How to hang a horseshoe over the front door. How to hang a horseshoe over the door so that it brings good luck to the house

From time immemorial, people have sought to protect the house from various misfortunes. To do this, they resorted to the help of mysticism, magic, called on higher powers and connected the energy of nature. Over time, many superstitions have lost their relevance. But some survived the test of time, and have survived to this day. A striking example is a horseshoe. Of course, faith in her, as in a mystical amulet, faded a little. But even today it is found in many apartments. So, how to hang a horseshoe over the front door?

If you believe in signs, then you will definitely have a question about the location of the horseshoe. Where to hang it? Which one to choose? And if you are indifferent to superstitions, and you see in a horseshoe not a charm, but an original design element, then again you will think about where it will look most harmoniously?

Origins of tradition: 3 versions

The persistence of this superstition has aroused the interest of scientists. Experts tried to figure out where this tradition came from, and why great magical power is attributed to the horse attribute. There are three theories about the origins of the tradition.

  1. Egyptian. During the reign of the pharaohs, horses belonging to the nobility were shod with golden horseshoes. For a poor man who could barely make ends meet, it was indeed a great success to find such a horseshoe. After all, she promised a comfortable life.
  2. Pagan. In beliefs, the blacksmith was revered as a deity. And what else to call someone who was able to subdue the power of fire and the power of metal? Another strong symbol is the horse. He was associated with a worker, a breadwinner and a guide to other worlds. That is why the horseshoe, hardened in fire and incorporating the protective energy of the horse, was revered by the pagan Slavs as a talisman that protects from all troubles.
  3. Religious. Saint Dunstan was a blacksmith. There is a legend that one day the devil appeared to him. Despite the human appearance, the archbishop recognized the unclean one and began torturing him with red-hot metal. The devil begged for mercy. Then Dunstan drove him away. And over the doors he hung a horseshoe, reminding the unclean that he was forbidden to enter this house. But such details are not described in the official life of the saint.

How to treat this attribute - everyone decides for himself. But if you hang a horseshoe, then do it right. After all, as Thomas Edison, the greatest American inventor, claimed, it still works, even if you do not believe in it.

Why do we need a talisman and the subtleties of his choice

According to ancient superstitions, a horseshoe was hung in the house to protect the household from the evil eye, ill-wishers and envious people. In addition, she protected property from thieves and robbers. Great importance was given to the location of the amulet. Depending on in which zone it was hung, it was possible to attract wealth, restore health and "catch" good luck.

It seems that there is nothing easier. I went to a souvenir shop and bought a horseshoe I liked. And beautiful, and modern, and, if necessary, will protect from troubles. But psychics say that such a talisman is not very strong. Therefore, deciding to hang a horseshoe for happiness in an apartment, listen to two tips from experts.

  1. Right stuff. Choose an iron horseshoe. The amulet is only a metal product. Plastic, wooden and even a golden horseshoe will remain only an element of decor. And you should not choose an aluminum amulet at all. He can bring problems to the house.
  2. Lifetime. The new horseshoe is able to harmoniously fit into the interior. But if you want to bring happiness into the house, then you will need an old, used one. And the horseshoe found on the road will become the strongest amulet. In today's world, this is almost impossible. But you can buy a charm that is "charged" with the energy of a horse by visiting a hippodrome, a riding school or a stud farm.

To get a metal amulet, you can go to the village. In some settlements, as the reviews show, there are still blacksmiths, masters of their craft. They can easily forge a horseshoe to order.

How to hang a horseshoe

When the amulet is chosen, many questions arise. How to hang a horseshoe in the house? Where is her place? And who should hang the amulet? To answer everything, you need to turn to ancient traditions.

Choose a place

Most often, a horseshoe can be seen above the front door. It was here that people hung it, trying to protect their home from troubles. But where should it hang: inside the apartment or outside? Esotericists advise two options for the location of the horseshoe, depending on the goals pursued.

  1. Inside the house . So they hang a horseshoe if they want to create internal protection. In other words, this attribute will protect all household members from the evil eye, damage, and trouble. It will protect housing and all things inside the premises.
  2. Outside the house. The amulet is hung on the outside of the door if they seek to ward off ill-wishers from their homes. Such an object affects events from the outside. It protects housing from intruders, robbers.

