What awaits you in the new year is cool. Comic predictions are short and funny (for children and adults)

Notes with predictions for the New Year are widely used to create a festive mood. You can choose predictions, taking into account the individual characteristics of the guests, or use aphorisms and quatrains. Predictions for the New Year should be either humorous or neutral in nature so as not to hurt people's feelings.

Fortune telling from notes with predictions

Fortune telling for the New Year using notes includes the following procedure:

  1. It is advisable to print humorous predictions on paper rather than write them by hand.
  2. You need to place the notes in a decorative vase.
  3. You should make a wish or think of a question, and then randomly take out one note.
  4. You can read the prediction out loud, but superstitious people prefer to keep the information they read secret.

Options for the text of predictions on the note

The texts of New Year's predictions can be like this:

  1. You are a multifaceted personality. Capable of being realized in different areas of life. Act, write, speak, feel free to switch from one thing to another.
  2. You crave variety and intellectual expression. In relationships, balance between mind and emotions. Don’t try to please your partner in everything and don’t waste your time on trifles.
  3. A period of change is approaching. Start a major overhaul or change something (perhaps your place of residence) that has long been annoying you in your current environment. Make something with your own hands and mind, and then hang your creation in the most visible place.
  4. You will soon feel the manifestation of true love or do what you like. You have a choice to make: whether to remain in the circle of life that has already been created, or to go beyond it.
  5. You will experience passion, be in an incredible atmosphere, travel to new places, take risks, doing things that previously seemed impossible.
  6. Spring will return to relationships: tenderness, romance, trust. You will be filled with energy and new ideas. You can give birth to a new life.
  7. The person you are asking about is doing something for the first time, is in the dark, or is experiencing sincere and innocent feelings. The future awaits an unknown that is attractive with its endless possibilities. It all starts with love.
  8. If you are in a quarrel with someone important to you, he will soon remind you of himself. The return of a friend from your past may be associated with thoughts about you that prevent him from moving on with his life.
  9. You will feel nostalgic or talk about your past feelings and old loves. You will meet a person after many years of separation. You may receive a belated confession, a letter, news, or you may reveal a secret from the past.
  10. You don't have time to think or doubt what you intend to do. Now it is inappropriate to wait and it is important to act, because... The time allotted for resolving the issue has almost expired. An opportunity or chance may slip away due to slowness.
  11. You think a lot about the past or future. Someone next to you is waiting for your decision or answer. There may be a situation around you where you need to rush, rush, or clearly express your position and attitude.
  12. As you continue to grow and gain experience, you may find yourself in a situation where it is slightly unpleasant or surprising, followed by relief and progress.
  13. Something must leave your life to give way to a new level that matches yours.
  14. Your state may be a little sad, as if you are saying goodbye to something infinitely dear to you, knowing that new meetings, joys and achievements await you ahead.
  15. A family event or conversation with a relative awaits you.
  16. As you sow, so shall you reap: if you sow the wind, you will reap the storm. Now any of your efforts, steps or actions are of great importance and strength, which will certainly bear fruit in the future. And what kind of harvest it will be depends on you, and not on the person you are interested in.
  17. There may be a person next to you who works a lot. You will engage in careful, painstaking and rewarding work. Efforts will lead you to success or to its absence in case of laziness and superficial attitude. You can learn to create something with your hands or improve your skills, quality of work, and cost of services.
  18. You will receive a good sign or a warning that will save you from unnecessary worries or expenses.
  19. Profit, addition to the family. This could be luck of an intangible nature, a favorable combination of circumstances.
  20. The person you are interested in will not stop there, plans to move on or move on to the next step.
  21. You can engage in creativity, spiritual practices, and increase values. In affairs and relationships, a shift, development, and progress is planned.
  22. You will have to work a lot and persistently on your relationships, yourself and improving your life, because you strive to do everything “perfectly”, even at the expense of your feelings.
  23. You shouldn't analyze love. You believe that love must be earned. You may feel unworthy of the person you like. But this is all untrue.
  24. You may be criticized or forced to not be yourself. You have a tendency towards perfectionism or frequent dissatisfaction with the result. Don't lose your love because of little things or fear of other people's opinions.
  25. You will receive a new opportunity or a profitable offer. There are still chances to return what was lost or get what you wanted with a minimum of effort and expense.
  26. Achieving more results with little effort. There will be an opportunity to save your money.
  27. Soon you will get the result associated with your long-standing efforts or plans. You may have a meeting with old acquaintances or a forgotten friend, or create an atmosphere that brings back memories. Perhaps you will appreciate your past from a new perspective.
  28. You will do something that was once put off until better times due to lack of funds, time or energy. You will need previous experience to complete the new task. Now is the time to complete something that has been started for a long time: time to put an end to it, let go or say goodbye to the past.
  29. Please smile, the world misses your smile.
  30. You will find yourself at a celebration of life or have a good time in a fun company. Now it is important to relax, step back, rest. You will meet a cheerful person, communication or business with whom will lift your spirits.
  31. Your activity can be creative and exciting, and will reveal your talents. The situation you find yourself in is associated with noise, music, nature, doing nothing, enjoying life.
  32. In a situation or in a task set before you, there is no single correct solution. Your feelings or the feelings of another person are more complex and multifaceted than it seems at first glance. It cannot be perceived unambiguously or categorically. You can love and hate at the same time.
  33. You may be afraid to act on your desires or stop fighting for what matters to you, giving in to the evaluations or criticism of others. You can give up on your dreams. Or you can try again. The choice is yours.
  34. This is the case when loved ones, while loving, interfere with the implementation of plans or development: they do not support, condemn, criticize or ignore your successes. At the same time, this is an important and painful process of gaining self-confidence and increasing personal responsibility for one’s life.
  35. The fabulous wealth you can dream of is achievable, and it starts with small things. A small and pleasant surprise or gift awaits you. You will receive help or a satisfactory result.
  36. On the personal front, everything will soon return to normal. If you are in a quarrel, then reconciliation awaits, and if you are still alone, then a meeting with your soulmate will soon take place.
  37. Soon you will go on a trip or journey in connection with love endeavors, an old hobby, or in order to unwind. You will have a friend or admirer who is younger in age or lower in social level.
  38. It will be important for you to feel safe and strengthen your defenses. You are supported by your deceased ancestors, you can receive an inheritance (gift, property, things).
  39. Never give up. A road of 1000 miles ends with one step. Be patient.

