Miniatures for May 9. A skit on a military theme

Zarubina Nina
By May 9. Sketch “Military Council” by Z. Kolobanov” (school preparatory group)

In the dugout, the tankers are waiting for the commander to return from headquarters. They sing a song to the accordion. Z returns. Kolobanov

1 tanker: Attention!

Kolobanov: Feel free, sit down, guys! So it is! We were given orders to stop the tank column, which is moving towards Krasnogvardeysk.

2nd tankman: How many tanks are there?

Kolobanov: According to intelligence data, about 43.

3rd tankman: Wow! When will reinforcements arrive?

Kolobanov: There will be no reinforcements. We need to cope on our own.

4th tankman: In my opinion, this is suicide. Five tanks cannot stop 43.

5th tankman: That's an order! But orders are not discussed!

6th tankman: If necessary, we will die, commander!

Kolobanov: We can’t die, we need to win!

1st tankman: Then let's think about what we'll do? We don't have much time.

Kolobanov: Give me the card (thinks). So, look, the road to Marienburg makes a sharp turn. To the left and right is a swamp. A convenient place for an ambush.

2nd tankman: Explain, commander!

Kolobanov: If we bring tanks from here to these points. I’ll put my tank here, we’ll dig in and disguise ourselves. The road is well covered. If the first and last car are hit, the Germans will have nowhere to go. They can be destroyed.

3rd tankman: Great plan! This might work!

4th tankman: Risky! But this is the only chance!

Kolobanov: Then let's get to work!

Suicide, I hear behind me.

But, you know, in this world or in this world

I don't fight a losing battle

There was a way out - you just didn’t notice.

Strategist! Well, yes! Maybe I am!

One blade per hundred celestials.

I don't fight a losing battle.

I'm going to emerge victorious.

1st tankman:

Well then, goodbye!

I'll pick you up soon.

You probably won’t have time to get bored.

All tankers:

We don't fight a losing battle

Kolobanov: German Column appeared at two o'clock in the afternoon. Having slammed the hatches, the tankers froze in their places. We missed three motorcycles.

1st tankman: And now the fascist cars painted in dark gray are approaching. The tanks walked at shortened distances, exposing their sides to the gun "KV". One, two, three...

2nd tankman: The lead tank caught fire from the first shot. The second one suffered a similar fate. Then they were able to set fire to the last two.

3rd tankman:

It was all like this:

In the harsh silence

There is a heavy tank,

Disguised in the fishing line,

Enemies are coming in droves

Iron idols,

But he takes the fight

Zinovy Kolobanov.

4th tankman:

And through the explosions the roar

The world looks upon the plain,

Where is the senior lieutenant

I took my car to battle.

He hits enemies in a row,

Like an epic hero,

Around him lie

Damaged cars

There are already twenty-two of them,

Scattered like a storm,

They are lying in the grass

Pieces of metal.

5th tankman: Considering the task completed, powerful "KV" rushed for a breakthrough. And soon the car reached the outskirts of the state farm "Troopers", where Zinovy ​​Grigorievich met with the commanders of the approaching tanks.

6th tankman: For this battle, the commander of the 3rd tank company, senior lieutenant Kolobanov was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

Victory Day, such a significant holiday for every resident of our country, is sometimes not entirely clear to children from kindergarten and primary school. Not all schoolchildren know about the Great Patriotic War and the huge losses of our people. Short skits for May 9 , demonstrated in schools and cultural centers, will help restore the atmosphere of war and show the heroism of Russian soldiers. With the help of small theatrical musical and dance performances, the children will tell their peers about the horrors of the worst war in the world and about the feat of the Soviet people, who defeated fascism more than seventy years ago.

Small scenes for the holiday of May 9 for schoolchildren

Today we live under a peaceful sky. Many people don’t even think about the fact that such a free, happy life might not have existed at all without the victories of our grandfathers in the Great Patriotic War. Being then, in the 1940s, boys, they heroically defended their right to life and fought with arms in their hands against the fascist invaders. Modern schoolchildren know about those times only from books, stories from older relatives, and radio broadcasts. Small scenes for the May 9 holiday for boys and girls will help them understand the meaning of the battles that took place more than seventy years ago.

Examples of small skits for schoolchildren for May 9 - A production about girl anti-aircraft gunners

This small scene for May 9 is based on Robert Rozhdestvensky’s poem “The Ballad of the Anti-Aircraft Gunners.” Three young girls in military uniform appear on the stage, and a quiet song by Ian Frenkel based on the poems of Rasul Gamzatov “Cranes” sounds. The girls join hands and recite the poet’s poem, putting their whole soul into it. The story of the anti-aircraft gunner girls, the eldest of whom “was eighteen years old,” touches the heart of every viewer. Children, even junior schoolchildren, begin to understand all the horror that happened during the war of 1941-1945.

Robert Rozhdestvensky The Ballad of Anti-Aircraft Gunners

How to see behind the days
Is the trail unclear?
I want to bring you closer to my heart
this trail...
On battery
were entirely -
And the eldest was
eighteen years.
Dashing bangs
over the cunning squint,
bravura contempt for war...
That morning
the tanks are out
straight to Khimki.
The same ones.
With crosses on the armor.

And the eldest
really getting old
as if shielding himself from a nightmare with his hand,
commanded subtly:
- Battery!
(Oh mommy!..
Oh dear!..)
Fire! -
And here they are
they started voting
They wailed to their heart's content.
all the woman's pain
in these girls
suddenly responded.
The sky was spinning -
There was a wind
scalding hot.
Epic cry
hung over the battlefield,
he was heard louder than the explosions,
this cry!
To him -
lingering -
the earth listened
stopping at the death line.
- Oh, mommy!..
- Oh, I'm scared!..
- Oh, mom!.. -
And again:
- Battery! -
And already
in front of them
in the middle of the globe
to the left of the nameless hillock
were burning
unbelievably hot
four black
tank fires.
The echo echoed over the fields,
the battle was bleeding slowly...
The anti-aircraft gunners screamed
and they shot
smearing tears down my cheeks.
And they fell.
And they rose again.
For the first time defending in reality
and your honor
And the Motherland.
And mom.
And Moscow.
Spring springy branches.
wedding table.
“You are mine - forever!..”
"Iwaited for you…"
And my husband's lips.
And his palms.
Funny mumbling
in a dream.
And then to scream
in the maternity ward
“Oh, mommy!
Oh, mom, I’m scared!!”
And a swallow.
And rain over Arbat.
And the feeling
complete silence...
...It came to them later.
In forty-five.
Of course, to those
who came himself
since the war.

