Beef goulash for kids. "food like in a kindergarten" children's cooking

Step-by-step pork goulash recipes like in kindergarten with vegetables and sour cream, tomato paste

2018-04-09 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams of the finished dish

9 gr.

12 gr.


2 gr.

165 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Kindergarten Pork Goulash

Contrary to popular belief, pork can be used in a children's diet, it makes a wonderful goulash, it is only important to choose low-fat pieces. The recipe indicates the amount of pure pulp without a stone. After all, it is from it that the well-known dish is made. In children's goulash there will be no abundance of vegetables and spices, meat is mainly used.


  • 0.6 kg of pork pulp;
  • 15 g of paste;
  • 15 g flour;
  • 15 g sunflower oil;
  • 1 onion (70-80 g);
  • 0.5 tsp salt;
  • 1 carrot (80 g);
  • 300 ml of water.

Step-by-step goulash recipe for a child

If the dish is prepared for older children, then pieces of meat can be fried. If goulash is intended for kids, then we immediately begin to stew. In any case, the pork must first be washed, removed fat and fat, which may adhere to the piece, and then cut into small cubes. We put it in a pan with added oil, fry or pour in two tablespoons of water.

Cut the onion, add it to the pork almost immediately, and after a few minutes add the grated carrots. Stir, fry together or cover, simmer for at least half an hour. Although pork cooks faster than beef, we check. The meat should soften. Only after that add tomato to it, salt. We stir. We introduce the flour diluted in the remaining water.

Let the goulash boil over high heat, then reduce. We continue to simmer in the sauce for another quarter of an hour. The pieces should be soaked in gravy, salt, the meat will show taste. At this stage, you can make a minimum fire.

This dish is served to children most often with mashed potatoes, as in a kindergarten. But you can cook buckwheat porridge, rice or vegetables for a side dish. At home, you can add a little garlic or herbs to goulash if the child takes it. In the garden, these ingredients are rarely present in dishes.

Option 2: Quick Kindergarten Pork Goulash Recipe

In order for pork goulash to cook quickly, we choose the freshest meat that has not been frozen before. Additionally, for the dish you need a little butter, from vegetables you only need onions. Butter.


  • 300 g of meat;
  • 50 g of onion;
  • 30 g of oil;
  • 15 g flour;
  • a glass of boiling water;
  • 1 tsp tomato puree.

Fast cooking method

Butter (can be melted) is transferred to a frying pan, you can take a stewpan for children's goulash. We put the dish to heat up. Then pour out not coarsely chopped onion, start cooking.

Let's start with the meat right away. Quickly cut the pork into strips. Sprinkle with flour, stir directly on the cutting board. We shift to the onion, which has not yet begun to brown, but there is already a hint of transparency. Mix meat with onions and cook for two minutes.

Pour boiling water over the pork, the amount of which is indicated above. Cover, let simmer for ten minutes. We check. Since the meat is cut thinly, this may be enough. But if necessary, cook goulash a little more.

Five minutes before the end, the meat needs to be salted and at the same stage we introduce a little tomato puree to it, which will give it a taste.

Puree can be replaced with grated tomato, a small amount of paste or tomato juice.

Option 3: Delicate pork goulash like in kindergarten

Very often, goulash in kindergarten is made from sauce with sour cream. This is exactly the recipe here. Thanks to the dairy product, the meat is soft and tender, acquires a very pleasant taste and cooks relatively quickly. From vegetables, only onions will be used again. But if desired and necessary, carrots can also be added.


  • 450 g pork without fat;
  • 1 medium head of onion;
  • 1 spoon of flour;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of sour cream;
  • 350 ml of boiling water;
  • 1 tsp pastes;
  • 1.5 l of oil;
  • salt, laurel

How to cook

Onions can be cut for such goulash even into large strips. In any case, it will practically dissolve in the gravy, it will not be visible. Therefore, we clean the head, crumble. We put it in a saucepan with oil and lightly, without browning the vegetable, pass it.

Pork can be cut in any way, but it is better not to make large pieces for a children's dish. Then add to the saucepan to the onion and lightly, only until light in color, fry them together, stir.

