Presentation on the topic "culture and morality." Presentation on the topic "culture and morality" Old grandfather and granddaughters

Slide 2

Here are questions related to the concept of culture. Try to answer questions you already know. Which of them would you like to receive an answer to?

  • What kind of person can be called cultured?
  • What does it mean to behave culturally?
  • What does the word culture mean?
  • Why is culture called second nature?
  • What is material culture.
  • What is spiritual culture?
  • How did morality arise?
  • Slide 3

    What is culture?

    Ancient Greece:

    • Culture (Latin cultura - cultivation, husbandry, education, veneration).
  • Slide 4

    Russia -19th century


    • Plowing, agriculture,
    • Education.
  • Slide 5

    The meaning of culture

    Each nation at different times created and is now creating its own culture. These cultures exist together, enriching each other. It is very important to study the culture not only of your own country, but also of other countries and peoples.

    Slide 6

    Types of culture

    • Material - includes objects of human labor.
    • Spiritual - ideas, thoughts of people, ideas, traditions and customs, norms and rules, values ​​and ideals.
  • Slide 7

    Slide 8

    Birch bark dishes

    An ordinary miracle is the birch bark dishes that our ancestors made. If it was necessary to bring hot food to the field for the workers, then tueski* made of birch bark came to the rescue. If you need to preserve food, utensils made of birch bark came to the rescue. The craftsmen were called birch bark makers; they “sewed” from a layer of birch bark or weaved from narrow birch bark strips. Birch bark was harvested in the spring, in May or early June, when the tree is sap. From a layer of birch bark they made boxes, containers for storing flour, cereals and other bulk products, baskets and much more. Milk was poured into birch bark containers for fermentation. Birch bark ladles were used for drinking. Products made from birch bark are very durable, they could last up to 25 years! Skills were passed on from generation to generation.

    Slide 9

    ​Physical minute

    Once, they stood up and stretched.
    Two - bent and straightened.
    Three - three claps of your hands,
    Three nods of the head.
    Four - arms wider,
    Five - wave your arms.
    Six sit quietly at your desk

    Slide 10

    • Political culture is the ideals and life values ​​of people in a state.
    • Legal culture is the laws by which people live in society and which are binding on everyone.
    • Morality is a system of norms and values ​​that regulate people's behavior.
  • Slide 11

    Golden Rule of Morality

    Treat others the way you want them to treat you!

    Slide 12

    Rules of morality

    • Be lazy and idle
    • Making empty promises
    • Help the old grandmother bring water
    • Be greedy, inhospitable
    • Help a person in trouble or grief
    • Laugh at the crippled
    • Respect and care for parents
    • Eat the candy that mom put aside for the holiday
    • To be honest
    • Demand from parents what you have not earned through hard work.
  • Slide 13


  • Slide 14

    Once upon a time, a grandfather lived with another wife. The grandfather had a daughter, and the woman had a daughter.
    Everyone knows how to live with a stepmother: if you turn over, it’s a bitch, and if you don’t turn over, it’s a bitch. And my own daughter, no matter what she does, gets a pat on the head for everything: she’s smart.
    The stepdaughter watered and fed the cattle, carried firewood and water to the hut, heated the stove, chalked the hut - even before the light... You can’t please the old woman with anything - everything is wrong, everything is bad.
    Even if the wind makes a noise, it calms down, but the old woman disperses - she won’t calm down soon. So the stepmother came up with the idea to take her stepdaughter away from the world.
    “Take her, take her, old man,” he says to her husband, “where you want my eyes not to see her!” Take her to the forest, into the bitter cold.
    The old man groaned and cried, but there was nothing to do, you couldn’t argue with the women. Harnessed the horse:
    - Sit down, dear daughter, in the sleigh.

    Slide 15

    Are you warm, girl?
    - Warm, Morozushko, warm, father. Morozko began to descend lower, crackling and clicking louder:

    She takes a slight breath:
    - Warm, Morozushko, warm, father. Morozko descended even lower, crackled louder, clicked louder:
    -Are you warm, girl? Are you warm, red one? Are you warm, honey?
    The girl began to stiffen, moving her tongue slightly:
    - Oh, it’s warm, my dear Morozushko!

