Do-it-yourself tangram (game patterns, figures). Do-it-yourself tangram (game patterns, figures) Dog made from volumetric geometric shapes

Oksana Seligeeva

Subject: « Design from geometric animal shapes»

Target: Consolidate knowledge about basic geometric shapes.


Educational: Build a skill designing animals from geometric shapes, ability to recognize acquaintances figures in illustrations.

Developmental: Correction and development of tactile perception, visual memory and mental operations by performing practical tasks.

Educational: Contribute to the development of interest in mathematics; develop independence; foster friendly relationships between children.

Logistics support: illustrations geometric shapes, illustration of Teremok, applications of fairy tale heroes, figures for making hare, plastic geometric figures for educational game "Wonderful bag", gingerbread.

Principles of extracurricular activities:

inclusion of students in active activities;

accessibility and visibility;

connection between theory and practice;

taking into account age characteristics;

a combination of individual and collective forms of activity.

Technologies used: gaming, health-saving, information and communication, multi-level learning technology.

Structure classes:

Introductory part – 2 min.

Main part – 20 min.

Final part – 3 min.

Progress of the lesson

1. Motivational stage.

The bell rang

Let's start our lesson.

Sit up straight, pull yourself up

And smile at each other!

Now, smile at me.

2. Updating knowledge.

Riddles about geometric shapes

Teacher: Children, guess the riddles. And having guessed them, we will find out what we will do in class.

After the children have guessed the riddle, the teacher hangs an illustration with geometric figure.

I have no corners

And I look like a saucer

On the plate and on the lid,

On the ring, on the wheel.

Who am I, friends?

Call me! Circle.

Three peaks

Three corners

Three sides -

Who am I? Triangle.

He's been my friend for a long time,

Every angle in it is right,

All four sides

Same length.

I'm glad to introduce him to you.

And his name is... square.

I look like an egg and just like the letter O.

I'm almost like a circle - a kid, I'm like a cucumber.


Trace the brick with chalk

Entirely on the asphalt,

And it will work out figure –

Of course you know her.


Teacher: Tell me in one word what it is?

Children: Geometric figures

Didactic game "Wonderful bag" with a set of planar geometric shapes.

Teacher: And now I suggest you play a game. You need to put your hand in the bag and feel geometric figure, define and name what, this, for figure.

Teacher: What do you think we will do in class today?

3. Work on the topic

Teacher: The topic of our lesson design from geometric shapes. We will construct from geometric animal shapes.

And what kind animals you know?

Children: Fox, wolf, hare, bear.

Physical education minute:

On a hot day along a forest path

The animals went to water. (Children walk in a circle one after another.)

A calf tramped after the mother elk, (They walk, stomping loudly.)

A little fox was sneaking behind the mother fox, (They go stealthily.)

A hedgehog rolled after its mother hedgehog, (Move in a squat.)

A bear cub followed the mother bear, (They walk swaying from side to side.)

The baby squirrels jumped after the mother squirrel, (They jump with their arms bent in front of their chest.)

Behind the mother hare are the slanting hares, (They jump, making "ears" from the palms.)

The she-wolf led the wolf cubs behind her. (They walk on all fours.)

All mothers and children want to get drunk.

Fairy tale dramatization "Teremok".

Teacher: What fairy tale is this house from? (illustration of the house is posted on the board).

Children: from a fairytale "Teremok"

The teacher assigns roles to the students, having previously given them applications with the characters of the fairy tale.

Teacher: Stands in the Teremok field. A small mouse runs past. I saw a little mansion, stopped and asked:

Olya: Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

Teacher: Nobody responds. The mouse entered the little mansion and began to live there.

The teacher hangs the appliqué of a mouse-norushka on the board near the Terem.

Teacher: From which geometric shapes Is our little mouse made up?

Children: From circles and a triangle.

Teacher:A frog-frog galloped up to the mansion and asked:

Lina: Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion? (The teacher helps to pronounce in a way that children’s speech is difficult to understand for others.)

Olya: I, little mouse! And who are you?