The area above the door is not the only place where a horseshoe can be placed. Depending on the desires and aspirations of the owners, the subject can be assigned different places. For example, if you want to hang a horseshoe for good luck, then attach it to the door. And every day, leaving the house, be sure to touch it, as if being charged with positive energy. Other locations of the horseshoe, depending on the wishes, can be found in the table.

Table - The most successful places to place a horseshoe

Expected effectWhere to place a horseshoe
To the money- Near the place of storage of money;
- in the safe;
- in the wallet
To heal the sick- Over the bed of a sick person;
- necessarily in the headboard
Against quarrels- On the refrigerator (a horseshoe will “freeze” squabbles)
To get married- Above the hearth (fireplace, stove);
- be sure to hang a pair of identical horseshoes
To give birth to a child- Above the bed of the young;
- necessarily in the headboard
To receive an award- On the full moon, the amulet is placed on the windowsill;
- positioned so that the ends "look" into the room
For friends to be true- In the living room

There is an opinion that it is necessary to hang a horseshoe high at the top so as not to accidentally touch the amulet and thereby not disturb the positive energy. Esotericists have a different opinion on this matter. They recommend hanging it within human height and, leaving the house, do not forget to touch it "for good luck." The best option, according to the pagan Slavs, was to mount a horseshoe over the front door.

Determine the side

Some believe that the amulet should only be hung upside down. And all other provisions are wrong and can bring trouble. But esotericists say that only you can determine which side to hang a horseshoe by analyzing your desires and aspirations.

  • Ends up. This position symbolizes the "full cup." Esotericists believe that with such an arrangement, positive energy will accumulate in the house, providing prosperity, good relations, love, and health in the family. The amulet should hang only inside the apartment.
  • Ends down. Such a talisman has the most protective properties. According to superstitions, all negative thoughts will fall inside the "dome" and, without stopping, "flow" down. It is best to hang such an item above the door from the outside in order to protect your home from negative energy, thieves.

To whom to entrust

Since this item is considered protection for the whole family, it is necessary to involve household members in the process of fastening. There are four recommendations for this.

  1. Who hangs. The owner and the hostess must hang the horseshoe. The wife is allowed to keep the amulet, and the husband attaches it to the chosen place.
  2. Acquaintance with residents. Before hanging the amulet, it is recommended to “acquaint” him with all household members. To do this, the artifact in turn must be held in the hands of all those living in the house.
  3. Filling of energies. To fill the object with the energy of nature and enhance its abilities, it is recommended to hold the horseshoe under the rays of the sun. If the amulet is intended to protect against robbers and enemies, then it is better to charge under the moon.
  4. positive attitude. When hanging a charm, it is necessary to keep positive emotions, love and joy in the soul. This will allow the item to “charge” with the positive energy of the owners, and “work” with a vengeance.

No priest will consecrate the horseshoe. This subject belongs to pagan symbols. It is worth remembering this and not hanging a horseshoe next to an icon or a cross. In addition, Orthodox Christians, in principle, do not accept pagan attributes and try to avoid their appearance in their homes.

Is it possible to nail

There are several methods for attaching a horseshoe. According to esotericists, they are all correct, and depend only on what you believe. Most often, an artifact is attached using the following three methods.

  1. Seven nails. An ancient superstition says that a horseshoe is hung on nails. And in each hole there should be a nail. People believed that in this way they "bind" the spirits of the talisman, who would help the owners and guard the house.
  2. One nail. In some areas, a different tradition was spread. The owner had to nail the amulet with only one nail. Thus, he proved his strength to the talisman.
  3. Twine. According to the Old Believers, a horseshoe should not be nailed to the wall. They argue that the lost horseshoe does not want to be nailed again. Therefore, it is necessary to hang on a rope, which is fixed with a hook.

How to increase the impact

In order for a horseshoe to protect the house from misfortunes for a long time, it is necessary to periodically conduct appropriate folk rites. There are two ways to restore the energy of the amulet.

  1. Periodic make-up. From time to time, the owners should take the horseshoe in their hands, recharging it with their energy. It must be wiped from dust and do not forget to thank for the help.
  2. Mandatory cleansing. To eliminate the negative energy that accumulates on the amulet, it must be cleansed. To do this, during the waning moon, the object is removed from its place. It is brought under running cool water and washed for three to five minutes. And a nailed horseshoe is cleansed with fire. To do this, a lit candle is driven along the contour of the amulet for several minutes.