Examples of small skits for schoolchildren for May 9 - Dance performance

The Great Patriotic War lasted for four long years. It ended with the victory of the Soviet people over fascism. It was May 9 that was then declared Victory Day in this brutal long battle. More than seventy years ago, on a warm May day, our grandparents, who survived the battlefields, danced and sang with happiness. A short dance performance performed by senior schoolchildren will convey the emotions experienced by Soviet people in those years. The calm, fashionable dance “Rio Rita” at that time and beautiful poems about victory form the basis of a small theatrical performance.

Skits on May 9, Victory Day in the House of Culture for students and high school students

On May 9, the whole country celebrates a great day - the complete defeat of fascism and our victory in this war. On Victory Day, concerts are held in the Houses of Culture for high school students and students, where young actors and even the students themselves perform small theatrical performances - “sketches” from the life of the war years. We present some of these scenes to your attention.

Examples of sketches about Victory Day - May 9th holiday in the House of Culture for students and high school students

A wonderful production for the holiday of May 9 in the House of Culture tells students and high school students about the Great Patriotic War and the role of the Soviet people in the approach of Victory Day. The skit begins with the famous song “Get up, huge country!” Young people dressed in wartime uniforms and girls dressed in light dresses waltz. Readers recite poems by famous poets. The production features music from wartime composers. Each of the songs performed is staged by high school and senior students.

Victory Day in the House of Culture - A beautiful scene without words on May 9 for students

Celebrating Victory Day, many students and high school students prepare beautiful scenes for their comrades for the May 9 holiday. Such productions are understandable to all spectators without words - the artists convey the emotions and atmosphere of the mini-performance with music, dance and pantomime. We are sure that our examples of theatrical productions deserve your attention.

Interesting scenes in kindergarten for the holiday of May 9

Not a single May 9 holiday in kindergarten is complete without showing interesting skits about military life. These can be performances about the soldiers’ rest after the battle, and dance numbers dedicated to Victory Day, and beautiful staging of mini-plays about the exploits of Soviet soldiers. We hope you will like our examples.

Examples of interesting skits in kindergarten on May 9 - Production “By the Fire”

The short skit “By the Campfire,” staged in kindergarten on May 9, will appeal to all guests. “Soldiers” - kindergarten students and their “commander” - the group teacher - gather around an improvised fire. Boys and girls recite short poems about the war and the defeat of fascism throughout the world, talk about the peaceful sky, the happiness that came to earth as a result of the great Victory Day. At the end of the performance, the preschoolers turn to their grandparents, many of whom came to watch their performance. The guys thank them for their courage, devotion to the Motherland and millions of lives saved.

Examples of interesting skits for preschoolers on May 9 - Sailors' dance in kindergarten

Such a short skit can be staged not only in the preparatory, but also in the senior and middle groups of kindergarten. Kids dressed in beautiful sailor uniforms perform the well-known “Apple” dance. Both boys and girls take part in the performance.

Short skits for May 9 for children

Short skits for May 9, performed by the children themselves, will let preschoolers and primary schoolchildren understand that the Great Patriotic War, which claimed the lives of millions of soldiers and civilians, should never happen again. Celebrating Victory Day on a bright May day, we mourn for those who did not return from the battlefields, went missing, and were buried alive. In kindergartens and schools, teachers can help children stage small plays about wartime and the exploits of Soviet heroes.

A short skit for children on May 9 “The Ballad of a Soldier’s Mother”

The short theatrical performance for children is based on the song “The Ballad of a Soldier’s Mother.” The skit for May 9 begins with several guys dressed in military uniforms and clothes from the war years coming on stage. Two presenters read out an address to the guests, congratulating them on Victory Day and, at the same time, expressing great regret about what happened in 1941-1945. The song “Ballad of a Soldier's Mother” plays, and the guys show a dramatization of this work.

Like a bird that has lost its chick,

I wandered through the war-torn region,

Came from end to end,

She knocked down her legs: “Where is my son, who knows?”

But her son was not listed as killed,

And he was not listed as missing.

Feather grass whipped barefoot legs,

The winds staggered, smelling of gunpowder.

Neither the battalion commander helped her, nor the military commissar.

A black shadow from dawn to dusk.

She walked through the posts and into every house

Mother knocked: has anyone met the soldier?

One shabby photo

I showed everyone: here he is, my son.

Maybe where you are in captivity,

Maybe someone saw it but doesn’t want to tell?

Where did he have to put his head?

I kept waiting and searching, but I couldn’t find it.

The son was not found. And the mother is tired of living,

She had no strength left to live.

Suddenly the greedy war returned his son,

And mourning sounds meet him:

It was your mother who died, she

I couldn’t bear to be separated from you.

"Mom mom! howled above the poplars.

Why don’t you meet me at the porch?”

Let's remember the mothers who didn't wait

And sons who left home forever

Sketch for May 9th holiday for elementary school

Every year, on the eve of Victory Day, primary school teachers and parents unite to help children stage an unusual skit for the May 9 holiday. The easiest way is to organize mass productions where all students become actors. This could be a beautifully “played out” song, a poem about the war, or congratulations to veterans in prose.

Examples of musical skits for elementary school for the holiday of May 9 - Number about great-grandfather

This sketch is a wonderful musical number about “a great-grandfather who went through the war.” The whole class can participate. Girls and boys of an elementary school, dressed in full dress uniform, sing the song “Great-Grandfather.” The guys can march, show the voiced text of a piece of music with their movements, and dance. Such a musical and dance number about a great-grandfather always goes down with a bang from the assembled spectators.


I'm new to the world
And I know history from books,
But about the big war
I hear real stories.

There is one person in the world
He always tells me the truth
And there remains light in the soul,
My great-grandfather remains with me.

Great-grandfather, great-grandfather - he went through the whole war
From the Volga to Berlin itself.
Great-grandfather, great-grandfather - he defended the country,
He protected his wife and son.

And so that I can be born into this world.

He went to war so early.
He was like me during the war years.
I had a chance to be in captivity
And go through fire and water.

He became the defender of the Motherland,
Even though I was still just a boy,
And won the Victory
And with Victory he went home.