Pour a glass of boiling water and simmer tender goulash for 40 minutes. In a bowl, combine sour cream with flour, add tomato paste to them, but you can cook just white sauce. Thoroughly grind and be sure to salt, as nothing was added to the pork. Pour it all into the meat, stir.

Turn up the heat and let the sauce boil. After that, immediately remove the temperature to the minimum mode, cover the saucepan, leave the goulash to stew for another half hour. At the end, add laurel, other spices are usually not added. But a small amount of paprika, garlic, dill is allowed.

You can cook such goulash with cream, it will also turn out very gently, the taste will certainly please. But it is highly undesirable to replace the water with meat broth. Concentrated decoctions in combination with sauces and gravies are difficult for children's digestion. For the same reason, it is not recommended to make strong frying, only light browning in vegetable and butter oils.

Option 4: Kindergarten-style pork goulash without pasta and sour cream

A vegetable version of a light children's goulash. It does not need a tomato, sour cream is also not required. The sauce is even without flour, but it has a lot of vegetables, healthy and juicy. This goulash can be served with any cereals and potatoes. We choose lean pork, you can take any oil, you need very little of it.


  • 350 g pork;
  • 50 g of onion;
  • 50 g pepper;
  • 25 ml of oil;
  • small carrot;
  • a clove of garlic;
  • salt;
  • 300 ml water or vegetable stock

Step by step recipe

In oil, you need to fry the onion and garlic a little, cut the vegetables arbitrarily. As soon as a pleasant aroma appears, immediately add the meat. Cut the pork into any pieces you like. Cook with onions until all the juice has evaporated.

There is time to cut carrots, peppers. We chop them finely. For carrots, you can use a regular grater, but it is not necessary.

Stir the meat with onions for the last time, cover with prepared vegetables and pour boiling water. We use the prescription amount. You can use vegetable broth instead of water. Cover the skillet or saucepan. Stew baby goulash for about 40 minutes or even an hour, depending on the size and quality of the meat.

After an hour, you can salt the goulash, stir. Let the pieces soak for a few minutes. You can sprinkle with herbs.

You can make a kindergarten dish much more interesting by adding other vegetables to it. Broccoli inflorescences go well with pork, you can add a little frozen peas (can not be canned), corn. It is important to rely on the taste of the child and his age.

Option 5: Kindergarten Pork Goulash (Slow Cooker Recipe)

A feature of this pork goulash, like in kindergarten, is the use of a slow cooker. Here is the simplest recipe in which you do not need to fry and even alternately lay the products, mix something. Oil is still added, but in a minimal amount for taste.


  • 600 g pork;
  • 30 g of oil;
  • 80 g of onion;
  • 50 g carrots;
  • 1.5 tsp flour;
  • hot water;
  • 15 g of tomato.

How to cook

Finely chop the onion. Send the oil to the bottom of the multicooker, it is better to grease the bottom with a piece. Cut out an onion. We wash the pork. We cut the pulp into cubes or cubes. We spread it on top of the prepared onion, sprinkle it all with carrots.

Add hot water. It should reach the top level of products. Immediately cover the slow cooker, set the extinguishing mode for 1 hour and 10 minutes. For pork, this time should be enough.

Mix flour, 90 ml of water and tomato paste. We also add salt to this. We put it in the microwave, warm it up a little.

Shortly before the end, we check the readiness of the meat, stir it with vegetables and add dressing for gravy. Goulash also needs to be mixed with it. Cover and turn off the heat after ten minutes.

The exact cooking time and program selection in the multicooker largely depends on the appliance. If it has a pressure cooker function, you can significantly shorten the process, get a tender meat dish in just half an hour.

Beef goulash with gravy (kindergarten style)

Today I will cook beef goulash with gravy, like in kindergarten. There are a lot of goulash recipes and today I will offer you my own version.

First you need to buy the right meat. For children, it is better to buy chilled meat without veins and fat, such as the neck or shoulder. It will be great if you are lucky and buy veal. How to distinguish veal from beef? There is a pattern: the lighter the color of the meat, the younger the animal. Beef fat is yellow, veal is white.

So, if you have made your choice, let's get started.

To prepare beef goulash with gravy, you will need:

Beef - 600 gr;

Onion - 1 pc;

Carrots - 1 pc;

Flour - 2 tbsp;

Tomato paste - 1 tbsp;

Bay leaf;

Recipe for beef goulash with gravy:

1. Cut the beef into small pieces. Cubes 1 * 1 cm, it is possible and smaller.

2. Fry the meat in sunflower oil.

The meat is different, and the time it takes to cook it may be different - if it is beef, then at least an hour. If the meat is tough, then first it is better to boil it until soft, and then fry it. In this case, leave the meat broth - it will come in handy for gravy.

3. Add onions.

4. Add carrots. Fry the meat with carrots and onions until the vegetables are ready.

5. Fry the flour in a dry frying pan.

6. Add flour and tomato paste to the meat. Fry 2 minutes.

7. Add hot water or stock. Add salt to taste. Add liquid, stirring constantly to prevent lumps from forming.

For this amount of meat, it took about a liter of liquid.

8. Put out another 10 minutes. Add bay leaf 2 minutes before done.

Our delicious beef goulash is ready!

To spice up our creation, you can add grated pickled cucumber 15 minutes before the end of cooking (before flour and tomato paste). Mmm….

Can be served as a side dish for goulash

Do you remember the goulash that we were given in the garden with mashed potatoes and watering? Its taste is unforgettable! Let's try with you to cook this dish at home, guided by our recipes.

Beef goulash like in kindergarten


  • flour - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • beef pulp - 500 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • natural tomato paste - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • - 1 tbsp.;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil.


We wash the beef thoroughly, dry it and cut into small pieces of the same size. Rinse the carrots and onions, peel and finely chop with a knife. Heat the oil in a saucepan over medium heat and sauté the vegetables until soft. Then put the meat on them and fry the pieces on all sides. After 15 minutes, pour a glass of hot broth, throw spices to taste and simmer the meat until soft, covering it with a lid. At this time, combine the flour with tomato paste and dilute with boiled water until smooth. Then pour the mixture into the bowl and mix well. Stew the dish for another 7 minutes, and then serve goulash with gravy with mashed potatoes, as in kindergarten.

goulash recipe like in kindergarten


  • beef pulp - 400 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • - 15 ml;
  • wheat flour - 15 g;
  • filtered water - 1 tbsp.;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;


And here is another way to cook goulash like in kindergarten. Process the meat and cut into small cubes. Then fry them over high heat until browned. Next, pour in hot water, cover the top with a lid and simmer the meat at a moderate temperature. This time, let's prepare the gravy. For this butter Melt in a saucepan, add tomato puree and simmer for a few minutes. Next, pour the resulting mixture to the beef, add salt to taste and continue stewing. We clean the onion and carrot, finely chop and sauté in butter. We fill our goulash with vegetables and continue to simmer for another 25 minutes. Fry the flour in a dry frying pan, and then pour it into the meat sauce. Mix everything well so that small lumps do not form. 10 minutes before readiness, we throw a bay leaf into the goulash. As a side dish, boiled pasta, crumbly cereals or vegetables in any form are perfect.

Step-by-step recipes for making beef goulash like in kindergarten: classic, in a slow cooker, with mashed potatoes, buckwheat, with broth

2018-04-06 Irina Naumova





In 100 grams of the finished dish

16 gr.

5 gr.


4 gr.

130 kcal.

Option 1: Beef goulash like in kindergarten - a classic recipe

In kindergartens, cooks prepare ordinary food in a special way - this is a fact. We remember many dishes from childhood. And if you are picking up your child or grandchildren from kindergarten, you must have felt this wonderful aroma from the kitchen. Beef goulash is also prepared for children. We will try to repeat the preparation of this dish exactly as it is prepared in kindergartens.


  • sexes kg of veal;
  • onion - 80 gr;
  • tomato paste - 10 gr;
  • flour - 25 gr;
  • lavrushka leaf;
  • table salt - 5 gr;
  • black pepper hammer - 2 gr;
  • two tbsp grows odorless oils.

A step-by-step recipe for beef goulash like in kindergarten

We take beef for children's goulash without bones, veins and fat. We only need the flesh of a young calf.

Rinse well, cut into small pieces.

We clean the onion and cut it into thin half rings. We send it to a well-heated frying pan with a small amount of oil.

Slightly lower the onion and add pieces of tender veal to it. First, brown the pulp a little, and then pour a glass of water into the pan and close the lid.

Simmer over low heat until almost done. Add salt and pepper at the very end.

Now we need another half glass of water. We dilute the flour in it until the lumps dissolve. Then add the tomato paste, fill the glass completely with water and stir.

So, the meat is almost ready. Pour the resulting sauce, stir until the sauce begins to thicken - you get gravy.

Put the bay leaf, simmer for another ten minutes and remove from heat.

We take out the bay leaf so that the finished dish does not taste bitter. Serve goulash with any side dish.

Option 2: Kindergarten Beef Goulash Quick Recipe

Of course, before there were no multicookers, and even now in kindergartens they cook in large containers, immediately for the entire kindergarten or group. But we are more likely to cook children's beef goulash just the way we remember - the slow cooker perfectly preserves the beneficial properties of the products, the aroma and taste of the finished dishes. In addition, in a slow cooker, everything is cooked easier and faster.


  • 1/2 kg of beef pulp;
  • onion 80 gr;
  • carrots - 1 pc;
  • 25 gr flour;
  • 10 gr tomato paste;
  • 20 gr sour cream;
  • lavrushka leaf;
  • 1/2 tea l cook salt.

How to quickly cook beef goulash like in kindergarten

We will prepare not greasy, not spicy, but tender and healthy goulash. Calf meat or fresh and soft beef meat, not frozen, is ideal.

Rinse the meat, cut off the fat and veins, if any. Only pulp should remain. Cut into pieces and put in a multicooker bowl.

We clean the onions and carrots, rinse. Finely chop the onion with a knife, grate the carrots coarsely. We send it to the multicooker.

In a bowl, mix tomato paste, sour cream and flour. Dilute with water until you get a thick sauce.

Note: It is important to remember that during cooking in a slow cooker, water will not evaporate due to the airtight lid. Vegetables and pieces of meat will also give their juice. Therefore, the ideal proportion of water is half or three-quarters of a glass for the indicated amount of sour cream, pasta and flour.

Pour the resulting sauce into the multicooker bowl, put the bay leaf, salt and mix. We close the lid of the device, select the "Extinguishing" program, set the timer for one hour.

After the specified time, a beep will sound, open the lid and check the meat for readiness. It should be soft, tender, falling apart on a fork.

We remove the bay leaf, close the lid and leave it in the heating mode until we prepare the side dish. Or serve immediately.

Option 3: Baby Beef Goulash with Mashed Potatoes

In kindergartens, goulash is often served with mashed potatoes. You can also put some green peas from a jar and a couple of fresh cucumbers on a plate. You get a real beef goulash like in kindergarten.


  • 1/2 kg of beef;
  • onion head;
  • small carrots;
  • wheat flour - 25 gr;
  • tomato paste - 20 gr;
  • one tbsp sour cream;
  • salt to taste;
  • five hundred grams of potatoes;
  • one hundred ml of milk.

Step by step recipe

Let's start with the meat. We clean it from the veins, fat and cut into small pieces.

Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots.

Now you can either fry the meat in a pan. And then add vegetables. Or place vegetables with meat in a pan, pour a glass of boiling water and simmer over low heat until the vegetables are soft.

You need to add another glass of water. Simmer until beef is done. Close the lid so that the liquid does not evaporate much - the broth should cover the pieces of beef.

When the meat is almost ready, salt to taste, put the bay leaf.

Dilute tomato paste, flour and sour cream in one hundred milliliters of water. Stir until the flour dissolves and pour into the goulash.

The broth will begin to thicken. After that, we simmer for another ten minutes and turn off the fire. Let stand under the closed lid.

We peel the potatoes, cut into two or three parts, depending on the size of the tubers. Fill with water and boil until tender.