Fortune telling with champagne and note

They can be held during the chiming clock using glasses of champagne. To do this, you need to write your wish in advance, and then burn the note within 12 seconds, pour the ashes into a glass of sparkling wine and drink the contents of the glass.

And don’t forget about New Year’s decor, examples in the video:

Fortune telling using notes in cookies

Ready-made cookies are sold in individual packaging. The prophecy is inside the confection. In most cases, predictions are neutral in nature and consist of one sentence.

It is best to make such an event a surprise for guests. You should not insist on the participation of those who do not believe in predictions. It is important to trust your intuition when composing text.

We will look at what comic predictions to prepare for yourself and your guests for the New Year 2018 in this material. Such a bag of good mood and excellent New Year's predictions will be a wonderful addition to a festive evening. Of course, when preparing a competition, you should write only good things and wish the person sincerely and with all your heart good achievements.

New Year's predictions on pieces of paper are humorous and positive

The Year of the Dog will be dazzling for you. This means that only bright events await ahead, and the diversity of colors will make you want to close your eyes. You enjoy these exciting events and look around so as not to miss the dizzying opportunities. If everything that is happening is too bright for you, then buy some good sunglasses, wear them and continue to look forward to your bright and colorful bright future.

This year will be amazing and prosperous for you. It seemed that the reasons for excitement would transfer from the leap year to the New Year, but in fact, life will give a new round and all the bad things will definitely remain in the past. A new interesting project awaits you at work, which will help you earn enough for your vacation and for your bright future.

The Year of the Dog will bring good financial stability for you specifically. Cash flows will be as if everything is converging on you. Moreover, you won’t be saving money in a stocking, but will be able to invest it profitably in the future. Perhaps in the new year you will finally be able to buy a new car, furnish an apartment, or even get a new home.

Another cool option for predictions is that you can wish for a person of the year filled with passion. For many years now you have been dreaming of butterflies fluttering inside. This is how it will be in the new year and warmth will spread throughout the body just from the slightest touch of a loved one. Passion, good and creative, will completely consume you in the new year.

In the new year, excellent results await you in all matters. Perhaps you put a lot of effort into something in the past, but did not receive a return. In the new year, all these seeds already planted in the ground will definitely germinate. In a metaphorical sense, of course. I recommend keeping a notebook so you can write down and remember all the good things that happen to you.

As for you, next year will be filled with surprises, but only pleasant surprises, so don't worry. Life will go at full speed and at the moment when you are especially tired, the most striking result will be visible, which you can be proud of and which will make you stop to enjoy the moment of victory.

The coming year will bring you a lot of romance. You will open your heart to love and will no longer be afraid or embarrassed to just be a happy person. In response to this, life will give you a flow of tenderness and passion, romantic dates and unforgettable surprises.

