Max lordly interviews about girls. Is one of the best contemporary performers Max Barskikh really getting married - the personal life of an amorous singer

Each of his songs becomes a hit and soars to the top of the music charts. A new composition“Let's Make Love” even set a record for the number of views (a million in a couple of weeks!) on YouTube long before the presentation official video. Max now lives and works in Los Angeles, but found time for us to talk about spring and love.

Max Barskikh. Photo: EA Secret Service

Every year it becomes more and more difficult to find true love. I'm tired of looking... I want her to find me herself!


Max, you were born on March 8 - International Women's Day. How are you celebrating? First, give gifts to your beloved women, and then accept congratulations yourself?

- I am happy that I was born on March 8th. As my mother says, I became for her the best gift. I am glad that my birthday is always a day off: there is a holiday in the city, there are smiles on the streets beautiful girls, the spring sun is shining. I think I'm very lucky! And as for the gifts, it really was a bit like giving back. (Smiles.)

- Did your classmates tease you about this at school?

- Not at all. But if someone found out what day I was born, they would freeze in surprise.

- Which birthday was the brightest, most memorable?

- Probably last year. I celebrated it in Los Angeles, the first time so far from home. They were with me best friends. I wanted to do something nice for them, and I bought gifts that they had been wanting for a long time. I quietly left the bags under the beds in the morning, and went to the ocean: to dream, think, talk to myself...

Yours new song“Let's Make Love” shocked many with its frankness. Have you decided to urge Ukrainians to improve the demographic situation in the country?

- I don't understand what could be shocking about making love! (Laughs.) In my opinion, this is the most beautiful process in our lives, which every adult would like to engage in. After all, there is so little pure, sincere love in the world now.


- How was the composition born, how was the video created?

- This song was born on the way to one of the cities during last year’s tour, right on the bus on which we toured Ukraine. My soul was filled with memories of a wonderful night of love... The video was created by the in an interesting way. This time Alan Badoev attracted talented directors from different countries to the project.

- Didn’t the adult generation of listeners criticize you for taking such liberties?

- It seems to me that, on the contrary, older generation feels this song much deeper. After all, as we grow older, we understand more and more the value of real feelings. How wonderful it is when two lovers can enjoy each other in a room filled with night.

Spring is coming, vibes of love are in the air. Do you want “big and clean”? Or are you not ready for a serious relationship yet?

- Want! I always want. But every year it becomes more and more difficult to find true love. I'm tired of looking... I want her to find me herself! After all, feelings come at the most unexpected times this moment when we stop waiting for them and when we are really ready for them.

- What does love mean to you?

- This is what we live for. The main goal of all humanity. What will remain after us. I will say in the words of Victor Hugo: “Love is like a tree; it grows by itself, takes deep roots into our entire being and often continues to turn green and bloom even on the ruins of our heart.”

- Do you approve of one-night stands?

- In no case. They devastate. You give your energy to a person you will never see again, a part of you disappears without a trace, leaving an empty shell. I like to feel. It's best when it's something more, when sex turns into lovemaking, when you want a person, not his body.

- What does he think? real love maybe come only once in a lifetime?

- Now it’s difficult for me to answer this question. Ask me when I’m 90 years old. Then I’ll definitely tell you how much love there was in my life. (Smiles.)

-Are you in love now?

- Not yet. But who knows what will happen tomorrow!


Last fall you traveled all over Ukraine with concerts. What do you remember about the tour? What unusual gifts did fans give?

- The biggest gift from fans for me is to see them joyful, happy, singing, dancing at my concerts. I am sincerely happy and inspired by this. As for material things, for example, they gave me sweet cupcakes with my photo made of icing, and in one of the cities they even gave me personalized underpants.

- After the New Year, you flew to the USA again. Tell us, how do you find life in the City of Angels?

- Amazing! Los Angeles inspires me to create new music. I am often alone with myself: I think a lot, write, make plans. Now, for example, I’m working on new songs. I plan to return to Ukraine with an already written album.

- How does your American morning usually begin?

- Co standard procedures- a glass of water and a healthy breakfast.

- How is your day going?