I am very proud of my great-grandfather!
His example helps me in life.
But you can’t get sadness out of your heart,
His road became difficult.

I still have a long way to go.
And I need to choose my path.
And I want to go through it,
How my great-grandfather went through life.


Great-grandfather, great-grandfather - he risked his life,
So that the birds sing in the sky again,
And the sky became blue, and the laughter did not fade away,
And so that I can be born into this world.
And so that I can be born into this world.

On the eve of Victory Day, skits for May 9 performed by schoolchildren, primary school or kindergarten children will be a real gift not only for veterans of the Great Patriotic War, but also for all those who are not indifferent to the fate of a peaceful world. Short theatrical performances shown on school stages and in cultural centers will convey the atmosphere of the war years and help children learn more information about the years 1941-1945.

Program dedicated to Victory Day

(before the start, songs of the war years are played in the hall)

Fanfare sounds, then music, readers and presenters appear on stage, their words sound against the background of music

Again war, again blockade...

Or maybe we should forget about them?

Sometimes I hear: “No need”

There is no need to reopen wounds.

It's true that you're tired

We are from stories of war

And we read about the blockade

There are quite enough poems.

And it may seem right

And the words are convincing.

But even if it's true

This truth is not right.

So that the planet is peaceful again

That war did not happen again.

We need our children

They remembered this, just like us.

I have no reason to worry

So that that war is not forgotten.

After all, this memory is our conscience.

We need her as strength.

Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear friends!

Presenter 2: We have gathered today in this hall on the eve of a great holiday - Victory Day over Nazi Germany.

Presenter 1: The Second World War is the bloodiest war in human history. 61 states, 80% of the planet's population, were drawn into the war's orbit; military operations were carried out on the territory of 40 states, as well as in sea and ocean spaces. There were 110 million people under arms in the armed forces of all countries.

Presenter 2: The peoples of the world paid a huge price for the victory over fascism. The total losses of the population of all countries of the planet amounted to 50 million people, of which 27 million people were losses in the war of the Soviet people.

Presenter 1: Many years have passed since the war ended. Time has leveled the trenches, ears of grain are growing on the fields of past battles, cities and villages destroyed by the Nazis have been rebuilt. Traces of the war are disappearing from the face of the Earth, but its echo still does not subside in people's souls.

Presenter 2: We do not have the right to forget the horrors of this war, so that it does not happen again! We have no right to forget those soldiers who died so that we could live now.

Presenter 1: We must remember everything. To forget the past means to betray the memory of the people who died for the happiness of the Motherland.

Presenter 2: So let's turn over some pages of the Great Patriotic War and remember how it was...

Sounds recorded on a soundtrack

June...the sunset was approaching evening.

And the sea overflowed into the white night.

And the sonorous laughter of the guys was heard,

Those who do not know, those who do not know grief.

That night was full of June charm,

She spared no light for them.

The upcoming matriculation certificate

This summer illuminated them...

The melody of a waltz begins to sound, a choreographic sketch begins - the graduates perform a waltz. At the end of the sketch the text of the phonogram is heard.

Early sunny morning in June,

At the hour when the country awakened,

Sounded for the first time for young people

This is a terrible word “war”.

The waltz music stops, the dancers freeze on stage, the phonogram of Levitan’s message about the beginning of the war sounds, after which the song “Holy War” sounds, in the background of which the text of the next phonogram appears

To reach you, forty-fifth,

Through hardship, pain and misfortune,

The boys left their childhood

In the distant forty-first year. The soundtrack of the “Holy War” sounds loudly, the dancers leave the stage, the presenters and readers come out

Presenter 1: Terrible forty-first. How he changed people's destinies. Dreams, love, happiness - everything was scorched by the fire of a cruel, bloody war. The serene life gave way to military everyday life.

Presenter 2: The war stained childhood with blood and tears, shortened the lives of many boys and girls, and destroyed the bright dreams of seventeen-year-olds who went straight from the ball to the front.

Presenter 1: They wanted to return home, to their native streets, to their cities and villages. They really wanted to... but they rushed into the embrasures of enemy machine guns, died under bullets, and suffered martyrdom behind enemy lines.

Presenter 2: They fought and went to their death for their country, for their ideals.

The boys left with greatcoats on their shoulders,

The boys left and bravely sang songs.

The boys retreated through the dusty steppes,

Boys died, where they themselves did not know.

The boys ended up in terrible barracks,

Fierce dogs were chasing the boys,

They killed boys for running away on the spot...

The boys did not sell their conscience and honor.

The unharvested rye sways, the soldiers walk along it.

Girls walking along it look like boys.

No, it’s not the houses that are burning, it’s youth that is burning in the fire.

Girls who look like boys are walking through the war.

The presenters and readers leave, the song “Goodbye boys” is performed

Presenter 1: Before the war, these were the most ordinary boys and girls. We studied and helped our elders. Only their relatives, classmates and friends knew them. But the hour came - and they showed how huge a young heart can become when a sacred love for the Motherland and hatred for its enemies flares up in it.

The song “Remember Guys” sounds quietly, against which the following text by the presenters follows.

Presenter 2: Boys and girls. The weight of adversity, disaster, and grief of the war years fell on their fragile shoulders. And they did not bend under this weight, they became stronger in spirit, more courageous, more resilient.

Presenter 1: Young heroes of the great war, they fought alongside their elders - fathers, brothers. They fought everywhere: in the sky, at sea, in partisan detachments, on the front line and in the rear. And the young hearts did not waver for a moment.

Presenter 2: Their matured youth was filled with such trials that even a very talented writer would have come up with them, it would have been difficult to believe. But it was! It was in the fate of ordinary boys and girls.

Presenter 1: Today we must learn from them selfless devotion and love for our Motherland, courage, dignity, courage and perseverance.

Presenter 2: There is a peaceful sky above us. In the name of this, millions of sons and daughters of our Motherland gave their lives. And among them are those who were the same age as we are today.

Young beardless heroes,

You remain young forever.

In front of your suddenly revived formation

We stand without raising our eyelids.

Pain and anger are the reason for this now.

Eternal gratitude to you all,

Little tough men

Girls worthy of poems.

Try to list how many of you there are.

You won't count. But anyway

You are with us today, in our thoughts,

In the heart, in a song knocking on the window.

The song “Remember, guys” sounds loud

Presenter 1: The Great Patriotic War was a difficult test for the entire country, including Kazakhstan. Kazakhstanis made a great contribution to the victory over the enemy.

