Stoloto vgl 4 sport drawing algorithm 3. Order on approval of the conditions of five drawing all-Russian state lotteries in support of the development of physical culture and sports, the right to participate in which is associated with the payment of a fee, held in real

Is it possible to win the lottery and how to do it? What are the best lotteries to play? As life practice shows, winning the lottery is an event that can happen to anyone.

Good day, dear readers of business magazine. Alexander Berezhnov and Vitaly Tsyganok are with you.

Winning in some local lotteries and "intellectual casinos" ourselves, we summarized the topic of winning the lottery, talked with friends who regularly raise good money in this business and presented our vision of this issue.

You don't have to have a college degree, be the son of wealthy parents, or finish school with a gold medal to win. To win, you need only luck and faith in your own luck. It is faith that makes a person buy a lottery ticket.

Some lucky people need to buy a lottery ticket only once to win, others buy lotteries regularly (sometimes for several years in a row), until they finally receive a reward for patience and perseverance.

These questions are of interest to many - not only avid players and gamblers - read our article about working methods and profitable technologies for playing the lottery, as well as about the biggest wins in history.

1. Is it possible to win the lottery and what you need to know for this

Skeptics believe that only lottery organizers remain the winners, optimists believe that Sportloto, Gosloto and other popular lotteries are a real way to gain real financial well-being.

Let's say right away that, of course, it is possible to win the lottery, and each player has the chance of taking the jackpot. Probability theory and mathematics with basic statistics allow for the possibility of winning any lottery ticket at any time.

However, in game theory there is also such a thing as distance, and it is the distance that is the main obstacle on the way of ordinary players to the desired wealth. In other words, a fair amount of time can pass from the moment you expect a win to the moment you win. You can play the lottery for a day, a month, a year, ten years - and the probability of winning will always be about the same.

In the article we will try not to touch on the "mystical" aspect of the game, but it should still be mentioned.

There are players who believe in spells for good luck, in a series of victories, in lucky days and numbers, in rabbit feet and rituals. There are many films, books and TV shows devoted to examples of incredible luck. However, in reality, everything is more prosaic: when playing the lottery, we are dealing with the mathematical theory of the game and nothing more.

Of course, faith in one's own strengths and healthy optimism are conditions that work more as a plus than a minus. A person who believes in luck is more likely to be right than a hopeless pessimist.

Currently, online lotteries have become very popular, which almost do not differ from the usual "paper" and offline lotteries.

EuroMillions is a Friday lottery for players across Europe. Players from nine countries take part in the game, including Austria, Belgium, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and the USA.

The prize consists of bets placed in each of these nine countries, and the top prize starts at 15 million euros. If the jackpot is not won within a week, the prize rolls over to the next week.

The biggest recorded win per person was 115 million euros and the biggest jackpot was 183 million euros. These huge jackpots have made the EuroMillions lottery one of the most successful and exciting lotteries in the world.

5. Examples of the Biggest Winners in Lottery History

There are a lot of examples of people who have received the biggest and biggest lottery winnings. If there are jackpots, then there are people who win them periodically.

Meet: the biggest winnings in the history of world and domestic lotteries.

Among domestic lotteries, the podium is occupied by Albert Begrakyan, who hit the Gosloto jackpot in the amount of 100 million rubles in 2009.

Lucky lottery tickets bought regularly. Before winning, Albert worked as a security guard in a store.

The most successful "foreign" lottery players today are the Messners from New Jersey and Georgia truck driver Ed Neighbors.

It was these people who equally split the $390 million jackpot of the Mega Millions lottery in 2007.

In Europe, the biggest win is 185 million euros in the EuroMillions lottery: another married couple (Kristen and Colin) received the prize in 2011.

Gosloto - results of 2014 June 25th, 2015

4) The fourth difference is not so obvious, but I'll tell you)
Gosloto, in addition to such successfully connected lotteries, also has new products: 12/24 and "All for 100". True, this is not the most interesting. The question is also how to count them. Here, in your opinion, how many lotteries does Gosloto hold - 8? No, that's the wrong answer.)

