Programs for hearing development. Program for the development of absolute hearing "Ear Gryz"

Online game "Absolute pitch"

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For technical reasons, we no longer create a table of records, so you DO NOT need to enter data at the end of the game...

For technical reasons we are more
We do not issue DIPLOMAS and we apologize :-(

The game asks the first 33 questions from this list. The entire list of 55 questions (from 34 to 55 chips with a stave) is presented in full version of this game included in the program.

2. RE
3. MI
4. SI
5. LA
6. RE
7. MI
8. FA
9. LA
10. SI
11. SALT
12. MI
13. TO 1st octave
14. RE 1st octave
15. MI 2nd octave
16. FA small octave
17. 1st octave G
18. A 1st octave
19. SI small octave
20. TO small octave
21. RE small octave
22. MI large octave
23. FA 1st octave
24. SALT of small octave
25. A large octave
26. SI large octave
27. TO 2nd octave
28. RE 1st octave
29. MI 1st octave
30. FA 2nd octave
31. GR of the major octave
32. A small octave
33. SI 2nd octave
34. TO 1st octave + stave
35. GR small octave + stave
36. A major octave + staff
37. FA major octave + staff
38. RE major octave + staff
39. MI 1st octave + staff
40. TO 1st octave + staff
41. 1st octave G + stave
42. SI 1st octave + staff
43. RE 2nd octave + staff
44. MI 2nd octave + staff
45. FA 2nd octave + staff
46. ​​G of the 2nd octave + staff
47. SI 2nd octave + staff
48. TO 3rd octave + staff
49. TO 1st octave + staff
50. A small octave + staff
51. FA small octave + staff
52. RE small octave + staff
53. GR major octave + stave
54. MI large octave + staff
55. TO major octave + stave

Alexey Ustinov, 2011-12-30

Game updated 2013-11-30

Teacher's comment

Absolute ear for music - the ability to determine the pitch of a tone, regardless of other tones, i.e. without comparing sounds with each other and, as a result, assigning a note name to this sound. The nature of this phenomenon has not been sufficiently studied in musicological circles and, apparently, is therefore represented by different points of view. But it is even less familiar to practicing teachers. At the same time, the skill of “absolute musical ear” constantly remains the focus of both interest and controversy among almost all musicians. It is generally accepted that all string players (violinists, cellists) have such hearing, but this is not so! On the contrary, it seems that the pianist does not need it at all - however, those who master this skill say that it helps a lot, for example, when reading scores... Another often discussed question is whether it can be developed, or is it something... Is it innate?...

What to do with a child who easily picks out any melody and does not want to look at the sheet music at all? How to develop hearing for a student who knows musical notation symbols well, but can play false notes, memorizes them, and the teacher cannot help him in any way?

One day, my second grade student asked me to play him Gennady Sasko’s play “Blues,” which was quite complex in rhythm, with a passage at the end. I played it three times... and at the next lesson he played the Blues without notes and at the same tempo as the piece was played. The case of this boy was for me an example of my incompetence in working with a gifted student with absolute pitch... I have not encountered many children with absolute pitch in my teaching practice. And most often such children did not finish music school. From the very beginning, they could remember and play the pieces by hand, “by ear,” but reading a complex text caused resistance in them and, as a result, they lost interest in learning.

In other words, the skill of “absolute pitch” is not something separate in the learning process, clearly positive or negative. Both its presence and absence require additional attention from the teacher and a special approach to the student. Still, this skill is extremely desirable!

To help my students, and to avoid repeating the mistakes of my youth, I am now using S.M. Maltsev’s method. - the author of a comprehensive methodology for teaching piano playing, as well as solfegging, synchronized with piano playing. This method helps me identify children with well-developed hearing already in the first year of education and constantly work with them by reading notes from a sheet.

For most students and those who want to master musical wisdom, it is easy to learn and play their favorite melodies on the piano or guitar, they still need to develop their hearing. And the game "Perfect Pitch" is an excellent tool for this. It is suitable for all ages.

Small children, who cannot even read, will guess the right answer from the pictures. (You just need to help them - first play the game NOTES - PICTURES so that the child gets acquainted with the notes hidden in in simple words: HOUSE, TURNIP. There, he will become acquainted with the sound of notes.).

Older children and adults, while playing, will discover that they HAVE absolute pitch and that this skill is developing - verified!

