Evening Urgant with Olga Buzova. Urgant impudent Buzova: I want to spit on you

New edition guest famous show « Evening Urgant"became a singer, actress, designer, writer and TV presenter -. invited Olga to visit to talk about the program " Babi rebellion". But it turned out that they talked about how Ivan did not get into the final top of Instagram and did not defeat Kim Kardashian, did not release a single book (and Olga has already released four), and in general did not think “that at the end of his career” he would be lucky to work on the same channel with a star of such magnitude as Beyoncé, which we deserved Olga Buzova.

However, Olga found time in the middle of listing her achievements and talked about why the Babi Revolt program appeared on Channel One at all. In short, everything seems to come down to Olga finally being aware of the geopolitical agenda.

"Baby Revolt" is a show about a woman's view of important problems that exist in our country. I'm shocked, to be honest, because I have never received such a volume of information in my life. I'll be really smart!"

Urgant decided to check the level of Buzova's erudition and asked how "DPRK" stands for?

"Chinese Folk Democratic Republic- happily noticed Olga, not noticing the catch.

Olga also, taking the opportunity, complained about the lack of men in her life. They are not there, they are all hiding.

"Where are the men? I discovered their world already in the summer. Why is no one looking after me?", - the star is perplexed. However, to become her man, you will need to immerse yourself in her musical and syllabo-tonic creativity with your head. And this, as Urgant noted, significantly reduces the list of applicants.

“He must know all the words, keys, how many songs I have, and when each of them came out. He still has to sing them with me and rejoice.”

At the end of this sparkling meeting, Urgant announced a special section "Live Buzova", where Olga was to perform her composition "Hit Parade" live, to the accompaniment of Urgant, who was sitting at the piano.

guests next issue"Evening Urgant" was Olga Buzova, who is now the co-host of the "Baby Riot" program on Channel One. "Ivan, could you think that at the end of your career you would date me?" - Buzova began a dialogue in the studio. Urgant, who was drinking water at that time, almost choked on such impudence. "Where should I spit - in a mug or on you?" Ivan asked.


Throughout the broadcast, Olga did not stop praising herself: “I am beautiful, talented, faithful, although not very smart yet. And I don’t understand why you can hate me. I didn’t cross the road to anyone, but I just do what I like. It's also strange that no one cares for me."

Urgant asked what type of men Buzova was interested in. “The wealth of a man is not so important,” Olga assures. “Although I’m not ready to support him. And I will respect him only if he can take responsibility for the family. In addition, he must love and know the words to all my songs, their number, tone and time of publication.

Made Buzov and unexpected confession: "Timur Butrutdinov said that he was ready to marry me next year. Like, I'm alone, he is also a bachelor. He said, but so far he hasn't taken any other steps."

Olga Buzova added to her list of achievements. For two years, the TV presenter, and now also the singer, dreamed of participating in the popular entertainment project Evening Urgant, and finally one of her cherished dreams came true. The release of the show Evening Urgant on December 8, 2017 began with the ceremony of initiation of Olga Buzova into the hosts of Channel One.

Since recently Buzova has been talk show host“Baby rebellion,” Urgant asked Olga, what, in her opinion, is the difference between the “female” program on the First from the long-running TV project Dom 2. From the story of the singing showwoman, Ivan Urgant discovered a lot about the scandalous television set.

Evening Urgant with the participation of Olga Buzova issue for 12/8/2017 watch video:

Olga Buzova came to the show "Evening Urgant" in football with the immodest inscription "I create history", during the interview she just as immodestly described herself as a person. Of course, Ivan touched on the topic of Olga's popularity in the Russian segment of Instagram. Buzova believes that the secret of her success lies in her sincerity to the public.