How to increase muscle without harm to health. The best way to quickly pump up and build muscle

Never before has such a complete guide to nutrition and training to gain muscle mass appeared on the web. There are 12 points in total: in the first eight we will deal with training, in the remaining four - with nutrition.

All you need to do is follow each step and you will not have time to look back as muscle mass begins to increase.

First, let's find out what the muscles of the body are. Muscle tissue is made up of individual muscle fibers. Proper training leads to damage to these fibers. Quality rest and diet contribute to their healing and muscle building.

A set of muscles is a whole science. The main idea is to “injure” the muscles, let them recover and then repeat again. Here's how to gain muscle mass very quickly.

    How can you quickly pump up muscles if you do not give them an ever-increasing load? No way. It's very simple, the weight should increase every week. Without this condition, you will never be successful.

    That is, if this or that exercise is easier for you, then it's time to add weight. This is the idea of ​​progression in loads.

    1. Train within the following rep limits

    Hypertrophy is an increase in muscle size. Since gaining weight and muscle mass is your goal, you need to train for hypertrophy, and not for stretching, which does not increase the size of muscle fibers.

    Almost a decade of research has allowed specialists to identify the optimal range for the number of repetitions:

    • 8-12 reps per set
    • 6-8 reps per set

    Muscle pumping occurs with the next approach. For the first 10 weeks, do the exercises according to the first frame of the number of repetitions, then move on to the second. Always start with 8-12 reps, as starting with a small amount you will not achieve significant muscle growth.

    1. Perform each set to failure

    This is a rather controversial issue, although, as such, there is no question here. Simply lifting weights for 8-12 reps won't get you anywhere, as you can only increase muscle mass through training intensity.

    Let's say you can do 10 barbell raises; 11 is already impossible for you, and 5 is too easy. 5 repetitions is 50% of the effort intensity (10 = 100%). How to quickly build muscle if you put in only half the effort every workout? We all know it doesn't. The body simply will not have any incentive to increase muscle.

    The necessary stimulation of the maximum number of muscle fibers occurs precisely in those last repetitions on the verge of possibilities.

    Stopping before this point will simply prevent your body from going into growth mode. Always keep in mind that building muscle is a defense mechanism. If there is no sufficient reason (i.e. sufficient intensity), then the body simply will not see the point in an adaptive increase in muscle mass.

    It's like sunburn. In order for the skin to darken, protecting us from bright radiation, intense sunlight is needed. If there is not enough sunlight, then you can sit outside for 16 hours a day and not get a tan at all in a month. It's the same with muscles. You can spend 3 hours in the gym every day, but with low intensity, and not gain an ounce of muscle mass.

    1. Get enough rest between workouts

    Did you know that accelerated muscle growth occurs when you are resting at home, and not when you are directly in training? This is due to the fact that power loads lead to the appearance of microtraumas in the muscle tissue, which stimulate the process of growth recovery at the end of training. Therefore, in order to properly gain muscle mass, you need to get enough rest between workouts and not load the same muscles too often.

    1. Both full body workouts and split workouts allow you to build muscle mass.

    Studies have shown that both training for all muscle groups at a time, and separate training for 5 days a week, are suitable for building muscle mass.

    In the first case, you load each muscle group 3 times a week, in the second - one or two 5 times.

    Below is an example of super effective workouts:

    Full body workout:


    • Squats - 2 sets;
    • Bench press - 2;
    • Rise on socks - 2;
    • Shrugs - 2;
    • Flexion of the wrists - 2.
    • Squats - 2 sets;
    • Bench press - 2;
    • Rise on socks - 2;
    • Crunches on the block from behind the head - 2;
    • Traction on a low block while sitting - 2;
    • Isolated bending of the arms - 2;
    • Extension of arms for triceps - 2;
    • Shrugs - 2.
    • Deadlift - 2 sets;
    • Push-ups on uneven bars - 2;
    • Dumbbell bench press from behind the head - 2;
    • Push-ups - 2;
    • Flexion for biceps with a barbell - 2;
    • Pull down on a high block with a reverse grip - 2;
    • Leg press - 2;
    • Leg curl - 2.