Presenter 2: From Kazakhstan, 1 million 196 thousand 164 people were called up and mobilized to the front. And every fourth of them fell on the battlefield.

Presenter 1: More than 20 rifle divisions were formed in Kazakhstan, which included fighters of more than 30 nationalities.

Presenter 2: Military units formed in Kazakhstan took part in the decisive battles of 1941-1945.

Presenter 1: In the battles near Moscow, the 316th Guards Division under the command of General Panfilov became famous.

Presenter 2: 28 Panfilov men died a brave death in an unequal battle with the enemy, defending the approaches to Moscow.

When the fate of Moscow and all of Russia

Came to the Volkolamskoe highway.

Receiving a terrible baptism there,

Bloody battles took place

Guards Division, Eighth

What was collected by Kazakhstan.

On that highway, on that narrow road

Shoulder to shoulder, like a monument through the ages

Kazakhs and Russians stood for Moscow

A Russian and a Kazakh fought to the death.

The gun muzzles looked gloomy.

Was inspired by the exploits of soldiers

The bubbling songs of Dzhambul

And surrounded by bunches of pomegranates

We are twenty-eight. And Moscow is behind us.

Fields, snow... Russia is great!

But you can't retreat from your enemies.

Not an inch. And not even half an inch.

Let only five steps be under a tank with a grenade,

Let it be five steps, but five steps forward.

And here at an unknown stop,

Not in a fairy tale legend, in reality

They blew up tanks with their hearts

For the heart of humanity - in battle!

Presenter 1: Kazakhstanis have shown themselves to be brave defenders of their Motherland. With their courage and perseverance they brought us closer. The exploits of the fearless sons of Kazakhstan on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War became the national pride of the Kazakh people.

Presenter 2: 512 Kazakhstanis became Heroes of the Soviet Union. Among them is our fellow countryman Sultan Baimagambetov, who, during the defense of Leningrad, covered an enemy bunker with his chest to save his comrades.

Presenter 1: Among them: Manshuk Mametova and Aliya Moldagulova.

There is a testing time for the horseman.

There is a testing time for the people.

Oh, how long has the war been?

It brought grief and suffering to everyone.

So that the Motherland can breathe freely,

The men shed a lot of blood.

But on any fronts then with the enemy

And young Kazakh women fought.

Presenter 1: Manshuk Mametova was born in the village of Urda, Ural region. In 1942, a twenty-year-old student at the Almaty Medical Institute volunteered to go to the front.

“My place is where there are battles with the enemy, I want to defend my people with my own hands,” she believed.

Presenter 2: Manshuk became a machine gunner, and on the autumn morning of October 15, 1943, near Nevel, during a difficult battle, defending a height, she died.

Presenter 1: For the exemplary performance of a combat mission and the courage and heroism shown, Manshuk Mametova was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, and she herself was buried in the city of Nevel.

Near Nevel in the calm skies

Today there is only sun or songs.

I stayed in this city of Manshuk,

Remained forever in a place of honor.

I love your features, your profile is thin.

You gave your life to the righteous struggle.

And descendants will forever honor

And your feat, and the memory of you.

Should we forget the time of difficult trials -

All traces of him have not yet been erased...

By your destiny, brave Kazakh woman,

All the steppe people in my land are proud.

It seems to them: a country now peaceful,

Among my aging friends

And you pass, our heroine,

You pass by, eternally young Manshuk.

Presenter 1: Aliya Moldagulova was born in the village of Taldysay, Kobdinsky district, Aktobe region. When the war began, Aliya was 15 years old.

Presenter 2: Small, fragile, seemingly just a teenager, Aliya graduated from sniper school and fought in a rifle division on the outskirts of Leningrad.

Presenter 1: On January 15, 1944, Aliya Moldagulova heroically died in hand-to-hand combat during a fierce battle.

Yes, heroines of Kazakh lands

They knew how to send to heroic deeds in difficult times.

There was a sniper Aliya at the front,

Shot at the target without missing a beat.

Black curl, padded jacket wide open

Army belt stripe.

Skinny Kazakh girl

From history everything looks at me...

No one can sum it up exactly

How badly we owe you.

Thank you Aliya, thank you daughter,

From all of us who live without war.

The song “Aliya” is performed

Presenter 1: Kazakhstanis also fought in the rear: some made shells and weapons, others mined coal, collected warm clothes for soldiers, raised livestock and grain. And all for the sake of victory over the enemy.

Presenter 2: During the war years, 460 plants and factories were built in Kazakhstan, where workers assembled the mines, shells, and radio equipment necessary for the front. Every ninth bullet out of ten was cast in Kazakhstan.

Presenter 1: The Republic received hundreds of thousands of evacuated residents of the country. For many of them, Kazakhstan has become a second home.

Presenter 2: Our entire country, the army and the rear have turned into a single battle camp. And the people overcame the war. On the night of April 30 to May 1, the Victory Banner glowed red over the Reichstag dome. And on May 8, the act of unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany was signed.

Presenter 1: The act of surrender was signed and came into force. The war ended, and the whole world breathed a sigh of relief: Victory!

All over the country from edge to edge

There is no city like this, no village,

Wherever Victory may come

Happy ninth!

The song “Victory Day” is performed

Presenter 2: Victory Day is a joyful and bitter holiday. Behind this holiday is a terrible time of war. The war, which became the most difficult, tragic test for our Motherland. A war that lasted 4 terrible years, 1418 days and nights.

Presenter 1: 4 years of war. 1418 days of unprecedented national feat. 1418 days of devastation, blood and death, pain and bitterness of loss, the death of the best sons and daughters.

Presenter 2: The war brought our country a lot of grief, troubles, and misfortunes. It devastated tens of thousands of cities and villages, depriving about 25 million people of their homes.

Presenter 1: Many soldiers did not return from the battlefields, and remained standing in bronze and granite. They were forever frozen in monuments and obelisks in their final rush to the enemy’s position.

Presenter 2: The war deprived hundreds of thousands of children of their fathers and mothers, grandfathers, and older brothers. It claimed more than 27 million human lives.

Presenter 1: More than 27 million in 1418 days - that’s 14 thousand killed daily, 600 people per hour,

1 person per minute. Every sixth resident of our country died during the war.

If a minute of silence is declared for each of them, the country will remain silent for 38 years. That's what 27 million is.