And so, by analogy, all the heroes of the fairy tale are hung. Each character - application is analyzed from which geometric shapes consists.

4. Practical work for children

Finger gymnastics:

One two three four five (we straighten our fingers one by one, starting with the thumb.)

The fingers went out for a walk,

One two three four five (We bend our fingers into fists one by one, starting with the little finger.)

They hid in the house again.

Teacher: Now children, you are on your own from geometric shapes collect a fairy tale hero "Teremok" bunny - runaway. Look carefully at the board where the bunny is depicted and make the same one.

The teacher lays out the parts of the hare on the desk.

Independent work of children in a group.

Teacher: What a beautiful little bunny you have turned out to be a little runner!

Teacher: What did we do on class? Which we used geometric shapes, when did they lay out the hare? What did you like about the lesson?

You guys are great today!


Teacher: The bunny really liked how you worked in class today, so he wants to treat you to gingerbread.

Publications on the topic:

Lesson summary “Journey to the land of geometric shapes”“Journey to the land of geometric shapes” Goal: To consolidate the ability to find one or many objects in a specially created environment and use it.

Application “Traffic Light” Purpose: to teach children to perform applique work from geometric shapes. Objectives: developing skills in children.

Summary of a lesson on the development of visual perception in the preparatory group “Construction from geometric shapes” Summary of a frontal lesson on the development of visual perception in a preparatory group for school on the topic: “Construction from geometric ones.

Summary of an open lesson in mathematics “In the kingdom of geometric shapes” Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution d/s No. 1 “Bell” Summary of an open lesson in mathematics Topic: “.

Many novice educators are thinking about how to make an applique from geometric shapes and why it is needed. During such lessons and activities, children receive a lot of useful information about the types of geometric shapes and learn to understand the basic shapes of objects. After working with small parts, the child will have well-developed fine motor skills and will also be perfectly prepared for mathematics.

Applique of various figures is an incredibly interesting activity with which you can help your child develop the following abilities:

  • good thinking;
  • creativity and imagination;
  • artistic taste;
  • eye gauge;
  • correct color perception.

Classes dedicated to selecting elements by color can teach your child how to combine colors. In addition to developing many abilities, every child enjoys this activity.

You can start such interesting activities when your child has already started going to kindergarten.

Gallery: applique of geometric shapes (25 photos)

Applications for little ones

In the younger group, kids learn the skills of carefully gluing the parts of a future composition: applying glue correctly and evenly, arrange parts of a certain color and shapes in the required order, remove excess glue using napkins.

If you don’t want your child to lose interest in this activity, you need to play with geometric shapes and collages of geometric shapes. For example, colored mugs can be turned into balls, and apples can be turned into a caterpillar. The squares can make a cat or a dog.

Lessons with applique Educators often use a funny moment: Show the kids a large sheet of paper with a picture of some cute animal, for example, a cat or a fox. Then together they figure out how to make it themselves from figurines.

In the second younger group they perform more difficult tasks - glue finished parts, changing shape and color. To increase interest in classes, teachers create new tasks and ask to add something to the finished craft.

Once children have mastered the basic skills of working with scissors, you can assign them more complex tasks, for example fill a big truck with some stuff. In this group, children are often tasked with making a rocket.

In the middle group they are taught to consolidate the skills of cutting strips, slicing and dividing geometric shapes. From the cut out parts they can make: a Christmas tree, a hut, a boat, a rocket, a flower.

Any child has a hard time cutting out round-shaped parts, but without this it is difficult to make a normal animal or bird. Kids like it most make duckling, bunny and chicken. Thanks to proper work with applications of geometric shapes, they can learn to depict various vehicles, for example:

  • airplane;
  • tank;
  • tractor.

In the senior group, everyone practices their acquired skills and learns how to create crafts from geometric shapes with bright images.

At this age children like it more perform collective works and compositions. This promotes the development of communication between children and the ability to get along with each other. Usually a collective composition takes only two days: first a house, a man, and then a car are created. Both preschoolers and children in elementary grades are interested in such activities.

The most difficult work is considered to be the clown applique made from geometric shapes; it has a lot of details and bright colors; it takes a long time to cut out. To make it easier, you can first draw diagrams.


