Patriotic proverbs about the motherland. Russian proverbs about the motherland

To the question of 5 proverbs about the Motherland, asked by the author Nata Truhina the best answer is Motherland- Paradise to the heart.

The people have one home - the Motherland.
There is no son without a fatherland.
Motherland is the mother of all mothers.

Native land and in a handful is sweet.
Everyone has their own side.
In your home, the walls help.

Answer from Hear[newbie]
we are children of the motherland

Answer from Aidos Tleulin[newbie]

Answer from chevron[newbie]
and say sayings please

Answer from sandal[newbie]
Native land is a paradise for the heart.
There is nothing more beautiful in the world than our Motherland.
A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.
A man has one mother, he has one homeland.
The people have one home - the Motherland.
There is no son without a fatherland.
Motherland is the mother of all mothers.
Motherland is mother, foreign land is stepmother.
Take care of your Motherland like the apple of your eye.
Be not only the son of your father - be the son of your people.
Your milk - to the child, your life - to the Motherland.
Native land and in a handful is sweet.
Everyone has their own side.

Answer from Fdsg gds[newbie]
ask moms and dads, not here

Answer from Evgekha Purtov[newbie]
Everyone has their own side.
And the bones are crying for the Motherland.
Beloved motherland - dear mother.
A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.
The happiness of the motherland is more precious than life.
Whoever steps on Russian land will stumble.
Fish - the sea, birds - the air, and man - the homeland.
If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.
Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.
Take care of your dear land, like a beloved mother.
On the native side and a pebble is familiar.
Own land and in a handful is sweet.
WITH native land die, don't leave.
For your homeland, do not spare either strength or life.
We do not want someone else's land, but we will not give up our own.
They protect their homeland with their heads.
The native side is the mother, and the alien side is the stepmother.
There is no force that would defeat our Union.
For a Soviet patriot, any feat is a hunt.
To live is to serve the motherland.
And the smoke of the fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us (A. Griboyedov).
Better death than a foreign yoke (Kozma Minin).
He who fights under the native sky acquires the courage of a lion.
On someone else's side, I'm happy with my little funnel.
There are no relatives, but on the native side the heart cries.
On the other side, even the falcon is called a crow.
Shame before the Motherland is worse than death.
For the homeland and honor, it’s not a pity to take off your head.
Every pine makes noise to its forest.
Where the pine has grown, there it is red.
A lot of different countries, but one homeland.
Many different lands, and the dear one is the sweetest of all.
As mother is one, so is Motherland one.
Do not exchange Faith, Motherland and Mother for anything!
Whoever was born where, it came in handy there.
In Rus', each bush is a saint.
We are all children of the Russian land.

Answer from Joni Hasanov[guru]
Azerbaijani proverbs about the Motherland
He who does not love his people will not love someone else.
A nail will save a horseshoe, a horseshoe will save a horse, a horse will save a brave man, a brave man will save his homeland.
Who has not been to a foreign land, did not know the price of his homeland.
You can leave the house, but not the homeland.
Best friend is mother best country- homeland.
Better than a rose in a foreign land, a thorn in the homeland.

The page contains proverbs and sayings of the Russian people about the Motherland, patriotism, love for the native land, about Rus' and Russia, collected by Vladimir Ivanovich Dal.

Where to live, so be known.
In what people you live, keep that customs.
Whatever people you come to, you will put on such a hat.
Praise overseas (foreign side), and stay at home!
Glorious are the tambourines beyond the mountains, and they will come to us like a basket.
It's fine to listen to the buffoon on the guselka, and you yourself will begin to play - but not for us.
Do not take a distant praise, take a near hayanka!
You will believe in praise, you will fall into ohul.
The foreigner praises the foreign side, and we listen, lying on the floor.
Someone else's side lives in praise, but our haiko stands.

God bless and on his side.
Though not remotely (at home), so diligently.
Mila is that side (You will not forget that side) where the navel is cut (i.e., homeland).
Over the sea it is warmer, but here it is lighter (more fun).
Overseas fun, but someone else's, and we have grief, but our own.
Your own sadness is more precious than someone else's.
No need to go far, and it's good here. Why far away, and it's good here.
Praises the other side (matchmaker), but she herself does not have a foot (and she herself does not have a foot to go there).
One matchmaker praises someone else's side (while she herself sits at home).
Afonyushka is bored on someone else's side.
Thin is the bird that soils its nest.

Silly is the bird that dislikes its nest.

The cuckoo crows about the fact that there is no nest of its own.
The cuckoo cuckoos, grieves for homelessness.
And the bones are crying for their homeland (according to legend, the howling of bones is heard in some graves).
I will go out on the path - tears flow; I remember my own - and sick of them.
From the native side, both the crow (and the dog) are cute.
And the people of Penza in Moscow recognized their crow.
On someone else's side, I'm happy with my little funnel.
And the bread on its side gets bored (that is, imported, spoils).
On the native side and a pebble is familiar.
Everyone has their own side. The beggar also loves his trash.
Own land and in a handful is sweet. Your land is your dust.

Wormwood does not grow without a root.

There is nothing like leather.
Your life is nicer.
What you don't know, you don't get there.
Millstones say: it is better in Kyiv, but the stupa says: what is here, what is there.
Don, Don, ah better house. Paris is good, but Kurmysh also lives.
What is at home, such is on the Don.
At home, everything is arguable, but living in a stranger is worse.
On the other side, and the spring is not red. Our spring is red.
In a strange place in the forest. The other side is a dense forest.
In a foreign land, as if in a domovinka (both lonely and dumb).
Woe to the tongueless in a foreign land.
Its burden does not pull, its smoke does not eat its eyes.
On the other side, even the falcon is called a crow.
A stranger is not for joy, for fun.
Side and not distant, but sad.

In a foreign land - and everything is God's gift.
On the other side and the old woman God's gift.
Countryman, beat everyone in one bruise.
Once upon a time there was a fellow; in his village he did not see fun, he went out into a foreign land - he cried.
The other side will teach the goryunu (and will torture and learn).
The other side is a thief (robber). Foreign land is not indulgent.
The other side will add mind. On the side, the sides will be pounded.
On the other side and the child is the enemy.
The other side is the stepmother. The foreign land does not stroke the wool.
The native side is the mother, the alien side is the stepmother.
His side strokes the fur, someone else's opposite.
In a foreign land, even a dog yearns. Foreign land does not believe in tears.
You can't keep a steppe horse in a stable.
And the horse rushes to his side, and the dog bites off and leaves.

There are no relatives, but on the native side, the heart aches.

Its side and the dog is sweet. And the dog knows his side.
Recently from the yard, and the louse was removed.
Erema, Erema! You should sit at home and sharpen the spindles.
Where the pine has grown, there it is red.
Every pine makes noise to its forest (it gives a message to its forest).
A pine tree stands far away, but blows its forest (noises, speaks).

Where someone is born, there it will come in handy.

What is born where is good there. What is born where, then it comes in handy.
Sit like honey sour! Sour, dough, on your kvass!
From your native (parental) land - die, do not go!
Sitting at home - nothing to sit out.
Under a lying stone and water does not flow.
In one place, even the stone is overgrown with moss.
The falcon does not sit in one place, and where it sees a bird, it flies there.
Where the fool's family is, here he has his own land.
Living in the countryside is no fun.
Mushrooms grow in the village, and they are known in the city.

The city is the kingdom, and the village is paradise. Moscow is a kingdom, and our village is a paradise.
Good Moscow, but not at home. Our town is a corner of Moscow.
The city is intricate: every step is edible and drinkable.
God and the city - what a village (that is, not like her).
Without money in the city - his own enemy.
The city is good with houses, but bad with heads.
The village is large: four yards, eight streets.
Shumi, village: four yards, two gates, one chimney.
Shibel to death, with a gate in the corner (lives in a back street in the outback).
Houses, houses, exactly hare crowbars.
This village carried the devil in the back, but cracked in heaps.
Like the devil from the body sowed.
This village has been turned into a wedge. The village that let their stomachs down.
There is a village on a hill, and there is not a crust of bread in it.
From the village of Pomelova, from the village of Venikova.
Eroshka lives near the big path.
Now a hump, now a valley. Vertepizheny are incubated.
The village will not come out to everyone: the water is close, the forest is far away.
The forest is a cross to the village, and the treelessness is not pleasing to the estate.
Forests and lands are like milking a cow.
No rod, no foresters, no drum stick.
There is nowhere to cut the whips. There are lycoders, but there is nothing to fight with.
Such a goal that the guy has nothing to flog.
The steppe forest is no better. There is space in the steppe, land in the forest.
Until you visit someone else's roof, you won't know where it flows.
To visit someone else's house - to see in your rotten log.
And people live across the river.
And beyond the mountains are people.
Uncle Yegor came out from behind many mountains.
People are visiting, and the bread is imported (on melmits?).
People (At people) to look and show yourself.
And I turn around and look around.
People come to us - they invite us to visit.
And the sandpiper knows the other side. And the crane is looking for warmth.
Farewell, mother Rus': I will reach for the warmth (says the crane on departure).
A goose flew to Rus' - stay and fly away.
Goose from noon - a man from the stove; goose for half a day - a man on the stove.
A thief is a homebody sparrow, but people do not praise.
Geese flew across the sea, and not swans flew in (they flew no worse).

Wherever to live, but to serve one king.

I will go to the place where they grind rye about me. Where do the eyes look?
Alone - where there is bread, there is a corner. Lonely - everywhere the house.
In their own land, no one is a prophet (has not been).
Wherever you live, just to be full.
Though in the Horde, but in goodness (if only in goodness).
Look for good on the side, and love the house in the old days.
Poll on the side, and bread at home (look).
Chu! - It smells of Russian spirit here.

The Russian God is great. The Holy Russian land stands as the Russian God and the Russian Tsar.
The Russian people are tsar-loving.
The Russian land is all under God.
The Holy Russian land is great, and the sun is everywhere.
The Holy Russian land is great, but there is no place for truth anywhere.
Russia and the summer of the union is not present. Rus' froze under the snow.
A goose flies to Holy Rus' (Napoleon).
In Rus', no one died of hunger.
Rus' is the joy of drinking, it cannot exist without it (Vladim. I).
Russian bone loves warmly. Steam doesn't break bones.
Russian hotel - kulaga with salamata.
The Russian man brings bread and salt.
A Russian person that soars (bath), then rules (heals).
The Russian is patient to the very beginning. Russian enthusiasm awaits.