Drain the water from the potatoes, pour warm milk into a saucepan and mash with a masher or mash with a blender.

Puree can be slightly salted.

Put the pieces of meat on a plate, mashed potatoes and pour over the gravy from the pan. Serve warm.

Option 4: Children's beef goulash with buckwheat

Buckwheat is also often served as a side dish to this dish. It is healthy and goes well with small pieces of tender meat and gravy.


  • beef - 400 gr;
  • 1/2 head of onion;
  • carrots - 150 gr;
  • 20 gr tomato paste;
  • 10 gr flour;
  • 40 gr oil drain;
  • a glass of buckwheat;
  • salt to taste;
  • lavrushka leaf.

How to cook

To prepare children's beef goulash, you can use a shoulder blade, tenderloin, fillet, subscapular part, brisket or hem. We clean the pulp from veins and excess fat, cut into small pieces.

First, let the beef in a heated frying pan without oil, then pour a glass of water and simmer over low heat under a closed lid.

We send half the butter to another pan and heat it up. When it melts, add tomato paste and saute a little. Then we send to pieces of meat and broth. Salt a little and stir.

We clean the onions with carrots, fry in butter until soft and add to the meat. Stir and simmer for another half an hour under a closed lid.

In a dry frying pan, fry the flour for just a minute and transfer to goulash. Stir again until all lumps are dissolved and after ten minutes put a leaf of lavrushka.

We cook the goulash for the specified time, that is, after adding the lavrushka, another ten to fifteen minutes. We check the softness of the meat and turn off the fire.

Sort the buckwheat, rinse thoroughly under water and transfer to boiling water. You can salt a little.

Cook until the porridge thickens. When the cereal is ready, put the butter in the pan, mix and cover with a lid.

Serve goulash with buckwheat very warm, but not hot. Do not forget to pour the porridge and meat with gravy.

Note: According to the technological map, the serving temperature of the finished dish in kindergarten is 65 C.

Option 5: Baby beef goulash with broth

According to this recipe, not water is poured into the meat, but meat broth. It should be natural, not adjustable from a cube. Such goulash turns out to be more satisfying, with a thick rich gravy.


  • 0.6 kg pitted veal;
  • one carrot;
  • onion head;
  • 20 gr tomato paste;
  • 40 gr sour cream;
  • 50 ml grow odorless oils;
  • 40 gr flour;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • one and a half glasses of meat broth.

Step by step recipe

Meat must be taken without bones, without visible layers of fat. We also remove the veins and films, cut the meat into pieces of about 3 by 4 centimeters. They then evaporate and shrink.

Peel the onion and cut into very thin half rings. We clean the carrots and rub coarsely on a grater. Carrots give a slightly sweet taste, which perfectly dilutes the taste of tomato paste.

Heat up a frying pan, add some oil. Pat the beef pieces dry with paper towels and transfer to the skillet. Fry over high heat until golden brown for two minutes - we seal the juice.

Add vegetables, stir and continue cooking.

Put flour in a dry frying pan, transfer to meat and vegetables. Add tomato paste, sour cream and mix everything.

Pour hot meat broth, stir until pasta, flour and sour cream are dissolved. We continue to cook under a closed lid over low heat for another forty minutes.

Check the readiness of the meat. If it is already soft, salt a little and boil for another five minutes. Remove the finished goulash from the heat, insist a little and serve with any side dish.

Goulash, like in a garden, is not averse to trying the most sophisticated gourmets. After all, nothing compares to the amazing taste of childhood. Appetizing meat with a potato side dish and juicy gravy takes us back to the distant past. Is it possible to create this culinary masterpiece at home? You will get acquainted with the best cooking recipes in this article.

A bit about the history of the dish

Goulash was invented in Hungary. Translated from the local language, the name of the dish means "shepherd". This says a lot about the origin of the dish. Initially, it was prepared by Hungarian shepherds in cauldrons over a fire. However, this does not prevent some from calling this dish "royal soup". In the original version, it should consist of pieces of meat stewed with smoked bacon, peppers, onions and potatoes. Culinary experts refer it to the category of thick soups. However, it is especially good in combination with a hearty side dish.