- Differently. But on any given day, I invariably spend most of my time working on the new album. I can go to the ocean, go hiking, work out in the gym, do yoga, meet friends, go to a concert...

- Do you like any of the overseas foods? Don't you miss borscht?

- Not yet. Before leaving for the USA, I ate too much of our hearty food in my native Ukraine. Now here I try to eat healthy, I eat, as the Americans say, “organic food.” I love that in California you can find any cuisine in the world, and even Ukrainian borsch. So you don't have to miss him.

- Have you already made close acquaintances in the States? Who do you consider your most faithful friend?

- Yes, I’ve made a few friends, that’s enough for me. There are many Ukrainians here. In general, in my life I have five best friends whom I love madly.

- I haven't gotten around to windsurfing yet. I started playing tennis quite recently. I like this sport. And my playing partners say that, for a beginner, I’m doing pretty well.


You wrote songs for Natalia Mogilevskaya, Tina Karol, and now Ani Lorak’s repertoire includes a hit of your production - “Hold My Heart.” Do you usually choose the artists you create songs for, or do they choose you?

- It happens differently. Sometimes a song comes along and I wonder who it might suit. And sometimes the performers themselves contact me, and then I tune in to their wavelength, creating something emotionally and stylistically close to them.

You graduated from the Kherson Tauride Lyceum of Arts with a degree in artist. Did the skills you acquired there come in handy in any way?

Certainly! The lyceum instilled in me a creative approach to life. I advise all parents to send their children to such educational establishments. I have no music education, but that doesn't stop me from creating music. I paint pictures with sounds and words that I hear inside myself, using seven colors and hundreds of different shades.

Thank you for your help in arranging the EA Secret Service interview.

Max Barskikh in an interview with OK! spoke about finding himself, love and relationships, as well as preparing for the main show of his career.

Photo: DR

Max Barskikh belongs to the category of people who cannot sit still. A couple of months ago he had fun at the Brit Awards ceremony in London among world celebrities, two weeks earlier he recorded new songs under the skyscrapers of Dubai, and before that he enjoyed the winter landscapes in the mountains of Switzerland. He, as a truly creative person, is in constant search of himself, collects impressions and greedily draws emotions in order to later express them in his music. Max recently released new single and the “Make it Louder” video, and he has a big event ahead - a solo concert in Moscow on May 25. “The most spectacular and large-scale of his entire career,” as the artist himself admits.

Max, looking at your Instagram, I’m surprised by the geography of your movements. Just in the last few months: United Arab Emirates, Switzerland, Great Britain, America... Do you find it difficult to sit in one place?

My profession involves a large number of flights and gives me the opportunity to travel. Of course, it’s not always possible to enjoy every city to the fullest, but at least I can meet local people at my concerts. I love visiting different countries. I find something inspiring in this. Each new place gives a range of emotions and feelings that I endow with my music and my stories.

Apart from work trips and tours, who do you usually travel with?

IN Lately I like to do it alone. Traveling helps me recover. At such moments, I manage to abstract myself from the hustle and bustle, gain new strength and inspiration. Of course, with twenty concerts a month it can be difficult to find time for yourself, but at the first opportunity, without hesitation, I take a ticket to places I have never been to before. In general, I believe that it is necessary to simply accept and love reality as it is, with all its pros and cons. Then fatigue will become pleasant and stress will go away.

But, you must admit, no matter how positive your attitude is, new places mean not only pleasant emotions and impressions, but also difficult flights, moving, changing time zones, and hotels. Is domestic comfort important to you when traveling?

Not always. If we are talking about extreme recreation, I can happily sleep in tents and on outdoors somewhere in the middle of the desert. There is no problem with this. Although, to be honest, I would just as happily swim in the ocean on the beach of some five-star hotel ( Smiling). By the age of 28, I had learned one truth very well: you can live in ideal conditions, fly private jets, visit best resorts world, but if there is chaos inside a person, if he is haunted by fears, no external or material means will help him to be happy.

Have you already found a place on earth that you could call home?

At the moment, every time I return to Los Angeles, I have a pleasant feeling that I have returned home.

