Fragen stellen an management. Office of German verbs

In the German language there are verbs that are used with certain prepositions. And prepositions, accordingly, are used in German with specific cases. This “phenomenon” is called as follows: “controlling German verbs with prepositions and cases.”
Here I will give important German verbs with prepositions and cases. German verbs should be learned immediately with prepositions. This list of verbs is suitable for levels B1-B2 =)

But separately about the use of German prepositions with Akkusativ cases. Dativ, Genitiv you can

1. The following verbs are used with the preposition An (+ Dativ):
arbeiten an - to work on smth.
erkranken an - to get sick with something.
hängen an - hang on (where?)
teilnehmen an - to take part in...

2. The following verbs are used with the preposition An (+ Akkusativ):
glauben an - to believe in...
denken an - to think about someone/something
hängen an - hang on (where?)
sich gewöhnen an - to get used to something
sich erinnern an - remember, reminisce about ...

3. The following verbs are used with the preposition Auf (+ Dativ):
beruhen auf - to be based on, to hold on to, to be based on smth.
basiren auf - also to be based, to hold on, to be based on smth.
bestehen auf - to insist on smth.
beharren auf - to insist on something, to persist

4. The following verbs are used with the preposition Auf (+ Akkusativ):
warten auf - wait for someone/something.
schimpfen auf - to swear, scold at...
sich verlassen auf - rely on someone/sth.
sich freuen auf etwas (in der Zukunft)- to look forward to something/to be happy about something. upcoming (in the future)
verzichten auf - to refuse...

5. The following verbs are used with the preposition bei (+ Dativ):
sich bedanken bei - to thank someone
bleiben bei - stay with...
sich beschweren bei - complain to someone/where.
sich beklagen bei - to complain to smb.
sich entschuldigen bei - apologize to someone/ask for forgiveness from someone.

6. The following verbs are used with the preposition für (+ Akkusativ):
sich bedanken für - to thank for sth.
sich interessieren für - to be interested in smth.
sorgen für - to take care of something; take the initiative
sprechen für - to speak for sth./in favor of sth.

7. The following verbs are used with the preposition gegen (+ Akkusativ):
sich wehren gegen - to defend/defend from someone
protestieren gegen - to protest against something
stimmen gegen - vote against...
verstoßen gegen - to disobey/contradict/violate sth.

8. The following verbs are used with the preposition in (+ Dativ):
sich irren in - to make a mistake in/to be mistaken about something.
sich täuschen in - to be deceived in / to be mistaken in / to be mistaken in something.
sich üben in - to practice/practice/practice in smth.
unterrichten in - to teach smth. V

9. The following verbs are used with the preposition in (+ Akkusativ):
sich verlieben in jemanden - to fall in love with smb.
teilen in - divide by/divide by
geraten in - find yourself/find yourself/get into...
einwilligen in - agree to sth.

10. The following verbs are used with the preposition mit (+ Dativ):
anfangen mit - to start with
sich verheiraten mit jemandem - marry.../marry...
sich begnügen mit - to limit/be content with sth.
sich beschäftigen mit - to do something.
schimpfen mit jemandem - to quarrel with someone
rechnen mit - to take something into account/to take something into account
sein verbunden mit - to be (mutually) connected with
sich verbunden fühlen mit - to feel connected to….

11. The following verbs are used with the preposition nach (+ Dativ):
fragen nach - to inquire about something/to ask a question about...
riechen nach - to smell something.
schmecken nach - to taste (about food, drinks) / to resemble the taste of something / to have a taste
sich sehnen nach - to miss/yearn for...
suchen nach - to look for/look for something
zählen nach - to count

12. The following verbs are used with the preposition um (+ Akkusativ):
sich bemühen um - to take care of../to bother about/to work on something.
sich kümmern um - to take care of smb.
beneiden um - to envy something/someone.
sich handeln um - we are talking about.../negotiate about/agree on
bitten um - to ask for something.

13. The following verbs are used with the preposition über (+ Akkusativ):
sich freuen über (etwas jetzt) ​​- to rejoice at something that has happened. Now
sich ärgern über - to be angry about something/to be angry about something.
diskutieren über - to discuss/argue/debate about something.
schimpfen über etwas - to swear at something.
sich beklagen über - to complain about something.
sich beschweren über - to complain about something.

14. The following verbs are used with the preposition von (+ Dativ):
abhängen von - to depend on someone/something.
leben von - to live on smth.
träumen von - to dream about something
schwärmen von - to dream about someone/something/to rave about something/to be a fan of something

15. The following verbs are used with the preposition vor (+ Dativ):
sich fürchten vor - to be afraid/afraid of something/someone.
warnen vor - to warn/warn someone against something.
schützen vor - to guard/protect from something
flüchten vor - to hide from/to escape from something.