Russian neither with a sword, nor with a kalach does not joke.

Well done Russian - a hundred infidels are finished.
Sorry, the Russian has no word for Aman.
Russian man - a kind person(Chuvash greetings).
Rusak is smart, but in hindsight. Russian back is smart.
If the German was in front, that the Russian was behind, there would be no way with him (mind).
The Russian people are not afraid of the cross, they are afraid of the pestle.
Beat the Russian, he will make the clock. The Russian will do what he sees.
Rusak is not a fool: if he wants to eat - he will say, if he wants to sit down - he will sit down.
The Russian is quick-witted (sharp-witted, on his mind).

In Rus', not all crucians - there are ruffs.

Russian people love maybe.
Russian at random and grown up.
A Russian person loves maybe, I suppose, somehow.
The Russian is strong on three piles: perhaps, I suppose, somehow.
A Russian person is both gullive and boastful.
Russian appetite never (nothing) disgusts.
The peasant's throat is a cloth reed: everything crumples.

In the Russian belly, even a chisel will rot.
What is healthy for a Russian is death for a German.

The Russian hour is ten, and the German one has no end.
I am Russian, in the manner of French, only a little more gispanist.
He apparently does not understand Russian (that is, at least tell him the truth to his face).
Not a native of Germans, but to indicate much.
Accept someone in Russian (that is, either directly and rudely, or hospitably).
I'll cut you in Russian, straight.

Rus' is holy, Orthodox, heroic, Mother Holy Russian land.

The black-foot girl has passed (the nickname of our women in tidy Siberia for the dirty footprint they carry out of the hut into the snow).
Live, live, guys, until Moscow has visited (old. Ural. Kaz.).
Rus' has piled on, completely crushed us (Siberian).
In Siberia, women beat sables with yokes.
Muscovites (i.e. Russians, according to the words of the Little Russians): Moscow hour; wait for the Moscow hour (from the Russian proverb: now). Moscow truth. From the Muscovite, at least cut the floors and run. Mom, the devil climbs into the house! Darma, daughter, not a Muscovite anyway. You will disown the devil, but you will not fight off the Muscovite with a club.
Russian hour - happy thirty; village month - with week ten.
Who is against God and great Novgorod?
Where St. Sophia is, there is Novgorod.
Novgorod is judged by its own court (in ancient times).
Novgorod (ancient) is judged by one god.
Ancient Novgorod and Pskov are gentlemen (and Novgorod was even a master, sovereign).
The heart is in Volkhov (in Novgorod), the soul is on the Great (ancient Pskov).
Novgorod, Novgorod, but older than the old one.
Novgorod honor. Novgorod soul (honesty in ancient trade).

Novgorod is the father, Kyiv is the mother, Moscow is the heart, Petersburg is the head.

Although Sofia is empty, but not the Krutitsky verst (Sofia of Novgorod; the Novgorod clergy did not want to submit to the Metropolitans of Moscow, in the Krutitsky Compound).
Novgorodians takali, takali, yes Novgorod and protakali (about the destruction of the Novgorod veche or about the conquest of Novgorod).
Moscow is the mother of all cities.
Whoever has not been to Moscow has not seen beauty.
Mother Moscow is white stone, golden-domed, hospitable, Orthodox, talkative.
Peter is the helm, Moscow is the helm. Peter is the head, Moscow is the heart.

Moscow was created over the centuries, St. Petersburg by millions.

The city of St. Petersburg is good, but he wiped the bull (roads).
Moscow hits from the toe, and Peter wiped his sides.
Peter is getting married, Moscow is getting married.

Moscow is glorious with rolls, Petersburg with mustaches.
There are forty forty churches in Moscow (churches in Moscow are divided into deaneries by forty).
They beat at the Spas, they call at Nikola’s, at the old Yegor’s the clock is talking (Moscow).
Peter and Paul had the truth (in the dungeon in Moscow, where there was torture).
Muscovite people sow land with rye, but live on a lie (old).
Go to Moscow - carry your head (old).
It can be seen that the city is great, that there are seven governors (Moscow Seven Boyars).
Moscow Raznoboyarshchina (Seven Boyars).
Not only I call that in Moscow (that in Kyiv).
In Moscow, they call thickly (densely, often) and eat thinly (thinly, rarely) (at a high cost for peasants).
There is no gathering for archers on the sacrum (that is, there is no place, it doesn’t work. In Moscow there were special squares for gatherings of different classes).
From Muskva, from the pasade, from Avashnov Row (they tease the akals).
Moscow burned down from a money (penny) candle;
Moscow caught fire from a spark (1443 Moscow caught fire from a candle in the church of St. Nicholas on Sands; 1737 - from a candle in Miloslavsky's house).
The first cities from Moscow are two ninety versts (Vladimir, Tver, Tula, Kaluga, Ryazan).
Moscow has not converged like a wedge, there is no outskirts.
Moscow humpbacked; hunchbacked old woman (i.e., on the hills).
Two brothers from the Arbat, and both hunchbacks.
Eat bread and salt, listen to the red ringing (mother of Moscow).
In Moscow you will find everything except bird's milk.
In Moscow you will find everything except own father yes mother.

There is no shortage of bread in Moscow.

Moscow stands in a swamp, they don’t thresh rye in it, but they eat more rustic.
Moscow is famous for its brides, bells and rolls.
Moscow loves the reserve.
The Savior has no reserve.
Moscow is crowded and rich. Moscow is a kingdom, the village is a paradise.
In Moscow, every day is a holiday (in many churches).

Moscow dirt does not get dirty.

Moscow is like a board: sleep wide, but sweep all around.
In Moscow, save money, do not guard yourself.
Wander (go) to Moscow - carry the last penny (money).
Moscow - who is the mother, who is the stepmother.
To go to Moscow - only to get money.
Moscow does not believe in tears (does not indulge, that is, you will not pity anyone, everyone is a stranger).
You can't debunk Moscow (you can't pity).
Moscow does not cry for anything (does not grieve).
Moscow does not cry over our (for others') troubles.
Live in Moscow, live in longing.
Lives in Moscow - in no small anguish.