    Split workout for 5 days

    Monday - Shoulders/Trapezius:

    • Overhead barbell press - 4 sets;
    • Overhead dumbbell press - 2;
    • Breeding arms to the sides with dumbbells - 2;
    • Raising dumbbells in front of you - 2;
    • Shrugs - 4.

    Tuesday - legs:

    • Squats - 2 sets;
    • Leg press - 2;
    • Deadlift on bent legs - 2;
    • Leg extension;
    • Bending the legs.

    Wednesday - hands:

    • Bent over triceps extension - 2 sets;
    • Triceps extension on the block - 2;
    • Triceps press down on the block - 2;
    • Isolated bending of the arms - 3;
    • Bending arms with a barbell - 2;
    • Incline dumbbell curls - 1.

    Thursday - back

    • Deadlift - 3 sets;
    • Traction on a low block while sitting - 3;
    • Dumbbell pull to the belt - 2.

    Friday - Chest and Abs:

    • Bench press - 2 sets;
    • Bench press - 2;
    • Reduction of hands in the simulator while sitting - 2;
    • Push-ups sitting - 2;
    • Crunches on the block while kneeling - 3;
    • Lifting the body in an inclination - 2;
    • Reverse twists - 2.
    1. Training cycle - 10 weeks

    To start 10 weeks, do a set of exercises designed for three days, then rest for a week and move on to a five-day plan for the next 10 weeks. Of course, this is not the fastest way to quickly build muscle mass, but it is definitely effective.

    1. Rest a week after the first 10 weeks

    This "vacation" is extremely important. In order for muscle growth to be maximized, it is important to periodically give the body a rest for a relatively long period of time. After a week away from the gym, your body is ready to accept the new load, which is an effective way to gain muscle mass.

    1. Do both combination and isolation exercises

    Composite exercises are crucial in gaining muscle mass, as they involve several muscle groups at the same time and allow you to lift quite heavy weights. These are exercises that are built around more than one joint. These include squats, deadlifts, and overhead presses.

    In recent years, isolation exercises have been unfairly underestimated. They involve the movement of only one joint.

    While compound exercise enthusiasts talk about "working" several parts of the body at the same time, it's important to understand that this does NOT mean that each muscle group is working in a particular exercise with sufficient intensity. For example, during the bench press, the triceps are involved in the work, but this load is not enough to provoke muscle growth. That is why isolation exercises are a great way to properly gain muscle mass.

    1. Eat enough

    No matter what diet you follow, you need to eat enough to give your body the energy it needs to grow. Add 200-300 calories per day to your basal metabolic rate. It is often recommended to add 500, but this is too much, 3500 extra calories per week can lead to fat cell growth. It is a common misconception that getting fat and being bulky is the same thing.

    1. Make Sure You Get Enough Protein Every Day

    No, in order to increase muscle mass, you do not need to eat some unimaginable portions. Just a little more than usual.

    There are two ways to determine the amount of protein required for muscle growth:

    • Easy way: 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight;
    • Difficult: weight of pure muscles without fat (kg) x 2.75

    As you understand, the second is complicated in that you need to determine the percentage of fat in the body and calculate how much the dry muscle mass of your body weighs.

