Outline of a reading lesson (Grade 2) on the topic: Work on the African fairy tale "The Adventures of the Wild Cat Simba." Research work "from fairy tales to riddles" Belarusian folk tale

Grandfather and grandmother lived. They were so poor, very poor, that there was nothing to eat or cook.

Here the woman says to the grandfather:

Take, grandfather, an axe, go to the woods, cut down an oak tree, take it to the market, sell it and buy a measure of flour. Let's bake some bread.

The grandfather got ready, went to the forest, began to cut the oak tree. A cat jumped from the oak - a golden forehead, a golden ear, a silver ear, a golden hair, a silver hair, a golden paw, a silver paw.

Grandpa, grandpa, what do you want?

Why, kitty, my dear, the old woman sent me to cut down an oak tree, take it to the market, sell it and buy a measure of flour for bread.

Ride, grandfather, home: you will have flour! Grandfather came home, looking - and his bin is full of flour!

The woman baked bread, ate herself, fed the grandfather and said to him:

It wouldn't hurt to weld the grout now. But here's the problem: there is no salt. Take, grandfather, an axe, go to the woods, knock on the oak, maybe a cat will jump out - a golden forehead: ask him for salt.

Grandpa, grandpa, what do you want?

Why, kitty, my dove: there is bread, but there is no salt!

Ride, grandfather, home: you will have salt! Grandfather came home, lo and behold - and he has a whole tub of salt!

The woman cooked the grout, ate herself, fed the grandfather and said to him:

It wouldn't hurt to taste the cabbage now. Sharpen, grandfather, hatchet, go to the woods, knock on the oak, maybe a cat will jump out - a golden forehead: ask him for cabbage.

Grandfather sharpened his hatchet, went into the woods, knocking on the oak ... A cat jumped out - a golden forehead, a golden ear, a silver ear, a golden hair, a silver hair, a golden paw, a silver paw.

Grandpa, grandpa, what do you want?

Why, kitty, my darling: there is bread, there is salt, there is no cabbage!

Go, grandfather, home: you will have cabbage! He came home, and he had a barrel of cabbage. Baba says:

Oh, how good! Now if only there was more lard... You and I would have boiled cabbage soup and seasoned with lard. Do not be lazy, grandfather, take an axe, go to the woods, knock on the oak, maybe a cat will jump out - a golden forehead: ask him for lard.

Grandfather took an axe, went into the woods, a knock on an oak tree ... A cat jumped out - a golden forehead, a golden ear, a silver ear, a golden hair, a silver hair, a golden paw, a silver paw.

Grandpa, grandpa, what do you want?

Why, kitty, my dove: the woman asks for more lard for cabbage.

Okay, grandfather, go home: there will be fat!

Grandfather comes home, and he has a whole kubelet fat!

Happy grandfather, happy grandmother. They began to live not to grieve, to tell fairy tales to children.

And now they live, chew bread, slurp cabbage soup. Here's a fairy tale for you, and a bunch of bagels for me.

3rd grade student of MBOU secondary school No. 27.

Head: Tkachenko Irina Viktorovna,

teacher primary school MBOU secondary school No. 27.



Introduction p.2

Main part p.3

1. Cat in folk traditions p.3

2. The image of a cat in Russian folk tales p.3

3. The image of a cat in English folk tales p.5

4. The image of a cat in Sami fairy tales p.6

5. The image of a cat or a cat in Russian and English proverbs p.7

6. Riddles own composition p.7

Conclusion p.8

List of used literature p.9

Annex 1 p.10

Annex 2 p.12


On lessons literary reading we read fairy tales where the cat is the hero. In English textbooks for grade 2, there is a lot of material (illustrations, vocabulary) dedicated to cats and cats. This year we have added another new subject - local history, where we study the history and life of the Sami. It became interesting to me, but in the fairy tales of the Russian people, the British and the Sami there are cats or cats? Are they the same or different, what can we learn from them? If the cats turn out to be different, can the difference in their images be reflected in riddles? I called my work “From fairy tales to riddles”.

Goal of the work : compare the images of cats in Russian, English, Sami folk tales and display the similarities and differences in their riddles.


  • read folk tales, analyze the image of a cat;
  • consider the features of the description of cats as heroes of fairy tales;
  • compare Russian, English, Sami proverbs and sayings about cats;
  • after examining the qualities that people endow cats in fairy tales and proverbs, reflect these features in riddles.