Modern esotericists give some more advice on how a horseshoe should hang. To increase wealth, hang it upside down, and attach a coin inside it so that your "cup" is not empty. If you want peace and goodness in the house, attach the keys to the amulet. Wishing to save health, tie a green ribbon on it, and trying to meet or keep love - red.

Reviews: "Any object will help if you believe in it"

And somehow I was walking with a friend across the field (we walked in the fall) and FOUND A HORSESHOE. I still don’t understand how I saw her, she was all in clods of earth and clay and didn’t look like a horseshoe at all. I cleaned it, rzhaaaaavaya eerily, through and through simply. Now I have moved into my first personal apartment and I will hang it above the door, just rusty.


Protecting your home with talismans and amulets is a tradition left to us by our ancestors. One can argue for a long time on the subject of the expediency of these beliefs. However, it makes no sense to go into controversy if a person trusts what he is doing. Any item will help the owners of the house, if endowed with the most powerful magic - faith in its miraculous power. The horseshoe is a talisman that has earned national recognition. But here's the question: how to properly hoist it in the house - up in an arc or vice versa? It depends on where you are going to find the place for the horseshoe. And here there can be no two opinions. If this talisman is assigned to be inside the house, then install it with an arc down, and “horns” up. Our ancestors were adamant: it is in this position that the horseshoe-talisman will “collect” happiness and goodness. If the place of the horseshoe, at your discretion, is reserved from the side of the street, then the arc should look up. As you might guess, only in this position all the negativity will “pour” out of it over the threshold, but will not enter the house. There is one more condition for the positive influence of the talisman: a horseshoe should be brought to your house and presented with good intentions by a good person. Buying amulets on your own is pointless. There is, however, another option: a horseshoe should be picked up on the road. And although in our time it is extremely difficult, still look carefully under your feet - and in our life there is a place for miracles.

Grozny, php?t=363

I have a horseshoe hanging over the door with horns down, spikes from the wall. I remember it was still decorative. That one had horns down ... And you need to hang it in the way that is convenient or how you like it.

Jack ,


At first glance, the direct purpose of a horseshoe cannot be connected in any way with magical rituals. Nowadays, most of those who use this symbol and hang it in their homes are not even aware of its sacred meaning. We give a horseshoe for happiness to relatives and friends because somewhere we heard that it brings good luck. Like, it is associated primarily with good luck.

But in fact, this item carries much more power and energy than you might think. The horseshoe amulet has become widespread throughout the world: it was used by the ancient Egyptians and Romans, Slavs and many other peoples. Finding it on the road, people took the horseshoe with them and hung it at home. Our ancestors believed that in this way they would be able to attract even more luck, which had already fallen into their hands.

Why hang a horseshoe over the front door

A horseshoe above the door helps protect the house from troubles and misfortunes of the most diverse nature. By hanging a horseshoe over the entrance to the house, you will be saved not only from the influence of evil spirits that send illnesses and hardships to the human race, but also receive protection from ill-wishers. Envious glances and conversations, bad wishes and witchcraft manipulations directed in your direction - all this will not have any effect.

Very often people confuse how to hang a horseshoe. But here it is enough to remember that for protection it must hang with its ends down above the threshold and always from the side of the street. If you hang it the other way around, then it will no longer be a talisman against evil, but a horseshoe of happiness, the place of which is only inside.

Where did the tradition come from

The tradition of using this sign as a good luck charm is lost in the mists of time. In the past, the horse was the main mode of transport, but not everyone could afford it. Families with low incomes bought old horses, and only rich people kept young, strong and fast horses.

Finding a horseshoe, often made of expensive metal, for a poor person meant not just luck, but real wealth. It could easily be turned into food or clothing, selling at a profit. Perhaps that is why the horseshoe has become a symbol of good luck and prosperity, but this is only one of the explanations. There is another, less prosaic one.

The Slavs treated horses with respect, because they were not just improvised animals. They helped support the family, were its breadwinners. In addition, according to the legends, it was the horses that carried the chariot with the solar disk across the sky.

This brings us back to the Slavic cult of the sun and helps to understand why such a simple object gained great importance for our ancestors, turning into a horseshoe of happiness.

Blacksmiths in Rus' have always been respected, because they subjugated fire and metal.

There is an old story that tells how the devil himself came to the blacksmith with a request to shoe his sore leg. The master agreed to help, but drove in too big a nail, which caused pain to the unclean. While the devil raged furiously, the blacksmith chained him up. He agreed to let the horned one go with one single condition: if the devil does not come to the houses on which the horseshoe hangs. The cunning master knew that there was one of these on his dwelling.