    Below is a list of foods with the highest protein content per serving:

    • Steak, 170 grams = 42 grams of protein;
    • Chicken breasts, 85 grams = 30 grams of protein;
    • Chicken meat (cooked) 100 grams = 35 grams of protein;
    • Ham 85 grams = 19 grams of protein;
    • Bacon, 1 strip = 3 grams of protein;
    • Fish fillet or steak, 85 grams / 100 grams of cooked fish = 22 grams of protein;
    • Tuna, can 170 grams = 40 grams of protein;
    • Egg = 6 grams of protein;
    • Milk, 1 cup = 8 grams of protein;
    • Cottage cheese, 1 cup = 10 grams of protein;
    • Natural yogurt, 1 cup = 10 grams of protein
    • Tofu cheese, 100 grams = 20 grams of protein
    • Legumes (beans, lentils, etc.), ½ cup, cooked = 7-10 grams of protein;

    • Soybeans, cooked, ½ cup = 14 grams of protein;
    • Peanut butter, 2 tablespoons = 8 grams of protein;
    • Peanuts, ¼ cup = 9 grams of protein;
    • Almonds, ¼ cup = 8 grams of protein;
    • Pumpkin seeds, ¼ cup = 8 grams of protein;
    • Flaxseed, ¼ cup = 8 grams of protein;
    • Sunflower seeds, ¼ cup = 6 grams of protein.
    1. Drink enough water

    A sufficient level of water in the body is an important step in how to pump up muscle mass. Use the following formula: body weight x 0.03 = how many liters to drink per day.

    1. get enough sleep

    The advice isn't exactly about diet, but it's important enough. Muscle fibers regenerate during rest, which is why sleep is so important for muscle growth. And that's why:

    1. During the deep phase of sleep, the release of growth hormone reaches its peak.
    2. During sleep, the metabolism slows down, which is ideal for the recovery and growth of muscle tissue.
    3. Increases blood flow to the muscles.

    In addition, studies show that those who sleep 4 hours or less a night have 60% less testosterone than those who sleep 8 hours or more.

    It is important to train well, eat right, but you should not forget about quality rest either.

For many of us, gaining muscle mass may conjure up images of countless hours in the gym, but diet doesn't come to mind. Your body needs calories and nutritional support to feed growing muscle mass and adapt to different types of activity. Before making drastic changes in your lifestyle, you can consult with your doctor, personal trainer and nutritionist.


What to eat

    Eat enough protein. The rule of thumb is that you need to consume 1-1.5 times your body weight in grams of protein. For example, if you weigh 75 kg, you should eat between 150 and 225 grams of protein per day if you want to gradually build muscle. Bodybuilders can eat two to three grams of their body weight in grams of protein, and sometimes more, but for most of us, this will be overkill. If you are overweight, substitute your ideal body weight and calculate in grams. Proteins that are great for building muscle include:

    Learn the difference between complete and incomplete proteins. In order to build muscle, you need to consume complete proteins found in eggs, meat, fish, cheese, milk, and most other animal products. Rule of thumb: if it's bleeding or breathing, it's a complete protein. There are tons of non-animal complete proteins, which means you can still build muscle while being a vegetarian. Complete vegetarian proteins include:

    • soy
    • Quinoa
    • Buckwheat
    • Hemp
    • Beans or legumes with rice
  1. Eat foods high in PDCAAS (Protein Amino Acid Adjusted Digestibility Index). This is a measure of how well different proteins are absorbed by the body, based on the solubility of the amino acids in the protein. Think of PDCAAS as a classification of protein quality, where 1 is the highest score and 0 is the lowest. Here is a breakdown of the most commonly found proteins by their rounded PDCAA values:

    • 1.00: egg white, whey, casein, soy protein
    • 0.9: beef, soybeans
    • 0.7: chickpeas, fruits, black beans, vegetables, other legumes
    • 0.5: cereals and their derivatives, peanuts
    • 0.4: whole wheat
  2. Include carbohydrates in your diet. It's important to have carbs so your body can tap into muscle glycogen (energy) stores while you're working out. If you don't consume the right amount of carbohydrates, then your body will not have enough energy and will start using muscle instead! To build muscle, your diet should consist of approximately 40% - 60% carbohydrates, or about 1500 calories per day.