Moscow is golden. Painting by artist I.V. Razzhivin

Oh Moscow! - she hits with a sock. Hit the board, remember Moscow!
Mozhaytsy pigs, Mozhaysky wind (unreliable).
Kolomentsy - black sky. Klinovtsy are lapotniks.
An uncle from Serpukhov is coming: he strokes his beard, but there is no money.
Vereytsy - nomads (Sochi - fishermen's bundles and bread).
Dmitrovtsy - frogs, swamps. Ruztsy are lumberjacks.
Nut (Schlisselburg) and bitter pepper (old).
Lugovtsy are peddlers. Ladoga residents - they drove the pike from the eggs.
The pies are also good, but the thicker and thicker (they tease the Novgorodians - Gushcheeds).
Novgorodians are debtors. Stubborn as a Novgorodian.
Not a Novgorod nobleman - not a great gentleman.
Uloma nail (Novgor province, Cherepov. county, the village of Uloma, where all the blacksmiths, nails).
Tikhvintsy is a holy place where there is no Tikhvinian.
Kreshchane (Sacrums) - lapotniks. Kirillovtsy are cashews.
Belozersky - Belozersky smelt.
Kirillovsky bow of nine spans with a tail (monast.).
Demyantsy are potters; by the way!
Valdai mountains and Luban thieves. Bell towers.
Well done, buy bagels, but some good ones - and a kiss to boot.
The city of Borovichi is a gam-city.
Borovichans are wavers, water drinkers.
Borovichans are onions. Onions, green onions.
It took three days (three versts) from Volok to Utka.
The Old Russians ate the horse and wrote to Novgorod to send more.
Pskovians - skits, chaff, ruffs.
God carry the Prince's bridge and Mikhailov's churchyard (Psk. Guberniya; this bridge and churchyard in the swamps, where there were once many robberies).
Toropchane are tabaters.
The Toropians are Egyptians (Egyptians?).
Toropchane: Poles with cannons, and we with sticks (siege of Serg. Lavra under the Pretender).
Hotsu - gallop, not hotsu - not gallop (in the old days, the bride said: if I want - I will jump and, agreeing to get married, jumped through the belt laid around or into the set skirt).
Olyanshchina - thieves (lake, Pskov province.).
Porkhovtsy - tolokonniki.
Tverites are vendace. Run, run! - And what? - Can't you see the marten is running! - This is a dog from Klementyev yard. - Well, let yourself be.
Tverites drink tea with sugar. Candied fruit.
You will pass Pogorelets and Kushalino - go boldly to Moscow.
Ate (Tver district, village of Kushalino) - berdniks, chastobai.
Kushalinsky peasant women are spinners.
Ostashi - ersheeds, shoemakers, gold embroiderers; wolf snacks.
Seliger (Tversk.) - Yersheeds.
Kimryaks - rennets (Kimry. Tver. lips., Korchev.
y.; from the dish: pork abomasum with porridge).
They kept the rooster on a rope so that he would not go to a foreign land.
Kimryaks are plasterers in summer and chebotari in winter.
The cities of Korosten, the possessions of Olgin, the Krivichi people.
Innovators are thieves (the rest say, to whom they answer): and the rest are good.
Thieves are innovators, and ostashi are good, but the place where there is no Tikhvin is holy.
Old people: The old woman is a tar-maker. They lost the mazilka, but they tossed and turned after Nov after it.
Take forty altyns! “Sorotsy are not Sorotsy, but I won’t give you less than a ruble.”
The old people met the rooster with bread and salt.
A formidable ambassador came near Staritsa: a fur coat turned inside out, he was low, and across about five spans; the word does not say, but only hisses: this is an Indian rooster.
Kashintsy are water drinkers (i.e. teapots).
The people of Kashin killed a dog for a wolf and paid money.
The people of Kalyazin bought a pig for a beaver; bought a dog for a wolf.
Our Makarya has three of Natalya's money, but give me a penny, choose any.
Kalyazinians, Uglichans, Vologda residents are bearers.
Semendyaevshchina - a baker and a sausage maker, a gingerbread man and a pie-maker (Tver Guberniya, Kalyaz U.).
The Bezhechans knocked out the bell tower with a horn (that is, by shaking tobacco in the horn. This proverb is given, however, to different natives).
Zubchane - a cockroach on a rope to the Volga was taken to drink.
Whose youth are you? - Zubchevsky merchant. — Where was it? - I went to Moscow around the world.
Zubchane - dragging, came to us (Rzhevtsy) for cabbage soup; we didn’t give cabbage soup, we drove the vzashei away.
* * *
We (in Vladimir) have a lot of land: from Moscow two ninety and from Klyazma drink water.
Vladimirians are masons; cranberries. Cranberries, cranberries!
Our serfs are bricklayers (old Rostovites to Vladimirians).
Sandpipers gathered, sitting in the swamp - they are Suzdal and Volodimir residents (from the song).
Vladimir: wooden stoves, golden gates, iron churches (a wooden stove was in the bishop's house of the Assumption Cathedral; the golden gates are known; the iron church was at the Nativity Monastery).
Vladimirians: and our fellows (like Vologda) neither fight nor fight, and whoever eats more, well done. Sterlet.
In Vladimir, even noodles are crushed with an ax (this custom is kept only in free, that is, state-owned, villages).
The people of Suzdal are bogomazes. George's place of Friday (St. Paraskeviia) was exchanged (the image is not sold, but changed).
Pray to God in Suzdal and Murom, take a walk in Vyazniki, get drunk in Shuya. Suzdal people are omentums.
The people of Murom are saints (they expelled Bishop St. Basil in the 13th century). Rolling beans; horned nuts; kalachniks.
Shuyane: if only I had strong soap. Bes was given to the soldiers.
The Shuisky rogue will harness anyone to the yoke; I’ve been to St. Petersburg, poured on the floor, and then didn’t fall.
Yuryevtsy are Chinese people.
Kovrovtsy - ofeni, peddlers, rogues; burry (for the Offenian language).
Ontufevtsy are mynks (Re-explained. Uyezd. They say “myn” instead of “they say”, “say”).
Kizhila (Re-explained at.) out of her mind survived. Kizhans asked for a golden letter.
Lychentsy (Pereyasl. u.) - calfs.
Yaroslavl is a town - a corner of Moscow (this is said about many other cities).
Yaroslavl: handsome, Belotel, songwriters, singers, chistopley. They took out a pound of soap, but they didn’t wash off my sister’s birthmark.
Sweets, cuckoo babies (men live a little at home). Savior at the gates sold.
They say that in your Rostov state, Rostov Lake burned down.
We have in Rostov, garlic, onions, and manure is all horse. Gardeners, poultry houses, capons. Rostov capon.
The devil went to Rostov, but he was frightened of crosses.
Here, parya (guys), our king: an awl in his hands and a bristle in his teeth; call the bila, riveting (Galicians about Rostovites).
Poshekhontsy are blind-bearers: they got lost in three pines. They searched for a mosquito for seven miles, and a mosquito on the nose. They climbed a pine tree, they looked at Moscow. I'm listening: who's whistling? but it's in my nose. The legs were mixed up under the table. They don’t lie on the edge, but everything in the middle (about the Poshekhonians of Yaroslavl and the Galicians of Kostr. they tell a lot of this kind, about which a whole book has been published, however, an imitation of the German one, about the Swabians).
Uglichans: I suppose, I suppose, dad, because this is not ours (father and son went to steal: the father was a coward, the son encouraged him).
The Volga was kneaded with oatmeal (or: they were overdone; it is also said about the Vologda residents, etc.).
Romanovites - bury the ends. They pumped the ram in the hutch (having stolen it, swaddled it and put it in the hutch to hide it). There you are right hand, I give through a dear child, but if I stole, then he would hang around on a knife.
In Romanovshchina (Rom. okolotok, the same county, small estate) there are as many manor yards as a hare has crowbars (i.e., jumps).
Danilovites are favorite catchers, non-distributors. Cat snatchers: they didn’t buy a cat, but they crushed it at the market.
Vsevyatskaya gruel, three arshins of money.
Favorites - they fed the goat with gingerbread. Vodohleby.
Do not teach the goat, she will pull it off the cart, and the most pure hand will clean everything. The twelfth hour, and mother was not in the world (that is, from the meeting; the peasants are all in earnings, and the women in the tenth).
The Mologzhans are groomers (i.e., they manage groomers along the Volga).
People from Rybinsk: they washed away a girl’s birthmark, they deliberately heated a bathhouse.
Sitskar with an ax, like a Cossack with a horse (on the City River; Yaroslav Mol.).
Sitskar dresses an ax, puts shoes on an ax, feeds a plow.
Sitskaya kokora (sitskari - baroque, carpenters).
Nizhny is Moscow's neighbor: stone houses, iron people. There is a lot of water, but there is nothing to draw (Lower, on two rivers, but on a mountain).
Nizhny Novgorod people are standing on the mountain, watching and singing: tea, notice where the seagulls fly (Nizhny Novgorod people often say tea).
The beard is from Nizhny Novgorod, and the moustache is Makarievsky.
Nizhny Novgorod - not freaks. Nizhny Novgorod residents are water drinkers (i.e. teapots).
Nizhegorod is either a spendthrift, or a thief, or a drunkard, or a goofy wife.
As if from Elkhovka, tops (that is, poppies) are sheared.
Kstovo - Christ's: the cup is small, but the wine is good.
We (the people of Nizhny Novgorod) would not have gathered and not stood up, so you would have dug the filthy earth with your nose (a hint at the time of K. Pozharsky and Minin).
Tatinets and Slopinets (villages) breadwinner for thieves (old).
To steal on Arat, to sell on Yakshen, to bury the ends in Murashkino (Arat of Arzamas, Yakshen and Murashkino of Kiyagininsky district).
Vasiltsy (on the river Sura) - sterlet.
The princesses are haters. The convoy was crushed with caps.
Murashkintsy - sheepskin coats, sour rubezok; sour sheep.
Oh you, Ustya Koposovska! (Swearing; Koposovo is a village near Nizhny).
Kunavina settlement brought me into three arcs (a haven of debauchery at the Nizhny Novgorod Fair).
Now nothing is behind the Oka (about Kunavin).
The Lyskovites are an honest people; if not a thief, then a swindler.
Detect in Lyskovo not a drunkard, not a swindler, and in Yurkino not a robber (villages of Makaryevsky district).
Chernovskoe (Nizhegorsk, Sergach. U.) - a place of thieves.
Macarius has Natalya for money, and a whole cartload for a penny.
Hoodies are loons. Balakhon loon.
The city of Balakhna stands, the floors are wide open (Balakhna stretches along the Volga for three versts).
In Gorodets (Balakh. U.) on the mountain, there are three girls in the yard.
Arzamas - goslings, onions; malevans (icon painters).
The people of Arzamas shackled the cathedral with shackles (the vault was tied with hoops).
They strangled me in Kardovili, they buried me in Ponyatovka, and in Corino we got wine.
Semenovtsy (Nizheg) - Trans-Volga kokura. Buckwheaters. Spoons, burlatskaya spoon. Warm, felted goods.
Sergachi, Lukoyanovtsy, Ardatovtsy - Zapyansky (Zateshsky) sluts; drunkenness - buckwheat commas; drunken women - chupahi, butens.
Kostroma is a lascivious (cheerful) side.
On Kusi - drink and have a snack (Kus, river Kostr. g.).
Kostromichi: it would be better to be burned three times than to be widowed once.
Kostroma in a bunch, and Yaroslavl away (separately).
Unclean on hand; they lost their bast shoes, searched the yards, there were six - it became (found) seven.
Kostromichi (from Kostr. down the Volga, to Yuryevets) - hungry, sharp-hoofed, tamoiki (talking tamoiko vm. there).
Galich deceived Kostroma on the island.
Galicians - they dragged a cow to the bathhouse; the city of Galivon, Lake Miron, and the people of Krivichi, Ovchinniki. Furriers. Oatmeal in the river interfered with an oar.
Cho, boy, Galunki (Galicians).
Galicians are jackdaws. Galich voivode (self-willed).
Chukhloma people - Chukhloma rukosuy! Mittens in the bosom, but looking for others.
Starogorodtsy (on the river Unzha, Makar. U.) - onion growers.
Kineshma and Reshemians are clothiers.
Kineshma and Reshma run wild and muddy, and Sologda pays the losses (Sologda lies between Kineshma and Reshma, who quarreled in the old days).
Buyevtsy are homebodies, foresters. Buoy town beat off the wallet.
Kaduevtsy are kadochniks. Kaduy - inflate the sides.
Bui da Kadui the devil searched for three years, and Bui da Kadui stood at the gate. (The Tatars were looking for Bui to destroy it, but did not find a way to it).
Soligalicians - limestones, logs.
Sudislavians are mushroom pickers. Kologrivtsy - tar.
The village of Lupino (Nerekh. county), Armenian women are stupid, and Nerekhta will guide you.
Do not be afraid of thieves along the Armenian road, but be afraid of stone houses in Nerekhta.
Nerehot runners (Nerekhot people walk around the villages with a steelyard to buy yarn).
Vetluzhane - sleighs. A sleigh and a cart, but there is nothing to get out on.
Varnavinians are honey-dwellers.
The village of Voronye - during the day seventy gentlemen (small local), and at night one (who will go to robbery).
I go to Salt - I don’t bring anything, from Salt I go - I carry a full bosom (the inhabitants of the village of Salt, Kostr. Gubernia, supply pedestrian visitors free of charge due to the abundance in vegetables).
Vichugovtsy - napkin makers. The Parfentievites are cat-hunters.
Kazan rowed - and the Horde passed.
Sell, prince, soaps (teasing the Tatars).
Kazan orphan, Kazan beggar (a rogue pretending to be a poor man; from the former Kazan murzas).
In Tetyushi, the mayor weaves bast shoes.
Sviyazhans are bream dwellers. Samara (Saratov) - mustard plasters.
Simbirs are grave thieves, rockers.
Viden (Simbirsk), but we are going for seven days.
