The unity of construction and decor in the people's dwelling. Presentation on the topic "Isaac Newton"

Lesson summary for grade 5

Russian hut, its design and decor, their unity

(1 of 2 topic lessons)

Shelkova Natalya Sergeevna

The purpose of the lesson:- tell students in detail about the traditional Russian house: its design, layout, purpose of individual parts, decorations and construction methods;

Awaken interest in Russian history and traditional Russian life;
- to show the value of the Russian tradition of building a house for the present.

Material support: a laptop and a TV to demonstrate the presentation, illustrations for Russian fairy tales (by V. Konashevich, I. Bilibin), reproductions of paintings by Russian artists (V. Vasnetsov, N. Roerich). Paper, pencils, paints (gouache, watercolor).

Lesson plan:

1. Organizational part: checking the readiness for the lesson.

2. Studying new material: teacher's story, showing illustrations for fairy tales, talking with students. Show a presentation with a detailed explanation of the slides.

3. Consolidation of new material: questions for students. Repetition of new concepts and terms at the same time as they are shown on the screen

4. Drawing of a Russian hut (pencil). Composition sketch (small). , depicting several houses in a landscape.

During the classes

Learning new material. The theme of our lesson is the traditional Russian hut - still the usual dwelling of a villager. This is the name of a warm house made of logs (log house) necessarily with a stove, i.e. designed for our rather harsh climate. The main building material in Rus' was wood - there was always enough of it, it is easily processed and perfectly retains heat. Houses were built from coniferous resinous species (pines, spruces) - they rot less and have straightness. On the other hand, chips and plowshares for the roof were made of aspen, which thickens under the action of moisture and becomes silvery.

The quality of the material in construction also determines the design of the structure - the basis of its reliability and longevity. The hut was folded from four horizontal logs (crowns) connected at the corners. A rectangular frame was called a quadrangle, a covered quadrangle - a cage. The simplest dwelling is a hut from one log house with a passage. To keep animals and valuable supplies, they cut a large log house on the side or behind the house. For children, a smaller log house was cut down, a second floor was added - and the house grew in width, height and was called mansions. A residential hut was often built on a basement - a low utility floor with small half-log windows for lighting. A light room was made under the roof - a room with windows on 3 sides and therefore light. There, the girls embroidered, weaved and wove dowry belts. A high porch was attached to the house, which led to the vestibule, connecting the utility and residential premises. Along the facade in front of the windows there was a balcony with carved balusters.

A feature of the design of the ancient Russian hut was that it was built without a single nail. The roof was also built without nails. The side walls above the quadrangle were built in the form of a triangle and they were laid flat on them, and on them - the roof board. Tes with its lower edge rested against the weirs that held the hens, and on top of it was pressed by the coldness.

Thus, the hut was a collapsible structure, all parts of which were replaced as needed - they replaced rotten lower logs, roof boards, spillways. New cages of the required size were also attached to the house. The simplicity and ease of construction and operation explains why the traditional house has survived to this day and is now very popular.

But in addition to convenience, the Russian hut is beautiful. Not only because of the proportions, the variety of shapes and the beauty of the material, but also because of their decorations. Let's consider the main ones - platbands, towels, berths. Let us remember that all decorations in folk clothes, utensils, fabrics were at first magical, had a symbolic meaning. Circles on the roof and facade meant the sun, rhombuses and squares meant the earth and fields with seeds, wavy lines meant water and clouds with rain, the same was meant by birds, a horse and a deer. All this was an image of the deified forces of nature, which were supposed to protect the house, fit it into the universe. At the same time, it is striking how beautifully these signs fit into the general rhythm of the lines, the proportions of individual parts of the house, without violating, but emphasizing their harmony. If you look closely, decorative details are inextricably linked with the design of the house - they emphasize the main verticals (supports) and horizontals (roof line) of the house. Add to the monotony of the texture of the log wall a variety of textures of images of platbands. They cover the gaps between different parts, protecting the house from wind and rain. In other words, decorations are an integral part of the house, associated with both its layout and construction, creating one harmonious whole with it. This is the quality of real architecture, which does not tolerate empty decoration to the detriment of constructiveness and convenience.