Moving to America was difficult. It was a way out of my comfort zone, I grew a lot internally

Why is America so attractive to you? You already lived in Los Angeles some time ago and have now returned to the States again...

I moved to Los Angeles a couple of years ago because there was always sun, ocean and inspiration waiting for me there. My zodiac sign is Pisces, I am very dependent on the external environment. In my beloved Kyiv, I felt uncomfortable, including due to personal circumstances. Therefore, I decided to temporarily change my place of residence. Of course, it was difficult to move to another country, thousands of kilometers away. It was a way out of my comfort zone, I grew a lot internally. And this metamorphosis is reflected in my work. When you are flying into the abyss, you can reflect on any topic that worries you, but when you have already fallen and hit yourself painfully, you have two options. The first is to give up and continue to lie motionless, the second is to get up and move on. There is no third.

When you talk about leaving your comfort zone, do you mean different mentalities? Are there any traits or character traits of Americans that bother you?

I haven’t lived in the States long enough to talk about the American mentality. Especially when the mentality of people living in New York and Los Angeles is extremely different from those living in other states. In any country there is good people, and not very much. It all depends on your attitude in life and the energy you radiate. I am sure that we all attract our own kind.

What kind of people do you attract?

I am a fairly sociable person, despite the fact that I am an introvert by nature. I love extraordinary individuals who know how to think more broadly, see further, feel more. Such a person will easily be able to interest me.

Is it difficult for an introvert to be a person in a public profession?

Publicity has both pros and cons. Off stage I am a fairly relaxed and modest person. I don't use my popularity as something special. Although, I won’t lie, it’s nice when, for example, airport staff recognize me and help me get through check-in without queuing. Or in a restaurant just the other day they gave me a surprise - they brought me a signature dish from the chef at the expense of the establishment ( Smiling). But I never abuse my publicity and do not try to present my popularity as something extraordinary.

By the way, the word “extraordinary” quite accurately characterizes your stage image. You know how and are not afraid to shock - with bold costumes, candid photo sessions, provocations during speeches. Admit it, are these clearly planned marketing moves or impulse decisions?

I am used to living in the moment here and now and always do as I feel. Like mine creative person, have their own ways of expressing themselves. To some this seems shocking, to others it seems quite natural. We live in modern world, where the lines of what is permitted and what is not permitted are erased, where there is room for any manifestation of oneself. I'm just a person who experiences different emotions, worries different stories own life. And I share all this in my music.

So, all your songs are autobiographical?

Of course, my songs are mine personal experience. Even when I created compositions for other wonderful performers, they were about my feelings, about my experiences. That is why at some point I realized that I probably would not want to continue writing not for myself.

When you are flying into the abyss, you can reflect on any topic that worries you, but when you have already fallen and hit yourself painfully, you have two options. The first is to give up and continue to lie motionless, the second is to get up and move on. There is no third.

You write a lot about love, about jealousy, about relationships, about strong and sometimes even destructive feelings. Do you tend to fall madly in love?

I want to fall madly in love! I believe that love is the meaning of our life. True, humanity is persistently trying to prove the opposite: we fight, kill, rob, destroy nature, show monstrous cruelty to animals... At the same time, we profess religions based on humanism and compassion.

This is if we think globally. But let's get back to you. There is an opinion that what longer person lives as a single person, the more difficult it is for him to build as he gets older serious relationship, and generally let anyone else into your life. You have no fear of staying eternal bachelor?

No. I am sure that everything has its time. A year or two ago I wanted a relationship, but now I don’t think about it. I have already said that I am on tour twenty days a month. With such a schedule it is very difficult to establish a personal life. I would not want, for example, for my paternity to be limited only to biological factors. In my understanding, a dad is a person who opens the world to a child and who himself lives in the child’s world. When I understand that I have achieved everything I wanted in creativity, I will take care of my family.

Do you believe in the institution of marriage?

When the feelings are real, then marriage, civil union or guest marriage, whatever you call it, is a purely technical nuance. A stamp in a passport definitely doesn’t solve anything. On the contrary, it seems to me that he delivers more problems and bureaucratic hassles. Now people are leaving after several years life together, if they understand that they can no longer be together. And the stamp is definitely not a panacea here. If you are going to get married, then only when you are one hundred percent sure of your feelings and your partner. And for this we need to go through a lot together.