Of course, someone might say that there are no halftones in the game (more precisely, a full chromatic scale). Yes, the game only includes white piano keys, i.e. in fact, we are in a major (C) or minor (LA) mode... Someone may note that the degrees of the mode and intervals play a role here... Absolutely right! But, start with simple tasks, achieve confident recognition of these notes, and you will make big step in improving your musical ear. Believe me, you will get great pleasure from discovering that you can identify the name of a note by ear!

Krivopalova L.N.
Piano teacher, Palace of Children and Youth Creativity, Tomsk

The Virartek team expresses its gratitude to Lyubov Nikolaevna Krivopalova, who took an active part in the creation of this game and in its testing. THANK YOU! Good luck to you and your students!

Everyone loves music, but not every person is born musical. Sometimes there comes a time when, in an emotional outburst, you want to sing a couple of lines from Miley Cyrus’s latest hit. However, after the performance you have to catch sympathetic glances and listen to disapproving comments. To prevent this, you need to figure out what an ear for music is and what to do if you don’t have it.

Someone has been given absolute pitch by nature, someone raised him
with time

Musical ear is a fairly broad concept, containing a whole list of abilities that allow you to fully perceive music and adequately evaluate its advantages and disadvantages. A well-developed ear for music is a vital ability for musicians, producers, and sound engineers. To some it is given by nature, to others they have cultivated it over time. Anyone creative person, even if you are not related to music, it won’t hurt to add this skill to your bank of skills. Recently, experts have proven that an ear for music even helps to master foreign languages.

It has been scientifically established that there is a certain area in the brain that is responsible for hearing music. This bundle is located in the auditory zone: the larger it is and the more nerve fibers it contains, the better a person’s hearing is developed. How can you determine whether you have hearing and how things are going with your neurons in that very area of ​​the brain? To do this, you don’t have to go and have a magnetic tomography scan, just try to accurately repeat the melody you heard, for example, from the chorus of the song Reflektor by Arcade Fire, while trying to keep the rhythm. It didn't work out the first time - don't be upset. You probably have poor hearing or vocal coordination and need more training.

It seems to me that professionals will help you determine exactly whether you have hearing or not. But, in any case, there is no point in despair, because all this can be developed. The main thing is that there is a desire.

There are several varieties
musical ear:

Absolute pitch

This is the ability to accurately determine pitch ( musical note) any sound, without comparing it with any standard. It is believed that this talent is innate and is present in 1 in 10,000, and even most greatest musicians people in the world do not have absolute pitch.

Relative (or interval)

Hearing capable of determining and reproducing musical intervals in melodies, chords, etc. In this case, the pitch of the sound is determined by comparing it with a standard.

Inner hearing

The ability to have a clear mental representation (most often from musical notation or from memory) of individual sounds and melodic structures.

Intonation hearing

A type of perception of music that allows you to understand its character and expression.

Fret hearing

The ability to hear, separate and identify differences in chords, harmonies and sections of melody, for example, their stability and instability.

Rhythmic hearing

The ability to motorly experience music, to feel the emotional expressiveness of musical rhythm.

Vocal masters and musicologists also distinguish harmonic, polyphonic, rhythmic, textured, timbral and architectural hearing.

Setting myself a serious task- by all means, train your ears, of course, you need to contact a specialist and find a teacher in solfeggio (there is a special discipline designed for the development of hearing and musical memory).

It is best to go to an experienced private teacher and it would be good to start mastering musical notation along with the desired instrument. You will be taught to distinguish notes and intervals, and then entire chords, keys, and how to handle all of this. I went to solfeggio when I had an interest myself. Every lesson the brain swells from new information and begins to process it painfully. The most useful thing about solfeggio for a musician is the practical exercises, when you are trained by ear to determine notes and their relationships - intervals, chords, etc.

The most basic exercise is probably just singing the scale (do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-si) in unison under the piano. I would also advise you to select melodies from your favorite tracks on the instrument by ear until you get one to one. It is doubly useful to practice with a metronome and devote special time to exercises on the sense of rhythm.

After practicing for a while, you begin to hear the structure of the compositions on a much more subtle level. You just listen to the music and really get into everything! You mark cool moves or, conversely, simple, elementary ones. In general, you perceive everything more insightfully.

7 programs and applications

If there is no time for a teacher, you can try to train your musical ear using special web services, programs and applications, which Lately a mass appeared. We have selected some of them.