If you look at the report, you can see that:
lottery "Russian Lotto" - passes as VGL 4 "Sport" №3 )
and, for example, "State Housing Lottery" - written as VGL 4 "Sport"(algorithm for drawing the prize fund №2 )

the same with the other pair, here in general the lotteries are not similar to each other. It's just a different algorithm
-VGL 5 "Sport"(lottery 7 out of 49) - prize fund drawing algorithm №2
-VGL 5 "Sport"(all by 100) - prize pool drawing algorithm №3

Why is it necessary? Why are completely different lotteries recorded as one, but with a different drawing algorithm? Perhaps the answer is related to the permission to hold them, because, according to all the papers, there should be 5 lotteries from the Ministry of Sports. And when there are more of them, you have to play with the name, I assume that

All the necessary explanations have been given, it's time to go directly to the figures for 2014!

The main draw lotteries of Gosloto, sales in 2013 and 2014

Wow, what growth! Especially the lottery "6 out of 45" excelled, the turnover increased by more than 60% - the skeptics will definitely be put to shame ... But, due to what did it happen to take off like that? Is it possible that the people were glad that the lotteries are now state-owned and began to participate in them with might and main, for the benefit of the cause of pleasure for?

One small point is important here - the number of runs. At some stage, Gosloto decided to make something more like online slot machines out of draw lotteries, and drawings began to be arranged 6-9-12 times a day. It now looks a little like a classic drawing lottery, but sales growth is obvious!

5 out of 36. number of circulations in 2013 and 2014 - 393 / 742 (almost twice as much!)

6 out of 45. the number of circulations in 2013 and 2014 - 183 / 402 (2.2 times more!)

Thus, a simple technique with a frenzied increase in circulation gives a noticeable increase in sales. Moreover, you don’t need to do anything for this, neither drive a lottery drum, nor filming, anything like that ... launched the RNG, and post the animated results of the draw (how, didn’t you know? Gosloto does not use lottery drums, the numbers are generated by some random number generator)

lottery "Russian Lotto"

Here, the results are not so rosy, the turnover has fallen slightly. Even banning competitors did not help!

The rest of the lotteries brought not so much (the ones listed above gave more than 70% of the turnover), so I will not consider them separately. The total turnover of the Gosloto Group in 2014 amounted to 7.9 billion rubles

In order for the picture to be more complete, I will also provide information on target deductions (from this report)

5% of the turnover (or 395 million rubles) was received by our state as target allocations.
The Company's remuneration amounted to 3.458 billion (almost three and a half billion. Billion!) which is 8.7 times more than the targeted deductions. These two figures clearly show in whose interests the lottery is held and who the main beneficiary is clearly not the state ...

In fairness, it should be said that 3.5 billion is not the net profit of the Gosloto group, it is much less. There are also staff costs, rent, ticket printing, distribution, etc., etc. However, I can't help but notice that in many countries, targeted deductions from lotteries are more than 20%. Yes, and us not so long ago, before the recent change in the law "On lotteries" they were also 10%.

P.s. I can't resist, I'll post a couple more pictures from the annual report (auditor's report). Of course, these are known facts, but suddenly someone else does not know ...

"The main lottery of the country" with a turnover of a billion is held by a modest CJSC with an authorized capital of 30 thousand rubles and the only participant - Sarkisyan A.M.

I understand correctly that the profit for 2014 was only 3 million? And this is with a turnover of 7.9 billion rubles?

in general, all cash flow goes through CJSC "TD" Stoloto "acting as a distributor.

such are our "state" lotteries ...