Arkhangelsk - walrus eaters, roofers. Ivanovich, get off the roof, I came to you (the roofer's wife came to Petersburg and called from Winter Palace statue).
Pomors - red tops (seal).
Arkhangelsk residents are shanezhniks; sang is sour.
The city of Arkhangelsk, and the people in it are diabolical.
We also have an ear with pancakes on Vaga. Vagane - skew-bellied.
Kholmogory residents are corners (they looked at Peter I from around the corners).
From Kholmogor to Kola - thirty-three Nikola.
Onezhane are prokhoryats, Prokhorov's children.
Prokhor sent a letter, and told Lobodyrny to collect money.
There is no cart in all of Onega. In the summer, the voivode was taken around the city on a sleigh, onuchi was dried on the horns.
Pinezhans are hiccups (a common illness there: hiccups, hysterics).
Pinezhane: I bought for four denezki, sold for two grosyka; the profit is scarce, and there is not a lot of money.
Mezens are soot-eaters, black-throated (unkempt).
Shenkurtsy are water-drinkers (barge haulers, they wear a spoon on their hat).
God break the boat, feed Soloza (on the summer coast of the seaside).
Kola Bay is like a Moscow prison (you won't get out soon).
Whoever lives in Kola for three years will not be deceived in Moscow.
Cola is a hook, and people are oud. Kolsko scarecrow.
Kolyan of the Lord - the people of Israel: every word is a jargon.
To kill a man on Kolya, to drink a glass of milk.
Where no fish walks, and St. The nose does not pass (Kemskaya).
Residents of Petrozavodsk: I’m building a shop, I’m building a washing yard, I’m rolling my market stall (about market women).
Bosca was eaten. Bosca, Bosca, you have a bone (dog's name).
The people of Kargopol are white-eyed. Raw foodists.
Olonians: Olonians are good fellows. Our fellows neither fight nor fight, and whoever eats the most is well done. We have one fellow who ate thirty pies with a pie, but all with cottage cheese.
Dear Olonets - the coast is white.
Kaivans have never been to Olonets.
Vytegors - camisoles.
They drank away the governors of Vologda.
In words - like butter, but in reality - like in Vologda.
Vologda residents ate a calf with a horseshoe. Tolokonniki - The Volga was kneaded with oatmeal.
Ustyuzhans are horn-makers, tobacconists. The bell tower was knocked out with a horn. Red-tongued. Chernosilverniks. Mazy.
Usoltsy - borage.
Hood Permyak, yes, he knows two languages.
Chusovlyane (Permsk.) - chebotari.
Sylvinians are veksheeds (Sylvin. plant, Krasnouf. county).
Cherdyntsy - whisperers, dry-houses (Carpenters, Cherdyn. Uezd.). Sorcerers. Damn sorcerers.
Vyatchane - Khlynov boyars. Whistles. Koldyki (gov.
Vyatka - the guys are grasping. We, the Vyatka, are the guys of the grip: seven are not afraid of one.
The Vyatchans are not clean at hand: yesterday they spent the night with us, they stole the onuchka.
In Vyatka: at random. Vyatich at random and sows bread.
Vyatichi - tolokonniki, Vani.
Vyatka is the mother of all wealth. Vyatka walks with an eye.
Vyatichi - Vyatka battle (with a sea monster; see lubok maps).
Vyatichi are blind-bearers (the Ustyugians came to the rescue, and the Vyatichi considered them to be an enemy and began to beat them. Votyaks have blind eyes, but in newborns they are very small).
Vyatichi are rotozei (Novgorodians let boobs on rafts near Bolvansky town (Nikulitsyno village), Vyatichi gape at them, and Novgorodians, on the other hand, took the town).
Slobozhane (Vyatsk.) - Zhidokop (Slobozhan dug up the corpse of a Jew, believing that the Jews were buried with money).
Khlynovtsy shod a cow in boots (stolen, so that there would be no trace).
Khlynovsky thieves. Khlyn took (missing).
Kursk thief. The white king has no thief against the Kuryan.
Be baptized - Androns are coming (Kursk).
We are not people, we are Abodinians (Kursk, lips).
Orlovtsy - bezmenshiki; broken heads.
Orel and Kromy are the first thieves, and Karachev is a sacrifice.
Bryantsy are tricks. Bryansk goat (Orlov.).
Gypsies Mtsensk bypassed ten miles (Orlov.).
Mtsenyan. Amchenin would those in the yard (and the saints out).
Yelchans are rennets. Rainbow drank a tub of water.
Here in Yelets, on the Pine River, a chicken chick brought out.
In Yelets is a girl with an egg, and behind Yelets is half an egg.
Yelets is the father of all thieves, and Livny is wonderful to all thieves.
The Liventsy broke off the Salamata bridge (the Liventsy brought salamats to meet the voivode, each pot from the yard).
In Sevsk, a pig was planted on a perch, saying: chow down, cackle, chicken with two legs, hold on.
The Bolkhovites greeted cancer with a ringing: here is the voivode crawling towards us, and carrying a bristle in his teeth.
Kaluga residents: the Kaluga residents will have dinner, and the Tula will lie down anyway. Schagolniki; the chanterelle is more sparse, on the aspen on the oak, and how it waxes: tkau, tkau! They drowned the goat in malted dough (the crows croaked on a tree, and the peasant, getting ready to go, predicted a bucket for his comrades, saying: golden sorrel, etc.).
Mosalis - Gutors: they chattered the governor. Mother Morning (river), do not drown our city of Mosalsk and our headman Gavryushka!
Likhvinsky mountains (Kal.) and Novosilyevsky thieves (Tul.).
Tulyak is a steel soul. A flea was chained to a chain. Sit down, tank, siskins are flying (Tula - bird catchers).
A good hare - yes a cuff, a good little one - yes a tula.
Lives in Tula and eats dooly.
Beat with your forehead on Tula, look for it in Moscow. Tula zipun blew away.
Efremovites - boiled porridge in a purse (Tul.).
Alexins are archers.
Odoevtsy: Well done, and well done! Sell ​​for a penny lean eggs(cucumbers. Tul.).
The Krapivenets met hay with a bell ringing (thinking that this was a voivode. Tul.).
Kashirians: Hat off! — And what? “Look, all the boyars. (Passing through single-dvorce villages and seeing huts with pipes, gates with solutions, sleighs with trump cards, the peasants considered them to be manor estates).
He carried the devil from the same palace to the bazaar, and overturned the sieve over Kashira.
Kashira sheathed in matting, Tula shod in bast shoes.
The city of Chern is a year older than Moscow.
Ant houses (nickname of the hard-working villagers High Mountain, Novosilsk. u.).
Besovo, Runovo - God bless, and Ternovo and Baskach at least gallop around (Tul. lips., Kashir. districts).
Ryazanians are skew-bellied, blue-bellied. They caught the sun with a bag, they caulked the prison with pancakes. (Blue-bellied - from blue shirts. In the battle with the Muscovites, the sun was in the face of the Ryazans: they began to catch it in a bag to release it on the enemies. By order: caulk the prison, the Ryazans kept putting off the matter - until Shrovetide, then they were reined in, they caulked his pancakes).
Spassy: Where are you from, young man? - Spassky merchant. - What do you trade? - Red goods: tallow candles and clean tar (ryaz.)
At the rescuer and tar - a red commodity.
Egorievtsy are horse-drawn, bunglers, ore-throwers: he sharpens the knife himself, but I suppose he speaks.
Dednovtsy - Makary. (When Peter I was in the Ryazan province, then to the question of his Dednovtsy, one after another, they called themselves Makars, because the sovereign said to the first: good). Kissers. Makars catch fish until the eggs.
Where Makar has been, no fish have been caught for seven years. (They do fishing in rivers and lakes and masters of catching all the fish).
Gulynki are close, raise your clubs (Gulynki, Ryazan province, Pronsk district, there used to be robbers).
Lazarevichi-vichi, fire-screamers, pillowcase-tuft, Teplukhina-khokhlukhina, Yalchina-mountain, high-sintered.
Penza (Penzyane) fat-footed. In Moscow, they recognized their crow.
Sura is an important river for us: the bottom is silver, the steep banks are gilded.
Borisoglebtsy are sour nesters (they used to be furriers and gluers. Tamb.).
Strive where the pegs stick out.
Elatomians are babeshniks.
Morshans are somyaniki.
Tambovians are Molokans. Khreptuk steppe, thick-legged!
Temnikovites are advisers; an owl was baptized in the lake (in Sovinoye. Having taken a walk, the Temnikovites caught an owl and, roguishly, put a gaitan on it and dipped it into the lake; it flew and sat on a church cross, where, entangled, strangled itself; this prank cost the Temnikovites dearly: they had to withdraw an owl to your account. Tamb.).
Kadomtsy are kissers, somyatniks: they caught catfish in the oven (Moksha drowns Kadom: once the catfish was brought into the open oven).
Astrakhan with watermelons, and we are golopuz (glorious).
Astrakhans - chilimniki (chilim - water chestnuts). Caviar. The blubber is rotten. Belugniki. Robbers. Duvanshchina.
In Astrakhan, even cows eat fish (salted).
Krasnoyarsk residents are catfish.
The people of Astrakhan sent mare instead of fish to Novgorod.
Where are you from, Ivan? - From the will, dear (Astrakhan old-timers tease tramps).
The Golodaevites are migrants in the Astrakhan province (because of their poverty).
Long-bellies (Voronezh settlers in the Astra province, girdling low).
Saratov townspeople sold their cathedral under the hammer.
Chekhon (fish) jumped over the cathedral (in Saratov).
Wise Germans are moorhens.
Khvalyntsy are thugs. Syzranians are ugly.
Go to the bottom - there is wheat.
If there is nothing to pay the debt, then go (go) to the Volga (either to barge haulers or to robbery).
Ladybug, fly across the Volga: it's warm there, it's cold here.
Smolensk - Polish bone, but overgrown with dog meat.
Smolyan: Which province? — Smolensk. - Which county? - City of Dorogobuzhsk. - Which parish? - Demyanova Posad. - Which village? — From Ivanov's estate. — Which boyar? - I don't know about that.
Smolyans are krupenniks, mezgovniki (pulp is pine oblon, which is interfered with in bread).
He went to the city for pulp, went to the red ranks.
At least fight against the Malakhov Gate.
The Smolensk people crushed a flea with peace.
Thieves' Piskovshchina (Smol. Gub., Sych. y; Piskovo village).
Lazy, like a Klepsnian peasant (Smol. Guberniya, Sych. county, the village of Klepeni, where all the beggars, according to custom).
Vyazmichi - gingerbread, carpet makers. We are illiterate people, we eat unwritten gingerbread.
Stupid Vyazma, stupid Dorogobuzh.
Vyazma got stuck in gingerbread.
Roslavians are tar.
Vitebsk residents: Bagpipe and whistle, collect our house; plow and harrow ruined our houses.
Litvins - strawberries, diggers, lapotniki. White hats, felted hats.
Will the Litvanian take famously, so that he does not jack off.
There is water all around, but trouble in the middle (about Sebezh, Vitebsk).
Mazyr is like a bubble: all around, trouble in the middle.
In Vilna - as in a soapbox.
Whoever has never been to Vilna has never seen miracles.
In Vilna there are seven roads for a Jew and three for a Pole.
Azov was glorious, Smolensk was formidable, and Vilna was wondrous.
This, apparently, was driving the sieves in a hurry (said Litvin, looking at the bast footprint along the road).
Ovrutskaya (Oshmyanskaya) gentry (i.e. naked, ragamuffin).
In Lutsk, everything is not human: water is near, trouble is in the middle.
A man's chest never gets cold, a Jew's heels, a Pole's ears.
Whoever has not been to Odessa has not seen the dust.
He left the crowd, but settled on the Don.
Donets - oseterniki, balychniks, stanitsa.
On the Don they neither weave nor spin, but they walk well.
Crimeans are herrings, gardeners. Herrings are rotten.
Crimea is not crooked, Azov is not about a hundred steps.
Little Russians - Mazepins, crests, forelocks; the turkey sat out; choked on a dumpling. A turkey hatched seven crests from one egg.
The devil removed his head from the crest and gave him a turkey.
A crest is more stupid than a crow, but more cunning than a devil.
Khokhlatsky flail beats on all sides (Khokhols thresh through the hand).
Let those crests breathe! - And so that those Muscovites drag them out (answer).
And on the water a crest, and on the chaff a crest.
Khokhol will not lie, and he will not tell the truth.
He is a crest (that is, cunning and stubborn).
Rusak before reading, crest before singing (Western).
Wenger from under Lokhvitsa (Polt. lips., peddlers).
Zadneprovsky Italian. Zadripantsy.
They sold a belt from a crest for three money, and the crest went to the bargain.
Poltava sits on the mountain like a peahen, but in the mud like a toad.
Gold is good all around.
Romyantsy - tobacconists (Poltava).
Glukhovtsy - papa tobacco (Chernigov).
Pereyaslavtsy (Zaozertsy) - betrothed (Poltava).
Red Kut will set the kaput (Khark. Province, where once, according to legend, a gang of robbers was led).
Siberia is not mossy. Siberian Varnak.
Siberia is terrible by hearing, but people live better than ours.
Siberia is a gold mine (from the fur and trade trades; now this is literally justified).
Rus' piled on, we were completely crushed (Siberian).
Chernolapotnitsa (Russian, in Siberia).
The inhabitants of Okhotsk are nomads.
For the health of grandmother Gugnikha (the people of the Urals say, revering her as their foremother, the first woman left in the army).
Radimichi - wolf tails run (voivode Wolf Tail beat Radimichi).
The trouble is that in Rodna.
Behind Drunk people drunk (by the river of the Nizhny Gubernia, 1377. The Russians were struck in the camp by the Tatars).
The Cossacks came from the Don and drove the Poles home (the liberation of Moscow from the Poles in 1612).
On one side of the cheremis, and on the other, beware (1524, the army on ships went near Kazan and was beaten in the rapids with cheremis).
He disappeared like Bekovich (under Peter I, sent to Khiva and died with a detachment).