  • If you work hard and hard in the new year, you will receive a reward in the form of a bonus.
  • If you get up early in the new year, you will never be late for work.
  • You can’t work like a horse in the year of the pig - it will set you back a whole year. If you take a long time to choose a TV channel to watch on New Year’s Eve, you will wake up on January 1 with the remote control in your hands.
  • New Year of the Pig is good for those who like to sleep. Count the stars and sleep like a baby.
  • On the morning of January 1, leave the entrance and look to the left - you will see a bright and brilliant future.
  • How many peas you eat from Olivier - so many wishes will come true in the new year.
  • Champagne finished on the morning of January 1 will remind you of the past year.
  • A hat lost on January 1 means buying a new one.
  • A frying pan given to your wife for New Year is a sign of a bump on your forehead. And a fur coat means love and mutual understanding.
  • A passion for cakes and chocolates in the new year means updating your wardrobe.
  • In the new year you will be promoted at work - your office will move to the floor above.
  • In the new year you will find many new, exciting... household chores.
  • By giving your wife a piece of jewelry for the New Year, you ensure yourself a well-fed life for the whole year.
  • After such a delicious New Year's treat, you will be fighting off guests all year.
  • If you are a big boss in the new year, you will gain 50 kg.
  • In the new year, your pragmatic interest will develop into a romantic passion.
  • In the new year you will meet great love. Very big. So 120 kilograms, no less.
  • This coming year, avoid the cold from your significant other. Otherwise you will be sick all year.
  • As you climb the career ladder this year, watch your steps to avoid dizzying consequences.
  • Keep it clean. Wash your hands before eating. If your hands are dirty, you will get contagious diseases.
  • In the morning, after the New Year's feast. Beware of a heavy blow. Stepping on the scale.
  • In the new year, move forward boldly - and wealth awaits you.
  • A visit to the fitness club and swimming pool in the first quarter of the coming year will lead to envious glances from your friends in the next two quarters.
  • For those who are passionate about fishing, fishing happiness will come in the new year. Will open next to the house
  • Fish and seafood store. There will always be a catch to report to your wife.
  • In the new year you will have everything you want. And you won’t get anything for it. New, exciting journeys await you... to the countryside. Don't be upset - this is also a change of scenery.
  • This year a strong explosion is expected - all your envious people will burst.
  • In the coming year, all the doors of supermarkets and boutiques will open for you. And my husband’s fat wallet will lose a lot of weight.
  • This year you will find a treasure... You will discover your husband's stash, which he saved all last year.
  • In the new year you will learn a lot of new and useful things. They will give you an encyclopedia.
  • In the new year you will be attacked. Luck and success will attack you and you will not be able to fight them off.
  • Beware. Very soon. Very soon. Great... love awaits you.
  • Your creative success as an artist in making your own face will be noticed by many men this year.
  • Your charm and beauty are preparing a happy meeting for you in the new year

Would you like to know what awaits you in the new year? Maybe you will meet your first love, maybe you will give birth to a baby, maybe you will go on a trip, maybe you will find your dream job? Or maybe your most cherished dream will finally come true? To find out whether it will be the way you want, just take a look at our New Year's predictions in verse for each zodiac sign - for children and adults. And you will immediately understand what to expect from the New Year.

Predictions for children according to zodiac signs


On this bright New Year
A lucky turn awaits you,
If you are the best
Know that success will come to you!

The year will be rich in roads,
But there will be no hassle with them,
Because your success
Will bring your first snow!

For schoolchildren Aries New Year
It will be full of cheerful worries,
Studying will be so easy
Lighter than a white feather!


The year is rich in joy for you,
For friends and for enemies,
Purposeful sweetness
He'll bring it soon!

* * *

The year will bring you joy,
A lot of joyful troubles
Money, sweets, flowers,
And sweets until spring!

On a summer day your wish will come true,
Unexpectedly, beautifully and easily,
If you have one more wish,
Wish it, drink milk!


Cool poems and songs for you
Suddenly all your dreams will come true,
Choose your poems and texts,
And in one you will recognize the prediction!

Autumn day for Gemini
Will bring news
And advice: quickly drive away laziness,
To live more interesting!

Luck is waiting for you
Among the pictures of February,
You will soon be very surprised
How new friends will appear!


New Year will bring you
Interesting twist
In personal life and in fate,
Always be on top!

Surprise, find
New Year promises
Walk proudly
And you will be lucky again!