    Slide 16

    The old woman's daughter is sitting, chattering her teeth.
    And Morozko crackles through the forest, jumps from tree to tree, clicks, the daughter glances at the old woman:
    -Are you warm, girl? And she told him:
    - Oh, it's cold! Don’t creak, don’t crack, Morozko...
    Morozko began to descend lower, crackling and clicking more loudly.
    -Are you warm, girl? Are you warm, red one?
    - Oh, my hands and feet are frozen! Go away, Morozko... Morozko went even lower, hit harder, crackled, clicked:
    -Are you warm, girl? Are you warm, red one?
    - Oh, I've got a cold! Get lost, get lost, damned Morozko!

    Slide 17


    Together with your parents, draw up a set of rules accepted in your family - page No. 9.

    View all slides

    1 slide

    Culture and morality Cancer Galina Vladimirovna primary school teacher MBOU Secondary School No. 151, Novosibirsk

    2 slide

    You will learn: What the word “culture” means. Why is culture called second nature? How did morality arise?

    3 slide

    The concept of culture appeared in Ancient Greece and translated from Latin meant “cultivation of the land.” It was assumed that field care was not just cultivating the land, but also caring for it.

    4 slide

    The word “culture” entered the Russian language in the middle of the 19th century. It was used in two meanings: 1) arable farming, farming; 2) education.

    5 slide

    Culture is sometimes called second nature. Unlike natural nature, which can exist without humans, culture is created by the work of many people who continue to support, develop, and enrich it.

    6 slide

    Moreover, unlike nature, culture does not exist in the singular. Each nation at different times created and is now creating its own culture.

    7 slide

    These cultures exist together, enriching each other. Therefore, it is very important to study the culture not only of your country, your people, but also of other countries and peoples.

    8 slide

    Culture of different peoples Culture includes objects of human labor (material culture), as well as ideas, ideas, values ​​and ideals, traditions and customs, norms and rules (spiritual culture).

    Slide 9

    Types of spiritual culture There are many different types of spiritual culture. For example, political culture is the ideals and life values ​​of people in a state, legal culture is the laws by which people live in society and which are binding on everyone without exception. A special type of spiritual culture is morality – a system of norms and values ​​regulating people’s behavior.

    10 slide

    11 slide

    Morality arose when people realized that some actions help to live, while others interfere. For example, if you help each other, life becomes easier. And if you are lazy, quarrel, or cheat, then people’s lives become worse.

    12 slide

    Gradually, ideas about good and bad, good and evil began to take shape. As a result, a need arose to support (encourage) good (kind) deeds and prohibit bad (evil) deeds.

    Slide 13

    In addition, it became necessary to pass on the knowledge of good and evil to future generations. This knowledge gradually turned into norms of behavior.

    Slide 14

    Moral standards are associated with requirements that are understandable to everyone: Respect parents Keep promises Help those in need Do not steal Do not kill Do not deceive, etc.

    15 slide

    And always, at all times, they have been condemned: Cowardice Betrayal Greed Cruelty Slander Hypocrisy

    16 slide

    What does the word "culture" mean? The concept of “culture” appeared in Ancient Greece and translated from Latin meant “cultivation of the land.” It was assumed that field care was not just cultivating the land, but also caring for it. The word “culture” entered the Russian language in the middle of the 19th century. It was used in two meanings: 1) arable farming, farming; 2) education.

    Slide 17

    Why is culture called second nature? Culture is sometimes called second nature. Unlike natural nature, which can exist without humans, culture is created by the work of many people who continue to support, develop, and enrich it. Moreover, unlike nature, culture does not exist in the singular. Each nation at different times created and is now creating its own culture.

    Questions and tasks: Give examples of material and spiritual culture. Explain why morality arose. Together with your parents, draw up a set (list) of moral norms (rules) accepted in your family.

    20 slide

    Materials used: Textbook for educational institutions “Fundamentals of secular ethics” grades 4-5 Moscow “Enlightenment” 2010 %D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9%20%D0%BC%D0%B8%D1%80&stype=simage& /11/612/11612943_1470229665.jpg&p=880 images text=%D1%84%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%BE%D1%84%D0%B8%D1%8F&stype=image yandsearch?rpt=simage&text=%D0%B8%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%8F%20%D0%BC%D1%83%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%B5%D1 %86%20%D0%BD%D0%B0%20%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%BA%D0%B5%20%D0 %B4%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B3&

    • Creating conditions for the formation of moral values, familiarization with the concepts of “culture” and “morality”.
    • To create conditions for the formation of the readiness and ability of students to independently master cultural values, and ideally, to solve their own vital problems “culturally”.
    • Development of independence and personal responsibility for one’s actions based on ideas about moral standards, ethical feelings as regulators of moral behavior.
    • Developing in students the need to do good deeds and prevent bad ones.


