Exercises for slimming the abdomen at home: effective gymnastics. Toe touch variation

The most problematic area in women is the stomach. In order to accumulate fat on it, it will not take much time, but in order to get rid of it later, you can spend several months.

There are a huge number of factors due to which fat and extra pounds can accumulate on the stomach. In order to get rid of this, you need to monitor your diet and perform some abdominal exercises that you can do at home.

According to statistics, most women are not happy with the appearance of their belly. And this is understandable, because the folds are visible to others and do not look very attractive. And most women who dream of losing weight resort to various methods and methods, up to starvation. Not many people know that in order to look decent, fit, you just need to follow a certain diet and perform a few simple exercises for the abdomen.

Causes of fat and extra pounds

According to doctors, there should be a small amount of fat on the stomach, because it serves as a kind of protective barrier for all internal organs and bones. But excess body fat should be a matter of concern. So what causes extra pounds and belly fat?

  1. Genetics, as you know, is a stubborn thing. It is believed that if a grandmother, grandfather or mother has problems with body fat, then they can also pass to the heirs. The most common shapes are apple and pear. If you got the “pear” shape, then the extra pounds go to the lower body, if the “apple”, then to the stomach.
  2. Bad metabolism. Over the years, metabolism slows down significantly. This is what leads to the accumulation of fat in the abdominal cavity. Women are known to be more prone to belly fat than men.
  3. Binge eating. If a lot more is eaten per day, then you can’t do without extra pounds.
  4. Stationary lifestyle. If a lot of time is spent near a computer or TV and there is absolutely no physical exercise, then extra pounds will be gained in the shortest possible time.
  5. Stress, nervous tension, illness. Stress or illness has a significant impact on any body, especially women. Stress and nervous tension increase the level of cortisol in the body, which can cause deposits on the waist and abdominal cavity.
  6. Any hormonal changes. This is especially true for women whose age has long crossed the line of 40 years. The amount of fat in the body can increase in proportion to body weight.

Effective Abdominal Exercises

Abdominal weight loss exercises are very important. The most important thing is to perform them and clearly understand that the effect can be achieved only if such exercises are constant and are combined with a certain diet.

Consider what exercises are most effective and important for losing weight in the abdomen:

1. Vacuum

A fairly easy exercise that is associated with breathing. Standing on all fours, the body rests on the elbows and knees, take a deep breath with a relaxed stomach. When exhaling, the stomach should be tightened and pulled in. In this position, you need to hold out for 30 seconds.

2. Leg raise

Sitting straight on a chair, hands should be placed on the sides with palms down so that they are under your feet. As you exhale, raise your knees so that they are pressed against your chest as much as possible. In this position, you should hold out for up to 10 seconds.

3. Tilts to the sides

Exercise for the abdomen, as well as the sides. Standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands should be raised above the head and folded. The torso must be tilted to the left so that the stretching of the right side of the body is felt. Ideally, you should hold out in this position for 15 seconds. Returning to the original, the same must be done with the right side.

Plank with twists

This exercise has a beneficial effect on the press, hips and lower back. It is necessary to take the plank position so that the elbows and socks touch the floor, and the body is as even as possible. So you should hold the body for 30 seconds and turn into a side plank position. Hold on toes and forearm of one hand (right, then left), preferably about 30 seconds.


The most popular exercise for a flat stomach, which is distinguished by its ease and excellent results. It is necessary to lie on the mat - face up, bend your legs, while the entire foot should be on the floor. Throw your hands behind your head, take a breath, lift your upper body off the floor. You need to twist as much as possible, press your head as close to your stomach as possible. You need to exhale while lifting.

oblique twist

The essence of this exercise is very similar to the previous view. You should lie on the rug, hands behind your head, bend your legs at the knees, but so that the feet do not touch the floor at all, but are as if on weight. The upper body should be raised as in a simple twist, but the right shoulder should be rotated towards the left. The left side should be motionless on the floor. You also need to do the same for the other side.

Twisting bike

It is necessary to lie on the floor, hands behind your head, raise your legs, then bend at the knees. The right knee must be pulled to the chest, then the left and constantly change them. At the same time, the upper body should be raised. It feels like a bicycle is spinning. The knees should be pulled to the chest as much as possible, while the stomach should be tense.

