Barrier at the Slavic world market. Entrances to the village are always open

Topic of the meeting:

  • Departure to Mosrentgen from Kaluga highway
  • About bus route #804
  • About the hostel in Voentorg

Let's look at the answers in more detail

About the exit to Mosrentgen from Kaluga Highway (0:00)


  • Kaluga Highway is a 1st category road. According to the “law on roads”, exiting roads of the 1st category is carried out through pockets. It is impossible to enter through the market territory from the Kaluzhskoe Highway because immediately under the bridge there is an intersection of flows from the outer MKAD tunnel and the exit of the inner MKAD. This ride SHOULD NOT happen! But he APPEARED! Moreover, entry for all residents is free and available 24 hours a day!
  • The situation is being considered to strengthen the roof of the tunnel so that the bus can be run along the old route.

Reply imosrentgen

  • So there shouldn’t be an exit because it’s a 1st category road or an intersection of streams? The status of the 1st category does not prevent you from having a check-in for the Kaluga highway without backup/pocket for:
    • Market Slavic world
    • Bus stop
    • Service "Avtokrug" and tire fitting
    • EKA gas stations
    • ABCs of taste
  • The intersection of streams did not prevent us from making a bus stop for a number of buses and minibuses that move from Teply Stan and interfere flows from the Moscow Ring Road, from the market and MEGA
  • Moreover, there are bus stops on Kaluga Highway itself. if there is an understudy - from the region. There is no need to appeal to “road laws” here with such idiocy. It was necessary for the designers to go to the prefecture and anticipate the problems of the residents.

Residents' response

  • The market closes at 19-00, the passage is closed from 22-00
  • We pay 200 rubles for a plastic card
  • Why should all data be given to the market?
  • What will happen after February 2018?
    • Answer from the comments under the video - it seems like according to the general plan the entrance should be closed

About the flow of cars through Mosrentgen (3:01)


  • What is the main problem of our settlement? Bye reconstruction is underway The Moscow Ring Road and the Kaluzhskoe Highway, traffic is practically limited everywhere. You know this very well. What's going on with us now? Everyone now has a navigator in their car, which very clearly says - the Moscow Ring Road is standing - go through Mosrentgen. Therefore, we have one stream going through the “old” Mosrentgen, and the second through Solomatin and at the church they meet and stop. Our road ends near the church.

Reply imosrentgen

  • Two problems were voiced - the current reconstruction of the Moscow Ring Road and Kaluga Highway and the lack of rights to the road. Interchanges with the Moscow Ring Road and Kaluga have been opened. And the rights to the road seem to have been decided at public hearings, as the Head of the Administration Ermakov E.N. spoke about. at public hearings and through Niki TV. 30% of the territory is confiscated/purchased from the market, including the road to the bridge. The bridge is also purchased from Mega. Question from residents regarding the continuation of the exit from Kaluga Highway - Why can't you buy the exit through the market? Why hasn't the current road been purchased yet?

Residents' response

  • What we shall do?
  • How to get from Butovo?
  • Why did they do this? Don't they know we live here?

About the 2016 public hearings - epic (6:49)


  • My dear residents, I can now return you all to the public hearings a year ago! I have all the videos, all the papers from when the road project was presented. There are many active workers here, but people said in unison: “ We DO NOT NEED any other roads on the territory of the settlement.!” Then it was said - listen guys - around construction is underway! You If you refuse to connect internal roads and external roads, you will end up in unpleasant situation . A year and a half has passed - you find yourself in this situation.
  • The road has been missing since about 1998. The settlement has existed since 2006. Addressing the court today, the judge asks the question - You are the plaintiff. Yes, plaintiff.

Reply imosrentgen.

  • Firstly . They affected the Moscow Ring Road as much as possible. There were no exits to the Kaluga highway other than those available through Mega and Kornilov.
  • Secondly, the project for reconstructing the Kaluga highway passed by Mosrentgen and this has not bothered you until now.
  • Thirdly, Oleg Alekseevich
  • This statement by Mitrofanov clearly shows the illiteracy and caustic opposition to residents at public hearings. Moreover, he withdrew himself during the design of the layout project. He withdrew during public hearings. He didn’t collect a single signature and only at the very end he tweeted a “sign of agreement” with the residents. And now he takes the residents back a year and a half ago and reproaches them. There are no words.

Residents' response

  • Have you filed a lawsuit? "No". You didn’t go to court, but you are telling on behalf of the judge. Interesting position.