What would you like to give your children that your parents may not have given you?

Lots of love, attention and faith. This is probably what I missed as a child. But no one knows who I would be now if things were different. I believe that everything that happens has a meaning. Every situation is a lesson, every person is a teacher.

I would not want, for example, for my paternity to be limited only to biological factors. In my understanding, a dad is a person who opens the world to a child and who himself lives in the child’s world. When I understand that I have achieved everything I wanted in creativity, I will take care of my family.

Your relatives, as far as I know, did not encourage your passion for music...

My mother was probably the only person in a family who believed in me. Thanks to her understanding and support, I was able to be creative. It was as if she wanted me not to repeat her mistakes and to fully realize my creative potential.

Do you harbor resentment towards your loved ones because they didn’t believe in you?

I don't like to hold grudges. I will always say directly what I think and feel, and I will ask for forgiveness if I was wrong. Resentment is what destroys us from the inside.

Who, besides your mother, inspired you to move forward?

Alan Badoev, with whom we have been collaborating since the first days of my career. He is always the first listener to my songs, his professional opinion is extremely important to me. It is in this creative tandem - music plus video - that we manage to create something real! What touches! Something that touches the listener and viewer to the quick.

On April 5, your new single and video “Make It Louder” was released. The director, of course, was Alan Badoev. Can you say that you trust him with absolutely everything 100 percent and he knows you like no one else?

Working with Alan is never easy - I'm either freezing in the ocean or punching through walls. And in the case of “Turn It Up,” I had to forget about sleep for several days. And also sitting on the edge of a 25-story building with your legs dangling in a temperature of -15°C. But this only makes it more interesting to work together! I want to set challenging goals and implement them. Alan, like no one else, knows how to reveal the artist’s potential in front of the camera lens.

What is yours about? new track"Make it louder"? What message are you sending to your fans this time?

Today's young people are self-centered, they are focused on their desires, on personalizing and realizing themselves. The world is open to them, and their dreams are real. I sing about a man who, at the call of his heart, begins his journey from scratch, opens new country, without fear of being unnoticed and unnecessary in it. His heart beats louder, he strives at all costs to understand the world and his place in it. It is important for me to convey a simple meaning to the listener: if you listen to your heart, then you are on the right path!

It is important for me to convey a simple meaning to the listener: if you listen to your heart, then you are on the right path!

May 25 in your life will happen an important event– a big solo concert in Moscow. Already, this show is being announced as an incredible concept performance. Tell us a secret, what can your fans expect?

To date, this will be the largest and most spectacular concert of my entire career. The leitmotif of the show “Mists” will be the spirit of the 90s. Crazy images and vivid visualization, 350 tons of lighting equipment - this is what the viewer will see when they come to the concert. The first thing that will catch your eye is the absence of a stage in the traditional sense. Instead, there will be a giant skull, a kind of “creative lobotomy”, where the performance will take place. The project was prepared for exactly five months - from the first sketch to the moment it was performed on stage. The technologically complex structure will assemble and disassemble the skull into components, changing levels, height and position in space. To recreate our plan, we had to scan my face three times. The 3D mapping we did had to fit perfectly with all the curves and structural features of the skull - and this is a very meticulous job. The project was 90% made by our manufacturers, which is a source of pride for us. To transport just one skull we will need at least three cargo trucks; assembly will take 12 hours and 24 people. I won't reveal all the secrets. We will show the most interesting things on May 25th during the show!

Is it important for you that your new show, your single or your video is appreciated by professional prizes and awards? Are you ambitious?

You can accuse me of being cunning, but I am absolutely indifferent to bonuses. It’s pleasant, honorable and often beautiful, I don’t argue. But it does absolutely nothing for my inner sense of self. Previously, it seemed to me that the limit of my dreams was the Grammy. But now I understand with my heart and head: something else is important - what mark the author and artist left in the soul of the viewer. If he left my concert inspired, if, upon coming home, before going to bed he remembers with gratitude and pleasure at least the moment of our meeting, I will consider myself the happiest person!