We have already mentioned that Gosloto positions itself as state lottery. Is it really? Upon closer examination, it turned out to be not so state-owned. From the legal side, the organizer of the project is the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation. However, the direct organizer of the draws is Orglot LLC. Gosloto Trading House LLC is also directly related to the holding of lotteries. The names of the leaders of these two commercial companies remain unknown to the general public, and the firms are registered offshore. Initially, Gosloto was located on the Internet at Relatively recently (since 2012), the lottery "moved" to

From 04.01.2013 it became known that the right to conduct lotteries "Gosloto" passed to CJSC State Sports Lotteries. The organization of draws is carried out in accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 12, 2012 No. 687 in order to attract funds to domestic sports. The previous name of the above-mentioned company was CJSC "Nero". The story with the owners of the organization repeats itself: "Nero" belongs to another legal entity and it is not possible to obtain information about the true leaders.

What is the result? The owners, it would seem, have changed, and the lottery was supposed to become "more transparent". But this did not happen. The algorithms for conducting the draws remained the same (including possible frauds). There is information that in fact both the management and the staff remained at their former jobs. The Internet is full of articles and videos about cases of cheating players who decide to take part in Gosloto lotteries.

It is worth paying attention to one important fact: the draws of this lottery are not held live. Several years have already passed, and the organizers still cannot deal with the "problems" that prevent online broadcasting directly during (and not later or earlier) the prize draw. It can hardly be attributed to the category of accidents. In addition, the presence of signs of video editing cannot be denied.

Progress does not stand still, so even an "honest" live broadcast of the lottery draw cannot completely protect against fraud. The technical possibilities are so wide that it doesn't cost anything for the organizers to acquire a lottery machine that dispenses balls not in random order, but exactly what the lottery operators need. Neither the draw commission nor the audience sitting directly in the studio can find fault.

Why the organizers lottery "Gosloto" have not yet taken advantage of this "loophole"? Most likely they don't need it. The popularity of the lottery is so high, and the distribution system is so developed that the organizers do not have to change anything, at least for the next couple of years. The Gosloto lottery has terminals, ticket sales points, a system of agreements with Euroset and even a network of Nestlé kiosks. The lottery site is promoted and supported by several resources, including: It should be noted that the media also played a role in increasing the public's confidence in the Gosloto lottery. For example, in Moskovsky Komsomolets you can sometimes find articles on Gosloto (positive, of course).

There is information that the state made a number of claims against the organizers of the draws. However, the remarks touched not on the dubious conditions of the circulation, but on the financial part. The Gosloto lottery did not fulfill the terms of the agreement concluded with the Ministry of Sports. It was about paying 15% of the income received through the sale of tickets. The funds were planned to be sent to the implementation of the sports development program. According to the plans, the Gosloto project was supposed to bring at least 15 billion rubles to the state treasury. But the amount turned out to be much more modest: up to 2 billion were transferred over a four-year period.

On this fact, an audit of the activities of Orglot LLC was carried out by the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation. It turned out that this Gosloto operator offered the most unfavorable terms of cooperation in comparison with other lottery organizing companies. Probably, the competition was won by bribing some of the persons responsible for its conduct.

In 2009, Orglot LLC officially showed itself as an organization with unprofitable activities. The financial loss "on paper" amounted to 4.5 billion rubles. But, most likely, the real profit was withdrawn to offshore zones.

If you still have not changed your mind about playing Gosloto, then further in the article you will find a description of the types of games:

  • "5 out of 36";
  • "6 out of 45";
  • "7 out of 49";
  • "Rapido".

Gosloto also owns the Thimbles project. This is an instant lottery.

The official name of the first lottery on the list is VGL 1 Sport. The draw takes place daily. Draw broadcast time: 22:00. "6 out of 45"- "VGL 2 Sport". It is also a daily lottery. You can watch the broadcast of the draw at 23:59. "7 out of 49" held somewhat less frequently - once a week at 22:00. The Rapido draw is a lottery in which you can participate 3 times a week: Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 20:00.

The listed games have a betting system. The minimum bet on "VGL 1 Sport" and "Rapido" is 20 rubles. The rate on "6 out of 45" is slightly higher - 30 rubles. Most of the money for the minimum bet will have to be spent when participating in "7 out of 49" - 100 rubles.