Let us repeat some necessary new concepts and terms.

Izba - tes construction

Log cabin - ohlupen decor

Crown - light

Chicken crate

Thursday - towels

Basement - platbands

4. Children draw a Russian hut.

slide 2

​Kizhi Museum-Reserve

The Museum-Reserve of Wooden Architecture - Kizhi is located on the island of the same name and adjacent islands in the northwestern part of Lake Onega.

slide 3

Russian hut

New life, new home. The ancient Slavs put the deepest meaning into building a house. After all, as they say - "My home, my fortress."

slide 4

To ensure this fortress of inaccessibility during the construction of the house, great importance was attached to the time of the start of work, the choice of the construction site, and the preparation of building materials; each stage of construction was subject to a special ritual.

  • slide 5

    Construction of a hut

    • After the Pokrovsky holidays, they chose a place for the estate, tried not to find themselves on an abandoned old road (because it looks like wealth and life will leave the house), on the spot where the bathhouse used to be, where there was once a fire, where there was a breakdown or - worst of all - blood was shed.
    • After choosing a plot, the owner “cleaned” it and consecrated it with special symbols: plowed the plot in a circle (a circle is a closed line, infinity, a symbol of the sun), designated the square of the estate inside the circle, divided it into four with a cruciform figure. Then the head of the house went “in all four directions” and from each side brought a boulder stone and laid it under the corners of the house.
  • slide 6


    • There are two loopholes in the human world: a window and a door, they require protection. Both the window and the door have a trim. There is always a threshold in front of the door - this is the border between the worlds.
    • Much attention was paid to windows through which navy (evil souls) could penetrate. In this regard, such an important element of incantatory decoration as a window casing, usually saturated with pagan symbols, arose.
  • Fine art lessons in 5th grade.

    (according to the program of B.M. Nemensky)

    Subject:. The unity of construction and decor in the people's dwelling.

    Idea: Verb, purse and bar

    And each with its own face.

    Target: Familiarization of students with the concept of a hut as a traditional Russian dwelling, the unity of its design and decor.

    Learning technologies: design and research.

    Key competencies: general cultural, educational and cognitive.

    Tasks: to cultivate love for the Motherland, for its traditions and folk culture, to develop creative and cognitive activity, to form practical skills in working in a specific material (paper plastic), the ability to convey the unity of the form and decor of the hut, to develop the ability to work in a group.

    Concepts: front tone, platbands. prichelina, frontal board, floral and zoomorphic, geometric types of ornaments, types of ornamental compositions: linear, mesh, frame, heraldic.

    Teacher equipment: Illustrations for Russian folk tales, a sample of a hut made of paper tubes, presentation "Russian hut", illustrative material of the textbook pp. 18-27

    Lesson structure:

    Phase 1. Initiation. Epigraph work.

    Phase 2. Entry or immersion in the topic. Problem solving.

    Phase 3. Formation of students' expectations. Planned result.

    Phase 4. Interactive lecture. Information showing elements on the diagram and on slides. Presentation "Russian hut".

    Phase 5. Elaboration of the content of the topic. Practical work in groups. Filling tables. Game "Researcher-expert".

    Phase 6. Debriefing. Discussion of the epigraph of the lesson.

    During the classes.

    Phase 1. Initiation.

    Reading the epigraph idea on the board:

    Verb, purse and bar

    The house was built with a carved porch, with a deliberate peasant taste

    And each with its own face.

    V. Fedotov. (Textbook, p. 18)

    Think about why we took such an epigraph, we will try to get an answer to this question by the end of the lesson.

    Phase 2. Entry or immersion in the topic

    Look at the textbook illustrations. What do you think our lesson will be about?

    Right. Today you yourself will act as folk craftsmen. Look at my layout, how do you think this house can be made. (Children should see that the hut is made of tubes glued together). And how and with what you can decorate the hut, you will learn by working independently in groups.

    Phase 3. Forming student expectations

    Do you think you will be able to cope with the tasks of the lesson? What grade do you plan to get at the end of the lesson?

    Phase 4. Interactive lecture.

