The swollen Volochkova with a red face was sent to a narcologist. Ballerina Volochkova and plastic surgery: what the beauty actually changed in herself. They say the truth, beauty is a terrible force.

Anastasia needs no special introduction. Her photographs have appeared on covers more than once. We selected photographs that mainly relate to the “pre-secular” period of the ballerina’s life.

Anastasia needs no special introduction. Her photographs - her signature sleek hairstyle, three-quarter turn of her head - have appeared on the covers more than once. We selected photographs that mainly relate to the “pre-secular” period of the ballerina’s life.

Anastasia always lived alone in her heart, but fiery passion— she dreamed of the ballet stage. Despite the fact that the teachers unanimously insisted that she would not succeed, the girl persistently walked towards her goal. The main milestones of this path can be traced through photographs from the personal archive. In them, together with Nastya, the teachers from whom she took an example are the legendary personalities of Russian ballet Andris Liepa, Maya Plisetskaya. Early photos helped to find out who Volochkova’s first love was, and also shed light on the relationships of people close to her.

Me with my dad Yuri Fedorovich. He is an athlete, USSR champion in table tennis, trained children. In general, dad was a busy man. When he picked me up from kindergarten and we went for a walk together, it was like a holiday for me every time. Dad has always been an authority for me. From him I inherited perseverance, willpower, and the ability to withstand difficulties. We specially took this photo in a photo studio. I've been here for five years. By the way, I don’t like to be photographed, but I like to look at my good photos.

— Dad picks up mom and me from the maternity hospital. I was born in St. Petersburg, in a maternity hospital on Tchaikovsky Street. Unfortunately, I don't know his number. Mom said it was bright sunny morning and I was literally born in a shirt (obstetricians know what this is). So I'll be happy. Mom always dreamed of a daughter and even came up with the name Nastenka for me in advance - in honor main character fairy tales " The Scarlet Flower».

— It’s 2002, I’m in Vienna, wearing a dress from Yves Saint Laurent. It is one of my favorites and I still have it to this day. After touring the UK I got an engagement in English national ballet and lived in London for a year and a half. There I had a fan, wonderful romantic meetings... In general, I remember this period of my life as one of the happiest. From London I traveled all over the world. It was a good time.

- Me, my mother, ex-husband Igor and daughter Arisha are relaxing in the Maldives, wincing from the sun. We all went on vacation together this year. It’s interesting that my mother used to have a rather difficult relationship with Igor; she did not accept him at all. But after our separation I began to treat him much warmer. Now they are inseparable.

— My beloved Arisha riding a pony. The photo was taken in Bitsevsky Park - there is an equestrian center there. My daughter is three years old here, this is one of her first trips. Now she’s even learning to ride big horses and isn’t afraid at all! Igor was the initiator of introducing his daughter to horse riding. He recently bought himself a horse, his name is Zholtik. And now Igor and Arisha ride together on weekends.

— This is a ballet school. Me with my teacher Natalya Mikhailovna Dudinskaya. Natalya Mikhailovna - legendary personality. She was the wife artistic director Vaganova Ballet Academy Konstantin Sergeev and had the right to choose the best students. I am proud that she took me into her class and did everything to make me a professional. It was Natalya Mikhailovna who brought me onto the stage of the Mariinsky Theater. And the fact that I was accepted into the troupe a year before graduation ballet school, says a lot.

— And this is Nina Zubkovskaya, a teacher already Mariinsky Theater. Wonderful man, my friend and patron. A talented ballerina with an article, excellent manners, and an unusually beautiful woman! Before last days(she was seventy-eight years old when she died) she came to the hall with a ballet hairstyle, makeup, and high heels. Looking at her, I wanted to “spread my wings and fly.” She supported me in difficult moments when I was pulled out of the Bolshoi Theater. She helped me a lot with the creation of programs for tours in London. By the way, please note: in this photo I am a brunette. My real hair color is dark brown. But I think light shades suit me much better.

— The legendary Plisetskaya! I became the first Russian ballerina to whom Maya Mikhailovna gave her blessing to dance the part of Carmen, in which she once shone. And she personally rehearsed this ballet with me in Bolshoi Theater. Do you see Maya Mikhailovna putting her hand on my shoulder? She shows with what pride the heroine should look at Jose. Plisetskaya always came to rehearsals in high heels. And imagine: in such shoes she danced her entire part - from beginning to end! No one understood how this was possible... Maya Mikhailovna is still an ideal for me - both as a woman, and as a ballerina, and as a person. This is a person who has the power of will. She had to face injustice, envy, and hypocrisy on her way, but she passed the test with dignity.