To attract more players to lottery "Gosloto", the organizers go for tricks: from time to time they change the cost of tickets, dates of draws. Unfortunately, there is no talk of increasing the "transparency" of lotteries. Changes made to the legislation in 2014 led to the fact that in the Russian Federation there are 2 main operators of all-Russian lotteries. But these measures did not stop the Gosloto lottery. Does something prevent you from changing the legal entity again and finding the "necessary" official interested in material "remuneration"?

It is worth talking separately about "Rapido". The lottery has some differences from the standard ones. The project started in 2013. The scheme of the game is reminiscent of Keno. Game algorithm: 8 out of 20 + bonus ball 1 out of 4. The jackpot size is relatively small, but the chance of winning is much higher than other lotteries.

Chances to win at Gosloto

Matches Gosloto
"Gosloto 5/36" "Gosloto 6/45" "Gosloto 7/49"
1 - - -
2 1: 8 1: 7 -
3 1: 81 1: 45 1: 22
4 1: 2.432 1: 733 1: 214
5 1: 376.992 1: 34.808 1: 4.751
6 - 1: 8.145.060 1: 292.179
7 - - 1: 85.900.584

The maximum amount of winnings in Gosloto, which has ever been registered in the Russian Federation, amounted to 100 million rubles. The winner of this prize took part in the "6 out of 45" draw. There is a lot of information on the Internet about receiving fabulous sums thanks to the "cherished ticket". But where is the guarantee that these articles and reviews were not written to order?

The above can be summarized as follows. Lottery "Gosloto" is undoubtedly the largest Russian lottery. But does she deserve complete trust? Of course, you can try to catch luck by the tail, but it's better to do it with your head. Remember that you can be deceived. It is worth thinking about or European lotteries, which have more "transparency".

Winnings are determined in several stages. The size of the winnings depends on the sequence in which the numbers of the lottery combination are matched with the numbers of the winning combination. The decision on the total number of stages required for the drawing of the prize fund and the categories of distribution of the prize fund, the lottery operator has the right to make both before and during the drawing of the prize fund of the draw.

"Prize", "Super Prize" (the names are equivalent) - there are four possible principles of drawing, determined by the lottery operator, namely:

Principle N 1: win tickets in which all 5 numbers in any line of any playing field of the ticket (upper or lower) match the numbers drawn during the draw on the move set by the lottery operator;

Principle No. 2: tickets are won, in which 15 out of 30 numbers in the two playing fields of the ticket coincide with the numbers drawn during the drawing on the move set by the lottery operator;

Principle No. 3: tickets are won in which, on the move set by the lottery operator (or before such a move), from 5 to 30 numbers (the exact value is determined by the lottery operator) that are in the playing field (s) of the ticket match, in a way determined by the lottery operator , with the numbers drawn during the draw;

Principle No. 4: tickets are won, in which 10 numbers of any two lines of the playing fields of the ticket coincide with the numbers dropped during the draw before the move set by the lottery operator.

The subsequent distribution of the prize fund in the main draw takes place by category:

"First round" - tickets are won, in which all 5 numbers in any horizontal line of any playing field of the ticket (upper or lower) match the numbers drawn during the draw earlier than others.

"Second round" - tickets are won, in which all 15 numbers of one of the playing fields of the ticket (upper or lower) coincide earlier than others with the numbers drawn during the draw.

"Third round" and subsequent rounds - win tickets in which all 30 numbers of the two playing fields of the ticket coincide with the numbers drawn during the draw before the others.

The subsequent distribution of the prize fund in the additional draw takes place by category:

"Lucky numbers" - win tickets in which, on the moves fixed by the lottery operator (there may be several of them - for example, on the first, tenth and last), the numbers drawn during the drawing coincide with all the lucky numbers indicated on the ticket in addition to 30 numbers that form playing fields. Additionally, the indicated numbers participating in the drawing, as well as the order of coincidence, are determined by the lottery operator, taking into account the effectiveness of the prize fund drawing, fixed by the local regulatory act of the lottery operator and brought to the attention of the draw commission. The lottery operator has the right to make a decision to hold this drawing both before and during the drawing of the prize fund of the draw.