Raised leg crunches

You need to lie on the mat face up, stretch your legs up and cross. Raise your upper body as high as possible, and try to reach your feet with your hands. It is very important to follow the breath, exhale when lifting the body, inhale when lowering.

Listed above are a few simple and affordable exercises that will easily help you get rid of fat and extra pounds. By devoting up to 20 minutes a day to such exercises at home, you can not only get a flat stomach and a chiseled waist, but also stay healthy and beautiful for many years.

Fat deposits that hide the waist both in front and in profile are a significant motive for, including at home.

It would seem that the necessary exercises are obvious: you need to pump the press, then the fat will run away under the onslaught of developing muscles. However, those who, with all their zeal, only pump up the rectus and oblique muscles of the abdomen, notice with surprise: the abdominal press, of course, develops - but everything is under the same fat layer, so that the volumes of the abdomen and sides do not decrease, but grow.

Let us consider in more detail the correct organization of such gymnastics for losing weight on the abdomen and sides at home, which, in combination with the diet, training and general lifestyle, will reliably rid the slender camp of any excess fat.

Nutrition and mobility in the struggle for a graceful waist

It will be possible to remove unaesthetic folds from the sides and abdomen with the help of gymnastics only if the fat layer is not re-formed due to excess nutrition and a sluggish lifestyle and is intensively consumed to provide energy for active movements.

For this you need:

  • Reduce the diet so that every day its energy value is less than the body's own costs. As a result, the body receives the most direct and intelligible signal - there is no way to accumulate fat further, it is time to spend the energy stored in it.
  • Eat five to six moderate meals daily and drink one and a half to two liters of high-quality clean water. Such organization of nutrition, on the one hand, eliminates the feeling of hunger even with low-calorie food, and on the other hand, it speeds up the metabolism and, accordingly, the utilization of fat.
  • Change a static lifestyle to regular training loads that involve not only problem areas, but all muscle groups. At the same time, to replenish energy costs, fat cells will be split, and a new slender body, freed from the fat layer, will form harmoniously.

To achieve the desired results faster, home workouts should be done at least three times a week. The optimal time for them is from eleven in the morning to two in the afternoon or in the evening, from six to eight. In any case, you need to start exercising no earlier than two hours after eating and at least two hours before bedtime.

Warm up before workout at home

Before embarking on intense muscle loads, it is necessary to stretch and warm up the muscles. Such preparation will protect against injuries and sprains during unusual or sudden efforts. It will be enough to perform from five to seven exercises from this list:

  • Circular movements 10-20 times in both directions in the shoulder joints. At the same time, the arms remain freely lowered, and the feet are located shoulder-width apart.
  • Straightening chest, bringing to readiness the shoulder and chest muscles. Hands with palms facing each other, straightened in front of the chest, part with a breath, bringing the shoulder blades together. As you exhale, return to the starting position. This sequence of movements is performed 10-20 times.
  • For back muscles and spinal column. With your feet shoulder-width apart and leaning slightly, rest your outstretched arms on your hips, bend your knees slightly, and straighten your back. This is the position of the breaths. On exhalations, round the back with the retraction of the abdomen and lower the chin to the chest. Repeated 10-20 times.
  • Ensuring mobility in hip joints. The legs are stably spaced shoulder-width apart, the left hand rests on a chair or against the wall, and the right hand is located on the lower back. Move the right leg, bent at the knee, to the side and, completing the circular swing, return to the starting position. Repeat with the left foot resting on the right hand. Perform 10 to 20 repetitions on each side.
  • Trunk rotations involving work spine and body muscles, including oblique muscles. Legs are wider than shoulders, arms bent at the elbows are folded in front of you. Turns of the body in both directions are repeated from 15 to 20 times.
  • Calf raise squats lead to readiness muscles and joints of the legs. In this case, the feet should be spaced shoulder-width apart, straight arms extended forward. While inhaling, squat down with the body tilted forward and moving the arms back. As you exhale, straighten your knees, rise on your toes and raise your arms up. The complex of movements is repeated from 15 to 20 times.
  • Additionally involve leg muscles 10-20 transfers of body weight from one leg to another. To do this, spreading the feet wider than the shoulders, bend the right leg, transferring the weight of the body to it. In this case, the hands rest on the right thigh. Then follows a similar transition to the left side. In order to comprehensively prepare the musculoskeletal system, such rolls are performed by bending at the waist and touching the floor with the hand - with the right hand when resting on the left leg and with the left hand - when the body weight is shifted to the right.

