Do-it-yourself face painting, or magical transformation. What is face painting and the technique of applying it?

First of all, face painting is a technique of applying paint to the skin. Since the interaction time of dyes with the skin can be quite long, special face painting paints that are safe for health are used. They must be water-based and fat-free. In this case, you don’t have to worry about the health of even the youngest participants of the holiday. In addition, children's face painting should wash off well. If the cosmetics are of high quality, then ordinary soap and warm water. Another feature of face painting paint is that it should dry quickly, which allows you to apply makeup without getting dirty, even on your own.

In order to do face painting on your face with your own hands, you need to purchase not only paints. You will also need special tools for applying makeup. All necessary materials can be found in craft stores. The paint can be powder - requiring dilution - or regular. The most convenient way to apply makeup is with sponges and brushes. It is better to purchase several tools of different diameters at once. There should be at least two brushes - a thin one for small details and a wider flat one. You should pay attention to the fact that the brushes are made of natural materials.

Before applying paint to your face, you should test it on a small area of ​​your body. Although dyes should be hypoallergenic, there is a possibility of individual intolerance.

Beginning of work

The technique of applying face painting is quite simple - it is similar to drawing on regular paper. However, when drawing on leather, you should be extremely careful. One mistake and you'll have to wash off all your makeup and start all over again. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you think through the sketch in advance and take your time. You should master face painting with your own hands from the simplest ideas. With each new implementation, the skill will grow and doing makeup at home will become easier and more interesting.

Having chosen a drawing, you can start working. You need to act step by step, in strict accordance with the following instructions.

  • First of all, the base paint is applied. Apply the base color paint in a smooth and even layer. To do this, it is most convenient to use a sponge or sponge. The main tone is applied in stages from the hairline to the chin. Particular care should be taken to treat areas around the mouth, eyes and nasolabial folds. Eyebrows are also processed at the first stage. They need to be made as invisible as possible.

  • The next stage of the scheme is to treat the areas around the eyes. Here you need to act very carefully so as not to damage the delicate skin. Therefore, it is recommended to work with a wide and soft brush. The hand should be held at right angles to the skin. Eyebrows are drawn using a pencil; this detail will set the mood for the entire makeup.

  • Next, face painting is applied in stages, from top to bottom: cheek area, mouth, chin.

  • Then the outline is done with thin contours. Contouring yourself can be difficult.

In cases where you create face painting for children with your own hands, you can skip the stage of applying the base and immediately draw the details. This way, it will be possible to reduce the time it takes to remove makeup.

Face painting for children - ideas

Let's list the main types of face painting that are popular among kids.

  • First of all, these are animals. All children love to imagine themselves as tiger cubs, bunnies, butterflies, foxes, fish, hedgehogs, mice, horses, and so on. Before you start drawing, you should clarify with your child what exactly he wants to become. Next, in accordance with his wishes, an image is created. Here you will have to try and identify the most characteristic features of this or that animal: mustaches, stripes, spots, and so on.

  • Another popular motif is fairy tale characters and super heroes. This category includes Spider-Man, Batman, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, princesses, dragons and others. All of the listed images are created not only using face painting, but also with appropriate costumes. Without them, sometimes it can be difficult for a child to explain to others who he has reincarnated into.

Face painting for adults

Face painting for adults is used, as a rule, in two cases - for the entertainment of children and for one’s own joy, for example, for a Halloween party.

  • If the task is to please the children, you can use the following images: princess, snow maiden, fairy, The Snow Queen, Mermaid. The appearance of such a guest will be a real gift for the guys. Especially if you dress up according to the chosen image.

  • If you can’t change clothes to match your makeup, it’s better to transform into a super hero or a clown. Here it will be enough to simply paint your face. These images are also advantageous because they do not require special elaboration and detail. It is enough to draw a bright outline of the lips and a stretched smile or a Batman mask - and you are already recognizable.

  • Face painting is also popular at various themed parties, for example, on Halloween. As a rule, images of witches, skeletons and all sorts of evil spirits are created here.