Object of study: Russian, English, Sami folk tales and proverbs.

Subject of study: the image of a cat in fairy tales and proverbs.

Hypothesis: cats in fairy tales and proverbs reflect the culture, history, lifestyle of the people, so three different peoples images of cats in folklore will not match, differences in characteristics fairy tale characters will be noted in the proverbs of these peoples. Comparative analysis the image of a cat will allow you to compose riddles based on acquaintance with folklore.

Research methods:

- work with sources of information,

Synthesis and analysis of the data obtained during the comparison and comparison of cat images,

Summarizing information for making riddles

Main part

Features of the image of a cat in Russian, English, Sami fairy tales and proverbs.

1. A cat in folk traditions.

The cat is a beast, the attitude towards which was twofold among the people. On the one hand, a very beloved animal. It was believed that “without a cat there is no hut”, a three-haired cat brings happiness to the house, a seven-haired one is a pledge family well-being. The cat protects the owner from any vain misfortune. The peasants believed that whoever killed someone else's cat would not be happy for seven years. At the same time, it was believed that a cat is very difficult to kill, it is so tenacious that only the ninth death can kill it.

Cats were respected by people because they could exterminate rats and mice that ate grain and food. But at the same time, the cat was defined as a favorite animal evil spirits. Among all peoples, a cat was considered a companion of witches and sorcerers, they believed that evil spirits easily turn into a cat. In a thunderstorm, they tried to throw a cat (especially a black one) out into the street, believing that a demon fleeing from a thunderstorm would enter the house in its image. In many places it was believed that a cat could look away and see other world, ghosts, spirits. According to some beliefs, a cat can release a magical dream on a person, almost indistinguishable from death.

cat in folk tradition was closely associated with beliefs about things that can make a person invisible. On black cat you can exchange a hat of invisibility and an inexchangeable gold piece with evil spirits; from it you can get an invisibility bone.

A cat that has been living next to a person for a long time remains a mysterious creature. An animal that “walks on its own” and settled next to a person’s dwelling of its own accord is a hero of mythology and folklore of different peoples.

2. The image of a cat in Russian folk tales.

In the 14th century in Rus', a cat was worth its weight in silver, because no one but her could save grain from grass and a harness from rodents. It is generally accepted that by the 17th century cats were already found in the Russian principalities, albeit in small numbers. At first they were called Kotka, Kosh, later the familiar “cat” appeared. The Slavs borrowed the word cat from Latin: “kattus” is a wild cat. In the fairy tales I read, it is the cat, not the cat, that is most often found; you can see the attitude of a person to a cat, his character and appearance, positive and negative sides. All data are reflected in table No. 1.


Fairy tales

the main role



"Magic Ring"

"Cat-gold forehead"

Human helper

Cat Vaska wants to curry favor with the owner and be more loved than the dog. (Trying to take advantage)

Saves grandfather and grandmother from hunger, gives them flour, lard, salt and cabbage. (Disinterested deeds)

"Cat, Rooster and Fox"


Hardworking, his name is Kot Kotonaevich, a brave and patient protector of the rooster, smart, caring.

"Cat and Fox"

A rogue, a cunning deceiver.

He marries a fox, is cunning, thinks through all the actions, adjusts the situation as he sees fit.

"Cat, goat and ram"

Robber, thief.

“The cat is a gray forehead. He is such a thief and a robber, every hour in the trade, and where something lies badly, his belly hurts. ”

"Go there - I don't know where, bring it - I don't know what"


A huge man-eating cat with magical voice, heard for seven miles. It can cast an enchanted dream, lull travelers with its fairy tales and kill.

"About Vaska-Muska"

Enterprising, cunning, but old.

The cat is very smart. When the landowner kicked him out, he began to live even better, having caught all the mice.

"Bear, dog and cat "

The owner kicked the cat out for stealing, here the cat is old and clumsy, plays a secondary role

conclusions :- the cat is the hero of many fairy tales, can be negative and goodie- the image of a bold, quirky, cunning cat is created, - in many fairy tales the cat has a name, and sometimes a patronymic, - whole series of fairy tales are dedicated to a warrior cat rescuing friends, - an alliance can be with a fox (both cunning and dexterous) or a dog (when describing old age or death of a cat, cat).