Exercises for the waist and sides at home

The most effective home exercises that do not require additional shells and equipment:

  • Exercise " Mill". With your feet shoulder-width apart, lean forward (torso parallel to the floor). Raise the right outstretched hand up, the left, also outstretched, lower it down. Rotate the torso with a fixed extended spread of straight arms so that the lower arm reaches for the toe of the opposite leg. Perform the exercise with gradual acceleration.
  • Twisting straight. Lying on the floor, on your back, bend your legs at the knees at a right angle. In this case, the hands are behind the head, the elbows are divorced. Raise your upper back off the floor, then return to the starting position.
  • Twisting reverse. Lie on the floor, place straightened arms on the sides of the body. Bend your knees and bring your legs into a position where your thighs are perpendicular to the floor. Tightening the press, pull the knees to the chest, completely lifting the pelvis from the horizontal support.
  • « Bike". Lying down, pressing your lower back to the floor and holding your hands behind your head, bend your knees at an angle of 45 degrees. Stretch your left elbow to your right knee, straightening your left leg. Then pull the right elbow to the left knee, while straightening the right leg. You can start with 10-12 repetitions.
  • straight plank. In fact, this is the position of emphasis on outstretched arms. In this case, the hands are placed exactly under the shoulder joints, the back is straightened, the straight legs rest on the socks. This bar should be held from one minute (beginners) to 3 minutes (with sufficient physical fitness).
  • side plank. Lying on your left side, rest your left hand on the floor so that the hand is exactly under the shoulder joint. Straighten the torso, lifting it off the floor and maintaining support on the sides of the feet. Hold this position for at least 15 seconds.

It is highly desirable to supplement the home complex for slimming the sides and abdomen jumping rope(duration of 5 minutes), squats(from 20 times) and slopes in different directions.

After a month of regular exercise, the habit of exercising is usually developed and their first results become visible. Then the load becomes insufficient and in order to move on, more complex and loaded movements will be needed, for example, a straight line with alternate leg raises, slopes with, complex twists, a plank on the elbows.

Cool down after workout

To relieve tension from muscles, joints and ligaments, the workout must be completed with a hitch - stretching and soothing movements:

  • Rotate your head to both sides.
  • Horizontally moving the right hand to the left, pull it to the chest with the left hand. Similarly - with a change of hands.
  • Putting your hands on your belt, and your feet shoulder-width apart, lean to the right, then to the left.
  • What exercises for weight loss of the abdomen and sides do you consider the most effective at home? What movements do you find the most difficult? Is it possible to improve the figure only with special gymnastics without changes in nutrition? Share your personal experience, your own observations and impressions in

What spoils the figure of a woman? First of all, thick hips and waist. Their imperfection immediately creates a negative impression of the whole figure. I think many girls are puzzled by the question of how to lose weight at home quickly and effectively, especially to remove this hated belly and sides that spoil the appearance. In today's article, we will just talk about this pressing topic, namely the most effective exercises for slimming the abdomen and sides at home for women, thanks to which you will soon be able to feel free of your naked body. To achieve this goal, it will be necessary to do simple exercises and exercises for losing weight on the abdomen and sides at home, but first things first.

There are many possibilities, methods and exercises on how to get rid of this “heavy burden” and change for the better. To begin with, you need to choose not only a series of exercises that provide physical activity, but also draw up a daily nutrition menu. In this article, we will learn how to properly deal with the deposition of fat cells on the waist and hips, breathe correctly in order to lose weight and gain beautiful shape, the frequency of physical effort and a healthy diet - a daily menu so that the figure as a whole is in good shape and acquires nice graceful line. So, all about exercises for losing weight on the abdomen and sides at home for women.

Effective exercises for slimming the abdomen and sides at home for women

Some ladies and young ladies do not know what means to apply so that the waist and hips become beautiful and graceful. There are many ways to get rid of this shortcoming, but how to choose the right methods that can really provide the necessary assistance and achieve a positive result?