  • In addition, face painting is used by adults at various entertainment or advertising events. For example, it can be used when working on a photo shoot or exhibition.

Children of our time have many interesting entertainments, for example, children's face painting is considered very popular. This type of body art is safe because good composition colorful and very popular at children's events. Parents can make almost any pattern on the face themselves, but you need to know the main rules for applying paint and the subtleties of this technique.

Many parents confuse aquagraphy with face painting. But these are completely different things. Making drawings using face painting for kids on new year holidays, matinees and other events. The paint has a unique water-based composition, so it does not cause an allergic reaction and does not contaminate the pores of the skin.

In addition, the composition is very elastic, does not fall apart or crumble. High-quality paint always dries quickly and does not stain during use. Face art for kids is very pleasant, because the drawings for a long time do not lose their color and are easily washed off with soap and water.

Before you start working with face painting at home, you need to purchase all the necessary materials and tools for makeup. The price for these special paints is low. They can be purchased online or in a regular store that has a department dedicated to creativity.

To apply face painting to children and adults, you will need the following:

  • Different colors.
  • Sponge.
  • A sponge and a special brush made of good material.
  • Crayons.

Before decorating the face of your sweet child, The following contraindications must be taken into account:

  • Age up to three years.
  • Individual intolerance to any paint components.
  • Scratches and wounds on the face (after all, you can get an infection).
  • Skin diseases.

If you're thinking about what to draw on your face, ask your child's opinion first and don't forget to consider the child's age and gender.

In most cases, girls are impressed images of flowers, faces of cats or foxes, images of magical fairies, princesses or queens.

Boys usually like it better makeup for superman, pirate, wolf or spiderman. Do not create an overly creepy image, as you may scare your child. Before you start applying paint, you need to run a dry brush over your child’s face so that he begins to get used to the new sensations.

Gallery: face painting for girls and boys (25 photos)

How to properly apply face painting on the face, master class

Let's look at everything step by step:

DIY New Year's face painting

One of the most enjoyable holidays for all children is New Year . At matinees in honor of this celebration, face art masters are often invited, who, for little money, will take and quickly paint all the children present in fairy-tale heroes or cute animals.

Most professionals in their field always have a catalog with them with photographs where they can choose an image for the child.

If you want to do face painting for a child yourself, then you can draw: a queen, a princess, a fairy, a penguin, frosty pattern, snowman, etc.

Face painting cat, master class.

To turn your baby into a cute cat, you need special paints, brushes, a sponge, water and cotton buds. Description of the work on creating a cat:

  • Using a sponge, apply a white base (eyebrows, chin, bridge of the nose).
  • Take pink paint and draw ears above the eyebrows.
  • Using a thin brush, create a black outline of the ears.
  • Then we draw a nose and mustache.
  • Create pink hairs on the cheeks and chin.

Face painting butterfly

One of the most common images for all girls is considered beautiful butterflies. But before you start drawing, it’s worth asking your child’s opinion; each girl is unique in her own way and she may not like this image. If the child is ready, then follow the simple instructions, how to draw a butterfly on your face:

Face painting tiger

This drawing is suitable for children of different ages. Face painting of a tiger cub looks quite impressive at any holiday. To create this drawing you will need orange, black and white paints, brushes of various diameters, and a sponge.

Description of work:

  • First we take white paint for face painting, draw the nose and cheeks of our tiger cub.
  • We depict the upper eyelid, then the contour of the face and chin.
  • Apply paint in an even layer orange color onto the rest of the child's face.
  • Using black paint we draw the following details: mustache, stripes, nose, mouth.

Face painting dog and face painting fox

These animals are drawn for cute kids who love to be funny animals. Description of the work for the drawing of a dog and a cat. Everything is done in much the same way as in other cases, only they add fur or a bandana to the main image.


There are many interesting and unusual drawings, some even take risks and portray zombie face painting. Remember the most important thing, this is your creativity, and only you and your children can choose the drawing. If something doesn't work out for you, you can always study additional lessons or try something simple.