3. The image of a cat in English folk tales.

IN English traditions the cat is freedom-loving, can be devoted to the owner, and maybe betray him for lack of attention, not tied to the house. The image of cats and cats in the read fairy tales is presented in table No. 2.


The role of the cat


"How Jack Went to Seek Happiness"

Assistant, protector.

Swings in a rocking chair, talks, makes friends with Jack, a dog, a goat, a rooster. Kind, brave.

"The Jeep and the Walgrave Witch"

Domestic helper (owner)

Cat Chernulin washed, swept, dusted, cleaned, cooked, and received kicks and pokes. Helped the elf Jeep outsmart the witch.

"Cat and Parrot"

Evil avenger.

He ate everyone he met along the way, because he was driven away. Crabs helped everyone to escape, cut a hole in the belly. Befriends a parrot.

"Vanity Mouse"


He married a mouse, he wanted to eat it, but it miraculously escaped. Angry, cunning, treacherous cat.

"Cat King"

The behavior is inexplicable.

Upon learning of a strange funeral in the forest, he considers himself a cat king. Jumped into the fireplace and disappeared forever.

"The Old Woman and the Pig"

kind helper

He drinks milk, talks, helps his grandmother make the piglet climb over the fence.

"Whittington and his cat"

A symbol for becoming rich.

He exterminates all the rats and mice from the African king, for which the king gives the beggar boy his jewelry box. The boy becomes rich.

Conclusions: - a cat or a cat is often found in English folk fairy tales - cat or a cat can be positive and negative heroes, - cats rarely have names, there are no patronymics at all, - cats and cats rarely know how to speak and perform human actions, they often just look like animals, - is friends with a rooster, a parrot, people, an elf, - often it is the cat that is a symbol or an assistant to improve the situation. In none of the fairy tales read, the cat is friends with the fox, is not a warrior, the selected characters do not have clothes or shoes at all, the cat or cat does not turn into another image.

4. The image of a cat in Sami fairy tales.

In the Sami fairy tales I have read, the cat has never met. Of the animal characters, one can single out a deer, a dog, a partridge, an eagle, a swan, a crow, a fish, sea urchins, Talu-bear, an ermine, a wolverine, a seal. We turned to the author's Sami fairy tales, but the result was the same. In "The Tale of the North" by Nadya Fenina (2009) there are a lot of similarities and similarities with folk tales, the main one is added wolf hero, but there is still no cat or cat. Then we turned to other literary sources for an answer. In the book of Nadezhda Bolshakova “Life, customs and myths of the Kola Sami in the past and present”, there is never a cat or a cat mentioned at all, there are no riddles, proverbs and signs, myths, fairy tales about them. We could find the Saami word cat only in the Saami-Russian Dictionary, ed. R. Kuruch.KOASS (koaz) - cat, cat, coasench (koazya) - kitten.The Sami expression is also given here, translated into Russian as “came from the street like a wet chicken, letters. cat". As you can see, the word cat appeared in the vocabulary of the Sami quite late. There can be several reasons: - the Sami are a nomadic people, they did not have a warm wooden house with a stove, in the 19th century they used the same tools as in the 16th century, - the Sami cow was domesticated only in 1936, there was no milk and sour cream for cats , - the life of the Sami improved from 1946 to 1950, extensive construction began, - perhaps cats lived next to people, but the Sami language existed at the level of dialects that were very different from each other, and the first Sami alphabet of 1933 (38 letters) for a long time was not used, in 1982 a new Sami alphabet of 43 letters was created, on which the first primer was written.

Conclusion : there is no image of a cat or a cat in the Saami folklore, it is impossible to make a comparison.

5. The image of a cat or a cat in Russian and English proverbs.

In the analyzed fairy tales, we saw the difference and similarity of the images of cats. (Appendix No. 1). What images and comparisons exist in Russian and English proverbs? Are there analogues? After analyzing the proverbs, you can do conclusion : - both peoples reflect such qualities as: cunning, theft, deceit, resourcefulness, curiosity, the ability to keep silence, concentrate and be attentive, - a person is compared with a cat in situations where there is no boss, when an act should not be thoughtless, when to achieve the result, you need to get wet or dirty. However, the English proverbs are sharper, ruder, they even allow the death or killing of a cat. In Russian proverbs, a cat or a cat is often a symbol of laziness, idleness, a carefree life. We see that there is a difference in characteristics, but there is a lot in common. Acquaintance with proverbs will allow us to more accurately reflect the features of a cat in composed riddles.