Some young ladies turn to the services of a special trainer-instructor, but not everyone has health, time and money to visit clubs. Therefore, trainers - instructors, experts in a beautiful and healthy figure, have developed a number of specific weight loss exercises that can be performed at home to tighten and strengthen the muscles of the body.

Exercises, with the use of physical effort, can strengthen the muscles of the middle part of the body and the "fifth" point, remove fat from the waist and hips. These are, first of all, exercises for strengthening and shaping the line of the press: standard pose slats, different kinds twisting, easy run, exercises that mimic cycling, exercises that repeat the movement scissors, active swings with each leg and their simultaneous lifting with the tension of all the muscles of the body. We will discuss each of these exercises in more detail below.

Unique special correct breathing includes breathing exercises bodyflex. This special technique can not only balance breathing, but also refresh the entire blood flow of the body, fill the main respiratory system - the lungs with fresh air ethers, oxygen, but also really lose weight.

Exercises with a variety of cargo with different weight mass also help to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen and thighs and destroy the fat layer in these parts of the body.

Important! No need to practice in a stuffy room! This deprives the body of strength and threatens with dehydration. It is best to train in the early morning hours when the air is still cool and fresh. You can do it late at night outdoors or with the windows open!

Charging for weight loss of the abdomen and sides at home

Positive physical actions in the form of exercises most often need to be performed in a lying position, leaning on the floor. Here are the best ways to lose body fat:

  1. Popular twisting performed in a supine position, press your shoulder blades to the floor, legs bent at the knees slightly touch it, actively and sharply raise the body of the body above the floor, try to touch the opposite knee with your elbow. With the left elbow of the hand, touch the right kneecap, with the right elbow, try to sharply touch the left knee. Keep the palms of your hands behind the back of your head. You can perform these physical actions many times;
  2. Bike- easily and quickly burns the fat of the sides, removes the "breeches" and "ears" from the hips. Lean back against the floor, keep your hands together at the back of the head, legs bent at the knees, alternately each make rotational movements, simulating cycling;
  3. Scissors- they make the press work, all its muscles, the inner and outer thighs, help to strengthen them and give a slim look. Physical actions, you need to perform lying on your stomach, its essence is to simultaneously raise straight legs low above the floor and hit them against each other. This exercise has a positive effect if performed in the supine position;
  4. Popular plank- has a beneficial effect on all the muscles of the body, makes them work and tones. Perform the “Plank” lying parallel to the floor, while leaning on the “elbow-wrist” part of the arm, toes, pull in the stomach so that it tenses, keep your back straight so that the torso does not bend, parallel to the floor. You need to hold this position for as long as your physical strength is enough;
  5. A great way to strengthen the press - leg raises at the same time above the floor at an angle of 30 degrees. Touch your back to the floor, calmly stretch your arms along, tighten your body and pull it into line, and very slowly raise your outstretched legs up to an angle of 30 degrees. Exercise gives a strong tension to the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles, helps to strengthen them;
  6. The well-known exercise alternating swings with each leg. Swing with each foot to maintain balance, hold on to any available vertical support with your hands. Exercise accelerates blood throughout the body, makes joints flexible and “shakes up” all muscle tissue;
  7. Excellent exercise fashion models - deep squats on an imaginary chair. You need to sit down as low as if you were sitting on a real chair. The exercise actively trains the abdominal press, strengthens the buttocks, thighs outside and inside, strengthens the legs well;
  8. A great way to make your waist slimmer is to twist daily hula hoop or hoop. It is best to take a metal hoop or a hoop weighted with spikes and additional weights. Thus, the muscular tissue of the waist is exposed to a powerful mechanical impact from the outside, which contributes to the formation of a beautiful waistline. The hoop, if desired, can be twisted on the hips. Which also has a positive effect. With such a mechanical effect on muscle tissue, fat cells seem to “break” against each other and disappear forever;
  9. Run- the best way to make a slim figure and remove all unnecessary. Running trains not only the body, but also the cardiovascular system, actively accelerates blood throughout the body, trains the muscles of the legs, buttocks, and body. It saturates the entire body with clean air, which, with proper breathing, helps to get rid of extra pounds;
  10. jump rope- an excellent tool to shake up all the cells of the body and make it even slimmer. Just jump on health, better outdoors. You can jump over the rope in one place, or you can while running. All are equally useful!