    Danilyuk A.Ya. Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics. Fundamentals of secular ethics. Grades 4-5: textbook for general education. institutions - M.: Education, 2010.

    Forms and types of activities

    • Conversation
    • Oral presentation on a topic using slides
    • Independent creative work
    • Reflection
    • Commented reading
    • Working with illustrative material
    • Preparing a creative conversation with family members
    • Participation in educational dialogue


    Computer, projector, tests, presentation

    Basic terms and concepts

    Culture, morality, moral standards.

    During the classes

    1 Organization of student activities

    I hasten to tell you - Hello,

    I hasten to tell you - Goodness,

    I hasten to tell you - Joy,

    2 Conversation with students. Rough plan

    Presentation “Culture and Morality”

    To view the presentation in full screen mode, click on the double-headed arrow in the upper right corner of the frame!

    Lesson topic: Culture and morality


    I hasten to tell you - Hello ,
    To wish you good health,
    I hasten to tell you - Goodness ,
    To wish you new happiness,
    I hasten to tell you - Joy ,
    To wish you good luck, success and luck.
    To wish everyone a wonderful mood in class!

    Toy and Friend

    • What kind of toy do you see on the slide?
    • Why was she called that?
    • If you push it, what will happen?
    • Stroke her, she will offer the other side. Pour water over it and it will drain. Call her names and she will remain silent.
    • Now imagine that you have such a friend. Convenient, right? And why?
    • But in life everything is different. If you do this to a friend, what will happen?
    • Who else will judge you for such behavior?
    • Do we have any rules of behavior?

    A system of views and ideas that regulates people's behavior

    To put it simply, what is external control of behavior called, if internal control is called “conscience”, and state control is called “law”?

    Morality. This is exactly what the first part of the topic of our lesson sounds like. Today we have to look at the concepts of “morality”, “culture”, and how they are related to each other.

    MORAL STANDARDS - various norms that are accepted in society, which help to distinguish between good and evil, justice and injustice.
    These norms help to understand what can be done and what cannot be done.

    Morality and lies

    One of the most common norms states: do not lie. However, it is most often violated. If a lie is not related to a violation of the law, for example, perjury in court, then it will not be punished - it will not be fined or sent to prison. That is, there will be no legal liability for lying.

    But another responsibility will come - moral. It’s not for nothing that they say: “no matter how much the rope twists, it will still end.” Lies come out sooner or later!

    They also say: If you lie once, who will believe you? A deceitful person acquires a reputation as a liar. Moral responsibility arises, because Living with a reputation as a liar is not easy. They treat him with suspicion and do not enter into business relations with him.

    Snitching stands next to lying, and is also morally condemned.

    Morality and envy

    Another moral norm states: do not envy. People have long disliked envious people. One very famous philosopher, Claude Helvetius, wrote: “Of all passions, envy is the most disgusting. Under the banner of envy, hatred, betrayal and intrigue are patronized." .

    Who will respect such people?

    Hence the moral responsibility, since the envious person does not know how to hide his feelings, they are on his face, on his tongue, and in his deeds. It is difficult to deal with such people, and because of this, envious people lose a lot in the main thing - in communication, in relationships with people.

    A.S. Pushkin wrote a wonderful work “Mozart and Salieri”, it shows how a genius and a villain can coexist in one person: Salieri kills Mozart because of an insane passion - envy of his talent.

    Morality and greed

    Another moral rule is “don’t be greedy.” Its violation is one of the most disgusting phenomena of our life. There are known cases when, because of greed, they betrayed comrades, a common cause, and even loved ones.

    And greed is not punished by law, because there are no such laws. But greed is one of the great sources of crime; because of it, people steal, forge documents, money, deceive sellers and buyers, and even kill.

    Greed can be compared to a disease from which it is not so easy to recover, which is why greedy people are not liked, this is also reflected in popular proverbs:

    • Greedy like a wolf and cowardly like a hare
    • Greedy belly, eats by the ear
    • Greedy to himself, gives no rest


    Morality is a system of norms and rules governing communication and behavior of people, ensuring the unity of public and personal interests

    "Golden Rule" of Morality

    Treat others as you would like others to treat you

    All religions have this "golden rule"


    Love your neighbor as yourself


    People, overtake each other only in good deeds.