Colorful face painting for adults and children will create a festive atmosphere and a cheerful mood. With the help of face painting you can create an image on children's party, photo shoot, flash mob, carnival. Face painting lessons for adults and children will give you the opportunity to learn the basics of artistic painting on the face and body.

Creative pictures can be depicted on any part of the body (on the face, on the back or on the arm). Face painting for children and parents will fill the holiday with joy and unforgettable emotions.

What is face painting?

Face painting drawings on the face and body are applied using artistic scheme, which you can find on the Internet or develop yourself.

For face painting, only harmless, water-based and completely fat-free dyes are used.

Therefore, face painting is safe for children and can be used on the youngest partygoers. The “plus” of this face art is that it can be easily washed off with soap and warm water. During wear, the paint does not get dirty and does not transfer onto clothes. To start art makeup using face painting techniques, you need to:

  • buy the necessary materials for creativity (special paints);
  • select sponges and brushes with which to apply makeup. For face painting, there should be several brushes, which will allow you to create a variety of patterns;
  • It is advisable to take a master class on face painting to learn the intricacies creative process;
  • immediately before applying the drawing to the skin, you need to make a simple sketch on a small area of ​​​​the body in order to eliminate the risks associated with individual intolerance to paints.

Face art: application technique and ideas

You can thoroughly master this art by enrolling in special courses in your city. If you don’t have the opportunity to attend at least a master class on face painting, then it’s worth watching video tutorials that outline step-by-step instructions for applying makeup to your face. Such lessons are useful for a person who has a small reserve of artistic skills: they will understand how to draw both simple drawings and complex ornaments with makeup.

Face painting for beginners. Stages of work:

  1. Allergy test: Apply dye to a small area of ​​skin and wait a couple of minutes. If there is no reaction, then continue.
  2. Applying tone. Wet and squeeze out the sponge; rub it on the paint. Distribute the tone evenly across your face.
  3. To draw contours, use thin and thick brushes.

Drawing ideas have no boundaries. The following drawings for children are popular and easy to make: cats, tiger cubs, butterflies, superheroes, floral abstraction. For adult parties, you can put pop art style or vampire makeup on your face. Study video lessons and come up with your own sketches.

Face painting for children is one of the most favorite pastimes. All the kids, without exception, love to paint faces and try on funny animal faces. It’s especially fun to transform yourself using face painting at children’s parties and performances.

This safe “makeup” can be used not only at a masquerade, but also at home if parents want to diversify their child’s leisure time. You can buy paints for body art, but it is much more interesting to do face painting yourself. Our master class is dedicated to little lovers of experiments and magical transformations!

How to do face painting yourself

We bring to your attention a mini-instruction on how to make safe paint for painting the body and face.

Face painting for children. Ingredients:

  • 1 teaspoon cornstarch
  • 1/2 teaspoon cold cream
  • 1/2 teaspoon water
  • food coloring

Face painting for children. Preparation:

Mix cold cream and starch in a container, then add water and food coloring. Mix the ingredients well. You should end up with creamy paint that doesn't drip or run. For making paints different colors use different ones food colorings. It is recommended to store the finished paint in a closed, airtight container.

How to use face painting for children

Pull your child's hair into a ponytail to expose his forehead as much as possible, and use a cape that you don't mind getting dirty. To apply children's face painting on the face and other parts of the body, it is convenient to use a compact soft brush. At the same time, make sure that the paint does not get into your eyes. Makeup can be easily removed with soap and water.

Children, unlike adults, cannot sit still for long periods of time. Therefore, you need to quickly apply paint to the fidget’s face. In addition, children may feel funny and ticklish at the touch of a sponge, which may affect the quality of the child’s war paint. Therefore, try to distract your child with casual conversation when doing body art.

You should not paint children who are not yet three years old, as well as children with sensitive skin, reacting to the components of face painting. Before starting work, it is better to test the paint on a small area of ​​skin to check if the baby has allergies. If your baby has skin diseases or open wounds, then you should not do body art.