Most often, such work is carried out in kindergarten or in grades 3–4. Crafts from triangles or squares are all quite simple. If you want to prepare your child for many things in the future, you should try applique work with him.

Beautiful appliques of shapes help develop good thinking in young children. They have a positive effect on children's subconscious, thereby forming ideas about the outside world.

Before starting developmental activities, it is necessary to explain what geometric shapes are. They are the basis of an interesting activity. After some time, the child will learn to cut out paper elements on his own.

Our material provides detailed instructions and drawings for educational applications. Ready-made sketches help make the task easier. Based on their structure, the necessary elements are selected to create an unusual picture.

Classes should be selected based on the age category of your baby. For young children, it is best to choose applications consisting of 4-5 geometric shapes. The difference in color palette promotes good memorization and memory training.

Geometric applique "Transport"

How to make a geometric applique? It's actually quite simple. When choosing a task, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with your child’s preferences. For example, girls prefer flowers, birds, and animals. Boys most often choose cars, robots, etc.

As for the color combination, it is best for children with an impulsive character to choose light or pastel shades. They form maximum concentration and perseverance. In addition, such measures have a positive effect on the emotional state.

We present to your attention an application in the form of transport. It consists of simple geometric shapes. This activity will appeal to children aged 3 to 4.5 years. It creates hard work, perseverance and accuracy.

Before starting the work process, you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • a simple pencil;
  • ruler;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • colored paper;
  • car image;
  • brush.

The process of creating an application takes place in several simple steps:

  • We begin to cut out the shapes that make up our “geometric” vehicle: a rectangle for the main part of the car body, circles for the wheels, a square for the roof. Before you start cutting out objects, you need to decide on their color scheme.
  • Next, on a white sheet of paper, draw a road along which the transport will move. After that, glue a rectangle in the center. We glue a roof over it. Lubricate each element with a small amount of adhesive. When the roof and body are dry, you can move on to the wheels.

The application is almost ready. Here you can give free rein to your children's imagination. Let the child draw the doors and windows of his car himself.

Applications from geometric shapes “Animals”

This developmental technique is aimed at ages 5 to 6 years. At this time, the child already has a good idea of ​​what shapes the body of a particular animal consists of. How to make a geometric applique for a child? Today we will glue the dog.

The paper structure contains: a head in the form of a circle, a body in the shape of an oval, paws made of small rectangles and ovals, and a neck in the form of a cylinder. To decorate the neck area, we will make a small bow from two triangles.

Before starting classes, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • brush.

From the materials we will need:

  • colored paper or cardboard;
  • white sheet of paper in A4 format;
  • glue in the form of a pencil.

The master class for do-it-yourself geometric applications takes place in several stages:

Carefully cut out the geometric components of our craft. Next, we fix each element in its place. Experienced teachers recommend numbering each detail. This will allow the child to master counting and visual representation.

Lubricate the reverse side with adhesive. First we glue the head, then the rest of the animal’s body. The final step will be a beautiful bow in a bright color.

The photo of geometric applications shows drawings and sketches. Here you can choose an educational activity for your child based on his age and preferences.

Photos of geometric applications

Lesson notes

Subject: “Applique of geometric shapes. Fox".

Target: making appliques from geometric shapes.



Reinforce manufacturing techniquesapplications from geometric shapes;

Reinforce the techniques of working with paper and cardboard by making a fox;

Repeat the signs of geometric shapes (triangle, circle, square);

Improve children's ability to create a composition from different geometric shapes;

- expand children’s ideas about the fox, about the features of its appearance;
- consolidate the techniques for gluing parts onto the background of the applique


Foster a sense of love for nature;

Foster in children a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance;



Develop fine motor skills, accuracy, and creative thinking.

Form of organization: group

Type of activity : consolidation of knowledge and methods of action.

Teaching methods :

Verbal: story, conversation, instruction;

Visual: presentation, demonstration of working methods.

Age audience : children 8-9 years old.

Equipment : multimedia equipment.