"Round of Luck" - tickets are won, in which all additionally indicated to 30 numbers that form the playing fields, the numbers will coincide with the numbers remaining after the draw that did not drop out. Additionally, the indicated numbers participating in the drawing, as well as the order of coincidence, are determined by the lottery operator, taking into account the effectiveness of the prize fund drawing, fixed by the local regulatory act of the lottery operator and brought to the attention of the draw commission. The lottery operator has the right to make a decision to hold this drawing both before and during the drawing of the prize fund of the draw.

"Number", "Lucky number" (the names are equivalent) - win tickets in which the ticket number ends with a winning combination of numbers determined during the draw (the last digits of the drawn numbers in the moves and / or rounds selected by the lottery operator, or the numbers that did not draw) . The order of coincidence is determined by the lottery operator, taking into account the effectiveness of the drawing of the prize fund, fixed by the local regulatory act of the lottery operator and brought to the attention of the draw commission. The lottery operator has the right to make a decision to hold this drawing both before and during the drawing of the prize fund of the draw.

"Second Chance" - tickets are won, in which all the missing numbers are in one of the two playing fields (upper or lower). The order of coincidence is determined by the lottery operator, taking into account the effectiveness of the drawing of the prize fund, fixed by the local regulatory act of the lottery operator and brought to the attention of the draw commission. The lottery operator has the right to make a decision to hold this drawing both before and during the drawing of the prize fund of the draw.

"Vertical" - win tickets in which all the numbers located in one of the columns of the ticket are included in the winning combination. The order of coincidence and the number of numbers included in the column is determined by the lottery operator, taking into account the effectiveness of the drawing of the prize fund, fixed by the local regulatory act of the lottery operator and brought to the attention of the draw commission. The lottery operator has the right to make a decision to hold this drawing both before and during the drawing of the prize fund of the draw.

Everyone has played the lottery at least once. But very few win. Most people think that winning the lottery is something unrealistic. Their opinion is very biased, as in most cases the experience was sad.

Why are some people lucky and others not?

There are people who bet on the same sets of numbers and don't win for several years! Meanwhile, there are exceptions - lucky ones who hit the jackpot¹ almost immediately. Although there are very few of them on earth.

However, despite the statistics, there are ways to significantly increase the chances of winning the lottery.

They will be discussed in this article. First you need to understand and accept the fact that luck in the game is somewhere between a good strategy, intuition, patience, perseverance and a positive attitude.

There are a lot of ingredients, but with the right approach, you will learn how to stop worrying about your lottery win because you will act for sure. A powerful course will help you tune in to the energy of money and abundance and attract wealth into your life.

"Valuable" Lottery Winning Strategies

Before buying lottery tickets, remember this rule:

Never buy more lottery tickets than the minimum winnings in a given lottery!

So, if the minimum amount that can be won in the draw is 100 rubles, then you can spend no more than 100 rubles per game. Buying more tickets will not increase your chance of winning the lottery.

In fact, overspending on a game has quite the opposite effect. Stress, anxiety and worries only waste your energy and put a strong barrier to your intuition.

As the sages say: "only in calm water can one see the reflection of the starry sky."

If your feelings and emotions are calm, then you will be able to see the clues of your intuition. Do the right thing from the very beginning, wisely distributing your financial investments. This is how you increase your chance of success, because good mood and peace of mind are the foundation of your success.

There are two methods used by lottery players. What are their features?

Method one. elemental luck

You take randomly selected numbers each time and constantly change them, trying new numbers and hoping only for elemental luck. One of the advantages of randomly chosen numbers is that they are different every game, but your success depends entirely on the randomness of fate.

Using this method, you are powerless to do anything. This is a highly controversial method of winning the lottery based on random selection.

