survived to our time.

The painting depicted a young naked woman in the arms of a swan, at whose feet babies hatched from huge eggs play. When creating this masterpiece, the artist was inspired by a famous mythical story. It is interesting that the canvas based on the story of the copulation of Leda with Zeus, who took the form of a swan, was written not only by da Vinci.

Leonardo's lifetime rival also painted a picture dedicated to this ancient myth. The painting by Buonarotti suffered the same fate as the work of da Vinci. Paintings by Leonardo and Michelangelo simultaneously disappeared from the collection of the French royal house.

Among the unfinished works of the brilliant Italian, the painting "The Adoration of the Magi" stands out. The canvas was commissioned by the Augustinian monks in 1841, but remained unfinished due to the departure of the master to Milan. The customers found another artist, and Leonardo saw no reason to continue working on the painting.

Fragment of the painting “The Adoration of the Magi”

Researchers believe that the composition of the canvas has no analogues in Italian painting. The painting depicts Mary with the newborn Jesus and the Magi, and behind the backs of the pilgrims are horse riders and the ruins of a pagan temple. There is an assumption that Leonardo depicted in the picture among the men who came to the son of God, and himself at the age of 29 years.

  • Researcher of religious mysteries Lynn Picknett published the book Leonardo da Vinci and the Brotherhood of Zion in 2009, naming the famous Italian as one of the masters of a secret religious order.
  • It is believed that da Vinci was a vegetarian. He wore clothes made of linen, neglecting outfits made of leather and natural silk.
  • A team of researchers plans to isolate Leonardo's DNA from the surviving personal belongings of the master. Historians also claim they are close to finding da Vinci's maternal relatives.
  • The Renaissance was the time when noble women in Italy were addressed with the words "my mistress", in Italian - "Madonna" (ma donna). In colloquial speech, the expression was reduced to "monna" (monna). This means that the name of the painting "Mona Lisa" can literally be translated as "Madame Lisa".

  • Raphael Santi called da Vinci his teacher. He visited the studio of Leonardo in Florence, tried to adopt some features of his artistic style. Raphael Santi also called Michelangelo Buonarroti his teacher. The three artists mentioned are considered the main geniuses of the Renaissance.
  • Australian enthusiasts have created the largest traveling exhibition of the inventions of the great architect. The exposition was developed with the participation of the Leonardo da Vinci Museum in Italy. The exhibition has already visited six continents. During its operation, five million visitors were able to see and touch the works of the most famous engineer of the Renaissance.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Creativity of Leonardo Da Vinci Performed by a student of the 9th grade Zemtseva Alexandra St. Novotroitskaya 2017

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Leonardo da Vinci Italian scientist, inventor, artist, writer. One of the brightest representatives of the Renaissance. Many researchers consider him the most brilliant person of all times and peoples.

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Biography of Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 in the small village of Anchiano, not far from Florence. His father Piero was a notary, his mother Katerina was a simple peasant woman. Shortly after Leonardo's birth, his father left the family, marrying a wealthy woman. Leonardo spent his first years with his mother. Then the father, who could not have children with his new wife, took the boy to be brought up with him. When he was 13 years old, his stepmother died. The father remarried and became a widower again. His attempts to interest his son in the notarial business were unsuccessful.

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At a young age, Leonardo began to demonstrate the extraordinary talent of the artist. His father sends him to Florence, to the workshop of Andrea Verrocchio. Here he mastered the humanities, chemistry, drawing, metallurgy. The apprentice was actively engaged in sculpture, drawing, modeling.

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When Leonardo was 20 years old (in 1473), the Guild of St. Luke awarded Leonardo da Vinci the qualification of a master. Then Leonardo had a hand in creating the painting "The Baptism of Christ", which was painted by his teacher Andrea del Verrocchio. Da Vinci's brush belongs to part of the landscape and an angel. Already here the nature of Leonardo as an innovator is manifested - he uses oil paints, which were a novelty in Italy at that time. Verrocchio instructs a talented student to deal with orders for paintings, while he focuses on sculpture. Leonardo's first self-painted painting was Enlightenment.