Goulash is a very popular dish these days. It is enjoyed by children and adults. However, in order for the food to be suitable for the delicate body of the child, it must be prepared from the highest quality and freshest products. The meat should be free of bones, skin and tendons. Seasonings should be added very sparingly. Each piece of pork, chicken or beef must have a delicate texture and unique taste.

with gravy. Ingredients

A simple recipe for garden-style goulash with gravy is presented below. There are no frills in it - everything is very simple. Products for this hearty and tasty dish can be found in any store:

  • beef meat - half a kilogram;
  • onion - one piece;
  • carrot - 1 piece;
  • flour - one spoon (table);
  • tomato paste - 1 spoon (tea);
  • sour cream - one spoon (table);
  • bay leaf - 1 piece;
  • salt - to taste.

You can not add sour cream to the dish, but with it it turns out much tastier. Over time, you will probably try different options and will certainly choose the one that you like more.

Goulash from Cooking method

It will be useful for any caring housewife to learn how to cook goulash like in a kindergarten. The recipe for preparation involves the following steps:

  1. First you need to cut the meat into neat pieces of small size. Then they should be lightly fried, poured a little with water and stewed with chopped onions and grated carrots over low heat. At the same time, there should be a little sunflower oil in the pan.
  2. After that, you need to add more water or broth. The ratio of meat and liquid should be approximately 1 cup of water per pound of meat. Next, the products must be stewed until fully cooked. About 10 minutes before removing the dishes from the stove, they should be salted, peppered and flavored with bay leaf. As a result, the meat should turn out to be a soft, slightly covered broth. The readiness of the product can be checked with a fork or knife.
  3. Then you need to dilute in half a glass of water a teaspoon of pasta and one tablespoon of flour and sour cream. After that, the contents of the glass container must be mixed until a homogeneous consistency. If the sauce is thicker than it should be, it can be diluted with boiling water.
  4. Next, stirring constantly, you need to pour a mixture of sour cream, flour and pasta into the goulash. After that, the meat should be stewed for another 5-10 minutes. Now you can enjoy your delicious meal.

Goulash with gravy like in a garden will be even tastier if, ten minutes before the end of the stew, add peeled and finely chopped pickles to it. This will give the treat a special piquancy.

Beef goulash in a slow cooker. Ingredients

In a slow cooker, dishes are especially tasty and complete. To cook goulash in this device like in a kindergarten, you should stock up on the following products:

  • beef - 500 grams;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • carrots - one piece;
  • wheat flour - 1 tablespoon (table);
  • tomato paste - one spoon (tea);
  • sour cream - 1 tablespoon (table);
  • bay leaf - one piece;
  • salt - half a spoon (tea).

Beef goulash in a slow cooker. Cooking method

For this dish, you need to select the most tender part of the carcass without streaks and fat. This will make our goulash as in the garden especially tasty. Next, you need to do the following:

  1. First, cut the meat across the grain into small pieces.
  2. Then you need to peel and chop the carrots and onions.
  3. Next, you need to lay vegetables and beef in the slow cooker.
  4. After that, in a separate bowl, mix sour cream, tomato paste and flour and dilute the mixture with water. At the same time, it must be remembered that moisture does not evaporate in a slow cooker, and the products will certainly give juice. To make the sauce thick enough, the mixture must be diluted with half or a third glass of water.
  5. Then the resulting mass must be poured into a slow cooker. Next, all products should be salted, peppered and seasoned with bay leaf.
  6. After that, you need to close the device and turn it on in the "Extinguishing" mode.
  7. In an hour, beef goulash, like in a garden, will be ready to eat. It can be served on the table with any side dish: potatoes, buckwheat or barley porridge. This simple dish will quietly enter your usual diet and become your favorite treat.


Now you know how it is in kindergarten. The recipe for this dish is easy to remember by heart. It can be prepared from different meats. Suitable poultry or pork, for example. Cooking times may vary depending on the ingredients. Chicken will be ready in 40 minutes, and pork or beef in at least an hour. In addition, do not be zealous with spices, goulash, like in a garden, has a special taste precisely because aggressive seasonings are not added to it. Bon appetit!