Mozart for children: how to raise a genius. Soothing Mozart Music for Child Development Raising a Child Prodigy with Classical Music

Almost everyone knows that classical music is recommended for listening not only to mothers during pregnancy, but also to children themselves after their birth. But why Mozart and not Bach or, for example, Beethoven? In fact, it is not entirely correct to compare their work, if only because the transfer of musical images into notes occurred in them at different ages and under different impressions.

To understand why Mozart's soothing music is good for children, we need to look at two things. First, to the biography of the great composer and the corresponding time period in history. And secondly, to the latest results in the study of the human brain.

The future great composer was born into a family of professional musicians. Talent and phenomenal memory showed up in him at a very early age. The first musical lessons and experimental compositional creativity began with Mozart at the age of four. At that time, Italian music and music in the style of the Renaissance was in vogue.

In young children, the brain is just developing. Sound waves of different lengths activate different parts of the cortex, affecting each with different intensity. In response, different activity occurs in a particular area. The latter is measured by a conditional "glow" (similar to the Kirlian effect): the brighter it is, the more active the brain. Mozart's musical works lead to the fact that 97-99% of the cerebral cortex is involved, that is, it literally begins to "glow". In children, the centers responsible for development and mental state are activated. Many world scientific centers have confirmed the calming effect of Mozart's music.

Why is this happening? There is no definite answer here - perhaps it will be received as soon as the human brain is fully explored. Most of all, the theory is similar to the truth that Mozart, due to his genius, from a very young age was able to intuitively understand and convey in notes the feelings of young children. Therefore, his music is recommended for listening both for medical purposes and for prevention.

Raising a child prodigy with classical music

Kids come to our world as little gods. And we make people out of them. So familiar, because the unknown is always scary. Yes, and gifted people are often self-willed and obstinate. But those who want to get at least above average results in the development of a child should adopt classical music, over which time has no power.

The main rule here is to know the measure. Mozart's music is dominated by high notes. This has a positive effect on the auditory muscles. The best option is not a special listening (although it gives its effect), but the creation of a musical background: during various games, swimming in the bathroom, being on the road, eating, etc. The sooner the child gets acquainted with this music, the sooner the higher functions of the right hemisphere of the brain responsible for creativity will begin to form and activate. But in no case should you allow an overabundance. Excessive, and even more so violent listening to music is unacceptable.


Listening to the musical works of Mozart gives children:

  • development of auditory muscles due to high sounds;
  • improvement and correction of memory (in the background, it is good to memorize these keys by heart);
  • development and correction of speech in stuttering;
  • expansion of brain potential and a change in worldview (most people are prone to negativity, and Mozart's works give a balanced picture of the world, so the brain begins to notice bright colors more often, its work becomes more active and intense);
  • development of spatial imagination, which is indispensable for creative professions and volumetric perception;
  • increased attention (the syndrome of hyperactivity and inattention is the scourge of modern children, and after 10 minutes of listening, the baby’s attention will become more concentrated);
  • improvement of communication skills (is a consequence of all the above positive developments).

Of course, now there is an opinion that Mozart's music helps to grow a genius ... I do not have such a goal and will not have it for good reasons. But I do not hesitate to take advantage of certain pluses from 10 minutes of Mozart. And yes, there is an effect) And here is an article on this topic (taken from the Internet):

We learned about the unusual Mozart effect quite recently. Although this term was introduced 60 years ago by the famous physician Alfred Tomatis, who began to study it. But so far no one can explain this effect. Although a lot of interesting facts have already been collected. The effect of Mozart's music for children is especially pronounced and strong.

The child's brain is still developing, so the nervous structures can line up according to any principles. But changing the structure of the brain of an adult can be problematic.

The action of the Mozart effect for kids. Tomatis has been observing the impact of Mozart's music on children up to three years of age for several years. He noted that such children had more developed thinking. They were smarter than their peers. This is what he called the Mozart effect.

Shaw and Rauscher confirmed this phenomenon in newborn rats. All the rats that listened to Mozart completed the maze faster and with fewer mistakes.

When Rauscher looked into their brains, he found that music turned on certain genes that turn on proteins that are responsible for memory and attention.

Scientists are convinced that early exposure to music (listening, moving to music, singing) not only opens up access to those parts of the brain that are responsible for the perception and understanding of music, but also contributes to the development of higher brain functions that are responsible for creativity.

So, Mozart music for kids:

enhances their brain activity (the first three years of a child's life determine his future intelligence);
helps them calm down, relieve tension and allows them to focus on something;
improves speech and hearing of the child;
allows you to avoid problems with digestion (you need to listen to it while eating);
stimulates the development of creative thinking.
As you can see, the magical rhythms of Mozart reveal the inner potential of the baby. Help your kids become smarter, start introducing them to this amazing music.

In this case, the child should not be stressed. The maximum effect is given by music that brings pleasure. It can be turned on during feeding or when taking a bath, or while the baby is playing. If you are taking it in the car, turn on the music too. The more familiar the environment for the child, the better the result will be.