16. The following verbs are used with the preposition zu (+ Dativ):
gehören zu - to belong to / relate to something.
neigen zu - to have a tendency towards something/to tend towards
sich entschließen zu - decide on sth.
zählen zu - to be considered someone/to classify someone/something as...

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Often in German the verb is used with a certain preposition (preposition) (in Russian, by the way, the situation is exactly the same). Such verbs must be memorized together with the preposition, and sometimes with the case that follows this preposition. Compare:

Ich denke an meine Freundin. (Akkusativ) – I think about my friend.

Er nimmt an diesem Wettbewerb teil. (Dativ) – He takes part in this competition.

For prepositions für And mit , for example, there is no need to remember the case: after für Always Akkusativ , after mit Always Dativ. But after an maybe like Dativ, so Akkusativ, since it is a preposition of location. Prepositions of location require after themselves Akkusativ if they answer the question who? (Where?), And Dativ if they answer the question wo? (Where?). However, we cannot ask such questions here (although in think about someone one feels the arrow, the direction, and in take part in something you feel a point, a place - and in fact, this hint almost always works). Therefore, these verbs should be remembered like this: denken an + Akk., teilnehmen an + Dat.

Such verbs are called verbs with control, since they “control” a certain preposition and case.

We have prepared cards for memorizing the main verbs:

Another feature of these verbs:

Wofür interessierst du dich? - What are you interested in?

Ich interessiere mich dafür. - I'm interested in this.

Instead of für was the inverted form is used wofür (and was turned into wo-), and instead für dasdafür. True, this is only the case if we are talking about something inanimate. When talking about persons, this feature of verbs with control does not appear:

Für wen interessiert sie sich? -Who is she interested in?

Sie interessiert sich für den (ihn). - She is interested in him.

If the preposition begins with a vowel, then for ease of pronunciation after wo– And da– inserted -r-:

Wo r an denken Sie? - What are you thinking about?

Ich denke da r an. - I think about this.

In some cases, a verb can control two different prepositions, and this changes its meaning:

Er freut sich auf das nächste Wochenende. – He is happy about the (upcoming) weekend(future).

Er freut sich Uber das Geschenk. - He is happy about the gift(present or past).

Sie denkt an ihre Prüfungen. – She is thinking about her exams.

Was denken Sie Uber unseren Präsidenten? – What do you think about our president? (think = your opinion).

Controlling verbs also include expressions like:

Ich bin stolz auf meinen Sohn. - I'm proud of my son.

Ich bin da mit einverstanden. – I agree with this.

These are like compound verbs: consisting of a linking verb sein and adjective: stolz sein auf + Akk., einverstanden sein mit…

A special case of control are verbs that require after themselves Genitiv(without preposition):

Er gedenkt seiner Eltern. – He remembers his parents (keeps the memory of them).

Wir verdächtigen ihn des Diebstahls, des Mordes. “We suspect him of theft and murder.”

Ich entsinne mich dessen nicht. – I don’t remember this.

(Dessen – instead of da+ preposition – like damit, dafür. Do you remember the question that answers Genitiv: Wessen? - whose? Dessen – answer to this question.)

Diese Behauptung entbehrt jeder Grundlage. – This statement is without any basis.

Dieses Spielzeug erfreut sich großer Beliebtheit. – This toy is in great demand (popularity, love).

Die Wohnung bedarf der Renovierung. – The apartment needs renovation.

All of them, as you can see, rather mean involvement (or non-involvement, or the need for involvement) in something (Genitiv – genitive case).

Previously, such verbs (requiring after themselves Genitiv) there were much more (for example, you will see them quite often in Goethe’s works). Gradually they changed Genitiv to another case + preposition. Compare (the obsolete form is given in parentheses):

Sie erinnert sich german an ihre Schulzeit (ihrer Schulzeit). – She readily recalls her time at school.

Ich schäme mich für sein Verhalten (seines Verhaltens). – I am ashamed of his behavior.

By the way, and Dativ is increasingly being replaced by Akkusativ+ pretext:

Ich schreibe ihm/an ihn. – I’m writing to him.

Gisela vertraut ihm/auf ihn. – Gisela trusts him.

And here is the form linking verb + adjective+ Genitiv:

Er ist sich seines Erfolges sicher. - He is confident in his success.

Du bist solcher Ehre nicht würdig. “You are not worthy of such an honor.”

Es war nicht der Mühe wert. - It wasn't worth the effort.

Ich bin mir des Risikos wohl bewusst. “I am fully aware of the risk.”

Noun+ Genitiv, as we have already said, can be replaced with a pronoun dessen:

Bist du dir dessen sicher? - Are you sure?

You need to pay attention to those cases when the Russian verb has a control (the preposition that follows it), but the corresponding German one does not. Compare:

Er heiratet eine Russin. – He marries a Russian (literally: Russian).

Sie spielt Geige. - She plays the violin.

Ich möchte ein hübsches Mädchen kennen lernen. – I would like to meet a beautiful girl (literally: learn to know her).