Max was 11 years old when his father left the family. He and his older brother and sister were raised by his mother - the difficult time of the mid-90s fell entirely on her shoulders. The singer doesn’t like to remember his childhood, much less his father. They had not seen each other or communicated for 16 years - each lived his own life, Max grew and matured without him.

In preparation solo concert singer in the capital's Sports Palace needed to shoot a video for the song “February”, and Alan Badoev came up with the idea to invite him to main role Barsky's father. Having met on the set, the son and father for the first time in for a long time looked into each other's eyes... For Viva! the artist made an exception and talked about his childhood memories, family conflicts and life lessons.

- Max, tell us about the film, which your father starred in. Who came up with this idea, and why did Alan Badoev take on the project?

This art project was born out of Alan and I’s desire to create a video on the topic of relationships between children and parents. It was realized during the filming of material for the song “February”. Already in the pavilion, magic began to happen when the original script told by Alan began to develop according to him alone known path, where real emotions came to the fore. And so, before the eyes of the film crew, this mini-film was born. I grew up without a father, so this topic is quite painful for me.

- Which main idea movie? Who is his audience?

I think the idea is very clear. We wanted to touch on a topic that is close to everyone - relationships with parents. After all, parents play a major role in the development of us as individuals. We are essentially a projection of all the feelings given to us, starting with early childhood. Unfortunately, many of us grew up in dysfunctional families or families where we only knew the love of our father or mother. I come from just such a family. I would like that after watching the film we would learn to sympathize, learn to understand each other, destroying all the walls we have built and forgiving any offenses.

How did your father take the invitation to act? Doubt it? Did you think for a long time?

He was very worried. But he was interested in trying. Fortunately and to my great surprise, he behaved like a professional on camera, maintaining all the organicity. And behind the scenes he managed to win over the entire set.

- Tell me, what is your relationship with him now?

We still see each other very rarely, but for different reasons. Previously, resentment and pain prevented us from seeing each other, but today I simply physically cannot devote much time to my family. But this is not the main thing. It is important that we have a desire to be together and the feeling of family has returned. We often call each other and communicate on the phone. Of course, unlike established families, we have to work to find common topics, look for interests that would unite us. We get to know and rediscover each other. And this is a very cool experience.

- As a child, you and your brother got along with Father?

I don't remember much of him as a child. My parents were often on the road for work, and when my father was free, he devoted practically no time to us: he loved to lie on the couch and do crossword puzzles or relax with friends.

- What is your relationship with your mother?

Mom needs to erect a monument during her lifetime. She sacrificed a lot for us. She was able to raise and raise three children almost independently. She was the strong and at the same time weak shoulder of our family. She worked constantly to feed us and educate us. She was strict where necessary and supported me in all creative endeavors.

- How would you describe your childhood?

A bright and unforgettable adventure. Lots of good memories, and some not so good ones.

- Then tell me about your most pleasant childhood memory.

I remember the moment when my mother bought me roller skates. Then they had just begun to be imported to Ukraine, and few people had them. I remember I was playing with friends in the yard and heard the familiar noise of my mother’s car in the distance - it was somehow special, I always recognized it from thousands of others. I was then waiting for my mother from a business trip. And so she parked and got out of the car with a large colored box. As I ran headlong towards her, the design on the box became more and more distinct. They were roller skates! Then I felt the most happy child in the world!

Read also

-What is your most unpleasant memory?

Unfortunately, there were many of them in my childhood, and they are mainly associated with assault and drunkenness of my father... Sometimes I remember some scenes from life and wonder how I managed to maintain a normal psyche and remain an adequate person.

- What methods of raising your parents will you never use for your own children?

Assault. I cannot and do not want to make excuses for this.

- If conflicts arose with your father, was your mother on your and your brother’s side or on your father’s side?

More often than not, my mother was on our side. I even remember how my brother fought with my father when he, returning home after another alcoholic night, intended to carry out educational work.

- Have you ever been ashamed of your parents?

I'll probably lie and say no. There were times when I received slaps on the head in front of classmates or teachers.

- At what age did you decide to leave home and start living on your own?