Breathing exercises for slimming the abdomen and sides

Effective exercises for losing weight on the abdomen and sides really help in solving the existing problem. There are several techniques for strengthening the abdominal muscles and destroying layers of fat from the hip and waist lines.

Bodyflex- a special breathing technique that helps to destroy unnecessary fat cells in the body. Exercise is best done on an empty stomach, where the focus is on breathing, rather than physical actions. This technique involves inhaling air into oneself in stages, in several steps, holding the breath for a certain time, then exhaling air strongly from the lungs. Exercise has an effect on holding air in the lungs for a while and exhaling it powerfully. During these seconds, fat and everything negative in the body is burned.

Bodyflex involves daily exercises for fifteen or twenty minutes, which quickly leads to the desired result and fixes it for a long time.

  • Before you start performing any physical actions, you need to stretch all the members of the body. Legs stand evenly with shoulder width and slightly bent at the knee joints, tilt the body slightly forward, palms should lie slightly above the knees. Start breathing deeply, strongly pushing out the air so that not a single drop of air remains in the lungs, then with force, inhale the air again through the nose, while straining all the abdominal muscles. Exhale powerfully through your mouth, pulling your stomach inward, you need to hold your breath for a while. These actions are best repeated up to ten times;
  • Sit on a chair, throw one bent leg over the other. The right hand rests on the left knee, and the left hand is behind the back. A full cycle of exercise consists of several breaths, air retention inside the lungs, exhalation. In this case, you need to pull the knee of the left leg towards you in such a way that the body twists, while giving tension to all the muscles: the waist, the press and the outer side of the thighs. In this position, the fat deposits of the waist and hips are subjected to active physical pressure and quickly burn out, which contributes to the formation of a beautiful figure line. Do a few repetitions, then switch sides.

The respiratory system of oxysize differs from bodyflex breathing and does not practice sharp inhalations and exhalations, using physical tension. In this weight loss system, short, sharp multiple breaths play a major role in getting air. The technique of this system consists of one very deep breath, three short pre-breaths, a deep volumetric main exhalation, and then three short pre-exhalations. This breathing technique has a positive effect after eating, you need to breathe in this way at least thirty or forty times. This breathing technique gives an energetic stimulus and vigor to the whole body, which contributes to the burning of fat cells.

Exercises on simulators for weight loss in the waist and sides

You can remove fat deposits from the abdomen and sides by exercising on special simulators using weights and additional weights.

How to eat so that weight loss exercises are more effective

Exercises for weight loss of the abdomen and sides at home for women are limitless. But the load on the body will give the desired result only if you properly eat rationally. Physical balanced loads and healthy food are the perfect symbiosis that can give a positive effect and fix it for a long time.

Proper rational nutrition lies in the fact that the daily menu must contain all the components, without which any organism is not able to fully exist.

When exercising, you need protein and carbohydrates. Animal protein is, first of all, meat, the best diet: rabbit, chicken, turkey, quail, fish. Vegetable protein is also necessary for a fulfilling life - beans, nuts, grains.

Carbohydrates are lighter and burn faster in the body than proteins. They give the body energy, strength, nutrition for the brain, excellent mood. In this case, natural honey, chocolate, fruits, dairy products, flour products and sugar in moderation, compotes and jams are very good. To lose weight, carbohydrates are best taken in the morning a little.

It is advisable to cook dishes, stew or cook with a double boiler. Follow the right diet, do not eat dinner too late. At night, for the full functioning of the intestines, you can drink a glass of fresh kefir, with the addition of a spoonful of bran. To ensure a good sleep and rest, it is good to brew green tea with a small amount of mint or lemon balm.

A slender beautiful body is the result of regular effective exercises for losing weight on the abdomen and sides at home, proper breathing, a complete balanced diet and the desire to become beautiful, light and slim!

How do you take care of your figure? Do you do exercises for weight loss of the abdomen and sides at home, do breathing exercises, watch your diet? Or are you just letting everything go?

