Test work on the story "Bela", "Maxim Maksimych" test in literature (Grade 9) on the topic. Test work on the story "Bela", "Maxim Maksimych" literature test (grade 9) on the topic Recognize the hero by description

Final control work

1 .Each story of Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time" was based on a certain literary tradition. Correlateshort story and literary genreto which it corresponds.

2 . In which of the stories of the novel "A Hero of Our Time" the song sounds
Do not touch you, evil sea,
My boat.
My boat is carrying
Things are precious
Rules her in the dark night
Rough head.

a) Bela
b) "Princess Mary"
c) "Taman"
d) "fatalist"

3 . What is the most strikes Maksim Maksimychin the character of Pechorinin the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"
a) Frivolity and irresponsibility.

b) Inconsistency and strangeness.
c) Courage and recklessness.
d) Indifference and spiritual callousness.

4. Whose goal in life is "to become the hero of a novel"?
a) Grushnitsky;
b) Pechorin;
c) Vulich.

5. Which of the characters calls himself a "moral cripple"?
a) Grushnitsky;
b) Pechorin;
c) Werner.

6. Whom Pechorin considers his equal in intelligence and says:

“... we are pretty indifferent to everything, except ourselves”?

a) Grushnitsky;
b) Vulich;
c) Werner.

7. Who is Werner?

a) Vera's husband; b) a friend of Pechorin; c) a friend of Grushnitsky.

8. The action in the story "Princess Mary" takes place ...

a) in Pyatigorsk; b) in Tiflis; c) in Kislovodsk.

9. What does Pechorin Mary say when parting?
a) "I didn't love you"; b) "I'm bored with you"; c) I laughed at you.

10. What did Pechorin understand after parting with Vera?

a) that she was the only woman who made his heart beat;
b) that he never loved her;
c) that marrying her would help him get rid of loneliness and boredom.

11. With whom does Pechorin compare himself?

a) with a sailor who grew up on the deck of a robber brig;

b) with a bird soaring in the sky;

c) with the hero of the novel.

12. Why didn't Pechorin's love bring happiness to anyone?
a) he did not love anyone;
b) he did not sacrifice anything for the sake of his loved ones;
c) he considered everyone below him, unworthy of his love.

13. Why does Pechorin seek death at the end of his life?

a) he is tired of life, life is boring.

b) cowardice;

c) he realized that he had not found and would not find his purpose in life.

14. Pechorin is a hero:

a) positive;

b) negative;

c) cannot be said for certain.

15. Who owns the words:

“I have an innate passion to contradict; my whole life has been only a chain of sad and unfortunate contradictions of heart or mind”?

a) Pechorin,

b) Grushnitsky,

c) Werner.

16. Lermontov's actions, thoughts and feelings of his hero:

a) condemns; b) analyzes; c) protect.

17. Specify the problem that no but the novel:

a) the problem of fathers and children;

b) the problem of a positive hero;

c) the problem of friendship and love;

d) the problem of the meaning of life.

18. What is the novel "A Hero of Our Time" according to the author's definition:

a) a love story

b) life history;

c) the history of the human soul.

19. Match the hero and the circumstances under which the character dies.

20. Correlate the portrait and the hero to whom it corresponds.

1. “Tall stature and a dark complexion, black hair, black piercing eyes ... a sad and cold smile that always wandered on his lips ...”

A) Pechorin

2. "... he is one of those people who have ready-made lush phrases for all occasions ..."

B) Maksim Maksimych

3. "He studied all the living strings of the human heart, ... but he never knew how to use his knowledge."

B) Grushnitsky

4. "... his swarthy complexion showed that he had long been familiar with the Transcaucasian sun ..."

D) Werner

5. "... his gaze, short, but penetrating and heavy ... could seem impudent if it were not so indifferently calm"

D) Vulich

21. Correlate the portrait and the heroine to whom it corresponds.

1. “She was far from beautiful ... The extraordinary flexibility of her figure, ... long blond hair, some kind of golden tint of her slightly tanned skin ...”

A) Bela

2. "... her big eyes, filled with inexplicable sadness ... her pale lips tried in vain to smile ... her tender hands ... were so thin and transparent ..."

B) Mary

3. "... tall, thin, eyes black, like those of a mountain chamois ..."