To train your hearing and learning to recognize and identify intervals, chords, timbres, rhythms and other basic elements of music takes a lot of practice. For such practical classes you just need to have an accompanist partner who would play the same intervals and chords on the instrument to guess. The Ear Teach service allows you to train independently, clearly tracking your progress. The program exists both in a web version and as a separate program (though so far only for Windows).

Theta Music Trainer- a resource that includes several dozen flash games for hearing development, most of which are intuitive. Some games can be played for free without any registration; to access others you will have to enter your data. To fully complete the entire course and access all site materials, you need to create a paid account (for $7.95 per month or $49 per year).

EarMaster 6 is latest version training program for Danish developers. In it you will find 2000 lessons and exercises for both beginners and experienced musicians. By connecting a microphone to your computer, you can hum tunes based on the notes displayed on the screen. The program, in turn, will evaluate your hearing, producing a detailed report on the tone hits. Cost: €47.95

Auralia 4 is a serious program that contains 41 topics covering the basics of solfeggio: intervals and scales, chords and their sequences, rhythms, harmonies and melodies. Auralia allows you to arrange melodic dictations for yourself, connect a MIDI keyboard and microphone. $99.00

Pitch Improver

Simple collection basic exercises, offering to reproduce melodies by ear. Press the Play button and try to repeat what you heard on the virtual keys. The first note is marked with a letter, and the rest are highlighted in green. To pass to the next level, you need to play all the notes correctly. You can try Pitch Improver in the online version, and also download it to your smartphone

"Ear Gryz" is a tutorial from .

What is she doing: helps you choose a vivid association for each note, then gives you a note and asks: do, re, mi, fa? you answer. That's right - move on. Wrong - compare the notes you got wrong. The difference becomes obvious.
And finally - from notes you move on to melodies famous songs, which are in the program more than 60, and pick them up.

In a programme: 5 tempos (from slowest to fastest)
3 tones of sounds (piano, guitar, flute)
Range of sounds: three octaves (minor, first, second).
The sound is NOT MIDI! And high quality.

Training occurs in levels. You passed the level - send a report, it goes to us.
Here are some reports from those who are already involved:

01/13/2009 - Recognizing melodies from seven notes is much more interesting, the funny thing is that when there were the first four notes, the note E was like a drop of water, and when the rest were added, it became a bucket of water) Notes began to be recognized much faster, before I had to concentrate more

02/04/2009 - I began to think differently musically, sometimes I recognize individual notes when I listen to music (guitar or keyboards), I began to accurately tune the guitar. I recognize all the notes of the first act, that is, I distinguish them from each other, subject to a certain definition. speed, each of them has a peculiarity, namely in the sound, in the character of the sound. Now I understand how an absolutist thinks - he just noticed this feature a long time ago and remembered the sounds that way. although when you change the timbre, it is quite difficult to determine, especially the voice!

Olga Chernetsova

12/23/2008 — At first it was a bit old to come up with associations. It’s stupid, of course, but it seemed that if you came up with the wrong associations and attributed the wrong sensations, the course would fail altogether and the learning wouldn’t work out at all. For some time now I have had difficulty localizing the sensations of music in my body, as well as the taste and smell of a note.
But then... Somehow the sensations began to come on their own and everything became okay. I stopped being afraid and learning became easy.

12/23/2008 - Fa. Her clear feeling came after working on mi. I memorized E, and then moved on to F, and F overwhelmed me with a sudden feeling, like when it’s very, very sweet to lie in bed before going to sleep, knowing that tomorrow you won’t have to rush anywhere. It was just a wonderful discovery of the note)

01/18/2009 — For some reason, the first sensation from the note did not catch my emotions. The note turned out to be emotionally empty and I can’t come up with a new feeling for it.

01/18/2009 - Yes, although I still see the piano keyboard more than I think in notes. I rather “see the notes” on the keyboard. Although I’m starting to think about them too.

01/18/2009 - Now I am more or less able to identify notes if I repeat them out loud or to myself. I managed to determine the formation of my two jew's harps. And my E-flat teen-whistle began to really piss me off with its stupid and illogical tuning in a terrible key. After all, I play and think on it in D major and similar keys, but it sounds a semitone higher.

Nadezhda Dobryanskaya

02/10/2009 - I pronounce the melody with notes and therefore it is easier and faster to remember

02/10/2009 - me professional musician, so there haven’t been any particular difficulties yet, but I was pleased that the melody was remembered right away. I want to learn how to select longer melodies at once.