In 17 years. Right after finishing school. I realized that I wanted to go to study in the capital. That's when my independent life, full of responsibility for oneself.

- How do your parents feel about your current popularity?

They are very proud of me and my successes. Mom was the only person in the family who supported me in my choice and who believed that everything would work out.

- Were they at the Kiev concert at the Sports Palace? What did they say?

They were incredibly proud and happy for me! It was an unforgettable day, the first time they saw how a huge arena welcomed their son and knew by heart the words to the songs he wrote. For parents, children always remain small.

- Do you look like your father?

Externally very similar. I remember once finding his childhood photographs and thinking that they were mine. And I’m probably more like a mother in character. Moreover, we are Pisces according to the horoscope and our birthdays are four days apart.

-Who was an example for you? Who did you want to be like?

Mom always used my older brother, an excellent student, as an example. But I preferred to remain myself.

- Have you already thought about starting your own family? Do you want children?

I was thinking. But I feel like I’m not ready yet. Out of 30 days a month, 20 are on tour. I don't want my paternity to be limited by biology. For me, a dad is a person who opens his world to a child and enters into the child’s world. When I understand that I have done everything and achieved everything I wanted in my creativity, I will take care of my family.

- Do you think it’s easy with you?

Well, no one has complained yet (laughs). Of course, there are graters with loved ones, where without them. But I quickly move towards reconciliation.

Have your family or friends ever told you that fame has changed you? And what do you think - has it changed?

They don’t say it because fame hasn’t changed me. And if there are any changes, then better side. What does this mean? I became more experienced and responsible, I began to appreciate my loved ones more. I do music, my favorite thing, so fame for me is something secondary, something that comes with it, and not main pride in life.

- “Sometimes you need to watch mindless crap on TV to keep yourself from getting upset about everything that's going on in your life,” says Ryan Gosling. What do you do when something goes wrong, how do you relax?

I try to think and analyze why something is going wrong. Sometimes books help me with this. I love philosophy and esotericism.

- Do you remember grievances for a long time?

I don't like to keep grudges to myself. I will always say directly what I think and feel, and I will ask for forgiveness if I was wrong. Resentment destroys us from the inside. It is better to get rid of them through communication.

- Who is the first person you call when something happy or sad happens in your life?

Misha Romanova. This is my most close person. We have known each other for a thousand years and have come a long way: we entered university together, came up with schemes on how to live for several days on 100 hryvnia, and much more.

- What is more difficult for you to tell a person: that you love him or, conversely, that you don’t love him?

For me it is more difficult to say “I don’t like you.” It's hard for me to hurt people. In the past, I even sinned with self-sacrifice and lived in unlove for a long time, just so as not to offend my girlfriend. But over time I realized that in this way I was only making the person worse and more painful. Now I try to be as honest as possible about my feelings.

- Who are your close friends now? Do you need them? In general, do you know how to make friends?

I'm very lucky with my friends. Our company, which has seven people, managed to keep warm friendly relations and carry them through the years. We have become one big family- understanding, accepting and loving friend friend.

In an interview with the HELLO.RU website, popular artist Max Barskikh spoke about which country he feels at home in and why he decided to move to Los Angeles.

At the awards of the MUZ-TV channel, held on June 9 at the Olimpiysky, awards were received by Yegor Creed, Timati, musicians of the Degrees group and other artists. However, at the after-party, held on the roof of the Ritz-Carlton hotel, the guests had a blast not at all to Creed, but to Max Barskikh. Despite the fact that this artist was nominated for the award, but did not receive an award this year, his “Mists-Mans” turned out to be preferable for the winning dances.

Just a year ago, we knew very little about Max Barskikh: a participant in the Ukrainian “Star Factory”, discovered by the popular director Alan Badoev. Performer, composer, songwriter including Kristina Orbakaite, Ani Lorak and others. Everything changed in an instant. Today Max Barskikh gathers thousands of fans at his concerts and breaks records on iTunes.

Max, you are a professional vocalist, graduated from the Kyiv Academy of Variety and circus art. Why did you come to the Star Factory in 2008? What was I able to learn there that I couldn’t do at that time?