Presenter 2: Fascism has brought countless victims to the peoples of the earth. Every European country has its own village and city of pain and tears. They blame fascism.

Presenter 1: Fascism is blamed on the gas chambers of concentration death camps. The prisoners of Buchenwald, Dachau, Auschwitz, the dead of Babyn Yar, and the residents of the Belarusian village of Khatyn who were burned alive are crying out for retribution.

Everything is remembered, nothing is forgotten,

Everything is remembered, no one is forgotten

Day and night in a granite bowl

The holy flame burns reverently.

The flame burns day and night

And illuminates the globe,

Our memory does not subside

About those who were killed by the war.

Tens of years have passed between us,

The war is history.

We are in the heart with eternal words

We write the names of the dead.

The memory of generations is inextinguishable

And the memory of those whom we honor so sacredly,

Come on people, let's stand for a moment.

And in sorrow we will stand and be silent.

Presenter 1: Stand up! And let your silence be the most formidable protest against the war!

Presenter 1: Stand up! Perhaps then at least one less drop of blood will be shed in the world!

The metronome sounds, there is a minute of silence

Presenter 1: Among us in this hall are people whose youth coincided with a time of great, national trial. People who bore the hardships of a terrible war on their shoulders have traveled a long journey in life with joys and successes, losses and hardships.

Presenter 2: Among us there are people for whom the events of the war will forever remain alive and close. It was they who went through fire and smoke, froze in trenches, swam across rivers to defend the land on which you and I live.

Our guests today are veterans -

Fit, solemn, slender.

They defended their lives and ours

Four years of that terrible war.

Presenter 1: In the hall there are not only participants in military battles, but also those whose work history began during the war years. Those who, working on the labor front, brought Victory Day closer!

The war ended in victory, those years are behind us,

Many people have medals and orders on their chests.

Who wears the military order for exploits in battle,

And who is for the feat of labor in his native land.

Presenter 1: Fewer and fewer of those who fought for our Motherland remain alive. The presence of honored guests at the holiday - veterans of the Great Patriotic War and home front veterans - is all the more precious for us.

63rd anniversary of the Great Victory. These May days, we again remember those who are not with us, and congratulate those who have reached this bright day.

The music “Victory Day” is played, with text in the background

The war ended a long time ago, the soldiers returned from the war a long time ago.

And on their chests their orders burn like memorable dates.

On the same day and time you rush to meet your friends.

But every year there are fewer of you, and you will forgive us for that.

To all of you who endured that war - in the rear or on the battlefields,

Brought a victorious spring, bow and memory of generations!

To you, veterans of fierce battles, whose youth is seasoned in battle.

We bring love and respect, and our bright gratitude!

Presenter 1:

Today all the flowers are for you, all the smiles are for you, all the warmth of the May sun is for you!

To you - who defended, who did not bend, who overcame death!

Presenter 2: Thank you, veterans, for being able to come to us and helping our young hearts touch the great feat of the people. We owe our lives to you. Our deepest bow to you, our gratitude and our flowers.

Music plays loudly, flowers are presented to veterans

Presenter 1:

The war has died down, the earth has healed its wounds,

Only traces of trenches are visible here and there, like scars.

Those who grew up in battles are already veterans today.

And in the soldiers’ ranks their sons take their places.

Presenter 2: On the eve of Victory Day - May 7 - our Republic celebrates. This day is a day of respect for all generations of heroic warriors. And since from time immemorial men have been the protectors, this is truly a “men’s day.”

Presenter 1: We congratulate the stronger half of our college on this holiday! We wish you boundless happiness, heroic health, eternal love, and we give you this concert number.

Concert number - dance

Presenter 1: And now we invite to the stage representatives of the military-patriotic Club “Sarmat”, which has been operating in our college since February 2006.

Presenter 2: The boys and girls who are part of the Club are engaged in shooting, parachute training, and scuba diver training. They learn to survive in extreme conditions.

Presenter 1: The team of the military sports club of our college has repeatedly won military sports relay races held in the city.

A march sounds, representatives of the military-patriotic Club come out

The last explosion has long since fallen asleep,

But grief for loved ones remains.

At our dear obelisks

We are on guard!

1st: We, the young generation of the country, the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of those who defended the freedom and independence of our Motherland in harsh years, will always remember the heroic exploits of the people during the Great Patriotic War.

2nd: The names of the heroes who gave their lives for our future will forever remain in our hearts.

3rd: We will never forget those who, without sparing their lives, won freedom and happiness for future generations.

4th: We promise to be worthy of our great Motherland, our heroic people.

The soloist comes out, the song “For that guy” sounds

5th: To us, the generation of the beginning of the 21st century, the future of the planet is dear.

6th: Our task is to preserve peace, strengthen solidarity so that the people of the earth meet not on the battlefield, but on the roads of peace and brotherhood.

Club representatives leave the stage

Speaker 1: They say that time heals wounds. However, there are wounds that bleed in the people's memory. And we must never forget the evil caused by fascism.

Presenter 2: The war ended a long time ago, but the memory of those whose destinies and lives were crossed out by the war, of fathers and grandfathers who did not return.

Presenter 1: We are the generation in whose name millions of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers gave their lives!

Presenter 2: We, the future defenders of the Fatherland, must remember the price of the Great Victory!

Presenter 1: And may the eternal flame always burn at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Presenter 2: Let May 9 forever remain the biggest and brightest holiday, which no one, not even time, is allowed to cancel.

The melody “Victory Day” sounds, the audience applauds the veterans

In contact with

Short sketches for May 9 will pleasantly diversify the program of festive events held in kindergartens, schools and houses of culture on the occasion of Victory Day. Plots for productions must be selected taking into account the age of the intended participants. For preschoolers, simple and optimistic topics are suitable that do not require memorizing a large amount of text. High school students and students will undoubtedly enjoy options with a lyrical component, illustrating the personal relationship between a soldier fighting at the front and a girl waiting for his return. Adults will be pleased to see productions with deep meaning, containing a dramatic component and calling never to forget the great feat of Russian soldiers who liberated their homeland from treacherous invaders.

Simple thematic scenes for May 9 in kindergarten with songs and dances

Teachers prepare the program for the matinee in honor of May 9 in kindergarten in advance and always include simple thematic scenes with dances and songs. In this way, children are introduced in an unobtrusive, accessible form to the glorious history of the state and are taught to always honor and remember the selfless feat of veterans who repulsed the enemy during the Great Patriotic War.