    Eat healthy fats. Not all fats are the same. In fact, there is reason to believe that healthy fats are actually good for you. You should be getting 20% ​​to 35% of your calories from fat. Eat monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. They are "good" fats and include:

    • Olive, peanut, sunflower, rapeseed, and avocado oils.
    • Fish.
    • Nuts.
    • Flaxseed and pumpkin seeds.
    • Soy products such as tofu or soy milk.
    • Ice cream, candy, and packaged snacks.
    • Meat with a high fat content.
    • Lard, margarine and processed vegetable fats.
    • Fried food.
  3. Eat plenty of fiber. Remember, it's important to include green vegetables in your diet, such as spinach or broccoli, to make sure you're getting enough vitamins. Also, green leafy vegetables are high in fiber, which is essential for removing waste from the body.

    Watch your salt intake. It is possible that excessive salt intake can lead to hypertension, but when you sweat, you lose a huge amount of sodium. In addition, sodium (a key electrolyte) helps muscles contract, which is why it is found in many sports drinks.

    How to eat

    1. Eat when you are hungry. It is obvious? Many bodybuilders are under the delusion that muscle-building diets have to be more complex than they really are. Eating what you like, within the parameters outlined in the previous section, is the key to consistent muscle building. If you do not regularly eat what you like, it will be more difficult for you to follow the diet. Here " example of a diet which will give you a better idea of ​​what to eat during the day:

      • Breakfast: egg white omelet with turkey; whole grain toast; banana.
      • Snack: mix of nuts; apple.
      • Lunch: tuna salad with olive oil, onions and capers; fried cabbage.
      • Pre-Workout Snack: Blueberry Cottage Cheese.
      • Snack after workout: protein shake; fried spinach.
      • Dinner: chicken breast in orange soy sauce with quinoa; stew of carrots, onions, peas and peppers.
    2. Create a calorie surplus. For many bodybuilders, it's important to combine a protein increase with a calorie increase so that your hard work in the gym doesn't go in vain. You should stock up on enough energy to burn it off to build muscle, but don't eat too many calories so you don't store fat.

      • Your calorie count should be the number of calories you should be consuming on average per day relative to your average energy output to maintain your current body weight. For most people with a healthy body weight, this is about 2,000 calories.
      • Men need about 250 extra calories per day (2250 in total), while women need about 150 extra calories per day (2125 in total). In a given week, thanks to muscle building exercises and proper nutrition, this increase in calories should translate into about 0.11-0.22 kg of muscle mass.
    3. Be sure to have breakfast. Breakfast is arguably the most important meal of the day, outside of your post-workout meal. A breakfast full of protein, complex carbohydrates and fiber will get your metabolism going. This will also keep your body from absorbing energy from the muscles. Remember the saying: "Breakfast like a king, dine like a prince, and dine like a beggar." Since you are not on a diet, however, you do not have to be constantly poor.

      • Add protein to your breakfast. Omelettes, shakes (or smoothies) and cottage cheese are great sources of protein.
      • Eat complex carbohydrates for breakfast. While simple carbohydrates like sugar and donuts break down easily and cause a blood sugar spike, complex carbohydrates (oatmeal, bran, beans, whole grains) break down over long periods of time and do not cause a blood sugar spike.
    4. Eat less and more often. Eat at regular intervals to avoid being so hungry that you overeat. Your body will begin to feel hungry at a predetermined time when you eat because you have acted consistently.

      • Try to eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, post workout, before bed (at least an hour before bed) and add two snacks in between. Snacks can include everything from nuts and seeds to vegetables or fruits.
      • If you're trying to build muscle and lose weight, skip meals before bed. Eating right before bed will cause the body to convert any undigested food into fat instead of energy or muscle. Your body's metabolism shuts down before bed.
    5. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Dehydration can lead to poor muscle recovery, so make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day. Drink water during your workout. The recommended amount of water for men per day is about 3 liters and 2.2 liters for women.

      • Purchase a water filter to filter your tap water. Purchasing a water filter is an economical way to transform your tap water into healthy, delicious water. Buy and see how your water consumption will increase.
      • Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink. Keep your body hydrated regularly so you don't gulp down water when you're dehydrated, which can damage your stomach during exercise.