    Teacher's story. The information is accompanied by the display of elements on the diagram and on slides. Presentation "Russian hut".

    There are two loopholes in the human world: a window and a door, they require additional protection. Both the window and the door have a trim. There must be a threshold in front of the door. The threshold is the boundary between the worlds, the world of the living and the world of the dead. The hostess, entering the house, wipes her feet on the threshold, shakes off the dust of the world; entering someone else's house, the guests step over the threshold, showing that they came to this house with good.

    Incomparably more attention was paid to the windows through which the ubiquitous navy could penetrate. Cracks in the windows, drafts, winter cold, everything that could cause illness - all this was transformed in the minds of ancient people into images of invisible, intangible Navi. In this regard, such an important element of incantatory decor arose as a platband, window framing, usually saturated with pagan symbols, because a window opening is not only a “window to the world” and a “white light” for the inhabitants of the hut, but also a peephole for aliens. living people and third-party evil forces that can peep life inside the dwelling into it, get inside, or at least jinx those who can be seen through the window. Look, guys, how beautiful the architraves on the windows of Russian houses are, with what love and skill they are made!

    Find images of architraves on the pages of the textbook, try to decipher the symbols-images.

    Phase 5. Elaboration of the content of the topic. Practical work in groups. Game "Researcher-expert".

    Read the information on the card yourself. You are now explorers. Write down the new words and see if you understand everything. If you have questions, write them down.

    Card. Russian land is rich in forests. It is not surprising that from ancient times houses were built of wood, and, in order to make them elegant, they decorated them with carved patterns.

    Roof huts could mean the whole house, "father's shelter", "to live under one roof - to walk under one sky." completed it "stupid" or "horse". Carved board covering the exit to the front garden - prichelina.

    The prichelina from the left edge of the roof contained symbols of the rising morning sun; from the right edge - the evening setting sun. Carved board, fastened at the intersection of two berths, - towel- midday sun at its zenith.

    "Horse" this is the name of the upper part of the roof, they are carved, and on the roof sits a cheerful cockerel carved from wood, or the head of a horse rises. Wooden lace hangs over the windows, the posts on the porch are in patterns.

    Exchange cards with the next group. Now you are the experts. Conduct an examination of the materials received, help answer questions to your comrades.

    Change cards again. Group reports on their work.

    Practical work. Each group makes its own hut. The teacher shows how to decorate it during practical work, asking what elements we will decorate with. Children find answers in their tables

    Phase 6. Debriefing . The result is a discussion of the epigraph of the lesson.

    Tell me, how do you understand the words of V. Fedotov? What does it mean: and each with his own face. Do your houses have their own identity? What needs to be done for this? Should the decoration of the house be combined with its structure? The main thing is to bring the children to the concept: the unity of design and decor in the people's home.

    Filling out score sheets.

    Were your expectations justified? The guys get a bonus score for the most original ideas.

    Phase 7 Hey! They jumped in place.

    Eh! We wave our hands together.

    Ehe-he! back bent,

    We looked at the boots.

    Ege-ge! Bent down below

    Leaned closer to the floor.

    Turn around in place deftly.

    In this we need skill.

    What do you like, friend?

    Tomorrow there will be another lesson!

    Homework: Consider the decorative decoration of the houses on the way home. Discuss with your parents the decoration of your house (mostly the children of the class live in private rural houses.