Sie glauben das, nicht? – You believe in this, don’t you?

Ich bin solches Wetter (Akkusativ) nicht gewohnt. - I'm not used to this weather.

Das passiert mir oft. – This happens to me (literally: to me) often.

Sie wollen dir dein Fahrrad stehlen. - They want to steal your bike from you (literally: you).

An interesting case is also when a Russian verb with a preposition (or a controlling verb) Dativ) corresponds to a German verb with a separable prefix:

Er sieht mich an. - He is looking at me.

Er lächelt mich an. - He smiles at me.

Er spricht mich an. - He speaks to me.

Er macht mich an. - He pesters me.

Combination was, das + preposition(prepositional pronoun) generally allows you not to repeat once again what is already clear to your interlocutor:

Was bekommst du dafür (für deine Arbeit)? – What will you get for this (for this work)?

Wofür bekommst du dieses Geld? – What do you get this money for?

Ich war nicht dabei (bei dieser Veranstaltung). – I was not present (at this event).

Und damit basta! - And that is all!

Pay attention to the word einander (each other) – the preposition given by the verb is attached directly to this word:

Wir kennen einander gut. – We know each other well.

Wir denken an einander. – We think about each other.

Wir sprechen mit einander. – We talk to each other.

The German verbal system is not easy to learn, not only from the point of view of the presence of complex grammatical tense forms, separable and inseparable verbal prefixes, numerous frame constructions, irregular verbs with their basic forms that must be learned, etc. In addition, that is, what prepositions and cases they control is also a very voluminous and important topic for high-quality language acquisition.

Despite the presence of a large number of coincidences in the management of German and their corresponding Russian verbs when translating, a huge number of representatives of this part of speech demonstrate a completely different management of prepositions and cases in comparison with those that are familiar to a Russian-speaking person. Many verbs control a number of prepositions and cases simultaneously, depending on the meaning chosen. As a result, their incorrect use can simply lead to misunderstanding of the speaker by those to whom he is addressing, and even the emergence of undesirable life situations.

That is why we bring to your attention a fairly extensive list of German verbs with their inherent management of certain cases and prepositions. This list of verbs includes for the most part such units, the connection of which with other members of the sentence is different from the control of their equivalents when translated into Russian. This list of German verbs is intended to help you navigate the correct use of German verbs in speech and alleviate existing difficulties in translating German texts.