    Safe Use of Food Supplements

    1. Decide if nutritional supplements are right for you. Natural protein and bodybuilding supplements are an easy way to get more protein. Common are whey and soy proteins.

    2. Consider creatine. Creatine helps increase lean muscle mass and regenerate muscles when they are depleted. However, these are just nutritional supplements and do not necessarily build muscle mass. Up to 10 grams of creatine, 3-5 grams before and after workouts, can help boost adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production and make you stronger during workouts, making it easier to build muscle.

      • If you are taking creatine, be sure to drink plenty of water because creatine dehydrates your muscles during regeneration and also leads to an imbalance in your electrolyte levels.
    • Balance your workouts. If you do a lot of aerobic activity of any kind and don't eat a high-protein diet, you will begin to consistently lose strength and muscle mass. Many high school and college athletes, such as wrestlers, experienced a decline in strength during the season because they were not familiar with this fact.
    • Instead of eating all your protein or carbs in one meal, it's ideal to try and distribute them throughout the day. Five or more smaller meals is the best option. If you eat all the protein in one meal, your body does not have the opportunity to use it completely. It's about keeping your protein levels high so your muscles can slowly regenerate throughout the day and even while you sleep.


    • No matter how difficult it may seem to build muscle, taking steroids is not the way to go. Steroids can be very harmful to the body and cause side effects.
    • Make sure you drink plenty of water. 3.5 liters per day will be enough. This will prevent harm to the body from your diet.

If you want to make your muscles grow, then you should resort to the help of regular training and proper nutrition. In this article, you will learn how to gain muscle mass.

For muscle growth, 3 very important conditions must be observed:

  1. Get a large number of calories, that is, you need to consume more calories per day than you spend.
  2. The body should have a need to build up new muscle fibers, then you need increased physical activity.
  3. The body must fully recover after exertion, that is, you always need to give the body a good rest. Namely, you need to sleep at least 8 hours a day.

Each of these conditions contains a lot of subtleties and nuances. And if you really want to know how to gain muscle mass, then read our 16 tips.

If you are reading this article, then you probably want to build muscle and increase your body size. And it doesn’t matter what exactly you want - sculpted biceps or just additional muscle mass. The tips in this article will add some new tools to your arsenal. These tips are a compilation of information received from the best athletes.

Tips for Gaining Muscle Mass

Add a couple of strategies from the list to your daily arsenal and watch the inevitable growth of your muscles!

  1. Focus on more food

James Pulido

You probably know that nutrition plays a key role in sports. It helps to demonstrate the beauty of our body after hard work on it. Well, if we are talking about muscle growth, then nutrition is, in principle, necessary - in order to grow, you need to eat. And do not be embarrassed by talking about counting calories.

Want to know how many calories to eat? James Pulido, MuscleTech athlete and Superman fan gives his answer: “The best option for an athlete is to multiply his weight in pounds by 20. That is, an athlete weighing 180 pounds (about 82 kg), multiplying his weight by 20, will get a result in 3,600. This is the number of calories that an athlete should consume daily. For example, I weigh 105 kg, convert the weight to pounds (type in Google "105 kilograms in pounds", write your own instead of my weight at 105), get about 231 pounds, multiply by 20 and get - 4620 calories.

(Note that multiplying body weight in pounds by 20 depends on the quality of calories consumed. Multiplying by 20 is the maximum limit you can give your body. The minimum limit is multiplying by 15. You can be conservative and multiply your weight at 16 - 18.)

For starters, Pulido recommends dividing your meals in terms of fats, proteins, carbohydrates. For one pound of your weight (about 500 grams), you should have 1.5 grams of protein and 2 grams of carbohydrates daily. Everything else - and this is about 15-35% of the daily diet - should be dietary fats. "Fats are essential for hormonal balance, including testosterone production, and testosterone is critical for muscle growth," says Pulido.