6. Mysteries of my own composition.

About Russian cat

The beast is fluffy, but clawed

He has a playful disposition

Well, if you get angry

Beware who is wrong!

His strength in apt word, dodgy mind.

He is Bayun and Voevoda,

Oh, and noble breed!

About the English cat

A black mysterious pet

Sleeps near the fireplace on a mat.

It catches mice and rats

And brings a fortune to his friends.

About the Sami cat.

We have never been the heroes of Sami fairy tales. Our people call me and her KOASS (koaz), and our cub KOAZENCH (koaz), we are all fluffy, we are treated to milk; and if a person is wet on the street, then he is compared with us, while also implying a wet chicken.


Having read and analyzed Russian and English, Sami fairy tales and proverbs, having studied literary sources about the life of the Saami, comparing the images of cats and cats or their absence, we came to the following conclusions:

  • Cats and cats exist in English and Russian folklore, absent in Sami.
  • Cats and cats in English and Russian proverbs and fairy tales have common and distinctive characteristics.
  • In the tales of both peoples, cats are more common than cats. The English associate a cat or a cat as an animal that cannot speak and act like a human being, while in Russian fairy tales and proverbs, a cat means a person.
  • Differences in images can be conveyed in composing riddles.
  • Russian, English, Sami cats - different folk heroes, when analyzing and characterizing these characters, it is necessary to clarify which people's literature you are comparing.

Our hypothesis was confirmed, we were able to compose our riddles. We see the continuation of the work in the further study of the Sami folklore, its comparison with the literature of the closest northern neighbors, an attempt to do most of the work on English language and get a review of the indigenous people themselves on our study.

List of used literature

1. English folk tales. Compiled by N. Sherishevskaya - M., 1957 - 196s.

2.Afanasiev A.N. Folk tales. In 3 volumes - M., 1992 - 3 volumes.

3. Bogatyr Leine: Sami tales. - Murmansk: Prince. Publishing house, 1978. -36s.

4. Bolshakova N. P. Life, customs and myths of the Kola Saami in the past and present.-Murmansk: Book. Publishing house, 2005. -416s.

5. Saami-Russian dictionary: 8000 words. / N.E. Afanaseva, R. D. Kuruch, E. I. Mechkina and others; Ed. R. D. Kuruch.- M.: Russian language, 1985.- 568 p. (about the cat p.119)

6. A seven-year-old archer: Sami tales / Edited. for children E.Patsia. - Murmansk: Book. Publishing house, 1990.- 112p.

7. Fenina N. Tale of the North. - Murmansk: TSNTI, 2009.-28s.

8. Khomich L.V. Culture and life of the Kola Saami: book. for Thu. Uch-sya9-11kl .- "Publishing house" Bustard "St. Petersburg", 2009.-112p.

9. Shaparova N.S. Brief Encyclopedia Slavic mythology.- M., Astrel, 2004.- 622p.

10. Internet resources (mode of access to the texts of fairy tales):

Application No. 1

Similarities and differences in the images of cat heroes in fairy tales



Russian folk tales

English folk

A cat (cat) in no fairy tale is exclusively negative character. The cat can steal, help negative characters deceive, but even at the same time perform good deeds. The color of a cat in fairy tales is not always indicated, but if it is black, it certainly has mystical power.

The cat is freedom-loving, does not depend on the person.

Most often endowed with signs of a fox (cunning), less often - a dog (fidelity, devotion).

In fairy tales, the cat is friends with the rooster.

More often shown as a clever, cunning, resourceful and positive hero, helper, savior. As in English fairy tales, a cat can serve a witch, but at the same time help kind people. The cat can cheat, steal. In many fairy tales, he has not only a first name, but also a patronymic.

Russian fairy tale with external similarity of the plot and characters with English fairy tale, more lively, bright, figurative. It has more epithets, onomatopoeia, songs.

Cats speak, command, understand human speech.

They can wear clothes, marry foxes, very often play the role of governor.

He is friends with a fox, a dog, an ox.