List of German verbs

German verb Translation with explanations
abhängen von Dat. be in (some kind of) dependence on someone. or from something
abholen Akk. come, drop by, stop by, run after someone.
absagenDat. give up smth.
absagen Akk. cancel sth.
abziehen Akk. von Dat. distract (thoughts, attention) from smth. or from someone; take (your gaze) away from smth. or from someone
achten auf Akk. draw (one's) attention to smb. or for something; look at, keep an eye on smth.; look after, look after smb.
achten Akk. respect, honour, honor smb.
amüsieren, sich über Akk. laugh, mock, make fun of someone. or over something, to have fun about something.
anbauen Akk. an Akk. attach, attach smth. to something
Angst haben vor Dat. to be frightened, to be afraid, to be afraid of smb. or something
ankommen auf Akk. to be dependent, to depend, to be dependent, to feel dependent on someone or something (es kommt auf ... an)
annehmen, sich Gen. take care of, look after smb. or about smth.
annehmen Akk. take sth. or someone; assume, suppose smth.
anrufen Akk. call someone
ansprechen Akk. turn to someone; touch sth.
ansprechen Akk. wegen Akk. /auf Akk. turn to smb. about (regarding) smth.
anstossen Akk. push, give a push to someone or something.
anstossen an Akk. bump (unintentionally) into smth.
antworten auf Akk. answer, give answers to smth.
arbeiten als No. to work as someone, in a position/as someone.
arbeiten an Akk. to work, toil, to spend effort, to slog, over smth.
arbeiten bei Dat. work somewhere (in a company), for smb.
ärgern, sich über Akk. to be angry, angry, annoyed with someone, with something as a result of / because of something
aufhören mit Dat. stop, interrupt smth.
aufpassen auf Akk. to keep an eye on, to watch, to keep an eye on smb. or for smth.
aufregen Akk. mit Date. irritate, irritate smb. something
aufregen, sich über Akk. to worry, to be nervous, to worry about something, about someone.
ausgeben für Akk. spend, spend (funds) on smth.
ausweichen Gen./Dat. avoid something (collisions, troubles, etc.), smb.
beantworth Akk. answer sth.
beauftragen Akk. mit Date. instruct, give instructions to someone. smb. (do)
bedanken, sich bei Dat. für Akk. (to) thank someone for something, to express gratitude to someone. for sth.
bedienen Akk. serve smb. (= serve food and drinks for someone); serve sth.
bedienen, sich Gen. (to) use smth.
bedienen, sich an Akk. serve yourself (about food, drinks) = provide yourself with smth.
bedürfen Gen. need, feel the need for something
befassen, sich mit Dat. (to) do something.
begegnen Date. meet someone, come across someone towards
begeistern, sich für Akk. admire, admire, be inspired by smth., someone.
beginnen mit Dat. start something
beglückwünschen Akk. zu Dat. congratulate (congratulate) someone on something; to be happy about smth. (successes achieved, etc.)
begründen mit Dat. to support, to justify smth.
behuten Akk. vor Dat. protect, preserve, protect, protect someone from something
beitragen zu Dat. to make a contribution, to contribute to smth.; promote smth.
beitreten Dat. enter into sth. (to an organization, club, etc.)
beiwohnen Dat. to be present at smth., at sth.
beklagen, sich bei Dat. Uber Akk. (to) complain to someone about something or about someone, tell someone in a pitiful manner. something
bemühen, sich um Akk. make an effort, try to get something; to work, to make an effort, to labor over smth.
Beneiden Akk. um Akk. (to) envy someone, feel envy towards someone. because of smth.
Berechtigen Akk. zu Dat. authorize, give rights to someone. for sth.
berichten über Akk. report, report, inform about smth., regarding smth.
beschäftigen, sich mit Dat. to be busy with smth.
beschränken, sich auf Akk. limit yourself to smth.
beschuldigen Akk. Gen. blame smb. in something
beschweren, sich bei Dat. Uber Akk. (to) complain, (to) cry to smb. for sth. or on smb.
bestehen aus Dat. consist, be made up of smth.
bestehen auf Akk. insist on smth.
bestehen vor Dat. resist smth.
beteiligen, sich an Dat. take part in, participate in smth.
betreten Akk. enter somewhere (into)
bewahren Akk. vor Dat. save, save someone, something. from smb., from smb.
bewerben, sich um Akk. claim something, apply for something, try to achieve something, achieve something.
bewundern Akk. admire, admire, admire someone, something.
beziehen, sich auf Akk. refer, rely on smth., be associated with smth.
bitten Akk. um Akk. ask someone for something, to ask, to ask someone for something
blättern in Date. leaf through, leaf through smth.
brauchen Akk. need, feel the need, want something.
danken Dat. für Akk. (to) thank someone, to express gratitude to someone for something.
denken an Akk. ponder, think, ponder about something or someone
deuten auf Akk. indicate, show, hint at smth.; to promise, to foretell smth.
diskutieren über Akk. to have a discussion about something, to discuss something
eingehen auf Akk. agree, agree to smth.
einigen sich über/auf Akk. agree (between each other) on something, agree on something, agree on something.
einkehren bei Dat . stop by, stop by, visit smb.
einladen Akk. zu Dat. invite someone somewhere (to something, to someone)
einreden Akk. Dat. suggest something to someone
einreden auf Akk. diligently persuade, convince smb.
entgehen Dat. escape, escape from someone, avoid something.
enthalten, sich Gen. abstain from smth.
entkommen Dat. avoid something, get away from something, from someone.
entlaufen Dat. run away, sneak away, run away from something. or from smb.
entnehmen Akk. Dat. borrow smth. from someone, from somewhere (from something)