— Another legend of Russian ballet is Andris Liepa. He helped Farukh Ruzimatov and I rehearse the ballet “ Swan Lake" I loved dancing with Farukh - he has amazing movement. He was not only my partner, but also the first man I fell in love with. We were connected by sincere, tender feelings. Farukh is a man of amazing beauty. Such an open face and benevolent smile can only belong to a noble person.

- I'm in kindergarten. There is a photograph of Arisha, where she looks exactly like little me. You can say that my life began at the age of five: I watched “The Nutcracker” and fell in love with ballet. Unlike the teachers who said that I would not become a ballerina, my parents believed in me. And they did everything possible to make my dream come true. We didn’t have much money, but my dad and mom paid for private teachers and bought me pointe shoes at the Mariinsky Theater.

— Thailand. We are celebrating our wedding with Igor for the third time. Our first day was in St. Petersburg, the next in Moscow. And six months later, when we went to romantic trip, Igor decided to give me a surprise. We woke up early in the morning, and he said: “Nastya, get ready. We're going by boat to the islands." And there everything was already decorated with flowers and ribbons, they were waiting for us. Spent with us wedding ceremony according to Thai traditions. It was very beautiful.

30 March 2012, 03:40

Thanks to Twitter for this! From correspondence between Anastasia Volochkova and fans:
Nastya you look great! how many flowers do you have!!! This is my joy Miss SmolSU starts right now! Maybe @volochkova_a should have been invited to the jury?) But would she agree?) I would agree! And my Zhorzhik is a copy of Dorotheus, do you agree? Zhorzhik Volochkov is a star, he stands and poses freely in front of the camera, journalists love him. no, you definitely have the original! I agree! Today turned out to be a day at home.. I slept through everything. I studied at home. I’m going to the bathhouse. I broke the ice in the bathtub with an axe... how courageous you are! I wouldn't have the courage! Do you really rarely get sick? Still, hardening is what you need I can't do otherwise. This is part of my life. Nastya, thank you for not being a snob! It's incredibly nice to receive answers from you. I respect you even more, she didn’t answer me... But I didn’t ask anything! I just admire her! :) Anastasia, thank you so much for existing!!! You make an amazing impression and charge with positivity!!! I'm pleased
I remind you! I warn you, Volochkova talks about sex next, hellish hell, hard trash; faint of heart, tired of Onostasea, stretching, legs better go out. Excerpts from an interview in 2009 (October for FHM): What data did you lack to enter ballet school? There are more than enough of them now: long stretches, high leg raises, jumps, turnouts. What is eversion? This is everything that is wrong with figure skating. Which is more suitable for ballet or sex. Tell me, does ballet stretching help with sex? She is uniquely helpful! And for both men and women. You can roll over from your back to your stomach without taking it out. But in sports you can’t have sex before competitions... No, no, in ballet it’s not like that. The more you do, the lighter you feel. After sex, my legs are very light. And when it happens, excuse me, ..... it is always visible both on stage and on the sports field Does sex happen between scene partners? Certainly! Music, dance, general atmosphere... It’s good if it happens beautifully and sincerely. You can just re......, which also happens. And in big theaters and between partners of the same sex, which is more interesting.
Do they take ballet classes with bow legs? Now they take anyone. You can dance with them, but you can’t look at it. Where did the rumors about your excess weight come from? One of the reasons for my dismissal was stated to be that I was big and fat. So that the director would not look like a ridiculous idiot, I was assigned 12 cm in height and 10 extra kilos. Have you ever been dropped on stage? Yes, but not often.

Do you seriously love all these leaves, salads and spinach?
Spinach stewed in milk and sprinkled with grated cheese is my favorite dish.
So what, you never want to eat a huge hamburger like this? Do not want. When I imagine this hamburger falling into my stomach, I don’t feel like eating at all. A lot of people are discussing your personal life... Great! Many ballerinas have events in their lives similar to mine. Birth of children, wedding, divorce, illness. But for some reason they are discussing me. This means that people are interested in my personality. It's such a thrill! I honestly and openly say that I love it. Don’t you think that everyone around you moves ugly at a disco? Yes, for the most part. How do ballerinas dance at discos? I don’t know about the others, but I always dance so fiery and bright that it’s impossible not to notice.
Do you receive indecent proposals from fans? They ask me: “Anastasia, can you be filmed?” And I say: “You can’t film me, you can only take a photograph.” Why do ballet dancers wear such tight tights? Well, so that the bells don't dangle. Is it true that they put something there? There, a special bandage is put on, almost like a boxer’s. But some put something in there. Do men in ballet have to shave their legs? I think that all men should do hair removal so that they don’t have to fumble around in the forest all the time.
Why do ballerinas wear so much makeup? You can't see anything from the hall. How is this not visible? Which row were you sitting in? And in general, few ballerinas have good appearance, so a picture on their face will not hurt them. How can you recognize a ballerina among ordinary girls? And they walk backwards, like ducks, with their toes facing outward. Oh, I remembered the joke: “Girl, you’re not from college, not from Vaganovsky?” - “I’m not a bitch? I’m such a bitch!”
Do you have any rituals before going on stage? I have one number, “Esmeralda,” where I raise my leg 180 degrees and kick the tambourine 10 times. This is my ritual. What if you want to write during a performance? Either write or endure. Do you have to speak at corporate events? Often. But I don't dance between tables in nightclubs while people are eating. It happened that they filmed for my program concert hall, small theater. There must be conditions.
Where do you go in an unfamiliar city if you have time? To the Russian bathhouse, to the restaurant and to the church.