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After this, a period of life begins, which is characterized by the artist's passion for the image of the Madonna. He creates paintings "Madonna Benois", "Madonna with a Carnation", "Madonna Litta". A number of unfinished sketches on the same subject have been preserved.

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In 1481, the monastery of San Donato a Scopeto commissioned Leonardo to paint The Adoration of the Magi. Work on it was interrupted and abandoned. Already at that time, da Vinci was "famous" for his tendency to suddenly leave work unfinished. The Medici family, ruling in Florence, did not favor the artist, so he decided to leave the city.

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In 1482, Leonardo went to Milan to the court of Lodovico Sforza, where he played the lute. The artist hoped to get a reliable patron in the person of Sforza, offering his services as an inventor of weapons for this. However, Sforza was not a fan of open conflicts, but of intrigue and poisoning.

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In 1483, da Vinci received his first order in Milan - for the painting of the altar from the Franciscan brotherhood of the Immaculate Conception. Three years later, the work was completed, and then another 25 years of litigation lasted over payment for the work.

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Soon orders begin to arrive from Sforza. Leonardo becomes a court painter, paints portraits and works on a statue of Francesco Sforza. The statue itself was never completed - the ruler decided to use bronze for the manufacture of cannons.

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In Milan, Leonardo begins to create a "Treatise on Painting". This work lasted until the death of a genius. Da Vinci invents a rolling mill, a machine for the production of files, a loom for making cloth. All these valuable inventions did not interest Sforza. Also during this period, Leonardo creates sketches of temples, takes part in the construction of the Milan Cathedral. He developed the city sewer system, carried out land reclamation work.

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In 1495, work begins on The Last Supper, which ends after 3 years. In 1498, the painting of the Sala delle Asse in the Castello Sforzesco ends.

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In 1499, Sforza loses power, Milan is captured by French troops. Leonardo had to leave the city, and the next year he returned to Florence. Here he paints the paintings "Madonna with a spindle" and "St. Anna with Mary and the baby."

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In 1502, Leonardo became an architect and chief engineer in the service of Cesare Borgia. During this period, da Vinci designs canals to drain swamps, creates military maps.

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In 1503, work began on the portrait of Mona Lisa. For the next decade, Leonardo wrote little, trying to devote more time to anatomy, mathematics and mechanics.

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In 1513, Leonardo comes under the patronage of Giuliano Medici and comes with him to Rome. Here, for three years, he studied the manufacture of mirrors, mathematics, explores the human voice and creates new paint formulations. In 1517, after the death of the Medici, Leonardo became a court painter in Paris. Here he works on land reclamation, hydrography and very often communicates with King Francis I.

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On May 2, 1519, at the age of 67, Leonardo da Vinci died. His body was buried in the church of Saint Florentin, but the grave was lost during many years of wars.

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Baptism of Christ. A painting by Verrocchio, painted by him with his students. The right of the two angels is the work of Leonardo da Vinci. 1472-1475 However, the analysis carried out by the Uffizi staff showed that the work was done collectively by three or even four artists in accordance with the traditions of medieval workshops. Obviously, the main role among them was played by Botticelli. The belonging of the figure of the left angel by Leonardo is beyond doubt. He also painted part of the landscape - behind the back of the angel at the edge of the composition.

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Annunciation, 1478-1482. The absence of documentary evidence, signatures and dates on the paintings makes it very difficult to attribute them. By the beginning of the 1470s, two "Annunciations" are attributed, which, judging by the horizontally elongated format, are altar predella. The one that is stored in the Uffizi collection is included in a number of the few early works of Leonardo da Vinci. His rather dry execution and the types of faces of Mary and the angel are reminiscent of the works of Lorenzo di Credi, Leonardo's comrade in Verrocchio's workshop.

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Portrait of Ginevra de Benci, 1474-1478 In this image of a young woman whose face is marked by an expression of thoughtful concentration, one can find a similar combination of traditional features with a foreshadowing of the new. The picturesque manner of the artist Leonardo da Vinci is still distinguished here by somewhat fractional detailing, but the image of the model of Lady Ginevra de Benci is already surrounded by a peculiar poetic atmosphere, which is facilitated by the landscape background, which is unusual in its interpretation.