Examples of sketches for May 9 for preschoolers - video

A very successful version of a skit in honor of Victory Day in a kindergarten is a costume illustration of one of the most famous and significant military songs - the legendary “Katyusha”. All children of a group or even several groups participate in the performance if the holiday is held for all children attending a preschool institution. The work is performed by a choir of children and teachers, and the accompanist is a music teacher or the grandfather of one of the students who knows how to play the accordion. The first verse is sung by everyone together, and during the second, the main soloist comes into the center of the hall - a boy with a good strong voice, dressed in a military uniform from the Second World War. He stands next to the accompanist and sings each next verse, as if symbolizing the connection between generations of veterans and modern youth.

The scene called “By the Fire” looks no less touching and beautiful. It involves one teacher and four kids (two boys and two girls). In the center of the hall, they set up an improvised imitation of a campfire, made with their own hands from several wooden sticks and red fabric representing the flame. Five stumps (low chairs decorated with paper painted to match the color of the tree) are placed around the fire. The participants take their seats and the teacher takes the floor. She reads aloud a poem about the war, dedicated to a mother saving her son from bullets and bombings. The lines sound so heartfelt that everyone present brings tears to their eyes. One of the boys speaks second and in a bravura manner recites the rhymed appeal of a soldier from the past to all modern people with a request to sincerely and selflessly take care of their beautiful Motherland and protect it from the encroachments of any enemies. The third girl speaks and recites a poem praising the unprecedented feat of veterans. The speech ends with a promise to always remember what the current generation owes to the elderly who gave their lives and health for a peaceful sky and well-being for their children and grandchildren.

The costume medley scene plays out the events described in two military songs - “In the Dugout” and “On a Nameless Height” - and looks bright, original and unusual. All children of the group participate in the production. Most of them serve as a choir and extras, and 5-7 guys play the main roles. The performance takes place in a hall where there is a small stage and a curtain. The extras are divided into two parts and seated directly on the floor on one side and the other of the stage. A musical introduction sounds and the children sing the song “In the Dugout.” The curtain opens and the audience sees boys in military uniform. Some of them are sitting around the fire, some are writing letters to their relatives, others are drinking tea and cleaning their weapons. After the first verse and chorus, the curtain is closed and the song “At a Nameless Height” is played. When the curtain is opened again, the audience sees a battle scene and watches as soldiers fire machine guns, lose comrades and advance on enemies in order to push them as far as possible from their native land.

Short, funny skits about soldiers on May 9th for children

Short and funny skits about soldiers will pleasantly dilute the solemn program of the matinee dedicated to Victory Day. Here you can take as a basis jokes on a military-army theme or funny stories about the army. Kids will have great pleasure in playing out playful, humorous stories in front of teachers and parents and trying on the roles of young recruits, experienced officers and respectable generals.

  • "Quirks of life in the army"- a very funny scene, kindly ridiculing some of the features of everyday life in the army. The meaning of the plot boils down to the fact that the general, who noticed the onset of autumn, demands that the soldiers change the color of the trees in the military unit, and specifically, untie the green leaves from the branches and tie the yellow ones. He appoints a captain to lead this event, while he leaves for more important matters. The captain, left alone with the soldiers, laughs at the senior in rank and tells his charges to simply go to the warehouse, take brushes and paints from the ensign, and then quickly repaint the green leaves yellow.
  • "Musicians"- another production that sweetly makes fun of army men and their special approaches to different life situations. To implement the idea, 10-15 extras and one boy are required, who will get the role of a strict ensign. Guys in military uniform line up on stage and salute the commander. He inspects the formation and asks the musicians to come forward. Three fighters answer the call and take a step forward. The ensign gives them an important task - to lift the newly purchased piano to the 7th floor of the general’s apartment.
  • "Potato"- a fun and funny skit for 10-15 participants and one main character - an ensign. Participants line up on the stage and wait for messages from the commander. The ensign informs them that it is time to go to the potato harvest and asks if anyone wants to attend this event. Three people break ranks and introduce themselves as volunteers. The ensign looks at them and says that these soldiers will go with him in a car, and everyone else will go to the field on foot.

Costume skits for May 9th for elementary school - video

In elementary schools, for the matinee on the occasion of May 9, longer and more serious thematic scenes are performed with musical accompaniment and inserts from military chronicles. One of these productions is presented in the video clip below. Six little actors take part in the performance - four boys and two girls. One of the guys plays the commander, the other three are soldiers, and the girls play the roles of nurses. To add realism, children are put on specific attributes of the military uniform of those years - caps, red armbands and overcoats.

The skit begins with characteristic music and excerpts from a chronicle, where the famous radio announcer of those years, Levitan, reports that on June 22, Nazi Germany treacherously attacked the Soviet Union. Then the song “Get up, huge country” sounds and the guys appear on stage to it. The detachment commander walks first, the soldiers follow in step, and two nurses bring up the rear. The procession makes a circle around the stage and stops to set up a field camp. Then the song “Katyusha” plays, all the children sit around an improvised fire, where a bowler hat hangs, and one of the boys goes on stage and dances to the music. On the third verse of the song, he is replaced by girls, and when the song ends, the sound of airplanes flying is heard. The children look anxiously at the sky and huddle together against the wall, as if hiding from a bombing. Machine gun fire is heard, symbolizing the ensuing battle. Two boys fall to the floor and nurses run to them to provide first aid. Two other guys shoot with plastic weapons at an imaginary enemy, hide from the bullets and try to protect their comrades from attack. At the end, Levitan's voice announces the end of the war and the complete defeat of the German army. The children smile, hug each other and leave the stage to the applause of the audience.

Lyrical skits for May 9 for schoolchildren and students on video

On the occasion of May 9, senior schoolchildren and students learn touching scenes with deep lyrical meaning. Beautiful and tender songs about war, love and the anxious anticipation of the return of the most dear person in the world from the front are chosen as musical accompaniment.

This video clip is based on the cult war song “Ogonyok”. The children act out the events described in it on stage. It all starts on the eve of prom, when a guy and a girl dance carefree at the school ball and don’t think about anything bad. Their idyll is interrupted by the alarming voice of a radio announcer, reporting on the attack of Nazi Germany on the Soviet Union. The young man immediately goes to the military registration and enlistment office, receives a uniform and weapons, and then says a touching goodbye to his beloved. The girl promises to wait for him faithfully and lights a light in the window as a sign of memory.