Mozart music effect for kids. Shaw and Bodner, based on a magnetic resonator, obtained very interesting results on brain activity while listening to music. As they expected, any music will activate the auditory center. Some of the works also influenced the emotional parts of the brain.

But with the sound of Mozart's creations, almost ALL parts of the brain were active. The whole brain literally began to “glow”.

Unfortunately, for most adults, all the improvements in brain function from exposure to Mozart's music are temporary. Because the neural connections they have already formed.

Mozart's music has a stunning effect on the brain of children. It changes the structure of the brain. New neural circuits begin to form in it. By mobilizing all the talents of the child, improving his mental activity, Mozart's music helps you raise a child prodigy.

See what Mozart's music gives children.

Hearing improvement. There are a lot of high sounds in Mozart's creations. They have been proven to strengthen the muscles of the middle ear.
Strengthening memory. This music improves memory. Under its sound it is good to learn poetry and foreign languages.
The development of speech. Tomatis also successfully corrected children's speech with music. His most impressive result is Gerard Depardieu, who suffered from stuttering and memory problems. After several months of daily two-hour classes, he completely got rid of problems, which allowed him to become a famous actor.
Changing the perception of the world. The internal state influences our perception of the World. If we feel bad, we see everything in a black light, if it’s good, everything around is painted in bright colors. With the music of Mozart, a person sees more light and pleasant. At the same time, fear and isolation go away, peace comes. At the same time, a more orderly environment is being built, where one can act effectively and actively.
Expansion of intellectual potential. Mozart's works increase brain activity, which stimulates the child's thinking. Children see connections, begin to reason. Interestingly, even 10 minutes of listening increases their IQ by 8-10 units.
Development of spatial thinking. A number of creative professions, such as designers, decorators, landscape designers, etc., require a developed visual representation. These abilities are called "spatial intelligence". Listening to Mozart's music enhances it.
Strengthening concentration. Even after 5 minutes of listening, the child becomes more focused. This quality is needed for abstract thinking (mathematics and chess). But even in everyday life, if a child is distracted, his thoughts fly somewhere, Mozart's music will help him gain clarity of perception and concentrate his attention.
The influence of Mozart's music on child development. Strengthening learning. The light background of Mozart's creations during classes helps the child to maintain concentration for a long time.
Of course, everything that was mentioned above works in this case. Active brain work, high concentration, strong memory - all this is the basis of high learning outcomes.
Development of communication skills. Children who listen to Mozart's music find it easier to find a common language with other people. They are easier to understand. For they clearly formulate their thoughts and can give them completeness.
Health promotion. Harmonizing the hemispheres of the brain, Mozart's music brings balance to the work of the body, activates the immune system. And if all systems work smoothly, as a single mechanism, then diseases have nowhere to come from.

Do you want to raise your child correctly and develop a sense of taste in him? Then Mozart music for children will help you! It has long been proven by scientists that the melodies of this wonderful composer work wonders with the human body, and for children, his music is a way to develop hidden talents and, possibly, educate a future genius. Why is Mozart's music so good? Now you will know about it!

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Benefits of Listening to Mozart for Kids

Every parent should know about the advantage of listening to the music of this composer, because Mozart for children can be the first stage of development from the first days of a baby's life. Here are some of the benefits of listening to this composer's melodies:

  • Increases brain development;
  • Allows you to instill in the child the right taste;
  • Has healing properties;
  • Calms the nervous system;
  • Stimulates thinking;
  • Improves memory;
  • Helps develop the child's intelligence.

And this is not a complete list of benefits. If you remember, Mozart was a little genius himself, since he wrote his first composition at the age of 4, so the sounds of his melodies reflect a purely childish perception, which makes it easier for children to perceive melodies.

This composer has melodies for all occasions. Is your child not sleeping well or not wanting to sleep? Put him a melody for sleep, and you will see how your baby will fall asleep in a couple of minutes with a sound sweet sleep.

It is useful to listen to these wonderful melodies not only for children, but also for parents. In our difficult nervous time, calming pleasant music is ideal for adults. Also, such melodies can be put to children before going to bed or active games.

The collection of melodies also includes educational music for kids. It will help develop the child's hearing and taste, which is so important in our time. After a couple of days of listening to music just a couple of times a day for 30 minutes, you will notice significant changes in the child. He will become more attentive, his creativity will open, and the psyche will become more balanced. Therefore, scientists advise already at the stage of pregnancy to listen to the sounds of magnificent compositions.

Is your child sick? Give him Mozart, because his music is healing and this is not just a myth, but a proven fact. Listening to her, the baby will recover faster and return to the normal rhythm of life. And for very active fidgets, a calm melody will be ideal, which will allow him to relax and calm down. And parents will benefit from listening to it.

On our site you can listen online to the best compositions of this famous composer. Here you will find completely different melodies for any occasion. We have collected compositions for both parents and children of different ages, so all the music is on one site and you do not have to constantly look for this or that melody.