Exercises for slimming the abdomen and sides at home: video

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Coach Nutritionist, Sports Nutritionist, Honored Author of Evehealth


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A protruding tummy is a problem for many girls and women. The reason for it lies in the rhythm of life "on the run", without having time, a much larger portion is eaten for dinner than required. And there is always not enough time to visit sports or fitness rooms. As a result, a vague figure appears, which leads to psychological and health problems.

Getting rid of excess at the waist with just one thing is an empty exercise. Indeed, with regular training, you can achieve a triple effect: reduce body fat, make skin more elastic, improve blood circulation in the pelvis by training the abdominal muscles. And if you include exercises for the abdomen in the general complex of exercises, then the visible effect can be achieved much earlier.

Advice: if possible, try to exercise under the supervision of professional trainers - this will allow you to quickly remove your stomach and protruding sides, and new Pilates classes and water aerobics programs will help you achieve the desired cubes on the press.
Let's start our exercises.

To complete the exercises you will need:

  • sports mat,
  • comfortable clothing that breathes.

Exercises for slimming the abdomen and sides

  1. Classic and proven squats.
    Starting position - stand with a straight back and fix your hands on your belt. The legs are shoulder width apart. You need to squat and stretch your arms, then return to the starting position. We follow the correct breathing - on the inhale squat, on the exhale - rise. The number of repetitions is 15.
  2. Twisting.
    Starting position - lie on the floor so that the lower back is firmly pressed against it. Bend your legs at the knees and put your hands behind your head so that your elbows are apart in different directions. It is required, when inhaling, to tear off the head and shoulder blades from the floor, exposing the chin up, and as if trying to reach the surface of the ceiling with them. When reaching the highest point, tighten the waist area as much as possible, and freeze for 5 seconds. After exhaling, and return to the starting position. You need to complete 12 repetitions.
    With this exercise, the rectus abdominis muscles are well trained.
  3. The letter is kicked in the air.
    Starting position - you need to sit on the floor and take emphasis on the hands that are laid back. It is required to raise the legs connected together and, without separating them, draw numbers from 0 to 9 in the air. You need to breathe slowly and deeply. Repeat the exercise 3 times, resting between each for 30 seconds.
  4. Knock Knock.
    Starting position - lie on a hard surface, stretch your legs and arms. It is necessary to raise the legs above the floor, to a height of 30 centimeters in the air, and lightly hit the feet 3-5 times against each other. Then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 9 times.
  5. Bike.
    Starting position - lie on the floor and put your hands behind your head, clasping them with a lock. It is required to raise the legs at an angle of 30 degrees, and you can start turning the so-called imaginary pedals. One approach lasts a minute. You need to perform several repetitions, with breaks of 2 minutes between them.
  6. Pillow exercise.
    Starting position - lying on your back, stretch your arms up. You need to squeeze a pillow between your feet, and with it draw circles in the air, starting with small ones and gradually reaching large ones. Return to the starting position in the reverse order, from large circles to small ones. It is necessary to draw at least 30 circles.
  7. Ups.
    Starting position - lying on the floor, put your hands behind your head, while your elbows look in different directions, and bend your knees. Inhaling, raise the pelvis until a straight line is formed with the knees. At maximum height, freeze for a few seconds and strain all the muscles. After, exhale and, slowly, return to the starting position. Perform 3 repetitions.
  8. Candle fire.
    Starting position - lying on your back, stretch your arms along the body. You need to raise your legs so that they are perpendicular to the floor, and cross them in the air. Support must be done by hand. After three crosses, hold your breath while keeping your legs extended. Then return to the starting position, first lowering the pelvis, and then the legs. Breathing should be correct - at the entrance, raise the leg, and on exhalation, return to its original position. For beginners, the exercise is very difficult, so 5 repetitions will be enough, increasing the level of training, you can increase this number to 15.
  9. Roly-up.
    Starting position - lie on your back and place your arms along the body. It is necessary to turn the lying position into a sitting position, slowly leaning forward until the fingers on the hands touch the feet. In the same way, slowly, return to the starting position. The legs and shoulders remain straight during the entire execution. Breathing is repeated from the previous exercise - rise on inhalation, and lower on exhalation.
    News - Belly Slimming Exercises Photo
  10. Mermaid.
    Starting position - lie on your back, with your hands behind your head, and legs bent at the knees. It is necessary to throw the right foot over the left, and, slightly raising the torso, turn it to the right. For 5 seconds, strain the whole body, and hold your breath. Then return to the starting position, and after 7 repetitions, perform the same exercise on the other side.
  11. Gymnastic hoop.
    For classes, you can purchase both an ordinary metal hoop and, with various nozzles and a lot of weight. The weight of the hoop should be around 1-2 kg. If it is less, then the effect will not appear, and if it is harder, then bruises and bruises on the sides will accompany the classes. After acquiring the hoop, you can begin to twist it, first clockwise, and then against. There is complete freedom of choice - the legs can be either together or apart.
    Classes with a hoop will help you forget about such troubles as flabby, stretched skin, and even cellulite. Plus, flexibility and dexterity will increase, the work of the vestibular apparatus will improve.
  12. The simplest exercise from the category of static, but no less effective.
    Starting position - any. Exercises can be performed even while sitting at work. It is required, when inhaling, tighten all the muscles and draw in the stomach, holding this position for 10 seconds. Then exhale and relax. After a rest of 30 seconds, repeat 10 times.