  1. Plan your workouts carefully

You want to grow, but it's only important to plan your workouts and not attack the gym like a crazy Banshee. The first thing to do is organize your workouts so that you don't train the same muscle group every day. In addition, muscles grow not only in the gym. They grow thanks to properly calculated rest time and proper nutrition.

“Targetedly stretching and injuring the same muscle groups for two days in a row will not provoke further muscle growth in this area,” says Jesse Hobbs. "If your muscles are aching after yesterday's workout, then you won't get the best results from today."

Jesse Hobbs

Except when you follow an advanced training course. But even in this case, the muscles need to be given 36-48 hours of rest before starting training again. So, if you work hard on the chest and biceps on Monday, then on Tuesday and Wednesday, give the muscles a little rest.

  1. Prioritize evenly

A carefully planned program will ensure maximum results without repetitive repetitions of the same exercises or too heavy reinforced workouts. When forming a training program, pay attention to the difference between the main and peripheral muscle groups.

“Major muscle groups are the largest muscles (pectorals and legs, for example) that don’t need to be trained more than once a week,” says Hobbs.

“Peripheral muscles such as biceps, triceps, trapezius, calves and abs can be trained more than twice a week and will fully recover in a short period of time.”

If you want to build muscle in your arms or pump up killer abs, then train these muscle groups twice a week. For example, if you train biceps, then start doing it on Monday. On Tuesday, move on to triceps, and somewhere on Thursday, start training both at the same time.

  1. Add Basic Exercises

If you want to grow muscle, lifting weights is one of the important steps towards this goal. And compound exercises like the squat, bench press, and deadlift allow you to increase your overall muscle mass, get stronger, and lift more weight in isolation exercises. To be frank, if you're not doing barbell squats and bench presses, you're missing out on a lot.

“I strive for natural movement in my exercises,” explains Pulido. “Using basic exercises causes a hormonal surge in the body and allows me to take on even more weight the next workout.”

Real advice is provided thanks to which you will increase muscle volume and develop the strength of titanium, only effective methods proven in reality!

1. Roll the bar back for a deadlift

When you start doing, pay attention that during the start the bar of the bar touches your lower leg, not 5 or 2 cm from it, but it touches your legs. The same thing when lowering the neck, it should literally slide over your legs, this will allow you to take more, work out your muscles better and take the load off your lower back.

2. Train standing up

Give preference to working in a standing position than sitting, so more muscles are included in the work, including the stabilizers of the body, which are responsible for coordination, which makes the muscles stronger and more resilient. For example, or will include in the work a lot more muscles.

3. Use different degrees of load

Everyone knows that the best number of repetitions for muscle growth is in the range of 8-10 repetitions, but you should not focus on this 100% attention. Perform 8-10 reps for 4 weeks, then for the next 2 weeks lift the working weight for 4-6 reps, then return to 8-10 reps again.
You may not be able to work for 8 reps with the weight that you worked with for 6 reps, but you will definitely be able to lift more, due to the fact that the strength will increase, which will pull the mass along with it.

4. Increase the number of repetitions

In continuation of the previous advice, if, for example, when performing 10 repetitions, you master a weight of 50 kg, do not dwell on it, reduce the weight to 35 kg and do 20 repetitions. This method will improve endurance and muscle definition, so use this method for a short time before the summer season.

5. Use your toes

This applies to many in the most difficult repetition, it helps to lift the weight not by focusing on the heels, but by lifting them and focusing on the toes, try it too.

6. Use Isometric Drop Sets

The essence is as follows - performing, for example, bending the arms with a barbell, after the planned 8 repetitions, do not lower the barbell, but leave it at the top - isometrically straining, at this time, the partner removes 20-25% of the weight and again 8 repetitions and so on until there is an empty neck.
It is the situation with bent arms that does not allow the biceps to relax for a few seconds, as it happens in the bottom position.