Why do you always look like you're on stage? Because I really love everything beautiful, bright, catchy. And it seems to me that this doesn’t make people any worse, but more interesting and enjoyable. Can Anastasia Volochkova be found in a robe and without makeup? I don’t even go to the store without makeup. In my youth, I wore light makeup, even when I went to the bathhouse. And I absolutely hate robes! I associate them with a psychiatric hospital. . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . Do you dress yourself or does a stylist help? Only herself. I even participate in the creation of my stage costumes.
What brands of clothing do you prefer? Roberto Cavalli, John Galliano, Issey Miyake and another store in London where I have been buying my crinkle silk capes for ten years. I just won't tell you the address. Where does the habit of walking around with smoothly combed hair come from? I always rehearse with my hair tied in a ponytail. But in life I just take a shower five times a day, so it turns out that my hair is always wet. This has already become part of the image. When do you plan to give up ballet? If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans. I will dance as long as I look young and beautiful.

How do you feel about participating in explicit filming? I still have something to attract attention without taking my clothes off.

Today, when many show business stars who are 40+ are told that “time has no power over them” or “they know a secret eternal youth", 42-year-old ballerina Anastasia Volochkova was completely unlucky. Alas, she only hears criticism about her appearance, and rightly so!

It would seem that if you spend most of your life in training and rehearsals, sit on strict diets (ballet, after all!), love baths and have the opportunity to use the best cosmetics, then it’s in your hands not only to turn back time, but to be an example for everyone those around...

But apparently something went wrong...

And if you also remember that the “young” Tina Kandelaki and the luxurious Yana Rudkovskaya are the same age as Volochkova (they are 43 years old), one of these days the charming Svetlana Bondarchuk will turn fifty dollars, and the eternally young Sofia Rotaru has turned 72, then it becomes scary how A Russian ballerina will look like this in 10 years!

1. Mid-90s. It's only begining…

2. Photos that you can’t take your eyes off!

3. 2001 Love pink eye shadow and pink lipstick!

5. It’s good that there were photographs left, otherwise we wouldn’t have believed that the ballerina once looked like this...

6. Calm down - this is stage makeup!

7. In 2003, the irreparable happened - Anastasia Volochkova got her eyebrows tattooed!

8. Although, let's be honest - she is a hostage to the profession, and flashy makeup suited her!

9. But why did she stop washing her hair at all?

10. It seems that stage makeup has begun to “cross over” into everyday life...

11. So what if I didn’t have time to wash my hair. But I did attach a hairpiece!

12. Apparently, changing the eyebrow tattoo artist turned out to be a bad decision...

13. 2008. But Nastya was only 32!

14. It seems that she has already crossed the point of “no return”...

15. 10 years ago, the reason for ridicule of Anastasia was her eyebrows. Well, today - . By the way, have you seen them?

16. Over time, the ballerina’s inept makeup was compounded by a complete lack of sense of taste and style...

17. The effect (or not the effect?) of dirty hair is your favorite hairstyle!

18. Excess weight does not make a ballerina look good...

19. Who can figure out whether Anastasia Volochkova is in character for the sake of a performance or is this her everyday life?

22. By the way, she announced on Instagram that Anastasia went for hair extensions!

23. And under this post, subscribers called the 42-year-old ballerina a grandmother!

24. We were not ready for such a photo...

25. It’s true what they say, beauty is a terrible force!

Fans of Anastasia Volochkova were “lucky” to see a non-Photoshopped photo of the ballerina. In it, the scandalous dancer appeared before fans and haters in all her “glory.”