entscheiden, sich für Akk. decide, decide on smth.
entschliessen, sich zu Dat. decide, decide on something
entschuldigen, sich bei Dat. für Akk. apologize to smb. for something
entsetzen Akk. Gen. displace smb. from smth. (from a post, position, etc.)
entsinnen, sich Gen. remember something
Entziehen Akk. Dat. take away, take away something, someone. from smb.
erfahren durch Akk. Uber Akk. learn from smb. about something
erinnern, sich an Akk. reminisce, reminisce about someone or something
erkennen Akk. anDat. recognize, identify someone, something. for something, on the basis of something
erkranken an Dat. get sick with something
erkundigen, sich bei Dat. nach Date. make inquiries, inquire from someone, where. about something, about someone
ernähren, sich von Dat. feed, feed, feed on smth.
ernennen Akk. zu Dat. appoint someone to smb. (for a position, post, etc.)
erreichen Akk. achieve something
erschrecken vor Dat. to be frightened, to be frightened of smth. or someone; to be horrified by someone or something
erzählen Dat. von Dat. /über Akk. tell someone about something, about someone
erziehen Akk. zu Dat. educate in smb. smb. (= to educate someone in some way: so that he becomes someone, something)
fehlen Dat. anDat. to lack, to lack smb. something
fertig sein mit Dat. finish, finish smth.
flehen um Akk. beg, entreat, beg for smth.
fliehen vor Dat. run away, run away, run away, escape from someone, from something
folgen Date. (to) follow someone, something; to be a follower of someone or something; obey someone, something.
forschen nach Dat. explore, study smth.
fragen Akk. nach Dat./über Akk. ask someone about something or someone
Freuen, sich auf Akk. (to) be happy about smth. (to what will happen in the future)
Freuen, sich über Akk. (to) be happy about smth. (to what happened in the past)
fürchten, sich vor Dat. to be afraid of, to be afraid of smb. or something
gehorchen Dat. obey someone, listen to someone.
gehören zu Dat. belong (to) something, someone.
gelten als No. / für Akk. to be known, to be considered as someone, to have fame, reputation for someone.
genießen Akk. to take pleasure, enjoyment from smth.
gewöhnen, sich an Akk. get used to something, to someone.
glauben an Akk. to believe, to believe in smth.
gleichen Dat. to resemble someone, something; to be equal, similar to someone, something.
gratulieren Dat. zu Dat. congratulate smb. with something
Greifen Akk. nach Date. reach out and grab (or try to grab) someone for something
grenzen an Akk. border, have a border with smth.
halten Akk. für Akk. take someone for someone, consider someone to be someone
halten auf Akk. attach special importance to something.
halten zu Dat. support someone, take someone's side, position
halten, sich an Akk. hold on, stick to something
handeln Akk. /mit Date. trade smth. (sell and buy)
handeln mit Dat. um Akk. bargain, negotiate with someone about something (price, discount, etc.)
handeln, sich um Akk. talk about someone, something (es handelt sich um... = we are talking about...)
helfen Dat. bei Dat. contribute, help someone with something
hindern Akk. anDat. interfere, intrigue, hinder someone in something
hinweisen auf Akk. point out, draw (smb.'s) attention to something
hoffen auf Akk. hope, count on something or someone
informieren über Akk. to report something, to provide information, to inform about something
informieren, sich über Akk. collect, search for information, inquire about something; find out, find out something
interessieren, sich für Akk. show interest in something or someone; be interested in someone or something
jagen nach Dat. hunt, chase after someone, after something; pursue smb.
jammern über Akk. mourn something, someone
kämpfen für/um Akk. fight, fight for something, for someone
kämpfen gegen Akk. fight, fight, fight with smb., with something, against sb., against something
Kennenlernen Akk. meet someone
klagen über Akk. (to) complain about something, someone
kleben an Dat. to stick, to stick, to stick to someone, to something
kneifen in Akk. pinch, pinch for smth.
konzentrieren, sich auf Akk. concentrate, concentrate on smth., on sb.
kümmern, sich um Akk. to show concern, concern, take care of, care about someone, something
kündigen Dat. dismiss (from work) someone.
kündigen Akk. terminate, cancel smth.
lachen über Akk. mock, laugh at someone, at something
lassen Dat. Akk. leave it to smb. smb. (for a while, to use; to leave a piece of pie, etc.)
lauern auf Akk. to lie in wait, to wait in ambush for someone
lehnen, sich an/gegen Akk. lean against something, lean on something
leiden an Dat. suffer from smth. (with some kind of disease), to be sick with something.
leiden unter Dat. suffer (= have problems, be damaged) from something (from the effects of something)
leiten Akk. to lead smb., sth.
liegen an Dat. to be determined by smth., to depend on smth.
mahnen Akk. an Akk. remind someone of something
mangeln an Dat. to lack, to lack something
nachdenken über Akk. think, ponder, ponder about smb., about something
nachfolgen Dat. go, follow, follow someone, something
nachgehen Dat. follow, follow, follow someone, something; to be a successor, a follower of smb.
nagen an Dat. gnaw, gnaw smth.
nähern, sich Dat. to approach, to approach, to approach something
nehmen Akk. Dat. take, take, take something from smb., from something
passieren Dat. happen, happen to someone, something
profitieren von Dat. to make a profit, benefit from something; make a living out of smth.
rächen an Dat. für Akk. take revenge on smb. for something
rechnen auf Akk. count on something, on smb.