Over time, such a talisman for the home was transformed into a personal amulet, and now on store shelves you can often find a horseshoe-talisman that is hung on the refrigerator.

Which horseshoe to choose

The modern magic market is flooded with souvenirs. People began to forget how much one is different from the other. Decorative horseshoes do not have magical potential, as do bags of happiness stuffed with synthetic winterizer or plastic spoons.

All these items are fiction, because they are not made of the right, natural materials and are not charged. But this does not stop people, and they continue to acquire artificial amulets and hang them in their homes.

Only a real horseshoe can become a true protector, with certain manipulations capable of turning into a talisman.

Ideally, of course, do not buy a horseshoe, but find it or receive it as a gift. At first glance, this is very difficult: in our time on the road, especially in the city, horseshoes do not roll around, because horses have long been no longer the main means of transport. However, you can visit a hippodrome or a riding school and ask to exchange a horseshoe for something other than money. Maybe even give it to you, which is even better.

The best amulet will be a real horseshoe worn by a horse.

If you can’t find a real one that has flown off a horse’s hoof, try to make sure that the purchased item is made from natural materials. For example, from a tree. An artificial horseshoe will not become a serious defender.

It is also common to create a horseshoe from salt dough. It is decorated with ribbons, beads or beads and even bells, and then hung in the house. Such crafts will also help to attract good luck.

Where to hang a charm

People interested in the traditions of ancient peoples have regular discussions on how to properly hang a horseshoe over the front door. Expert opinions differ on this issue. Some say that I will protect the place only from the outside, others prove the opposite.

From all this, one conclusion can be drawn - there is no right and wrong way. Each of the options is important and has its own meaning, which must be correctly interpreted. In fact, places suitable for amulets are not limited to just one door.

Where to hang:

  • at the entrance to a house or apartment;
  • in living rooms;
  • in front of the entrance or inside the production premises;

The right place is considered to be the space at the entrance to the house or inside. It can be a threshold, a porch or a hallway. Hanging a horseshoe in the bedroom, like paintings with horses in motion, is not worth it. This will negatively affect the intimate atmosphere of the room. You can even place the amulet in the kitchen, but in no case in the bathroom or in the back room.

The kitchen and other rooms are suitable for a good luck charm, but the amulet from evil should only hang above the front doors from the outside.

Which side to place the horseshoe

It is not enough to choose a special place, you also need to figure out how to properly hang a horseshoe on the door. Some simply hang it on the very surface of the door, slightly below the peephole or apartment number. Such actions are not entirely correct, and to be frank, they are completely unacceptable.

But this is more about the outer horseshoe than the one that is hung inside. After all, the essence lies in the fact that the object filters through itself all the energy directed into the house, not letting in the negative. And best of all, he can do this if he hangs above the head of the incoming one. There are three ways to hang a charm, two of which are basic, and the third is an interesting combination of the previous ones. How to hang - one way or combining them, you decide.

Horseshoe for good luck - horns up (according to Feng Shui)

Historically, the horseshoe has been closely associated with luck. There is nothing surprising in this, if we remember where such associations came from. A horseshoe for good luck should be inside the dwelling or workroom, and not outside. After all, this is the only way she can collect all the positive energy and “preserve” it in space, and not spray it around.

Any dispute about how the horseshoe should be hung, inside or outside the house, up or down, is easy to resolve. It is enough to understand what value each of these methods has.

Many peoples noted the similarity of images, comparing a horseshoe hung upside down with a full bowl of wealth. They believed that in this position, the “trace” of the horse would become a horseshoe of happiness. Today, this approach is most often associated with the teachings of Feng Shui.

A horseshoe with horns up should be hung from the inside, then it will bring good luck.

Hanging upside down, the horseshoe turns into a kind of magnet that attracts all the good things into the life of its owner and his loved ones. Such a talisman is able to bring wealth, joy and happiness to the house, bestowing these benefits on you and your loved ones.

An even better effect can be achieved if you also use other talismans to attract wealth, for example, or.

Such a horseshoe can only be hung indoors - in an apartment, house or office. It is still better for family people to hang a talisman at home. After all, they probably already have to constantly balance between business and family. And the amulet will help you find harmony.