Demo material: presentationspictures of a fox.

Materials and tools : colored paper, colored cardboard, glue, scissors, templates of geometric shapes.

Lesson plan.

Organizational stage – 1 min.

Introduction to the topic. Goal setting – 4 min.

Theoretical part – 10 min.

Practical part – 20 min.

Stage of summarizing the lesson - 5 min.

Reflection – 5 min.

Progress of the lesson :

1.Organizational stage. Getting ready to work.

Teacher: Good afternoon guys!Let's start our lesson.

Be diligent in class
Be calm and attentive.
Speak clearly, clearly,
To make everything clear.If you want to answer,
You have to raise your hand.
If a friend began to answer,
Don't rush to interrupt
Do you want to help a friend?
Raise your hand calmly.

Smile at each other, exchange a good mood. Let everything work out for you in class, and this good mood will remain throughout the day.

Today we will conduct an unusual lesson. We will combine it with a lesson on mathematics and the world around us.

2.Introduction to the topic. Setting a goal.

Teacher: To find out what kind of creative work we will do today, listen to me carefully and try to guess what animal we are talking about.Whoever knows the answer raises his hand.

This animal belongs to the canine family, which means that their relatives are wolves, jackals, and dogs.

The animal is of medium size (slightly smaller than the average size of a domestic dog).

A particularly distinguishing feature of the animal in question is

fluffy tail.

In fairy tales, this animal is portrayed as very cunning and dexterous.

( If the children have not guessed what animal we are talking about, you can read the riddle:

Behind the trees and bushes

The flame flashed quickly.

It flashed, ran,

There is no smoke, no fire.

Guys, have you guessed what animal we are talking about?

The children's answers are listened to.

(Children's answers: fox).

Teacher: Where does the fox live?

Is this animal wild or domestic? Why?

Is this animal a herbivore or a carnivore?

How else can you say “carnivore”?

The children's answers are listened to.

(Children's answers: The fox lives in the forest. It is a carnivore (in other words, a predatory animal).

Teacher: Guys, what animal are we going to make today?

The children's answers are listened to.

(Children's answers: “Fox»).

Teacher: That's right, guys, today we will make a fox, but an unusual fox. Remember, guys, I told you that our lesson will be connected with classes on the surrounding world and mathematics. Our lesson is connected with the world around us, because today we will learn a lot about the life of a fox, and now you will understand why our lesson is related to mathematics. But to do this, guess the riddles.

The wheel rolled
After all, it looks similar
Like a visual nature
Only for a round figure.
Did you guess it, dear friend?
Well, of course, this is... (circle).

I am a figure - no matter where,
Always very smooth
All angles in me are equal
And four sides.
Kubik is my beloved brother,
Because I... (square).

Teacher: Guys, what is the main property of a square?

The children's answers are listened to.

(Children’s answers: “A square has all sides equal»).

Teacher: We stretched the square
And presented at a glance,
Who did he look like?
Or something very similar?
Not a brick, not a triangle -
Not a square, but... (rectangle).

Guys, do the rectangle also have all sides equal?

The children's answers are listened to.

(Children’s answers: “A rectangle has only opposite sides equal»).

Teacher: Look at the figure
Three corners. Three sides
Connect with each other.
The result was not a square,
And beautiful... (triangle).

Guys, how can you call a square, a circle, a rectangle, and a triangle in one word?

The children's answers are listened to.

(Children’s answers: “Geometric shapes»).

Teacher: That's right, guys, geometric shapes. So who guessed what we will make our fox from?

The children's answers are listened to.

(Children’s answers: “We will make a fox from geometric shapes»).

Teacher: Guys, how do you think we can formulate the topic of our lesson?

The children's answers are listened to.

(Children’s answers: “Applique of geometric shapes. Fox»).

Teacher: So, guys, the topic of our lesson“Applique of geometric shapes. Fox". What goal will we set for today's lesson?

The children's answers are listened to.

(Children's answers: “We must learn to make a fox from geometric shapes”).