rechnen mit Dat. take sth into account; take into account, take into account
reden von Dat. /uber Akk. talk, chat, talk about something, about smb.
richten, sich an Akk. turn to smb.
richten, sich nach Dat. to follow something, to be guided by something, to be guided by something
riechen nach Dat. smell something, smell something
rühren an Dat. touch something, touch something, touch something.
schelten auf Akk. scold, scold, curse, blaspheme someone.
Schießen auf Akk. /nach Date. shoot, shoot, shoot at someone, at someone, at something
schimpfen auf/über Akk. scold, revile, scold smb.
schimpfen mit Dat. swear, quarrel, argue with someone.
schmecken nach Dat. have a taste of something
schreiben mit Dat. an Akk. write with something (pencil, pen, etc.) to someone.
schuld sein an Dat. to be guilty of something
schützen vor Dat. protect, protect, protect from someone, from something
schwärmen von Dat. to dream, to indulge in dreams about smb., about something
schwärmen für Akk. admire, admire, be carried away by someone, something
schweigen von Dat. to remain silent, to keep silent about something
sehnen, sich nach Dat. to yearn, to be sad for someone, for something
siegen über Akk. defeat someone, something, win against someone
sorgen für Akk. to take care of something or someone
spielen Akk. play something, something
spielen um Akk. play for something; to bet on something; bet something
sprechen mit Dat. über Akk./von Dat. talk, talk, converse, talk with someone about something, about someone
staunen über Akk. to be surprised, to be amazed at something
sterben an Dat. die from something
stimmen für Akk. /gegen Akk. vote, cast your vote for someone, for something / against someone, against something
stolz sein auf Akk. to be proud of something or someone; to feel proud of someone or something
stören Akk. disturb, disturb someone; disturb, disturb someone's peace
stossen auf Akk. bump into something, bump into something, collide with something
streben nach Dat. strive for something
streiten mit Dat. über/um Akk. argue, bicker, quarrel with someone over something / about something
tastenach Dat. to feel, to feel, to palpate, to look for something by touch
taugen zu Dat. to be suitable for something, to be suitable for something
teilnehmen an Dat. to take part, to participate, to take part in something
träumen von Dat. indulge in daydreams about something or someone
trinken auf Akk. (you) drink to something, to someone (meaning a toast)
übelnehmen Akk. Dat. to be offended, to hold a grudge against someone for something
überlegen Dat. anDat. surpass someone in something
überreden Akk. zu Dat. persuade, persuade, persuade someone to do something, do something
übersetzen über Akk. transport, move, transport something
übersetzen aus Dat. in Akk. translate from one language into another language
überzeugen, sich von Dat. to make sure of something
unterhalten, sich mit Dat. Uber Akk. talk, communicate, talk, chat with someone about someone, something
verabschieden, sich von Dat. say goodbye to someone
verdammen zu Dat. condemn to something, sentence to something, condemn to something (hardships, failures, etc.)
Verfallen auf Akk. find, come across something (an idea, solution, etc.)
verfallen in Akk. unexpectedly, unplanned to get into something. situation, get into something
verfügen über Akk. have something in hand
vergewissern, sich Gen. to make sure of something
verheiraten mit Dat. to give as a wife, to marry someone, to marry someone
verlangen von Dat. nach Date. (to) demand, (to) ask something from someone
verlassen, sich auf Akk. rely on someone or something
versichern Gen. assure, assure of something
verspäten, sich zu Dat. to be late for something
verstossen gegen Akk. to violate something, to sin against something
vertrauen auf Akk. hope for a successful outcome, believe in the successful completion of something
verzichten auf Akk. give up something; sacrifice, give up something
verzweifeln an Dat. to despair of something, to stop trusting someone
vorbeifahren an Dat. drive through; pass (about ships) past something
vorbeigehen an Dat. pass, walk past something
vorbeikommen bei Dat. come in, look in, run (on the way) to someone
vorbereiten, sich auf Akk. to prepare, to prepare for something
vorbeugen Dat. warn, prevent something
vorwerfen Akk. Dat. reproach, reproach someone (with) something
wachen über Akk. look after, keep an eye on = to look after someone, something, take care of someone, something
wählen zu Dat. elect, choose someone (for a post, position, etc.)
warnen Akk. an/vor Dat. warn, warn someone about something / against something
Warten auf Akk. wait, wait for someone, expect something
wenden, sich an Akk. appeal to someone
werden zu Dat. to turn into something, into someone; become someone, something
wetten um Akk. bet, argue on something
wissen von Dat. to know, to be aware of something
wundern sich über Akk. to be surprised, to be amazed at something
zeugen von Dat. testify, talk about something; serve as evidence of something
zielen nach Dat. aim, aim at something, someone
zugehen auf Akk. approach someone; make contact, establish contact, communicate with someone
zuhören Dat. listen, listen to something, someone
zureden Dat. persuade, convince someone
zürnen Dat. Uber Akk. to be angry, to be angry with someone for something
zusehen Dat. to look, (to) look at someone, at something
zustimmen Dat. agree with someone or something
zustossen Dat. happen, happen to someone, something
zweifeln an Dat. to doubt, to be unsure of something, to question something