Elena Butorina

02/07/2009 — It was a bit difficult for me, since I have practically no hearing, but every day I can distinguish notes better and better.

Anna Lugovaya

02.22.2009 — I gave up this activity for a long time, and now, having almost accidentally opened the program, I was very surprised that I recognized the melodies almost flawlessly

02.22.2009 — I would like to: 1. learn to recognize not short melodies, but individual notes; 2. I want to learn to recognize sounds of different timbres

02/22/2009 — It’s a shame that the program only lets you in for the second time final stage workout.

Taina Bezrukova

11/28/2008 — Scary. Easy enough, but not with one left hand. A few hours, but not days. I see that relative hearing is developed, but the absolute part is lame. The head begins to mathematically calculate sounds.

Kuzma Vostrikov

01/16/2009 - I recognize all the white keys in this octave (about the first octave). So far in very moderate pace, but everything is ahead, we have to work.

01/16/2009 — I would like to increase the tempo of the melodies over time

01/16/2009 - everything is wonderful.

Sergei Pudin

12/18/2008 — I began to recognize notes better. But as before, if there is a break of 1-3 days, then sometimes you need to listen to one note in order to understand which one it sounds (probably relative hearing has developed more). As for thinking in notes, somehow it’s not much yet... but still, there is progress. And another strange thing, for some reason it’s easier for me to think what note sounds when looking at the keys with the names of the notes; without a keyboard they are more difficult to remember.

Vladimir Astafiev

11/08/2008 - Relatively easy. He built the images quickly, he recognized one note immediately, but two notes were already difficult, but three notes were easier, and then the moment came when he began to recognize them almost without difficulty.

11/12/2008 — I started tuning the guitar better, I checked the first four strings to zero using the tuner. And when I practice guitar and feel that the guitar is starting to go out of tune, I immediately hear which string.

11/12/2008 — Initially, I wanted to learn how to shoot works, but now I started thinking about how to master music theory so to speak on professional level, because I am self-taught and have little knowledge in theory, and I think that absolute hearing without theory is just rumor. I could shoot simple melodies before, but now it’s starting to work out better.

04/27/2009 — (in response to the question in the report whether something has changed in the perception of notes) — Of course it has. I hear notes.
Sorry for not letting you know for so long. Your program is working. Thank you.
I would like a program for ear development, but for the guitar. Practice listening to intervals. Gain basic knowledge of harmony.
Great software. Continue in the same spirit.

Shahen Grigoryan

10/29/2008 — It really started to work out. Each note acquired its own shade. I hope everything will be just as simple in the future.

10/29/2008 — I’m still confusing a couple of notes, and I don’t have enough memory for melodies, but I hope it will come

Dmitry Borisov

11.11.2008 — After hard training, it is possible to recognize the learned notes almost always the first time, without repetition. Although there are also mistakes. It’s inspiring that sometimes when you listen to a note you realize what its name is, without even thinking about it. But this is only sometimes so far :)

Elena Lukashina

10/28/2008 — It’s amazing that each note actually evokes specific, recognizable sensations, and they turn out to be 100% correct!

01/12/2009 - this is difficult. The main difference is that the black keys are vertical and the white keys are horizontal. And even in the small octave this is more obvious - black keys have a more shiny and at the same time dirty sound. (level 15)

01/25/2009 - All sharps were remembered very well, and specific, easily recognizable images were attached to them (level 16)

Yulia Aulova

02/24/2009 - I remember all the notes

02/24/2009 - not difficult

02/26/2009 - I began to hear and even think in notes as they sounded. This actually surprises me.

Dmitry Vinogradov

11/21/2008 — It’s difficult. I got stuck on the melodies twice, there was nowhere to see the answer, so I was sorting through the options. In general, the delight was simply overwhelming. The very fact, me and notes, before these things were simply incompatible. Thank you.

11/21/2008 - C - it is very smooth and long, D - the plug in it is clearly audible.

11/21/2008 - on combinations fa-mi, mi-fa

11/21/2008 — When I switched to three notes, I realized that I needed to know all the sequences of two notes. Firstly, because the way I hear a note depends on what note sounded before it and, in fact, still continues to sound. In real time, I do not have time to make corrections to previous notes, i.e. I need to learn all 16 two note sequences.

11/30/2008 - Easier than do-re-mi-fa. True, now creating images of notes seemed even more tedious. But from the very beginning I tried to call the notes by their names and this really helped a lot; in do-re-mi-fa I somehow missed it. I seem to hear quite well, and why did everyone used to think that I had no hearing? :)

11/30/2008 - now yes, I write dictation at speed 60, but I still can’t do it at a higher speed.