  13. Starting position - lie on your back with legs extended, and make sure that the heels, head, shoulder blades and lower back are firmly pressed to the floor, and hands are clasped behind the head. It is necessary to raise the left leg to form an angle of 90 degrees, tighten the lower abdominal muscles and attach the right leg to the left. Freeze for a few seconds, and slowly return to the starting position, lowering first the left and then the right leg. Repeat the exercise 20 times.

At the moment, there are more than enough videos on the network with workouts for. You can easily work on them.

Be sure to remember that before a set of exercises for losing weight in the abdomen, a warm-up is always carried out to warm up the muscles, if the training is independent and not included in the overall complex. When performing a general lesson, a warm-up is carried out at the very beginning, and there is no need to additionally conduct it before classes for the abdomen.

After mastering the above exercises that can be performed at home without spending time and money on gyms, in a few weeks the first results will be noticeable, which will be expressed in a decrease in waist size, more toned muscles and skin, improved well-being and mood.

Tips from trainers and nutritionists for effective belly weight loss

In order not to face the problem of excess weight in the abdomen again over time, you must follow the golden rules of a healthy lifestyle!

  1. While eating, you should not be distracted by negative sources of information, but focus on eating, think positively.
  2. Get up from the table with a half-starved feeling, do not pass, control the quantity and quality of food.
  3. Eat 5-6 times a day.
  4. Before going to bed, drink a glass of low-fat yogurt.
  5. If you feel a strong desire to eat something - drink a glass of clean water, it helps to satisfy your hunger for several hours.
  6. Light physical activity and doing what you love will do wonders for your figure parameters.
  7. Before eating, thank life for every plate of food, love yourself and your life.

Enjoy every day you live and give others a radiant smile and a great mood!

Video with a set of exercises for losing weight in the abdomen

The sides and abdomen are a favorite place for the accumulation of fat cells. Losing weight in this area of ​​​​the body is quite difficult, but feasible. You need to choose the right exercises and follow the tips given in this article. By the way, most of these exercises can be performed at home without the use of trainers.

Muscles responsible for the formation of the abdomen and sides

To choose the right exercises, you need to know which muscles are located in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body. The abdomen and sides are formed by the following muscles.

  1. External oblique. It goes from the lateral surface of the ribs downwards and to the midline of the abdomen. Flexes the body, participates in turns and tilts.
  2. Internal oblique. located under the outer. It runs behind the iliac crest and is fan-shaped along the midline. Carries out bending, turns, inclinations.
  3. Transverse. Deep. Passes from the inside of the ribs from behind to the front and to the midline. Tightens the abdomen, participates in twisting.
  4. Straight. Runs from the sternum down both sides of the midline. It is divided by jumpers into segments that can contract on their own. Bends the body forward.

Best Abdominal Exercises

The main exercises that give a toned stomach are: crunches, leg raises and planks.


Can be performed at the beginning and at the end of a workout. Do 15-20 reps for 3 sets. The main point is that the back should be hunched, not straight. You can use weights, dumbbells, a disk from a barbell, and more.

Twisting on an inclined bench (board)

The rectus muscle works. At home, you can use an ironing board for this. The more the board is tilted, the more strength is required to complete the exercise.