(alphabetical index)

abhangen von D depend (on someone/sth.)
aholen A von D meet (someone), drop by, drop by (for someone)
ablegen A take (exams), take off outerwear
andern A change (sth.)
anhaben A to be dressed in something
ancommen in D arrive
annehmen A accept, assume, admit
anreden A contact (smb.)
anrufen A call
antworten auf A answer (to sth.)
anwenden A apply (sth.)
anziehen A put something on
arbeiten an D, für A, mit D work (on something, with someone, with someone)
aufpassen auf A watch, keep an eye on (someone/sth.)
aufräumen mit D put an end to (smth.); eliminate
aufschreiben A write down (sth.)
ausbilden A prepare, train, qualify
ausfullen A fill in (sth.)
auspacken A unpack
ausrichten D A convey (to smb. sth.)
ausschalten A turn off (sth.)
aussprechen A pronounce, pronounce
aussteinen aus D get out...
auszahlen A pay, give money
bedeuten A mean, mean
beginnen mit D, A start (smth. with smth.)
begründen mit D justify, motivate
behalten A leave, remember
behandeln A treat (smb.)
bekanntmachen Amit D meet; sich ~ (~xia)
bekommen A receive, acquire
benutzen A use
berechnen A, D calculate, count, count
bereit auf A ready (to do something)
beseitigen=beheben A eliminate (errors, shortcomings)
besorgen A buy
bestätigen A confirm
bestehen aus D, auf A, in D consist of/in, insist, exist
bestellen A order
besuchen A visit/visit, be somewhere/go somewhere.
betrugen A make up (some number/amount)
bewundern A admire, admire
bezahlen/begleichen A pay
bigen in A wrap somewhere
bilden A compose, form
bitten Aum A ask (someone for something)
bleiben in D stay (somewhere)
bringen D, A bring, deliver, cause
buchen A order

einfallen D come to mind, remember
einführen A in A import smth. somewhere
einhalten A; in,mit D observe; stop, stop
einkaufen A purchase, buy smth.
einladen A; zu D: in A; für A invite someone somewhere; to an event in place; for some time
einrichten A furnish, arrange, arrange
einschalten A include sth.
einstellen A stop, suspend
einverstanden sein mit D to agree with someone/sth.
eintreffen in D arrive (somewhere). arrive, arrive
entgegenkommen D to meet halfway, to yield
entschädigen A für A compensate (smb.), compensate
erinnern A an D remind smb. about smth.
erklaeren für A; zu D; aus D acknowledge (smb.), proclaim
erledigen A finish, settle, resolve
eröffnen A open, start
erreichen A reach, reach by phone
erzählen Uber A, von D talk about smth.
es geht um A we are talking about someone/sth.
es handelt sich um A we are talking about someone/sth.
essen A eat, eat
exportieren A in A export, take out

sagen A say, speak
schaden D harm someone/sth.
schaffen A do, cope
schmecken N,D to be tasty, to love something from food
schreiben D an A write, write to smb.
schuld sein anD to be guilty of smth.
sorgen für A take care of someone/what
spazierengehen in D take a walk, take a stroll somewhere.
spielen mit D play something, play something, joke
sprechen A über A talk, talk on tape
stehen zu D; nach D; auf D relate to something; have a direction (to)
stören A bei D disturb smb. in smb.
stunden A postpone, prolong
suchen A, beginning D search


1. Dreyer, Schmitt Lehr- und Űbungsbuch der deutschen Grammatik. Verlag fűr Deutsch, Ismaning, 1999.

2. Gerhard Helbig, Joachim Buscha Űbungsgrammatik Deutsch. Langenscheidt, Berlin und Munchen, 2002.

3. Karin Hall, Barbara Scheiner Űbungsgrammatik fűr Fortgeschrittene. Max Hueber Verlag, Ismaning, 2002.

4. Karl-Ernst Sommerfeldt, Guenter Starke Einfűhrung in die Grammatik der deutschen Sprache. Thűbingen, 1998.

5. Devekin V.N. Workshop on German grammar. M., 1972.

6. Zavyalova V.M., Ilyina L.V. Practical German language course. M., 1999.

7. Molchanova I.D., Egorova Z.A. Corrective German grammar course. M., 1980.

8. Narustrang E.V. Practical grammar of the German language. S.-P., 2000.

9. Ovchinnikova A.V., Ovchinnikov A.F. 500 exercises on German grammar. M., 2002.

10.Rossikhina G.N., Ulyanova E.S. German verb in exercises. M., 2002.

11. Yartsev V.V. German language for you... M., 2001.

Oh, those tailed German verbs! Why tailed? Yes, because some verbs require a certain preposition after themselves. Sometimes, to a Russian-speaking person, the choice of one or another preposition to control German verbs seems simply illogical. Therefore, you need to learn such combinations by heart.

Managing German verbs is actually a very broad topic. Some verbs do not require a preposition after themselves, but the correct use of case. We’ll talk about such verbs some other time, but today we’ll talk about those words that carry prepositions.

In today's selection you will find 60 of the most important verbs of this type. I decided to divide them into groups. In the tables I prepared you will find lists of these verbs, and below are examples of their use.

Control of German verbs: verb + preposition

In the table you will find lists of verbs: A – standing after a preposition means that the word following it must be used in the accusative, D – in the dative.

In the examples given, the verb and its tail are highlighted in orange.

Control of German verbs: Verb + auf

Achte auf die rote Ampel!– Pay attention to the red traffic light!

Die Mutter muss auf ihre Kinder aufpassen. – A mother must watch over her children.

Wir freuen uns alle auf den Urlaub.- We are all enjoying our vacation.

Sie hoffen auf eine Lösung.– She hopes for a solution.