7. Lock your elbows while bending your arms

Do not allow your elbows to walk when training arms with a barbell or dumbbells, this improves the technique of movement and allows you to work out the biceps and triceps more accurately.

8. Use drugs to improve digestion

If you want to gain weight, then the body needs more fuel than usual, you will have to eat 2 times more food, and this is not a pleasant surprise for our digestive system, use digestive enzymes to help with the digestion of food, for example - mezim.

9. Thicken your grip

Try to use a towel or other cloth when lifting the barbell, wrapping it around the neck of the barbell, this will change the grip style, increase its tenacity and train the forearm well, making it stronger and more resilient.

10. Use a different grip

Do not use 1 type of grip, remember in your training program there should be 3 different types - (when the thumb
does not turn off work), reverse (when the palms look at the body) and neutral (the palms look at each other) - they include different muscle groups in the work, which allows you to train the body in a more diverse way.

11. Use a heavy ball

Take a heavy ball weighing 5kg into your training program, stand near the wall and throw it with all your might up into the wall as high as possible - do 3 sets of 6-8 reps - this will activate new muscle fibers that will help in the future lift more powerful weights.

12. Choose the right shoes

To many, this will seem like a trifle, but the use of flip flops during heavy weights on a subconscious level makes you keep the thought in mind, but will the leg go with heavy weights ?! This thought enslaves and does not allow us to truly work out the columns that carry our body.

13. Don't relax while exercising

When doing a given number of repetitions, do not relax, keep the muscles in constant tension, this is much more difficult to do than resting for 2-3 seconds after each repetition, but much more effective in terms of increasing mass and strength.

14. Pull up daily

It doesn’t matter if the days of rest or training have come, every morning and every evening pull up in 1 approach for the maximum number of times, rest only on Sunday. After 1-2 months, you will see how the results will grow in the increase in muscle mass and strength, as well as in working weights.

15. Train on an empty stomach

The last meal should be at least 2 hours before training and in moderation, training half hungry is much more fun and cheerful, this eliminates the feeling of heaviness.

16. Constantly increase the working weight

You can’t do it all the time with the same weight, you need to use it. If you work with the same weights for a long time, then the muscle volume will also be maintained at a certain level and you can forget about further growth. Without this, it is not possible to increase muscle mass and strength.

17. Train in descending order.

Usually there are 2-3 warm-up sets, and then 3-4 heavy workers with a constant increase. From time to time, use the method - do 2-3 warm-up sets, then set the maximum worker for 6 reps, then reduce the weight by 10% and do 8 reps, then 15-20 and do 10 reps.
This will not allow the muscles to get used to the load, which means they will not stop responding to it.

18. Eat Liquid Foods

Not every time there is an opportunity to eat every 3 hours - sort out the boxes, use forks, spoons, especially if the whole day
runs on your feet. Another thing is when it is made from important and useful products, drank, charged the body with nutrients and order.

19. Pull up with an assistant

Here we consider 2 ways:

1) Use a special tourniquet, which is attached with two ends to the horizontal bar, and in the center you rest with your knees and it springs you up, helping you to pull yourself up.
2) Ask a partner to help you pull up when you have no more strength. Moreover, it helps to pull yourself up, and you lower yourself in the negative phase.

20. Rock your arms on squat day

After training the legs, the hands are fresh and full of strength, this will allow them to be pumped much better than during a back workout or.

Train, try and do not be lazy, everything is in your hands, pitching and lovely ladies, good luck!

How to increase body weight? The cause of reduced weight may be any disease in the body. Therefore, an underweight man should first of all consult a doctor. If there are no pathologies in the body, then insufficient weight may be the result of a too fast metabolism. This is especially true for young men.

How to increase the weight of a man?

Many underweight men try to gain weight by increasing the amount of food they eat. However, this does not lead to the desired results.

It is necessary to increase not just the amount of food, but to increase the number of calories consumed by the body per day. A nutritionist can help you calculate the number of calories your body needs.