B) Faith

4. "... she has such velvet eyes ... the lower and upper eyelashes are so long that the rays of the sun are not reflected in her pupils."

D) undine

22. Correlate the characteristic and the hero to whom it corresponds.

1. Smart, well-read, noble, morally pure.

A) Bela

2. Direct, spontaneously passionate, sacrificially loving

B) Mary

3. Materialist by conviction, critical and satirical mind. Skeptic and pessimist, honest and direct.

B) Grushnitsky

4. Close-minded, impersonal, boastful, conceited, envious, false.

D) Maxim Maksimych

5. Direct, honest, kind, "an honest soul and a heart of gold", courageous and loyal.

D) Dr. Werner

23 . Give a detailed answer:

Sample responses. Final control work

M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"

1 point

1 - V 2 - D

3 - B 4 - A

1 point

1 - B 2 - C

3 - G 4 - A

1 point

1 - D 2 - V

3 - D 4 - B

5 - A

1 point

1 - D 2 - V

3 - A 4 - B

1 point

1 - B 2 - A

3 - D 4 - V

5 - G

Evaluation criteria: total 22 points

"5" - 0- 3 errors

"4" - 4 - 7 errors

"3" - 8 - 11 errors

"2" - 12 or more errors

23. Estimated additionally

"What is the tragedy of Pechorin's fate?"

Lermontov's hero is a man of tragic fate. He is tragically alone. The tragedy of Pechorin's fate is due to the fact that the sophisticated ability for introspection and brilliant analytical thinking, the burden of indifference and doubt, prudence, some kind of internal "splitness" lead the hero to the loss of simplicity, naturalness. Pointlessly changing days, a series of predictable events makes Pechorin's life boring, there is no love in it, no friendship. Pechorin is not able to love people, he brings them nothing but misfortune.

The tragedy of Pechorin's personality is in the disappointment of life, disbelief, doubt in everything, in the meaninglessness of life, in the gap between reason and feeling.He did not sacrifice for those whom he loved: he loved for himself, for his own pleasure.

Control test "Hero of our time"

A. story; V. true story;

B. novel; G. story.

A. "Princess Mary"

B. "Taman"

V. "Bela"

G. "Fatalist"

E. "Maxim Maksimych"

A. "Princess Mary"

B. "Taman"

V. "Bela"

G. "Fatalist"

D. Preface to Pechorin's journal

E. "Maxim Maksimych"

A. Maksim Maksimych;

B. M. Yu. Lermontov;

B. Faith;


A. Kazbich; V. Karagoz;

B. Azamat; G. Cherkes.


A. to no one - the heirs will be found themselves; V. Maksim Maksimych;


A. out of envy of Grushnitsky;

G. because of "the pleasure of subordinating his will to everything that surrounds him", from the desire "to arouse feelings of love, devotion and fear for himself", .. - for the "triumph of his power."

10. Choose Pechorin's opinion:


B. literary works;

V. quiet family life;

D. making friends.

12 hero of his time.

Control test ANSWERS

1. Determine the genre of the studied work.

A. story; V. true story;

B. novel; G. story.

2. Arrange the chapters in plot order: 3. ... in chronological (plot) order:

A. "Princess Mary"

B. "Taman"

V. "Bela"

G. "Fatalist"

D. Preface to Pechorin's journal

E. "Maxim Maksimych"

A. "Princess Mary"

B. "Taman"

V. "Bela"

G. "Fatalist"

D. Preface to Pechorin's journal

E. "Maxim Maksimych"

4. What characteristic of appearance does not apply to Pechorin?

A. “Despite the light color of the hair, his mustache and eyebrows were black - a sign of breed in a person”;

B. “He is well built, swarthy and black-haired; he looks to be 25 years old, although he is hardly 21 years old”;

Q. “His eyes did not laugh when he laughed ... this is a sign - either of an evil disposition, or of deep constant sadness. Because of half-lowered eyelashes, they shone with some kind of phosphorescent brilliance ... ”;