Anika the Warrior is the hero of a Russian folk verse about Anika and Death. In a figurative sense, it means a person who boasts only far from danger.

In the verse, the young warrior Anika boasts of his strength and ruins defenseless people. On the way, he meets Death and reproaches him for boasting. Anika the warrior is not at all afraid of her and challenges her to a duel. Death quickly overcomes him, and he, repenting of his rash word, begins to beg her to give him at least some time, but Death kills him.

Anika looks. Anika is a warrior (see popular print).
Shemyakin Court. Shemyaka the crooked judgment (1446 Shemyaka blinded the Dark One, having seized the throne).
The Volga is a long sail, and the Danube is wide. It can be seen that the Danube and the Volga will not merge.
The Volga is the mother of all rivers. Mother Volga is wide and long.
Volga-mother - deep, spacious, wild.
The Dnieper is fast, wide.
Don Ivanovich - quiet, golden.
Dunay Ivanovich.
Prut, Dniester, Neman - frontier.
Ural is a gold mine, a silver tire.
From bottom to top, from top to bottom (about the river).

In this article we will consider proverbs about the Motherland. We hope that they will be very useful for your children.

It is very important to educate a patriot in your child, especially if the boy is growing up. Girls should turn into caring mothers and faithful keepers of the hearth, but boys should be able to stand up not only for their families, but also for their homeland. Although girls need to tie love to their native land since childhood. The allegorical meaning of folklore forms, of which there are plenty, will help with this.

Explanation of proverbs and sayings about the motherland, patriotism for preschool age, kindergarten

Such short phrases easily remembered by children. About the importance of the native land for a person and about his duty to the Motherland, it is necessary to talk already in preschool age. But help to understand some difficult-to-digest phrases by giving a detailed explanation.

  • "Where not to live - to serve the Motherland"- even if you had to leave for another country, you should not forget about the country in which you were born. You need to be a wall for your country to the end.
  • - and this proverb teaches us that one does not choose one's own land. You need to live and work in your native place. Then you will reach the top.
  • "Hero - for the Motherland mountain"real hero for the Motherland in any situation will stand to the last, regardless of the uncomfortable situation or time.
  • “The main thing in life is to serve the fatherland”- earlier patriotism was valued and manifested higher. Yes, conditions have changed. To fight for their lands and defend their honor is no longer in such need. But you must always be ready to stand up for yourself, your family, your land!
  • "Across the sea, fun, but someone else's, and we have grief, but our own." No matter how beautiful it is in other countries, but it is not native, which means that it has not yet shown all its disadvantages.
  • “And the forest rustles more friendly when there are a lot of trees”- this is an instruction that the people should be friendly and look in one direction, then they will become invincible.
  • "And the dog knows his side"- take a dog or a cat to the forest, at least a few kilometers away, but the animal will definitely find its way home. No matter how difficult it was for him along the way.
  • “Whoever fights for the Motherland, double strength is given to him”- in his native land, self-confidence appears, he receives additional protection and support, and therefore becomes twice as strong as his enemy.
  • "Sweet is the side where the navel is cut"- this side will always be the best, because it was there that the most best years our life.
About home
  • “In one place and the stone is overgrown with moss”- if a stone lies in one place for a long time, then it covers with moss. That is, a person who has stopped in one region “takes root”, “overgrows” with all household goods, builds a family and has children.
  • "In a foreign land and sweet in mustard, and in the homeland and horseradish for a lollipop"- another confirmation that even bread will be tastier than any other people's sweets.
  • “Do not renounce the Russian land - it will not renounce you either”- a foreign land will not give that support, even if you live 10 years. And the Motherland will always give strength and support in any situation, if the person himself does not turn away from it.
  • “In its swamp, even a frog sings, but in a foreign land, even a nightingale is silent”- at home you can relax and feel free. But in distant countries, even birds cannot sing.
  • “Where the deer has passed, there the Russian soldier will pass, and where the deer will not pass, and there the Russian soldier will pass”- shows what courage the Russian people have. After all, he can go even where animals do not go, if this is required for the Motherland.
  • "A hero will never die - he lives forever among the people"- all the heroes who gave their lives for their land will never be forgotten by their descendants.
  • “The warmth of the motherland is felt by the whole heart”- when he returns to his native lands, whether it is a village or a city, then in his chest, in his heart it becomes a little warmer and happier.
  • "Sacrifice for the Motherland is the highest sacrifice"- this sacrifice concerns not only one person or even his family, this is a sacrifice for the sake of the whole nation! For the sake of all your friends, family and loved ones, that's why it is the most important.
  • "The people have one home - Motherland"— and quite right. No explanation required here.
  • “From the native land it breathes warmth, and from a foreign land - cold”- one more confirmation that in the native land it is both warmer and more comfortable.

Explanation of the best proverbs and sayings about the Motherland, patriotism for primary and secondary school age

It is important for a child to give an example, because children feed all their knowledge initially from their parents, and only then from the outside world and friends. Therefore, even in small things, express patriotism and love for the Motherland. It will be very useful to also touch on the topic of pollution. environment. When teaching a child to throw away garbage, emphasize the importance of his share for the Motherland.

  • "Take care of your Motherland like the apple of your eye"- the pupil from the church Slavic dialect is the eye, the pupil. If it loses it, then the person will simply become completely blind. Therefore, without hometown, streets, houses a person will become nobody.
  • "Be not only the son of your father - be the son of your people"- The father is the second support of every child, especially a boy. But the guys should give twice for the support of their father and the home of their homeland. This proverb also draws an analogy of the Motherland with parents, who are so important in our lives.
  • "In the battle for the homeland and death is red"- if a person died fighting for the Motherland, then this is not all in vain. This gesture is a correct and beautiful deed, which will be appreciated by descendants in the future.
  • “Which people you come to, you will put on such a hat” Every nation has its own customs, requirements or tastes. The headdress becomes hallmark which immediately catches the eye.
  • “Do not exchange Faith, Motherland and Mother for anything!”- after all, these are the three main components of a person that he himself does not choose, cannot exchange or buy in a store. And they invest almost everything in a person, making a personality out of him.
  • "A hero dies once, a coward a thousand times"- the hero goes to the end, even if death is ahead. And a coward can hide, betray or retreat just to survive. Therefore, he dies as many times as he retreated.
  • "And the bones are crying for the Motherland"- a person even wants to die in his native lands, so that the soul after death also finds peace. Moreover, even in such a situation, you want to be close to your family and friends.
  • "For fish - the sea, for birds - air, and for man - homeland"- in this world, every living being needs its own area of ​​​​residence, in which it will feel as comfortable as possible.

Proverbs about home country
  • “Stupid is the bird that dislikes its nest”- she should live in this nest. Therefore, it is foolish to sit and complain if you can make your home more beautiful and rejoice.
  • “For your Motherland, do not spare either strength or life”- this is a direct instruction, about the struggle to the last. Even if you have to give your life. Remember how our ancestors fought. It is only thanks to them that we have what we have today. Therefore, you cannot retreat.
  • “If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong” Patriotism should come not only from one person. For the Motherland, you need to stand as a wall with your compatriots, then there will be a prominent result.
  • “Beyond the mountains it’s good to sing songs, but it’s better to live at home”- it’s good to relax at a party or in a foreign country, but at home it’s still more comfortable and familiar.
  • "The one who fights under the native sky acquires the courage of a lion"- in your native land you gain confidence.
  • "Whoever sells the Motherland, that punishment will not pass"- in life everything has a relationship between actions and consequences, so betrayal will definitely backfire in the future.
  • "Homeland is more precious than any country"direct indication that everywhere is beautiful and good, because we do not know about everyone negative sides every country. And ours is our dearest place on earth.