Are you going on a trip or on vacation, but there is a problem with the Internet? This problem is solvable! With us you can download absolutely any melody for free in just a few minutes, and your favorite sounds will delight you all the way and at any time.

“A good musical upbringing, according to the Optina elders, purifies the soul and prepares it for receiving spiritual impressions.”

“A child accustomed from childhood to classical music, who has developed under its influence, is not subject to the temptations of the rough rhythm of rock, modern pseudo-music, to the extent that those who grew up without a musical education are subject to them. A good musical upbringing, according to the Optina elders, purifies the soul and prepares it for receiving spiritual impressions.” (c) Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose)

Classical music contributes to the development of creative abilities, the development of speech, intelligence, and also affects the psychological state of the child: it calms, lulls, amuses, makes you cry. And this is a fact. Many brilliant personalities, not only in the field of art, but also in science, played musical instruments. Not to mention the fact that the possession of an instrument was an attribute of a high level of culture and education. For example, Albert Einstein played the violin, and Oxford professors of physics and mathematics make up 70% of the members of the university music club.

The Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto conducted experiments with water, as a result of which it was revealed that when water “hears” classical music, when it is frozen, the crystals acquire a very beautiful shape and bloom. In the same country, observation of breastfeeding mothers showed that when listening to classical music, the amount of milk increases by 20-100%. Sony Corporation conducted another interesting experiment, as a result of which it turned out that listening to Bach's works helps premature babies gain weight, slows down the metabolic process, and the skeletons of babies are formed absolutely correctly.

“When you listen to classical music, you are ennobled. The layer of something superficial subsides and you plunge into the unchanging, beautiful world, your true nature is revealed. Classical music really has such a cleansing effect, you become better, kinder, ”writes Kirnarskaya D.K. - Vice-Rector of the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesinykh, professor, doctor of art criticism, doctor of psychological sciences.

Unfortunately, by the age of five, a child's musical abilities can completely fade away, which is why it is very important what your baby hears from the very moment of his birth, while still in the womb. It is important that a child from early childhood understand the beauty of a classical melody, so that he feels its harmony and richness of shades.
Classical music must be learned to listen, to learn to understand. And then it will have its own unique beneficial effect on the development of the child.

Otorhinolaryngologist and phoniator Alfred Tomatis discovered the so-called Mozart effect. Its essence lies in the fact that children under the age of three who constantly listened to Mozart's music develop faster and become smarter than their peers. It has been proven that Mozart's piano concertos teach concentration, awareness, and help to increase the level of mental organization. Moreover, precisely, and only, in the works of this great composer, very smooth 30-second transitions from “loud - forte” to “quiet - piano” are used, these transitions ideally coincide with the biorhythms in the right and left hemispheres of the brain.

If classical music sounds in the house from the very birth of a baby, then it becomes natural for him, and the craving for beauty is laid at the level of memory. Children who grew up on high-quality, time-tested classics, as a rule, "do not suffer" at concerts that seem unbearably long, boring and incomprehensible to children who have not listened to such music before.

However, it is worth noting that very young children should not be allowed to listen to operas, opera arias and romances. If, nevertheless, the work is orchestrated, choose a chamber composition, which, for example, is required for the performance of Mozart's piano concertos. Heavy emotionally rich works that make you really worry, from which tears well up, are also not worth listening to. For example, Rachmaninoff Piano Concertos, No. 2,3.

Rules for effective listening to classical music:

  • It is recommended to listen to a mono instrument. It can be one piano, one guitar, one flute, one harp. There are many transcriptions, arrangements of classical works for one instrument. It is believed that with this sound, the child gets used to the sounds more easily, highlights the melody and remembers the motive. With this performance, nothing superfluous will distract him.
  • Separate classical music for wakefulness and active play from music before bed. Mozart, Chopin are suitable for sleep, while Strauss or Vivaldi are suitable for games and improvisations.
  • Only Mozart's music activates almost all areas of the cerebral cortex, including those that are involved in higher processes of consciousness.

You can introduce young children to classical music not only at home, but also by visiting children's music lectures and interactive music concerts, during which children can touch and try out various musical instruments. After all, live music has a much greater impact on the child's ear than sounding from an electronic source. Children are interested in seeing the source of music itself. In addition, the sound vibrations coming from live music are incomparably more intense.

11 classical pieces of music for children from 0 to 5 years old:

  1. V.A. Mozart. Sonata for piano No. 1 in C major K279
  2. V.A. Mozart. Sonata for two pianos in D major K448
  3. V.A. Mozart. Piano Concerto No. 20 in D minor, part 2
  4. I.S. Bach. Cello Suite No. 1, G Major, Guitar Prelude
  5. L. Beethoven "Moonlight Sonata", No. 14
  6. A. Vivaldi "The Seasons", Winter, February
  7. I. Strauss Polka "Trick-Track"
  8. F. Chopin Prelude No. 1 in C major
  9. Charles Camille Saint-Saens. "Animal Carnival"
  10. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov. "Flight of the Bumblebee"
  11. L. Beethoven. 5th symphony