Horseshoe for protection - horns down (Slavic way)

In the case when the ends of the horseshoe look down, the talisman is transformed into a talisman, the purpose of which is not to attract positive energy, but to repel negative energy. Forming a kind of arch, a barrier, the amulet will not allow bad thoughts and wishes to seep into the house. Everything bad will simply “roll” down the arms - right on the one who tried to come to you with such a “present”.

The Slavs believed that a horseshoe with its horns down would protect against evil.

Nowadays, this method is often referred to as "Slavic", according to historical data, our ancestors used the amulet in this capacity. Such a horseshoe should be hung only at the entrance from the outside.

When it is not possible to place the amulet at the entrance to the house, some simply change its location, hanging it not outside, but inside - in the corridor or hallway. At first it may seem that such a permutation does not play a special role, but it is not. If you changed your place, but forgot to turn the horseshoe over, it will not bring happiness, but will contribute to the fact that all this will quickly disappear from the family nest.

The third option: for the most powerful protection, use two horseshoes. Hang one from the side of the entrance, horns down for protection, the other from the inside, horns up - for well-being.

How to fasten a horseshoe

Few people want to carry a real horseshoe as a talisman. Its shape and size suggest fastening. This is the only best option when the amulet will not only lie, taking up space in your home, but also fulfill its purpose.

There are several mounting methods:

  • hang, nailed with one nail;
  • fasten with many nails according to the number of holes in the product;
  • hang on a nail previously driven into the wall with a twine;

You can nail a horseshoe with nails, or tie it with twine

Each of these options has its own characteristics. First of all, it is worth mentioning that the owner of the house himself must nail the amulet. Horseshoes were made by blacksmiths who worked with metal and fire, and they had very powerful energy. By personally nailing a horseshoe with a hammer and a nail, you will demonstrate that you are able to subdue it and it “recognizes” you as the owner.

The number of holes in the product may vary, so a person who decides to hang a horseshoe is faced with the question of the number of nails. From a rational point of view, one is enough. Some, guided by security considerations, hammer nails into each of the holes. But in this case, it is important to take into account the meaning of the numbers. Seven will fit most harmoniously here. It was this number that the Slavs identified with luck.

Choose any of the methods, but do not forget that the horseshoe is a magical attribute. They need to be cleaned of accumulated dust and negative energy, as well as charged with fresh energy. If the amulet is nailed, then this will have to be done without removing it. You can rinse it with living water from a spring or hold it next to a lit candle. But to leave it to charge in the sun, or put it in salt, you can only get a removable horseshoe.

In addition, amulets have the property of "leaving" when they fulfill their purpose. They can break or even get lost. Usually a horseshoe shows this, suddenly, for no reason, falling from its usual place. By nailing, you deprive her of the chance to signal that her life has come to an end. Having taken upon itself a powerful negative blow inflicted by an ill-wisher, a weakened amulet will neither be able to leave nor adequately protect its wards.

How to enhance the magical properties of the amulet

The magical properties of the horseshoe, as in the case of other amulets, will begin to appear only after activation. There are a considerable number of special rituals and conspiracies that help awaken the power contained in a magical attribute. There are both more universal and specialized ones - suitable only for certain artifacts and no others.

You can charge the amulet with the energy of the sun, leaving it for a day in the garden

A horseshoe requires an individual approach. A horseshoe conspiracy should be carried out by the head of the family. But at the same time, each of those living in an apartment or house can and should take part in it. To speak a horseshoe for good luck and wealth, invite your loved ones to hold it in their hands, and then go around the apartment clockwise three times.

It is desirable that this day be sunny. While going around the rooms, do not be silent, tell aloud about your house, about each of the relatives living here. And then ask to give you all peace, happiness and prosperity.

If an atmosphere of warmth and mutual understanding already reigns in the family, but it noticeably lacks financial support, you can conduct a ritual to attract wealth. To do this, in the full moon, put the little thing on the windowsill, pointing the arcs inward, towards the walls. You should choose a non-residential room and make sure that the moonlight falls on the object. The next day, the amulet can be immediately hung in the hallway.

Do not forget, if possible, from time to time to remove the amulet and cleanse with fire. You can also leave it in the garden in the sun - in this way it will absorb not only the life-giving power of the sun, but also the energy of the earth.

The horseshoe is considered the strongest home amulet. Since ancient times, it was hung at the entrance to the house, in order to attract good luck and prosperity. But few people know how to hang a horseshoe correctly so that it really attracts happiness to the house. There are several rules, following which, your horseshoe can be an excellent talisman against evil and trouble.