To tell the truth, I don't consider myself a vocalist. First of all, I am an author, and I would hardly go on stage simply to relay other people’s feelings and emotions from there. It is very important for me to share my thoughts and experiences with the listener. I think I was 17 years old when I decided to try myself in a television project - for me it was a new unknown world, which I, of course, wanted to discover for myself. Today, years later, I am grateful for this period, but not for the fact that it brought fleeting recognition - it was fleeting and worthless. And for the fact that the project brought me together with interesting and very talented people, with whom I still work. The first and most important of them is Alan Badoev - my close friend and like-minded person, the most sought-after director music video on one sixth of the world. Max Barskikh in a candid shoot, which became another fashion experiment for him

You left Ukraine and moved to the USA, to Los Angeles, where you worked for a long time. However, now he has returned, and popularity came instantly. Do you somehow connect these events?

I moved to Los Angeles a couple of years ago because there was always sun, ocean and inspiration waiting for me there. I am a Pisces by horoscope, and the external environment has both an inspiring and depressing effect on me. In my beloved Kyiv, I felt uncomfortable, including due to personal circumstances. Therefore, I decided to temporarily change my place of residence. By leaving my comfort zone, I grew spiritually. And this metamorphosis is reflected in my work. When you are flying into the abyss, you can reflect on any topic that worries you, but when you have already fallen and hit yourself painfully, you have two options. The first is to give up and continue to lie there without moving, the second is to get up and move on.

Where are you living now?

Literally a week ago, I realized that I don’t need an apartment in Kyiv, because I even come there for work - performances, television filming, photo shoots, and so on. Therefore, now I am getting rid of excess ballast, giving away my things to friends and acquaintances. Now I only need two suitcases and I can feel at home anywhere in the world. The main thing is good sleep. This is the only doping that my team and I use, not counting fifty grams of cognac in the dressing room. Of course, sometimes the brain explodes from so many movements from point A to point B, often we have to frantically remember what city and country we are in, but in critical moments I come to the room, try to turn off my head and concentrate on one thing. In general, I have long wanted to learn how to meditate, and I set myself the task of mastering this useful practice.

This year the MUZ-TV channel nominated you in two categories - for " Best song" And " Best Album"However, in the end the awards went to Sergei Lazarev and Ani Lorak. Is it a shame?

You can accuse me of being cunning, but I am absolutely indifferent to bonuses. It’s nice, honorable and often beautiful, I don’t argue, but having a prize won’t do anything for my inner world. Therefore, this question should be addressed to those who root for me and support me at all ceremonies.

You have a lot of fans - you could see this at the MUZ-TV party. What's going on in your personal life?

If you're talking about bed, then I fall asleep alone. To avoid disappointment the next morning.

Don't you believe in the existence of pure and bright things?

I have been thinking for a very long time about how mundane most of us have become in our goals and desires - we are only interested in form and only what glitters. I am not a supporter of the belief that with the darling there is heaven in the hut, and I am not a prude, but it seems to me that excessive materiality modern girls, and guys too, it just kills real feelings and romance. By the way, I recently wrote a song on this topic, it’s called “I’ll ask,” and Alan and I shot a video for it, which is completely atypical for us. Sincerity, spontaneity and self-esteem are the qualities that I look for in a woman.

You wrote songs for Kristina Orbakaite, Ani Lorak and other artists. For some reason, exclusively for women. Do you understand the female soul well?

I very rarely write for someone; for me it’s a kind of sacrifice. And in fact, it’s easier for me to give a song to a woman than to a man. And the point here is not about competition, but rather about feelings: when I write for a girl, I am not experiencing my life. Creation of the same song from male name always autobiographical. And I’m not ready to give my life story to another artist.

What event do you think should be the pinnacle of your musical career?

I used to think it was getting Grammy Awards. This is a kind of expectation from childhood, so it’s hard to get it out of your head. But today I understand with my heart and head: the only thing that matters is what I, as an author and artist, left in the soul of the viewer and listener leaving my concert. If he left inspired, if, when he came home before going to bed, he remembered at least a moment from our meeting, then I would consider myself the happiest person.