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Vitruvian man.1492 Drawing and text are sometimes called canonical proportions. When examining the drawing, it can be seen that the combination of arms and legs actually amounts to four different postures. A pose with arms spread apart and legs not spread apart fits into a square ("Square of the Ancients"). On the other hand, a pose with arms and legs spread out to the sides fits into a circle. And, although, when changing positions, it seems that the center of the figure is moving, in fact, the navel of the figure, which is its real center, remains motionless. Subsequently, according to the same methodology, Corbusier compiled his own scale of proportioning, which influenced the aesthetics of the architecture of the 20th century.

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Madonna in the Rocks, 1480-1490 Leonardo da Vinci received a large painting order in Milan on April 25, 1483. Together with his brothers, he was to perform an altar painting for the Chapel of the Immaculate. The text of the treaty has been preserved in its entirety. As usual, Leonardo did not complete the work on time, but the picture could already be shown to customers, and the master demanded payment, but received nothing, since the monks considered the terms of the contract violated. Leonardo took the painting and was embroiled in legal proceedings for more than twenty years. This first large composition of the master - "Madonna in the Rocks" is exceptional in its artistic perfection and semantic significance. Written on a plot from the apocrypha, it gives the impression of a mystery, based on "the desire ... to penetrate the mystery of birth, life and death, the mystery of nature"

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Lady with an Ermine, 1483-1490 There are several more portraits executed with the inherent elegance of Leonardo, but compositionally they are simpler and do not have that spiritual mobility that makes the image of Cecilia fascinating. This is a "Portrait of a Woman" in profile. The indisputable works of Leonardo da Vinci of the Milan period also include "Lady with an Ermine" (Krakow, Czartoryski Museum) - a portrait of Cecilia Gallerani, Moro's beloved.

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Portrait of a Musician, 1485-1490 The painting "Portrait of a Musician" was begun by the artist Leonardo da Vinci at the turn of the 90s of the 15th century. The authorship of Leonardo da Vinci is disputed; it is assumed that the great painter began work, but later his student Ambrogio de Predis worked on the portrait, however, the painting “Portrait of a Musician” remained unfinished.

There are activities that you can indulge in without regretting the time spent and for the benefit of the mind. For example, look at the drawings and sketches of Leonardo da Vinci - "live sketches" of his original ideas and projects, which seem to have no number.

In the drawings of the master, inventions familiar to us (and for people of the Renaissance - innovative) are easily recognized: from water skis and a diver's suit to a parachute and a glider. Many of his ideas remained "in the project": in the form of images on paper of all kinds of mechanisms, devices and buildings. These drawings are a reliable repository of author's ideas and research. They allow you to look into da Vinci's creative laboratory, get acquainted with his method of work and follow the course of thought, how he set and solved complex technical, construction and other tasks step by step.

In the circle of ideas

The history of discoveries and inventions shows that sooner or later useful ideas are brought to mind and put into practice. A vivid example of how this happens is the scientific and technical work of Leonardo da Vinci. A born researcher and inventor, he worked primarily with ideas: he generated some himself, borrowed and developed others, while always looking for practical applications for them.

First, Leonardo drew up a plan for the solution: he made a sketch of the future design, reflecting the general idea. Then he carefully studied the details, drew sketches and supplied them with comments. And finally, I assembled all the parts into a single whole - a ready-made full-fledged illustration. As one of the researchers of the artist's work noted, many of his sketches are "unfinished thoughts about methods and means." Indeed, studying these drawings and drawings, sometimes you have to think out missing or deliberately omitted by da Vinci details and details. But there are among them so verified and accurate that even after five centuries their language is understandable without words. According to the drawings left as a legacy to future generations by a brilliant designer and inventor, modern craftsmen were able to make working models of various devices.

Miracle Staircase

Here is a sketch of the fortress tower (Fig. 1)

Rice. 1. Leonardo da Vinci. Sketch of the fortress tower and spiral staircase. Around 1488

To the left of it is a diagram of one of the important details of the building - a spiral staircase. Its design resembles the famous Archimedes screw, only there are not enough steps! Take a closer look at the drawing, and you will reveal the amazing idea of ​​\u200b\u200bLeonardo the architect. Its staircase is double: on one part of it you can climb the tower, and on the other you can go down without colliding or even seeing each other. The trajectories of both parts of the stairs are non-intersecting helical lines (spatial curves twisting around a vertical support - a round pillar in the center of the structure). Each part of the staircase has its own entrance and exit, and its model is a helical surface, the so-called helicoid. At a real staircase, the steps are fan-shaped around the pillar.