The image is more diverse - an assistant, a servant of a witch, an unusual creature, a deceiver, cunning, but more often a kind helper.

The names of cats are rare, there are no patronymics.

Humor helps to create an image and mitigate evil in a fairy tale.

Cats (cats) speak extremely rarely, do not perform actions and deeds characteristic of a person.

He is friends with a parrot, an elf, a beggar boy. Never befriend a fox.

The image of a cat in illustrationsto English stories.

The image of a cat in illustrationsto Russian fairy tales.

Application number 2.

Comparison of English and Russian proverbs about cats and cats.

Quality, character trait, concepts of good and evil, symbols

Russian variant

English version


The ninth death pesters the cat

happiness or failure

Not all cat Shrove Tuesday, there will be a great post.

And the cat will have to jump off the stove.

Get out, cat, from the stove: you need to dry the onuchi.

The dog is a crumb under the table, and the cat is waiting for spilled milk.

To kill a cat - for seven years you can’t see any luck in anything.

He, like a cat, falls to his feet.


Miroshka is rich, and the belly is a dog and a cat.

Yermoshka lives: there is a dog and a cat.

You can have no more of a cat but her skin - lit. "From a cat you can only fuck her skin"

Prosperity, home improvement

God bless the cat and your basket!

And the dog is a konurka, and the cat is a stove.

good or evil

Cat in the eyes darting.

Without grumbling, the cat will not eat a piece.

Put/set cat amongst the pigeons (Mean to cause trouble esp. by doing or saying something that is unexpected or excites strong feeling)

Letters. Place the cat among the pigeons (Do or say something that will be unexpected in this situation and cause strong emotions)


The cat climbs through the window.

The cat knows whose meat it has eaten.

The cat shuts its eyes when it steals the cream (People are inclined to shut their eyes to their own sins and vices)

Letters. The cat closes its eyes when it steals cream (People tend to close their eyes to their sins)

threat, punishment

It's enough for a cat to carry out of a cup.

I'll bury you like a cat in my snout.

The cat scratches on its back.

A mouse threatens a cat, but from afar (from underground, from a hole).

Cats gnaw - expanse for mice (free space).

When the cat is away, the mice will play - lit. "When the cat is not around, mice frolic"

There is more than one way to kill a cat - lit. "There is more than one way to kill a cat"

Guilt, revenge

The cat will shed mouse tears.

Care killed the cat - lit. "Care Killed the Cat"


The cat sees milk, but the snout is short.

There is milk in the krinka, but the cat's snout was short.

There is also fat, but not about a cat.

Disobedience, scandalousness

They live like a dog and a cat.

Frets that a cat with a dog.

One growls and barks, the other purrs and snorts.


The mice drowned the cat in the garbage pit, but the dead one.

Mice argued over place of execution where the cat will be executed.

More cowardly than a hare, swindler than a cat.

It "s a bold mouse that nestles in the cat" s ear (Said of a person who is taking an unecessery risk)

Letters. The mouse that took refuge in the cat's ear was swept away (It is a question of a person who takes unreasonable risks)

A shy cat makes a proud mouse - lit. "A timid cat has a boastful mouse"


Cat eyes are not afraid of smoke.

Like a cat on hot bricks (Mean very nervous or anxious and unable to keep still or keep one's attention on one things)

Letters. Like a cat on hot bricks (speaking of a very nervous, anxious person, but able to keep silence and concentrate)

Attitude to the clan, tribe

The cat sleeps and sees the mice.

You can't wash a black cat white.

Do not eat the dog without dragging, and the cat without grumbling.

The dog is a glutton, and the cat is sweet.

Without shaking his ears, the cat will not eat a piece.

A cat with a paw, a bear with five.

A cat may look at a king (There is nothing to prevent an ordinary person from looking at a person of great importance so long as he tries to do no harm)

Letters. And the cat can look at the king.

The leopard cannot change his spots (A person cannot change his nature fundamentelly, though he may try to do so)

Letters. The leopard cannot change his spots (No one can change his nature, but he can try to do it)

Friends or foes

Like a cat with a dog.

Two cats cannot fit in one bag.

Two cats in a bag of friendship will not lead.

Brother Kondrat, let's go to fight the cats: I have a skin, you have meat.

The scalded cat fears cold water (After you were injured by something you will become careful and keep away from the cause of your troubles)

Letters. scalded cat cold water afraid (After something harms you, you will beware of the source of harm)


The washer cat washed the guests, did not wash anyone.

