"million dollar secret" “Secret for a Million”: Lera Kudryavtseva keeps terrible secrets Secret for a Million when it comes out

12 Sep 16:23

The management of the NTV channel understands that attracting viewers in the conditions of fierce competition between channels is possible only through new projects of the original format. Therefore, the channel’s producers try to air programs that are unique and have no analogues on other channels. Recently, NTV has been broadcasting the program “Secret for a Million,” in which the stars of Russian show business reveal secrets and get paid for it. In the next episode of the program, the main character turned out to be Natasha Koroleva, who, as the host of the program, Lera Kudryavtseva, revealed some of her secrets. One of them, which the Queen spoke about, made Leroy blush. According to Natasha, will she tell her most important secret for 1 million rubles?

The essence of the program is that the stars invited to the program studio reveal their secrets that they have never told to anyone. By becoming a participant in the program, a famous person has a real opportunity to take away an amount of 1.5 million rubles from the transfer. However, to do this you will have to sacrifice your secrets and tell your secret. The agent provocateur in this program, and at the same time the host of the show, is Lera Kudryavtseva.

In each episode of the program, she asks a guest celebrity questions that relate to real life. Each question has its own cost. By answering it, the star increases its fortune. From the presenter, the characters of the episodes may hear the question about what was the name of your labor teacher at school? The presenter can also ask the celebrity a question about the dress the celebrity wore on the first date. But these questions are simple and are not valued in monetary terms. More intimate ones cost more. For example, by answering the question with whom you spent the night in one of the hotels, you can get good money. The more revelations a celebrity gives to viewers of the program, the greater the winnings she can receive.

There are certain rules on this show. One of the most important is that the hero of the program can only refuse to answer a question once. Which Russian celebrity will be so brave as to answer the most piquant question and receive one million rubles from the program for it?

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Natasha Koroleva, Igor Krutoy and Dmitry Malikov spoke very openly about themselves on the air of a provocative show

Igor Nikolaev and Natasha Koroleva/Instagram

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Natasha Koroleva, Igor Krutoy and Dmitry Malikov spoke very openly about themselves on the air of a provocative show.

The show “Million Dollar Secret” has already made a lot of noise. Presenter Lera Kudryavtseva asks the celebrity guests very tricky questions. By parting with their deepest secrets, participants can win one and a half million rubles.

And often stars make very big revelations on air. The site recalls the most interesting confessions of stars in Lera Kudryavtseva’s studio.

Igor Krutoy's financial problems led to divorce

Igor Krutoy became a pioneer in revealing his secrets. And at first it was clear that he liked all this. He was nostalgic with great pleasure about his music school, his first love, and the music that was played in discos. But the question of 90 thousand rubles slightly unsettled him.

— Your first marriage did not work out; you broke up with your wife when she was already pregnant. Did you go through this divorce painfully? - asked Lera Kudryavtseva.

- So I told you everything! She went to her mother. Or to a friend.

- What happened? What have you done? A woman will not just leave a man. Especially in position.

“I didn’t do anything... I think there was just no love on her part,” Krutoy was forced to admit. - I loved her. I am grateful to her that she was honest and made such a decision. I have a son and two granddaughters.

— Were you a model Sunday dad?

- In the conditions in which I was, I did what I could.

Subsequently, Igor admitted that financial problems were partly to blame for the divorce. Nevertheless, he communicates with his son Nikolai. And he even came to the studio to support his father.

Natasha Koroleva said that marriage to Nikolaev was a mistake

Natasha Koroleva immediately admitted that she was ready to be frank. And during some questions, she jokingly bargained with the presenter that they should pay more for such secrets. And she even spoke about the wedding and divorce from Igor Nikolaev in great detail.

“When your relationship with Igor Nikolaev began, he was still married,” Lera began.

“Didn’t that scare you?”

- I didn't like it. Not because he was married. But because he, as a married man, began to show his feelings for me. As a well-bred girl, I rejected these feelings for a long time, which probably inflamed his ardor even more.

- Well, apparently it somehow worked out that way for us. In general, I think that I got married very early. I was 18 years old, I was not mentally prepared for this. There was a strange proposal from Igor. He has not yet resolved all his family issues with his first wife, and suddenly suggests: “Let’s get married.” Then he brought some papers and said we need to fill them out. And this was an application for marriage registration. We took them to the Chertanovsky registry office and a week later we were scheduled for a wedding. Igor did not want to go to the registry office. He started asking what his options were. And we were told that seriously ill or disabled people could be given appointments at home. But I wanted a dress, a seagull, a doll, a complete stuffing... We got divorced better than we got married. Firstly, we got divorced at the registry office. And even with champagne!