In order to increase weight, you must follow the correct daily routine and diet. Proper nutrition combined with exercise will increase weight by increasing lean body mass.

To determine the optimal weight of a person, it is necessary to measure his height and subtract 110 centimeters from the resulting value. The result will show the number of kilograms that is the optimal weight for a given person.

Proper nutrition for weight gain

It is necessary to create the correct diet. We should try to eat more often during the day, preferably every 3-4 hours. Food should be rich in vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates.

You need to have breakfast in the morning within an hour after getting out of bed. For breakfast, you can cook an omelette, eat foods such as cottage cheese, cheese, dairy products, fruits and honey. It is very useful for breakfast to eat milk porridge seasoned with vegetable oil.

For lunch, you can cook for the first hearty soup, for the second meat or fish with a side dish of pasta or mashed potatoes, a salad of fresh vegetables. Then you can eat dessert and drink coffee with cream.

For dinner, you can cook an omelette with ham and tomatoes and coffee with milk. Before going to bed, you can eat fruits: apples or grapes. During the day, in addition to the 3 main meals (for breakfast, lunch and dinner), you need to have snacks. As snacks, you can eat dairy products, sandwiches, salads, fruits, nuts. During the day, you need to drink plenty of water.

For 1 serving, you do not need to eat too many different foods. You can cook food for the whole day. If possible, it is advisable to prepare food before each meal, as fresh food is tastier and healthier. You need to eat regularly and avoid feeling hungry.

How to increase weight with brewer's yeast?

Brewer's yeast improves metabolism and the general condition of the human body. The composition of brewer's yeast includes a large complex of vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Brewer's yeast contributes to an increase in muscle mass with a prerequisite for physical education, sports and other physical activities.

Brewer's yeast contains a large amount of amino acids and vitamins that contribute to their absorption. The protein found in brewer's yeast resembles animal protein, but has a much higher calorie content.

In order to increase your weight, you need to take 2-3 tablets of brewer's yeast after meals. Thanks to the intake of brewer's yeast, a person's appetite improves.

While taking brewer's yeast, you should follow the correct diet. Brewer's yeast can be bought at a pharmacy. They are made in the form of tablets. You can make a drink to improve your appetite. To do this, dilute brewer's yeast in water, add honey and crackers there.

Workouts to increase muscle mass

How to increase your muscles and how to increase body weight? Muscle volume increases with physical activity. In response to an increase in muscle load, the body responds with an increase in lean body mass. To gain weight and increase muscle, you need to achieve a constant progression of loads in training.

It is advisable to perform strength exercises in the gym under the supervision of a trainer.

If you can’t go to the gym, you can do strength exercises at home.

It is necessary to monitor the intensity of training and gradually increase the load. If the training is not intense enough, then the increase in muscle mass will not occur.

When exercising at home, training with dumbbells and a barbell is most preferable. They give the greatest effect for increasing muscle mass and body weight.

It is necessary to perform the exercises correctly and gradually add weight. Among the physical exercises, the following give the greatest effect:

  • squats with dumbbells;
  • pushups;
  • bench press in the prone position;
  • deadlift;
  • twisting on the press;
  • bench press in a standing position;
  • pull-ups on the crossbar;
  • swings with dumbbells.

Strength exercises must be combined with running, swimming, cycling. You need regular and sufficient rest.

Muscle growth does not occur during the training itself, but during the rest, especially at night. Therefore, you need to sleep at least 8 hours a day.

Training is not recommended to be done every day. You can train 3-4 times a week in the gym or at home.

Don't overtrain. If you spend too much time and energy on training instead of building muscle, you will release cortisol, which, on the contrary, contributes to muscle breakdown.

If, due to too frequent and exorbitant training, processes that destroy muscles occur, then it will not work to increase weight and add muscle mass. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the training does not exceed 1.5 hours.

After training, you need to eat. During training, you need to increase the diet. Breakfast should be early and heavy.

Only in this case, in response to training and strength exercises, the body will be able to gain the necessary weight.