    • Home is space. The unity of structures and decor in the people's dwelling.
    • To acquaint students with the concept of a hut as a traditional Russian dwelling, the unity of its design and decor.
    • To cultivate love for the Motherland, for its traditions and folk culture.
    • To cultivate respect for the preservation and restoration of folk crafts;
    • Develop creative and cognitive activity;
    • To form practical skills in working with specific materials, the ability to convey the unity of the form and decor of the hut (on an accessible image).
    • Develop the ability to work in a team.
    Lesson plan:
    • Watching the film "Kizhi";
    • Acquaintance with the main elements of the Russian dwelling, their symbolic meaning;
    • Artistic task setting;
    • Practical implementation of the task;
    • Summing up and receiving a task to prepare for teamwork.
    bell ringing
    • Guys! Since ancient times, the voice of the bell has accompanied the entire life path of a person. He convened Novgorodians and Pskov-Vitchs at a veche, warned of the appearance of enemies and called for battle. If there is a fire, a special bell ringing will call for help. Lost in bad weather in the forest - the bell ringing will lead you to housing.
    October 14 - Feast of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God
    • By this day, the last sheaves were taken away from the fields and stacked on the barn, where threshing was going on, vegetables were removed from the gardens, and the plowing of the fall was over.
    • The villages were filled with the usual crowd at that time, rural artisans returned home from waste crafts. Prosperity entered every house. From Pokrov it was time for merry games and festivities. The cover was an indispensable occasion for rural weddings.
    Family in Rus'
    • Families in Rus' were large, patriarchal, fathers, grandfathers, and grandchildren gathered under one roof. It is easier to keep a house in a crowd, to work in the field, to go to the fishery. And if the need for separation came (the hut became cramped for everyone), the youngest son was separated from his young wife, the eldest continued the clan and took over the family after the father. The younger one created the foundations of his kind.
    New life - new home. And the construction of its haste does not endure, everything has its turn and its own order, which was established by grandfathers and great-grandfathers, to break the foundation - you will not live in a new house.
    • New life - new home. And the construction of its haste does not endure, everything has its turn and its own order, which was established by grandfathers and great-grandfathers, to break the foundation - you will not live in a new house.
    • The ancient Slavs invested the deepest meaning in the construction of a house, because a person is likened to the gods who created the Eternal Universe. Man, on the other hand, built his own world, creating something new out of disparate parts from scratch, something that did not exist in nature and that should serve and protect the whole race.
    HOUSE - human dwelling
    • Since ancient times, man has built his own dwelling. Having traveled from the cave to the palace, people tried to create a safe space. "HOUSE" why did this space come to be called that?
    • In fact, these three letters are very symbolic:
    • D - looks like a building, structure;
    • O - for almost all peoples, it is a symbol of a talisman;
    • M - reminds us of a fence, a fence that separates from the outside world.
    Overworld - RIGHT
    • How did the pagan Slavs imagine their world? They divided it into three parts: the upper world - RIGHT, the world of goodness and gods, where the reserves of living water are stored, an inexhaustible source of rains - "heavenly abyss". In the abyss of heaven there is the island of Iriy, where the progenitors of all birds and animals live, migratory birds fly there, they are also messengers of the Right World. Rule - the world of the gods, where the gods traveled across the sky in chariots harnessed by winged horses. The symbol of this world is a bird, which also symbolizes the feminine in itself.
    Middle world - REALITY
    • The middle world is REAL, the living world, the world of people and domestic animals. Reality is the world where we live. We came into the world to do good. The world of Reveal is the union of heaven and earth, the birth of the human race. The symbol of the middle world is the horse - it is strength, valor, kindness and courage. It symbolizes the masculine.
    Lower world - NAV
    • The lower world is NAV, the world of the dead, the night side, the world of evil, darkness and the dead. The dead in Rus' were treated in two ways. They respected their relatives of the dead, called them "grandfathers", "ancestors", they patronized and helped the whole family.
    • There were also other people's dead - "Navi souls" - these are foreign souls of enemies and ill-wishers, the souls of people who were punished for something by the forces of nature (the souls of drowned people eaten by wolves, fallen from a tree, killed by lightning, suicides). These Navi souls on the "evil winds" fly into the Living World of a person, bringing death and disease. They can attack a person anywhere and everywhere. The symbol of this world is the snake.
    My home is my castle
    • But a person has reliable protection - his world, his home. “My home is my fortress,” they used to say in Rus'. And to ensure this fortress of inaccessibility during the construction of the house, great importance was attached to the time of the start of work, the choice of the construction site, the preparation of building materials; each stage of construction was subject to a special ritual, the roots of which are in the traditions of our distant ancestors.