Dmitry Malikov admitted that he became a grandfather

Such confessions were not planned for the program. Lera Kudryavtseva brought him to him quite by accident. The conversation turned to the birth of Dmitry's daughter Stefania and how relatives greeted his wife Elena and her newborn from the hospital.

— At that moment, everyone was watching you. And everyone was discussing that Lena was married and you almost stole her husband.

- At that time, no, she was no longer married. But she had a daughter, Olenka. I studied abroad, but we didn’t meet right away. We have a wonderful relationship. She is friendly, smart, and a wonderful person.

— Olya recently got married rather hastily.

“Well, that’s what they wanted,” Dmitry hesitated.

- Or? Is Olya pregnant?

- Olya gave birth! Granddaughter…

At these words, Malikov shed tears, and the hall burst into thunderous applause.

NTV, “Secret for a Million”, Sunday/16.20

Description: On the NTV channel, starting from September 4, a new provocative show “Secret for a Million” starts. In this show, guest stars will try to win the main prize of one and a half million rubles in exchange for complete frankness. The point of the program is as follows: the star invited to the program will share with the host of the show Secret in a Million some juicy (or not so juicy) detail from his personal life, which until now no one had even suspected, but which the ubiquitous “agents” found out about. entertainment program "Secret for a Million". The questions will concern only the real life of the stars; they will touch on some episodes that happened to the stars in the distant past and about which some stars prefer to remain silent. The main provocateur, asking tricky questions, as well as the host of the entertainment program Secret to a Million will be Lera Kudryavtseva. At first, Lera will ask the guest star the most innocent questions: What was the name of your first teacher? What was your favorite dress as a child? But gradually the intensity of passions will increase until they reach the most provocative questions, for example: Who did you spend two weeks with on the Cote d'Azur? Or: Who left your room at dawn in the Russia Hotel? Or: Why does your “ex” still not want to talk to you? And if a participant in the show Secret to a Million hopes that Lera Kudryavtseva is a real blonde and can be easily fooled, then he is sorely mistaken! The most carefully guarded secrets of the stars are what interests Lera Kudryavtseva and her tireless team the most; they need a sincere answer about the million-dollar secret and nothing less! Yes, the star invited to the show will have only one chance to remain silent - the right to veto is given only on one question. And then, please answer if you want to win the main prize in the program The Secret to a Million! Only the bravest artists will be able to win on such a program, because the Million Dollar Secret team will pull out many skeletons from the closets of stars. Sometimes people whom the star has not seen for many years will appear on the program Secret to a Million. And it is unknown whether the star will be happy with such an unexpected meeting or will still regret that she once agreed to come on the program to participate in the show Secret to a Million. Because everything secret ever becomes clear. The most intimate questions and the most stunning answers are in the program Secret to a Million with Lera Kudryavtseva! If you accidentally missed an episode of this entertaining show or after the live broadcast you want to watch it again, on the website very soon all the full episodes of “The Secret to a Million” of the season 2016, 2017, 2018.....

Original title: Secret to a Million
Country Russia
Year: 2016, 2017, 2018
Genre: entertainment show
Channel: NTV
Presenter: Lera Kudryavtseva

I rarely watch TV NTV, because its format is not quite close to me. But the program “Secret for a Million” is the very reason that makes me flip the remote control to the channel.

What kind of transmission is this?

From the name it is already clear that there will be a main prize of one million, which the participant will receive for revealing his secret. Stars participate - actors, singers, presenters, athletes, directors, etc.

The point of the show is that the organizers of the show choose certain topics (someone else's child, insulted honor, betrayal), etc., one way or another this topic was once something acute for the hero, joy, shame or sadness. The hero of the program answers the question, remembering the past, revealing himself to the audience in a new role, receiving money for the answers.

At the end of the show, the hero is given an envelope in which the main secret is hidden; the participant can burn the envelope if he does not want to reveal the skeletons in his closet, or he answers and receives the main prize.

At the moment, only Lyubov Uspenskaya and Philip Kirkorov.

The host of the show is charming Lera Kudryavtseva, the organizers made a good choice by choosing Kudryavtseva as the presenter. She is calm and balanced, at the same time not unemotional; when necessary, she sympathizes with the hero, she can even cry when she is perplexed by the actions of the guest stars and scolds them.