Then two parallel plots are played out on stage. In one, a girl sits at a table by the window, sad about her beloved and writes tender letters to him. In the second, a young man comes to his unit and meets new comrades. Together they while away the soldier's everyday life, support each other in difficult times and believe that the girls will definitely wait for them after the war. At the end of the song, all the guys go on stage, bow to the audience and receive well-deserved applause.

Interesting scenes for May 9 - how to spend Victory Day in a cultural center

When planning the program for celebrating Victory Day at the House of Culture, first of all, the age category of the participants is taken into account. If the celebration is intended for children, simple, funny scenes are chosen for the skits, reflecting the military life of those times or clearly illustrating famous war songs. Adult events include more complex productions telling about the hardships of war and the dramatic events that people had to endure on the front line and in the rear. Subjects include seeing off sons to war, waiting for relatives to return from the front, worries about receiving a funeral or news of loved ones going missing. Scenes of this kind are usually played in the first part of the performance, and the second is devoted to more optimistic scenes that inspire pride in the Russian soldier who managed, even at the cost of his own life, to stop the Nazi invaders who came to our native land.

“The Ninth Day of Big May”

They say that when a war is forgotten, it begins again... We remember. Every year on May 9, we honor the memory of those who died and honor veterans - sincerely, with all our hearts, and we teach our children the same. But for some reason the roar of battles does not subside, human blood does not stop shedding... So, we don’t really remember? Doesn't the Victory Day script become a part of your soul and life? We will try again and again to stir up our feelings and open our souls... For the sake of children, for the sake of a peaceful future, for the sake of life on Earth.

At the back of the stage is a monument to the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. The eternal flame burns. Quiet calm music sounds. Two boys, two brothers - one is 15 years old, the other is 7 years old - are walking with bouquets of flowers to the monument.

Voice-over: Dedicated to all those who fell in the battles of the Great Patriotic War. We dedicate this to all the veterans who won and gave us peace. We dedicate it to all children who have never seen war. To be remembered. To be understood.

The younger boy is a little behind. The elder calls out to him:

- Alyosha! Let's go!

The guys lay flowers by the eternal flame.

Older brother:
We are not here because of the date,
Like an evil fragment, the memory burns in the chest.
To the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Come on holidays and weekdays.
He protected you on the battlefield
He fell without taking a step back,
And this hero has a name -
The Great Army is a simple soldier. (M. Isakovsky)

The first bars of S. Rachmaninov's Concerto No. 2 sound.

Alyosha: What is this?

Brother: These are memory bells.

Alyosha: Are there really such things?

Brother: Yes, of course. Watch attentively!

The boys move a little to the side.
The lighting changes - it becomes dimmer, only the monument remains brightly lit. A separate circle of light on the proscenium is for memories.
A ball rolls onto the stage, followed by a boy of about 6 years old, dressed in the fashion of the post-war years - short pants with straps and a shirt. A young man comes to the front of the stage into a beam of light and watches the boy. He tosses the ball several times, then approaches the young man.

Boy: When the war started, I was 3 years old. I don't remember much. I remember how dad went to the front - he lifted me high, high, kissed me and put me on the floor... I never saw my dad again. In 1942 we received a funeral. But I still didn’t believe for a long time that dad was dead...
A young man reads R. Rozhdestvensky’s poem “Bazaar of 1945”

The light is removed from the proscenium, the boys go backstage. A folk dance song sounds quietly. A little girl runs onto the stage while dancing. A girl comes to the forefront. The girl, after making a few dance moves, joins the girl.

Girl: The first winter of the siege was very difficult. Dad died. One day, the leader of our dance group, Arkady Efimovich Obrant, came to our home. He decided to rebuild his team from those guys who remained in Leningrad. Not everyone was able to come to the first rehearsal: some were brought by arm, others were brought on a sheet of plywood - everyone was exhausted. “The concert is in 5 days,” said Arkady Efimovich. It was impossible to believe. And yet, after 5 days we came out to the audience for the first time. We danced in hospitals and on the front lines, where it was forbidden to make noise - we danced without music, and the fighters, our spectators, were forbidden to applaud. During the war, our ensemble gave more than 3,000 concerts.

A girl reads R. Rozhdestvensky’s poem “Concert”

The light highlights the figure of a young military nurse. She walks past the monument, places a bouquet of wildflowers in front of the eternal flame, and goes to the front of the stage.

Nurse: At 41, I was a first-year medical student. Everyone in our family is a doctor – mom, dad, grandma, great-grandfather... I passed almost all the exams with flying colors, except physics. And now there is war - what kind of physics is there? So I became the head nurse of the hospital. There was an extreme shortage of medical staff - there were only three nurses for the entire hospital, and almost all surgeons were sent to the front. The kindergarten teachers helped us in any way they could. Very soon I learned how to do everything - anesthesia, assisting during operations. We operated on lacerations, severed limbs, and concussions... At the end of the war, I almost died: a fragment from an exploding mine was supposed to hit me, but the Order of the Red Star on my chest prevented it...

Reads Yu. Drunina’s poem “Bandages”

The song “Blue Handkerchief” sounds quietly. A young fighter in a gymnast appears on the stage, takes off his cap, and stands at the monument for a few seconds.

Soldier: Lida and I got married at the beginning of 40. In the spring of 1941, we had a boy. Son! And two months later I went to the front. And he often talked mentally with his little son.

Reads I. Girlyanova’s poem “Letter from the War”

On stage the lights become bright as at the beginning. Memories fade.

Alyosha: Did our grandfather fight?

Brother: No. Our great-great-grandfather Alexei fought. He went to the front in the first days of the war, and 3 months later our grandfather, also Alexei, was born. But his father never found out about this; he died in battle...

Alyosha: I'll write him a letter! Let him know that he has grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and that I have the same name as him!

The brother reads V. Shulzhik’s poem “Letter to a Distant Friend.”

Several guys in modern clothes rise from the audience onto the stage. Stand in a semicircle.
First: We have never seen the terrible, twisted face of war.
Second: We do not know the smell of death and the taste of burning from scorched villages and hamlets.
Third: We cannot remember the roar of guns and our own hearts - it was not with us.
Fourth: But we really want to imagine and experience for ourselves what you had to endure.
Fifth: Because it is impossible to maintain peace without knowing what its price is.
Brother: We wrote letters to you. From your future to our past. And may this thread be stretched like a string and never break!