01/10/2009 — It’s more interesting to select melodies with sharps; they hardly get confused with ordinary notes.

01/24/2009 — How difficult it was to distinguish A# from A. In general, it turned out that the sharps of the horizontal notes: C, F and A turned out to be much more difficult to distinguish from the notes themselves than the sharps of the vertical notes: D and G. When it is difficult to distinguish, I still check by teeth: sharps sound in the upper front teeth.
The main thing, of course, is to study. Every evening I had to sit down at the computer with clenched teeth without any hope of success, but the day always comes when it becomes audible, it always creeps up somehow unnoticed, once all the notes that were the same yesterday become very different.
Thank you. It’s so nice to record even a very small melody, but with the most real notes.

Venus Nigmatullina

01/06/2009 - It became clear to me what notes sound, thanks to which I simply name them when the melody is played. It's surprising that despite musical education, before going through the program, I had absolutely no idea of ​​the image of a single note, here are the melody - yes, but what about each note...

01/06/2009 — I have no problems with notes, I just need to remember them in order in melodies, which is not entirely possible yet.

Yuri Zadorozhny

02.2.2009 — It’s difficult, especially on the first day I launched the program, I seemed to remember the notes, but I couldn’t guess, I decided to postpone it until the next day, when I tried again everything became much easier, although I wouldn’t say it was without difficulty =)

Georgy Dovgallo

12/03/2008 — It was not easy, but I won’t say that it was very difficult. At first I listened to the discs 3-4 times, then every day I studied according to the program, about 40 minutes a day. One fine day, suddenly the notes became names in my head and their sequence began to be read almost unmistakably.

01/20/2009 - Completed this part at all speeds. Each note has its own character and characteristics. Some are already recognizable unambiguously and without errors, with mi and fa the greatest confusion. The name of the note begins to appear in your head when it sounds, but you can’t always trust yourself :) You think it seemed, you try - no, it didn’t :) sometimes you recognize notes in music, but so far only sporadically. The higher the tempo, the more difficult it is to recognize, but the music continues and, as a result, it overwhelms you with notes :)

Alexey Gordeev

11/20/2008 — It’s too early to talk about any grandiose changes. When I listen to a note in an earworm, I usually recognize it, but
Here in another program I change the timbre and problems begin with recognition; I guess somewhere around 72 out of 100.

11/20/2008 — I would like to clearly understand what note sounds and immediately recognize it, and I also want to hear the chords.

11.20.2008 — The most difficult thing is to guess by one note, and not by 4. When you guess by 4, relative hearing involuntarily begins to give clues. And working in one timbre you get used to it, and then listening to the same note in another you get lost.

11.21.2008 - Yes, some idea has appeared, blacks sound louder and narrower than whites. It's a shame
Only in the notes when the first one was played I did not recognize the “g”, but the rest even correctly identified the name of the white ones. I don’t know if I’m doing it right, but at the same time I’m fixing note recognition in the Music Box 3.0 program there
The interface is conveniently built, you can choose any timbre of the instrument and notes for recognition, I guess on white

Evgeny Morozov

02/04/2009 — Recognition of notes has become better, although some sounds are still not well recognizable, especially at fast tempos, nevertheless special problems there were no melodies, they are well-known and easy to everyone.

02/04/2009 — I would like to develop absolute pitch, but I haven’t succeeded yet :)

02/04/2009 - Increase the number of melodies, there are still few of them, and they are often repeated, it happens that already on a subconscious level memorization simply occurs, and repeating in case of an error is not difficult. It would also be good if immediately in case errors, tasks with melodies immediately began to be executed again, because... V test assignments you can be interrupted in the middle of playing a melody, hearing the wrong note, stop, listen again, and then play correctly, and this is a selection, which reduces efficiency. And of course there are more melodies, there are very few of them.

02/09/2009 — Notes on white keys are more transparent, sonorous, clear, understandable, and simple. Black keys are heavier, deeper, more viscous. White stable. Blacks are less stable, with movement

If you think that “an elephant has stepped on your ear” and you will never be able to perceive the sounds around you the way people who are gifted with an ear for music from birth perceive them, then you are deeply mistaken. Developing an ear for music is not as difficult as you might think. And today we will give you some tips to help you do this.

