Gaft Valentin biography illness. Valentin Gaft is seriously ill, what happened to the artist, latest information

The cult actor of the film "Garage" and the theater "Sovremennik" Valentin Gaft suffers from a serious disease of the nervous system - Parkinson's disease. He was diagnosed with the disease several years ago. Due to the fact that she did not stop progressing, Gaft had to give up performing on stage and filming films. Joseph Kobzon recently commented on the health of Oleg Tabakov and Valentin Gaft. The singer believes that they get very sick and die.

After suffering a heart attack, Valentin Gaft began to suffer from Parkinson's disease. Visitors to performances with his participation immediately noticed the stiffness in Gaft’s movements and lack of coordination. Doctors believe that due to the illness Gaft’s health deteriorated, as a result nervous system let down the legend Russian cinema. During the Song of the Year festival, Joseph Kobzon told reporters that Valentin Gaft is now suffering from a terrible disease.

In April last year, Valentin Gaft was suspected of having Parkinson's disease. Previously, the actor was only noted to have heart problems and memory impairment. He suffered a heart attack, after which for a long time was recovering. His only daughter Olga committed suicide. Gaft's close friends believe that this is what caused the man's illness. Only the stage helped the actor cope with the tragedy. During performances, he could hide his real feelings behind a mask. But Valentin Gaft’s physical health failed.

He didn’t even wait to be discharged after he suffered a heart attack. The actor immediately returned to the stage. A cardiologist believes that Parkinson's disease is caused by changes in the brain due to a heart attack. As a result, memory deterioration and impaired coordination of movements.

Despite the fact that Gaft then refused full course rehabilitation, now he is turning to traditional healers. It is possible that the actor trusts alternative medicine more. By the way, Valentin Gaft is already 75 years old, which means that it is now difficult for him to fight a serious illness due to his age. Fans are afraid that they may soon lose the actor.

Valentin Gaft believes that his illness is old age and he does not want to spend last days your life in hospital bed. The actor strives for new experiences and endeavors. Until recently, he played ten performances a month, was ashamed to even ask for a vacation and insisted that you have to work until you collapse.

The cause of Parkinson's disease is neurodegeneration. For an as yet unknown reason, brain cells that produce dopamine die. Medicine does not know very many factors that increase the risk of getting sick: contact with solvents, herbicides, pesticides, repeated traumatic brain injuries.

To date no effective means, which could help save a person from Parkinson's disease. Elderly people especially feel the effects of the disease on themselves, since memory and coordination of movements already deteriorate with old age.

A creative meeting with the actor was to take place at the Presidential Center. B. N. Yeltsin in Yekaterinburg on June 27. However, on June 26 it became known that Gaft’s health condition does not allow him to meet with fans, TASS reports.


"Unfortunately, Valentin Gaft is ill and cannot come to the creative evening. You can return tickets tomorrow from 10:00 (08:00 Moscow time) at the box office. The actor wants to come to the Yeltsin Center and Yekaterinburg, so we hope that the creative evening will take place closer to the fall,” the Yeltsin Center clarified.

The actor’s creative evening was planned as part of the Yeltsin Center film club. Gaft had to read poems, epigrams, and also answer questions from the audience.

Let us remind you that earlier rumors appeared in the media that Valentina Gafta was being beaten by her husband, actress Olga Ostroumova. The artist himself chose not to directly answer the question about relationships in his family.

“Everything is fine with my wife Olya Ostroumova. She will have an anniversary in the fall, we will definitely celebrate. There will be poems and gifts! The main thing would be health. And in general, now all I’m thinking about is work, and not about what you ask. These are all the little things in life!" - said Gaft. Perhaps the unpleasant gossip also had an impact on the actor’s health.

If they are silent about Gaft’s health, then more is known about Oleg Tabakov. Let us remind you now actor is on the verge of a coma. He cannot speak, and also does not realize or perceive anything.

Then there was a lot of things in theatrical life Igor Ugolnikov. And he hopes that there will be a lot more... Khlestakov in several performances at the Studio Theater in the South-West, then with this role he came to the Moscow Theatre of Drama named after Nikolai Gogol. Successfully played in Grigory Gurvich’s play “Reading new play", at the cabaret theater "The Bat".

Gaft's daughter made several suicide attempts. The latter turned out to be “successful”... The actor learned about Olga’s death late in the evening, after the next performance. Valentin Gaft took the death of his daughter extremely hard. And a few years after Olga’s death, he learned that he had a fully grown son, whose existence he had no idea about.

In addition, on the air of the Russian propaganda channel NTV, in a film dedicated to the “black lists” of cultural figures who are prohibited from entering Ukraine, the actor burst out with insults against President Petro Poroshenko.

Let us remind you that earlier rumors appeared in the media that Valentina Gafta was being beaten by her husband, actress Olga Ostroumova. The artist himself chose not to directly answer the question about relationships in his family.