    None of you will become a believer until you love your brother as yourself


    A person can express his attitude towards relatives and friends in five ways: generosity, courtesy, goodwill, treating them as himself and being true to his word

    What components of morality can you name?

    (What qualities do we consider the golden rule of morality?)

    • kindness
    • compassion
    • responsibility
    • unselfishness
    • humanity
    • Love
    • generosity
    • tolerance
    • conscience
    • mercy
    • generosity

    And now, I suggest you choose one of the qualities and come up with a short scene that fully reflects this quality.


    Morality is an element of culture. What is culture?

    • "Culture" translated from Latin means cultivation, cultivation.
    • Culture- this is everything that a person creates: material values, skills, knowledge, customs, traditions, moral and moral values.
    • CULTURE- characteristics of a certain historical era.

    Culture is the cultivation of the human soul...


    How do you understand this statement?

    CONCLUSION: Thus, today we have found out that these two concepts are inextricably linked with each other, and that they truly are constant companions of an honest and well-mannered person


    The box contains the following items:

    • matryoshka,
    • pen,
    • book,
    • orange,
    • umbrella,
    • disk,
    • spoon, etc.

    From the point of view of the concepts of “culture” and “morality”, explain how these items can be useful to you?

    Let's sum it up

    Ethics- a science that examines actions and relationships between people from the point of view of ideas about good and evil

    Culture- this is everything that a person creates:

    • Material culture - material assets
    • Spiritual culture - legal culture, customs, traditions, morality

    Morality- these are habits, customs, rules of behavior

    Today in class:

    • I found out that…
    • I like it…
    • Prove that you studied today and were not just present at the lesson...


    Together with your parents, draw up a set of moral standards accepted in your family.

    3 Working with the textbook

    Sample conversation plan:

    • Look at the illustrations in the textbook (pages 8-9). Elements of what national cultures are represented on them?
    • Give examples of material and spiritual culture.
    • Explain why morality arose.

    4 Homework

    Together with your parents, draw up a set of moral standards accepted in your family

    5 Entertaining material for the lesson

    1. A. Markusha. Quiet Zoya

    Story text

    In the fourth grade "A" there was such a snide girl - Zoya Shalamova. As soon as the teacher opened the door, Zoya raised her hand.

    - What do you have, Zoya? – the teacher asked patiently.

    – Today Volodya Petukhov and Vitya Gulyaev threw paper balls at us, and Zhenya Semenkov said bad words...

    “Sit down,” the teacher answered, “we’ll talk about this later.”

    But as soon as the teacher appeared in the classroom again, everything started all over again.

    - Can you say? – Zoya asked politely and, having received permission, reported:

    – Volodya Petukhov wrote on the wall, and Vitya Gulyaev stuck his tongue out at Semenkov’s Zhenya...

    “Sit down,” the teacher said and sighed heavily. - We'll talk about this later.

    It should be noted that the teacher was smart and never tried to find out from Zoya who, where, how and why did the mischief. And still Zoya did not let up.

    Zoya's mother was called to school. But she, unfortunately, did not understand what her daughter was to blame for, she was even indignant:

    – Our Zoenka always tells the truth! I taught her this way since childhood. This means that your boys are really throwing paper balls, saying bad words, and writing on the walls, and sticking their tongues out at each other. Call their parents!

    No one knew what to do with Zoya Shalamova, how to “bring her to her senses,” even the teacher did not know. But the guys found a way out.

    I don’t remember exactly how it happened, but it happened: Zoya turned over the inkwell, so awkwardly that Vitya Gulyaev’s whole back turned purple. And then Semenkov Zhenya said:

    - After lessons, you will go to Vitka’s mother and say that it was you who poured ink on him.

    - But I didn’t do it on purpose.

    - It doesn’t matter, you’ll go and say that you poured it. If you want, you can explain that it wasn't on purpose.

    Zoya didn't go.

    And then all the boys from fourth grade “A” followed Zoya. And then, when the harmful Zoya disappeared behind her door, they rang the bell one by one and each explained to Shalamova’s mother that her daughter Zoya had poured ink on Vita Gulyaev’s back. After the twelfth explanation, Shalamova’s mother screamed in a terrible voice:

    - Well, I poured it, poured it, poured it out! The girl is crying, what more do you want?

    “We want,” Semenkov Zhenya said, “for her to go to Vitka’s mother and complain about herself.” And if it doesn’t work,” Zhenya promised, “tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, and always we will come to you and tell you... Until Zoya complains about herself...