What are the benefits of face painting?

1. Children's face painting is a very exciting and interesting activity. This pastime brings children together and improves communication skills.

2. If kids paint each other's faces, they develop imagination and creativity. They learn to draw, train their color perception and get the opportunity to express themselves.

3. Face painting classes allow you to diversify your leisure time and make your holiday fun and unforgettable.

Ideas for children's face painting: photos

The most suitable images that little ones will be happy to try on are the “makeup” of fairies, butterflies, cats, princesses, stars, rainbows, ladybug, heart or flower. Great ideas face painting for boys - lion, robot, spider-man, pirate, batman, tiger, Indian, monster. In this photo collection there will definitely be something interesting for the transformation of your daughter or son.

Now you know how to make face painting paint at home, how to apply it and wash it off correctly. You can use ready-made body art images for children or come up with your own, original, together with your son or daughter. Face painting classes will provide good mood children and their parents will turn an ordinary birthday into a bright show.

What is face painting? These are special water-based paints for the face and body. They are easy to wash off and easy to apply, and their hypoallergenicity allows them to be used even on children's faces.

But in addition to a purely aesthetic function, face painting also has a practical function: it will be much easier for a child to get used to the image of his hero, which will reduce both physical and psychological stress.

Before you start applying makeup, remember a few simple rules for beginner makeup artists:

  1. Don't force your child to put on makeup if he doesn't want to: not all children like the touch of a brush to their body.
  2. Before drawing, move a dry brush over your baby’s face, so the drawing process will not come as a surprise to the child.
  3. Don't offer your child a drawing that you like. After all, it’s not you who will have to wear makeup, but him.
  4. Don't draw for more than ten minutes. Of course, you want to create a real masterpiece, but children cannot sit still for a long time (how can we, with many years of experience in school, university and home computer gatherings), and they will quickly get bored of it. If you see that the child is tired, let him run freely or breathe, because some children are even afraid to breathe while they are being drawn.
  5. Hold a small mirror in front of you so that the child can see what interesting things are happening on his face.
  6. Be sure to talk to your child about something interesting while drawing.

Now let's move on to the actual technique and materials:


1. Paints.

2. Brushes. You need 2 brushes - No. 1 and No. 5-6.

3. Sponge or sponge.

4. Cotton pads, sticks, napkins.

Master class on face painting

We start, of course, with the basics. This is a common element for drawing various animals.

The basis

Using a wide brush, apply white paint to the areas between the nose and upper lip. Paint the tip of the nose with a black brush, then draw a stripe up to the upper lip, outline it and curve it upward. We got cheeks! We can apply dots and antennae on them. We paint the bridge of the nose in White color and shade it a little so that there are no sharp boundaries.

The basic foundation is ready, now we can draw several animals with their own distinctive features.


Any color is suitable for it (in our case, blue). Apply paint to the face along the contour, without including the eyes, draw ears above the eyebrows. Now let's draw a red tongue on lower lip, and with black we emphasize the fur and ears. The eyes were not captured on purpose, because In some children, this area of ​​the body is very sensitive and should not be applied to it.

little hare

Which is the most important distinguishing feature hare? That's right, teeth. So let's draw them on the lower lip. Let's draw a white rectangle. We use black to denote the teeth, draw an outline in the shape of a butterfly (where its “wings” will be the bunny’s ears) and paint over it (everything except the cheeks). Let's paint the fur using black paint and a thin brush. Now we’ll cover the cheeks with white paint and blend it a little with a sponge.

You can figure it out yourself character traits animals: for example, a mouse - grey colour, small teeth and a small tongue, the lynx will look like a cat, only orange, and there will be tassels on the ears, etc.

Video on this topic

And in these videos you will see several more master classes and schemes with which you can make any holiday unforgettable for your child.

Image of a stern pirate:

The thunderstorm of all villains is Spider-Man (aka Spiderman):

Here is such a wonderful rabbit:

Style a la Indian princess:

Beautiful butterfly:

An easy way to draw a tiger face on your face: