Is it possible to lose weight after 60 years. Weekly menu for weight loss


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Chasing the cherished “90 - 60 - 90”, many young women easily go on any diet and disappear into the gym, but with age, when it’s already well “over 30”, and you need to lose weight in order to feel better, you often give up.
At the age of 20, everyone, as a rule, has a good metabolism, so losing 5 - 10 kg in a couple of months is quite easy, even without dieting. To do this, it is enough to adhere to the principles of a healthy diet, actively engage in fitness and arrange fasting days 1 - 2 times a week.
Losing excess weight after 60 years is more difficult - metabolic processes in the body slow down, vitality decreases, and health deteriorates. Fashionable diets are contraindicated at this age! But you need to lose weight for the sake of active, joyful longevity or, for example, to impress your neighbor’s grandfather with your slender figure - a great incentive for a real woman!
Avoid red meat and rich meat broths (they provoke joint diseases), giving preference to sea fish and vegetable soups.
Boycott table salt! It retains fluid, which causes swelling, high blood pressure, poor health and excess weight; in addition, salty foods literally wash calcium out of the bones. Replace table salt with sea salt and season ready-made dishes with it. Reduce your consumption of homemade pickles to a minimum.
COMPLETELY EXCLUDE: smoked meats, sausages and processed foods. In addition to salt, they are stuffed with a variety of harmful “chemicals” and hidden fats, provoking atherosclerosis.
The basis of your diet should be natural products - vegetables (raw or boiled), whole grain cereals, unrefined vegetable oils (no more than 30 grams per day) and, of course, calcium-rich greens and dairy products, they will strengthen bones and help improve metabolism fat
Sugar can be consumed no more than 30 g per day (4 tsp). Cakes, pastries, and other unhealthy sweet foods are excluded! Do you want something sweet? Allow yourself marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade, fruit jellies - they contain substances that strengthen bones and lower cholesterol levels.
Leisurely walks in the fresh air, 1.5 - 2 km, for 30 minutes, in the morning or before bed - the most suitable fitness for a grandmother. But the distance and walking speed should be gradually increased to 5 km per hour. While walking, you can learn poetry or sing. This will help activate metabolism, strengthen the heart, blood vessels and, very importantly, lift your mood.
Health to you, our grandmothers!

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Be that as it may, by the age of 60, metabolic processes and redox reactions slow down, food substances are less absorbed in the body and are less intensively broken down into final metabolic products. However, the aging process and associated deviations from the norm can be significantly slowed down. And an important factor in this is proper nutrition after 60 years, revising your diet in accordance with the capabilities and needs of the body that are characteristic of a person at a fairly advanced age.

The first step is to take care of reducing the energy value of the diet, otherwise the person will begin to gain weight. This is due to the fact that older people move less, which leads to a decrease in their energy expenditure. And excess body weight is one of the risk factors for a number of diseases, including diabetes, atherosclerosis, obesity, and joint disease. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the consumption of various confectionery products. Reduce sugar consumption - there should not be more than 3-4 teaspoons in your daily diet. You can replace it with 60 grams of honey, but on the condition that on this day the person will not consume sugar, cakes, pastries or sweets at all.

It is also necessary to reduce the consumption of baked goods made from fine flour, as well as pasta and noodles. At the same time, a few pieces of day-old rye bread or bran bread will be quite appropriate and healthy.

Proper nutrition after 60 years: restrictions and preferences

In general, as you age, you should try to eat less, because an overfilled stomach puts pressure on the diaphragm, limits and complicates its mobility, and this interferes with free breathing. It can even cause heart pain. At the same time, you need to ensure that the menu is varied.

It is very important during this period to review your proper nutritional diet for the month. It is not at all necessary to completely give up meat in old age, you just need to eat less of it, one meat dish a day is enough. And several days a week you can do without meat products altogether; this will be beneficial for an elderly person. It is worth paying attention to the method of cooking meat, as well as fish. It is advisable not to fry them, but to boil them. And in order for the food to be attractive and arouse appetite, boiled fish and meat can be fried until golden brown, but not in animal fat, but in vegetable fat.

As you age, you need to be very careful with salt consumption - literally a few grams of salt daily is enough to add salt to dishes. Excess sodium salts retain water in the body tissues, which leads to weight gain, causes swelling and causes an increase in blood pressure.

It must be remembered that putrefactive bacteria begin to predominate in the intestines of an elderly person, which disrupt the synthesis of certain vitamins in the body, and also impair the neutralizing function of microflora and reduce the excretion of cholesterol. In order to normalize the intestinal microflora, it is necessary to consume vegetable and dairy foods, such as cereals, vegetables, fruits, lactic acid products, including cottage cheese and low-fat cheeses.

To counteract sclerosis, it is useful to include and consume seafood, such as squid and seaweed, in your healthy diet for a month. To replenish the body with minerals, vitamins and cell membranes, without which normal digestion is impossible, the daily diet of older people must include raw vegetables, fruits and dried fruits. And, of course, it is very appropriate to include onions and garlic in the daily menu, which contain substances that inhibit the development of tumors.

The dream of a beautiful and slender figure for the fair sex can become a reality if you follow certain rules and recommendations that will help you get rid of unnecessary pounds without harm to your health. It’s never too late to take care of your body and decide what diet after 60 will help a woman get it back to normal. Proper nutrition will help maintain femininity and attractiveness, regardless of age.

Changes in a woman's body in old age

As a woman approaches old age, her body undergoes a number of changes. It becomes impossible to stop the aging process, the intensity of which is directly related to lifestyle: the absence of bad habits, physical activity, proper care of the skin of the face and body. The fundamental point is daily mood, the number of stressful and depressive states.

A woman’s body after 60 years undergoes the following changes::

  • Cleansing the body occurs slowly, the process of digestion and metabolism is disrupted.
  • The risk of chronic pathology of the digestive tract increases.
  • Body weight increases due to accumulated fat deposits, which are quite difficult to eliminate.
  • A radical change in lifestyle leads to less activity, and as a result, a woman’s body is exposed to a variety of diseases.
  • Visceral fat accumulates.
  • The network of connective tissues becomes less strong.
  • The activity of processes occurring in the body decreases.
  • Hormonal imbalances affect the general condition of the body.
  • Losing excess weight is not as easy as in your younger years.

Basic principles of proper nutrition

After 60 years, an important period in life begins when every woman can pay attention to both her health and appearance. Choosing the best healthy eating option requires certain knowledge and capabilities.

To prepare the desired dish, it is necessary to take into account the needs of the body, but such a process takes a lot of time. You may love to snack on something tasty, but excluding certain foods from your diet or replacing them is the basis of a diet after a woman’s 60s:

  • Limit the consumption of confectionery products and exclude carbonated and sweet drinks from the diet.
  • It is recommended to avoid flour products: bread, pasta.
  • Replace fatty and fried meats with fish and seafood. Stewed vegetables, salads from fresh vegetables or fruits are perfect as a side dish.
  • Fermented milk products, protein and curd mass help strengthen bones.
  • Fiber helps improve the digestion process, so it is advisable to include grains, nuts and dried fruits in your diet.
  • The human body is constantly experiencing a lack of vitamins and nutrients, so you should consume fruits and vegetables in large quantities.
  • The principle of fractional nutrition will help to easily digest food.
  • At the age of 60, you should control the calorie content of your meals and reduce portions.

It is highly not recommended to bring the body to the feeling of hunger. Any such diet can harm a woman’s health and lead to negative consequences.

Types of dietary food for women

Diets should be chosen with extreme caution, as many are focused on burning calories and fat in a short period of time. As a result, the female body undergoes loss of water in large quantities and the breakdown of proteins in tissues.

Approximate weekly meals for women over 60 years of age:

Attempts to improve your health may result in the development of serious diseases. Therefore, when choosing a diet, special attention should be paid to women after 60 years of age to consume the following foods:

  • Fruits, berries, fresh vegetables, nuts and dried fruits.
  • Green tea with lemon or lime juice, replace coffee with natural juice and compote.
  • During snacks, instead of sandwiches, prepare a light and healthy salad.
  • Dinner should consist of foods containing protein.
  • The daily norm is about 2000 kilocalories.
  • Consume enough vegetable fats.
  • You should remember the required amount of water consumed per day - about 2 liters.

The basis for the normalization of most processes in the body is movement. A morning jog, a set of exercises and yoga classes will help you forget about stress, speed up the metabolic process and activate metabolic processes.

Approximate daily menu

BreakfastDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
Cucumber and tomato salad dressed with olive oilVegetable stewCarrot saladCurd mass, cheese
Boiled eggsGreek saladFruit salad topped with low-fat yogurtA portion of steamed chicken or cod, broccoli
Low-fat curd mass, sour cream, natural yogurtOven-baked chicken breast or grilled salmonGreen apple, orangeA serving of low-fat yogurt
Green appleBoiled rice with a portion of fishNutsApple, grapefruit
BreadCitrus fruitDried fruitsCarrot salad
Green tea, lemon juice, coffee with milk, rosehip infusionOrange juice, natural compoteMineral water, black tea with lemonGlass of clean water, herbal tea

There must be a break between meals, during which you should drink a glass of clean, non-carbonated water to improve digestion.

Exercise to help you lose weight

An active lifestyle is an integral part of the weight loss process for any age. Exposing the human body to stress in old age requires extreme caution. Not all women aged 60 agree to visit the gym or do fitness, so it is necessary to consult with a specialist in advance before taking serious measures to lose excess weight.

To maintain control of every step taken, many nutritionists recommend choosing to walk with a pedometer. The load has its own norms and established limits, which you should ask specialists about and discuss in advance how many steps you need to take per day.

In the summer, a walk or light jog in the park is perfect. A running warm-up helps burn excess calories that you managed to accumulate during the previous day. The main thing is to competently learn to combine dietary nutrition with such stress.

Yoga or morning exercises will only benefit a woman’s body during the period of weight loss. With a gentle diet, you should definitely remember that a positive mood in all endeavors is the key to a positive result. The internal state of a person largely influences the state of his health, and the physical mood helps to increase tone and activate most processes occurring in the body.

No matter how much we talk about a competent approach to getting rid of fat deposits, you can achieve the maximum effect if you have motivation and follow the following recommendations:

  • Completely review the food items included in the daily menu.
  • The process of losing weight should be slow.
  • To train the heart, maintain vision and memory, regular walks in the fresh air are necessary.
  • Stick to a low-calorie diet, excluding the consumption of flour products, sweets and fatty foods.
  • Due to the fact that many older people find it psychologically difficult to tolerate the process of losing weight, you should be careful about fasting days.
  • Drink your daily amount of water every day and consume the required amount of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  • It is highly recommended to consult a nutritionist before following a diet menu.

Let's start with the fact that it is possible for a woman to lose weight after 60 years! Do you know what constitutes a healthy diet for women in old age? If not, read this article about meal plans for women in this age group.

The age after 60 is the time when many people begin to seriously think about their health problems. Even those who have never thought twice about eating something in their lives are suddenly starting to count the calories in their food as they approach the 60-year mark.

Women in particular need to be more careful about what they eat and the lifestyle they lead after age 60. They become susceptible to various diseases such as arthritis and fibromyalgia, which are a consequence of brittle bones and loss of muscle mass.

Sometimes a woman over 60 needs to lose weight for medical reasons, because... increased likelihood of developing lifestyle diseases such as hypertension and diabetes.

In addition, women have to contend with several other health problems that can arise from a lack of female hormones after menopause. A healthy diet can help women prevent most of the problems that can develop as a result of aging.

Older people generally need more protein, calcium and other nutrients. The nutritional needs of older adults are often the same as those of children. You need adequate amounts of starchy carbohydrates, proteins, fats, etc. in order for your body to function properly.

Eating everything in moderation is the key to staying healthy at this age. Don't try any fad or low-carb diet to lose weight. Remember that weight loss at this age may come from muscle rather than fat. Therefore, it is better to avoid any extreme weight loss program, even if you are in the body.

It is necessary to monitor the amount of calories consumed. Perhaps you haven't had any problems with weight until now and therefore haven't paid much attention to how many calories are in your food. However, as you age, your body no longer needs the same amount of calories it did when you were active.