Max, you have already played 35 concerts in 45 days in 6 countries. How do you maintain such a schedule?

The stage is always a pleasure for me, but the tiring road that precedes it takes a lot of energy, strength and health. Sometimes the body can’t handle it: recently we were forced to cancel a concert in Germany due to health reasons. This was the first and, I hope, the last time this happened in my touring experience.

Why? After all, before you could be seen at least three times with concerts in Kyiv?

I want to do big shows to show everything we can do. Small venues technically hold us back greatly in our pursuit of perfectionism.

With such a crazy schedule, do you have enough time for yourself? To your personal space and life?

Only Tuesdays are free in my life. Recently I began to live on tour. Eat a fine line between tour schedule And touring life, without observing which you can go crazy. If you treat this as a way of life, and not a job, then endless travel, flights, new hotels and new people constantly present nearby will begin to seem not so scary. It happened that we flew 15-17 hours to the city and spent exactly 5 hours there: we arrived, did a sound check, performed and flew on.

How does your day start?

My day starts with a glass of warm water. Then some delicious breakfast.

Which day do you like more: at work, with a concert and rehearsals, or a day when you relax?

What I do is a lifestyle.

I can’t, like many people, change my occupation, or rather, I can, but I’ll lose harmony.

I have already said that the only unpleasant moment in my life is flying, constantly moving from place to place drains you, but only until you go on stage. It always feels like home - you understand what, where, why and, most importantly, to whom all this is dedicated.

On tour you travel a lot. Where do you feel at home?

Do you know what's the most annoying thing about being on tour? It’s not even that you don’t have time to go and see something, you don’t have time to look around the place from the car window, because in the car you’re looking at the screen of your phone or laptop - you need to answer letters, finish what you didn’t have time to do at home etc.

Do you fall asleep easily when traveling and flying?

I used to be able to sleep anywhere. Not now. Even after a concert, I manage to fall asleep three to four hours later: the adrenaline received afterward is too high. And when sleep finally comes, it’s time to leave for the airport. It is unpleasant.

What do you think about before going to bed?

I think that time is fleeting, that I need to do this and that, and also fall in love so that everything else in my life fades.

What is your motto in life?

There is nothing more beautiful than life!

You've radically changed your style several times. Recently I even performed in latex pants. What clothes do you feel most comfortable in?

Latex pants aren't the most uncomfortable thing I've ever worn on stage. By the way, it’s incredibly hot to perform in them! That's why stage costumes and comfort are often incompatible things. I love comfortable clothes. Lately I have started to like a strict or restrained style.

Do you follow fashion? Do you have any favorite brands?

I don't really pay attention. I'm more interested in what's new in the world of music. But my stylist friends introduce me to fashion news and trends.

Your songs often contain some kind of appeal: “Unfaithful,” “Let’s make love,” “You are my heroin.” Is this a message to a specific person or just an artistic device?

Most of my songs have a specific addressee. I write myself, it’s important for me to see in my imagination not just a blurry image, but specific person. Another question is that in songs I can reward an image with traits and qualities that are not very inherent in this person’s life (laughs).

What is your own song darling?

My favorite song hasn't come out yet. This is the one I'm working on at the moment.

What music is on your playlist?

I'm listening to different music. There are thousands of songs, artists, groups in my playlist, and it will be difficult to say right away what is in my playlist. Among the artists whose albums I love and always look forward to are Lana Del Rey, Lykke Li, The XX, Radiohead, Frank Ocean and Beyonce.

Surely you have a favorite musician whom you would like to be like/who inspires you. Who is he?

In general, being like someone is a very strange desire. There is something untenable about this. But inspiration is another matter. IN different time I was inspired various musicians- from Jim Morrison to Beyonce.

At your place great amount fans and many would like to be like you. Is this a burden or a joy?

As an artist, you are always responsible for everything you sing, say, and do. There will always be people who will want to follow you or be like you. As a rule, this happens in younger people who are in search of themselves. Then, with age, we still understand that there is nothing better than our individuality.

What are you sure you will never do?

I will never betray. This is undignified.

What do you dream about?

Fly away on a trip around the world!