Explanation of popular Russian folk proverbs and sayings about the Motherland, patriotism

Proverbs and sayings help develop and train memory. Yes, they also carry an instructive character, which has passed from their ancestors. But their main quality is that they remain in the memory for a very long time. After all summary with great meaning is easily remembered and deposited in the subcortex of the brain.

  • "Take care of your dear land, like a beloved mother" is another proverb that gives direct instruction. Comparison in progress native place with a mother who gave the most valuable thing - life.
  • “In what people you live, keep that custom”folk wisdom, which speaks of the differences in each nation. And you should stick to the rules in which you live. And do not focus on foreign priorities.
  • “Everywhere is good, but at home it is better”- no matter how good it is at a party, at sea or on vacation, but at home everything is native. Therefore, you can relax not only with the body, but also with the soul.
  • "Where one is born, there it will come in handy" Everyone has a purpose and everyone has a duty. But it completely depends on where the person is located. That is, a person must pay his debt to his native country, where he grew up.
  • "Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her"- the motherland is equated with the mother. Therefore, it is necessary to stand up for it not only in deed, but also in word. A bit of a harsh example, but offending the Motherland is almost the same as offending your mother.
  • "A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song"- everyone should have a native land, because without it a person loses part of himself.
  • "Where not to live - to serve the motherland"- even in distant lands, one should not forget about the Motherland.

Correct words
  • "Where the pine has grown, there it is red"- another multiple saying that teaches you to appreciate your native land. After all, it is the place that paints the person in which he was born.
  • "On the other side, the homeland is doubly mile"— you understand the value of your native places when the time comes to leave them. And then in the distance you start to really miss them.
  • "If the people are united, they are invincible"- another proverb that indicates incredible strength people in unity. Here is a clear example when one can be attacked by offenders. And if friends join in, then these same offenders will not only get scared and run away, but they will also receive “caps”.
  • “If it is tailored in Russian, and there is one warrior in the field”- here we are talking about the stamina and fortitude of every Russian resident who will fight alone until victory.
  • “You live on the side, and everything is on your mind”- wherever you are, and thoughts will return to their native lands, and the heart will miss them.
  • “Once upon a time there was a fellow; I didn’t see fun in my village, I went out to a foreign land - wept” This proverb has a very deep meaning. In your land you do not appreciate what you have and you complain about everything. And, having left for a foreign land, you understand that it was better at home.
  • "To live - to serve the Motherland"- this is the most famous instruction, which was very popular in post-war years. Before life revolved around the struggle for their lands. Therefore, the main and direct duty was to serve their homeland, protect it and benefit.

IMPORTANT: Explain to your child that serving the Motherland does not always mean running around with a machine gun and shooting at visitors. You can, for example, touch global problem with trash. After all, it is not customary to litter in your house, since it will be necessary to clean it yourself. So the Motherland is a house that needs to be taken care of.

  • "Houses and walls help"- this proverb emphasizes that the native land is afraid and helps. A direct and exact analogy is if a person is sick. When he is in the hospital, and although the doctors take care of him, the patient does not feel better. But at home, after 1-2 you already get on your feet and instantly feel a surge of strength and energy.
  • "Without a root, wormwood does not grow"- not only wormwood, but any plant. Man and even representatives of the animal world cannot exist without the Motherland. Wormwood in this example uses because this weed grows anywhere and in any conditions. But even he needs a root.
  • "On the native side and the pebble is familiar"- no matter how it is at home, but indeed even a pebble on the road or a tree in the field will be a familiar sign.
  • “In a foreign land, and kalach is not a joy, but in the homeland, black bread is a sweetness”- no matter how beautiful someone else's place, but it will not give that warmth and life comfort native home and edge.

Explanation of interesting proverbs and sayings about the Motherland, patriotism for children

Proverbs may already contain obsolete words or turnovers. Therefore, proverbs can sound interesting. But such an unusual pronunciation is sometimes difficult to understand. Therefore, explain to the baby incomprehensible words and ask again how he understands this or that proverb.

  • “It is better to lie down on your side than to gain fame in a foreign land”- betrayal is not only bad, but also low and vile. And the native land must be defended not only in word, but also in deed.
  • "Native country is a cradle, someone else's is a holey trough"Tatar proverb, which reveals the meaning of native and foreign lands. In the homeland, a person is born and spends best time his life, and a foreign country is only visually beautiful. In fact, she is nothing special.
  • “Let the spoon of the one who is not drawn to his cauldron break”- in this saying, an allegory of a boiler with the Motherland is carried out, for which one does not feel sorry for one's life.
  • “Sacrifice yourself for the Motherland, and people will sacrifice themselves for you” is another proverb that teaches us to give and receive. After all, even after the death of the heroes, his family is supported and helped by any valuable.
  • "He did not die, whom the Motherland remembers as a friend"- that is, a person lives in memory next generations so he stays alive even when he's not around.

  • "Lost gold you will get with labor, you will get your lost homeland with blood"- gold can really be mined in the ground. Yes, it's not an easy job. But the homeland can only be returned by fighting.
  • "Motherland - mother, foreign land - stepmother"- a saying that accurately leads the association. Any country (that is, its inhabitants) will treat strangers like a stepmother.
  • “You can’t find your homeland, like your parents, in a foreign land” None of us choose these things. And even a change of residence will not make you a resident of another nation and country. Like parents, no guardian can replace. You can draw an analogy with parents and uncles - aunts. It will be easier for the child to understand the comparison.
  • "Well, where we do not"- there is no perfect place. There will always be some flaws that can only be seen well under the nose.
  • “Thin is the bird that soils its nest” is another example that you need to take care of your home and your homeland. After all, cleanliness starts with everyone.
  • “In a foreign land, as if in a domino, it’s both lonely and dumb”- not only the problem is that you don’t know the language, but you don’t have those old friends with whom you can talk. And there are no relatives who will always support.
  • "On the other side, the Motherland is doubly mile"- you begin to appreciate your native only when he is not around.
  • “On the other side, dogs bark for three years and people groan for three years”- Approximately how long it will take to get used to the new housing, new life and new conditions.
  • “Our strength is the family is united”- a short saying that you need to be friendly and united, then you can become invincible.

Explanation of the meaning of small, short proverbs and sayings for children about the Motherland, patriotism

In order for the child to quickly learn the material, you need to learn sayings gradually and constantly. That is, start with small and short proverbs. Do not overload the baby, learn 1 proverb a day. And so that she is well remembered, and he managed to understand her, stretch the learning for a certain period of time.

  • "At its nest and the crow beats the eagle"- even birds drive strangers away from their home, protecting it at all costs. Even if a crow is weaker than an eagle, it is on its own territory.
  • "In the native nest and the sparrow is strong"- Another bird that is clearly not famous for its great strength. But in his native land, he is gaining incredible courage.
  • “You can leave your home, but not your homeland”- the house changes in our life repeatedly. But the Motherland cannot be rebuilt or bought, since it is one and for life.
  • "Give your head for your native land"Belarusian proverb which shows the importance of the native land. It is for him that you should stand to the bitter end.
  • "He who loves his homeland hates the enemy" You can't love another country and call yourself a patriot. If a person really loves his country, then he will make every effort to make it better than any another nation or country.
  • "On the native side, every bush is familiar"- again, this is a confirmation that over the past years you get used to every pebble, bush and people around you. And this creates the very warm atmosphere that can only be in the homeland.
  • "Native land, what a weary bed"- not only the body, but also the soul rests in the native land. Yes, for your home you need to spare no effort to create only Better conditions, but the soul will only rejoice at this.
  • "In the native land, like in paradise"- this proverb accurately conveys the state of a person who is overwhelmed with feelings after a long separation from his native lands.
  • "Protect your father's land from the enemy"- the saying teaches the future generation to protect their land at any cost. After all, our distant ancestors did this, laying down more than one head on the battlefield.
  • “The best friend is mother, the best sister is Motherland”- This Azerbaijani proverb, which makes it clear that the mother will always support, but the Motherland will always “turn her shoulder”.
  • "In its side and winter is nicer"- indeed, even the winter is not so severe in its region, and the sun in the summer is not so scorching in its homeland.

Interesting knowledge for your children
  • "Motherland is like a mother: it will always protect"- You can even remember the laws that are different in each country. And not a single foreign country will take care of visiting residents the way the Motherland does.
  • "Maybe yes, I suppose, quit at the front"- this proverb teaches not so much patriotism, but points to unnecessary words in our speech. This is perhaps and I suppose, because you can not rely on them.
  • "The machine gun and the shovel are the friends of a soldier"- the machine gun is the main weapon for defense and attack, and the shovel is necessary for digging trenches to hide from enemies.
  • "The hero dies - the name will remain" This proverb refers to eternal memory great heroes who were not afraid to stand up and die for their homeland.
  • "Fight loves courage"- A true patriot will not hide from the enemy. And he will boldly defend his country.
  • "For the motherland, for honor - at least take your head off"- that is, it is not scary to die for the Motherland. And honor is expressed by the ability to defend one's land and not run away at the first threat.
  • “There is no gold for old age, there is no price for homeland”- a metal like gold does not deteriorate over the years and does not disappear. Therefore, there is nothing more important than the Motherland.
  • "And the crane is looking for warmth"- that is, he is looking for his home, something native and warm, like the Motherland.

Proverbs and sayings about the Motherland, patriotism with drawings for children: photo

It is always visually easier and more interesting for a child to perceive any material. Therefore, while learning sayings and proverbs with the baby, show him colorful pictures. You can even come up with your own drawing that will convey the meaning of some saying.

How many wonderful gave us Russian proverbs and sayings on the theme of the Motherland our people and conveyed their meaning through the centuries from generation to generation!
When exactly did the sayings appear, which at the present time are usually called proverbs or short sentences With deep meaning about everything in the world, it is not known for certain. What date the appearance of the saying dates back is also difficult to say. But sayings easily describe any phenomena of nature and even the subtleties of relations between people, and such descriptions were formed by people even when no one knew how to formulate thoughts on paper for further reading. Sayings and proverbs are an indispensable thing in everyday colloquial speech. On this page you will find the best Russian proverbs about the motherland for children and for the older generation.