Due to this, all excess calories can now be converted into fat. As a result, you may be wondering why you suddenly started gaining weight even though you haven't made any significant changes to your diet.

You may need about 200 fewer calories than you needed during your active life. However, this does not apply to women who continue to lead a very active lifestyle even at 60 years old.

If you already eat healthy, you may not need to change your diet dramatically. However, there are some dietary guidelines that you should take into account.

  • You will likely need to increase your intake of fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, legumes and dairy products.
  • Choose low-fat dairy products as they are a good source of protein and calcium.
  • Increase your intake of foods rich in iron and calcium.
  • In addition, eat foods with fiber, as fiber helps relieve problems such as constipation.

You can also use the following as an example healthy diet for women over 60.

  • 1 chopped tomato
  • cucumber
  • 2 boiled eggs
  • 1 slice of gray/rye bread
  • 1 serving of cottage cheese
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 1 small piece of fruit
  • Steamed vegetables
  • Slice of grilled fish
  • Chicken breast
  • 2 tbsp. steamed brown rice
  • 1 piece of fruit
  • 1 apple
  • carrot sticks
  • 2 pieces of dark chocolate
  • 2 pcs. dried figs or apricots
  • Sliced ​​cucumber, tomato and lettuce
  • Low fat cheese cubes
  • Boiled chicken
  • Steamed fish
  • 1 small cup low-fat yogurt
  • 1 piece of fruit

In addition to being careful about your diet, you are also advised to get rid of certain bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol, etc. Also, stick to a moderate exercise schedule to stay in shape.

Losing excess weight after 60 years is not easy, but it is possible. And it is very important to do it correctly. Our expert is famous nutritionist Marianna Trifonova.

Of course, it’s not for the sake of the treasured 90-60-90 that grandmothers learn to calculate calories, and it’s not in order to outright knock down their neighbors with their article that they limit themselves to grandfather’s food. Most of them are recommended by doctors to lose weight. After all, excess weight is one of the significant risk factors for the following diseases:

● type II diabetes;

● hypertension;

● vascular atherosclerosis (cause of heart attacks and strokes);

● heart disease;

● tumors;

● sleep apnea syndrome (stopping breathing during sleep);

● cholecystitis;

● osteoarthrosis, etc.

In addition, extra pounds complicate the course of existing ailments. Moderate weight loss (5-10%) can improve your well-being and reduce the dose of medications you take. However, in most cases, older adults should not try to lose weight on their own. It is safer if this process is supervised by a doctor.

Treatment with food

American nutritionists have concluded that in 85% of people over 60 years of age, at least one chronic disease can be alleviated with the help of a balanced diet. Each disease has its own dietary characteristics.

For patients with arthritis and arthrosis, limiting the diet of meat foods and predominant fish, dairy products and vegetables is beneficial. The fact is that arachidonic acid contained in meat causes inflammation of the joints. And omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which sea fish are rich in, and vegetable oils prevent the accumulation of this harmful acid and help synthesize prostaglandins in the body - substances that reduce pain and inflammation.

Doctors first advise patients with gout to give up alcohol, rich broths, spicy snacks and seasonings, mushrooms, pickles, legumes, coffee, and chocolate. They are recommended dairy products, bread, sugar, honey, vegetables and fruits, and plenty of fluids.

Excess salt and water are harmful to hypertensive patients, and foods rich in potassium (milk, grapes, legumes, citrus fruits, bananas, broccoli, kiwi, potatoes, dried fruits) are recommended, which help lower blood pressure.

With osteoporosis, which affects the vast majority of older people (especially women), calcium (found in dairy products and greens) and a sufficient amount of protein and vitamin D (fish oil), which helps this mineral to be absorbed, are essential.

For chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, raw vegetables and fruits are replaced with boiled ones, fried meat and fish with boiled ones, and rye bread with wheat bread.

If you have lung problems, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), easily digestible carbohydrates (white bread, sweets) can be harmful. But cruciferous vegetables are useful - broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, radishes, turnips, rutabaga and horseradish, they have the ability to protect the lungs.

Less is more

But there are also general dietary rules that people in the “third age” must adhere to, regardless of what ailments they have. These rules will help them feel great and remain in good physical shape into old age.