    When the teacher appeared, Zoya no longer raised her hand and did not try to sneak around.

    Cured once and for all.


    • How did Zoya recover from snitching?

    2. Old grandfather and grandson

    Fable text

    Grandfather became very old. His legs did not walk, his eyes did not see, his ears did not hear, he had no teeth. And when he ate, it flowed backwards from his mouth. His son and daughter-in-law stopped sitting him at the table and let him dine at the stove.

    They brought him lunch in a cup. He wanted to move it, but he dropped it and broke it.

    The daughter-in-law began to scold the old man for ruining everything in the house and breaking cups, and said that now she would give him dinner in a basin.

    The old man just sighed and said nothing.

    Once a husband and wife were sitting at home and looked: their son was playing on the floor with planks - he was working on something.

    The father asked:

    - Why are you doing this, Misha?

    And Misha answers:

    “It’s me, father, who’s making the basin.” When you and your mother are too old to feed you from this tub.

    The husband and wife looked at each other and began to cry. They felt ashamed that they had offended the old man so much; and from then on they began to sit him at the table and look after him.


    • Name the main characters
    • What kind of relationship should there be between older and younger family members?
    • What made the husband and wife think about their actions?

    Goal: to reveal the relationship between the concepts of “culture” and “morality” Tasks:
    Introduce the concepts of “culture” and
    Create conditions for perception
    variety of manifestations
    human life in
    Create a situation of reflection
    relationship between culture and morality.

    Updating attention to the topic

    How do you understand what it is
    How do you understand what “morality” is?
    How do you think
    Are these two concepts related?

    Working with textbook text

    Exercise 1.
    Read the text of the textbook. Find characteristics
    concepts of “culture” and “morality”.
    Fill in the second row in the table.
    By whom
    is created
    peoples and
    material spiritual
    of people
    Every nation or
    people have their own
    Household items and
    all areas
    vital workers

    Working with textbook text

    The teacher needs to listen to everyone's opinion
    student, but bring them to the conclusion and fill out the second
    table row on the board. For example, the following
    By whom
    is created
    material spiritual
    peoples and
    of people
    Every nation or
    people have their own
    Household items and
    all areas
    vital workers
    by people
    national and
    Articles in
    different nations

    Working with textbook text

    Task 2.
    Read the text of the textbook on page starting from
    paragraph: “Morality arises then...”.
    Answer the questions:
    What are the reasons for the emergence of morality?
    What human actions constituted norms?
    his behavior in society?
    What actions of a person interfere with him
    himself and those around him to live a worthy life

    Working with Definitions

    Culture is a set of production,
    social and spiritual achievements
    of people. S.I. Ozhegov.
    Morality - moral standards of behavior,
    relationships with people, as well as herself
    moral. S.I. Ozhegov.
    Morality - moral teaching, moral
    teaching, rules for the will, conscience of man.
    Moral truths, moral. IN AND. Dahl.
    Task 3.
    Think about how in different
    national cultures are formed
    norms and rules of behavior in society?

    Work with text

    Task No. 4.
    You can ask students to compare
    as is customary in various cultures:
    Celebrate weddings;
    Treat elders, women,
    men, children, etc.

    If in Russia during a meeting they exchange wishes
    hello, then in Germany according to custom
    in order they wish you “Good morning” until 12 noon, “Good
    day" from 12 to 17 and then followed by "Good evening", however
    They can limit themselves to a simple hello.
    In most other European countries and in America
    They ask: “How are you?”, and the answer they usually receive is:
    “Okay” or “Normal”, followed by a counter
    a similar question (and answering “Bad” is simple
    In Malaysia they ask: “Where are you going?” For what
    They answer vaguely: “Go for a walk.”
    The Jew will wish: “Peace be with you!”, and the Persian: “Be cheerful!”
    Greenlanders state: “Nice weather!”

    To help the teacher (greetings)

    Russians, Europeans, Americans as a welcome gesture
    exchange a friendly handshake.
    Shaking right hands shows that there are no weapons in them
    and their intentions are pure.
    In France, in an informal setting, even strangers
    kiss when meeting and goodbye, touching each other's cheeks
    alternately and sending one to five kisses into the air.
    Emotional Latinos hugging.
    Freezing Laplanders rub their noses against each other.
    Friendly Japanese bow with one of three types of bows -
    the lowest, medium with an angle of about 30 degrees or light.
    The Chinese also bow, but with their arms extended along the body.
    In India, as a sign of greeting, hands are folded together and respectfully
    press them to the chest.
    Arabs cross their arms over their chest.