Proverb about the Motherland is folk art in poetic form, this genre appeared a very long time ago. According to most scientists, such creativity of the people arose when the primitive system appeared, then there was no question of writing. Patriotic Russian proverbs about native lands have been passed on to the younger ones from the older generation for several thousand years. The meaning of the proverb about the Motherland lies in longing for the native side while staying in a foreign land, emphasizes the ardent love for one's land, for one's people.

With the help of proverbs, parents pass on to their children and grandchildren the most valuable experience that has accumulated over a lifetime. These phrases educate a person throughout his life, regardless of his age. Over time, frequently used phrases from cinema, literature or everyday life become proverbs.

Such a phrase is conditionally divided into two or three parts: The first describes the situation, the second evaluates it. If there is a third, she recommends an option further action. However, despite the small number of words, proverb able to contain thoughts of incredible depth. Clearly and specifically, it reflects the essence of the situation. Often over this folk genre I want to think and find answers in it, to know the truth in something.

Some Russian proverbs and sayings about the Motherland for children:

In a foreign land, the native land is dreaming in a dream.

The native side is the mother, the alien side is the stepmother.

And the bones are crying at home.

Until you visit someone else's roof, you won't know where it flows.

It is quite difficult to draw a clear line between a proverb and a saying, in most cases they are so similar to each other. The proverb has a complete thought, in which everything is concrete and clear. The saying only hints at the state of affairs with the help of a metaphor, and you need to think about what exactly it tells in this or that situation.

For the development of children's thinking, the word has almost leading role. After all, an incorrectly chosen word will cause antipathy in a child, and a kind word lures, arouses interest in learning something new. figurative and poetic word can make you believe in magic and think about the actions of a hero from a phrase, verse or fairy tale, add up own opinion about his actions. Sayings and proverbs are wisdom that we pass on to our children.

Russian sayings and proverbs about the motherland for children.

R one is a golden cradle. (Crimean Tatar)

Foreign land - viburnum, homeland - raspberries. (Russian)

Protect the homeland with the mind. (Abkhazian)

Motherland is dear to everyone. (Udmurt)

Most the best place- Motherland. (lak)

Why far? - and it's good here. (Russian)

Your homeland is your own mother. (Komi)

The other side is a dense forest. (Russian)

The way home is the shortest. (Abkhazian)

No need to go far, and it's good here. (Russian)

In the native land - as in paradise. (Mordovian)

And the dog knows his side. (Russian)

Everyone is drawn to their native camp. (Evenki)

The foreigner does not live full life. (Hindi)

Everyone has their own side. (Russian)

Paris is good, but Kurmysh also lives. (Russian)

Whoever has no homeland has no God either. (Abkhazian)

Praise overseas, and stay at home! (Russian)

Motherland is a berry, foreign land is a bloody tear. (Estonian)

Your burden does not pull; does not eat its own smoke. (Russian)

From the native side, the dog is cute. (Russian)

In their own country, the fence blooms. (Lithuanian)

Where the pine has grown, there it is red. (Russian)

There is nothing like leather. (Russian)

Travel the world, but come back home. (Adyghe)

A man without a homeland is like a land without a seed. (Amharic)

The native side is the mother, the alien side is the stepmother. (Russian)

A brave fellow for the motherland is born. (Nogai)

And a burned home is better than paradise. (Azerbaijani)

Without a beloved homeland, the sun does not warm. (Shor)

On the native side and a pebble is familiar. (Russian)

Motherland is more precious than any country. (Bashkir)

It's warm outside the sea, but warmer at home. (Karelian)

What is born where is good there. (Russian)

Everywhere is good, but at home it is better. (Gagauz)

The native nest and the bird does not forget. (Evenki)

There is no shame in returning home. (Tatar)

The smoke of the motherland is better than the fire in a foreign land. (Greek)

There are no relatives, but on the native side, the heart aches. (Russian)

A man who has lost his homeland is a bird without wings. (Abkhazian)

Whoever returns to his homeland is innocent. (Abkhazian)

Where the fool's family is, here he has his own land. (Russian)

Even the smoke over the hearth is sweet. (Turkmen)

Even a handful of native land - great wealth. (Abkhazian)

The best friend is the mother, the best sister is the motherland. (Azerbaijani)

It is better to be a sole in your village than a sultan in a foreign land. (Kumyk)

There are no mountains without a valley, there is no man without a homeland. (Kazakh)

Overseas fun, but someone else's; and we have grief, but our own. (Russian)

Even if there is paradise in a foreign land, do not leave your native land. (Kyrgyz)

Love for the motherland is the highest dignity of a person. (Georgian)

One winter at home is better than a hundred springs in a foreign land. (Azerbaijani)

Half at home is better than the whole in a foreign land. (Hindi)

The one who betrayed his homeland is rejected by the people, but respected by the devil. (Abkhazian)

Whoever does not have a homeland - he does not have a bed, who does not have bread - he does not have food. (Bashkir)

A nail will save a horseshoe, a horseshoe will save a horse, a horse will save a brave man, a brave man will save his homeland. (Tatar)

The land where you fed is good, but it is no better than the one where you were born. (Balkar)

In the native land it is better to be dust than to be a padishah in a foreign land. (Turkmen)

Lost gold will be obtained by labor, lost homeland will be obtained by blood. (Chuvash)

If you lose your beloved friend, you will remember for seven years; if you leave your homeland, you will remember it until death. (Kalmyk)

Than to be a lord in a distant land, it is better to endure grief in the father's land. (Uzbek)

Once upon a time there was a fine fellow: in his village he did not see fun; went to a foreign land - wept. (Russian)

Your home is small, but yours; the palace is great, but alien. (Uzbek)

The homeland of horses is where they fed; The homeland of people is where they were born. (Turkmen)

Folk wisdom, enclosed in proverbs and sayings, is alive today. There are many wise thoughts: about love, fidelity, friendship. About love for the people and family, for mother and Motherland. Often proverbs and sayings contain advice, suggest how to act in one or another life situation. Said on time, they help to express the whole idea in one sentence.

Today we offer proverbs and sayings about love, friendship and fidelity, about love for people, mothers, relatives, nature and animals.

Love for all ages
(A. Pushkin)

Table of contents [Show]

Proverbs and sayings about love

Where there is love and advice, there is no grief.
With love everywhere space, with evil everywhere cramped.
You can't hide love, fire and cough from people.
Love at least do not love, but look more often.
Where there is love and consent, there the yard is red.
The less you see, the more you love.
old love remember.
Love is not a potato - you won’t throw it out (you won’t throw it) out the window.
Who loves whom, he obeys.
If you get angry, you will stop, but you will start to love and you will not find the end.
Love is a ring, and there is no end to the ring.
The mind is enlightened by truth, the heart is warmed by love.
You will force yourself to be afraid, but you will not force yourself to love.
You can't hide love in your heart.
Love well mutually.
Love is not a fire, but on fire - you can’t put it out.
The sweetest of all is who loves whom.
One heart suffers and the other does not know.
Where it is cute, there are eyes, where it hurts, there is a hand.
Your gift is not dear to me, your love is dear.
Only the one who is crazy can love madly.
Whom they don't like, they don't listen to.
To whom the heart lies, the eye runs there.
Love begins with the eyes.
I don't love, but I can't let go.
In love, women know everything they haven't learned.
Love me, so love my dog.
If you like to fight, know how to make peace.
Darlings scold - they only amuse themselves.
Love - do not love, but look more often.
Satan will fall in love instead of the bright falcon.
With a sweet paradise and in a hut.
For a sweet friend and an earring from an ear.
I want - I love, I want - I love.
One soul suffers, the other knows nothing.
Endure - fall in love.
You won't be fed up with love alone.
You won't be forced to be nice.
Who did not love, was not young.
Nothing warms the blood like love.
The heart is not a stone.
There was love without joy, separation will be without sorrow.
Money can't buy love.
You can't lock love.
Love is not measured by miles.
For those who love, and in December spring.
For love there are no barriers.
To a lover, fear does not come.
Every love has its beginning.
Whoever loves whom, he loves him.
You can't buy love with gold.
Love me as I am, and everyone loves a good one.
Love makes the smart mad, the meek wild, and the indomitable peaceful.
Love is blind.
The love of a bachelor is like spring ice.
Love, though flour, but without it boredom.
Love is like a mirror: if you break it, you can't glue it together.
Without love, like without the sun, one cannot live.
big love not quickly forgotten.
Fell in love like a mouse fell into a box.
For lovers, the night is always short.
Where there is no love, there is no fun.
A girl without love is like a flower without the sun.
Money is a gain, there is nothing to grieve about, but love is another matter: it must be cherished.
For a lover, even a hundred miles is not a distance.
For true love No limit.
Women's love like morning dew: the breeze smelled - and it is gone.
It is better to suffer and love than not loving in the world to live.
There is no law on love.
Not to love - grief, but to fall in love - twice.
Kissing with your beloved, that reveling in honey.
Love is no joke.
Though I scold, yes I love.
Another love is like snow: it soon melts and turns into mud.

To be faithful is a virtue, to know loyalty is an honor.
Maria Von Ebner Eschenbach

Love knows no revenge, but friendship knows no flattery

Proverbs and sayings about love, friendship and fidelity

Love knows no revenge, and friendship knows no flattery.
Mountains are destroyed by an earthquake, love and friendship are destroyed by a word
A true friend loves to death.
true love neither burns in fire nor sinks in water.
To open a secret - to destroy fidelity.
A noble heart cannot be unfaithful.
Whoever has never sworn allegiance will never break it.
Love is really strong.
Mil and love, so be a friend.
For a dear friend, do not look for leisure.
There would be a friend: there is an hour.
When love and passion become friends, they sacrifice both heart and soul.
A friend is not a mushroom: you can’t choose with your heart, you won’t find it with your eyes.
A heart friend is not born suddenly.
It is bad without a friend who is lost, but it is also bad with a friend who is not faithful.
Without a friend in the heart of a blizzard.
With a dear friend and grief in half, you will grieve.
Friendship is as rare as love.
Friendship and love are always equal.
A woman cannot be friends, she can only love.