1. The main principle of rational nutrition at any age, and especially in old age, is adherence to the regime. You need to eat little, but often (5-6 times a day). This diet will help reduce hunger. Between main meals, you can snack on raw vegetables and unsweetened fruits.

2. Over the years, caloric intake should be reduced by about a quarter. Food for those over 60 should contain 1900-2100 calories per day. If the goal is to lose weight, then this indicator should be reduced. But it is not recommended to sharply reduce the energy value of the diet at this age; the body weakens. Therefore, a strict vegetarian diet is harmful for older people. Mono-diets and monotonous nutrition in general are also dangerous.

3. Difficult-to-digest fats (lard, sausages, butter, etc.) should be, if not eliminated, then greatly limited. After all, heavy fats clog blood vessels with cholesterol. But doing without fat is not just harmful and pointless from a “weight loss” point of view. The fact is that it is fats that stay in the stomach the longest and, thanks to this, eliminate the feeling of hunger. In addition, they increase the activity of enzymes that stimulate the breakdown of fat in the body. The solution is simple: you need to replace animal fats with vegetable ones. 25 g of vegetable oils per day in salads and vinaigrettes is what you need.

4. Protein in the diet of older people should be about 0.8-1 g per 1 kg of body weight. A sufficient amount of this component prevents protein loss in tissues, and therefore sagging skin and muscles, and also creates a feeling of satiety. The diet should contain protein foods such as fish, cottage cheese, seafood, and nuts. Meat - no more than 1-2 times a week.

5. All elderly people, and especially those who want to lose weight, should sharply limit their carbohydrate intake to 100-200 g per day. First of all, you should reduce the amount of easily digestible carbohydrates (sugar, honey, baked goods, pasta and flour products, rice, semolina, potatoes); you can leave only fruits, berries and dairy products in the same amount. Particularly useful for older people are zero-fat fermented milk products enriched with live bacteria - such food helps intestinal function and promotes weight loss. Sources of “long-lasting” carbohydrates should be wholemeal bread, whole grain cereals, legumes, vegetables, sour fruits and berries. The healthiest fruit is apples. They contain a complex element called epicatechin polyphenol, which rejuvenates the heart, improves blood circulation, increases the elasticity of blood vessels and improves immunity.

6. Over the years, the feeling of thirst becomes dull, however, it is mandatory for older people to take 1-1.2 liters of fluid per day (this includes not only water, but also juices, milk, tea, fruit drinks, etc.). However, you should not drink too much water.

7. Eliminate appetite-stimulating foods and dishes: strong broths and sauces, fish, mushrooms, smoked meats, pickles. Limit alcohol to a minimum.

8. To make weight loss more effective, you can arrange fasting days 1-3 times a week. They boost metabolism and help remove excess fat faster. Fasting days include meat, fish, vegetables, cottage cheese and kefir, and fruit and vegetables. It's better to alternate them. It is advisable to start with more satisfying ones (meat, fish, cottage cheese), and then move on to fruits, vegetables and dairy.

"White death"

This is what salt and sugar are called. Excessive amounts of both are harmful to the body and contribute to excess weight gain, so regardless of your health status, these two products should be limited.

Instead of sugar, it is better to use sugar substitutes. In addition to them, there are also sweeteners, for example malt extracts (dextrin-maltose, maltose molasses). They improve the formation of glycogen in the liver, have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora and can be used instead of sugar for diseases of the liver, kidneys, and intestines.

Salt intake should be reduced to 5-7 g per day. It is better to cook without this seasoning, but add it immediately before eating to the prepared dish and in small quantities. You can also use dietary salts that do not contain sodium chloride, which is harmful to hypertensive patients and people with diseased joints. As a rule, such salt contains the most potassium and magnesium. However, if these salts are useful in case of hypertension or gout, then in case of severe renal failure and excess potassium in the body they are contraindicated.

Personal opinion

Anita Tsoi:

The most important thing is not to chain yourself to the sofa or lie for hours in front of the TV. All extra pounds appear from our mother laziness, so if someone wants to dance, immediately run to a dance, to a club, to any artist’s concert where you can dance. If you like walking with your dog, then go for a walk with it on the playground and train it, the main thing is to start moving.