    Regarding rituals for well-being
    families, this also has its own characteristics.
    You probably know that with this
    purpose many people like to sprinkle
    a couple of rice.
    This serves as a wish for having many children.
    In Russia it is common to sprinkle
    newlyweds in small coins, that
    symbolizes their future prosperity.
    In Romania, for example, they sprinkle nuts,
    and in some countries - even petals
    roses or millet.

    To help the teacher (wedding rituals)

    In Hungary there is a very funny custom
    name "money dance": bride
    puts his shoes in the middle of the room, and
    everyone who wants to dance with her must
    first throw a few coins at them.
    And in Poland, banknotes stick to
    the bride's dress or thrown into the veil,
    which is previously removed by the groom. This
    is another wedding gift
    In Switzerland, spouses plant a pine tree, and in
    Norway - two young Christmas trees. This
    symbolizes luck and wealth.



    Independent work

    Write a discussion in your notebook on
    topic “What norms and values
    are common to all peoples
    peace and why?

    Here are questions related to the concept of culture. Try to answer questions you already know. Which of them would you like to receive an answer to? -What kind of person can be called cultured? -What does it mean to behave culturally? -What does the word culture mean? -Why is culture called second nature? -What is material culture. -What is spiritual culture. -How morality arose.

    Political culture is the ideals and life values ​​of people in a state. Legal culture is the laws by which people live in society and which are binding on everyone. Morality is a system of norms and values ​​that regulate people's behavior.

    -Be lazy and idle -Make empty promises -Help an old grandmother bring water -Be greedy, inhospitable -Help a person in trouble, grief -Laugh at the crippled -Respect, take care of parents -Eat the candy that mom put aside for the holiday -Be honest -Demand from parents what they did not earn through hard work.

    Morozko. Once upon a time, a grandfather lived with another wife. The grandfather had a daughter, and the woman had a daughter. Everyone knows how to live with a stepmother: if you turn over, it’s a bitch, and if you don’t turn over, it’s a bitch. And my own daughter, no matter what she does, gets a pat on the head for everything: she’s smart. The stepdaughter watered and fed the cattle, carried firewood and water to the hut, heated the stove, chalked the hut - even before the light... You can’t please the old woman with anything - everything is wrong, everything is bad. Even if the wind makes a noise, it calms down, but the old woman disperses - she won’t calm down soon. So the stepmother came up with the idea to take her stepdaughter away from the world. “Take her, take her, old man,” he says to her husband, “where you want my eyes not to see her!” Take her to the forest, into the bitter cold. The old man groaned and cried, but there was nothing to do, you couldn’t argue with the women. Harnessed the horse: - Sit down, dear daughter, in the sleigh.

    -Are you warm, girl? - Warm, Morozushko, warm, father. Morozko began to descend lower, crackling and clicking louder: “Are you warm, girl?” Are you warm, red one? She takes a breath: “It’s warm, Morozushko, it’s warm, father.” Morozko descended even lower, crackled louder, clicked louder: “Are you warm, girl?” Are you warm, red one? Are you warm, honey? The girl began to stiffen, moving her tongue a little: - Oh, it’s warm, my dear Morozushko!

    The old woman's daughter is sitting, chattering her teeth. The old woman's daughter is sitting, chattering her teeth. And Morozko crackles through the forest, jumps from tree to tree, clicks, the old woman’s daughter glances at the old woman: “Are you warm, girl?” And she told him: - Oh, it’s cold! Don’t creak, don’t crack, Morozko... Morozko began to descend lower, crackling and clicking more. -Are you warm, girl? Are you warm, red one? - Oh, my hands and feet are frozen! Go away, Morozko... Morozko descended even lower, hit harder, crackled, clicked: “Are you warm, girl?” Are you warm, red one? - Oh, I've got a cold! Get lost, get lost, damned Morozko!

    The work can be used for lessons and reports on the subject "Social Studies"

    The main purpose of a social studies presentation is to study society and understand social processes. This section of the site contains ready-made presentations covering the entire school curriculum in social studies. Here you can find and download a ready-made presentation on social studies for grades 6,7,8,9,10,11. Well-illustrated and well-written presentations will help the teacher teach a lesson in an engaging way, and students can use them to prepare for a lesson, review material already covered, or as a visual accompaniment when giving a report.