3.Theoretical part

Teacher: True, but before we start, let's watch a presentation about the fox and listen to a story about this amazing animal. Guys, look carefully at the fox, think about what geometric shapes you can use to make a head, body, and tail.

The presentation is shown.

Slide 1

Slide 2

Slide 3

Slide 4, 5

Foxes have a lot in common with cats.

Like cats, foxes are most active at night. Thanks to their unique vision, these animals are well oriented in the dark. They even hunt in a similar way to cats.

And this is just one of many similarities. Like cats, foxes have sensitive hairs and spines on their tongues. They also move in a similar way, having an elegant gait. Foxes also have retractable claws that help them climb trees and even onto the roofs of houses. Some foxes even sleep in trees just like cats.

Slide 6

Like guided missiles, foxes use the Earth's magnetic field to hunt. Other animals, such as sharks, turtles, and some species of birds, have the same abilities, but foxes are the only ones so far that use their skills to catch prey.

According to research, a fox can see the Earth's magnetic field as a "ring of shadow" over its eyes, which darkens as the animal heads toward magnetic north. When the shadow and sound of the victim create a line, it is time to pounce on it.

Slide 7, 8

Foxes are good parents.

Cubs are born blind, their eyes open nine days after birth. During this time, they stay with the fox (mother) in the hole, while the fox (father) brings them food.

Little foxes live with their parents for up to seven months.

Slide 9

Foxes are very playful.

Foxes are known to be very friendly and curious. They love to play among themselves and also with other animals such as cats and dogs. Foxes also love balls, which they often steal from golf courses.

Slide 10

A species of fox that can hear insects.

The bat-eared fox is so called not only because of its large ears, but also because it uses its hearing, like bats, to hear insects. When night falls, these foxes come out into the African shroud to begin “listening to the victims.” Termites make up most of their diet. In addition, bat-eared foxes often make their homes in termite mounds.

Slide 11

Foxes can make many sounds.

These animals can produce about 40 different sounds, for example, they can imitate the barking of a dog, but the most striking sound is the cry.

The fox is often called Patrikeevna. This name was given to her in honor of one Novgorod prince Patrikey Narimuntovich, who was very cunning and resourceful.

It’s not for nothing that foxes are called very smart animals. They have one interesting way of getting rid of fleas. Foxes go deep into the water with a stick in their teeth, and fleas move into this trap. After a while, the animal throws out the stick, and with it the annoying fleas.

Slide 12,13

The fennec fox is considered the smallest fox in the world - its length barely reaches 40 centimeters. Often these animals are kept as pets, and the animal copes with this role with a bang.

Slide 14, 15

Representatives of this species are often carriers of rabies.

The main enemies of foxes are wolves and eagles.

Tamed foxes are afraid of long periods of loneliness: they begin to cry if their owner is away for a long time.

Foxes can be trained to use a litter box, just like cats.

Pets love bathing and are ready to jump into the bath if the door is not closed.

This is such an interesting animal!

Physical education minute

Teacher: Before we start work, let's dophysical education minute.Prepared:

In the morning the little fox woke up,

She stretched her paw to the right,

She stretched her paw to the left,

Smiled tenderly to the sun

I clenched all my fingers into a fist,

I started rubbing my paws -

Arms, legs and sides.

What a beauty!

(All massage movements are performed from the periphery to the center: from the hand to the shoulder, from the foot to the thigh, etc.).

And then with your palm

Spanked a little.

Well, beautiful Fox!

(To show off, perform half-turns of the body to the right and left, placing your hands on your belt and straightening your back).

How good it is!

4.Practical part

Teacher: Now let's remember safety precautions when working with scissors. Who will help me?

The children's answers are listened to.

Rules for working with scissors:
1. Check the tool before work. Use well-adjusted and sharpened scissors.
2. Do not hold scissors with the ends up, do not carry them in your pocket.
3. Do not use scissors with loose hinges.
4. Do not cut with scissors on the go, do not approach your friends while working, do not leave the scissors with the blades open.
5. Pass the scissors only closed, with the rings towards a friend.
6. Place the scissors on the table so that they do not hang over the edge of the table.
7. Monitor the movement and position of the blades during operation.