National artist Valentin Gaft was hospitalized with acute pain. Main news today 01/11/2018

The actor’s creative evening was planned as part of the Yeltsin Center film club. Gaft had to read poems, epigrams, and also answer questions from the audience.

After this performance, on the same small stage of the Moscow Art Theater, the play “Hamlet in Hot Sauce” based on the play of the same name by Aldo Nicolai, where the artist played the cook Froggy in Elsinore Castle, came out and was performed, albeit only a few times.

Valentin Iosifovich Gaft (born September 2, 1935, Moscow) - Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1984). Valentin Gaft was married several times. The first wife was fashion model Elena Izorgina. The second was a marriage with ballerina Inna Eliseeva, they had a daughter, Olga, but in the early 1980s Gaft and Eliseeva divorced. Daughter Olga died in September 2002, committing suicide. The current wife (since 1996) is actress Olga Ostroumova, under Gaft he was baptized into Orthodoxy.

He directly told reporters: “Love produces the best human qualities, cleanses. This is especially clear when your life has passed, when you understand more and feel more keenly. Love shortens the road to faith - like religion. You know, if you want to say all this out loud on stage, you have to feel the love yourself. Valentin Iosifovich himself said about his illnesses in one of his interviews: “I have only one illness - old age! And she is not being treated. But I don't want to lie in the hospital and wait for the end. There's still a lot I want to do."

SHOCK! Valentin Gaft is SERIOUSLY ill! What happened to him?

Valentin Iosifovich Gaft (born September 2, 1935, Moscow) is a Soviet and Russian theater and film actor. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1984). Valentin Gaft was married several times. The first wife was fashion model Elena Izorgina. The second was a marriage with ballerina Inna Eliseeva, they had a daughter, Olga, but in the early 1980s Gaft and Eliseeva divorced. Daughter Olga died in September 2002, committing suicide. The current wife (since 1996) is actress Olga Ostroumova, under whose influence Valentin Gaft was baptized into Orthodoxy.

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Unfortunately, for fans of Valentin Gaft this is not the first time recent months cause for concern for his health. In early December, at the “Song of the Year” television festival, Joseph Kobzon said that Valentin Gaft was seriously ill. “Valya Gaft and Oleg Tabakov are seriously ill, and I would like to wish both them and everyone who is susceptible to the disease a speedy recovery,” the singer said, without specifying which disease the actors were struggling with.

Both in his profession and in his personal life, Gaft could not achieve harmony for a long time. He was married three times before he met a woman with whom he could find happiness. This woman was actress Olga Ostroumova. They met on the set of the film "Garage", but in those years both were not free. Therefore, their relationship began only many years later.

“I can say that today Oleg Pavlovich’s condition is stable,” he said. - All indicators, including blood indicators, are improving. He had an appetite. He gradually began to get up. We are seeing positive dynamics. So agents funeral services please don't worry."

What is Valentin Gaft’s diagnosis, doctors’ comments. Detailed information.

“We rehearsed the day before,” said actor Said Bagov, who worked with Gaft in this performance. - Valentin Iosifovich, of course, knew that he was going to have a scheduled examination, and was going to perform the play on the appointed date. However, during the examination it turned out that he needed emergency surgery, as there was a possibility of infection. He will return to the theater shortly after the operation."

The roles of Valentin Gaft fascinated him. The actor first appeared in films in 1956. interesting fact that he mainly played the roles of the French or villains. Geverintz from Seventeen Moments of Spring and the butler Brasset from the movie Hello, I'm Your Aunt, these are his first notable appearances in a big movie.

The Sovremennik Theater has canceled the performance with the participation of the actor, which was supposed to take place on Friday, December 15. The theater’s website notes that the production of “As Long as Space Exists” has been postponed to February 5, 2018.

Let us remind you that artistic director“Tabakerki” was urgently hospitalized at the First City Hospital at the end of November. According to media reports, actor's condition severely deteriorated the day after hospitalization, and on November 29, doctors urgently operated on Tabakov, installing a special tube so that he could breathe with pulmonary edema.

Many people know the beautiful Olga Ostroumova from her roles in popular films: “The Dawns Here Are Quiet,” “We’ll Live Until Monday,” etc. The actors got married right in the hospital where Valentin was lying after an operation. The last marriage significantly influenced the actor’s life. The beloved woman was able to resurrect the dying soul.

The roles of Valentin Gaft have fascinated and continue to fascinate the viewer. The actor first appeared in films in 1956, an interesting fact is that he mainly played the roles of the French or villains. Geverintz from Seventeen Moments of Spring and the butler Brasset from the movie Hello, I'm Your Aunt, these are his first notable appearances in a big movie.