It’s clear that the stylists tried very hard; every outfit Lera wears for the show is something special. Fashionable, young (she looks amazing, wise

The characters of the show are so different, they are revealed to the audience from a side that no one expected to see them from. Someone disappointed me, someone surprised me, someone conquered me)))

I watched episodes from:

  • Marina Anisina, Yulia Volkova, Anastasia Volochkova;

Got a good impression of Yulia Volkova, which of course many have already forgotten, but during my childhood the Tatu group thundered throughout the world. Yulia spoke about her relationships with children, about her serious illness, which was not particularly advertised by the media, about relationships with men

Marina Anisina- a figure skater who has achieved heights, but is used by the media as the wife of the extravagant Dzhigurda, who organizes performances on live broadcasts. I can’t say that Marina somehow surprised me. Like attracts like... probably Anisina has traits that connected her with Dzhigurda, although in terms of behavior on the program she is a completely adequate person

Volochkova Anastasia, didn’t surprise me much, only the topic related to her father...

  • Elena Proklova, Philip Kirkorov, Elena Biryukova;

Elena Proklova, has already talked in other programs about her stormy romances with famous people, about the mistakes of her youth, in this program she talked about her relationships with her children. Many touching moments, especially those related to my current husband, brought me to tears...

Philip Kirkorov, revealed a secret worth a million, I won’t spoil it, I’ll just say that he managed to surprise the people, because the next morning, they were talking about Kirkorov in minibuses, on the streets... Not a bad PR company for the artist’s 50th anniversary

Issue with Biryukova (e If anyone watched the series "Sasha + Masha" on TNT, they will understand who we are talking about, I liked it, her fate was also not simple

  • Katya Gordon, Vladimir Epifantsev, Yana Rudkovskaya;

Gordon, T What an ambiguous person, she had a marriage with Alexander Gordon and lawyer Zhorin... a strong girl, I have an ambiguous impression of her.

Vladimir Epifantsev, a very emotional character, he performed such things in the studio that you gasped

Yana Rudkovskaya, I wasn’t very surprised, about the same as I expected. Her youngest son already earns more in a day than some would earn in a year.

  • Denis Klyaver, Vladimir Presnyakov, Gosha Kutsenko;

Klyaver, I can’t say that I was particularly impressed by anything

Basically, like Presnyakov, I thought he was a little more serious or something

Well, I liked the episode with Gosha Kutsenko, a positive man left a pleasant impression on me. He revealed the secret of why he broke up with actress Maria Poroshina, and why he first visited the registry office at the age of 45

  • Maria Golubkina, Alexander Nilov, Evelina Bledans;

Maria Golubkina also really surprised me, she thought more conservatively, to be honest, more correct or something. More likely to like it than not

The famous singer Alexander Serov announced on air of a program on the NTV channel that he has an adult daughter.

Fans of Alexander Serov are discussing the program “Secret for a Million” that aired on Saturday, where the artist opened the envelope with the main secret.

Before him, few celebrities dared to tell the whole country about their “secrets.” However, viewers of the show have long come to the conclusion that there are no “secret” facts from the lives of the stars, and the whole intrigue with the envelope is only intended to stir up interest in the show. As many assume, before filming the show, the artists themselves tell the producers about some often fictitious story, which is that very “million dollar secret.” Then the guest in the studio just has to make a surprised face: “And how did you know this?” and then meaningfully burn the envelope. And what kind of secrets do artists have if they don’t take a million rubles, but nobly transfer money to an orphanage or a sick person?

The other day, Channel One showed several broadcasts with the participation of Alexander Serov, where he told various little-known things about himself. In the “Actually” program, producer Leonid Dzyunik said that he knew about the artist’s illegitimate daughter, but he did not deny this fact.

It turns out that the writer Valentina Arishina gave birth to a daughter, Alisa, from Alexander Serov. The girl is 29 years old and has lived in the USA for many years.

You have another daughter, who was born to the amazing poetess Valya Arishina. I spoke to her today for an hour, she lives in Tenerife. We have been friends with her for 15 years. She asked me to bow to Alexander and say thank you very much to him for having a beautiful, talented daughter. Alice now lives in Los Angeles,"

Dzyunik said.

And now, a week later, while participating in a popular show, Serov opened the envelope for a million, and with it the details of the birth of his daughter.

The plot turned out to be banal.

An extraordinary person, she was 19 years old at the time, and she completely, so to speak, without any brakes, fell in love with my person,”

Serov stated.

He remembered that the girl herself climbed into his bed, and after intercourse, she collected biomaterial in a test tube in front of his eyes. This is how Alice was born.

As for the main woman in his life, this is his 24-year-old daughter Michelle. Serov said that he gave the heiress an expensive foreign car and his own business. Now the girl is the owner of a beauty salon, and in parallel with running her business, she is receiving a second higher education.

The singer spoke so touchingly and for a long time about Michelle, about her first love, about her daily routine, calling her his “grief, misfortune, joy, happiness,” that the girl could not hold back her tears. Father and daughter hugged, and Lera Kudryavtseva began to fan herself with a card with questions so as not to cry from the surging feelings.