How to hang a horseshoe

  1. A horseshoe should be hung above the front door inside the house. In this case, she will attract all the benefits to the house. If you hang this talisman from the outside of the door, then the horseshoe will have a completely different function. In this case, she will simply protect your home from uninvited guests, the evil eye and damage.
  2. Of great importance is which side you hang the horseshoe. If you hang it with horns up, then it will attract wealth to the house. In this case, it will look like a bowl. And the bowl, as you know, is a symbol of prosperity and well-being.
  3. If you hang a horseshoe with the horns down, it will look like an inverted bowl. This is a symbol of protection. That is, it turns out that all household members will be under the magical dome of this bowl. In this case, your house will pass troubles, illnesses, misfortunes and quarrels.
  4. A horseshoe should be nailed to the oldest member of the family or its head. This must be done by a man. It is necessary to fasten this amulet on one nail. Previously, nailing a horseshoe to a door was a whole ritual in which an important meaning can be traced. In order for the horseshoe to bring good luck, the nail on which it will be attached must be held in the hands of all family members living in the house. After that, the horseshoe will become a strong home amulet.

If you want to acquire this talisman, then it is also important to know which horseshoe can bring good luck to you. The following are considered lucky horseshoes:

  • Inherited from relatives
  • Found in a field or next to a stable
  • Accepted as a gift from kind people

Believe in your home talisman, and it will definitely help you! Most importantly, do not forget that good attracts good, and evil attracts evil! Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

11.10.2014 09:11

Sometimes four walls and a roof do not give a person a sense of security and tranquility. No matter how richly and comfortably the house is furnished, ...

Amulets are designed to protect their owners from negative impacts, as well as to attract good luck and fulfill the cherished...

Since ancient times, a horseshoe has been considered a symbol of good luck and happiness, they say that it brings prosperity and prosperity to the house. This talisman can also protect the hearth from evil spirits and the negative energy of bad people.

Many of us believe in omens and beliefs, they want to maintain harmony and peace in their home, family happiness and well-being, so they buy various amulets and talismans for their home. For any of the talismans to really bring happiness, you need to know how to use it. The same can be said about the horseshoe, it must hang in the correct position, and only then the talisman will bring good luck to its owners.

A bit of history

Even in ancient Egypt, when pharaohs ruled there, horseshoes with gold heels were put on the horses of noble persons. Sometimes horses lost a precious horseshoe and the poor man who found such an object immediately became wealthy, he was finally lucky, happiness smiled.

Among the Slavs, the horse has always been endowed with special power, it was considered a symbol of the Sun and fertility, this animal has always been revered, they even said that the horse can move from the world of the living to the world of the dead. Almost all Russian folk tales are associated with the horse, in which he was assigned an important role. Since ancient times, people have been making toys in the form of horses, embroidering on clothes and drawing an image of a horse on dishes.

The horseshoe was able to combine strength of horse and iron, it has a certain form, which for thousands of years remains specific and unchanged. This shape of the object gives people a clue how to hang it.

How to hang a horseshoe

To protect your home from failures and troubles, feng shui specialists offer helpful tips and tricks.

Signs say that a horseshoe always brings happiness, wealth and good luck, love and health, so that it should be fix it properly in your home.

Now it’s clear how you need to hang a horseshoe on the door of your house so that it brings happiness and wealth or protects it from troubles and misfortunes. It remains only to make the right choice and decide for yourself what is more important for each family.

There is also a custom where all family members must hold a horseshoe in your hands and only then hang it on the door, then it will bring good luck to every household. In order for the horseshoe to have even more energy and strength, one more talisman can be added to it - the cornucopia. It is best if such a symbol is made by hand, then both talismans will double the positive action.

Amulet for good luck

Since ancient times, people have believed that such an object as a horseshoe always brings good luck and luck in business. Those who found it by chance and brought it to their home were soon lucky, their lives changed for the better.

If we talk about ordinary souvenirs that can be bought in numerous stores, then they are unlikely to bring long-awaited luck and prosperity. For this it is necessary have a real horseshoe, which served the horse, such an old amulet will always bring good luck and happiness to its owner.

In most countries, the horseshoe is usually nailed, and there should be as many nails as there are holes in the horseshoe. A man should nail the amulet, and a woman should help him, hold a horseshoe in her hand and then pass it on to the owner of the house. Before leaving the house, you need to touch the amulet and during the day you will be lucky and successful in business. There is also another rule, according to which the horseshoe is not nailed to the door, but hung on a string.