Time with the people we love best gift.
Tony Stark "Iron Man"

Love at home what you want, and in people - what they give

Proverbs and sayings about love for mother, parents, relatives, people

There is no such friend as a dear mother.
There is no friend more tender than a mother.
When the sun is warm, and when the mother is good.
Take care of your mother while she walks on the ground, but when she lies down in the ground, then it's too late.
Mother's heart warms better than the sun.
It is better not to have a heart than not to have love for the people in it.
He who loves himself too much is not loved too much by others.
Love at home what you want, and in people - what they give.
Love your own, remember others.
Brotherly love is better stone walls.
To understand parental love you have to raise your own children.
In the family, love and advice, so there is no need.
That is the strength of a wife loving her husband.
The whole family is together - and the soul is in place.
I love my children, but grandchildren are sweeter.
A husband loves a healthy wife, and a brother loves a rich sister.
There is the most beautiful creature in the world, to whom we are always indebted - this is the mother.
Pity your father and mother, you will not find others.

When visiting nature, do not do anything that you would consider indecent to do on a visit.
Armand David Lvovich (Russian geographer)

Who cherishes the earth, the earth pities him

Proverbs and sayings about love for animals, for nature

I love Serk for his custom: groans and luck.
I love Serk for the custom: at least you're unlucky, but neigh.
Do not drive a horse with a whip, but drive him with oats.
Do not buy a whip for a horse, but oats.
Don't rush the ride, rush the food.
As you feed and drink, so you will milk.
Feed the cow more satisfying, the milk will be fatter.
If you feed well, a bad horse will be a steed. (Kirg.)
He who feeds a hungry animal feeds his own soul.
Take care of the cattle, you will have an income.
Respect the earth, it gives a harvest.
Without a master, the land is an orphan.
The earth loves affection.
Then water the earth, protect the earth with your chest.
Mother Earth is your nurse.
Who cherishes the earth, the earth pities him.
Without time to destroy the forest - there will be nothing to cut down the hut from.
A lot of forest - do not destroy, little forest - take care, no forest - plant.
Feed the birds in winter, they will repay you with kindness in summer.
Groves and forests - the beauty of the whole region.
The green fence is a living joy.

We have good news about our side.
Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin

There is nothing more beautiful in the world than our Motherland

Proverbs and sayings about love for the Motherland

Everyone has a dear side.
You can't replace your motherland with anything.
Motherland, know how to protect it.
Beloved motherland - dear mother.
Motherland is the mother of all mothers.
Own land and in a handful is sweet.
Everyone has their own side.
To each his own sweet land.

Native land is a paradise for the heart.

Native land is a cradle, someone else's is a holey trough.
Native land is better than a foreign land full of silver and gold.

Read on our website and other articles with proverbs and sayings:

Proverbs and sayings about friendship Proverbs and sayings about kindness Proverbs and sayings about birds Proverbs and sayings about family Proverbs and sayings about sports for children Proverbs and sayings about health Proverbs and sayings about politeness

Watch this video with proverbs and sayings about love.

Russians folk proverbs very subtly emphasize the various nuances of the life and aspirations of the Russian people. IN this case we bring to your attention proverbs and sayings about the Motherland.

  1. Wormwood does not grow without a root.
  2. Without love for a person, there is no love for the Motherland.
  3. Take care of your beloved land, like a mother, dear.
  4. Take care of your Motherland like the apple of your eye.
  5. Fight is a holy cause, go to the enemy boldly.
  6. Be not only the son of your father - be the son of your people.
  7. In the battle for the homeland and death is red.
  8. In your home, the walls help.
  9. In a strange place - that in the forest.
  10. The Holy Russian land is great, and the sun is everywhere.
  11. The fascist eye sees Moscow, but the tooth is numb.
  12. The enemy wanted to feast, but had to grieve.
  13. Every bird loves its nest.
  14. Everyone has their own side.
  15. Where to live, so be known.
  16. Where someone is born, there it will come in handy.
  17. Where the timid Semyon is, there the enemy is strong.
  18. Where the pine has grown, there it is red.
  19. The hero is a mountain for the Motherland.
  20. The main thing in life is to serve the fatherland.
  21. That bird is stupid, which does not like its nest.
  22. Motherland is heaven, foreign land is hell.
  23. For the Soviet soldier, the border is holy.
  24. To Moscow on tanks, and from Moscow on a sled.
  25. Houses and walls help.
  26. The smoke of the fatherland is lighter than someone else's fire.
  27. If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.
  28. If the people are united, they are invincible.
  29. If in Russian tailored, and one warrior in the field.
  30. You live on the side, and your village is all in your mind.
  31. To live is to serve the Motherland.
  32. Overseas fun, but someone else's, but we have grief, but our own.
  33. For Moscow-mother it is not scary to die.
  34. Why far away and here is good.
  35. The Russian land is all under God.
  36. The whole world knows - there are no harder Russians.
  37. And the wormwood grows on its root.
  38. And a speck of native land is gold.
  39. And the dog knows his side.
  40. Look for good on the side, and love the house in the old days.
  41. To us with guns, and from us with sticks.
  42. Love for the motherland is born at the family hearth.
  43. To each his own sweet land.
  44. What is the regiment, such is the sense of it.
  45. The hand of the Soviet sailor is strong.
  46. Whoever has not been to Moscow has not seen beauty.
  47. Who is a mountain for the Motherland, he is a hero.
  48. Whoever is a mountain for the Motherland is a true hero.
  49. Whoever fights for the Motherland is given double strength.
  50. Whoever competed with Russia did not remain in the right.
  51. Who is brave and steadfast, he is worth ten.
  52. Who honestly serves, glory is friends with him.
  53. Wherever the raspberry lured, it brought back the native village.
  54. Either the chest is in crosses, or the head is in the bushes.
  55. Better death on the field than shame in captivity.
  56. If you love your wife, love her country too.
  57. Moscow - Homeland decoration, intimidation to enemies.
  58. Moscow is the mother of all cities.
  59. On the world and death is red.
  60. On the native side and the pebble is familiar.
  61. In Rus', not all carp - there are ruffs.
  62. In a foreign land, even kalach is not a joy, but in the homeland, black bread is a sweetness.
  63. On the other side, and the spring is not red.
  64. On someone else's side, I'm happy with my little funnel.
  65. Enemies ran into Russian bayonets.
  66. People's friendship and brotherhood are dearer than any wealth.
  67. The brotherhood of the people is dearer than any wealth.
  68. The peoples of our country are strong in friendship.
  69. Our strength is family.
  70. They fight not by force, but by skill.
  71. There is nothing more beautiful in the world than our Motherland.
  72. There is no defense - and the crows will peck.
  73. There is no son without a fatherland.
  74. Novgorod is the father, Kyiv is the mother, Moscow is the heart, Petersburg is the head.
  75. The cuckoo crows about the fact that there is no nest of its own.
  76. A man has one mother, he has one homeland.
  77. The soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad.
  78. After parting with a friend, they cry for seven years, parting with their homeland - all their lives.
  79. Motherland is the mother of all mothers.
  80. Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.
  81. Motherland is mother, foreign land is stepmother.
  82. Motherland is more beautiful than the sun, more precious than gold.
  83. Beloved homeland - mother, dear.
  84. You will not find a homeland, like parents, in a foreign land.
  85. Learn to defend your motherland.
  86. The native village is dear to everyone.
  87. Native land and dreams in a dream.
  88. Native land and in a handful is sweet.
  89. The native side is the mother, the alien side is the stepmother.
  90. Native land is a paradise for the heart.
  91. There are no relatives, but on the native side, the heart aches.
  92. The Russians harness slowly, but then quickly gallop.
  93. The Russian fighter is a model for everyone.
  94. The Russian is proud in words, firm in deeds.
  95. The Russian does not joke with a sword or a roll.
  96. The Russian soldier knows no barriers.
  97. Rus' is holy, Orthodox, heroic, Mother Holy Russian land.
  98. Die from your native land, but do not leave.
  99. Your milk - to the child, your life - to the Motherland.
  100. Own land and in a handful is sweet.
  101. Its burden does not pull, its smoke does not eat its eyes.
  102. His side strokes the fur, someone else's opposite.
  103. One's own country is warm, and another's is cold.
  104. The strength of the people is stronger than an icebreaker on the river
  105. Afonyushka is bored on someone else's side.
  106. The glory of the Russian bayonet will never fade.
  107. Feel free to go into battle, the Motherland is behind you.
  108. The sons of Russian mothers are famous for the prowess of heroes.
  109. That land is sweet, where the mother gave birth.
  110. Only he will be honored who loves his homeland not in word, but in deed.
  111. The people have one home - the Motherland.
  112. The Nazis have overcoats not according to the Russian blizzard.
  113. The fascist marches noisily, the Russian takes the mark.
  114. Thin is the bird that stains its nest.
  115. A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.
  116. Keep the honor of a soldier holy.
  117. What is healthy for a Russian is death for a German.
  118. The other side is the stepmother.
  119. Foreign land - viburnum, homeland - raspberries.
  120. We don't want someone else's land, but we won't give up our own either.

It's not yet complete list proverbs and sayings about love for the Motherland. In this area, Russian folk art is very diverse and almost endless.

Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.

To live is to serve the Motherland.

Take care of your dear land, like a beloved mother.

Beloved homeland - dear mother.

To love the Motherland is to serve the Motherland faithfully.

Love for the Motherland is stronger than death.

For your Motherland, do not spare either strength or life.

Motherland is the mother of all mothers.

Stand boldly for a just cause!

If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.

Whoever loves the Motherland, she will not be indebted to him.

A man without a homeland is a nightingale without a song.

Our homeland is more beautiful than the sun.

Over the sea it is warmer, but here it is lighter.

Everyone has their own side.

Know how to defend your motherland.

One mother is dear and the Motherland is one.

The Motherland is dearest of all to our people.

Whoever serves the Motherland faithfully, fulfills that duty approximately.

There is nothing more beautiful in the world than our Motherland.

Native bush and hare roads.

Own land and in a handful is sweet.

It is not scary to die for the Motherland.

Silly is the bird that dislikes its nest.

We do not want someone else's land, but we will not give up our own.

We do not live hard, we serve our Motherland.

A reward from the Motherland is a joy to the heart.

On the other side, the Motherland is doubly mile.

Love for the Motherland conquers death.

Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword.

For the Motherland, for honor - at least take your head off.

The native side is the mother, and the alien side is the stepmother.

To whom Far East, but our own.

The native side is the mother, and the alien side is the stepmother. parents

What is at home, such is on the Don.

The bird is small, but it also protects its nest.

On the native side, the heart sings.

A man has one mother, and he has one Motherland.

Whoever steps on Russian land will stumble.

Russia has never worn a yoke.