The New Year will give Cancers,
Joy, celebration and surprise,
True, walk along the gullies
You'll have to to get your prize!

a lion

This year you will be visited
Friends are distant, funny,
They will give in the snow
Bright meetings for you, dear ones!

On this bright New Year
A bright round dance will come
Have a nice day and on a summer day
All bad things will go away into the shadows!

He promises you a little holiday
An unexpected gift
But be patient
To claim your prize!


New Year's fairy tale will last
Unnoticed for a whole year
And good luck for 30 years
He will definitely bring it!

This year among the gifts
It will definitely be hot
After all, reading the congratulations,
Don't get your finger into the jam!


Promises you fun
And a round dance of friends for a year,
Necklace made of coins
And the snow cycle!

Comic prediction
A year will give a promise
And will fulfill all your dreams,
Whatever you wish for!

If you want to be happy,
All the beautiful New Year,
Wear everything that is beautiful
And hurry up to the round dance!


Happy New Year
Will invite you into the whirlpool
Adventures and guests,
Well, happy friends!

Predictions for children
In your year they will invite friends,
Where are the enemies and where are the friends?
Your life will tell you everything!

On this bright New Year
A cat crosses the road
But don't be afraid - he's with you,
Bring happiness home!


This year will be rich
For candies, marmalade,
Sweet gingerbreads, candies,
There will be a lot without troubles!

Magic will happen this year
And the celebration will come,
The year will be rich in affection,
Life will be easy, like in a fairy tale!

Good luck will come on a summer day,
You catch her at the dacha,
Among daisies and flowers,
Butterflies and mosquitoes!


It will come to you in the spring,
The guest who was on New Year's Eve,
He will give good advice,
Which will give you good luck for 100 years!

This evening wishes
In a year all your wishes will be fulfilled,
Wish upon the stars quickly,
Whatever you want in poetry or prose!

Capricorn will be happy
If this New Year,
He coins with chocolate
He will bring it in a glass with lemons!


Smile, Aquarius,
Luck is waiting at the door,
The year is rich in gifts
There will be chocolate too!

Fortune telling will tell you
Where luck waits will show
If only on New Year's Day,
You will be the first to try the cake!

So that the paper predicts
I told you good luck,
Write your wish on it
And best wishes to the Snow Maiden!


Your wishes will come true
Even this New Year.
If you write your wishes,
Friends won't be torn apart by a black cat!

The year promises you a lot
Amazing roads
Happiness is on the doorstep again
Orange pie!

The year will be rich for you
For candies, chocolate,
Sweets, cakes, salads,
And strawberry marmalade!

Adult comic predictions for the New Year 2020 in verse according to the signs of the Zodiac


Aries on corporate night
Gives many prospects
The lonely will find
In March all your destiny,
And he will give married people a year
Many joyful moments
Will treat you to wonderful tea,
When the guests all leave!


For Taurus, short skirts will be in fashion,
And they will tell you where to find a chance in your love,
Good luck awaits you, happiness is just around the corner,
And this year will generously give you money!


The year will be rich in Christmas trees,
But not only on needles,
But also for outdoor recreation,
Even in bad weather,
There will be many bright days
Many happy guests
Well, in life prospects,
And at the end there is a corporate party!


Cancers will have no time to laugh:
To achieve success quickly,
We'll have to hurry again
Well, maybe you can learn
Will lead you in a row
For candies, chocolate,
For love pleasures
And to bright successes!

a lion

Fortune will smile on Leos
Somewhere from mid-February,
When the sun wakes up
And things will get better
There will be a lot of money
If you don't refuse
At night you work
But you won’t mess with Yaga!


The year recommends to Virgos
Become bolder in love,
Shyness will hinder you
To reach hearts,
Cupid's arrow will hurt,
But the year will give you glamor,
Will give you luck and success,
You will become the most beautiful of all!


For Libra the year will bring
A lot of joyful troubles
Joy in your personal life:
Soon you will certainly be lucky,
Who is married will get houses
Happiness, joy and comfort,
Maybe procreation
The stars will be sent to you from the sky!


Scorpio will get joy
Unless he's being stupid:
Even if life is sweet,
Don't go astray
Boldly achieve your goal
If you want a year
Gave me money, go for a walk, fall in love,
And then you will be lucky in everything!


For Sagittarius, everything will be simple:
The main thing is to move forward
And then very serious
This New Year will be
He will always give you joy,
New life turn,
And let him bestow gold
The beauty of you red cat!


Capricorn: Will do it again
A year of desire will give success,
The main thing is that with an extra word,
You didn’t scare away success,
Boldly make your way to the goal,
Have fun from the heart
Sing songs and fall in love
The year will make all your dreams come true!