If you make a horseshoe with your own hands and hang it in your house, then it will also bring luck, wealth and happiness to the house.


It is unlikely that you will be able to buy a real horseshoe in a gift shop, it is best to ask donate or sell it in the stable where horses live. Such a gift will definitely bring good luck, it remains only to decide for yourself on which side of the door to hang this priceless item.

If it is not possible to purchase an item from the stable, then you can also buy it in a gift shop, but only so that the talisman is made of metal. In addition to the talisman, there must be faith in luck, without it, nowhere, and soon she will definitely smile.

A horseshoe is a symbol not only of wealth, good luck, happiness and success, but also a serious guardian of the house. They say you need to find it, not buy it or bring it from the stable. We willingly buy souvenir horseshoes, attach horseshoe magnets to the refrigerator door and decorate ourselves with jewelry - miniature horseshoes made of silver and gold.

Since ancient times, mystical properties have been attributed to horseshoes in various countries. How to treat it? Can a very ordinary object possess magical powers? Niels Bohr answered this question best of all when his guest asked if the great scientist believed that a horseshoe above the door brings happiness: “Of course I don’t! But the horseshoe brings happiness even to those who do not believe in it.

"Horns" down or up?

There is a good old tradition to hang a horseshoe on the gate, at the entrance to the house or place it indoors. It exists for a long time. Disagreements often arise over how to properly attach a horseshoe: “horns” down or up?

I talked to people from different professions. Not only related to the maintenance of horses, but also far from the equestrian world. Among them were blacksmiths and grooms, experts in folklore and absolutely random people. Absolutely everyone knew about the “horseshoe for happiness”. But there was confusion about which way her "horns" should look. And this is a fundamentally important clarification, on which it depends whether the horseshoe will be a talisman (a symbol of happiness and good luck) or will become a reliable amulet-guard.

"Horns" up. Such a horseshoe symbolizes a bowl in which wealth, success and happiness accumulate. This is a kind of magnet that can attract and hold all sorts of benefits.

Feng Shui connoisseurs also tend to this option, considering the horseshoe as a source of energy and a source of family well-being.

Many people prefer to hang or put a horseshoe in this position. However, there is another well-founded opinion.

Horns down. The stable and the blacksmith have always been the place where superstitions were born and flourished. There they honored the spirits guarding the horses, protected the animals from the evil eye, spoilage, and strictly followed local traditions. Grooms and blacksmiths always have a lot of work, so it’s easier for them to hang horseshoes on a nail, i.e. "horns" down. In their opinion, such a horseshoe will protect from evil forces and bring happiness.

In winter, horses are often forged on special spiked horseshoes. To keep them from slipping. There is every reason to believe that a spiked horseshoe will deal with evil in the best possible way.

In Tajikistan (according to several rural residents of this state), a horseshoe is usually hung with "horns" down, less often with "horns" up. They explained to me that then the sorcerer would not be able to harm the owner and his family. And pets will be protected.

Ritual to attract money

I learned about this ritual from a connoisseur of folk traditions and superstitions. It turns out that on a full moon, always on a clear night, there is an opportunity to attract money. To do this, the window sill is completely freed and a horseshoe is placed on it with “horns” directed towards the glass. In the room where no one will be at night. If this is not possible, then you need to separate the window from the room with a thick curtain and not observe what is happening. The window sill should be well lit by the moon for as long as possible.

In the morning, the horseshoe is carefully hung up or put in place with the “horns” up. After that, you should expect cash receipts. Try it yourself. But only without any skepticism, because it can destroy the mood, without which it is impossible to conduct rituals.

The horseshoe has another remarkable property. If you trust her, then she is able to protect the owner's valuables. I know a case when thieves ransacked an apartment, but "forgot" to open the desk drawer, where there were money and ... a horseshoe.

Does a “fake” horseshoe have power?

There are a lot of jewelry, magnets, panels, Christmas decorations, confectionery, etc. with a picture of a horseshoe.

People willingly buy them or accept them as a gift. If this positive feeling is maintained, then even a “fake” horseshoe will acquire the property that a real, lost horse has. Beautiful souvenir horseshoes are often brought from other countries. Wonderful ceramic amulets are made by Moldavian craftsmen.

A horseshoe-shaped pendant will avert an unkind look, a magnet in a prominent place on the refrigerator door will cool down a furious debater, and a chocolate horseshoe will improve your mood and make life sweeter.

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