The cat called the koshurka in the stove: warm, but hungry.


Worn like a cat with kittens.


A cat is dainty to a fish, but you don’t want to climb into the water.

Why is the cat smooth? - Ate yes and on the side.

A cat in gloves catches no mice (Restraint and caution achieve nothing; if you want to get something, you should immediately start working for it)

Letters. A cat in gloves will not catch mice (Meaning: if you are a white hand, you won’t do it)

The cat would eat fish and would not wet her feet (paws) (Said of a person who is anxious to obtain something valuable but does not want to take necessary trouble or risk)

Letters. The cat would like to eat the fish, but does not want to wet its paws (It is a question of a person who really wants to get something valuable, but does not want to have the inevitable difficulties or risks at the same time)

Straightforwardness or deceit

This is a cat's mice burying (i.e. feigned sadness).

The cat cut his hair, the cat feigned, but still the same cat.

These cats licked their feet.

Plays like a cat with a mouse.

Toys for a cat, tears for a mouse.

The cat has claws in mittens (gloves).

Curiosity killed a cat (A person who tries to find out too much about other people's affairs is likely to suffer injury or harm; a warning to mind one's own business)

Letters. Curiosity killed the cat (Meaning: curiosity will not lead to good)

Caution, the ability to wait

Wait for the cat to jump - lit. Wait until the cat jumps (Meaning: wait until it becomes clear which way the wind will blow)

Grandfather and grandmother lived. They were so poor, very poor, that there was nothing to eat or cook.

Here the woman says to the grandfather:

Take, grandfather, an axe, go to the woods, cut down an oak tree, take it to the market, sell it and buy a measure of flour. Let's bake some bread.

The grandfather got ready, went to the forest, began to cut the oak tree. A cat jumped from the oak - a golden forehead, a golden ear, a silver ear, a golden hair, a silver hair, a golden paw, a silver paw.

Grandpa, grandpa, what do you want?

Why, kitty, my dear, the old woman sent me to cut down an oak tree, take it to the market, sell it and buy a measure of flour for bread.

Ride, grandfather, home: you will have flour! Grandfather came home, looking - and his bin is full of flour!

The woman baked bread, ate herself, fed the grandfather and said to him:

It wouldn't hurt to weld the grout now. But here's the problem: there is no salt. Take, grandfather, an axe, go to the woods, knock on the oak, maybe a cat will jump out - a golden forehead: ask him for salt.

Grandpa, grandpa, what do you want?

Why, kitty, my dove: there is bread, but there is no salt!

Ride, grandfather, home: you will have salt! Grandfather came home, lo and behold - and he has a whole tub of salt!

The woman cooked the grout, ate herself, fed the grandfather and said to him:

It wouldn't hurt to taste the cabbage now. Sharpen, grandfather, hatchet, go to the woods, knock on the oak, maybe a cat will jump out - a golden forehead: ask him for cabbage.

Grandfather sharpened his hatchet, went into the woods, knocking on an oak tree ... A cat jumped out - a golden forehead, a golden ear, a silver ear, a golden hair, a silver hair, a golden paw, a silver paw.

Grandpa, grandpa, what do you want?

Why, kitty, my darling: there is bread, there is salt, there is no cabbage!

Go, grandfather, home: you will have cabbage! He came home, and he had a barrel of cabbage. Baba says:

Oh, how good! Now if only there was more lard... You and I would have boiled cabbage soup and seasoned with lard. Do not be lazy, grandfather, take an axe, go to the woods, knock on the oak, maybe a cat will jump out - a golden forehead: ask him for lard.

Grandfather took an ax, went into the woods, knocking on an oak tree ... A cat jumped out - a golden forehead, a golden ear, a silver ear, a golden hair, a silver hair, a golden paw, a silver paw.

Grandpa, grandpa, what do you want?

Why, kitty, my dove: the woman asks for more lard for cabbage.

Okay, grandfather, go home: there will be fat!

Grandfather comes home, and he has a whole kubelet fat!

Happy grandfather, happy grandmother. They began to live not to grieve, to tell fairy tales to children.

And now they live, chew bread, slurp cabbage soup. Here's a fairy tale for you, and a bunch of bagels for me.