A double spiral staircase adorns the royal castle of Chambord in France. Its construction began in 1519, shortly after the death of Leonardo. As you know, he spent the last years of his life in this country, at the court of Francis I, his patron, and was the first royal artist, engineer and architect. Whether Leonardo took part in the design of the castle, grandiose in scale, is not known for certain. Even if not, experts say, its creators used da Vinci's ideas from the artist's drawings. It is likely that the choice of architects was influenced by his sketch (Fig. 1), made back in the late 1480s. In total, there are 77 stairs in Chambord, including several spiral ones, but only this one has become its real attraction.

Double spiral staircase in the royal castle of Chambord (detail)

Other double spiral staircases are also known. The earliest of them were erected in European cathedrals as early as the XIV-XV centuries, but they are inferior to the stairs in the Chambord castle not only in size and decor, but also in simplicity and originality of design - completely isolate the parts of the double spiral staircase from each other to Leonardo no one succeeded or not.

Saint Patrick's well with two spiral staircases in Orvieto

In 1527, the Italian architect Antonio da Sangallo the Younger applied the same idea. By order of Pope Clement VII, he began the construction of a huge water tower - the well of St. Patrick (photo above) - in the city of Orvieto in case of a siege and deprivation of access to external water sources. Here, access to the water at the bottom of the well was provided by two opposite entrances that led to autonomous spiral staircases: one wagon was lowered for water, and the other brought it up. The lighting of the building was natural: light penetrated inside through many arched windows in the walls of the tower.

The embodiment of the idea of ​​screw movement

Leonardo da Vinci also has more complex architectural compositions of stairs. One of them is like a three-dimensional labyrinth with many entrances and exits. Take a look at the following sketch (Fig. 2)

Rice. 2. Leonardo da Vinci. A sketch of unconnected stairs with many entrances and exits. Early 1490s

You see at once four external staircases that are not connected to each other, “twirling” around a massive square pillar, in which, perhaps, some kind of lifting device is hidden. With surprising ease, the artist combines architecture and space geometry, combines lines and shapes and creates complete images and self-sufficient structures.

Da Vinci found another interesting use for the double helix. He used it in the construction of an underwater breathing apparatus (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Leonardo da Vinci. Sketch of an underwater breathing apparatus and a detail of a hose. Around 1507-1508

This is an improved version of the breathing tube used by ancient divers. The device consists of a float with a protective floating dome, a mask, breathing hoses and a valve that controls their operation, preventing water from entering. The hose is made of several reed tubes connected by inserts of waterproof material, and inside it there are double springs - a compact elastic element, which, on the one hand, prevents the material from shrinking and losing its shape, and on the other hand, makes the hose flexible.

Flight secret

Leonardo was one of the first to use a helical surface in the design of a propeller - the main part with which an aircraft could rise vertically into the air if it was possible to properly spin the screw, and at the same time cope with its instability during lifting. We are talking about a complex helical motion (rotation around a fixed axis and parallel translation along it, performed simultaneously), but already in relation to flight mechanics.

Leonardo da Vinci's propeller (Fig. 4) is considered the prototype of the modern main rotor, and he himself is the inventor of the helicopter, or, as it is called in Russia, the helicopter. By the way, the word "helicopter" is related to the word "helicoid" and comes from the Greek words ëλικου (spiral, screw) and πτεoóν (wing). It appeared only in the 1860s, almost four centuries after this drawing was made.

Rice. 4. Leonardo da Vinci. A sketch of a propeller. Around 1486-1490

Da Vinci may well have borrowed the idea of ​​"launching" for his design from the "flying turntable" - a toy originally from Ancient China. It was a rod with a bird feather screw at the end. It was untwisted by hand or with the help of a thread wound around the rod and released. The modern version is a primitive "fly" helicopter (Fig. 5), it is easy to make it yourself.