Lie upside down on a bench, legs behind the bench, knees bent. Raise the body to the legs, trying to cling to the hips. The back is rounded. You can go down completely to the board or not to the end.

Twisting on the floor

The direct, as well as the external oblique, muscle works. Lie on the floor, raise your legs and put on a bench (chair). Raise the body, trying to touch the knees with the head. Round your back as much as possible. You can go down completely or without touching the floor. Arms crossed, or behind the head (heavier option).

Other options: on the floor with legs extended and knees bent. The mechanism is the same: twist, trying to reach your knees with your forehead.

Roller curls

The rectus muscle works, as well as: the gluteal, external oblique, back muscles. There are several implementation options. You can stand on the floor, lean forward as much as possible and rest against the floor with a roller. Straining your muscles, roll the roller towards the feet, then back.

Another version of the starting position. Get on your knees, rest your roller on the floor. Feet lift up. Move the roller to the knees, contracting the muscles.

Leg raise

When performing exercises, the rectus muscle is in work. Should be repeated according to 10-15 times, do 2-3 sets.

Lying leg raises on the floor

The easiest climb. Lie on your back, grab your hands, bend your legs a little. The more the legs are bent, the easier it is to do and the less the load. You can lift the pelvis and linger for a couple of seconds.

Another option: lie down on an inclined surface (head up).

Sitting leg raise (fold)

Sit down. Raising your legs, try to twist. Chest and legs move forward. Legs slightly bent, do not straighten to the end and do not touch the floor.

The best exercises for the sides

Consider several effective exercises where the oblique muscles are included in the work. Should be done 15-20 times / 2-3 sets.

Side twist

The perfect exercise for the waist. Lie on your side. The hand on which you lay down, stretch along the floor forward, leaning on it. Put the other hand behind the head (put on the back of the head). The leg that is on the floor is slightly bent; the other, on the contrary, straighten. Twist, reaching with your elbow to your knees.

Standing body rotation

Put the stick on your shoulders from behind and hold it with your hands by the ends. Rotate the body left and right. The head is motionless, the pelvis too. Make rotations for 2-3 minutes.

Side bends with dumbbells

Stand up straight, spread your legs wider than your shoulders. Lower your arms along the body. Doing tilts to the side, do not move the pelvis. The dumbbell should be in the hand in which the bends are made. You can raise your hands with one dumbbell up.

Plank exercise: how to do it right

Highly effective exercise. It has an effect on several muscle groups. Promotes fat burning, especially when alternating with dynamic exercises. Lead time: from 10-15 seconds to two minutes .

There are many ways to do a plank. When performing them, the back should be straight, hands strictly under the shoulders. All options include contraindications: you can not do the bar for diseases of the joints of the shoulders, arms, lower back.

Classic technique

Lie down on your stomach. Put your palms under your shoulders, rest your toes on the floor. Straighten your arms, lifting the body off the floor. Rely only on the palms and toes. The body must be completely above the floor. You can straighten your arms not completely and lean on your elbows.

Options: lean with your hands or feet on the fitball, bend your knees and lean on your knees, raise or move one leg to the side, stretch your arm forward or to the side, simultaneously stretch your arm and raise your leg and others. You can do the reverse plank: support on the palms and heels, the torso is raised above the floor, the face is turned up.

You will get results faster if you follow the tips below.

When doing gymnastics for the sides and abdomen, add exercises for the rest of the muscles. This will increase blood flow to other parts of the body and will contribute to the rapid breakdown of fat.

An excellent effect will give the intake of L-carnitine before exercise. This amino acid captures fat that has entered the bloodstream from fat cells during exercise. On its own, it cannot get into the cellular mitochondria for splitting and, having “circled” around the body, returns back to the places of deposition.

L-carnitine does not give him such an opportunity and "accompanies" to the place of decay. Energy is released, which gives strength to perform large numbers of repetitions.

With weight loss of the abdomen and sides need to eat little and often. This will cause a more intense metabolism, and food will no longer be stored "in reserve".

Do not get carried away with daily workouts. It is enough to do exercises 3-4 r / week. Do not immediately take heavy weights. Remember the saying: "Move slowly, you will continue." Be beautiful!