G. “There was something childlike in his smile. His skin had a kind of feminine tenderness."

5. From whose words do we get acquainted with the portrait of Pechorin?

A. Maksim Maksimych;

B. M. Yu. Lermontov;

B. Faith;

6. Which of the characteristics refers to Pechorin?

A. “... A wonderful person for many reasons. He is a skeptic and a materialist, ... and at the same time a poet ... in fact, always and often in words, although he has not written two poems in his life ”;

B. “He is rather sharp, ... but he will not kill anyone with one word; he does not know people and their weak strings, because he has been occupied with himself all his life”;

V. “Sometimes, for whole hours you wouldn’t get a word from him, but sometimes, as soon as he starts talking, you’ll tear your tummies from laughter ... Yes, sir, with great oddities, and it must be a rich man ...”;

G. “He was brave, spoke little, but sharply; did not confide his spiritual and family secrets to anyone; he almost didn’t drink wine at all, he didn’t drag at all for young Cossack women. ”

7. What was the name of the horse for which Pechorin traded Bela?

A. Kazbich; V. Karagoz;

B. Azamat; G. Cherkes.

8. To whom does Pechorin bequeath his fortune before the duel?

A. to no one - the heirs will be found themselves; V. Maksim Maksimych;

B. Dr. Werner; G. beloved woman.

9. Why did Pechorin seek the love of Princess Mary?

A. out of envy of Grushnitsky;

B. because of "true, endless passion" for Mary;

V. she "seemed to be an invincible beauty";

G. because of “the pleasure of subordinating his will to everything that surrounds him”, from the desire to “excite to himself a feeling of love, devotion and fear”, ..- for the “triumph of his power”.

10. Choose Pechorin's opinion:“My love has not brought happiness to anyone, because ...

A. in my soul was born an insurmountable aversion to marriage”;

B. I didn't sacrifice anything for those I loved; I loved for myself, for my own pleasure”;

V. I have never become a slave to the woman I love”;

No matter how passionately I love a woman, if she makes me feel that I should marry her, forgive me, love! “My heart turns to stone.”

11. What remedy does Pechorin intend to use in the future from the emptiness of his life?

A. travel to America, Arabia or even India;

B. literary works;

V. quiet family life;

D. making friends.

12 . Do you agree with M.Yu. Lermontov, calling Pechorin hero of his time.

Give some arguments.

1 option

1) What is the name of the second part of the novel "A Hero of Our Time"?

2) Who stole the horse from Kazbich?

3) Whose portrait is this: “... a boy of about fifteen. And what a thug he was, agile for whatever you want: whether to raise his hat at full gallop, whether to shoot from a gun. One thing was not good about him: he was terribly greedy for money.

4) “Good! I swear you will own the horse, only for him you must give me ... "

What did Pechorin ask for in exchange for a horse?

5) Why did the "undine" want to drown Pechorin?

6) Which of the heroes of the novel wore a soldier's overcoat "for a special kind of foppery" and "St. George's soldier's cross"?

7) In what city do the events described in the story "Princess Mary" take place?

8) Did Pechorin love Vera?

9) How did the duel between Pechorin and Grushnitsky end?

10) Which of the heroes of the novel shot himself in the forehead, trying to prove that predestination of fate exists?

11) “Yes, and what do I care about human joys and misfortunes, me, a wandering officer, and even from a traveler for official needs! ...” Which story ends like this?

12) What is the name of Princess Mary.

13) In what part of the novel does the song sound:

"My boat is carrying

precious things,

Rules her in the dark night

Big head"?

14) Did Maxim Maksimych and Bela know each other?

15) Name Werner's profession.

1 option

1. "Maxim Maksimych".

2. Azamat.

3. Azamat.

5. Learned the secret of the smugglers.

6. Grushnitsky.

7. Pyatigorsk.

9. The death of Grushnitsky.

11. "Taman".

12. Ligovskaya.

13. "Taman".

Option 2

1) What is the name of the first part of the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov “A Hero of Our Time”?

2) In what part is the story of the smugglers described?

3) Whose portrait is this: “He was wearing an officer's frock coat without epaulettes and a Circassian shaggy hat. He seemed about fifty; his swarthy complexion showed that he had long been familiar with the sun ... "?

4) "I rode on the messenger from Tiflis." What part of the novel is called that?

5) “If he does not love me, then who prevents him from sending me home? ... I am not his slave - I am a prince's daughter! Who says so?