Teacher: Well done boys. Let's take a look at your templates and name the geometric shapes? What geometric shapes can be used to make a fox?

The children's answers are listened to.

(Children's answers: “The muzzle can be made from a triangle, the tail from an oval, the ears from triangles, etc.”).

Teacher: R fuck, let's try to make a fox from geometric shapes on the board.

Children, if desired, go to the board and make a fox out of geometric shapes (Cardboard with magnets).

Teacher: Guys, but we will do it with just a fox, but a fox in the forest. We will make our applique on cardboard.To make your work pleasing to the eye, you need to choose a good background color.

What color is the fox? That's right, orange. Therefore, it will look beautiful on blue, blue, purple, green, brown.

What can be added to the application?

The children's answers are listened to.

(Children's answers: “You can add the sun, clouds, Christmas trees, etc.”).

Teacher: Guys, from what shapes can you make, for example, a Christmas tree or a mushroom?

The children's answers are listened to.

(Children’s answers: “A Christmas tree can be made from triangles and a rectangle, a mushroom from a semicircle, etc.”).

Teacher: Well done boys. In front of each of you is a set of geometric shapes, you can use them as templates, look at them. So guys, let's get started. Who doesn't understand something?

So that the work begins to boil

Get everything ready for business

We will glue, make -

Everything should be fine.

We begin to make a fox, forest, etc.

The children do the work.

Teacher: Guys, you can decorate your applique the way you want.

5. Summing up the lesson.

Teacher: So, guys, our applications are ready. Let's look at what we got.

Analysis of children's work.

Teacher: Guys, what did you like most about the lesson? What was the most difficult thing? Light?

The children's answers are listened to.


Teacher: What did we do in class? What new have you learned about foxes?

What did you like? What was interesting? What was difficult to do in class?

The children's answers are listened to.

Teacher: Guys, there are pieces of paper in front of you on your desks, read them carefully and fill them out, choose the appropriate one and underline it or circle it.

1. I had the whole lesson … mood

- cheerful - anxious

- light - sleepy

- mysterious - sad

- cozy - dreamy

2. The tasks in the lesson were:


- unusual

- boring

3. I think that I have completed the learning task :

- at a high level

- at the required level

- I still need to work

- I need help

4. It was a pleasure to work with….

5. What I liked most about the lesson: ...

Teacher: Guys,Well done, you worked hard with your hands, thought actively with your heads, and you turned out wonderful applications!Well done boys! Thanks for the work! I think that you all did a great job, you learned how to make beautiful foxes, you can now make the same fox at home or teach your friends how to make such a fox.The lesson is over. Now get your workspace in order. Goodbye!

If you want to know what appliqués from geometric shapes are and want to teach children this type of art, then this article is for you.

The appliqués that children make are sometimes very simple and naive, but they help children develop their cutting, design and imagination skills. Children also absolutely love gluing colored shapes onto the background.

First, children glue figures that adults cut out onto the background. But time does not stand still - children grow. And over time, children learn to cut, glue and create themselves. And then the child should be taught the most interesting types of applications.

By making geometric applications, the child develops his eye and spatial thinking, learns to combine colors and becomes familiar with geometric shapes.

The simplest applique of geometric shapes can be considered making patterns on a long strip of paper. Then you can move on to designing various objects, vehicles, animals, plants. Thanks to this, the child develops creative abilities.

For 1st grade students

Children already more or less own scissors when they enter 1st grade. In this case, templates will become indispensable assistants. With their help, children will be able to cut out the necessary parts from paper, and it will be easier for them to create and learn to make appliqués. Here are templates for several simple geometric applications:

Here are some examples of work for 1st grade children and their diagrams:

Application “House in the village”:

It seems to be nothing complicated, no complicated details. It's simple. A house, sunshine, a tree, but there is something extraordinary in this picture. In addition, the child will make this picture even more unique, because it will be the embodiment of his imagination and thinking.

Application “Cat and kitten”:

To make an applique of this cat with a kitten, a child will need to cut out a wide variety of shapes and put them together to create a complete image to their liking.