Anastasia Volochkova spent the last week of July in Turkey, from where she generously shared with her Instagram subscribers spicy photos and blatant advertising posts. Naturally, for her photo shoots, the ballerina chose only the most successful angles, from which she looks fit and slender. In addition, she, like other celebrities, does not disdain Photoshop.

For example, the other day the artist took a photo with other vacationers on a banana boat. At the water attraction, Anastasia posed doing the splits in a bright bikini. At the same time, in order to appear slimmer, she strongly pulled in her stomach at the time of shooting.

However, the guests of the hotel where Volochkova stayed and which she actively advertises managed to photograph her with their cameras. The day before, a photo appeared on the Internet where the ex-prima of the Bolshoi Theater is posing in a swimsuit, but she does not look as slender as in the photo on her Instagram.

In the photo you can clearly see the ballerina’s not flat, but rather “beer” belly and her breasts that have long lost their shape. There is no doubt that the photo is fresh, because Anastasia is posing against the backdrop of the same “banana”, in the same swimsuit and pareo as in the photo on her Instagram.

Looking at the photo of the plump Volochkova without retouching, it becomes unclear how the ballerina can conduct master classes where she teaches people to lose weight and maintain youth, because she herself cannot boast of either youth or slimness.

Shocked by the appearance of the dancer, users are surprised how it was possible to grow such a belly by eating only boiled spinach without salt, and even offered to chip in for a working scale for her, since followers cannot believe that Anastasia is telling the truth about her weight.

“I’ll be more careful with spinach now,” “And THIS weighs 47 kg!!????? Let's throw some kindness on the scales already! Let him face the truth already...", "Ballet belly)", "Beauty of Greatness! - this is how it turns out! Very cool! I envy you very much....", " Great power spinach!”, “It’s all spinach with cheese))))”, “Hippopotamus”, “Maybe you’ve decided to go into Sumo wrestling?? Why, Anastas will succeed! She’s gaining weight well,” Volochkova’s haters make fun of her in the comments.

Anastasia Volochkova - famous ballerina. Even after scandalous departure from the Bolshoi Theater remains popular and famous. She's always been beautiful woman. Volochkova once had a unique natural appearance, but over time she has changed a lot. Fans, journalists and experts never tire of arguing about whether Anastasia Volochkova had plastic surgery.

Read in this article

Did Anastasia Volochkova have plastic surgery?

At the beginning of her career, the star had a very sweet appearance. With her natural and impeccable beauty, she differed from many celebrities of the mid-90s. However, over time, Volochkova’s appearance and style changed. Today she is often criticized for wanting to look “expensive and rich.” Many suspect Anastasia Volochkova of performing some plastic surgeries.


Dramatic changes in the ballerina's appearance began after leaving the Bolshoi Theater. Volochkova began to lead social life. And in this environment, more outstanding virtues are held in high esteem. Suspicions of plastic breast augmentation arose in the early 2000s after she published photographs from a vacation in the Maldives. Specialists in plastic surgery noted that the size of the breasts stands out strongly against the background of a rather slender body.

Although the ballerina herself speaks extremely negatively about all kinds of surgical interventions, the contrast is too great. This is especially noticeable when comparing photographs working hours at the Bolshoi Theater and after, such results cannot be achieved only by sports and nutrition.

Previously, the star had a bust size of no more than one, but now surgeons agree that she has at least a third. Volochkova tries to demonstrate and emphasize this every time she goes out.

Before and after breast surgery

At the same time, the celebrity denies in every possible way his involvement in plastic surgery. She claims to be leading healthy image life, goes in for sports and does special exercises to enlarge the bust, and also carries out special home procedures. A plastic surgery, according to Volochkova, can be harmful to health.


In addition, rumors about surgical interventions on the face continue. Despite her age, her skin and facial features are almost flawless. Volochkova’s proportions literally correspond to all the canons of beauty.

However, when comparing photographs from her youth and modern ones, one cannot help but notice some changes. First of all, experts note differences in the line of the eyebrows and upper jaw. Tattooing has already become the star's signature feature. But today she chooses softer lines and lighter shades. Eyebrows do not look so sharp and aggressive against the background of blonde. Also, most likely, Volochkova regularly resorts to beauty injections -.

The famous Lera Kudlyavtseva was a beauty even without makeup before plastic surgery. But in my youth I worked hard, so over time I had to undergo plastic surgery. There were both successful attempts and noticeable traces unsuccessful plastic surgery on the face.

  • TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak also corrected her appearance before plastic surgery. In her youth, she corrected her bite. Also known for nose jobs. But whether Ksyusha had chin surgery is a mystery, but from the photo after you can guess what she did.