6) "He is a skeptic and a materialist, like almost all doctors, and at the same time a poet ...". Who does Pechorin characterize in this way?

7) Who spread bad rumors about Pechorin and Princess Mary around the city?

8) Did Pechorin love Princess Mary?

9) Who killed Lieutenant Vulich?

10) What happened to Pechorin on the way from Persia?

11) In what city was Pechorin almost drowned?

12) “... I saw him in action: he waves his saber, shouts and rushes forward, closing his eyes. This is something non-Russian courage! Who is it about?

13) In what part of the novel is the road to Good Mountain described?

14) Who was the owner of the "unclean" house in the story "Taman"?

15) “I have long been living not with my heart, but with my head.” Which of the characters admits this?

Option 2

1. "Bela".

2. "Taman".

3. Maksim Maksimych.

4. "Bela".

6. Werner.

7. Grushnitsky.

9. Drunken Cossack.

11. Taman.

12. Grushnitsky.

13. "Bela".

14. Old woman.

15. Pechorin.

Option 3

1) What is the name of the last story of M.Yu. Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time"?

2) How many stories are in Pechorin's Journal? What are their names?

3) Whose portrait is this: “... his face was the most robbery: small, dry, broad-shouldered ... And he was dexterous, like a demon! The beshmet is always torn, in patches, and the weapon is in silver”?

4) “The hero of our time”, my gracious sirs, is like a portrait, but not of one person: this is a portrait made up of vices ... ". Finish the sentence.

5) The smuggler Yanko, the "undine", the blind boy - these are the heroes ...

Add the title of the story.

6) What did Grushnitsky drop at the well to attract Mary's attention?

7) Why did Pechorin begin to court Princess Mary?

8) With whom did Pechorin shoot in a duel?

9) What does the name of the story "The Fatalist" mean?

11) Why did Maxim Maksimych take offense at Pechorin?

12) Who did Vera love?

13) Which of the heroes of the novel sings a song:

"Gold will buy four wives,

A dashing horse has no price ”?

14) Were Maxim Maksimych and Princess Mary familiar?

15) “... these gentlemen, probably in a hurry, forgot to put a bullet in my pistol ...” Whose pistol was not loaded during the duel?

3 option

1. "Fatalist".

2. Three: "Taman", "Princess Mary", "Fatalist".

3. Kazbich.

4. Whole generation.

5. "Taman".

6. Glass.

7. Annoy Grushnitsky out of boredom.

8. With Grushnitsky.

9. Believer in fate.

10. Maksim Maksimych.

11. Refused to talk.

12. Pechorin.

13. Kazbich.

15. Pechorin.

Option 4

1) In which of the stories does the novel take place in Pyatigorsk?

2) Who tells the story of Bela?

3) Whose portrait is this?

4) “No, she did well that she died: well, what would happen to her if Grigory Alexandrovich left her?” Who are we talking about?

5) “... a young man of about twenty-five. He came to me in full uniform and announced that he was ordered to stay with me in the fortress. Name the character you are talking about.

6) Which story describes the "water society"?

7) “She is the only woman in the world whom I would not be able to deceive ...” Who does Pechorin say this about?

Control work based on the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"

1 option

1) What is the name of the second part of the novel "A Hero of Our Time"?

2) Who stole the horse from Kazbich?

3) Whose portrait is this: “... a boy of about fifteen. And what a thug he was, agile for whatever you want: whether to raise his hat at full gallop, whether to shoot from a gun. One thing was not good about him: he was terribly greedy for money.

4) “Good! I swear you will own the horse, only for him you must give me ... "

What did Pechorin ask for in exchange for a horse?

5) Why did the "undine" want to drown Pechorin?

6) Which of the heroes of the novel wore a soldier's overcoat "for a special kind of foppery" and "St. George's soldier's cross"?

7) In what city do the events described in the story "Princess Mary" take place?

8) Did Pechorin love Vera?

9) How did the duel between Pechorin and Grushnitsky end?

10) Which of the heroes of the novel shot himself in the forehead, trying to prove that predestination of fate exists?

11) “Yes, and what do I care about human joys and misfortunes, me, a wandering officer, and even from a traveler for official needs! ...” Which story ends like this?

12) What is the name of Princess Mary.