Belarusian fairy tale

2 1 2 3 4 2 3

Working with the text of a fairy tale.

1. Working with text before reading.

1) Reading the title and answering questions.

Read the title of the text. (Slide 5)

Who will be the main character in the story? How did you guess? (Slide 6)

(Yes, a cat. But not domestic, but wild.)

- Where do you think he lives?

- What does the word mean adventures ? What word can be replaced?

Replace with a synonym. (Adventures.)

– And why does the cat have such an interesting nickname – Simba?

(This is an African tale.)

What do you know about Africa? Do you want to know what animals can become characters in a fairy tale? (Slide 7)

2) Work with riddles.

Solve riddles.

1. A lot of power in it,

He is almost as tall as a house.

He has a huge nose

As if the nose has grown for a thousand years. (elephant)(Slide 8,9)

2. He flies all night - he gets mice.

And it will become light flies into the hollow. (owl)(Slide 10)

3. Maybe you know me

With the name "hippo"?(Slide 11,12)

And the people are calling me

Very simple - (behemoth)

4. small head,

Even the neck is short(Slide 13,14)

Paws as if to match her,

Likes to coo a lot! (pigeon)

3) Examining the illustration– page 63

- What is the cat here?

- What is the cat doing? (Although the cat has a kind face, but cunning eyes, sharp claws are ready to serve him.)

2. Working with text while reading.

1) Reading aloud in paragraphs with comments.

a) Part 1.

1st paragraph.

Why did Simba the cat speak in a gentle voice instead of screaming?

What can the King of Cats do?

2nd paragraph.

- Why doves voluntarily went to be eaten by a cat?

- What can you say about pigeons, what are they?

What about Simba the cat?

3rd paragraph.

Why did Owl decide to help the pigeons? (They were friendly with her, the Owl sympathized with the pigeons.)

Why is the word Owl capitalized?

4th and 5th paragraphs.

How did Owl decide to "test" Simba's boast?

6th and 7th paragraphs.

- What means: all that's left of it is a wet spot?

What saved Simba?

Was Simba punished for boasting?

(Yes and no. The pigeons won't believe him anymore, but he escaped and ate the honey.)


Here the window is open.(hands to the side)

The cat came out on the ledge.(imitation of soft, gait of a cat)

The cat looked up(tilt head, look up)

The cat looked down.(lower head, look down)

Here I turned to the left(turn head to the left)

She looked at the flies.(turn head to the right)

Stretched, smiled(corresponding movements and facial expressions)

And sat down on the ledge.(sit down)

b) Part 2.

Work in pairs. One student reads to the words "On the appointed day, Simba came to the river." Another student checks for correct reading.

Then they switch roles.

Task after reading: prepare two questions on the passage of the part that the student read.

Questions are asked by some students and others answer them.

(Pay attention to the appearance of new characters, to the fact that the wordsHippos, Elephantcapitalized.

Questions should also include clarifications. lexical meaning words and expressions:hippo, exhausted.)

3. Work with text after reading.

Does the cat Simba from an African fairy tale look like a Russian cat with a gray forehead Vaska? How?

What is the idea behind the story?

Is it "hidden between the lines" or stated directly?

Prove it!

4. Test for a fairy tale.

1. Who was Simba the cat hunting?(Slide 10).

a) on mice;

b) pigeons;

c) sparrows;

d) snakes.

2. Who helped them cope with the cat?(Slide 11).

a) a person;

b) a dog;

c) an owl;

d) a lion.

3. Where did Simba the cat land?(Slide 12).

a) in a jug

b) into the river;

c) in hay;

d) into the chimney.

4. What did Simba the cat eat there?(Slide 13).

a) fish

b) honey;

c) sour cream;

d) meat.

5. Whom did the cat Simba challenge to a duel?(Slide 14).

a) hippopotamus;

b) giraffe;

c) crocodile;

d) a kangaroo.

6. Who was to pull the other end of the rope?(Slide 15).

a) a bear

b) a lion;

c) giraffe;

d) an elephant.

7. Which of them won?(Slide 16)

a) first;

b) second;

c) nobody

d) another answer.

Answers: 16, 2c, Za, 46, 5a, 6d, 7c.

– What did we do? (They read the text, answered questions on the text, showed their attitude towards the characters.)

– What is the skill of forming whether?