First, let's look at the types of hearing. To develop an ear for music, we need to hone:

  • Rhythmic hearing. That is, learn to hear and feel the rhythm.
  • Melodic ear is the ability to understand the movement and structure of music and hear its subtleties.
  • Relative - hearing that allows you to understand the size of musical intervals and pitch.
  • Inner hearing is the hearing that allows you to clearly imagine music and individual sounds in your thoughts.
  • Ear of intonation, which allows you to understand the character and tone of music.

Of course, there are many more types of hearing, but we will focus on these five, since they are enough to acquire an ear for music.

So, what do we need to do to train these types of hearing?

1. Musical instrument

The ideal way to “pump up” all types of hearing is to start learning to play an instrument. This way, you'll remember how each note should sound, train your sense of rhythm, and generally begin to understand music better. But since you most likely don't have time to learn how to play a musical instrument, let's move on.

2. Singing

If you don't have a piano at home, find one online version on the Internet and play scales on it several times every day and sing them along with the piano. As you begin to feel confident with scales, move on to intervals, chords, and simple melodies. The main thing is don't be shy. If you are afraid that someone will hear you, try to train while you are alone at home. But in fact, there is nothing shameful here! Just remember karaoke bars, where people, to put it mildly, without voice or hearing, sing so loudly that they can be heard outside the bar.

3. Meditation

We called this point that because the exercise we are about to tell you about is very similar to meditation practices for beginners. It will help you develop awareness of sounds.

Walk outside without headphones, trying to catch snippets of conversations, the noise of trees, the sound of cars, the sound of heels on the asphalt; the way a dog shuffles its paw on the ground; the way someone shakes out a blanket on the balcony... you will notice that you are surrounded by so many sounds that it’s hard to believe. At home, spend five minutes a day listening to the humming of the refrigerator from the kitchen, the sound of water in the pipes, the conversations of your neighbors, the noise from the street.

4. Voices

When talking to a person, try to remember his voice. You can also watch movies, memorizing the actors' voices, and then listen to parts of the movie and try to name the character based only on his voice.

Try to notice the manner of speaking of your interlocutor, the timbre of his voice; When remembering a conversation with someone, try to pronounce the interlocutor’s phrases in your head in his own voice.

5. Learn to hear music

Of course, it’s very nice to listen to music and not think about anything. But if your goal is to develop an ear for music, then try to delve into the music you listen to. Learn to separate one musical instrument from another; learn how a guitar sounds under different “gadgets” so as not to confuse it with other instruments; also learn to distinguish different modes synthesizer from the rest musical instruments; listen to how real drums and electronic drums sound.

This practice will not only help you develop an ear for music, but will also teach you to hear music more subtly, which in turn will give you even greater pleasure from listening to it. There is one by-effect with this practice - most likely later you will not want to listen to what you are listening to now, you will want something more complex and voluminous. And this is great, because isn’t this the main indicator of your progress?

6. Rhythm

There is such a cool thing called a “metronome”. You can buy it for yourself or find an online version on the Internet. Every day, practice with a metronome, tapping your finger (arm, foot, whatever) to the rhythm it sets for you.

Once you feel comfortable with the metronome, move on to recognizing rhythm in music. Start with music that contains drums; it’s easier to determine the rhythm using them. And then move on to working with music that does not contain noise instruments, allowing you to easily determine the rhythm ( classical music, For example).

Another enjoyable way to improve your sense of rhythm is dancing. Sign up for dance studio or dance at home for your own pleasure.

7. Sound source

If you have a helper for this task, great! Close your eyes and ask someone to walk around you in and outside the room and make sounds (voice, hand clap, ringing a bell, etc.). And every time your assistant makes a sound, you should try to understand from which direction it is coming. A fairly simple task if you and your assistant are in the same room, but once he starts walking around the apartment, you will notice that it becomes more difficult for you to determine where the sound is coming from.

If you don’t have someone who can help you with this, then you can do the following. Go outside, sit on a bench somewhere and listen to the sounds around you, as in the third exercise. Only this time you will also need to understand from which side this sound is coming.

Programs and applications

Of course, there are many programs for developing your musical ear, and we have collected the best of them.

1. Eartheach

An excellent application containing exercises on scales, chords and intervals. Perfect for those who have musical ear already more developed. You can also download the PC version.

The principle is very simple - you need to play the melody that you just heard. The application can also be downloaded on Android and iOS.

A simple game that will help you remember notes. Also on the right you can find many more games to develop your ear for music.