13) In what part of the novel does the song sound:

"My boat is carrying

precious things,

Rules her in the dark night

Big head"?

14) Did Maxim Maksimych and Bela know each other?

15) Name Werner's profession.

1 option

1. "Maxim Maksimych".

2. Azamat.

3. Azamat.

4. Belo.

5. Learned the secret of the smugglers.

6. Grushnitsky.

7. Pyatigorsk.

8. Yes.

9. The death of Grushnitsky.

10. Vulich.

11. "Taman".

12. Ligovskaya.

13. "Taman".

14. Yes.

Option 2

1) What is the name of the first part of the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov “A Hero of Our Time”?

2) In what part is the story of the smugglers described?

3) Whose portrait is this: “He was wearing an officer's frock coat without epaulettes and a Circassian shaggy hat. He seemed about fifty; his swarthy complexion showed that he had long been familiar with the sun ... "?

4) "I rode on the messenger from Tiflis." What part of the novel is called that?

5) “If he does not love me, then who prevents him from sending me home? ... I am not his slave - I am a prince's daughter! Who says so?

6) "He is a skeptic and a materialist, like almost all doctors, and at the same time a poet ...". Who does Pechorin characterize in this way?

7) Who spread bad rumors about Pechorin and Princess Mary around the city?

8) Did Pechorin love Princess Mary?

9) Who killed Lieutenant Vulich?

10) What happened to Pechorin on the way from Persia?

11) In what city was Pechorin almost drowned?

12) “... I saw him in action: he waves his saber, shouts and rushes forward, closing his eyes. This is something non-Russian courage! Who is it about?

13) In what part of the novel is the road to Good Mountain described?

14) Who was the owner of the "unclean" house in the story "Taman"?

15) “I have long been living not with my heart, but with my head.” Which of the characters admits this?

Option 2

1. "Bela".

2. "Taman".

3. Maksim Maksimych.

4. "Bela".

5. Bela.

6. Werner.

7. Grushnitsky.

8. No.

9. Drunken Cossack.

10. Died.

11. Taman.

12. Grushnitsky.

13. "Bela".

14. Old woman.

15. Pechorin.

Option 3

1) What is the name of the last story of M.Yu. Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time"?

2) How many stories are in Pechorin's Journal? What are their names?

3) Whose portrait is this: “... his face was the most robbery: small, dry, broad-shouldered ... And he was dexterous, like a demon! The beshmet is always torn, in patches, and the weapon is in silver”?

4) “The hero of our time”, my gracious sirs, is like a portrait, but not of one person: this is a portrait made up of vices ... ". Finish the sentence.

5) The smuggler Yanko, the “undine”, the blind boy are the heroes…

Add the title of the story.

6) What did Grushnitsky drop at the well to attract Mary's attention?

7) Why did Pechorin begin to court Princess Mary?

8) With whom did Pechorin shoot in a duel?

9) What does the name of the story "The Fatalist" mean?

11) Why did Maxim Maksimych take offense at Pechorin?

12) Who did Vera love?

13) Which of the heroes of the novel sings a song:

"Gold will buy four wives,

A dashing horse has no price ”?

14) Were Maxim Maksimych and Princess Mary familiar?

15) “... these gentlemen, probably in a hurry, forgot to put a bullet in my pistol ...” Whose pistol was not loaded during the duel?

3 option

1. "Fatalist".

2. Three: "Taman", "Princess Mary", "Fatalist".

3. Kazbich.

4. Whole generation.

5. "Taman".

6. Glass.

7. Annoy Grushnitsky out of boredom.

8. With Grushnitsky.

9. Believer in fate.

10. Maksim Maksimych.

11. Refused to talk.

12. Pechorin.

13. Kazbich.

14. No.

15. Pechorin.

Option 4

1) In which of the stories does the novel take place in Pyatigorsk?

2) Who tells the story of Bela?

3) Whose portrait is this?

4) “No, she did well that she died: well, what would happen to her if Grigory Alexandrovich left her?” Who are we talking about?

5) “... a young man of about twenty-five. He came to me in full uniform and announced that he was ordered to stay with me in the fortress. Name the character you are talking about.

6) Which story describes the "water society"?

7) “She is the only woman in the world whom I would not be able to deceive ...” Who does Pechorin say this about?

8) Who was Pechorin's second in the duel?

9) Whose heart did Pechorin break? List.

10) “Here, brother, it’s unclean, people are unkind!” In what story is Pechorin warned?

11) Which story describes the meeting of Pechorin and Maxim Maksimych in a hotel for travelers?

12) Whose portrait is this: “He was of medium height: his slender, thin frame and broad shoulders proved a strong build, able to endure all the difficulties of nomadic life and climate change”?

13) In which part of the novel is the description of the Kaishaur valley found?

14) Whose characteristic is this: “His coat, tie and waistcoat were constantly black. The youth called him Mephistopheles"?

15) “What is happiness? Intense pride." Which character thinks so?

4 option

1. "Princess Mary".

2. Maxim Maksimych.

3. Bela.

4. Bela.

5. Pechorin.

6. "Princess Mary".

7. Faith.

8. Werner.

9. Bela, Vera, Mary.

10. "Taman".

11. "Maxim Maksimych".

12. Pechorin.

13. "Bela".

14. Werner.

15. Pechorin.

Control work based on the work of M. Lermontov “The Hero of Our Time »

1. What ideological and aesthetic trend in literature does the novel "A Hero of Our Time" belong to:

A. Romanticism.

b. critical realism.

V. Sentimentalism.

Enlightenment realism.

e. Classicism.

2. Define the idea of ​​the novel "A Hero of Our Time":

A. Image of a socially typical personality of the noble circle after the defeat of the Decembrist uprising, analysis of modern society and psychology.

b. Condemnation of the typical personality of the noble circle and the social environment that gave birth to it.

3. About whom it is said: “He sees no law for himself in anything but himself.”

A. Pechorin. b. Onegin, v. Doctor Werner. Grushnitsky.

4. What is the tragedy of Pechorin:

A. In conflict with others.

b. In dissatisfaction with the surrounding reality and his characteristic individualism and skepticism. In his clear understanding of his inconsistency "between the depth of nature and the pitifulness of actions"(V. G. Belinsky).

V. In indifference to everything that surrounds him: people, events.

d. In selfishness.

5. Determine who owns the following characteristics:

1. Direct, wholesome, honest, kind, generous, sane, "an honest soul and a heart of gold", courageous and modest to self-abasement, humble, loyal subject.

2. “The standard of ideal phrase-mongers” who are not capable of “neither real good nor real evil”, narrow-minded, impersonal, boastfully conceited, envious, false, with unreasonable conceit.

3. A raznochinets of progressive views, a materialist by conviction, a critical and satirical mind. A high noble soul, a man of great culture, a skeptic and a pessimist, honest and direct, humane.

4. Direct, spontaneously passionate, strange, sacrificially loving.

5. Smart, well-read, noble, morally pure.

A. Grushnitsky b. Princess Mary c. Maksim Maksimych Dr. Wernervillage Bela

6. Which of the characters in the novel is the story about?

“He was a nice fellow, I dare to assure you, only a little strange. After all, for example, in the rain, in the cold all day on the hunt, everyone will freeze, get tired - but nothing to him. And another time he sits in his room, the wind smells, he assures that he has caught a cold, the shutter will knock, he will shudder and turn pale, and in my presence he went to the wild boar one on one, it happened that you could not get a word for whole hours, but sometimes he would start to tell , so you’ll tear your tummies from laughter ... Yes, sir, he was strange with big ones ... ”, a. Grushnitsky. b. Pechorin. 8. Maxim Maksimych. Dr. Werner.

7 . In order to emphasize the ideological essence of the novel, increase its tension, enhance the impression of the strangeness, inconsistency and tragedy of the character of the hero and show more clearly the ruined possibilities of his rare nature, the chronology of the events of the novel is broken.Restore the chronological sequence of events of the "Hero of Our Time".

A. "Bela".

6. "Maxim Maksimych".

V. Preface to Pechorin's journal.

city ​​"Taman".

e. End of Pechorin's journal.

e. "Princess Mary".

and. "Fatalist".

8. Determine the ownership of the hero's portrait: “...He was a wonderful person for many reasons. He was a skeptic and a materialist ... and at the same time a poet, and in earnest - a poet in deed, always and often in words, although he did not write two poems in his life. He studied all the living strings of the human heart... He was small, and thin, and weak as a child.... His small black eyes, always restless, tried to penetrate your thoughts. There was taste and neatness in his clothes, his thin little

his hands showed off in light yellow gloves. His coat, tie and waistcoat were permanently black.


A. Grushnitsky. b. Pechorin, V. Werner. Mr. Maksim Maksimych.

9. The psychological nature of the landscape of the novel anticipates the state of the characters, events, their outcome.

What event does this landscape precede? “... All around, lost in the golden mist of the morning,

the peaks of the mountains crowded together like an innumerable herd, and Elbrus in the south stood up like a white mass, closing the chain of icy peaks, between which fibrous clouds that had come from the east were already roaming. I went to the edge of the platform and looked down, my head almost spinning: it seemed dark and cold down there, as in a coffin; mossy teeth of rocks, thrown down by thunder and time, were waiting for their prey.

A. Duel Pechorin and Grushnitsky. b. The kidnapping of Karagöz, c. Bela's death. Mr. Vulich's shot.

10 . Imagine that in front of you are “creative retellings” of the stories that make up the “Hero

our time". To which story does each story refer? On what grounds did you define it?

a) Misfire (“Asian triggers often misfire”), Cossack saber. The unfortunate mother of a young Cossack. The death of a foreign subject in a Russian fortress. A pig cut in half was lying on the road.

b) Thunderstorm in the mountains. Tea drinking in the Ossetian sakla. Great cast iron kettle! The history of the ensign. One princess and ten rams; hunting for a wild boar and a shot horse. Separation of fellow travelers, c) Asleep batman and stolen saber. Marine adventures of an infantry officer in a dirty town. A song about a "violent little head". Honest lawbreakers.

11. Why didn't Pechorin stay with Maxim Maksimych for two hours to dine? Why did he offend his old friend?

a) was in a hurry due to "duty";

b) did not want to remember Bela ; for these memories brought him the same acute suffering as before;

c) Pechorin was bored with Maxim Maksimych.

12. "Honest smugglers" in "Taman" at first glance seem to be truly romantic natures. Which of the proposed quotes takes Yanko out of a number of romantic heroes?

a) Yanko is not afraid of the sea, or the winds, or the fog, or the coast guards...

b) The swimmer was brave, who decided on such a night to set off through the strait ...

c) If he had paid better for his work, Yanko would not have left him; and everywhere the road is dear to me, where only the wind blows and the sea makes noise!

13. Pechorin and Pushkin's Onegin are called "superfluous people." Embodying the general type of relationship between man and society, Pechorin and Onegin are different in character. Name the feature that distinguishes Pechorin's "extra man" from Onegin's "extra man":

a) boredom

b) contempt for people;

c) lack of purpose in life;

d) almost complete loneliness;

e) the pursuit of life, the desire to escape from boredom.

ANSWERS: 1-b, 2-a, 3-a, 4-b, 5: 1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-d, 5-b 6-b, 7-c, d, e , a, f, b, e 8-c, 9-a, 10 - “Fatalist”, b- “Bela”, c- “Taman” 11-b, 12-c, 13-d

Literature test Hero of our time (M.Yu. Lermontov) for 9th grade students. The test consists of two options, in each option there are 5 tasks with a short answer and 3 general tasks with a detailed answer.

It finally dawned. My nerves calmed down. I looked in the mirror; a dull pallor covered my face, which kept traces of painful insomnia; but the eyes, although surrounded by a brown shadow, shone proudly and inexorably. I was pleased with myself.
Ordering the horses to be saddled, I dressed and ran to the bathhouse. Plunging into the cold boiling water of narzan, I felt how my bodily and spiritual strength returned. I came out of the bath fresh and alert, as if I were going to a ball. After that, say that the soul does not depend on the body! ..
When I returned, I found a doctor. He was wearing gray breeches, an archaluk and a Circassian hat. I burst out laughing when I saw this little figure under a huge shaggy hat: his face was not at all warlike, and this time it was even longer than usual.
Why are you so sad, Doctor? I told him. “Didn’t you see people off to the other world a hundred times with the greatest indifference? Imagine that I have bilious fever; I can recover, I can die; both are in the order of things; try to look at me as if I were a patient possessed by a disease still unknown to you - and then your curiosity will be aroused to the highest degree; you can now make a few important physiological observations on me... Isn't the expectation of a violent death already a real illness?
This thought struck the doctor, and he cheered.
We mounted; Werner clung to the reins with both hands, and we set off - in an instant we galloped past the fortress through the settlement and drove into a gorge, along which a road wound, half-overgrown with tall grass and every minute crossed by a noisy stream, through which it was necessary to wade, to the great despair of the doctor, because that his horse stopped every time in the water.
I don't remember a bluer and fresher morning! The sun barely emerged from behind the green peaks, and the merging of the warmth of its rays with the dying coolness of the night inspired a kind of sweet languor on all the senses; the joyful ray of the young day had not yet penetrated the gorge; he gilded only the tops of the cliffs hanging on both sides above us; thick-leaved bushes growing in their deep cracks showered us with silver rain at the slightest breath of wind. I remember - this time, more than ever before, I loved nature. How curious it is to peer at each dewdrop, fluttering on a wide grape leaf and reflecting millions of rainbow rays! how greedily my gaze tried to penetrate the smoky distance! There the path kept getting narrower, the cliffs bluer and more terrifying, and finally they seemed to meet like an impenetrable wall. We drove in silence.
Have you written your will? Werner suddenly asked.
- No.
“And if you are killed?” ..
“The heirs will find themselves.
“Don’t you have friends to whom you would like to send your last farewell? ..
I shook my head.

1 option

Short answer questions

1. What is the name of the literary movement that reflects the patterns of life, the relationship between man and the environment, to which the work of M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"

2. On whose behalf is the story being told in the presented fragment?

3. What event will follow immediately after the one described in this episode?

4. What is the name of the technique of psychologism, which consists in depicting the appearance of the hero of a literary work?

I looked in the mirror; a dull pallor covered my face, which kept traces of painful insomnia; but the eyes, although surrounded by a brown shadow, shone proudly and inexorably ...

5. What is the name of the conversation between two characters in a literary work that completes the given fragment?

Questions with a detailed answer




Option 2

Short answer questions

1. What is the genre of this work?

2. What is the name of the chapter from which the fragment is taken?

3. Which character will appear in the text immediately after the one described in this episode?

4. What is the name of the description of nature in a literary work, reflecting the state of mind of the hero?

I don't remember a bluer and fresher morning! The sun barely emerged from behind the green peaks, and the merging of the warmth of its rays with the dying coolness of the night inspired some kind of sweet languor on all the senses ...

5. Indicate the name of the artistic definition, which has a special expressiveness: millions iridescent rays, in smoky distance, impenetrable wall.

Questions with a detailed answer

6. What is the role of Dr. Werner in the above fragment and in the work as a whole?

7. What is the role of pictures of nature in the given fragment?

8. Compare the fragments from the works of M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" and A.S. Pushkin "Gypsies". What is the difference between pictures of nature and their role in these works?

Fragment of the work of A.S. Pushkin "Gypsies"

Aleko is sleeping. In his mind
A vague vision plays;
He, waking up in the darkness with a cry,
Jealously stretches out his hand;
But a broken hand
Enough cold covers -
His girlfriend is away...
He stood up with trepidation and heeded ...
Everything is quiet - fear embraces him,
Both heat and cold flow through it;
He gets up, leaves the tent,
Around the carts, terrible, wandering;
All calm; the fields are silent;
Dark; the moon has gone into mist,
Slightly glimmering stars the wrong light,
A little dew is a noticeable trace
Leads to distant mounds:
He goes impatiently
Where the sinister trail leads.

Grave on the side of the road
In the distance it turns white before him ...
There weakening legs
Dragging, we torment with foreboding,
Mouths tremble, knees tremble,
It goes ... and suddenly ... or is it a dream?
Suddenly sees close two shadows
And he hears a close whisper -
Above the desecrated grave.

Answers to the literature test Hero of our time (M.Yu. Lermontov)
1 option
1. realism
2. Pechorin
3. duel
4. portrait
5. dialogue
Option 2
1. novel
2. Princess Mary
3. Grushnitsky
4. landscape
5. epithet