Aquarius has a cold year
Promises vanity
Even if the schedule is tight
Makes you sad again
Wait for the turn again
In personal life and love,
And luck out of the gate
He'll arrive soon!


A year rich in luck
The stars promise you
Unless you're jam
Take it to your friends at night,
Feel free to share your luck
And everything will come back again,
Don't be alarmed by small change
Love will not come to you!

Other predictions:

Caution: this year
Black cat around the corner
Will bring you good luck
And a whirlpool of friends,
There will be happiness and love
Will return again and again
Money is sharp like a river
Everyone will fill the banks.

* * *
This New Year's Eve
Let me have a prophetic dream,
He will light candles on the tree
The windows will be decorated with silver,
Promises good luck for the year
Changeability in fate
If only you give up
You can't pick it up in a taxi!

I finished writing some funny predictions, hurray!

Read the first 15 in the previous article,

and from 16 to 30 inclusive - a little lower.

Thus, you will have enough comic forecasts for 30 people - this is often what happens at corporate events. Go.

Funny predictions

16. On New Year's Eve, watch where the champagne cork flies - something awaits you with that person. If the cork falls into your plate, it means that you are a self-sufficient person. . (By the way, I once saw with my own eyes how a cork hit a nearby plate and knocked off a decent piece of it. But this should not be written in predictions)))

17. If on December 31 you are given a terry robe, and you were waiting for a Mercedes, rejoice! On the morning of January 1, a robe will warm you, but you would have to warm up the Mercedes))

18. Friends may give you a TV - be sure to keep the box! In it you can then give them a chocolate bar - the volume of the gift will be equal.

19. If you want to diversify your life, then sign up for Latin American dancing. Just don’t rush to tell your loved one about this, otherwise all your variety will end almost before it even begins.

20. Rural tourism is in fashion now – it’s time to organize it at your dacha. No dacha? Then at the dacha of the colleague who has it.

21. If something stubbornly doesn’t work out in your life, pick up a homeless puppy and become his friend. Problems will either go away or cease to seem so.

22. It's time to feel like a member of the royal family - buy a royal chair at the 12 Chairs store. Don't you have such a store? Well, then you'll have to open it. How do you like this prospect?

23. Carlson planted a peach pit, and every day he picked up the ground to see if a peach tree had already grown. Don’t be like Carlson, don’t pick at the soil under the sprouts of your dreams! Nourish it, believe in it, and you will succeed.

24. It's time to throw away all the trash - from the house and from the soul. Two weeks after the nearest full moon is the best time for this.

25. You need to urgently take care of your international passport - make it or check the validity period. A citizen of another country is waiting for you with an interesting offer. What it is and where it will lead you is still a secret. But you will tell us about it later.

26. On New Year's Eve, little troubles are possible: your coffee will be spilled on your holiday clothes, and your neighbor at the table will fall asleep on your plate with a salad that you didn't even have time to try. Find the positive here too: coffee at night is harmful, you didn’t like the clothes that much, and your neighbor saved you from the morning torment with the thought “Well, why did you have to eat so much?”

27. Find and watch the film “The Snow Maiden for an Adult Son.” There is a very high probability that you will soon reconsider not only the film, but also your life - in the right direction.

28. Your old love will want to return to you. Think for two days, and only on the third day make a decision - it will be the most correct one.

29. They will open a zoo near your house, but don’t rush to get upset or change your apartment - you will definitely make friends with someone. If not with a chimpanzee, then with the director of the zoo))

30. Learn to stand on skis - you will be unexpectedly invited to the mountains. Agree!

Some advice

How to come up with predictions and give them

  • Always start by eliminating everything that cannot be written. If you have a diverse group of people of different ages and marital status, then DO NOT write anything about children, parents, husband and wife. Some people don’t have children yet, while others don’t and never will. Some parents, thank God, are healthy, while others, alas, are not. You should also not touch nationality, religion, weight, vision and other sore points. Read more in my personal - the principles are the same.
  • Replace films and TV shows with those that are currently relevant in your region. I pasted in the names of the hundred-year-old programs that I remembered. I haven’t watched TV for a long time, so I’m not too into fashion talk shows.
  • All these notes can, of course, be distributed to those present, but it is always definitely better if a person has at least a small choice. Therefore, let everyone himself pull them from the leader’s bag, or bag, or remove them from the tree. He will then draw out his fate for himself.

My funny predictions came out in some places with a motive for action, but some people sometimes lack this))

It’s better to do something wrong with a wish than nothing at all,

Your Evelina Shesternenko.