    Place for homestead
    • After the Pokrovsky holidays, they chose a place for the estate, tried not to find themselves on an abandoned old road (because it looks like wealth and life will leave the house), on the spot where the bathhouse used to be, where there was once a fire, where there was a breakdown or - worst of all - blood was shed. It is clear that this can only happen in a "bad" place, where it is best for a person not to be, but to live - and even more so!
    After choosing a site, the young owner “cleaned” it and consecrated it with special symbols: plowed the site in a circle (a circle is a closed line, infinity, a symbol of the sun), designated the square of the estate inside the circle, and divided it into four parts with a cruciform figure. Then the head of the house went “in all four directions” and from each side brought a seasoned boulder stone, these stones were placed under the corners of the house. Rolled in ice for thousands of years, blown by the winds, these stones will be a strong foundation for a new home.
    • After choosing a site, the young owner “cleaned” it and consecrated it with special symbols: plowed the site in a circle (a circle is a closed line, infinity, a symbol of the sun), designated the square of the estate inside the circle, and divided it into four parts with a cruciform figure. Then the head of the house went “in all four directions” and from each side brought a seasoned boulder stone, these stones were placed under the corners of the house. Rolled in ice for thousands of years, blown by the winds, these stones will be a strong foundation for a new home.
    Without the Trinity, a house is not built
    • In order for the family to be happy, it must be built according to all the rules and signs: the forest for construction was chosen special, clean (this was considered oak, birch, ash), strong, the beginning of construction is the day of the spring equinox (March 21), and the end - by the day the summer solstice, or, later, Trinity ("Without the Trinity, a house is not built"). They cut down the hut, as a rule, right in the forest, the logs were numbered, transported and already assembled and stacked on the spot. The grooves between the logs were stuck with swamp moss, which not only serves as a heat insulator, but also has the ability to kill microbes, which makes the wood last longer.
    The design of the Russian hut
    • ohlupen
    • Prichelina
    • Roof
    • take it easy
    • Chicken
    • plumber
    • red window
    • males
    • Zavalinka
    • Volovoe window
    • Joining logs
    • "in the cloud"
    • Joining logs
    • "in the paw"
    • There are two loopholes in the human world: a window and a door, they require additional protection. Both the window and the door have a trim. There must be a threshold in front of the door. The threshold is the boundary between the worlds, the world of the living and the world of the dead. The hostess, entering the house, wipes her feet on the threshold, shakes off the dust of the world; entering someone else's house, the guests step over the threshold, showing that they came to this house with good.
    • Incomparably more attention was paid to the windows through which the ubiquitous navy could penetrate. Windows were made in the hut facing south or east, but in no case west and north.
    • Slits in the windows, drafts, winter cold, everything that could cause illness - all this was transformed in the minds of ancient people into images of invisible, intangible Navi. In this regard, such an important element of incantatory decor arose as a platband, window framing, usually saturated with pagan symbols, because a window opening is not only a “window to the world” and a “white light” for the inhabitants of the hut, but also a peephole for aliens. living people and third-party evil forces that can peep life inside the dwelling into it, get inside, or at least jinx those who can be seen through the window.
    Architraves on the windows of Russian houses Okhlupen
    • The roof of the hut could mean the whole house, "father's shelter", "to live under one roof - to walk under one sky." completed it "stupid" or "horse".
    • A carved board covering the exit lay down on the facade - prichelina.
    • The prichelina on the left edge of the roof contained symbols of the rising morning sun; from the right edge - the evening setting sun. Carved board, fastened at the intersection of two berths, - towel- midday sun at its zenith.
    Russian land is rich in forests. It is not surprising that from ancient times houses were built of wood, and, in order to make them elegant, they decorated them with carved patterns.
    • Russian land is rich in forests. It is not surprising that from ancient times houses were built of wood, and, in order to make them elegant, they decorated them with carved patterns.
    Wooden lace hangs over the windows, the posts on the porch are in patterns. The inside of the house was also decorated.
    • Wooden lace hangs over the windows, the posts on the porch are in patterns. The inside of the house was also decorated.
    KIzhi Fairy-tale towers
    • "Kolobok"
    Fairy towers
    • "Ryaba Hen"
    Fairy towers
    • "Teremok"
    Fairy towers
    • "Turnip"
    Practical task
    • Draw a fairy-tale house, illustrating one of the fairy tales "Gingerbread Man", "Snow Maiden", "Geese - Swans", etc.