Rice. 5. Helicopter "fly"

But da Vinci could choose the shape of the propeller by observing the rotation of the Archimedes screw (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Archimedes screw

Leonardo the engineer, in general, more than once tried to adapt this ingenious invention of the ancient Greek scientist to different mechanisms. For example, I used it as a part of a hydraulic machine. Or as elements of a perpetual motion machine (it was a design of two screws of different diameters: one by one, the water rose, and the other fell to its original level). But then Leonardo abandoned this fruitless undertaking and came up with a more interesting and useful application for the Archimedes screw.

Leonardo did not consider his design as an aircraft, but investigated the mechanism of its operation. He was looking for the secret of flight in nature, which creates optimal forms that perform certain functions: for a long time he watched "living machines" - birds soaring freely in the sky, and described their movements. In his sketches there is a trajectory of a bird rising up (Fig. 7), which is a helical curve.

Rice. 7. Leonardo da Vinci. Sketches of the flight of birds. Around 1505

Devices equipped with artificial wings and capable of rising into the air due to the muscular strength of a person (ornithopters, or flywheels) - this is what Leonardo occupied most of all (by the way, the skillful master Daedalus, the hero of ancient mythology, was the first to try to realize this idea). Da Vinci returned to solving this problem more than once. Unsuccessfully. As a result, he decided to reproduce the easiest way for birds to fly - he came up with a glider that soars due to air currents. Exploring the problem of flight, he was interested in literally everything, even such a trifle as the sound produced by the wings of a fly! And this was, it seems, the whole of Leonardo - the greatest genius of the Renaissance, "the most insatiably curious person of all time," as one of his biographers noted.

Dreams Come True

The propeller, to which Leonardo gave the form of a helicoid, is mentioned in his famous treatise On Flying. According to the description, the screw should have a metal edging and a linen coating, and thin long tubes will serve as the frame of the canvas. And then da Vinci adds: “You can make yourself a small model out of paper, the axis of which, from thin sheet iron, is twisted with force and which, when released, sets the screw in rotation.” Well, then think for yourself ... Judging by the details of the design, the screw could be rotated with the help of levers attached to the axis. Or a spring mechanism could “start” it. What is a spring? Yes, the same helix, made in metal, capable of accumulating and releasing energy.

The propeller drawing is one of the most famous in Leonardo's collection of works on the problem of flight. It was studied by both amateurs and specialists: scientists, designers, engineers, inventors. None of the models they built could ever take to the air without an engine. But something else is far more important. Da Vinci's sketch contained an invaluable idea, and centuries later, other inventors and scientists created a real aircraft.

In general, Leonardo had a lot of various useful inventions, which were unclaimed in his time, forgotten for a long time and then invented anew.

Details for the curious

Helix and helicoid

A helix is ​​a curve described by a point moving at a constant speed along the generatrix of a cylinder when it rotates uniformly around its axis. This curve intersects all generators at equal angles. If on a sheet of paper we draw several parallel lines at an angle to its larger side at the same distance from each other, and then roll the paper into a cylinder, connecting the two smaller sides, then on its surface we will see a helix: right, if when viewed from below it twists counterclockwise, or left - if twisted in the opposite direction.

Right helix

When rotation around a fixed axis with simultaneous transfer along it is performed not by a point, but by a line, it describes a helical surface in space. So, a segment sliding at one end along a helical line, and with the other along the axis of the cylinder, describes a helicoid (from the Greek ελικος - a spiral, a gyrus).


A cylindrical helix can move along itself. It defines the shortest path between two points of different generators on the surface of the cylinder. The helicoid has similar properties. It slides on its own and has a minimum area for a given outer boundary. Simplicity, flexibility, dynamism, "economical" - thanks to these properties, screw forms are common in nature (remember, for example, the "double helix" of DNA molecules and climbing plants) and are widely used in practice, especially in technology (from a spring and a corkscrew to a meat grinder screw and propeller).

The hop stem has the shape of a left helix

Main rotor - a propeller with a vertical axis of rotation - a source of lift for a helicopter. With its help, flight control and landing of the device are carried out. The idea of ​​using a rotating propeller for flights arose in ancient times and was popular in Europe in the Middle Ages. The design itself had "blades" and looked like a propeller.