The guys read their letters to the front. They are written in advance - you need to give the children such a task. These could be letters to their relatives who fought in those years, or it could be a letter to an unknown soldier - the children's choice. Alyosha reads his letter first.

After the letters are read, the guys leave the stage, leaving only their brother and Alyosha.
Thank you for the sunshine
For the mushroom rain and for the dawn.
For the first step, for the first cry,
For everything I'm so used to.
Life is made of little things
Simple, naive, like a stream.
And how piercingly important
They are in the face of war!
You fought for birch sap,
For the bread in the oven and for the sip
Fresh milk, for the ball,
That gallops through childhood.
For a sticky sheet, for a dragonfly,
For our May thunderstorm.
For a brand new bike...
For a childhood that knows no troubles.
I don't know the war years
After the war, my grandfather was born.
But I remember everything! And every hour
I will live now for you!

The stage lights go out. The screen lights up. On it, accompanied by suitable music (it can be music related to Victory Day, or classics), a video sequence is shown - photographs of modern HAPPY children - this is the main requirement for photographs. The photo can be taken from the family archives of the children.

R. Rozhdestvensky “Bazaar of the 45th year”
Bazaar? Bazaar!
“Packaged saccharin!..”
“Healing terry!..”
What was missing from this bazaar?
if on Sunday
since morning…
“I’m selling a brand new overcoat!
If I wore it myself, it’s a pity!..”
“Lingonberry liqueur! –
A cure for adversity!..”
to whom
Ruddy shangi!..”
“But the miracle soap...”
“But the self-propelled crutch...”
“A bouncing ball is fun for the kids...”
"Felt boots!
Felt boots for any frost!..”

Sold curse words -
for fifty kopecks a couple -
dark-haired, hoarse, legless sailor...
“We have earflaps.
Three kilos of pile...
Come on, servants!
The price is nothing..."
- What about you, grandfather?..
- I have tricks...
– What other news?!
Like this?..
- And so...
He laid out a rug right on the cobblestones.
He extracted a cucumber from his own ear.
And in a muddy puddle
among watermelon rinds
a silver fry swam and splashed...
And the old man was pulling pigeons out of his bag,
then turned it into a log
into a rusty saw...
The old man tried!
Withered fingers flashed...
Who wants tricks?
I take it inexpensively...”
The audience came up.
The women laughed out loud...

And the boy -
as if struck by thunder, -
suddenly said:
- Grandfather,
Sell ​​it to me..
so that at the end of the trick...
The old man shrugged helplessly.
The jagged wall bloomed with victorious slogans...
People looked around.
People fell silent...

It's over.
It's over.
It's over

R. Rozhdestvensky “Concert in the hospital”
Forty difficult years.
Omsk hospital...
The corridors are dry and dirty.
The old nanny whispers:
What are the artists up to?

We walk in long chambers.
We almost disappear into them
with balalaikas,
with mandolins
and large stacks of books.
What's in the program?
The program includes reading,
a couple of songs
military, correct...
We are in the ward of the seriously wounded
We enter with awe and reverence.
Two are here.
Artillery Major
with an amputated leg,
in a crazy fight
near Yelnya
took the fire upon himself.
He looks at the aliens cheerfully...
And the other one -
bandaged up to the eyebrows, -
rammed the Messer
three weeks ago
over Rostov.
We entered.
We stand in silence.
All of a sudden
breaking falsetto
Abrikosov Grishka desperately
announces the start of the concert.
And behind him,
not quite perfect
but sang with all his might, listening
we sing about folk music,
about sacred
as we understand it.
In it Chapaev fights again,
red star tanks are rushing.
Ours walk in it
into attacks,
and the Nazis fall dead.
Someone else's iron melts in it,
in it, death must recede.
To be honest,
such a war!
We sing.
Only the pilot's voice
is heard.
And there is a reproach in it:
- Wait...
Wait, guys...
Major... -
Balalaika cried sadly.
as if delirious...

…That's all
about the concert in the hospital
that year.

Yu. Drunina. "Bandages"
The fighter's eyes are filled with tears,
He lies, tense and white,
And I need fused bandages
Rip it off with one bold movement.
One movement - that's what we were taught.
One movement - only this is a pity...
But having met the gaze of terrible eyes,
I didn’t dare to make this move.
I generously poured peroxide onto the bandage,
Trying to soak it without pain.
And the paramedic became angry
And she repeated: “Woe is me with you!
To stand on ceremony with everyone like that is a disaster.
And you’re only adding to his torment.”
But the wounded always aimed
Fall into my slow hands.

No need to tear the attached bandages,
When they can be removed almost without pain.
I understood it, you will understand it too...
What a pity that the science of kindness
You can't learn from books at school!

I beg you, -
think about the past.
I beg you, -
know about me.
I am a thread, a small stitch
on your living canvas.
Don't fall for granite slabs
and don’t shed tears in vain.
We are common
twisted by fate
on our bony land.
Please think about it
when you're standing on the threshold.
You are a twig
You are a relay race.
You can do a lot, baby.
And I'm on some road
in this war.
think about many.
And know something about me.

V. Shulzhik “Letter to a distant friend”
In the forest, where there is a hubbub of birds,
Alone, like a woodsman,
A forester lives in a hut
Named Forester.

He has a dog
Named Dog
Great dog
Try touching her...

He has a rifle
Named Rifle,
Wagon cart
And the good old horse.

Bird noise above the roof
And the rustling of branches.
And in the house there is a forester
Sad without sons.

They left sometime
To the front, and not somewhere else,
They became soldiers
And they are gone for many days.

And all the trees know
Tall trees,
Beautiful trees
And there are clouds in the sky:

One died in the village
Named Village,
Another died near the river
Named River.

In winter and hot summer,
Fridays and Wednesdays
The postman brings the mail
To taiga housing.

There are letters from workers
From warriors and others.
And among these others
One letter is mine.

About how we recently
We celebrated a housewarming party.
About our collective farm and school,
About the river that is in the distance.

My letter about our
The most ordinary land
which once
The soldiers saved.

I haven't seen the war myself
Yes, I haven't seen her.
But the memory of heroes
I cherish it in my heart.

Guys. I ask you
You also write
At the following address:
"Russia, Lesnik."

Scriptwriter: Yulia Belousova