Method two. Persistent sequence

You are picking up a static (unchanging) set of numbers that can be chosen from dates, ages, addresses, and so on. In any case, you always completely rely on the luck of only these numbers, obsessing over them.

But this is the psychological trap of static numbers. Some people are attracted to a strange superstition associated with numbers. Someone has favorite numbers, someone has significant ones, marked by something in fate. Therefore, people try to take only them. They believe that these numbers should win, and not some others.

Often such players from year to year bet on the same numbers. They get trapped in their mind and fear, thinking that as soon as they stop betting these numbers, they will immediately win.

There are, of course, exceptions - people who received numbers in a dream, or they have strong intuition. , in fact, a very important part of the strategy for playing the lottery. She is like a beacon that illuminates the numbers and guides your ship to victory.

How to play the lottery correctly?

You can choose one of the three methods below. All of them are based on a certain choice of numbers and drawing up a game plan. Based on these methods, you will be able to develop your own strategy that will work for you.

Studying the regularity of numbers, you understand that pure randomness does not really exist. It is about balance and equilibrium in the universe. To be lucky in the lottery, you need to observe how certain numbers behave. Then you need to draw conclusions and find the right numbers for your winnings.

Of course, there are exceptions to any strategy, however, by observing the statistics, you can see patterns and use them to make money. Winnings may be small at first, but as you hone your skills, you will be able to win more often and more.

The essence of strategies is based on the study of the history of the game. This means that if an event happened at least once, then it will definitely repeat itself, and you will be able to foresee and calculate when it will happen.

What do these strategies guarantee?

  • Make the game more enjoyable and predictable.
  • Help understand how numbers behave over time.
  • Inspire you to develop and improve your own strategy for picking numbers.

Yes, at the initial stage it will require patience from you. You will also need a history of the game, at least for the last few dozen draws. No matter which lottery it is, you can even play lotteries online. You will be able to download the history of winning numbers directly on the lottery website. The history of the games you need to develop your personal successful strategy.

Strategy #1. Combinations of the most frequently winning numbers

A selection of frequently winning numbers will give you the opportunity to win from time to time. It can even lead you to the jackpot. To do this, you write out the winning numbers, if some fall out several times, put this number in front of it.

The list with the most frequently winning numbers needs to be updated from time to time, since after some time the numbers tend to be replaced by other numbers.

Looking at such a list, you can clearly see the frequency of "good" numbers and use them in your game. Do not forget to note the history of the samples.

In addition to this method, use your intuition - "Green". Looking at the entire list of numbers, ask that the winning number in this lottery be colored green. You can intuitively see this color on some numbers - write them out separately. This will increase your chances of winning the lottery.

Strategy #2. Eliminate numbers that are out of play

This strategy won't take long either. It is easy to calculate - you will need to conduct statistics on the participation of numbers in the game. For this you need:

1. Write down all the numbers that participated in the lottery for a certain time.

2. Put numbers next to each of the numbers - how many times this figure was out of the game, and how many in the game.

3. Enter the average value in the table. For example, if the number "2" fell out in games 3 times, and did not fall out 1 time, then as a result, the number 2 should be entered in the table. If it is a draw, it is zero.

5. After each drawing, the data table must be updated in order to have up-to-date information on the participation of numbers in the game.

So you can keep track of which numbers are playing, how many times they fall out, which ones win. After such an analysis, try to make your numerical winning series. Use the "Green Color" technique described above.

Strategy number 3. Select numbers between the dropdowns

You probably noticed that, for example, the numbers 8 and 10 fell out in one game, and the number 9 in the next. Whenever you notice the adjacent numbers participating in the intermediate game, you observe their pattern.

This way you can predict what number will come up in the next game if, for example, you see 8 and 10 in this game. Based on these three strategies, you can create your own method, and be sure to get your winnings in the lottery!

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Jackpot - the prize fund in some slots, lotteries and other games of chance (Wikipedia). How to win