About barriers (30:12)


  • The agreement was like this. The budget will put up barriers. For these barriers to work, it must be the decision of the owners. People wanted to raise money for barriers, but we didn’t give it to them.

Residents' response

  • The Head of the Administration said: I am putting up barriers as part of the fence. Then I transfer the electronics, etc. to your management. residents organize. And then Mitrofanov called and said: “Forget and don’t remember.” 10 months have passed and you have done nothing.

About the hostel in Voentorg (42:01)


  • The only headache that exists on this moment- This shopping mall Voentorg. It is the property of the Ministry of Defense. 5 were written in 3 years official letters To the Ministry of Defense with a request: to put it in order or give it to the settlement for rent/purchase, as you wish. The answer for all 5 letters: “The property of the Ministry of Defense will be used in the interests of the Ministry of Defense.” The last conversation was oral, when they put each premises up for auction separately. They were asked to lease it for 20 years. Answer: “We will rent it out, but for 1 year.” Complete stupidity. In 20 years we could put it in order. Make a gym downstairs. We refused. The premises where there used to be a dining room were rented by an activist named Kondalov. There are official documents. His activities are not limited by anything other than the law. He is going to make a Hostel (Nochlezhka) here for migrant workers. This activity is not subject to any licensing. We began to study this issue very competently. At the Council of Deputies, the Administration was instructed to prepare all the documents so that there would be something to handle. We are categorically against such a hostel being here. ... According to the law, we cannot present him with anything. The illegality may be that the premises are non-residential, and people will live in it.
  • They were going to open a pub opposite the first house. I can tell you the reaction of the residents. Half said - Cool, we need her.

Less than 2 years have passed since we United Russia I chirped in my ears that everything would be fine on the road, how bad everything had become. They assured us that they would buy the road, just as they would buy the bridge across the Kaluga Highway from Mega Teply Stan. But something went wrong, apparently money for the Raspil-Zaradye park is needed more than the opinion of the residents of a modest settlement in Moscow.

Paid section

The first section of the toll road in Moscow opened in Mosrentgen. Tinao. If previously they were afraid of paid parking, now a toll road is sweeping across Moscow. Mosrentgen, SVKh, etc. Formally, this is a parking lot.

An absurd decision in view of the fact that entry is free from the Moscow Ring Road, Mega Teply Stan, but for travel from Mosrentgen or Kaluga Highway, Admiral Kornilov should be paid 50 rubles.

They made unlimited cards for residents for 200 rubles, but not all are registered here, not for all vehicle registered.

Bypass toll section

A merciless detour of 10-15 km along a mediocre street. Kornilov, where designers with their eyes closed designed according to market patterns. Incompetent traffic management and eternal traffic jams. The traffic jam is looped into the Kiev highway, the Moscow Ring Road and the Kaluga highway - a transport hell.

But they will still build apartment buildings in Mamyry, the market lobbied for the reduction of the specially protected zone, cut down the forest under the guise of the wood beetle, did not restore anything and will build houses, and well, the protection of the ponds is also on the shoulders of the market. I screwed myself up and wrote out an indulgence for myself. It is very convenient for the prefecture to close his eyes. The Mosrentgen administration is walking around with a cache from the market, but this is not certain.

Our government protects us. But not in our case.

I didn’t do anything wrong with the planning project, I put a spoke in the wheels of the residents, I was happy about the bowling alleys in the protected area (forest), and the roads near the houses.

There are no plans to sue the market. He won’t even move, but why - he’s supporting the barriers and toll road, because there is less traffic through the settlement! () But not everywhere - he does not allow the military city to be fenced off; he will do the business himself.

In a particular case, the head of the legislative branch in a settlement, based on the results of his outstanding work, writes out a salary for himself for 100k through his hand deputies. (Decision dated October 16, 2017 No. 64/11)

As a result, residents must find Moscow’s resolution on the transfer of the road to the settlement and fight for their rights.

The Moscow headquarters of the All-Russian Popular Front appealed to the prefecture of the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky districts of Moscow with a request to check the legality of the directorate’s actions management company and the administration of the Mosrentgen settlement to install a barrier on the shortest path leading to locality, and also explain why the road, so in demand by residents, was fenced off without first creating an alternative shortcut to the settlement.