“Unfortunately, Valentin Gaft is ill and cannot come to the creative evening. You can return tickets tomorrow from 10:00 (08:00 Moscow time) at the box office. The actor wants come to the Yeltsin Center and Yekaterinburg, so we hope that the creative evening will take place closer to the fall,” the Yeltsin Center clarified.

Let us remind you that the artistic director of “Tabakerka” was urgently hospitalized at the First City Hospital at the end of November. According to media reports, the actor’s condition deteriorated greatly the day after hospitalization, and on November 29, doctors urgently operated on Tabakov, installing a special tube so that he could breathe during pulmonary edema.

“Unfortunately, Valentin Gaft is ill and cannot come to the creative evening. You can return tickets tomorrow from 10:00 (08:00 Moscow time) at the box office. The actor wants to come to the Yeltsin Center and Yekaterinburg, so we hope that the creative evening will take place closer to the fall,” the Yeltsin Center clarified.

People's Artist of the RSFSR, who became famous thanks to his role in the film "Garage" by Eldar Ryazanov, actor. By his age, he had achieved a lot, but the injustice of life also affected him..

Valentin Gaft is sick

The 83-year-old actor suffers from Parkinson's disease, a neurological disease that mostly affects older people. Often, patients are people over 60 years of age. The main symptoms of Parkinson's are disorders of the musculoskeletal system, muscle tone, which is accompanied by a characteristic tremor.

Particularly attentive people have long noticed that no matter where he appears, he always sits. He practically doesn’t walk, and his hands shake constantly. Treatment and prevention of Parkinson's disease, like many other illnesses, is very expensive. Accordingly, in order to continue to live and maintain at least at a minimum level your physical fitness, you must have enough funds for this.

Valentin Gaft spoke about forced earnings

Taking part in the “Let Them Talk” program, Valentin Gaft told some details of his, as it turned out, poor life. The film crew was surprised when they saw the poet. He was accompanied by a woman who is caring for him. The project staff also noticed Gaft’s memory lapses.

Valentin himself hinted that it was hard for him, but did it with his characteristic irony. Still, don’t forget, he has been writing epigrams almost all his life. Gaft said that he is forced to work to earn money for food, as well as for treatment. At his age, he still plays in plays and takes an active part in the programs in which he is invited. But at the same time, the artist receives mere pennies, in comparison with the same Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya.

Nevertheless, despite all the sorrows of life, this generous man, the Poet with capital letters and the master of his craft still continues to smile and give kindness to people.

Let us remind you that not long ago I read poems about death. Friends, his colleagues, great people leave. Old age, unfortunately, is not inevitable.

U people's artist The RSFSR has health problems, so the play “As Long as Space Exists” with his participation was decided to be postponed to July. This news came as a surprise to his fans. Most recently, Valentin Gaft traveled to Georgia, where he had a creative evening.

82-year-old Valentin Gaft was supposed to appear on the Sovremennik stage on May 28, but the production of “As Long as Space Exists” with the actor’s participation was unexpectedly postponed to July 8. The theater explained the changes in the schedule due to the artist's illness and apologized to the audience for the inconvenience caused. Those for whom the new date does not suit were asked to return their tickets to the box office within a few days.

Journalists rushed to contact Valentin Iosifovich to find out how he was feeling. The actor confirmed that he was unwell, so the performance was postponed. At the same time, the artist hastened to reassure fans.

“The information is true. I don’t feel well, but not to the point where I don’t play, I don’t play, it’s just purely physical, it has nothing to do with any terrible diseases. It's okay, this happens. There's no need to panic. There are colds, there are all sorts of things,” Valentin Iosifovich explained to reporters.

More recently, Gaft felt well and even went on tour to another country. Eighteenth of May famous artist visited Georgia, where he had a creative evening planned. A fan meeting with the actor took place at the Free Theater in Tbilisi.

The audience watched fragments of films with the participation of Valentin Iosifovich (both popular and lesser-known), listened to fragments from his books, and also read numerous epigrams dedicated to the star’s colleagues.

However, on the air of the “The Stars Aligned” program, Gaft unexpectedly appeared before the audience in wheelchair. Friends of the People's Artist of the RSFSR said that he suffers from Parkinson's disease. Valentin Iosifovich himself tries not to complain about health problems.

“I don’t feel well, but I still ask you to invite me to new projects. Sometimes they call and then refuse. Like, I'm falling apart before my eyes. But I live by this, I want to work,” said the actor.

Gaft's acquaintances noted that his work makes him forget about all the difficulties. “Sometimes we take him to the stage, he can hardly move, he feels terrible. And then he goes on stage, and his health problems seem to miraculously go away,” shared one of the star’s friends.

In a recent interview, Valentin Gaft noted that he plans to go on stage again in the summer. Until the actor comes to his senses, a couple of performances with his participation will be cancelled.