Ich muss mich jetzt auf die Arbeit konzentrieren.– I have to concentrate on work.

Wartet nicht auf mich! - Don't wait for me!

Verb + für

Ich danke Dir für deine Hilfe.- Thank you for your help.

Wir haben uns für einen Kredit bei der Sparkasse entschieden.– We decided on a loan from the Shparkass bank.

Bernd entschuldigt sich für die Verspätung. – Bernd apologizes for being late.

Mia interessiert sich für Pferde.– Mia is interested in horses.

Die Mutter kann gut für ihre Kinder sorgen.– A mother can take good care of her children.

Control of German verbs: Verb + nach

Die Nachbarin hat nach dir gefragt. - A neighbor asked about you.

Meine Oma riecht immer nach Kuchen.– My grandmother always smells like pies.

Das schmeckt nach Schokolade.– It tastes like chocolate.

Sie sehnt sich nach Ruhe. “She yearns for silence.”

Verb +an

Ich arbeite an einem neuen Buch.- I'm working on a book.

Ich habe den ganzen Tag an dich gedacht. – I thought about you all day.

Ich glaube, sie erinnert sich nicht mehr an mich.“I don’t think she remembers me anymore.”

Wir haben uns an das neue Auto bereits gewöhnt .– We are used to our new car.

Sie glauben an die Wirkung von Edelsteinen. – They believe in the effect of noble stones.

Sie begannen, am System zu zweifeln.“They began to doubt the system.

Der Sportler nimmt an der Olympiad teil.– An athlete takes part in the Olympics.

Control of German verbs: Verb +über

Ich ärgere mich über das schlechte Wetter.– I get angry at bad weather

Der Vater beschwert sich über die Kinder.- The father complains about the children.

Sie freuen sich sehr über die Geschenke.– They are very happy about gifts.

Keiner hat über den Witzgelacht. - Nobody laughed at the joke.

Wir müssen uns über die Details informieren .– We must inquire about the details.

Man kann sich nur über das Wetter wundern .– One can only be surprised at the weather.

And now the next table, and below it are examples with each of the indicated verbs.

Verb + von

Unsere Wanderung hängt vom Wetter ab.– Our walk depends on the weather.

Sie muss sich von der Last befreien.“She must be freed from the burden.”

Wir haben ihr von dem Haus erzählt.– We told her about the house.

Sie träumt von der großen Reise.– She dreams of a big trip.

Wir verabschieden uns von Ihnen. – We said goodbye to them.

Control of German verbs: Verb + mit

Sie hat mit dem Klavierunterrichtangefangen. – She started a piano lesson.

Du musst mit dem Rauchenaufhören. – You should stop smoking.

Wir beginnen mit den Vokabeln.– We start with words.

Ich beschäftige mich mit den Verben.– I study verbs.

Bist du mit der Entscheidung einverstanden?– Do you agree with this decision?

Man kann Äpfel nicht mit Birnen vergleichen .– You shouldn’t compare an apple with a pear.

Verb + um

Ich bitte dich um Entschuldigung.- I ask you for forgiveness.

Das Tierheim kümmert sich um viele Tiere.– The animal shelter takes care of many animals.

Der Arzt sorgt sich um die Gesundheit. - The doctor is worried about your health.

Wir haben uns um das letzte Stück Kuchen gestritten.“We argued over the last piece of pie.”

Verb + zu

Tom hat mich gestern zum Essen eingeladen. – Tom invited me to lunch yesterday.

Das führte zu einem heftigen Streit.- This led to a strong quarrel.

Anna gehört auch zu unserer Gruppe.– Anna is also part of our group.

Die hose passt gut zu deinem Pullover.– The trousers go well with the jacket.


Sonnencremes schützen vor Sonnenbrand.– Sunscreens protect against sunburn.

Niemand hat vor den Risiken gewarnt . - No one is warned against difficulties.

Er erschrak vor dem Gespenst.- He was afraid of a ghost.

Control of German verbs: Verb + aus

And one more verb that is not included in any of the tables is the verb: bestehen + aus + D - to consist of ...

Die Gruppe besteht aus vier Personen. – The group consists of 4 people.

A decent number of German verbs require different prepositions depending on the context, and sometimes the same preposition, but different cases after it. For example, verb schreiben.

schreiben an + A – write for someone

Ich schreibe einen Brief an sie. – I’m writing her a letter.

schreiben an + D – write somewhere or something

Der Autor Schreibt an einem neuen Roman. - The author is writing a novel. (literally: he writes in a novel).

Well, logical for Russian speakers schreiben über + A – write about something. Comments are not required here.

The list of verbs I have given is, of course, not all tailed German verbs. This is just the tip of the iceberg: in fact there are many more. But what you see in the tables is a summary of the most important ones that should be memorized in the best possible way. Same as the previous one

And those who want to continue learning German should find and write down all the other verbs and the trail that comes from them. And, of course, train and practice using them.