NEW MOSCOW = 22/09/2017 = Residents of the village contacted the regional headquarters of the ONF. Already whole month the road home becomes a real test for them - the market management has blocked with a barrier the most convenient and shortest exit into the village from the Kaluzhskoye Highway. The road, which was used by all local residents, now became the entrance to paid parking market. At the same time, you have to pay regardless of whether you are going to park or go directly to the village.

“The installation of the barrier created a lot of inconvenience for people. Having learned that the road has become a toll road, many motorists turn around right next to the barrier to take another road, so traffic jams constantly form here. The route of public transport has also changed. If earlier local residents could comfortably get to the metro in 20 minutes, now they have to take a detour, spending about an hour in traffic jams every day,” said co-chairman of the regional headquarters of the All-Russian Popular Front in Moscow, State Duma deputy Vyacheslav Lysakov.

The management company's management claims that the barrier was installed legally - the road is privately owned. The route to the village is not completely blocked; there are other routes. The local administration explained the installation of the barrier as one of the elements of the market’s safety data sheet.

Today local residents began to be given plastic cards to travel to their homes. However, not everyone can take advantage of this right. If a resident of the village is not the owner of the car, then the card will not be issued to him, since the car is not registered in his name. In this case, you will have to pay for each entry. And those who permanently reside, but are not registered in Mosrentgen, are also not issued a card.

“Thus, a significant number of village residents are facing daily unplanned expenses. Inviting guests or taking a taxi to your home also becomes a problem. The same applies to the passage of ambulances or firefighting vehicles,” Lysakov noted.

Residents are also outraged that when applying for a travel card, they are required to provide the administration with their passport data and vehicle registration data. And no one gives a guarantee that the personal data of residents will not be transferred into the wrong hands.
“The transport situation in the village itself has also become more complicated. Buyers coming to the market, but not wanting to pay, transit through the village, since travel in this direction is free. Residents are complaining that traffic has increased, the village’s roads are not designed for such a load, so they are demanding that the barrier be dismantled and the usual traffic flow restored,” Lysakov said.

Residents of the village of Mosrentgen are forced to pay to return home, the TV channel reports. The market administration suddenly installed a barrier on the road. Drivers refuse to give money, and a huge traffic jam accumulates at the entrance. Public transport is also suffering.

Cashiers are already tired of answering these questions. They are asked daily by drivers who turn off Kaluga Highway to get to the village of Mosrentgen or the Mega Teply Stan shopping center.

“Here we need to pick up a child from Mega and had to pay 50 rubles. Each circle is 50 rubles, 1.5 thousand per day. It turns out that now, in order to turn around, we either have to drive through the Moscow Ring Road, or turn around somewhere above and lose time. And now we are losing money,” said motorist Anna Beloglazkina.

This is one of the most popular roads to the village of Mosrentgen. Local residents often drive along it, but since August 20 it has become the entrance to the market’s paid parking lot. Those who are not going to stop also have to give 50 rubles. Many drivers, upon learning about this, turn around. Because of this, traffic jams form.

The locals are the most indignant. They don't understand why they have to pay someone to get into their home. We have already calculated: it will cost at least 1000 rubles per month. All that remains is to look for ways around it.

The problem united the residents of the settlement. A post about the introduction of tolls on one of the social networks collected more than two hundred comments. Passengers of public transport also got involved, because buses now bypass the toll section. Previously, it took 20 minutes to get to the metro, but now you have to stand in traffic jams for about an hour.

Security at the entrance to the barriers has been strengthened. Now it looks more like a high-risk facility. True, the market administration said: people in uniform here perform the duties of traffic controllers, and fees are collected only to relieve congestion on the road. The director of the management company claims that the road is privately owned.

There are three ways to get around the toll section. People come to Mosrentgen with Kyiv highway along General Kornilov Street or from the Moscow Ring Road through the Mega shopping center. There is still an entrance from the Kaluga highway, however, you will have to drive further - to the village of Mamyri.

The legality of barriers on the shortest road is confirmed by the local administration. “There were a lot of complaints related to the anti-terrorism security of this facility, with the preparation of a safety passport. And one of the conditions of the safety passport was precisely the organization of access control on the territory of the trade and market complex,” explained the head of the administration of the Mosrentgen settlement, Sergei Ermakov.

Problem solution for local residents it was found after all. Those registered in Mosrentgen have already begun to be issued plastic cards for free travel. For now, for six months – until February 1. You will still have to pay 200 rubles, as they say on the market, for servicing the card.